The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 114: Once the first day of arrogance?

Lu Shui was standing on the boat, and he found that the boat was surprisingly fast.

It is several times that of the train.

He was a little curious, who funded this?

There is a fairy mountain in the sea area of ​​Kongming, and it can barely be regarded as the site of the fairy mountain, and the fairy mountain will not be thankless to pick up and drop outsiders.

After thinking about it, Lu Shui came to a conclusion. It should be funded by all the forces that are eligible to go to the Kongming Sea Territory, and their Lu family should also have a share.

No, it should be that you need to spend money to buy tickets.

But why should these forces serve ordinary people?

"Xianshan chance is that the more people, the better?" Lu Shui felt that this was the only possibility.

Zhen Wu nodded:

"Yes, young master, the more people there are, the higher the proportion. The Fairy Mountain Fate is not controlled by any forces. There used to be some big powers who planned to monopolize the Fairy Mountain Fate, but in the end, there were no chances.

Later, they learned that what Xianshan's chance is about is the contending of flowers.

The more people there are and the more complex they are, the more chances are beyond imagination. "

Lu Shui nodded, no longer speaking.

He continued to read the Array Pattern, and he has read relatively little recently.

at night.

Lu Shui closed the Lin formation pattern, and then stood up.


Lu Shui's words surprised Zhen Wu Zhen Ling a little bit, is it here?

In theory, there is still some time to be right.

Before Zhen Wu Zhen Ling could ask, they discovered that there was a huge storm ahead, which seemed to destroy everything.

"It's weird, how come you get to the edge so quickly? There should be more than half a time."

"I checked, and indeed I didn't enter the periphery of the Kongming Sea."

"It should be due to the expansion of Kongming sea area, I don't know what happened this year."

Hearing these voices, Zhenwu Zhenling became vigilant.

"Don't be too nervous, this storm only affects people. Tier 5 and above will only be repelled." Lu Shuidao.

"Fifth Tier will be rejected? But not in the past. Although everyone acquiesces in sending the younger generations of Tier 3 and 4 in, it's not that Tier 5 can't come in, and occasionally someone will come in." Zhen Wu was quite curious.

Although Xianshan Chance is of no use to Tier 5, there are no restrictions on whether to enter.

Lu Shui shook his head. He didn't know this, but this storm rejected those with a high level of cultivation, and he didn't know who did it.

"You don't need to care too much, just go in and play, let's go and see the Kongming Sea." Lu Shui stepped forward.

The storm is approaching, heading into the wind.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was stunned, and finally stepped into an endless storm with Lu Shui.

In the next moment, all cultivators below Tier 5, whether willing or unwilling, were all involved in the storm.

And just when they were being pulled by the storm, a faint figure flashed in front of them. This figure was not affected by the storm and walked towards the deepest part of the storm step by step.

He stepped on the storm, as if the storm was making way for him.

The young man who sold the news before also saw this scene, and he was a little shocked: Where is this monster?

Zhenwu Zhenling naturally saw it, but they couldn't keep up, and they couldn't keep up.

The most important thing is that their young master just told them that they are free to move around temporarily.

Zhenwu Zhenling is a little worried, their young master is definitely going to do something big.

This is the experience of this time.


Lu Shui didn’t let the storm blow him away. He jumped directly over the storm and entered the empty sea.

The moment he walked out of the storm, he felt the changes in the sea area. This place was different from the outside. The waves outside were surging and the noise was constant.

However, there are no waves in the Kongming Sea, and there is no sound of waves, so it is quieter.

Lu Shui looked at the calm sea, feeling quite strange, perhaps because the Kraken lived below.

The siren is a strange race. They are all females. Their bodies are water. They have strong vitality and are extremely difficult to kill.

As for why they are all women, Lu Shui doesn't know.

I haven't studied it specially.

Whoever is full and holding on to study this is like someone going to study why the sea is full of water.

More importantly, studying this secret room will explode and sloppy.

Oh no, it exploded without studying it.

Lu Shui no longer thought about it, he took out his mask and put it on.

Without Zhenwu and Zhenling, he could not be regarded as Dongfang Haoyue.

Can only be a stream of fire.

Lushui will only stay in the Lujia area.

There won’t be any blessings going out

Just put on the mask, Lu Shui suddenly hesitated whether to set fire, mainly because the last time he was punished with Dongfang Zuzha, Dongfang Zuzha cried and asked him why Daoshan's Liuhuo had no fire on his body and whether it was fake.

Lu Shui did not answer, but instead asked, will Dongfang Chacha carry tea leaves on his body?

Dongfang scum cried even more sadly.

Bean big tears kept streaming down.

I don't know why.

Maybe I cried stupidly by myself.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't know why it was so uncomfortable to be punished, and Dongfang scum would still entangle these useless things.

After hesitating, he felt that he had to forget it, and when he needed a sign, he would put on the red flames.

After that, Lu Shui stepped forward, planning to go in and have a look, but two people suddenly flew in just as soon as he stepped into space.

A man and a woman seemed to have been swept over by the storm.

Lu Shui just watched, and soon the two of them controlled their bodies and let themselves fall on the surface of the water steadily.

"Both are Tier 4, they should be younger than Zhenwu Zhenling, and Fu is much better than Eastern Slag." Lu Shui thought inwardly.

Dongfang Zhazha Fu is really good, not much better than her.

However, Dongfang Zhazha contacted Mu Xue in advance, and future achievements are difficult.

As soon as the two fell, they turned to look at Lu Shui.

The man said politely:

"Disciple in Xiaxianshan, sing, next to Junior Sister Xia, Shaoqing, I don't know who a fellow Taoist is?"

Xianshan disciple?

Lu Shui was a little surprised. It turned out that Xianshan had a chance, and Xianshan disciples had to participate in it.

Then Lushui opened his mouth and said:

"Hidden Sect Liuhuo."

Liuhuo's reputation is not good, but Xianshan disciples haven't heard of it yet.

Sure enough, they didn't even know who Liu Huo was.

Although the songci is very curious why Liu Huo wears a mask, this is personal privacy, and he can't ask.

So I can only ask common questions:

"Father Liuhuo Daoist is also here to find Xianshan chance?"

Lu Shui nodded without words.

"Then we can drop in. We are still a little familiar with the Kongming Sea Territory below." Song replied.

"You are lucky. My brother was hailed as the number one pride in the cultivation world. With us taking you, the chances of getting a chance are very high." Shao Qing said aside.

Lu Shui was a little curious:

"Is that the first pride now?"

In fact, he is also known as the top pride, but this pride is not that big, and there are only so many people who know it.

Not the entire cultivation world knows it.

Geci shook his head:

"The false name back then, naturally it is not after the age. The name of arrogance only circulates among the young cultivators Zheng

At a certain age, the seniority is different. At that time, it is a matter of strength. No matter how arrogant the cultivation base is, it will be in vain.

However, Xia thinks that he has some strength, and he can still lead fellow Daoists to find opportunities. "

Lu Shui was a little curious:

"Why do you have to take me?"

The other party obviously wants to take This is not normal.

The song was a bit embarrassing, but in the end he said truthfully:

"It seems that fellow Taoists are only Tier 2, which will reduce the difficulty for us. Of course, we didn't mean to offend.

Kong Ming sea area has its own rules, chances appear, there can be up to three people to seek, and each has a gain.

The difficulty of the opportunity depends on the overall strength.

So it's also an opportunity for Daoists to come. "

Lu Shui understood, then smiled slightly, and said:

"no problem."


Eat sweet dumplings or salty dumplings?

The ferocious Taoist couple is also reborn

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