The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 120: Congratulations on the return of my king

   Hearing Liu Huo's name, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, and they naturally knew that the man was talking about their young master.

   Except for their young masters, which person is the second-tier in cultivation?

   But Zhenwu Zhenling couldn't help but start worrying.

   Although I know that something will happen to their young master, this change is obviously a bit exaggerated.

   Zhenwu took out his cell phone and looked at it, and found that there was no signal.

   I can't even ask for help now.

   In the end, they can only act by chance, after all, they still don't know what chance changes this change will bring.

   Jiao Yu and the others were also surprised. They discovered that these people actually knew Liuhuo, and all of them felt that the change was related to Liuhuo.

   Why is this again?

Shouldn't the    change have something to do with his brother's song?

   "Do you know that Liuhuo?" Jiao Yu asked shocked the sea.

   Jinghai immediately said:

  "The young master of the Hidden Sky School, Liuhuo.

   If the person mentioned by the Taoist friend is this Liuhuo, then we all know each other.

   Maybe because the fairy mountain is relatively far away from us, you may not have heard of it.

   Liuhuo is the first arrogant of the world.

  He killed the evil gods in the barren grassland, cut the flower fairy under the Tianchi River, and destroyed the son of Tianyang at the top of Tianyun Peak.

   Liuhuo alone can shock all sect tianjiao, family genius.

   No one can compare with it. "

   Jiao Yu was stunned, the unremarkable flow of fire, is the world's first arrogant?

   He doesn't believe it.

   I don’t feel that way when I look at the other person.

  How can the kind of ordinary people be legendary myths?

   Could he still be better than the brother of Songci, who is also the Tianjiao of the Times?

   Jiao Yu was silent, he couldn't say anything.

   Many people in Xianshan don't believe in Jinghai's words.

   Shocked the sea naturally saw it, but he didn't excuse it.

  Because don't talk about them, even the same sect brothers don't believe it, all of them feel that the flow of fire is illusory.

  Legends are sometimes just rumors. They only want to believe that it is a legend if they have witnessed it once with their own eyes.

  Especially the sharing of Dao Zang, few people believe it at all.

   But most people do not want to mention this, nor do they want to let people know whether they have seen it with their own eyes.

  The reason is very simple. They have obtained the Dao Zang chance, and no one wants to cause trouble to the upper body.

   Suddenly someone said at this time:

   "Look, the mutation seems to have stopped, and the chance vortex is no longer getting bigger."

   Many people have already discovered that, after all, no one will not pay attention to the vortex of chance.

   And when everyone was looking at the vortex of chance, the old man Guying looked up at everyone.

   was glanced at by the old man Gu Ying, everyone felt a tingling scalp.

   is like being stared at by some senior sect master, making people feel shocked.

   Even the sword frowned, the sword he was holding almost released.

   The little monkey hid behind him even more scared, without the courage to look straight.

   "Xianshan chance is a rule, I will not break it.

   Are you going now?

   I told you in advance that this opportunity is the largest in history.

   may also be the most dangerous chance, and it is also the only chance. "The voice of the old man Guying reached everyone's ears.

   But without waiting for their response, the old man Guying said again:

  "Time is limited, please choose.

   Time is up, no one opposes, join by default. "

   Everyone: "..."

   In fact, many people wanted to refuse, but the other party gave the answer directly, and they didn't dare to speak even if they wanted to speak.

   At that moment, they knew that the other party was going to kill people easily.

   The other party said that it was a rule to give chance, but it didn't say that there was a rule not to kill.

   All of them, even though they knew the danger was extremely dangerous, had to bite the bullet and choose to join this opportunity.

   After all, they are not qualified to refuse.

   At this time, the old man Guying walked aside, he looked at everyone as if letting them join in.

   Jiao Yu frowned, and finally took the first step towards the vortex of chance.

   The two people who followed him also followed.

   Jinghai and Jianyifeng Yishuang also stepped in.

   As long as they survive, they will be able to get the most special opportunity in the Kongming Sea for so many years.

   This kind of opportunity is truly unattainable.

   After that, most of the people were vortexing to chance.

   Jianqi went in, and Zhenwu Zhenling also went in.

   In just a moment, everyone walked into the whirlpool opportunity.

   At this point, the whirlpool opportunity began to disappear in place.

   The old man Guying looked at the disappearing vortex, calmly said:

   "It's started. The only chance is this time. Turn it around, the annual ring of time."



   The rapid roar awakened Jinghai.

   Soon after being shocked by the sea, he remembered his situation, and he immediately opened his eyes and began to be vigilant around him.

   But the purpose of entering is a military camp.

   "Where is this place?" Jing Hai was a little surprised, but quickly calmed himself down.

   He found himself wearing armor, looking like a soldier.

   "There is a feeling of passing through, act by chance, don't mess around." A sudden voice came to Shock Hai's ears.

   But soon he was relieved because it was Fairy Yishuang from Jianyifeng who was talking.

   Then he was shocked to find that Xianshan disciple was beside him.

   "Just the three of us?" Xianshan disciple Mu Jie was a little puzzled.

   It is true that a bunch of people came in together, but there are no other people here.

   Before they could communicate too much, suddenly a soldier shouted on the side:

   "Don't dare, just follow me, gather in the square."

   Shocked, they looked at each other and naturally chose to follow.

   But after following up, Jinghai asked:

   "This eldest brother, why is he gathering suddenly? Is there going to be a war?"

   "Fighting? No, it's more important than fighting. No, are you confused?

   What day do you not know today? "The soldier frowned.

   Shocked Hai and others were surprised, but the soldier didn't think much about it, but said:

   "Today is the day when the king returns. We must welcome my king back in the square."

   Jinghai and others are surprised, come back again?

   This sentence is very puzzling.

   "What does it mean to come back?" Jianqi and the little monkey on the other side asked the soldier next to him.

   The soldier didn't have any doubts, but said:

   "Actually, I only learned about it in the past two days. In order to protect our Blue Night Country, the king died in the outer demon source.

   Now that the foreign demon appears again, the national teacher has established the ancient summoning altar and wants to recall the king.

   Today is the day when the king returns. "

   "The heroic spirit returns?" Jiao Yu was a little surprised in the other direction.

   Can something like this really succeed?

   He didn't know, but he couldn't tell.

   Because everyone seems to think that they can succeed or expect to succeed.

   Soon they gathered in the square, everyone standing in line.

   They are all looking at the high platform in the front of the square, which is connected to the mountain building.

   Inside the building is the altar of summoning.

   If the king returns, he will naturally come out of it, and they will see it naturally.

   Jinghai and others also watched.

   They don't know how long they will have to wait, and they don't know if anyone will come out.

   but had to stand.

   Because they found that the soldiers around were all strong.

   However, they didn't wait long before they heard the sound of footsteps, the sound of footsteps from the high platform.

   At this moment, countless soldiers are staring at the high platform, looking forward to it.

   After only a dozen breaths, they saw three figures. When the three figures stood on the high platform, a kind of excitement spread all over the audience.

   The same is true for Jinghai and others, that kind of excitement, that kind of pride expanded in his heart, unable to hold on himself.

   At this moment, everyone is kneeling on one knee:

   "Congratulations on the return of my king."


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