The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 127: Brainwashed by the fire

  In the Blue Night Country, everyone said that the national teacher had summoned the dead king.

   If this is really the case, then theoretically the first person to greet the king should be the national teacher.

   But they never saw the national teacher from beginning to end.

   As an important person, the national teacher should not disappear as soon as he disappears, and there are various signs that the national teacher is still alive.

   So the only possibility is that he is there, but he can't participate in it.

   As for the reason, Lu Shui had some guesses, but he still wanted to hear the other person say it himself.

   After Lu Shui's voice fell, a figure appeared in the sky.

   is an old man.

   The old man disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Lu Shui.

   He looked at Lu Shui, then fell to his knees and worshipped.

   Lu Shui looked at him and recognized him at a glance.

   The old man on the mural, the lonely old man who guards the whirlpool of chance.

   "Are you the national teacher of Blue Night Country, or the lonely old man of Xianshan chance?" Lu Shui didn't let the other person get up.

   "First the national teacher, then the old man Guying." The old man Guying said respectfully.

  Lu Shui can understand, and then continued:

   "When was the first expedition?"

   "Thirty-three thousand six hundred and fifty-seven years ago, also from that day, I became the old man alone." The old man alone answered.

   Lu Shui low eyebrows, for many years.

   "Aren't you worried that I won't make a move?" Lu Shui looked at the old man Guying.

   If he does not take action, the Blue Night Country, which has been sealed for countless years, will be completely destroyed today.

   Yes, this place is sealed.

   To put it simply, the time space here has been pressed with the stop button.

   After he came in, the time ring here began to rotate.

   And those Blue Night Nation army, in fact, there is no living person, they are all lone shadows or heroic spirits.

   Unwillingness before death, strong guardian obsession, let them survive to this day.

   And no matter how hard they work, they will not be able to walk a long way, that is the end of their lives.

   After death, he can't walk the road in front of him.

   And the only one who can connect this way for them is Lu Shui.

   Guo Shi has been eliminated from this space since he became the old man of Gu Ying, and he cannot interfere with everything here.

   This is the rule for people who press the pause button for this space.

   The old man Guying touched his head on the ground and did not answer Lu Shui's question. He couldn't answer it.

   Lu Shui didn't care either. He didn't make the move because of chance or because the old man Guying kneeled and pleaded, but because he ate the sweet potatoes and bread of those children.

   That's it.

   "Did you fail to summon the Blue Night King back then?" Lu Shui changed the subject.

   The old man lonely shook his head:

   "There was no failure, it was a success, but the state of the king was wrong, leaving only a hint of thought.

   We don’t know.

   I didn’t know about it until the end.

   Now I have the ninth mural, and I have the opportunity to become a lonely old man.

   There is even more hope of stopping the cycle of time and waiting for new life. "

   is still very curious about this land water, there are not many people with such strength.

   "Who helped you?" Lu Shui asked.

   "Xianshan chance," said the old man Guying.

  Lushui was a little surprised:

"carry on."

  "Xianshan Chance is the king's. He made a deal with the existence of Chance. I don't know how Wang did it, but Wang did it.

   But the price is that the king disappears completely.

   And I need to guard the vortex of chance, and I can also choose to enter the blue night country.

   But there is only one chance to start Blue Night Country.

   Failure is tantamount to killing the people of the whole country.

   So we must find someone who can really bring hope.

   I have waited for so many years, and finally I have waited for you. "The old man Guying said with rejoicing and gratitude.

   Lu Shui didn't speak, nor did he ask why he didn't directly seek the solution to the foreign demon, instead he struggled to stop the time cycle here.

   There is no need to ask about this kind of thing.

  Some existence is like this.

   But the existence of the source of the outer demon is also a bit special.

   It is difficult for ordinary people to look directly.

   As for the person of Xianshan Chance, this one seems to be more special.

   I haven't seen it in my previous life.

   I probably met it and wouldn't care about it.

   After all, he and Mu Xue are not very interested in the outside world. Mu Xue came to Kongming Sea to only get seafood.

   "Take me to meet that existence." Lu Shui said.

  Guying old man dare not fail:

   "You can only look at it from a distance. Usually, a person's chance is to take a look."

   Lu Shui nodded, not to embarrass the lonely old man.

   The old man Guying has limited abilities and can't do much, especially the kind of existence that can hold down the growth ring of time.

   It's just that the old man Guying didn't take Lu Shui over the first time, but took out a small palace.

   then offered it with both hands:

   "Please accept it."

   Lu Shui looked at the little palace and said:

   "The Hall of Heroes?"

   The old man Guying did not raise his head, but only offered up the Hall of Heroes, saying:

   "The thousands of heroes in the Blue Night Country are all in the temple.

   I hope that one day, I will fight for my king. "

   Lu Shui looked at the old man Guying, he was silent for a moment, and finally took over the Hall of Valor.

   This thing is useless to him, and the heroic spirits are already asleep, but keep it.

   The old man Guying lowered his head and stood up and said:

   "I will take you there."

After   , the old man Guying opened a space door and walked in first.

   Lu Shui gently put the Hall of Heroes into the storage magic treasure, and then stepped into the space door.

   There are no heroes in this Hall of Heroes, it's just the Hall of Heroes connected to the Blue Night Kingdom.

   Under normal circumstances, the heroes of the Blue Night Country are all over there.

   Lu Shui and the others left, there was no one on the edge of Changya, only a blue night sword stood here all the time.


  Kong Minghai.

   Geci suddenly opened his eyes.

   He checked his body and found that he was alive and well.

   then immediately looked around, he saw Shaoqing.

   "Junior sister wakes up."

After    awakened Shaoqing, there were many people lying around the person who discovered the song.

   Although he had some guesses in it, he did not expect that there were so many people entering.

   At this time, everyone started to wake up.

   "Brother, I'm not dead?" Shao Qing was a little surprised.

   Before, she really felt that she was dead. At that time, her brain was really congested and she felt fearless.

   In the end, he died directly.

   I didn't expect to be alive and well.

   Others are also rejoicing at this time.

   "I'm alive, I'm really alive, wow, I found that I have improved my cultivation a lot, and I feel that I have a lot of enlightenment."

   "Hey, why didn't my cultivation base move much?"

   "I haven't changed much."

   "I have changed, I am going to break through, I am about to break through soon, the heavens are coming, I have to find a place to overcome the tribulations."

   "I also improved."

   "Why did you improve, I haven't changed at all?"

  Most people have been promoted, but there are still many people who have not changed Zhenwu Zhenling has also been greatly improved, and they don't understand what's going on.

   the words of the song said:

   "How did you feel when you went to war at the end?"

   "I didn't feel anything, I was thinking about how to live, but the body didn't listen to it, so I had to fight, and finally died in battle." Someone said.

   "I'm almost the same, living is the best thing to do." Another human said.

   "I am different, I feel that I have been brainwashed by the fire, and my blood is boiling, and I really have a mortal heart.

   And I can't control my body, I feel more excited as I fight.

   The more I fight, the stronger, as if there is endless power waiting for me to squander.

   Now I feel that I have broken through two small realms, not far from Tier 5. "A person from the fourth-order pinnacle said.

   Everyone knew what was going on at this moment.

   Those who are not afraid of life and death at the last moment, who fight for the king, will get chance.

   This is everyone’s choice.

   You may not get it if you encounter it.

   "By the way, what about Liuhuo?" someone suddenly asked.


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