After thinking for a moment, Mu Xue said to the head of the goddess:

   "Don't worry about it for the time being, take the rest back, you keep a part of it, and the rest on the formation I left for you."

   The head of the goddess looked in the direction of Mu Xue with some doubts. In fact, she couldn't see it, only a cloud of mixed purple energy.

   "Won't Lord Goddess punish me?" The head of the goddess asked in a low voice.

   Mu Xue didn't answer, but cut off the communication directly.

   knelt down, and she was not embarrassed to punish.

   It's useless if Lu Shui kneels down, she can kill Lu Shui.

   Of course, she couldn't let Lu Shui kneel and lose face.

   Lu Shui can care about his majesty.

   "Well, it's been so many days, why haven't you come back?" Mu Xue was a little uncomfortable holding her cheeks.

   feels the same as the left-behind grieving woman.

   No, it's a girl.

  A young girl who is less than the tenth anniversary of the year.

   "It's all Lu Shui's fault. When he comes back, I'll cover up and beat him up."

   Mu Xue was eager to try.


  Kong Minghai.

   Lu Shui looked at a bunch of snails with some surprise.

  Is there so many sea monsters' seafood? Still find a random place to grab a handful.

   When he came with Mu Xue before, but very few, only once in many years.

  The old man Guying also had some surprises:

   "It seems a bit too much, but it's not a big problem."

  Lu Shui naturally didn't care. The Sea Monster just wanted to pursue it, and it had nothing to do with him.

  It's the old man Gu Ying.

   Then Lu Shui took a small part and said:

   "The rest, give it to Lan Yeguo."

   The old man Guying was taken aback, and then he saluted Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui didn't care, but turned and left.

   After all, I ate those little guys' food. It was a simple matter to help them, and it was right to return a gift.


  Blue Night Country.

   Xiaodie looked at a little boy and said:

   "What shall we eat today?"

   "Eat meat buns." The other children said.

   "Eat roast duck."

   "Eat pork."

   The children gathered together and waited for the little boy to paint.

   "My mother said, children can't be greedy, let's eat sesame seeds."

   "Obviously you can only draw sesame seeds."

   "Yes, yes."

   "I can't draw a bun so big."

   "Yes, yes."

   The little boy flushed with irritation, then threw the branch to Fluttershy and the others:

   "I want to eat seafood, you invite me to eat."

   All of a sudden, everyone was silent.

   They can't even paint sesame seeds.

  Thinking that children really can't be greedy, let's eat sesame seeds.


   Suddenly something fell beside them.

   This sudden thing shocked them.

   Xiaodie looked over, and then said in surprise:

   "Is it a snail?"

   "It's seafood." The little boy who painted the cake said.

   "Quickly, call the aunts and aunts to come over, yes, I have food." A child called immediately.

   "Wow, I have something to eat, it's seafood, it's seafood."

   A group of children shouted in excitement.

   There are some small ones who are a little confused. What is seafood?


   Leaving the old man Guying, Lu Shui walked towards the fairy mountain.

   "I don't know if Tianji Building would like to see me.

   I'm so weak, should he look down on me?

   Hope to see it. "

   Lu Shui took off his mask and smiled.

   But this time he adjusted his cultivation base. It didn't show the second order or the third order, but just covered it up.

   Tier 2 can't be used anymore, Tier 3 is not strong, it is easy to be bullied by some people, and he doesn't want to do it.

   So hiding the cultivation base is most suitable.

   It’s too conspicuous to continue wearing the mask.

   "But I probably won't meet anyone."

   Thinking like this, Lu Shui stepped away from here.


   Above the fairy mountain.

   "Have you hidden Xianshan?" Shi Gui opened his eyes somewhat surprised.

   Tianji Building nodded:

   "I didn't say that, trouble will come to the door, this is a necessary method.

   This way, as long as Xianshan's chance is over, there will be no problems. "

   "But there should be someone waiting for you outside, right? You said he was also troublesome? You can't avoid him if you avoid the fairy mountain opportunity," Shigui said.

   Tianji Building shook his head and whispered:

   "You are wrong, the fairy mountain opportunity limits the fairy mountain, once the fairy mountain opportunity ends, then nothing is inevitable.

   Just wait for the fairy mountain opportunity to end, and no one will climb the fairy mountain during this period. "

   "What if there is?" Shigui asked.

   "There is no such scene in Tianji." Tianji Building was calm.

   Shigui didn't say anything. Tianji Building is the master of Tianji Pavilion. He basically said what he said.

   After so many years, I basically did not miss it.

   Just when Shigui wanted to close his eyes and sleep, it suddenly saw the Tianji building froze.

   The original calm face solidified.

   "Something happened?" Shigui was a little surprised.

   "How could this be?" Tianji Building said in disbelief:

   "Heaven's secret, chaos."

   "Chaos?" Shigui was also a little surprised. How could heaven's secrets suddenly be messed up?

   Tianji Building sighed and said:

   "I don't know what's going on at all, I always feel that there is fog around me.

   And I can feel that the trouble is on the way. "

   At this time, Shigui was also a little surprised and said:

   "Someone has climbed to the fairy mountain, and I can't see the cultivation base."

   Tianji Building frowned, he wanted to do the math, but in the end he held back.

   "He wants to see me?" Tianji Building faintly guessed something.

   "Would you like to see?" Shigui asked.

   If you don’t see it, it’s easy not to stop the opponent, but to escape from here.

   The Tianji Building fell silent. It is not a good thing to see, and it is also not a good thing not to see.

   Finally, Tianji Building took a deep breath, and he made a decision.

   As the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion, there are certain things that cannot be avoided, and he has his pride.


   Lu Shui has already stepped on the top of the fairy mountain.

  He looked towards the top of a certain mountain:

   "It seems to be right, it is this fairy mountain."

   In order to come up, he turned his chopsticks several times, this fairy mountain is really difficult to enter.

   The last life was so easy to enter.

   But Lu Shui didn't care, but went straight to the mountain.

   He didn't see anyone along the way, or he chose a relatively remote road.

   As for Xianshan's forbidden formation, it seemed to him like a sham. UU reading www.

   Not long after, Lu Shui came to the foot of the mountain where the Tianji Building was located.

   There is no need to take a remote road here, no one will come here.

   Lu Shui looked at the top of the mountain under the sun with his hands, and said:

   "There is no change at all. It seems that my face is decent. If I didn't refuse, it would let me go up by default."

  The land and water passed through various formations, all the way to the top of the mountain.

   Soon he came to the top of the mountain.

   "Finally here." Lu Shui exhaled.

   It's just that when he stepped on the top of the mountain, his brows frowned. There were no stone turtles that he had seen before, and there were no secret buildings.

   There is only one little girl, and she sits absent-mindedly on the rock.

   At this time, the little girl also saw Lu Shui.

   "Are you a secret building?" Lu Shui asked.

  Because of the different ages, Lu Shui is not sure whether Tianji Building was a female before.

   The little girl looked scared at Lu Shui, and then said:

   "No, the pavilion master has gone out to relax, and said he doesn't know when he will be back."

   Lu Shui: "..."


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