The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 132: He is insulting me with money

   Geci They have been searching for a long time but have not been able to find the location of Xianshan, and they can't even contact them.

   They all wondered if they were abandoned by Xianshan.

   "Look, brother, Xianshan has appeared." Shao Qing pointed to the front and said.

   Gesi looked over and found that Xianshan really appeared. Although he was a little confused, it was fortunate that it was not really abandoned.

   At this time, many people have discovered Xianshan and want to go up and take a look.

   Zhenwu Zhenling naturally also discovered.

   "Master should go to Xianshan, right?" Zhenling asked.

   Zhenwu nodded:

   "Let’s go up and take a look. If we don’t find the young master, we will wait some time on it."

   They have enough plans. For example, once the Xianshan chance is over, there should be a signal here, and then they can call their master.

   If there is no contact, contact the patriarch, after all, the young master was really missing at that time.

   This is not a joke.

   Nie Hao thought so too. As long as the chance of Xianshan ends, he should be able to get news about Lu Shui's appearance.

   When the time comes, it is time to hunt land and water.

   As long as he beats Lu Shui Fatty, he can get a lot of rewards.

   The Lu family is really generous.


  Lushui walked on the fairy mountain road.

  His complexion is not very good, this time he is really stealing the rice.


A sigh.

   "I don't know if Mu Xue will be rushed this time, but she shouldn't dare to go too far.

   Before she knew I was born again, she had to worry about my feelings. "

   Lu Shui felt that he was pitted by the heavenly building.

   Although it was the Tianji Stone of Tianji Building that made work this time.

   But it was him who pressed the switch after all.

After   , Lu Shui didn't think about it anymore, so he went back and talked about it.

   I still find a place to eat something to be shocked.

  Lushui came to a small town. It is not surprising that there is a small town in Xianshan.

   There are many disciples in Xianshan, and all of them have good talents, but it is not that no one can eat fireworks.

   So there must be double repairs, and there must be children.

   And children are certainly not all talented or very talented.

   Lu Shui has a deep understanding of talent.

   After all, his parents are very talented, but he is a strange flower.

   His mother doubted if he had a wrong hug.

   Okay, this is just a joke.

   In short, the fairy mountain hides from the world and cannot communicate with the outside world at will.

   Therefore, if Xianshan disciples have children and cannot practice, they must live in Xianshan.

   Over time, a small town will inevitably form.

   An isolated town.

  As soon as he stepped into the town, Lu Shui felt that two people were approaching him.

high speed.

   is Zhen Wu Zhen Ling.

   "Young Master." Zhen Wu Zhen Ling said respectfully when he came to Lu Shui.

   They are a little grateful.

Finally found.

   Lu Shui feels that Zhenwu and Zhenling are just right, and he will not go to the store by himself.

   "Help me find a store where I can produce my own ingredients." Lu Shuidao.

   Zhen Ling nodded immediately:

   "Master, wait a moment."

   Naturally she is responsible for this kind of thing.

   Then Lu Shui walked on the street, trying to see if there was anything interesting.

  Xianshan is not an ordinary place after all, it is hard to say that there are any novel specialties.

   Zhenwu followed Lu Shui, protecting the safety of the land at any time.

   When their young master did not wear a mask, he had never done anything where there were people.

   Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for their young master to make a move.

  Lushui walked around for a while and found a place selling steamed buns, which was said to be a secret family-made steamed buns.

   Out of curiosity, Lu Shui took one.

   Zhenwu naturally stepped forward to pay.

   took a bite, Lu Shui felt very ordinary, much worse than Qiuyun Town.

   Then Lu Shui continued to stroll around, but when he passed a stall, he suddenly stopped.

   This is a stall with a mess of things, these things seem to be ordinary or ordinary.

   Zhenwu didn't even notice the need to stop.

   He soon wanted to understand that their young master had a better vision than others, and he didn't know how much ordinary things were in his eyes, and they were most likely to be secret treasures.

   So there are such secret treasures here?

   Lu Shui was attracted by a tortoise shell at first, but when he stopped, he found a mini bamboo basket beside the stall, which looked very nice.

   Lu Shui squatted down and pointed to the little bamboo basket and said:

"How much is it?"

   is a middle-aged man who set up a stall. He looked at Lu Shui and asked the bamboo basket, a little helpless:

   "This fellow Taoist, this is not for sale. It is not in the stall."

   "Where did this come from?" Lu Shui asked again.

   "I got it accidentally from an outing. I don't know the specific origin." The middle-aged man explained.

   The main reason is that this thing is really good-looking, so he doesn't want to sell it.

   just put it nicely.

   And I can’t sell it for a few dollars.

   "A Ninth Grade Spirit Stone, do you want to sell it?" The sudden voice reached the middle-aged man's ears.

   At first, the middle-aged man didn't react. He was stunned when he wanted to refuse.

   He looked at Lu Shui in disbelief, and said:

   "You, what did you say?"

   "A Nine-Rank Spirit Stone, buy this." Lu Shui repeated, pointing to the bamboo basket.

   The middle-aged man was stunned and couldn't believe it.

   He felt that this person was just taking money to insult him.

   knows so clearly, he can't say that sentence that is not for sale.

  "Tao, fellow Taoist, seriously?

   A nine-rank, do fellow Taoists know the concept? He asked.

   Lu Shui nodded without speaking.

   A nine-pin, only pocket money for a trip.

   may be more than that.

   Zhenwu was also surprised on one side. Although the young master can buy it, it is just ordinary bamboo basket.

   If this is sold back, the patriarch must be angry, right?

   Hope it's just that he has no eyes.

   Finally the stall owner nodded and said with difficulty:

   "Since the dao friends like it, then I can only cut love."

   Although he wants a 9th grade, he always feels that the other party won't really give it.

   But one 8-Rank is fine, and 7-Rank he can also accept it.

   There is no problem with the sixth product, and the fifth product is also good.

   Seeing that the other party agreed, Lu Shui picked up the mini bamboo basket and looked at it for a while, and found that it was really pretty.

   "The bamboo basket is okay? Can fellow Taoists pay for the spirit stone?" The stall owner urged.

   Mainly Lu and Shui stood up.

   Zhenwu planned to pay at this time, but was stopped by Lu Shui.

   The stall owner naturally saw this He was sweating for himself.

   Sure enough, who would be so stupid as to buy a beautiful bamboo basket with Jiupin?

   It's because he's lost in money.

   Lu Shui looked at the vendor and said:

   "Did you see the tortoise shell on your booth? Drop a drop of blood on it.

   If you still think I need to pay, I will pay. "

   The stall owner was taken aback, he hesitated a little, did not move or speak.

   "Are you a disciple of Tianji Pavilion?

   is the first technique of heaven. There are two techniques and three techniques on the first technique of heaven, but for some reason you still can't comprehend the two techniques and three techniques. "Lu Shui only said that.

   The stall owner frowned, and he looked at Lulu Channel:

   "Do you mean that the tortoise shell allows me to comprehend two skills and three skills?"

   Lu Shui did not explain too much, just said:

  "Do you want to try?

   I can pay if I don’t want to. "

   The stall owner was a little unwilling:

   "Aren't you afraid that I will charge the money and try again?"

  Lu Shui has only one sentence:

   "Will you try that?"


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