The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 136: How does it feel to know that I'm flowing fire

Nie Hao looked at the person in front of him, at the familiar flame.

He finally remembered why he felt so familiar.

Isn't this the person in the chance?

That person who is called the number one arrogant of the world.

Nie Hao subconsciously took two steps back, and he began to be afraid.

It's not because of how strong the person in front of him is, but because he knows something he shouldn't know. If this matter is exposed, the impact will be huge.

Land water is flowing fire.

Lu Shui is the number one arrogant in the world.

It was Lu Shui who killed the evil god, and it was also Lu Shui who killed the flower immortal. The Son of the Sun who killed and challenged Lu Shui was actually also Lu Shui.

It is land water that shares Dao Zang, and it is land water that brings everyone in the blue night.

The so-called waste is fake, completely fake.

Nie Hao regretted it and understood why Lu Shui was so calm.

Because the other party doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

And at this moment, Nie Hao heard Lu Shui speak again:

"What do you think of me as a disguise?"

Nie Hao gave a ghost, turned and ran away without looking back.

Pervert, devil.

How stupid I am to jump into the opponent's trap.

Seeing Nie Hao's escape, Lu Shui was not in a hurry. He put away the flames, took off his mask, and began to move forward.

It was just the moment he stepped out, ripples began to spread under his feet.

"The demon chaos Dafa."

This voice sounded directly in Nie Hao's mind.

The loud sound hit his mind.

Then he heard the sound of footsteps, stepping on his heart step by step, as if to crush his heart.

The next moment Nie Hao felt his heart start to amplify the beating sound, as if it was about to burst.




In the end, Nie Hao couldn't bear it and spit out blood, and he fell directly on the water as he ran.

He was hurt, very badly.

But Lu Shui didn't even start.

At this moment, he knew that the other party was definitely a real firefighter.

Lu Shui was not a second-tier waste at all, and was not at all the second-tier waste master who piled up spirit medicine.

Planted, planted thoroughly.

Nie Hao felt that he didn't even have a chance to escape.

Step by step, Lu Shui walked towards Nie Hao who had fallen on the water.

The Heaven Demon Chaos Heart Dafa was what he planned to use to deal with Mu Xue, but it was a pity that Mu Xue's heart was never messed up.

There is usually no fear of being favored.

Of course, even if it works, he doesn't plan to use it.

This kind of injury is invisible, and it is boring to use.

I still feel it when I hit with my fist, and I can still see the scars when I feel it.

Finally, Lu Shui stopped in front of Nie Hao.

"Give you time to rest, wake up, and then have a good talk with me." Lu Shui said.

Then he took out a chair and sat down, taking out the heaven and earth formation pattern by the way.

It's been a long time since I read the book well, now I have time to read more.

There is no way to take a good look when I go back.

Going back to refining, but also to beware of Mu Xue, by the way, I still have to do everything possible to increase the hatred value in Mu Xue, it can't be too exaggerated.

It's troublesome.

Nie Hao lay on the water, not knowing what he thought for a while.

At the beginning, he thought Lu Shui was lying to him and wanted to kill him while he was not prepared.

After a while, he found that Lu Shui was really just reading a book, and he was still very absorbed.

It's like reading a very interesting book.

After waiting for a while, he felt that Lu Shui didn't really intend to kill him now, so he decided to calm down.

Maybe I still have a chance to live.

Do you need a spell to make yourself amnesia if you want to live?

He was never allowed to live on the things he had just learned.

The Lu family will not let him go.


Nie Hao, who thought of this, suddenly understood one thing. If the Lu family knew that Lu Shui was a flowing fire, why should he send Lu Shui to the secret book?

Isn't this deliberately increasing the possibility of exposure?

Therefore, it is very possible that the Lu family did not know that Lu Shui was a flowing fire?

They might actually think that land and water are waste?

Thinking of this, Nie Hao felt even colder. What does this mean?

It shows that Lu Shui is more than deceiving the realm of cultivation, he even has a full house.

This is terrible, how did he do it with so many big men in the Lu family?

Nie Hao spent a lot of time to calm his heart. He felt that the Lu Family Secret and the Lu Shui Secret, perhaps the Lu Shui Secret would make it easier for him to survive.

And if he goes to the Lu family to inform the police, will he get a lot of rewards?

Well, 90% may be killing people.

Or imprisonment for life.

He felt that his future was dark.

Finally, Nie Hao spoke:

"Can I ask you a question?"

Lu Shui closed the book and looked at Nie Hao on the water, saying:


"Can I still live?" This is what Nie Hao wants to know most.

Lu Shui did not answer positively, and said with a faint smile:

"I look like a murderous demon?"

Not like, you are.

When did the flow fire kill people blink?

In the end, Nie Hao dared not say anything else.

Lu Shui looked at Nie Hao and said:

"Enough to cooperate with me, just fine."

"Really?" Nie Hao was a little excited.

It's good to be alive.

"Then how should I cooperate?" Nie Hao said again.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and looked at Nie Hao. For him, there is no need to kill this person. If there is a need to kill, then this person does not cooperate.

Whether he deserves to cooperate is not a matter of his mind.

"What's your name?" Lu Shui asked.

"Nie Hao."

"Where is the sect?"

"Hidden, hidden Tianzong."

Nie Hao hesitated, but he still said it.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, Hidden Tianzong?

This is embarrassing. After all, I claim to be the Young Master of the Hidden Heaven Sect everywhere. Is this the other party looking for the door?

Soon Lu Shui vetoed it, and the other party was looking for Lu Shui, not a stray fire.

"Who asked you to find me?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yes, it is something similar to a commission. The content of this commission is to beat Young Master Lu, so that Young Master Lu can feel the social beating.

And the person who issued this commission, the tenth floor is your Lu family.

If not, this commission is unlikely to appear on our list. "Nie Hao said.

This is for the list to listen to, the problem should not be big.

"On the list?" Lu Shui was a little surprised:

"Hidden Sky Secret Lesson?"

This Lu Shui heard Zhenwu and the others said.

Last time he said what would happen if the third elder was sent up, but he never thought that he might have been sent up.

It was given by family members. UU reading www.

"Yes, but Young Master Lu's list is special and hidden. Only those who receive the list know it, and..." Nie Hao hesitated and said:

"The mainstream fire of Shao Zong spread from the outside is also on the list. This is a normal list."

Lu Shui: "..."

Okay, what's up with him on Liuhuo's list?

He still cares about himself.

"Are you sure that someone from the Lu family put me on the list?"

"I'm sure, with this kind of hidden customer list, only the people of the various forces can cooperate with our Hidden Heavenly Sect.

But don't ask Master Lu who it is, we don't know this, unless we find a high-level person.

This hidden list currently ranks 136th.

Liuhuo ranked fifty-two. "Nie Hao said in detail.

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