The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 138: Things that make Mu Xue happy

Le Feng was looking at his newly scoured other biography, which was related to the ancient fairy garden.

Just in the process of looking through it, Nie Hao suddenly called him.

The first sentence was that he almost died.

Lefeng was indeed taken aback, and asked:

"Where are you? I'll pick you up."

Soon Nie Hao's voice came from the opposite side:

"No, it's out of danger, but the mission failed."

Lefeng frowned, the mission failed?

He remembers that Nie Hao took the hidden list, right?

There is almost no failure in this kind of list.

"Would you like to come to me? I was checking information for a big man recently." Le Feng said.

Nie Hao wanted to say that he also met a big man just now, but it was better not to say it.

"Okay, I will find you another day."

Then they ended the call.

"It seems that the people Nie Hao met are more daunting than guessed." Le Feng muttered to himself.

At this time, Lefeng felt that Hidden Sky Secret Mirror had a new list.

At first glance, it is a hidden list, that is, a customer list.

The list shows that the previous status is failed.

"The list in Nie Hao's hands?"

Lefeng wanted to pick it up, but hesitated.

Under normal circumstances, the customer list is the benefit given by the sect, and whoever receives it is lucky.

Tier 4 can be accessed, which directly shows that the strength of the roster is around Tier 2.

There is almost no failure.

"If it was just an ordinary failure, Nie Hao would not tell me that he almost died."

"Although Nie Hao didn't cover up his details much before the action, it is impossible to make a move without an absolute advantage."

"In other words, he felt that he had a great advantage, he shot, and then failed."

"After the failure, he didn't tell me any of the processes. In other words, he couldn't say it, or did he dare not say it?"

Their sect does not allow them to reveal the information in the customer list, but it does not mean that the process cannot be said.

Lefeng looked at the list, and finally withdrew his hand.

"This list has a big problem and cannot be accepted."

Lefeng gave up, and his experience told him that it is safest not to pick up.

Although some benefits have been lost, who knows if the benefits are life-saving.

"Still continue to help Young Sect Master check Xianting related news."

Yes, he has been helping Liu Huo with things recently, especially things related to Cha Xian Ting.

The more biased the better.

Lefeng has indeed gained some gains during this period.

"Hua Xian does belong to Xian Ting. The fierce beast has not been found yet, but I recently heard about Xian Ting.

I don't know if it's true, but if it's true, you can tell Young Sect Master.

At that time, ask Nie Hao to come over and get a familiar face. If Nie Hao really provokes someone who is not easy to provoke, as long as the Young Sect Master is willing to take action, then the problem should not be big.

Especially I can make an appropriate request to the Young Sovereign. "

This is the reward he wants.

He knew that the reward was relatively large.

He didn't plan to use it as a last resort.


On the way back, Lu Shui sat in front of the boat and looked at the formations of heaven and earth.

Regrettably, when they came out, they did not see the pick-up boat, which seemed to be full and left.

In desperation, they could only leave by themselves in a small boat.

Anyway, it will definitely be there tomorrow, and Lu Shui is not in a hurry.

Zhenwu Zhenling and they were driving the small boat forward without any haste.

They did not intend to drive back directly, but to transfer back to the nearest station, which would be faster.

But they are also very curious about what happened just now.

They guessed that Nie Hao knew that their young master was a stray fire, and he, who originally thought he would be killed, unexpectedly discovered that he could still survive.

It's just that I was finally banned, and I can't say what I shouldn't.

What they are curious about is that prohibition.

Zhenwu wanted to ask all the way, but didn't find a good time, after all, he couldn't disturb their young master's normal reading.

Lu Shui closed the book at this time, always feeling that he was staring behind his back.

"Ask." Lu Shuidao.

Zhenwu Zhenling was taken aback.

Immediately bowed his head and apologized:

"Excuse me, Master."

Lu Shui put the book on his lap and looked at the endless sea channel ahead:

"No problem.

What are you curious about is what ban I have placed? "

Zhen Wu nodded:

"Yes, I didn't feel that Young Master used anything or any power at that time."

Lu Shui didn't look back, just smiled and said:

"What do you think I should impose?"

"The kind that will backfire if you say what you shouldn't say?" This is Zhenwu's guess.

Lu Shui shook his head.

"Is that the kind that I want to say but can't speak?" This is the guess given by Zhen Ling.

Lu Shui still shook his head.

He leaned back in the high chair and said:

"Why don't you choose to trust your own eyes directly?

Can’t I just click it? "

Zhenwu Zhenling can't believe it very much. Isn't the young master afraid that the other party will say it?

And normal people who are okay, just simply click?

Lu Shui looked up at the sky and said:

"The prejudice in people's minds is a mountain that cannot be moved or moved.

The suspicion in a person's heart is an iron chain that cannot be broken away or escaped.

I just told Nie Hao that I did nothing, and he didn't believe it either. "

Said Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, and said:

"So, do you believe it?"

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was stunned, and finally shook his head.

Lu Shui smiled slightly, he turned his head back and said:

"Let's go back."



Mu Xue was sitting in the room, she had just returned from Lu Shui's parents.

Then she got a message that Lu Shui will be back tomorrow.

This is really a pleasant thing.

"Hana's snails have been tried by Niang, and they are quite delicious. There is still a little left. When Lu Shui comes back to eat Mu Xue thought to herself.

This is another delightful thing.

Well, it's a pity that Chacha didn't leave the customs, it seems she has no taste.

This is not a sad thing.

Then Mu Xue raised her head and looked out the window, always feeling the sky gloomy.

"It seems to be raining. I don't know if it will rain tomorrow. If it rains, it will affect my going out."

With this idea, Mu Xue got up and walked out.

Ding Liang was guarding outside, and when she saw her lady come out, she asked:

"Miss you want to water the flowers?"

Recently, her lady was so stressed that she would water the flowers in the yard at night.

But it's not dark yet.

Mu Xue shook her head and said:

"Ding Liang, did you bring an umbrella when we came over?"

Ding Liang shook his head:

"No lady."

Serious cultivator, who brings an umbrella?

Mu Xue didn't care, but said:

"Let's go to the town.

Go buy an umbrella. "

Speaking of Mu Xue, she walked forward.

Ding Liang looked at the sky, feeling like it was going to rain, and then immediately followed.

After her lady came to Lu's house, she changed a lot.

Always smile inadvertently.

This is a rare thing in Mu's family.

"What umbrella do you want to buy?" Ding Liang asked.

She knows the place.

Mu Xue looked at Ding Liang and said:

"What kind of umbrella is suitable?"

"The oiled paper umbrella is suitable for Miss." Ding Liang said without hesitation.

A smile flashed in Mu Xue's heart and nodded:

"Then oil paper umbrella."

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