The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 158: Mu Xue affectionately feeds Lu Shui


"Are we lost?" Dongfang Chacha said, sitting on the edge of the word "sword", kicking and looking at the endless sea.

Mu Xue just sat on her knees on top of the word "sword" without speaking.

It was Chacha who insisted on saying that she flew over, and she followed, after all, it was not too far, and it took only two days to fly.

Xiangyu looked helpless, what else could she say?

It's just flying past, not a dangerous thing.

She naturally listened to Miss Cha Cha.

"Miss Chacha just fly forward, she won't get lost." Xiangyu replied.

Ding Liang stood on the "sword" and looked at her own eldest lady. It was also the first time that she flew with the "sword".

After flying for a while, Mu Xue frowned and said:

"Recently, has it been said that something strange has appeared in the sea?"

Ding Liang replied immediately:

"I haven't heard of it much."

Xiangyu immediately said:

"Me too, but I will check again."

For safety's sake, when going out with Miss Chacha, everything must be cautious and then cautious.

Just after checking, Xiangyu was a little worried:

"Misty Island, I heard that Misty Island may have appeared on the sea."

"What is Misty Island?" Cha Cha put her feet outside, and the person lay directly on the "sword" looking at the taro and asked.

Xiangyu immediately said:

"The Misty Island is a piece of..."

The sound of talking about the taro just disappeared.

Dongfang Chacha was taken aback. At this moment, she found that her eyes were full of mist, and she couldn't see her fingers.

Cha Cha was a little scared, she immediately jumped up and said:

"Fragrant taro, fragrant taro? Cousin, cousin?

Don't scare me, I'm scared alone. "

"Two people, Misty Island is not that dangerous." Mu Xue's voice suddenly passed over.

At this time, the fog began to thin. After the fog became thin, Dongfang Chacha saw Mu Xue sitting on the side.

She also ran over to confirm it.

It is really the cousin.

But except for the cousin, everyone else disappeared.

"Cousin, how about Xiangyu and others? There will be no trouble, right?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

Mu Xue shook her head and said:

"It's just being excluded. We have been caught by Misty Island."

In fact, only Dongfang Chacha was arrested, and Mu Xue came in forcibly.

She tried to block the fog, and she was worried that the movement was too loud, so it would be better to come in together.

Dongfang Chacha breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they were all right.

But she was still curious:

"What the **** is Misty Island?"

Mu Xue thought about it next:

"I remember it is a living island that swallows people I like. Special people are a precious collection for Misty Island.

Of course, many people stray into it under normal circumstances.

It's not bad, but for those who take the initiative to devour it, it will force them to stay. "

Dongfang Chacha is a little happy:

"So I am one of the best talents in a million?"

Mu Xue nodded and didn't say a word, which was not good for Chacha's confidence.

Of course, tea tea is special, this is true.

Just that eye is enough to make her special.

After a pause, Mu Xue said:

"Call Xiangyu and tell them that we are safe, don't worry, just wait outside with peace of mind."

Dongfang Chacha only remembered to report safety at this time.

Seeing Dongfang Chacha making a call, Mu Xue turned her head to look forward, and there was a looming island in the distance.

She remembered that the appearance of the Misty Island all meant the appearance of Taoism.

The Misty Island is related to the Misty City, and the Taoist artifacts flow from it.

"The Taoist device is nothing, but there should be Anqi fruit on Misty Island, and it will make you cry sour after eating it.

Pick two of them and feed them to Lu Shui.

I am a eldest lady, who brought him a lot of fruit and gave him a young master to eat, why can't I refuse it? "

Thinking of this, Mu Xue felt that it was worth coming to Misty Island this time.

As for Taoism or something, it was not within the scope of her thinking, and it was not what Lu Shui wanted.

"Huh, Xiangyu and the others said they wanted to notify the aunts, otherwise they were uneasy." Dongfang Chacha said.

Mu Xue didn't care, it was not a big deal.

But first they have to find Misty Island.

Although Misty Island swallowed them, the distance was far away.

Xiangyu and Ding Liang may still have a period of searching for Miss Drifting.

Soon they approached the island, but as soon as they reached the edge of the island, they saw someone on the island stalemate.

It was a woman surrounded by five men and women.

It seems that neither one can help each other.

Dongfang Chacha was condescending, and when he saw it, he dared not fly forward, and immediately hid.

Xiangyu specifically asked her not to go over and say hello stupidly when seeing people, stay away, there is no need to avoid contact, it is necessary to see clearly before contacting.

How to judge and understand?

Ask my cousin, Dongfang Chacha thinks he is very witty.

"Cousin, the people below seem to be much better than us. Should we stay away?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

Mu Xue shook her head:

"No, those five people are all Tier 3, and the woman in the middle is only Tier 4, and she is seriously injured.

However, the lean camel was bigger than the horse, and the five people did not dare to rush each other, and could only consume each other with formations.

If it goes on, the woman should be defeated.

None of the remaining Tier 3 can fly with the sword and can't hit you. "

Hearing Mu Xue's words, Dongfang Chacha suddenly regained her confidence, but she found that her cousin knew a lot.

Sure enough, the cousin was also a genius before.

At this time, one of the following five people spoke:

"Fairy, why bother to support and hand over the Taoist artifacts, we promise to leave when we get the Taoist artifacts."

Dao Qi is a treasure that can only be possessed by seniors, and now they have the only chance to get there first.

If you continue to wait, then some seniors will inevitably come in person, not to mention getting the Taoist artifacts, it is a question of whether you can save your life.

The fairy looked at several people and shook his head:

"This Dao device is useful to me, I can't give it to you, and I already know who you are, cough cough, who you are, you can't let me go."

"Cut," the man said, looking at the other four:


The other four nodded. At this time, they could only fight hard. If they drag on, it will be fatal, unless they return without success.

In fact, they were very surprised. They didn't expect the Dao Qi to be obtained so early, and they would have to fight for it in the past.

This time, it's like Misty Island is joking with people.

At this time, the five people began to besiege the fairy with the help of the formation.

However, no matter how the other party attacks, the fairy is always avoiding, and she will never take the initiative to waste her strength when it is not necessary.

She is very weak and does not have much power to waste.

Especially since her face is as pale as paper now, if she wastes her strength at will, she might just fall here.

She had just come out to relax, but she didn't expect such a chance.

High in the sky, the Oriental Tea Tea Ceremony:

"Cousin, how long do you think that woman can last?"

Is the fourth-order so weak?

Can I beat Lu Shui's cousin at Tier 4? "

Mu Xue looked at the battle below and curiously said:

"Why land and water?"

"My cousin Lu Shui would beat me, and he even slapped me in the face. If my cultivation base is not as good as me, I would sneak attack. I didn't win the fight last time.

I decided to challenge the third-tier cousin Lushui, but think about the fourth-tier may be safer. "Dongfang Chacha said.

Mu Xue turned to look at Dongfang Chacha. She felt that she had to fight Lushui as early as possible, otherwise she would never be able to cross Lushui again.

Of course, Mu Xue would definitely not tell Chacha like that.

She just gave an encouraging look and said:

"Come on."

Anyway, waiting for her to marry Lu Shui, when and what cultivation level, they will win the fight.

Cha Cha is pitiful.

This is the end of a cousin who is not good at being a cousin.

But it's okay, she's covered, there will be everything that should be.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion from below.

Mu Xue frowned, and she started to lose both.

But the so-called loss of both sides is actually a victory for one side.

Mu Xue glanced at the fairy below, and finally sighed:

"Chacha, come down."

Chacha responded and immediately lowered the "sword".

Soon they entered the perception of both sides below.

The two sides who were about to lose both sides suddenly stopped, and then returned to the previous stalemate.

The fairy breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party did not come down, then she would have to be seriously injured and escape, and she would also lose the Taoist weapon.

Until the end, she really didn't want to give up.

When Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha came down, the five people were extremely hostile.

"A second-tier peak, one without cultivation base, what is that sword character? Flying magic weapon? It doesn't look like it."

"Are these two people really weak or very strong?"

"Look for an opportunity to try it out. It's best to keep your expressions intact. It's not good if the opponent is really good, but the strong won't talk nonsense with the weak, right?"

The five people are thinking about the pros and cons.

However, none of them acted rashly, or even took the initiative to speak, just waiting for the other party to report their name first.

At least some news can be known from the name.

Dongfang Chacha was a little worried when he was stared by a bunch of people.

But if my cousin said so, it should be fine, right?

The cousin is so clever, but the cousin has no cultivation skills.

When it's over, she has to protect her cousin.

Dongfang Chacha felt that another "sword" in his eyes was about to be used.

Now she is covering her eyes with her hair.

The aunt would expose her eyes everywhere.

Mu Xue didn't care, but Chacha didn't ask too much, otherwise it would be troublesome to explain.

Mu Xue directly chose to ignore the gazes of those people. She looked at the pale fairy and said:

"Show me your Taoist tools."

One sentence shocked everyone. No one thought that this person would say this sentence directly. What does it mean?

What's wrong with Ming grabbing?

The fairy was hesitating, the others were hesitating, they were hesitating whether to do it.

But the other person's words made them a little scared.

Ordinary people dare to say such things?

Or is it that the other party is actually scamming them?

"Then do you want to make a move?"

This is really an extremely difficult choice.

The fairy was the same, she hesitated again and again, finally took out a bead and threw it to Mu Xue.

The beads are just thrown away, and they can be intercepted by using their consciousness at will.

Someone chose to intercept, but he didn't believe that the other party was really strong.

However, as soon as his consciousness stretched over, he suddenly felt a vast expanse of something, and at the moment he touched that thing, his consciousness was directly crushed.


Without warning, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and he knelt down weakly.

His eyes revealed this unspeakable palpitations.

He had no idea what terrible things he felt.

The other people who were going to make a move were directly frightened, and they didn't dare to move when they were frightened.

Is this a real boss?

Even the fairy was surprised, she felt a little grateful.

At this time Mu Xue had already got the beads.

"That's it." Mu Xue said unexpectedly while looking at Zhuzi.

Dongfang Chacha sat next to Mu Xue. She couldn't understand this thing, so she could only ask:

"what is this?"

"The Heavenly Luck Bead, a kind of Taoist artifact related to luck, is indeed very rare. Wearing it can make a person's luck a lot better. The only side effect is that you will occasionally be struck by lightning, which is not a big problem." Mu Xue said.

Dongfang Chacha is puzzled, is this thing useful?

Is it good luck or bad luck to be hacked to death?

If it's good luck, is it because Grandpa Heavenly Tribulation can think of you and kill you?

Mu Xue ignored Dongfang Chacha's cranky thoughts, she just took a look, and threw a bullet of the Heavenly Luck Pearl to the man headed by the five, and said:

"If you want to take it, it's up to you to keep it."

Those five people were surprised, really or not?

Even the fairy is a little excited. Why is that?

The five people looked at Mu Xue with puzzlement.

"Senior seriously?"

Mu Xue nodded.

"Thank you Senior, we are the Five Generals of the Demon Sea. If you have any needs in the future, Senior can contact us directly.

It is our duty.

Then don't bother seniors. "

Saying that the five of them started to back away directly.

After retreating for some distance, he speeded up his escape from here.

They also know that this is strange, but don't they?

If the other party wants to kill them, does it make any difference?

It's better to ask for it, and look for life when the time comes.

Mu Xue just watched all this, without any other plans.

Dongfang Chacha is thinking deeply about the meaning of his cousin.


Mu Xue knocked Dongfang Chacha on the forehead and smiled:

"Don't think about it, there is no other deep meaning, but that thing is not suitable for us to hold.

There is a strong mark on it, which is too troublesome. "

Dongfang Chacha nodded as if understanding.

At this time Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha came to the fairy.

The fairy bowed his head and said gratefully:

"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace."

After all, she was saved.

Naturally need to be grateful.

Mu Xue looked at her and said:

"Don't you resent me?"

"Don't dare." The fairy said immediately.

Mu Xue walked into the island and said by the way:

"Fifth-level advancement failed, and the whole body was severely injured. It's useless to take that Taoist weapon?"

The fairy hesitated and said:

"The younger Qiujinggong disciple Qianyin, the Taoist implement is not actually for himself."


Chu Yu looked at Shi Ming with a frustrated expression.

Hearing Shi Ming's explanation, he was quite panicked. He touched it several times just now.

It's hard to say if I will choke on drinking water after I go back.

"It's not as exaggerated as you think, usually without hitting me, it won't be a big deal." Shi Ming explained.

He found that someone who understands treatment is really good.

There is also the sword in his hand, which is really easy to use, especially sharp.

Lu Shui didn't care about those two people, he couldn't help frowning as he walked in front.

"It's getting more and more, wave after wave, I don't know when to fight."

Lu Shui felt a little helpless, but he didn't care, the trouble was a little troublesome.

Fortunately, there are two thugs, and he doesn't have to shoot himself.

After that, Lu Shui stepped back and said:

"Get ready."

After listening to Lu Shui's words, Chu Yu and Shi Ming naturally understood what they meant.

Then the two each looked ahead, waiting for the appearance of the beast.

This time the footsteps were very soft and the opponent's speed was also very fast.

When the beasts appeared in their eyes, Shi Ming and Chu Yu realized that they were approaching.

It is a group of fierce beasts similar to lynx, cats.

The war is about to start.


The old man withered tree was waiting outside, but he found that many spirit beasts around were scurrying around, and the surrounding formations were also inexplicably spreading.


Suddenly, a huge beast rushed out of the soldier's grave and attacked him directly.

The old man withered tree was shocked.

Then began to counterattack.

With a bang, his attack directly penetrated the fierce beast.

Then the fierce beast began to disappear.

"Illusion?" The old man withered tree was even more surprised.

Even he would fall into the phantom array in it. How strong is this phantom array?

The withered tree old man who was still surprised suddenly looked back, and he felt a powerful force coming towards him.

Turning his head to see, it was actually a sword light, and it was not weaker than his attack strength.

The old man withered tree quickly started to defend, but this time he didn't attack rashly.

boom! ! !

The sword light swept across the dead tree old man directly.

The old man withered tree was repelled a lot.

"It's not for me, it seems that it's not just that I'm caught in the illusion.

Who is driving the formation?

Or did someone touch the formation inside? "

The old man withered tree frowned, just now the formation suddenly expanded, it can't be a coincidence.

"It seems that the water here is very deep, I don't know what happened to the young master."

The old man withered tree was a little worried, but he felt relieved again when he thought that the sword was prepared by the three elders himself.

Even without that sword, in theory, land and water would be fine.

The Lu family usually put their hope on the youngest generation, and Lu Shui is the only seedling, and he definitely has special protection.

Of course, the old man withered tree didn't know everything, and he didn't dare to gamble on such things.

Looking at himself in the maze, the old man withered tree suddenly remembered what Lu Shui had said before.


After hesitating, the old man withered tree stepped eastward:

"If you have nothing left or right, just take a stroll and see what other changes here."

The maze is easy to get in and hard to get out. He is not in a hurry. If he is anxious, he will explore the way first, and then go out along the tracks of those people.

The old man withered tree went all the way to the east. He looked around and didn't see anything, let alone an opportunity to enter the path.

After a long time, the old man withered tree shook his head and sighed.

It seems that he was lucky.

"Let's go back." The old man withered tree was about to turn around and leave.

When he was about to leave, suddenly a gust of wind blew in front of him, with a strange smell in the wind.

"Is it the breath of defeat?"

The old man withered tree was a little surprised, and then strode forward.

Soon he saw it, it was a ruined place.

Thousands of flowers withered, and the vegetation withered, like a Jedi.

The old man withered tree stepped on this ruined place, and felt that this place was in harmony with his way.

"This, there really is."

The old man withered tree was a little surprised, not only because of this place, but also because of Lu Shui's words.

He didn't know if it was a coincidence.

He didn't think much about the old man withered tree going all the way inside. He could feel that this place resonated with his Tao, but he still couldn't touch the threshold of Tao.

He has met many places of this kind, but still can't enter the Tao. What he lacks is an inexorable opportunity.

"Does it really exist here?"

He suddenly began to look forward to what Lu Shui said.

The old man withered tree walked all the way to the center, expecting to have it, but afraid of not.

Soon the old man withered tree came to the center. When he stepped on the center, when he felt the aura of withered tree reached its extreme.

He found that he had found nothing.


A sigh.

After all, it still didn't.

The old man withered tree bowed his head, feeling a moment of loss.

But when he lowered his head, he was suddenly stunned.

He saw that under his feet, there was a green weed, which was growing against the withering, and with a little bit of vitality against the endless withering, its existence was like the only light in the darkness.

After seeing the weeds, the old man withered tree's mind was like a bolt from the blue sky, blank.

He seemed to have figured everything out.

"Living toward death, withered trees in spring, can be called rebirth by ushering in a new life in death.

With such a superficial truth, I have spent my whole life? "

The old man withered tree was a little excited. He looked at the weeds as if they had become everything to him.

That is hope, that is Tao, that is his opportunity.

Once you have an epiphany, you can enter the ranks of the avenue.

At this moment, the old man withered wood began to explode with new life, and the aura of the great road exploded from him.

The whole ruined place became his dojo, the ruined place under his feet began to bloom, and new vegetation was breaking through the ground.

When life is all over the dead, it is the day when he successfully enters the Tao.

The face of the old man withered tree is also turning younger, since he is a new life, he naturally has to look like a new life.

While feeling the opportunity of the avenue, the old man withered tree was still thinking about Lu Shui's words.

He really got the opportunity to enter the path, so is it really just a coincidence?

What kind of coincidence can be such a coincidence?

He didn't believe it.


The breath of the avenue spread instantly, and many people were surprised.

"Someone enters the Tao at this time? It's really bold."

"Entry? It's really an unforgettable opportunity."

"Although I am trapped here, it may not be a good thing. Maybe I can also find an opportunity to enter the Tao."

Although they perceive the breath of entering the Dao, this is a maze, and it is difficult to find people directly.

So just want to interrupt the other party, it takes some time.

At this time, Lu Shui in the Bing Tomb also felt the aura of entering the Dao.

He turned his head and looked behind:

"It seems that the old man withered tree has really gone, and with good luck, there is a real opportunity to enter the path.

But there is no one to guard, if someone is attacked, then there is no possibility of entering the Tao in this life. "

No one will know about the opportunity to enter the path in advance, let alone bring two more people over.

It is impossible to worry too much when you encounter it, because if you miss it, it may be a matter of a lifetime.

Lu Shui looked at the Kendo in his hand:

"The only thing I can help you with is not to use this sword. If you can persist until I handle everything well, then God wants you to enter the Tao.

You can't even think about it. "

Everyone has everybody's opportunity. If you can win it, you can win it. If you can't win it, there is no way.

At this time, Lu Shui heard the unusually harsh:

"Speed ​​up the cleanup, the big guy is here."

Shi Ming and Chu Yu were fighting in a **** battle, they no longer remember how many fierce beasts they had killed.

If they continue to fight like this, they will inevitably become weak.

But Lu Shui's words, "I want this kind of little guy to take action, so you can go and play by yourself." They dare not relax.

They are not stupid, and Lu Shui is obviously different from walking with him.

Ordinary people can't see it here.

"Here." Lu Shuidao.

Shi Ming and Chu Yu were a little desperate.

What else can an abandoned house for decades, a college student who can only type on the keyboard and write?


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