The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 160: Thank you, people are in the soldiers tomb, just...

Lu Shui looked at a group of puppies, waiting for them to speak.

But the group of puppies just looked shivering.

Lu Shui didn't urge him, just lowered his head to read.

In a hurry, after all, there are questions to ask.

Chu Yu and the three people don't know why.

But the big guys are usually unpredictable, they just watch and listen.

Shi Ming didn't care much either, he needed to guard against falling down all the time.

This is a very dangerous thing, especially since there are a lot of sharp rocks around, it is very likely that Chuyu needs help.

He vowed that he would never run around again, and that he would never run into Dongfang Haoyue again.

After hearing this name, he would detour unless Dongfang Haoyue hired him as a thug.

After all, there are really too many elixir.

The elixir he has encountered in this life is not so many and so precious.

Qiao Gan didn't understand Lu Shui's method, but he didn't care. He watched and learned more. It was his opportunity to learn a little.

He didn't dare to ask for other opportunities, as Lu Shui was here, he could safely ask for it boldly.

Lu Shui's vision was no longer something he could speculate at will.

After a long time, Lu Shui heard the sound of the stone touching.

He looked up and found that the surrounding passage doors were closing.

Shi Ming and the others are a little concerned:

"Well, if this is closed, you can't get out?"

Lu Shui shook his head:

"It's not that we can't get out."

As soon as Lu Shui's words fell, a dog suddenly rushed towards the door of the passage at its fastest speed.


A snap finger.

The pure black dog was directly pulled back by a force.

Falling in front of the land water.

At this time, the three stone gates were completely closed.

As the stone gate closed, a dark weapon suddenly rose up at the top of the stairs.

It looks like Fang Tian painted a halberd.

At the moment when they saw this dark weapon, Chuyu and the others had the word "Devil Soldier" appearing in their minds for the first time.

This Fang Tian painted the halberd with a powerful magical nature, majestic and domineering, looking at the world.

But none of the three of them moved, and instinctively told them that they couldn't control this weapon.

Lu Shui naturally saw it too. He stretched out his hand and the magic soldier flew directly into his hand.

The moment Lu Shui grasped the demon soldier, the demon nature on it disappeared instantly.

"This magic weapon is useless except for being a little stronger," Lu Shui said.

"You can't use that." Lu Shui suddenly started talking to the puppies in front of him, and he was a little unhappy, and a little unwilling.

Damn it, you can see through its disguise.

Freedom, freedom is here.

Chuyu and the others are a little surprised, are they really ordinary dogs?

Listen to its voice, is it a magic soldier?

Why did the magic soldier become a dog?

"You are a good demon soldier, why should you be a dog?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

This really should have been an ordinary pup, but the demon soldier seemed to suddenly live on the dog.

This makes him puzzled.

When the doggie looked at Lu Shui, he found this damned human, not strong.

Although it is a terrible feeling, it can sometimes be an illusion.

Yes, an illusion.

Thinking of the puppies like this, he became bold, and he spoke quite arrogantly:

"Call me grandpa and I'll tell you."

As soon as the others were taken aback, they subconsciously wanted to hit the dog.

Lu Shui was not angry, but curiously said:

"what is it call?"

"Grandpa." The dog said very loudly and arrogantly.

Lu Shui leaned back in the chair and whispered:

"But I don't want grandchildren."

The **** was taken aback, and said angrily:

"Damn humans, shameless, despicable.

Do you think I am really afraid of you?

That's all an illusion. Grandpa, I have realized it. It's useless if you call me Dad now. "

Lu Shui looked at the puppies and smiled:

"Knowing the magical powers of Buddhism, is one thought eternal?"

"What do you mean?" The **** didn't understand.

Others do not understand.

Lu Shui stretched out a finger, and the doggie's body involuntarily floated in front of Lu Shui.

"You, do you think attacking is useful for me?" The puppies struggled. He was a little scared, not knowing why, as if it was an illusion.

But just fear.

At this time, Lu Shui pointed his finger on the center of the dog's eyebrows, and said:

"With your ability, you should be able to bear this thought for eternity, and watch me rule forever."


The puppies felt like he was trapped in an endless space. The world was vast and the space was vast.

Then it saw a figure, a person, standing between the sky and the earth, but the sky and the earth seemed to be under his feet.

In the next moment, that person cast his gaze over.

The moment the dog was seen by the other party, his heart trembled.

It seems to have seen the beginning of the world, the beginning of all things, the world is distorting, and time is shattering.

And only the figure of that person is an eternal existence.

All things in the world are like gravel in front of him.

An endless fear began to permeate it, as if it would die in fear.

Uncontrollable fear will tear everything apart.

Desperate, small, helpless, bow down, begging.

Then everything disappeared.

At this time, Lu Shui retracted his finger.

And the puppies turned into a puddle of flesh on the ground, shivering.

Qiao Gan could feel that the dog was scared, scared, and desperate.

He once felt it.

Qiao Gan discovered that even the strongest demon soldier, even the demon soldier who dared to shout at the entire cultivation world, was just an ordinary party in front of Lu Shui.

This strengthened his low-key idea.

Living is the most important thing.

Chu Yu and Shi Ming were also surprised. Sure enough, the big guys are the big guys.

They couldn't understand what Lu Shui used.

Lu Shui leaned on the chair, looked at the puppies on the ground, and said:

"how are you feeling?"

The puppy stood up immediately, and then spoke to the landing water:

"Wow, woof."

"Speaking of people." Lu Shuidao.

"Dad, grandpa, do you need a son or a grandson? I can be both.

A daughter or granddaughter is fine. I know a veterinarian, and I can. "The **** said diligently.

I was afraid of being beaten to death by Mu Xue when I went back, Lu Shui was speechless for a while, and then said:

"I don't want a dog son, nor a dog grandson."

"Then you will be the owner of the dog," said the dog.

Lu Shui always felt that the other party was scolding himself:

"Skip this topic and answer my question."

"Hahaha grandchildren, grandpa is gone, you bunch of rubbish, stay inside." A sudden voice came in from outside.

It was the voice of the dog.

Then everyone looked at the dog.

"This, blindfolded, left on that sword, ha ha ha ha, let's talk about the previous problem."

Gouzi immediately answered the question:

"Actually, I was a dog, but now I am recovering as a dog."

Lu Shui and the others were quite helpless, but there was no voice in the face of the accident, which was a relatively good thing.

"Aren't you a magic soldier?" Chu Yu curiously asked.

"I am a magic soldier, who said that dogs can't be a magic soldier?" Gou Zi righteously said.

"Then, what about this Fang Tianji?" Chu Yu asked Fang Tianhuaji who had been put aside by Lu Shui.

"My weapon, the weapon of the magic soldier is also called the magic soldier, is there any problem?" Gouzi said.

The crowd was a little speechless.

The dog disdainfully said:

"A group of ignorant people...Humans, don't think that I am so weak. As long as I leave the palace, my weapons will return to me. When the time comes, grandpa, I will be the sky high and the birds will fly. Can’t do anything to me."

Then Gouzi went down and said in frustration:

"It's a pity that I couldn't get out, a bunch of waste, my pets have been dragged for so long, they didn't arrive early."

Then the dog glanced at Qiao Gan, the most promising one was even dug out, **** it.

Qiao Qian was inexplicable, always feeling that this **** was resenting him.

Lu Shui naturally knew that the colorful sword was used to suppress magic soldiers, but it was surprising that the body was a dog.

He thought he lived as a dog temporarily.

"Are you living in the age when Xianting was still there? How many forces were there at that time?" Lu Shui asked.

He mainly wants to know some questions.

In order to find out why these people targeted the Lu family.

Gouzi immediately said:

"Four, one Taoist school, one undefeated fairy court, one undefeated gods, and finally the Kuhai Buddhism."

"Why did they fall? Is there anything left?" Lu Shui asked again.

The dog struggled, as if thinking about something, and finally pretended to be mysterious:

"There is one thing to say, and everyone understands this matter. If you don't understand, you don't understand it after you say it. It's better not to say it.

Don’t ask me what’s wrong. The benefits are too much, and it’s not good for you to say it. Just don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that there is a deep water in it and many big people are involved.

It is difficult for you to find detailed information yourself. There is definitely no record in this area in the cultivation world, so I can only say that if you understand, there is nothing you can do about it. "

Lu Shui looked at the puppies, then picked up Fang Tian's painted halberd on one side, and then hit the dog on the leg.

Click, the dog's leg is broken.

"Wow, woof." The dog screamed frantically.

Especially miserable.

Lu Shui looked at the dog and said:

"speak English."

The dog lowered his head and licked his broken paw and said:

"It may be related to Lu."

Lu Shui frowned and heard Lu again.

"Who is Lu? First or last name?" Lu Shui asked.

"Lu Shi...Huh." Gouzi suddenly became a little confused, and then said sadly:

"Who is Lu?

Yeah, who is Lu?

No, Lu is dead. Lu must be dead. Otherwise, how could I not remember who Lu was?

Who can kill Lu? "

Then the dog stopped again, it didn't understand:

"Um, I don't know who Lu is, why should I be so uncomfortable?

Yeah, why should I feel uncomfortable?

am I crazy?

What does human beings have to do with me? "

Then the dog fell silent and continued to lick his broken leg.

Lu Shui frowned, and he heard the name Lu at least three times.

Once from Huaxian, once from Xianshan Chance, and once from Demon Soldier.

Huaxian can ignore it, it's just a small character.

Xianshan's chance is different, the existence in that deep place is not simple at all.

But it's hard to tell if the other party is that Lu.

But the words of Demon Bing Gouzi surprised him. Lu was dead, so he forgot.

The magic soldier dog is definitely not a mortal thing, it can be forgotten, it is a very special existence.

Of course, although it is more unexpected, this is not what Lu Shui wants to know.

Then Lu Shui said again:

"Why are you sealed here?"

The dog was no longer sad, it immediately said:

"It's the grandson of Emperor Zun. He threw me over and sealed me by the way."

"Why did you throw you here?" Lu Shui asked.

This reminded him of the legend from Lefeng.

"I remember this. At that time, it seemed that someone was recording something secretly. Later, he was discovered by Emperor Zun, and then that person ran away. Emperor Zun used me to kill her, and finally suppressed me here.

That's about it, I can't remember the others.

You can't expect how good a dog remembers. "The dog said.

Lu Shui frowned, then asked:

"Where is that person suppressed?"

Gouzi stood up, then pointed his paw to the ground and said:

"Below, I feel that someone has already gone down. They seem to have known the location early in the morning."

Someone is the first to get there? No, their purpose is clear, these people are from Xianting? Lu Shui had a judgment, and then said to the demon soldier Gouzi:

"open circuit."

The magic soldier dog did not dare to hesitate, and immediately found his way down.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Shi Ming and others, saying:

"Leave yourself. The way out is different. It should be easy to leave."

If the people below are really from Xian Ting, then he can't take these people there, it will be a burden if they go.

He has given Shi Ming's prescription, and Qiao Gan's Qingtianming Shenjue has also been instructed, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

Chu Yu immediately raised his hand and said:

"Boss, add a contact information, you can find me when you have a dead world, I am familiar with it."

Lu Shui hesitated and agreed.

Although he also ran out occasionally, it was not often after all. Many online deceptions were deceived.

So someone can ask.

After the magic soldier Gouzi found his way, Lu Shui left the palace with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

As for the palace gates have also been opened.

Enough for everyone to leave.

Watching Lu Shui leave, Qiao Gan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he kept a low profile in the future.

He had no right to know about the demons.

Then he slowly retreated when Shi Ming and Chu Yu were not paying attention.

Shi Ming looked at Chu Yu with a look of surprise:

"What is this?"

"Mobile phone, don't you know?" Chu Yu was a little surprised. Some senior sisters in his sect didn't know, but they never went out. Unexpectedly, Shi Ming didn't know.

"Why do you use it? Can he contact? Feijian Sound Transmission?" Shi Ming was quite curious.

Everyone is a kind of friendship, and Chuyu naturally told it carefully.

After a long time, Chuyu felt a small stone hit on his head.

He was a little surprised:

"There will be small rocks here? So bad luck?"

When he talked about bad luck, he suddenly remembered something, and then looked at Shi Ming in horror.

Without a word, he turned his head and ran, and even fell halfway.

"Shi Ming, don't catch up, I'll let you see if you catch up." Chu Yu got up and screamed as he ran.

Shi Ming was dumbfounded, and he also remembered.

Dongfang Haoyue had left, it was time for others to be unlucky.

But before Chu Yu reacted, he gave him two mobile phones and left his contact information.

It's just that he doesn't know how to use it, and he doesn't know whether to send it to Senior Sister.

"Think about it or forget it, I don't know how to chat with the senior sister, maybe she still resents me."

When he went down, Lu Shui drew a rune for himself. This rune was painted on his face, and its only function was to prevent others from seeing him clearly.

"Is Gou Ye shameless?" The Magic Soldier Gouzi asked curiously.

Lu Shui glanced at the dog and said:

"You recovered quickly from your injury."

The dog stopped talking for a while, and it was afraid that it would come again. It would not die anymore. The pain was really painful.

Lord Gou deceived people too much, no, deceived the dog too much.

Lu Shui kept going down, with the magic soldier in his hand, but this thing didn't work well, so he just threw it aside after thinking about it.

"Can you summon when you use it?" Lu Shui asked.

The dog nodded.

It can be, but it is a powerful magic soldier, so he just throws it away as trash, doesn't he respect the magic soldier?

Thinking of this, the dog was overjoyed and said:

"Dog owner, you just lost me too, right?"

"It's not a big problem. When I'm done, where do you like to go?" Lu Shui said.

He doesn't raise a dog, and the magic soldier is useless. It doesn't matter where he loves to go.

He just wanted to see if he could get any clues.

The dog was overjoyed, freedom, freedom beckoned to it.

The sky is big and the earth is big, it just goes anywhere.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the lowest position, and what he held in his hand was the sword given to him by the old withered tree.

When he came down, he saw a ruin.

"This is the result of Emperor Zun throwing me over, and that person is in the center of the ruins." Demon Soldier Gouzi said.

At this time, the demon soldier had been summoned by the dog, and it was lying on Fang Tian's painted halberd.

As an ordinary dog, it is too tired to run, and it is still comfortable to sit on its own weapon.

The existence of a dog is special, and its weapons are also special, and other people basically can't use it.

I just don't know who built this weapon.

Lu Shui didn't think much, but went to the center. He could perceive three people inside, each of which was Tier 4.

Not very easy to deal with.

Fortunately, there has been a lot of time in the past few days, and his effective method has sent him into the 3.7 level of cultivation.

Before long, he will be able to enter the ranks of the fourth order.

That will be the day when he will show his great power.

If he is happy, he can also take time to make a fuss and celebrate.

Soon Lu Shui saw three people, two men and one woman.

They were talking about something around a tombstone.

"Did the notice go out?"

"I am notified, but how do you make sure that something is in the Hidden Sword Valley?"

"The name on the tombstone."

"Mu Ling? What can I see from this? Or is Mu Ling a person from Hidden Sword Valley? Hidden Sword Valley does not have such a long history, right?"

"It is handwriting. I am naturally sensitive to text symbols. There is the same handwriting in a certain inscription in the Tibetan Sword Valley.

So nine out of ten things are in Tibetan Sword Valley.

And with Mu Ling's name alone, I think the seniors can also find out the Hidden Sword Valley, but it will take some time.

We are now giving them a direction, and verification will be quick. "

Just when the others were fully enlightened, suddenly a gust of wind blew by.

Then all three of them sensed a strange power.

Soon, two of them were directly attacked and fell to the ground. Their fate is unknown.

Lu Shui stood beside the two fallen people and watched the only one who was still awake.

Three Tier 4, no sneak attack, very troublesome to fight.

waste time.

"Who are you?" The only sober man looked at Lu Shui with alertness, he was even trying to contact the senior outside.

Lu Shui looked at this person and didn't stop him, but asked:

"Are you from Xian Ting?"

The man frowned:

"What fairy garden?"

"Who made you come here?" Lu Shui didn't entangle Xianting's question, but directly changed the question.

The man did not speak.

Lu Shui looked at the other party and sighed, and said:

"Do it."

The man didn't understand Lu Shui's words, but soon he felt a force knocking on the back of his head.

Then he lost consciousness.

Lu Shui didn't plan to get tangled with these people, and the top priority should still go to the Hidden Sword Valley.

"It seems that the people in Hidden Sword Valley suddenly find Lefeng, and it is not without reason.

They knew early in the morning that the people from Xian Ting would come to them. "Lu Shui thought to himself.

It's just that there is no signal here, and he doesn't know what's going on with Lefeng.

Lu Shui looked at the Demon Soldier Gouzi, and said:

"Can you find the things left by the people on this tombstone?"

The dog thought for a moment and said:

"If the breath is still there, I can find it, but the dog master can't expect me to do it. I am now a pup who has just been born. I have the ability to escape, but I can't fight."

"Lead the way," Lu Shui said.

He hadn't counted on the demon soldiers to fight, and it was pretty good to be able to help find the way.

Then Lu Shui stepped on Fang Tian's painted halberd and rushed out of the mountain of Bingzhong.

When he looked condescendingly at the soldiers tomb, he found that the formation here was almost fully activated.

Few people can escape here.

"You did it?" Lu Shui asked naturally the dog.

"Yeah, don't trap them, what if I get out of trouble and they have to chase me?" said the dog.

Lu Shui nodded. That's okay, it bought him a lot of time.

Then he snapped his fingers, and for an instant, the maze below rolled over, and the level went deeper, making it harder to leave one by one.

The dog was surprised, but felt normal again.

"Let's go." Lu Shui said.

"Okay, Lord Gou." In response, the magic soldier Gouzi Yu Fangtian painted a halberd and pierced the air through the landing water.

Gao Yuan frowned. This time he personally sat in the soldier's grave, waiting for the news, but after receiving the news, he found that he could not get out.

"In the beginning, it was obvious that it could be broken open by force, but now it takes a few days to break open. Who is it that made the move in the soldier's tomb?

The Demon Soldier had obviously left. "

The lofty distance is puzzling.

The current way is to contact people outside to go to Hidden Sword Valley.

But the secret method could not contact other people in Xian Ting.

Even the mobile phone has basically no signal. Only when it flies to the extreme edge can there be such a Now that the internal contact of Bingzhong has been blocked, there is always a bad feeling. "Gao Yuan sighed.

He had asked people to go to Hidden Sword Valley, but he still couldn't notify the others in Xianting.

After all, there is no mobile phone contact information between them.

"I hope there will be no more accidents."

Gao Yuan feels that things are not going well recently.

The previous few times were considered irrelevant, but this time it was not irrelevant. The senior took this place very seriously.

Although I don't know what is hidden here, it must be something important.

After that, Gao Yuan began to bombard the formation and wanted to leave here soon.

Many people are like Gao Yuan. After all, the magic soldier has already left, and it may be too late to chase him.

At least you should see what the demons look like.

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