The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 175: How can you have a girlfriend when you write a novel

   "What do you mean?"

   Facing this answer, Hong Su didn't know how to answer for a while.

   Everyone now knows that the sun **** is going to the Lu family to challenge Lu Wuwei. The level of the sun **** is beyond Hongsu and I don't know how much. It's because of the difference in realm that she couldn't make a conclusion for a while.

   After thinking about it, Hong Su said:

   "At the time, it was rumored that the ancestors lost three tricks to the elders of the Lu family. If the growth rate of the elders of the Lu family does not slow down, then it should be better than the sun god."

   "Wrong." The woman in the pavilion put down the needle and thread in her hand and said.

   The woman stood up, and she turned to look at Hong Su.

   This is a beautiful and unparalleled woman, her young face has not been eroded by the years, and her eyes are filled with indescribable brilliance, as if there are stars and everything.

   Ningxia, the ancestor of Qiaoyunzong, a strong man in the same era as the elder of the Lu family.

   "Xiao Hongsu, you said something wrong."

   "Which one does the ancestor refer to?"

   "This is not a three-stroke defeat and Lu Wuwei."

   Hongsu was a little surprised. She had never asked her ancestors about this matter. This is a gossip passed by the ancestors of the past.

All the relevant records in the sect were destroyed by the ancestor, and it is not allowed to record this incident unless the ancestor died.

   Therefore, it can only be passed on by word of mouth.

   But the ancestors are still alive for so long.

   She remembers that there is also a message book, which is the message of the suzerain.

   Most of them were left by the supreme lord and the end of the day.

The content of    is roughly:

   When he took office, I took over as the lord today and received word of mouth news that I will live to the end.

   When the end is approaching, I am ashamed of the trust of the past sect masters. After all, the younger generation did not survive to the end. I hope the next generation can survive the ancestor.

   This is mostly the case.

   Stop thinking about it, Hong Su asked:

   "The ancestor was actually on par with the elder of the Lu family?"

   Ningxia slowly shook his head and said:

   "This seat, I only took one move and I lost."

  红素: "……"

   She will continue to pass the failed version of the three moves.

   "The ancestors and the Lu family elders were in the same state back then?" Hong Su asked.

   Ningxia nodded slightly:

   "At that time, we were still very young, but we are already invincible among our peers, and the older generation has few opponents.

   Lu Wuwei has no reputation at all.

   If it wasn't for the younger sister of this seat who fell in love with Lu Wuwei's younger brother, this seat would not know that Lu Wu is a person.

   However, this seat was opposed at that time. Although the Lu family was strong, there was no one in the same generation. This made this seat feel that the Lu family would decline at any time.

   A behemoth falls, that is fatal.

   So this seat has only one requirement. As long as someone from the Lu family can make ten moves with this seat, this seat will be able to agree to this marriage. "

   Hongsu was a little surprised. She knew about this for the first time. It turned out that the relationship between the ancestor and the Lu family was so close, than she was closer to the Lu family.

   But the ancestor doesn't seem to have the slightest contact with the Lu family, this relationship is almost gone.

  , too, in two generations, she and the Lu family will also be strangers, and the love left by Zhen'er will not last for a few generations.

   Soon Hong Su stopped thinking about this. How can the cultivation world have time to think about this?

   "Later, the ancestor's opponent was the current elder of the Lu family?" Hong Su asked.

   "Well, that's him.

   When I made this request, I thought they would become angry.

   But they didn't expect that they just nodded in agreement.

   Lu Wuwei appeared in front of us the next day.

   This seat is very surprised, I have never heard of such a strong one among the Lu family's peers.

After   , Lu Wuwei said something that made me a little angry. "Ning Xia said in retrospect.

   "What's that?" Hong Su asked curiously.

   "I only have one sword, it's enough." Ning Xia sighed a little:

   "At that time, I was still young and invincible of my peers, because this sentence would have emotions and it was reasonable.

   But this does not make this seat weaker.

   Then I faced the sword directly.

   This seat still remembers how small the seat was before that sword, and it was also that sword that let this seat know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

   Lu Wuwei at that time was indeed enough to deal with this seat.

   That sword also made Lu Wuwei a blockbuster.

   One sword knows the world.

After   , Lu Wuwei became the youngest elder of the Lu family, the second elder of the Lu family. "

   "I feel that the Lu Family Elder is very strong." Hong Su said.

   The senior elder of the Lu family is terrifying, she naturally hasn't seen it, and it's even more difficult to know about him.

   There is no ancestor of the same generation, she may never know these things.

   Ningxia walked to the pavilion, looked up at the sky, and said:

   "It may be a little overbearing."

   "But you also suffered from Daozong's loss later?" Hong Su asked.

   Ningxia looked at Hong Sudao:

   "Dao Zong's loss? You are talking about what Lu Wuwei later asked to see the Dao Zong elder, and the weak who were humiliated by the Dao Zong elder were not qualified to ask?"

   Hongsu nodded:

   "Isn't this fake?"

   "It's true, it's just a bit different from what you think."

   paused, Ningxia asked:

   "Have you heard of the fate of that elder?"

   Hong Su hadn't been born yet, so she could only hear about it.

   "I've heard that the Dao Sect elder was killed by the sudden rise of the Hidden Sky Sect Sect Master." Hong Su said.

   "Do you know how long it has been since Lu Wuwei was humiliated?" Ning Xia asked.

   Hongsu shook his head, she really didn't know this.

   "For one month, Lu Wuwei left Daozong and did not return to Lu's house.

   One month later, the Hidden Sky Sect rose up, and the elder of Dao Sect was killed by the Hidden Sky Sect's master in Dao Sect.

   Hidden Sky Sect Sect Master left calmly. "Ning Xia looked at Hong Su with a shocked face, and asked:

   "Do you think this is just a coincidence?"

   Hongsu was indeed shocked. Is this the secret of history?

   She never knew.

   "The ancestor means that the Sect Master of Yintian is..."

   "Don't tell it, there are some things you know, but if you say it, it will be different."

   "But why did Elder Lu Family do this? Isn't it too reckless?"

  "This matter has something to do with Lu Youting, the little girl of the Lu family. There are some twists and turns. I'll talk about it later.

   Let's focus on Lu Wuwei and the sun god. "Ning Xia looked into the distance and said:

   "The sun **** has been sleeping, it is not easy to provoke the Lu family elder before he wakes up.

   The world of comprehension is about to rise. "

   Hongsu can also feel it, but she knows too little.

   But she was still very curious about the Dao Sect at that time. When the ancestors are free, God knows it will take thousands of years.

   "That's right." Ningxia suddenly said:

  "You just asked Lu Wuwei if he would lose, right?

   What I can tell you is, not to mention that the sun **** is just a clone, even if it is the real body, he must drink hate. "

   Hongsu is somewhat unexpected:

   "Why is the sun **** for?"

   "For the sake of testing, at least part of it may be like this.

   Many people who have lived for a long time want to know what Lu Wuwei is in now.

   He has disappeared from the realm of comprehension for too long, too long.

   I am also very curious about his state, whether he is strong or weak.

   Or something went wrong. "Ning Xia looked expectantly.


   Not only Qiao Yunzong, after the sun **** mark appeared, Xian Ting, Kuhai Buddhism are all paying attention to Lu Jia.

  The people on the magic repair side are also paying attention, but they pay more attention to the dunya.

   And because of the active demonic cultivator, it makes many Taoist cultivators living in the secular world uncomfortable.

   These demons are not abiding by the rules, and they come around at night.

   There is a cultivator in a community who is troubled by demonic repairs.

   This cultivator was sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard diligently.

   "My name is Chu Yu, a disciple of Baihuagu, a third-tier cultivation base, and a college student."

   "Although I am in college, I have already started to make money concurrently. Yes, writing novels is what I have been working hard to do."

   "Because I met that big guy, my thoughts have been surging recently, and they are getting more and more every day."

   "Why do I live in the community? In fact, this is all earned by my hard work writing novels over the years."

   "Huh? Where did I live?"

   "I used to live in a villa, and I don't understand why I lived in the community just as I wrote it. It's probably because I was too hardworking."

   "But my life has been very bad recently. Some magic repairs always come to the neighborhood at night to make troubles. They make me codewords during the day and night to kill demons. (In July, I am on summer vacation and don't have to go to class.)."

After    click to release, Chuyu has completed today's update volume.

   He stretched his waist and sighed:

   "I don't know if those magic repairs will come again tonight, I always feel that these people have done a lot.

   And the things in their hands are strange, they seem to be connected somewhere. "

   Under normal circumstances, magic cultivators will not come to chaos in the world.

   They are smarter than the other.

   is suddenly coming out now, it must not be a brain cramp.

   Chuyu walked to the balcony. He looked at the blue sky and frowned slightly:

   "I don't know if it's an illusion. In these two days, I always feel that the stars at night are much brighter, and sometimes I can see a little bit during the day."


   At this time, Chuyu heard the doorbell.

   Then he walked over to open the door, as if he was not surprised at the doorbell.

   The door opened, and there was a beautiful woman standing at the door with a little monkey on her shoulder.

   "Sword Fall Fairy, long time no see, where is your brother?" Chuyu looked at the woman and said hello.

   Yes, the person who came is naturally Jianyifeng’s sword fall, Jianqi’s sister.

   On her shoulders is a psychic monkey with a sword.

   The sword opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

   However, Chuyu reached out his hand to stop him:

  " Fairy Jianluo doesn't need to speak, I don't want to listen to the harsh language of the fairy. In fact, the fairy is a good person and has a good heart, but the words are too ugly.

   It is recommended to be dumb. "

   The sword fell, his eyes cold, and he calmly said:

   "..., can you find a Taoist couple like this?"

   Chuyu stepped out of the gate and let the sword fall in, by the way:

  " Taoist couple?

  Fairy didn’t know I wrote a novel?

  How can you have a Taoist couple when you write novels?

   Isn't this delaying my codeword. "

   Jianluo walked into the room, she glanced at Chuyu, and said calmly:

   "I'm sick."

   "My brother said he had some discoveries, he went to have a look, let me come to you first." Jian Luo added.

   Then he started feeding the psychic monkey with peaches.

   Chu Yu closed the door and curiously said:

   "Why did the Kenichi Summit let you come?

   The magic repair matter can't cause you guys, right? "

   "I don't know, the elder asked us to come, saying that the magic repair map is absolutely extraordinary, let's see if there are any clues." Jian Luo said.

   Then she gently sat on the sofa and said:

   "Oh, we heard that many sects have sent people on the way. It's a confrontation between the younger generation of demons.

  My brother said that someone might want to confuse this pool of water.

   So it's better to be careful in future actions.

   By the way, the most important thing for the younger generation is a person named Liu Huo. If you see this person, I suggest you not be an enemy of him, or you will be a **** for your novel. "

   Chuyu disdain, no matter how strong this Liuhuo is, can someone he knows be strong?

  He is someone who has the contact information of the boss.


   It's never possible to be an eunuch, at best it's unfinished.


   Dongfang Chacha came to Mu Xue’s residence while walking today.

   She probed the yard and found that the ice phoenix was still chained. This ice phoenix is ​​fierce and will peck her.

   She was accidentally pecked several times before.

   "It seems to be a bit fatter." Dongfang Chacha looked at Bingfeng and said subconsciously.

   "Miss Chacha?" Ding Liang walked out at this time and cried respectfully.

   "Where is my cousin?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

   "Miss is not here." Ding Liang replied.

   Dongfang Chacha is a little curious:

   "Cousin isn't here? Where did you go?"

   "I went on a date with Master Lu." Ding Liang replied.

   "Dating?" Dongfang Chacha didn't understand:

   "Will be yes, no, no, what is a date?"


   Ding Liang listened to what Dongfang Chacha said, and looked at Dongfang Chacha with a mistaken expression.


  Lushui naturally followed Mu Xue on the streets of Qiuyun Town at this time.

   His parents are particularly keen to let him cultivate relationships with Mu Xue.

  Probably looking forward to holding his grandson.

   "Speaking of which, the accident in this life is a bit weird.

   If you really get married after the new year, is it particularly easy to have children? "Lu Shui couldn't help thinking.

   Seems, it’s not a bad thing either.

   If you really have a child, you must keep his child away from the Dongfang scum.

   "No way, no way, you have to consider retiring, there is still a chance in half a year.

   I don’t believe that parents can advance the marriage process. "

   "What is Master Lu thinking?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

   Lu Shui collected his thoughts, and then asked:

   "Miss Mu is not worried?"

   Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and expressed doubts.

   Lu Shui pointed to the sky and said:

   "The sun **** is coming."

   "Where is Master Lu?" Mu Xue asked.

   Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

   "I am the Lu Family Master after all, and I have to stand on the Lu Family's side if I am worried or not, it doesn't matter whether I am a waste young master or not."

   Mu Xue stopped, she looked at Lu Shui, stretched her eyebrows and smiled:

   "I am Lu Shaoye's fiancée after all, so I have to stand on Lu Shaoye's side whether I am worried or not. It has nothing to do with whether I have a cultivation base or not.

   Master Lu is my position. "

   Lu Shui was stunned, and finally turned his head to stop looking at Mu Xue, and did not respond to Mu Xue.

   Instead, he walked forward, by the way:

   "I invite Miss Mu for dessert."

  Muxue didn't say much, just hummed and followed Lu Shui.

   On the street, you can see the figures of Lu Shui and Mu Xue heading towards the flower rain and snow season.

   "Ms. Mu is not afraid of getting fat?"

   "Master Lu didn't know if there was a talk about weight loss?"



   Not long before Lu Shui and Mu Xue came to the Huayu Snow Season, Mu Xue liked this place, and Lu Shui would naturally not go anywhere else.

   He really wants to know if Mu Xue really eats fat, will he lose weight.

   After all, Mu Xue hasn't cultivated until now, it is really possible to eat fat.

   However, she might cheat with her ambiguity.

   When Lu Shui entered the door, he glanced at a stone beside the door.

After   , I didn’t care.

   This stone seems to be sleeping.

   "Welcome." As soon as Lu Shui entered, he heard a waiter speak softly at the counter.

   is still one of those triplets.

   Waiting for Lu Shui and Mu Xue to sit down before the waiter asked them to order.

   Mu Xue ordered dessert.

  Lushui can eat anything, even muxue.

   Of course, it is impossible to eat it now, and it is impossible for Mu Xue to give it to him.

   hasn't got married yet, or the relationship hasn't reached that point yet.

   After ordering, Huaji came over, and the order was the rainy season just now.

   "That, I don't know if the two are free?" Hua Ji said with some embarrassment:

   "Oh, please don't pay for dessert today."

   Muxue and Lu Shui naturally understood what this person was talking about, and they agreed to take pictures for them last time.

   said that there is another person, and the four of them want to take a group photo.

   But the photography technique is not good, and Muxue (Landshui) support is needed.

   Mu Xue agreed to make it, so this time Mu Xue still has to answer:

   "Are you taking pictures?"

   "Yes." The blooming girl smiled at Mu Xue, looking very happy and grateful.

   "Bring the camera over, and then call someone." Mu Xue said.

   "Thank you, work..." Huaji didn't know what to call Mu Xue for a while.

   "My last name is Mu." Mu Xue whispered.

   "Miss Lamour," Hua Ji said.

   then went to pick up the camera in the blooming season.

   Soon the camera was brought over, and the desserts were naturally delivered.

   Mu Xue didn't rush to eat, but fiddled with it with the camera, and then looked at Lu Shui, as if he was all counting on Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui didn’t know what to say for a while, why was he so used to Mu Xue?

   Recently, hatred is getting harder and harder.

   But seeing Mu Xue's eyes, he had no choice but to give guidance.

  Flower Season also naturally informed An Yu.

   The appearance of the sun **** did not make An Yu busy, the level difference was too much, this matter did not have the fourth round to participate.

   With free time, she will naturally go to meet the couple who can take pictures.

   When An Yu came to the door of the Huayu Snow Season Store, the Snow Season took her to walk quickly.

   "Anyu, hurry up, it's not good to trouble others for too long."

   Soon An Yu was drawn to Lu Shui and Mu Xue. Xue Ji said to Mu Xue very well:

   "Miss Mu, we are all here, I'm going to trouble you."

   Mu Xue and Lu Shui are still looking down on how to shoot.

   Hearing what Xue Ji said, Mu Xue raised her head and agreed, and then continued to let Lu Shui teach her.

   Xueji had to pull An Yu to take a group photo at this time, but he couldn't pull it all at once.

   Xue Ji looked at An Yu curiously.

   Only then did she find An Yuzheng looking at Lu Shui with a surprised expression.

   "An Yu?" Xue Ji didn't understand.

   An language expression has changed a lot.

  Anyu looked at Lu Shui with shock, or a little worried.

   Seeing these people like Xue Ji, she knew that the three sisters of Hua Yu Xue Ji had no idea who this person was.

   Is this crazy?

   Let the Lu Family Master help to take pictures, this... how can they afford to live.

   Then An Yu bowed his head and respectfully said:

   "Young, master?"

   Hearing someone called Master, Lu Shui looked up, then he saw An Yu and said:


   "You, why are you here?" An Yu asked.

   "I need to explain to you?" Lu Shui asked.

  Anyu immediately lowered his body and said uneasy:

   "Don't dare."

  The attitude and words of Anyu can be heard and seen by all three of them in the Huayuxue Season.

   For a moment, the three of them were a little shocked and worried. They never thought that this person was their young master, and they had been asking the young master to help take pictures and were dying.

   Then the three of them stood behind An Yu consciously, as if they had done something wrong and were waiting for it to happen.

  Muxue naturally knew what these people thought, and then she said:

   "Don't worry, it's me who helped you take pictures, and it has nothing to do with Master Lu."

   Anyu looked at Mu Xue, knew who the other party was at once, and then whispered:

   "Young lady, this matter is us..."

   "We have to help, stand up and I will take pictures for you." Mu Xue interrupted An Yu's words with a smile.

  An Yu and others were stunned, but they didn't dare to fail.

   Lu Shui put his cheek in one hand and looked at Mu Xue. It turned out that a young lady could make her so happy.

   For An Yu and others, Lu Shui naturally has nothing to say.

   What an offense is considered serious. His help in taking pictures has nothing to do with his identity.

   In other words, he was just helping Mu Xue.

   Without Mu Xue, he would naturally not help.

Too troublesome.

   Waiting for An Yu and others to stand, Mu Xue started to focus, and then asked Lu Shui:

"Is that right?"

   "A little bit to the left."

   "This way?"

   "A little bit to the right."

   "This way?"

   "Let's go one point."

   "This way?"

   "Next point."

   "Master Lu, did you deliberately?"

   Are you stupid?

After   , Lu Shui stopped talking, but started to help Mu Xue find a good angle.

  Lushui can always smell a faint fragrance near Muxue.

   waited to help take a good photo, Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and asked softly:

   "Miss Mu, did you brush your teeth this morning?"

   Mu Xue, who was originally very happy, was stunned after hearing these words.

   In that instant, she wanted to punch Lu Shui with her fist, then bit Lu Shui’s lips, and asked him if he had bad breath or something wrong, and asked this question.

   It didn't take long for Lu Shui and Mu Xue to finish their dessert and leave the flower rain and snow season.

   After watching Lu Shui and the others leave, An Yu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

   Hua Ji immediately said:

   "An Yu, did you really admit your mistake?

   This is the young master? "

   "What are you talking about?" An Yu was a little helpless.

   "But why didn't the young master tell me clearly?".

   "Why do you want to say?"

   The three of them have nothing to say in the rainy and snowy but they always feel that the master is different from what they think, and the grandma is different from what they think.

   Otherwise, they wouldn't have any doubts at all.

   But fortunately, I took the picture.


   Toothache Fairy and Dog exhaled after burying the last jade outside Qiuyun Town.

  "Okay, what the little brother Lu Shui explained has been completed.

   But the big family and the little brother know what this is for? "The toothache fairy curiously said.

   Now his teeth don't hurt. It's not that it's all right, but the dentist temporarily relieved the pain.

   His teeth are tricky and it takes some time.

   But for the toothache fairy, this is a big step for success.

   "Guye is wise and martial artist, how could his idea be something we can guess?" Gouzi licked his paw and said.

   The toothache fairy nodded and agreed, and then curiously said:

   "The big family and the little brothers are not ordinary dogs, right?"

   Gouzi Gougou glanced, disdainfully said:

   "I'm the grandson of the dog, the dog brother of God's Tribulation, maybe ordinary?"

   "Then, can you eat the sun? I heard the tengu eat sun when I was young." The toothache fairy asked the little sun that was slowly getting bigger.

   "...I am a domestic dog, that is, a wild dog has no food to eat, and he doesn't choose food."

"Is that right?"

   "Yes, I live a long time, Uncle Dog, I won't lie to you."

   One person and one dog went to the town like this. They are now entangled in what to eat for the next meal, it is really impossible, they can only go to rob the dog Aotian.

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