The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 179: The true **** is dead

At this time, Lu Shui was on top of the lava, and he stood there full of fire, as if merged with the lava.

Jian Luo looked at Lu Shui and recalled many things in his mind.

Her brother told her that when he was out not long ago, he met someone.

A person who prevents him from drawing a sword.

Her brother said that even though he lost when facing the Son of the Sun, he never gave up.

Give him time, his sword can slash the Son of the Sun.

But when I met that person, when I saw him, when I got to know him, I was already defeated.

Her brother said that he had no chance of defeating that person.

But I was convinced that I lost again.

Her brother didn't tell her who this person was, only that the little monkey lived because of him.

Originally, Jian Luo couldn't understand why the little monkey would give this person peaches, but now she understands.

This person is the one her brother said.

It was the one who prevented her brother from drawing the sword.

It is the flow fire known as a peerless arrogant.

No wonder the other party would say that as long as his brother dared to draw his sword against him, he would have the possibility of reaching the top.

He was not boasting about himself at all, on the contrary, he was boasting about her brother.

She was so stupid that she couldn't hear it.

Jian Luo was a little grateful, but fortunately Chu Yu stopped her, otherwise he would offend this terrible person.

At this time, Chu Yu was also looking at Lu Shui, he did not look at the sword falling on one side, but took a deep breath.

Although I don't know what Lu Shui means, and although I don't know how to get to the summit, I can't do it now.

The lava is about to pass the platform.

If this continues, who knows if he can survive.

Then Chuyu looked at Zhenwu Zhenling and said:

"Which, can you lend me a mask?"

He needs to persuade everyone to keep up with his pace. This is something everyone sees. Even if it fails, everyone is going to die.

If he succeeds, he wants to become famous, and he is called by a bunch of people, how can he write well?

Therefore, low-key is the best.

Zhenwu threw out two masks. In fact, Chuyu didn't say anything, Zhenwu would also make them disguise. After all, Chuyu is different from them, they are not easy to be troubled, but Chuyu will definitely do.

Chuyu took the two masks and gave a sword by the way.

The little monkey itself is hidden, which is not a big problem.

The psychic monkeys are special, so the elders who were raised by swords imposed special methods when they went out.

Not easily exposed.

After they were all ready, Chuyu adjusted his breathing, and then began to get lucky.

He chose the best time, that is, he spoke about two minutes before the platform was submerged. His voice changed, it became ethereal and majestic:

"Dear friends, listen to me."

The sudden voice of Chuyu made many people look at him.

Especially those who are about to be touched by lava.

It is hoped that there will be some turning point.

At the moment everyone saw it, Chuyu continued to speak:

"None of us can reach the top."

This is nonsense, something obvious, everyone knows it.

But before they could question, Chuyu's voice sounded again, this time directly shaking everyone's thoughts.

"But it doesn't mean we can't reach the top, I have a way."

I have a way to equate with straw and let everyone subconsciously grasp it.

"I don't know who you are, but what is your way?"

"Yeah, there is a way to say it quickly, no, it's because you're guilty of getting it right after you confessed. Please also ask fellow daoists to speak out."

"It's okay to have a spirit stone, as long as you can get out of this ghost place."

Chu Yu didn't pause for long, but looked around for a week and said:

"Climb to the top together."

To the top together?

Everyone is a little puzzled, no one can climb to the top, how can we climb to the top together?

This time Chuyu did not give them a chance to speak, but said:

"One person is not enough, isn't all the people enough?

One person can walk halfway, two people can walk halfway, all of us unite, all talents are added together, then it is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

The summit is just around the corner. "

"This kind of thing is really possible?" Someone began to question.

"I said so, but how to stack? Is it fit?"

"Yes, the idea is okay, but it can't be realized at all."

"Stop talking, let this fellow Taoist continue talking."

Everyone shut up in an instant, because there was running out of time.

Chuyu looked at everyone, and he bit the bullet and said:

"You only need to do one thing. Follow me and I will take you to the top step by step."

Chu Yu didn't actually understand this step. He just heard the boss say that, and he just said it himself.

Others didn't say much. They felt that this was a fantasy. Is it really possible?

How to follow?

There is no way to go to him, right? And what about the people who are in the air?

However, everyone was stunned in the next moment.

When they saw the person who appeared suddenly, they stepped forward and stepped into the air.

At the moment his feet were in the air, a ladder appeared under his feet, which directly extended to all platforms.

As if inviting everyone to step on it.

Whether you dare to go, it all depends on the individual.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

How can this be done?

Chu Yu was also terrified, which was simply unthinkable.

At the moment when the stairs appeared, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately followed one step at a time.

Jian Luo had already retracted her mind, and she stepped on without hesitation at this time.

After they set foot on it, they all felt that their talents had been borrowed, and they all concentrated on Chu Yu alone.

Chuyu felt the change, and he found that he could easily move up.

As if he had gathered all the talents.

What a wonderful feeling.

At this time, Chuyu spoke again, his voice a little low:

"It's out of date."

Hearing this sentence and seeing the lava had arrived, everyone had to lift their feet up the stairs in front of them, and they found that they could really step on it.

After everyone stepped forward, Chuyu took another step.

This time he did not speak, but waited for a while and took the third step.

Did not deliberately wait, did not ask anyone, did not care about the feelings of others.

He just moved with the feeling.

And as he stepped forward step by step, as he joined his steps one by one, he felt a strange understanding in his heart, as if he could easily understand and master any technique in front of him.

This defying talent made Chu Yu feel shocked.

Thinking of this, Chuyu immediately thought of him.

The plot has been a bit blunt recently, can he borrow this talent?

Then Chuyu began to try to analyze the plot, and then he was shocked to find that it was really possible, and it really felt like countless thoughts appeared.

Soon Chuyu found the most suitable and most exciting plot direction.

This, this top talent, is really easy to use.

If he had this kind of transparent feeling all the time, he wouldn't have written from the villa to the community.

At this moment, everyone in the sky can be seen, seeing Chuyu's body glowing, watching him with a large number of people step by step towards the heights, watching him move forward, don’t know why, they feel It is really possible to reach the top with Chuyu.

The terrible talent surrounds Chuyu, and the matching aura erupts from Chuyu.

And as Chuyu's pace got faster and faster, and as the large forces moved forward, everyone else subconsciously followed up, and there was no time to think about it.

It didn't take long for the large force led by Chuyu to form a circle.

This circle went directly to the power of the sun god.

Jian Qi watched this scene with horror.

"So strong, so terrible aura."

Jianqi looked at Chu Yu, he found that this powerful aura was not something he could shake at all.

That one person seemed to be everyone.

"This person really gathers everyone's talent and potential, and maybe it's really possible to reach the top." Daozong Yu Nie said.

Then she looked at Jian Qi and said:

"do you know who he is?"

The sword shook his head.

He knew, but he would never say that he knew it from the psychic monkey.

"Do you want to join?" Daozong Yuni asked again.

Jian Qi still shook his head:

"I repair the sword, other powers are of no use to me."

Daozong Yuni did not speak any more.

Jianqi naturally did not speak.

It didn't take long for everyone to follow Chuyu all the way to the position of Jianqi.

Jianqi just stood there and didn't leave.

Then he watched those people pass by him.

Everyone was excited, because they really might want the power of the sun god.

Then the large troops came to the position of Daozong Yuni, Daozong Yuni chose to join.

This is an opportunity for her, there is no reason to miss it, she is not Jian Xiu.

With the addition of Yu Nie, Chu Yu rushed to the highest point like a ray of light.

Jian Luo glanced at his brother, but didn't care.

It was her brother who did not join them.

Her brother has his own pride and his own pursuit.

One day, her brother will be able to draw his sword in front of the falling fire.

Lu Shui frowned as he looked at these people:

"Jianqi didn't join, it seems a bit difficult to climb to the top, but it doesn't matter, I can push them for the last one."

To Lu Shui, the so-called power of the sun **** had no effect on him.

If he wants to use this kind of power to get promoted, wouldn't he just go to the Great Elder directly?

Is it okay to find a sun **** who is not at the peak of strength?

And let everyone rush to the top, mainly to cooperate with that person in secret.

If that person wants to use the power of the stars, then the light here must shine.

Before, each one could only stay in a superficial position, and could not provide much help at all.

But now it's different, everyone has never been halfway through.

This means that the power of the stars will be greatly aroused.

The people behind the scenes are bound to be extremely excited, and the progress is unprecedentedly fast.

Lu Shui stood in place, he needed to make some preparations, and now is not the time for him to do it.

What he has to do is not only push those people to get the power of the sun god, but also push the stars to echo.

If someone is worried, someone needs to be happy.


In the Lujia area, the sun **** saw that all the stars had been finalized.

I wanted to tell Lu Wuwei that the outcome was basically determined.

But when he was just about to speak, suddenly a light spot began to appear, and then quickly went up, as he went up, the surrounding light spots that had been stagnant for a long time came up.

But in a moment, a circle was formed.

This circle is fast going to the center, enclosing his sun essence.

The speed made him a little surprised.

"What's going on?" The sun **** was puzzled.

There are his rules. Although they are very shallow, they are definitely not something these people can break.

And this was rubbing against the ground according to the rules he had set. There was actually a bright spot of light, which took all the spots to the essence of the sun.

What is this going to do?

Share the essence of his power?

Did this not put him in the eyes of the sun god?

Ignorance and ignorance.

Some flames in the sun god's eyes were beating quickly.

But he still couldn't know what was going on. With the intervention of Xinhuo Ancient Buddha, he himself couldn't see the internal situation through the starry sky.

It's really annoying.

Other people who pay attention here are actually quite surprised. According to this trend, the sun **** will lose.

Only after half of the time, the speed of those light spots slowed down.

It seemed that he had lost his momentum, and he even slowed down faster as he went forward. According to this trend, the sun **** seemed not to lose.

Watching them with great interest one by one, they felt that the twists and turns were also quite interesting.

Especially the face of the sun **** changed from red fire to iron blue, and from iron blue to red fire.

It's so exciting.

Then the sun **** saw that the circle of light stopped, only a few steps away from the essence of the sun.

The Sun God breathed a sigh of relief, and almost lost his wife and broke down.

Then he looked at the great elder:

"It looks like you are going to lose."

The great elder looked at the sun **** and said calmly:

"There is still time."

The sun **** didn't care either, there could be no changes.

This is the limit, but if the light is so bright, Xingsi must get a huge benefit.

Lu Shui looked at Chu Yu, who had reached his limit, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he took his steps.

Time is almost up.

Chuyu stopped and everyone looked at him.

As if asking why not to move on.

Chuyu looked at the power of the sun that could be touched in just a few steps, and said:

"There is still one last chance."

Everyone is puzzled, what is the final opportunity?

This is actually an excuse for Chuyu to be unable to move forward, and he can't say it, so he can only lack an opportunity.

When everyone was wondering what the opportunity was, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"Hey, you guys, look down.

what is that? "

At this time, everyone turned their heads and looked down.

Everyone was stunned at this sight.

They saw a man covered in fire walking on the lava.

This is not what surprised them. What really surprised them was that every time this fire-like person took a step, the lava under his feet would disappear, replaced by endless bright galaxies.

He came from the edge, approached step by step, overturned the entire sea of ​​fire step by step, trampled on the realm of the sun **** with one person.

The galaxy is dazzling and dazzling.

"This, what's the situation?"

"Who is he? Why can he walk under the lava instead of stepping into the air?"

"Hey, are you blind? This person is Liuhuo? It must be him, right?"

"Yes, it must be Liuhuo, except for him, who can do such a shocking thing?"

Jianqi looked at Lu Shui and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he didn't know that the Invincible Sword that was about to touch because of seeing Chuyu and the others was in desperation, moved away from him.

Lu Shui raised his head and glanced at Jian, feeling a little pity.

However, if you can really hold that sword in his shadow, then Jianqi is destined to be the pinnacle of kendo.

It depends on whether he has this invincible and world heart.

After that, Lu Shui no longer paid attention to Jian Qi, but looked up to the sky. It was time for the stars to shine on the earth.

At this moment, the endless galaxy behind him began to burst out with dazzling starlight. This starlight echoed with Chuyu and others. Everyone above was shrouded in starlight and became dazzling.

Everyone is a little unclear, but the feeling has changed. They have a feeling that as long as they move forward, they can reach the top.

"The opportunity has arrived, everyone will follow me to the top." Chuyu's voice rang in everyone's ears.

No one questioned at this moment, everyone was full of confidence.

They can reach the top.

With the blessing of Liuhuo, they can reach the pinnacle.

On the Lu family's side, when the sun **** thought he was about to win, the light spots in the starry sky suddenly became much brighter, which made him a little puzzled.

But soon, he began to be shocked.

He found that starlight appeared at the edge of the entire starry sky, and the starlight began to go to the center like a river.

The speed is breathtaking, and the vast galaxy is brilliant and dazzling.

The galaxy shone to the entire Lujia area.

The sun **** frowned, if he didn't understand it wrongly, this galaxy represented a person.

But how can there be such a person in this world?

Not to mention the sun god, even the great elder looked at Xinghe at this time.

He naturally saw it, and the real great potentials appeared.

Illuminate the entire starry sky with the power of one person.

Others were naturally shocked, and they never expected such a dark horse to appear.

Even many people want to find him and accept him as a disciple.

"Such a bright Galaxy, it seems that Xingsi's side should be very smooth." The God of War looked at the starry sky and continued to speak:

"If you can, you can absorb that person into the fairy garden, I will teach it myself."

"It would be fine if this person is a female, and I can make an exception to accept disciples." Qiao Yunzong Ningxia said.

"Go to him, find Tianji Building, and help me identify this person." A voice came from the depths of Daozong.

When everyone cared about this person, Tian Yunfeng laughed.

"Hahaha, hahaha, God will help me too, and God will help me too. Sure enough, tonight is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I Xianting is destined to be the first to unlock the second half." Xiansi Xianjun was extremely excited.

He is fully using the power of the stars.

Soon, it's almost enough.

He is about to see the second half of the content.

Le Feng and Nie Hao dared not speak out below, and they didn't know if the Young Sect Master would come, but they absolutely couldn't anger the person in front of them now.

The level difference is too much.

At this time Xingsi calmed down, he looked at Lefeng and the others:

"The people behind you have not reacted much so far, but the immortal has time. If it is an enemy, we will naturally not let each other go."

After that, Xingsi began to isolate the power of the stars of Lefeng and others.

Before he had idle time, now he can't let anyone disturb him.

It is important to find out who is targeting Xian Ting, but no matter how important it is, it cannot be the second half of the prophecy slate.

For tonight's affairs, everyone in Xian Ting has been dispatched, just to cooperate with him.

How else can most people gather in one place?

Fortunately, it will soon succeed.


At this time, Lu Shui had already reached the center of the lava. He stood here, which meant that the entire lava had been replaced by his galaxy.

This is no longer the domain of the sun god.

It's his turf.

And in the sky, everyone stood in front of the power of the sun god, and no one dared to reach out and touch it.

Everyone knows that what deserves this power is the flowing fire under the galaxy.

Lu Shui didn't speak immediately, he was waiting.

Land and water are waiting, and everyone in the sky must also wait.

In fact, it is not that no one is greedy to touch the power of the sun **** in advance.

It's just that as long as those people meet, they will be burned to death by the power of the sun god.

Because Chuyu was the first to reach the top, he would die if he didn't move other people, and no fewer than ten had already died.

So it is impossible for anyone to take his life to try again.

Many people who take the lead know that the other party has something to do with Liuhuo, so in the end, they still look at Liuhuo.

Chu Yu was also shocked in his heart. It turned out that the boss was Liuhuo.

It is the flow fire known as the world's first arrogant.

But he felt that Tianjiao's identity must have only been left by the big man walking in the realm of cultivation at will.

The boss himself is higher than the flow fire.

Just when Chuyu was thinking about it, a voice came up.

"If you don't take the power of the sun at this time, when will you wait?"

Hearing this, Chuyu immediately stretched out his hand and began to touch the power of the sun god, by the way:

"Everyone, let us gain the power of the sun god."

Chuyu's hand directly touched the power of the sun god. At this moment, the brilliance was shining, and Chuyu was directly covered by power. This power is majestic and majestic, and how much it can gain depends on personal strength.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling did not hesitate to immediately touch the power of the sun god, they did not even think about why the young master did not want the power of the sun god, after all, it was their young master, like a mythical existence.

Jian Luo did not hesitate, and began to touch the power of the sun god.

Seeing these people touched them, the others no longer worried and all reached out to touch the power of the sun god.

At this moment, everyone present began to share the power of the sun god.

Lu Shui watched the power of the sun **** being divided up, muttered to himself:

"It's already extreme, should the other party succeed too?

Then let me see what you want to know. "

Thinking like this, Lu Shui began to reach out and touch something in front of him, where there was a line that ordinary people couldn't see.

When he touched the line Lu Shui used the power of the previous stars to directly locate the opponent's location. Although the opponent was shielded, it did not prevent him from finding it faster.

Soon Lu Shui saw the majestic power of stars, and at the center of these powers of stars, there was something like a stone slab.

Lu Shui was a little puzzled, but he didn't pause at all, he just went over and tried to watch the content inside.

He doesn't have much time, and the other party will find him soon.

Suddenly, Lu Shui touched the stone slab.

At that moment, Lu Shui felt his gaze spanned time and space.

Finally, in countless years, a sentence penetrated:

"The true **** is dead, you can't stop us."


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