The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 183: You are trampling on my dignity, this will have to increase the price


At dawn, Lu Shui closed the heaven and earth formation.

The power of the sun **** was almost absorbed, and the space here had begun to collapse.

Not long after, Lu Shui stepped on the land of Nancheng again.

The sun has risen from the horizon.

"Nice view, but it's a pity that Mu Xue is not around." Lu Shui muttered to himself as he watched the sunrise.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the phone rang.

Who sent him a message early in the morning?

Lu Shui soon saw it. It was news from Mu Xue.

This made him even more puzzled, what would Mu Xue send him?

Lu Shui clicked in.

At first glance, it turned out to be a picture of Muxue sleeping on the desktop. It was really beautiful, but Muxue had both hands. Who took it?

Oriental scum?

But if it’s Oriental scum, why is Mu Xue’s cell phone?

After hesitating, Lu Shui sent out a message.

The opposite quickly replied to the message, and Lu Shui smiled at the corner of his mouth when he saw the message.

Go back and ridicule Mu Xue.

It's really a happy thing.


Mu Xue frowned, then opened her eyes.

She found that she was still covered with a blanket, which should have been covered by Ding Liang.

But when she got up, she found that Cha Cha had woke up, still eating snacks.

She didn't wear a blindfold. She didn't need to wear a blindfold at the Lu family. If she wore it, it was just to get used to it.

"Cousin, are you awake?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Mu Xue and said.

Then he handed Mu Xue something to eat.

Mu Xue took the dim sum and planned to eat it.

But when Lu Shui asked if she had brushed her teeth before, she thought it was better to brush her teeth before eating.

"Cousin Lu Shui is inexplicable." Dongfang Chacha said while looking at the phone.

Mu Xue was a little curious, and said:

"Why is he inexplicable?"

"Cousin Lu Shui suddenly asked me if I touched my cousin's phone." Dongfang Chacha said.

When Mu Xue heard these words, she was stunned, and then a little concerned:

"How did Chacha answer?"

"Of course I don't have any. Xiangyu said that it's okay not to take other people's phones casually, especially not to peek.

Although the cousin is not someone else, she still can't take it.

What Xiangyu said was right. Once I took a photo of the cellphones of my younger brothers and sisters in the clan, and they had to file a complaint with my dad. "Dongfang Chacha said.

Mu Xue was stunned. It wasn't because Chacha was educated with the mobile phone, but because Chacha responded.

The matter was overwhelming. Then Mu Xue quickly picked up the phone on one side. Lu Shui should have responded to the photo she sent yesterday.

Sure enough, Mu Xue found that there was indeed a reply from Lu Shui.

When she picked up the phone, Mu Xue was a little worried, hesitated, she opened Lu Shui's reply, which contained a sentence and a smiling face:

"Miss Mu's photography skills are very common. Of course, the photos are good-looking, mainly because Miss Mu is naturally beautiful. (laughs

Seeing this, Mu Xue felt that she was being laughed at. She was ashamed to find a hole to drill.

Then Mu Xue silently covered her head with the blanket, so that there was no problem.

The attack of the shy person has been blocked by the blanket.

She is not ashamed.

Dongfang Chacha was eating snacks and looked at his cousin.

She finds it difficult to understand what her cousin is doing. At this time, is she asking or pretending to understand?



Lu Shui looked at the phone, and after he was sure Mu Xue would not return, he put the phone away.

He has decided to discuss this matter with Mu Xue after he returns.

This photography technology needs to be improved.

At this time Zhenwu and others had fallen from a high altitude and returned to their respective positions.

But they showed no signs of awakening.

Is digesting the power of the sun god.

Lu Shui didn't care either, the big deal would be if he continued to read.

It was just that when Lu Shui was about to continue reading, he suddenly heard the sound of struggling.

It's Chuyu.

Lu Shui had some accidents, and Chu Yu should have benefited the most. There was no reason to wake up so early.

But the other party is indeed waking up desperately.

Not long after, Chuyu opened his eyes.

"Huh." Chu Yu heaved a sigh of relief. It was so difficult, he finally woke up.

Lu Shui did not understand:

"Why are you forcing you to wake up?"

No matter how Lu Shui looked, he didn't see any abnormalities in this person's body.

Lu Shui soon got the answer.

"You have to write, or you have to change it." Chu Yu said.

Lu Shui: "..."

Sure enough, there are countless strange people and strange things in the cultivation world.

He naturally wouldn't ask too much, let alone talk about wasting chance.

After all, the opportunity brought by the power of the sun **** is just like that.

There is not much difference between there and not.

At this time Jian Qi also came here.

As soon as he fell, Jian Qi thanked Lu Shui:

"Thank you fellow daoists for solving this crisis."

Lu Shui nodded and did not speak, just raising his hands.

Or just incidentally.

Jianqi knew Lu Shui and Chuyu was a little surprised, but it seemed normal to think about it.

"How long do they have to wait before they can come here?" Chuyu asked.

"The longest three days," Lu Shui said.

Although these people don't digest well, three days are enough.

Three days is not long for Lu Shui, but it is rare to have a trip to the dunya, and he wants to go shopping.

It's a pity that Zhenwu and Zhenling are practicing.

"How do you feel that I am a follower?" Lu Shui muttered to himself.

Chuyu wanted to say something at this time, but his cell phone rang suddenly.

Then Chu Yu took out his mobile phone and said in surprise:

"Senior Sister? Why is her old man free to call me?"

Speaking of Chuyu, he answered the phone.

"Hey, Senior Sister, are you looking for me?"

"At my house? Right now, what? Are you deleting my manuscript? I'll go back and wait for me."

Chu Yu hung up, planning to rush back.

Lu Shui didn't care much about Chuyu who was calling, but instead looked around and said:

"It's not safe here."

It's really not safe. Many people are coming here. It should be that the doorman suddenly disappeared and found them here.

"You can go to my house, it's quite far away, but what about the three of them?

Go back? "Chu Yu said.

Jian Qi shook his head and said:

"You can't move around at will, otherwise this opportunity will be wasted."

Lu Shui directly took out a flying magic weapon that looked like a disk:

"Use this to take it away."

Later, in order not to disturb Zhenwu and the others, Lu Shui directly moved the land and put the land on the flying magic weapon, so that there was no problem.

After that, Lu Shui and others left the area safely.

When they left, they saw a lot of people coming from afar, there were demons and Taoism, and it was difficult to determine whether they were good or bad for the people inside.

But even if you are forced to wake up, it is not a loss. Some benefits are already there.

Under Chu Yu's guidance, Lu Shui quickly came to the sky over a residential area.

Looking at the community, Lu Shui curiously said:

"Are you a building for one person?"

Chu Yu and Jianqi turned his head to look at Lu Shui subconsciously.

Lu Shui felt that these two men were a little surprised.

"A big brother's house is one person, one house?" Chu Yu asked.

Lu Shui shook his head, but before Chu Yu could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Lu Shui speak:

"That's not the case. We have one yard for each person in my house."

"..." Chu Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

But when I think about it, it seems that the sect of his family is the same, and it doesn't make much difference.

It is because he has been in the dunya for too long and his vision is limited.

In the end, Chu Yu explained with a sense of inferiority that his residence was not one building or one floor, but a set.

Not long after, Lu Shui and others arrived at Chuyu's residence.

The three Zhenwu were arranged on the balcony, facing the scorching sun.

After the Zhenwu three were arranged, Lu Shui had time to look at this place.

It is completely different from his home, and the decoration is also very different, but there is nothing unaccustomed to it.

After that, Lu Shui set up a formation to hide this place, and added defenses by the way.

Otherwise, it would easily affect Zhenwu's cultivation.

Chuyu and Jianqi naturally saw Lu Shui's actions, but they didn't understand what Lu Shui was doing.

"By the way, my manuscript." Chu Yu finally remembered that his manuscript was still in his hands.

Then he rushed into the room immediately, but before entering, the door opened and a beautiful woman walked out of it.

"Senior Sister? Why are you here?" Chu Yu said angrily.

I just kept peeking into the room when I said it.

Fairy Wanyue looked at her junior, then looked at Jianqi, who nodded in greeting. After responding, Fairy Wanyue looked at Lu Shui.

But the other party was looking down at the book without raising his head.

Later Fairy Wanyue saw three people on the balcony.

Finally, she turned her gaze back to Chuyu and said:

"You have a lot of friends."

"Hehe, Senior Sister passed the award." Chu Yu scratched his head and said.

"When I grow up, my wings are hard. I won't go back and see us all the year round." Fairy Wanyue's tone was not heavy, but he blamed Chu Yu as an elder.

"Senior Sister's old man often retreats, and I can't see it even when I go back." Chu Yu retorted for himself. .

Fairy Wanyue took a deep look at Chu Yu, and then said:

"Can you find a Taoist companion like this?

We don’t know how long we have been worried about this matter.

There is a little fairy Jianluo on the balcony, right?

Sister Sister, let the master go to Jianyifeng to make a kiss? "

Chu Yu was not flustered at all, just whispered:

"The sword falls bitterly and viciously. It is not suitable for our Hundred Flowers Valley."

Jianqi had an idea of ​​drawing a sword on one side.

Fairy Wanyue walked to the sofa and sat down dignifiedly, saying:

"If you get married, naturally you can't live in Baihua Valley, so it's not a problem that you are not suitable for Baihua Valley.

However, this matter can be delayed. Sister Sister came to you for something else. "

Chuyu is puzzled, what else is there?

"It's almost time to hand in water and electricity?" Wan Yue asked suddenly.

Chuyu is unclear, so he can only nod his head:

"Senior Sister came here specially for this?"

"No, I'm here this time, I want you to go to Donglin Mountain, and then find a fairy in the mountain, and compare her healing technique.

What you need to do is give her the victory.

If you make it beautiful, the sister will transfer you a hundred yuan. "Fairy Wanyue said seriously.

"Impossible Senior Sister." Chuyu immediately said after hearing this:

"Do you think a hundred dollars can buy my soul?

I think you are insulting me and trampling on my dignity.

My dignified man, a rising star in the realm of comprehension, you are obliterating my future. "

"two hundred."

"Senior Sister, tell me the details. I will fulfill the virtue of comity."

Two hundred yuan is enough for water and electricity.

After listening to the conversation between the two men, Lu Shui didn't know what to say for a while.

However, he seems to have heard of it.

Is there anything delicious or unpalatable on top?

It should be gone.

What is there?

Lu Shui didn't think about it carefully, so let's continue reading.

Of course, if there is any unpalatable or delicious fruit, he doesn't mind going there and picking it back for Mu Xue.

It is very happy to see Mu Xue happy and aggrieved.

When they get married, Mu Xue will start biting.

Not cute at all.

However, it is not a bad thing.

Because at that time he must have completed the peerless feat of retiring.

With such fantasies, Lu Shui continued to read books. Knowledge is power, which is the most important step for retiring in his life.

Jianqi sat aside, and then wiped his sword, Chuyu always felt that Jianqi would suddenly violently kill people.

Fortunately, he still knows Jianqi very well.

This man is full of swords.

Basically not curious about other things.

Then Chu Yu looked at his senior sister, waiting for details.

Wanyue thought about it, as if wondering where to start.

"This matter is more complicated. It can be said that it was caused by our sect.

Many years ago, a genius disciple of our sect realized that the heart is blooming with lotus, which is the highest state of our sect's core technique.

But apart from that senior, no one in Baihuagu understood it.

It was originally a happy thing, but the senior was suddenly going to marry. "

"Isn't this normal? Our sect is not allowed to marry." Chu Yu curiously asked.

Wan Yue sighed and said:

"Normal is normal, but Hundred Flower Valley is the first genius in the past. When the time comes to improve the cultivation level, the lotus flower will be terrifying, and the sect definitely disagrees.

Also intervened.

Later, the senior betrayed the sect in a rage, and stayed away from Baihua Valley with that person. "

"Then what?" Chuyu asked.

He thought of a lot of plots in his mind, which was as interesting as the Shi Ming he had just met.

"No more."

"No then?"

Chu Yu was a little surprised.

Wan Yue nodded and sighed:

"Although the sect does not agree, the senior has directly betrayed the sect, so what else is there to say?

Can't keep the person, can't keep the heart, it's better to let her go.

In fact, the senior of the sect is still a bit regretful. If there is no interference, the senior is still a disciple of the sect, but he does not live in the sect.

But in the face of the first genius in the past, if they don't do anything, they will also regret it.

In the end it evolved into this result. "

Lu Shui nodded. It was true. How could there be any reason for a genius who had rarely appeared in Zongmen for so many years?

Not everyone has grandeur.

The Lu Family's spirit is big enough, it's impossible to let him become a parent, isn't it?

However, if the Mu family knew that Mu Xue would be strong in the future, he would not be willing to let her marry.

But who can see so far?

If the Lu family knew that he would be strong in the future, he would definitely choose the best fairy in the cultivation world to marry him.

Of course, these are meaningless. No one can change the fact that Mu Xue marries him.

In Lu's family, Mu Xue looked at the sky, feeling a little happy.

She will marry Lu Shui soon.

She belongs to Lu Shui, and Lu Shui belongs to her. No one can change it.

Life after marriage is definitely happy. If Lu Shui is not angry before marriage, she will be even happier.

"Miss, Mrs. Lu wants you and Miss Chacha to have breakfast with her." Ding Liang said when he came to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue: "..."

If you don’t have to eat your mother’s breakfast, your life before marriage may be happier.

If Lu Shui also ate together, it would be even happier.

Forget the tea tea.

Seeing her excited look, Mu Xue was heartbroken.

Chacha was not so exaggerated in the previous life. What made him lose his sense of taste?

Soon Muxue and Dongfang Chacha came to the courtyard where Dongfang Liyin was.

Sitting on the table in the yard were Dongfang Li Yin and a little girl, the second elder.

Mu Xue was a little surprised, why is the second elder also there?

At this time the second elder was eating snacks, she looked at Mu Xue and the tea ceremony:

"Come and sit down."

Naturally, Mu Xue sat down obediently. She wanted to squeeze the little cheek of the second elder, but it seemed that the second elder would hit people at any time.

So Mu Xue could only choose to give up.

Only when Mu Xue gave up, a hand was suddenly placed on the second elder's head.

It is oriental tea tea.

"Cousin Lu Shui is right, it's really not one meter three, so I let me make gestures by myself." Dongfang Chacha said as she gestured to the height of the second elder.

Dongfang Liyin: "..."

Mu Xue: "..."

Soon, crying came from outside the yard.

"Second elders don't care about children, happiness is the most important thing." Dongfang Liyin handed a snack to the second elders and said.

The second elder took a bite of the snack, then reached out to take the snack, and said:

"I don't care about children, they can't afford it."

Dongfang Liyin: "..."

Mu Xue sat down and said nothing. In fact, it would not be a big problem if Cha Cha touched the second elder twice.

Mainly what Chacha said.

"Is Lu Shui so naughty? What does this make tea tea like?" Mu Xue sighed inwardly.

In fact, when Lu Shui said this, she was there, but she didn't care.

At this time, the second elder looked at Mu Xue and said:

"Are you used to it in the Lu family?"

Mu Xue nodded immediately:

"Get used to, Aunt Li Yin takes good care of me."

After living for countless years, I am definitely used to it, even if I haven't married into the Lu family.

Of course, she has been taken care of all the time.

The second elder nodded:

"That's good, but you need to go back to Mu's house in some time."

When she heard this, Mu Xue was a little surprised, even a little flustered, feeling like he was driven back.

But she didn't show it, after all, for the second elders and others, it was indeed to let her go home.

"It's the news from the Mu family that the day of worshipping the ancestor is coming, and I want you to go back.

You should be notified soon.

If you want to come by then, I will ask Lu Shui to pick you up and play for a while, but it can't be too long. You will be preparing for the wedding by the end of the year. Dongfang Li Yin explained with a smile.

Mu Xue sighed, and she was relieved.

However, she did forget the ancestor worship of the Mu family once every five years.

In the previous life, it was because of the sacrifice to the ancestor that she had a fight with her family, and since then she has never returned to Mu's house.

Her husband razed Mu's family to the ground, how can she go back?

She still doesn't understand why her father did that.

Even the deadline is approaching and her eyes are about to be closed, and she won't let her go back.

But it's okay to be able to go in this time, she hasn't worshipped her mother in a long time.

"But I'm not in a hurry to go back. The second elder will check your body to make sure it's okay. When Lu Shui comes back, let him send you back.

Well, if you want to come over, let Lu Shui wait for your ancestor worship to end, and then bring you over.

Is this all right? "Dongfang Li Yin said.

Mu Xue lowered her head and said:

"Xue'er listened to Aunt Li Yin."

Dongfang Liyin smiled slightly, the little girl's mind is so easy to understand, but this is good.

The two are happy.

"Then it's settled."


Mu Xue nodded slightly, but she was actually a little embarrassed.

I always feel that the performance is too obvious.

"That's roughly what happened, and remember to go to the back mountain later." The second elder put the remaining snacks into his mouth, and then said to Mu Xue.

After Mu Xue responded, the second elder asked Mu Xue to go back first.

When Mu Xue walked to the gate of the yard, she heard the voice of the second elder from inside:

"Call Lu Gu back."

When Mu Xue returned to the yard, she found that someone had called her, it was Aunt Tang.

Soon Mu Xue answered the phone:

"Aunt Tang?"

A voice came from the other side:

"The clan is going to worship the ancestors, do you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Mu Xue answered.

"It's about two weeks later, when do you want to go home?"

Mu Xue was in a daze when she heard Aunt Tang's questioning.

Come back home?

She hasn't heard this sentence in years.

To her in the previous life, the Mu family was just the Mu family, no one expected her to go back, and no one cared whether she would go back.

Only Lu Shui would care about her.

"Yalin keeps asking when my sister will be back." Aunt Tang said again.

"In a few days, no, I will go back in the next few days, and I will talk to Aunt Tang when I go back.

Tell Yalin that I will go back and bring her some delicious food. "Muxue responded.

Then they talked a few words before hanging up the phone.

At Mu's house, Tang Yi put down the phone, feeling strange in his heart.

Then she said to the maid on one side:

"Go to Missy and tidy up the yard of the room."

After the maid left, Yalin, who was learning to write, looked up at her mother and said:

"Mother, is your sister coming back?"

Tang Yi nodded:


Yalin looked happy, but she didn't make a sound. She hid a lot of snacks and waited for her sister to come back to feed her.

Tang Yi didn't care, she didn't know what her daughter was thinking?

After hesitating, Tang Yi stood up, stretched out his hand to hold Yalin and said:

"Go, go and help my sister clean up the room."


Don't like to write.


At Chuyu's family, Lu Shui went to the gods and continued to listen to the story of the genius of the sect.

He is still a little interested in these stories.

The development of Shi Ming's affairs is not bizarre enough, and I don't know what kind of development this genius is.

Mu Xue is not there, otherwise you can ask Mu Xue to cut him a melon.

"Since that predecessor is gone, and the sect will not be held accountable, what story is there?" Chu Yu asked.

"Because they have children, they are only about six years old this year, they are little fairies, very cute." Wanyue said.

Chu Yu frowned:

"My opponent won't be her, right?"

Wan Yue smiled and nodded:

" so you have to lose beautifully."

"Why?" Chuyu couldn't understand, it was unreasonable.

And why would you fight each other if you have nothing to do?

"To make the little girl happy, to make her think that she is a genius without a single chance.

In order to highlight her genius, it must be our sect's genius disciple who challenged her.

And the only male disciple is naturally a sign of genius. Before Chu Yu could ask, Wan Yue said directly:

"As for why we should make her happy, because she suffered some injuries not long after she was born. Today, she can only live for another month."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Shui remembered.

To the east is the mountain, the girl among the icicles.

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