The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 188: Send warmth to message book friends

In the end, only Lu Shui and Zhen Wu left, and Xu Fang just sent them there.

As for Chu Yu, it wasn't that he couldn't go. It was just that his other senior sisters suddenly called and asked him why he stopped the change suddenly.

At this question, Chu Yu was shocked to discover that he had broken the watch yesterday.

In a hurry, he gave up following the boss and chose the code word.

I also issued a single chapter saying that the day is more than 100,000, otherwise I can't find a girlfriend in a hundred years.

Then he chose to maintain a daily rhythm.

One hundred thousand is a joke, for this there are always some friendly comments, saying that I wish the author can't find a girlfriend for a thousand years.

Chuyu smiled knowingly when he saw these, which is really a good blessing.

Girlfriend or something, what are you going to do?

He will write for a thousand years.

Then he silently added a refinement to this comment, and put it to the top by the way.

Unfortunately, a few hours later, the book friend posted an apology and wished the author an early marriage.

Chu Yu looked dumbfounded.

Soon he received news from the senior sister, who was the oldest senior sister except for the senior sister Wan Yue.

The content of the message is like this:

"Just now you had a book friend who was rather naughty. My sister found a friend of Tianji Pavilion and asked him to give that book friend a basket of fruits and a letter of appreciation.

If you want to come to the other party, you should be able to be warmed by the community.

By the way, dear Xiaoyu, delete your single chapter, and my sister will give you a hundred dollars to pay for water and electricity. "

Chu Yu: "..."

Senior sister is terrible, why has so many senior sisters still not married?

Cultivators are not good at this point, the marriage rate is too low.

And Senior Sister Chu Yu’s thoughts were that they had been worrying about Chu Yu’s marriage for so many years, and there were still people who would dare to make them worry about it for another thousand years.

When Fairy Wan Jian saw that Shan Zhang was not there, she turned off the phone with satisfaction.


In less than an hour, Lu Shui and the others appeared in front of a huge city.

This is a primitive and ruined city, but if you look closely, you can see that the sky above the city is enveloped by a strange atmosphere.

This shows that this city is not that simple.

The ruined ancient city appeared almost immediately, and this alone was enough for countless cultivators to explore.

"There are not many people exploring the ancient city of Chaos, but they are not weak. Master Dongfang really doesn't need me to go in with me?" Xu Fang said.

He was very persistent, but the other party didn't pay attention to it at all.

"No." Lu Shui calmly said looking at the troubled ancient city.

It's really unnecessary, and a lower cultivation base is not necessarily harmful.

The power that radiated from the heights of the ancient city of Chaos was obviously repelling those with strong cultivation bases.

If it is Lu Shui who has a strong cultivation base, it is fine, but it is a troublesome thing for him to cultivate a strong base for others.

"Then Xu is here waiting for Young Master Dongfang to come out." Xu Fang said.

Lu Shui listened to what the other party said, then turned his head and looked at Xu Fangdao:

"Your knife is very overbearing. I am grateful for what happened yesterday and I understand, but I have already made the conditions, and if you agree, we will not owe each other."

After saying this, Lu Shui turned around and walked towards the ancient city, but when he left, he heard another voice:

"So, you don't need to be so humble to see me."

After that, Lu Shui took Zhen Wu all the way forward, no longer speaking, let alone looking back.

Xu Fang watched Lu Shui leave in a daze. He didn't know why, but when he saw Lu Shui's figure, he felt a little stalwart.

The other party had courage that ordinary people didn't possess, and that feeling made him a little throbbing, and also a little relieved.

Finally, he bowed respectfully towards Lu Shui:

"Thank you little Dongfang."

This worship, he was sincerely convinced, and had nothing to do with his daughter's kindness.


After Lu Shui said those words, he ignored Xu Fang in the back. He looked at the troubled ancient city not far ahead and asked Zhenwu:

"Do Lefeng have any other information?"

He asked Xu Fang on the way, but the other party didn't know much.

It's about the same as land water.

And nine out of ten others came for that exercise.

That is the Nine Ranks Immortal Scriptures that belong exclusively to the undead clan.

Many people don't know that the Immortal Scriptures cannot be cultivated except for the undead. Of course, this does not mean that the Immortal Scriptures are of no value to these people.

As long as you can comprehend it, you can still modify it, at best to weaken the effect.

If you encounter experts who modify the exercises, it is not impossible for Qing Yulan.

"Not yet." Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui nodded, he actually didn't hold any hope.

The ancient city of Disaster involves the undead, and the death of the undead is very early. It is difficult to find out even the news about Xianting, let alone the ancient city of Disaster.

Just don't know the people in Xian Ting, do you know.

For example, Star Division and others.

Thinking of this, Lu Shui suddenly said:

"Can you contact the toothache fairy?"

"Yes, I will ask about the toothache fairy." Zhen Wu said immediately.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"No, it's not about the toothache fairy, let the toothache fairy ask the magic soldier dog."

It's impossible for a toothache fairy to know, except that he knows about toothache, he basically doesn't know anything.

Bai was blinded to the realm of Immortal Boundary.

But the dog should know some.

The time of its activities should be very old, it is the issue of identity, and many things are not involved.

Zhenwu was a little surprised, why did he ask that arrogant dog?

A toothache fairy is an immortal immortal, does he know that an immortal is better than a dog?

Of course, Zhenwu didn't ask much, but first called and asked the toothache fairy.

It rang for a while, but there was no answer from the other side.

Zhenwu was a little helpless, these two might have bullied other dogs.

Because Lu Shui had confessed, he saw it and let the two men make trouble.

When the call was about to hang up, the opposite party finally answered.

"Yes, little brother Zhenwu?" A toothache fairy came across the phone.

Because Lu Shui's affairs are basically handled by Zhen Wu Zhen Ling, the people brought back by Lu Shui usually know Zhen Wu.

Convenient to contact.

Zhenwu will also give the other party a mobile phone without a mobile phone.

He is not worthy of that dog.

Licking a dog is not worthy.

"Senior with toothache, is the dog here?" Zhenwu asked.

"The big family and the little brother said he wasn't there. What the little brother Zhenwu wants to ask, I can ask for it." The toothache fairy is very cooperative with Zhenwu.

Zhen Wu calmly said:

"My young master asked him to find a dog, so forget it if he isn't here."

"Yes, yes, the dog is looking for me? I am the dog's grandson of the dog, there is a problem with the dog, and my dog ​​is not there.

What does Gouye want to ask. "The voice of the dog came directly from the other side.

Zhenwu had seen through this dog early.

Then he turned on the hands-free phone and spoke to the landing channel:

"Master, do you want to ask directly?"

Lu Shui looked at Zhen Wu and felt that the other party knew the dog very well.

He can guess the general content without listening to what the other person says.

Then Lu Shui heard a voice from the phone:

"Master Gou, are you there? Feed the humans, let the uncle behave in front of the Gou."

"What are you going to show?" Lu Shui asked.

The opposite side did not pause at all, and said directly:

"Master Gou, I recently learned how to sing. I want to behave in front of Master Gou. Listen to Master Gou.

Wang, Wang, Wang Wang, Wang~, Wang Wang Wang..."

"..., ask you a question." Lu Shui directly interrupted Gouzi's roar.

The dog stopped barking in an instant:

"Master Gou, you say."

"Do you know the ancient city of trouble?" Lu Shui asked.

"Master Gou, you know I am a dog, and the dog basically only looks after the house.

Is this super class? "The dog said.

Lu Shui didn't care, and continued to ask:

"Do you know the undead?"

"Oh, I know, I am a demon soldier anyway, I was quite high at that time, and I knew a lot.

I remember that the undead lived in the ancient city of natural disasters. At that time, I didn't understand why they took this name. What's more, the new city was called an ancient city. "The dog said with some contentment.

Zhenwu was a little surprised on the side. Before the Ancient City of Disaster was called the Ancient City of Natural Disasters?

Lu Shui was not surprised, the same meaning, not a big deal.

"Then how did the undead die?" Lu Shui asked.

"Internal turmoil, or internal turmoil, is part of it, as if they had a disagreement about something, and then a small part of the undead left the ancient city of natural disasters, and the rest were deciding that disagreement.

In the end everyone went crazy.

They were trapped in the ancient city of natural disasters until they perished.

Buddhism Nanwu Tuo Buddha said that there may be people from the undead, and he doesn't know whether it is true or not.

Anyway, Xian Ting and Buddhism didn't plan to go in. "The dog said almost what he knew in one breath.

Lu Shui nodded.

Some people have left, so the undead have not been completely annihilated, but today, it is a question of whether there are people from the undead.

But it's certain that the undead really did something they shouldn't do.

And even Xian Ting and Buddhism didn't go in to check, it's not easy to look inside.

"Will the old natural disaster city move?" Lu Shui asked.

"No, the birthplace of the undead is very special, how can they move the town location crazy?" said the dog.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, so because of that incident, did the current ancient city begin to move?

It has a certain relationship with the breath above the ancient city.

"Master Gou, do you have any questions to ask?" Gouzi asked without hearing Lu Shui's question.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"temporarily unavailable."

"Then Lord Gou can call me Grandson Dog before hanging up the phone?

This is the name, the dog, I always want the owner to call it. "The dog barked twice.

Lu Shui didn't care what the dog said, just calmly said:

"Hang up."

"Okay Gouye, I'll hang up the phone now." The dog answered.

Then hung up the phone.

Zhenwu didn't know what to say for a while.

But he also put away the phone.

"Master, if the dog is right, isn't it dangerous to go in?" After all, neither Xian Ting nor Buddhism went in.

It may be fine for ordinary people to enter, but not necessarily for his young master to enter.

Naturally, Lu Shui didn't think much about it. He wanted to see if he could find anything. If it was too common, he would have no sense in coming here.

"Let's go."

Said Lu Shui stepped towards the ancient city of disaster.

The intersection of the troubled ancient city is not far ahead.

Soon Lu Shui came to the gate of the ancient city of Chaos.

If you want to enter the ancient city of chaos, you need to walk through the gates. After all, there are strange auras in the sky, and it is not a wise choice to compete with these auras.

Just follow the rules here.

When Lu Shui came to the gate of the city, he heard someone angry and said:

"Charge? You opened the ancient city of Disaster?"

"Yes, the ancient city of Disaster was originally a public area. When did you hear that it became private?"

"Don't you hear about it now?" someone inside the city gate said.

"You, aren't you afraid to offend some seniors?" Someone said to the people inside the city gate.

"Senior? Seniors basically won't come. Usually, Tier 5 will come occasionally. After a long time, Tier 5 will basically not come. If I come, I will naturally accept the formation.

Now that you don't have a Tier 5, it is impossible to break my formation.

If you are dissatisfied, you can choose to break the formation, but you can overturn the wall. "The person inside the gate said.

Lu Shui felt quite interesting, and someone actually blocked the way to collect tickets.

Then Lu Shui looked inside the city gate and found that it was a middle-aged man, who appeared to be the cultivation base of the fourth-order Mingshen peak, but was actually a powerful fifth-order law body.

And the escape method seems to be okay, Tier 6 can make the opponent escape under his nose without paying attention.

Lu Shui glanced more at the position of the opponent's feet.

As for the formation, Lu Shui didn't look at it much, just barely reluctantly.

It is more than enough to block some third-order and fourth-order outside.

After observing the land water and coming to the crowd, the main thing is to see how many spirit stones are needed to get in.

After all, he was just a small second-order spiritual enlightenment monk.

However, when he came over, he changed his clothes and wore an extra black robe. The hat that came with the robe naturally covered his head, thus blocking others from prying eyes.

It's better to keep a low profile when going out.

Zhenwu naturally dressed up in the same way.

As for why I dress up like this, I just feel that wearing a mask is boring.

Zhenwu felt that the eldest master was still the old eldest master, who had not changed at all, and did some shameful things.

Fortunately, this black robe cannot be seen through by ordinary people.

"But you charge for a fee. If you say that a fourth-grade spirit stone, what do you mean by asking us to pay two?" someone asked angrily.

There is basically nothing in the ancient city of Chaos, but some specialties at most. One fourth-grade entry is enough to lose, and two are simply too much.

Others also echoed.

"Of course I will receive two copies of Lingshi for two trips." The middle-aged man said.

"Where are the two trips?" Someone immediately retorted.

The middle-aged Taoist priest said indifferently:

"Don't you just go in and out? Can't you go in and out?"

Although it was true that someone could not get out when someone entered, no one refuted it for a while.

Of course, it is more anger that there is nothing to say.

This man is simply shameless.

At this moment, a man suddenly fell from the sky, a man with a goatee, and two young disciples, a man and a woman, followed him.

As soon as this goatee fell, it exuded the breath of the fifth-order law body.

Brings a sense of oppression to many people.

Soon a group of people made way for each other.

The goatee didn't look at other people directly, but walked all the way to the city gate with the two disciples.

Many people were waiting for the shameless gatekeeper to suffer, but when the goatee approached the city gate, the formation spread directly, and they didn't dare to stop the opponent.

When entering, the goatee glanced at the middle-aged man inside the city gate and said calmly:

"Too much can easily arouse public anger."

"What the predecessors taught is." The middle-aged man said in a low tone.

After that, the goatee didn't say much, but brought people in.

The two young disciples behind him glanced at the people behind him, and there was a natural sense of superiority in their eyes.

When this person entered the formation again, some people tried to rush in, but it was a pity that they were bounced back.

The cultivation base is there, and those who are not enough to see can't get in, and those who are strong don't need to look at the face of the other party, the other party will look at the face of the strong.

This was not the case just now, the other party dared to pit them weak, but did not dare to collect spirit stones from the strong.

Many people are unhappy, but helpless, but no one expects what the predecessor just said to be useful.

This person dares to do this, how can he care about the anger of the crowd.

"Very cautious." Lu Shui thought while looking at the middle-aged man.

They are all Tier 5, but this person deliberately lowered his head to the other side, seemingly to paralyze the other side in case of accidents.

If you really meet each other, you should be able to surprise it.

When others were still struggling whether to pay the money, Lu Shui stepped towards the gate of the city.

He can actually pay the money, after all, it is troublesome to do it.

Seeing people walking towards the city gate, they all watched.

Especially when I see two people, a second-order and a fourth-order, I am even more concerned.

They want to see if they can enter safely after paying two fourth-ranks.

Who knows if you can take two steps and charge again?

The middle-aged Taoist priest also looked forward to Lu Shui's arrival.

Someone finally started, and the problem after somebody started.

Soon Lu Shui stood in front of the city gate and said:

"A grade 4, right?"

"It's two fourth-ranks, this little friend." The middle-aged man explained with a glance at Lu Shui.

Can't see the face clearly, the robe is good, the cultivation base is not high.

The one at the back has Tier 4 cultivation base. It looks a bit like a follower, the young master of a small family?

The middle-aged man suddenly guessed.

"Come out and hand in the other one, no?" Lu Shui said.

The middle-aged man was stunned, and finally nodded:

"It's okay, but don't you think it is troublesome?

You don't need to be stopped here when you hand it in directly. If you are chased by someone at that time, it will be fatal to get stuck here. "

Lu Shui took a fourth-grade spirit stone from Zhenwu and threw it into the formation.

The man received the spirit stone and naturally made a gap in the formation.

Lu Shui stepped in, but when Zhen Wu wanted to follow in, the entrance to the formation was already closed.

Zhenwu: "..."

Lu Shui also turned his head to look at the middle-aged man.

Seeing Lu Shui's gaze, the middle-aged man explained with a smile, and said:

"The little friend may not know the rules. Our side is to open and close the charges according to the formation method.

One opening and one closing is a fourth-grade spiritual stone.

And this process can only allow one person to go through, so if the little friend's friend wants to come in, he needs to hand in another fourth-grade spirit stone.

If the little friend feels dissatisfied and wants to leave, he has to hand in a fourth-grade spirit stone. "

Hearing what this person said, a group of people outside couldn't stand it anymore.

This is the middle-aged man who said again:

"There is no way. If a group of four can enter, then people outside can pretend to be a group, can't they all come in?

You don’t want too many people to go in, right?

Of course, the city gate is not limited to this one, and the little friends can also change one, but everyone is the same.

If the little friend doesn't have enough spirit stones, he can give the corresponding magic weapon or pill, it can be counted. "

Lu Shui looked at the middle-aged man, and then said:

"Don't you think it's too much?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly:

"If you think it's too much, you can switch to another place, and then the kid will feel that this side is the best.

Of course, you have to hand in a fourth-grade spirit stone when you go out. "

Lu Shui retracted his gaze and said calmly:

"Ada, break the line."

Zhenwu chose to do it the first time, and Ada was definitely talking about him.

The young master's mouth is a pseudonym.

After Zhenwu swung his sword, his strength was less than Tier 5, but his combat power was not low. The sword in his hand was also good. It seemed impossible to split the formation, but since it was called by the young master, he would definitely break the formation. .

The middle-aged man frowned, but he didn't care much, it was impossible for a Tier 4 to break the formation.

There was a boom.

Click, there was a crack in the formation, although it was quickly repaired, but it gave people an illusion that it could be broken in a few more clicks.

The middle-aged man was a little surprised, and then turned his gaze on Lu Shui.

"Does the little friend know that he can't get out, your friend can't get in temporarily?"

"So you have to do it to me?" Lu Shui asked.

"Little friends may not go out often. There are some things in the cultivation world. It is not necessary to open one eye if you can close one eye." As he said, the old man stretched out his hand directly to Lushui.

Lu Shui knew by looking at him that the other party was going to directly injure him.

Kill the chicken and curse the monkey.

"Do you dare." Zhen Wu shouted, once again strengthening his strength.

It is bound to break the formation.

The middle-aged man didn't care about Zhenwu, let alone the other party can't open it, what if he opens it?

Even a mere fourth-tier dare to come and spoil his good deeds?

At this time, the people outside naturally saw the middle-aged man attacking Lu Shui, and they seemed to have seen the result.

There is no suspense between the second order and the fourth order.

Lu Shui looked at the upcoming palm and held out a finger to confront it.


One palm and one finger touched together, and the roar of power sounded.

But to everyone's surprise, the palm of the middle-aged man did not serve him, and his palm was directly blocked by the opponent's finger.

The middle-aged man was even more surprised. He used the power of the fourth-order early, but it didn't work at all?

Without hesitation, the power of the fifth-order law body burst out directly.

The other people who felt this power were shocked, the fifth rank was actually a strong Dharmakaya.

The fourth-order is so far from the fifth-order, this discovery makes many fourth-orders who are ready to move do not dare to move.

Zhen Wu is still breaking the formation, Tier 5 is also very dangerous for Young Master, right?

He remembered that his young master was only Tier 4.

The middle-aged man didn't keep his hands at all, he could feel that the opponent's power was being suppressed by him, and the opponent did not have a fifth-order.

Lu Shui felt the strength of the opponent and said calmly:



At this moment, one intention appeared on Lu Shui's fingers, and there was a faint tendency to resist the fifth-order, but it seemed that it was still a little short.

When the middle-aged frowned, he felt a terrible sword intent.

At this moment, Lu Shui spoke again:

"Sword Intent."

At this moment, Lu Shui’s finger was an invisible sword. This sword carried a powerful sword intent. With the emergence of this sword intent, this kind of sword intent also appeared around Lu Shui. These sword intents turned into sword.

In the next moment, countless sword intents left for the middle-aged man.

This terrible sword intent made the middle-aged man shocked, and he immediately stretched out his other hand to fight against it.

Boom, boom, boom.

The two powerful forces fought directly in the city gate.

The people outside retreated subconsciously.

But for a while, the middle-aged man in the city gate showed a disadvantage.

Numerous sword intents constantly penetrated his attack and pierced into his body.


The middle-aged man broke away from Lu Shui's finger and began to keep defending, but no matter how he defended, the sword intent could always penetrate his defenses, leaving wounds on his body continuously.

"Ah!" The middle-aged man shouted, shaking his sword intently.

However, at this time, the sword intent that belonged to Lu Shui Yizhi, whizzed out.

This sword is extremely powerful, and it is not something that a person at the beginning of the fifth rank can resist.

The middle-aged man looked at this sword with fear in his eyes, and he couldn't stop it.

He wanted to escape, but Jianyi had locked him in and couldn't escape at all.

boom! ! !

Jian Yi directly pierced into the body of the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man felt his body was knocked out, and the blood couldn't help but vomit out.

With a bang, the middle-aged man felt like he had stopped, but he was already nailed to the city wall at this time.

Three points off the ground.

The middle-aged man looked incredible. He felt his weakness, as if he would die at any time.

He soon felt fear.

He never thought that it would be such a result, it was too fast, and he was almost unprepared for it.

Weak, he stretched out his feet, trying to touch the ground.

He wants to escape here.

It’s just that when he was still trying, he suddenly heard Lu Shui’s voice:

"Don't try anymore, your escape has already expired the moment I stepped in here."

Hearing Lu Shui's words, the middle-aged man's feet were just a meal. He looked at Lu Shui in horror. Only now did he realize that the man in front of him was terrifying to the point of desperation.

He is not a second-order at all.

You can hide your cultivation base, why can't the other party?

He regrets that the other party has handed over the spirit stone, and he actually stopped the other party.

He simply pushed himself to death again.

Lu Shui glanced at the other person and ignored him, then turned his head to look outside, and said:

"Ada, enter the city."

After speaking, Lu Shui turned and entered the ancient city of Chaos.

Zhenwu responded and immediately followed.

Now the formation has been broken, and the power confrontation just now is enough to break the obstacle formation.

The middle-aged man was a little surprised. The other party didn't come to kill him. He hesitated and asked:

"You, who are you?"

After hearing this middle-aged man's question, some people outside were also looking at Lu Shui, as if they wanted to know the origin of the other person.

At this time, a gust of wind passed by, and they saw the breeze blowing the black robe of the man, and then they heard the man's voice:

"The young master of the Yintianzong, Liuhuo."

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