The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 190: Promoted to Protoss

At the moment when they felt this purple energy, the three demon cultivators were surprised, but they didn't make any major movements.

They even asked people to pick up blood.

In their view, this purple gas could not threaten them.

Even if they can be threatened, they have the ability to escape.

A few breaths can escape this area.

They didn't care, but Lu Shui's face changed a lot when he felt the purple qi.

"Damn, this person is actually the one chosen by Mu Xue."

If Lu Shui had known it long ago, he would never come in person.

But in an instant, Lu Shui chose to turn around and escape.

He didn't know if other people were dead. If he stayed and let Mu Xue take a look, he would be the one who died.

At this moment, Lu Shui used all his cultivation base, stepped out and disappeared in place.

No matter what blood mention, what rank six, he thought without thinking.

However, in the blink of an eye, Lu Shui came to Zhenwu's side. Without waiting for Zhenwu to speak, Lu Shui grabbed Zhenwu's shoulders and walked away. Every step changed his shape, but after a few breaths, Lu Shui disappeared directly. In the eyes of everyone.

The three demon cultivators looked blank, did this person run a little decisively?

Is this purple gas really that powerful?

The other two are a little worried.


"Don't worry about it, take the blood and pick it up, and leave as soon as it's done." The demon cultivator headed by him was actually a little uncertain.

The man in black was a little dazed, and he found that Lu Shui had fled too decisively.

Decisively a bit too much.

This person does not know the goddess, has seen the power of the goddess?

At this time, he thought of a question. Everyone knew that Liu Huo was the Young Master of the Hidden Sky Sect, but he had never thought about who was Liu Huo.

Of course he hasn't thought about it, but there are some things without thinking about it, and he has an answer. He is not a rival in a head-on confrontation.

No wonder Liuhuo ranks in the top 30.

Then the black man chose to pretend to be dead, and he felt that the goddess was coming.

At the edge of the fruit forest, Lu Shui didn't even think of stopping, his speed almost always remained at its peak.

If it weren't for worrying that the power of heaven and earth would be captured by Mu Xue, he would now use the power of heaven and earth to escape from here.

When the power of heaven and earth was useless, Mu Xue couldn't notice it, but when it was used, it was different. Mu Xue could definitely notice it for the first time.

Then recognize him, and then there is no more.

"No, the location is not far enough."

Lu Shui was a little anxious, Mu Xue's purple qi came from the east in a wide range, and he had to escape from Mu Xue's range.

At this time, formations began to appear under Lu Shui's feet, which could accelerate him to leave this area.

However, after a few breaths, Lu Shui fled the fruit forest.

"It's enough in theory, but for safety's sake, it's farther away." Lu Shui felt that he had escaped from the range, but he still needs to be farther away and keep a safe distance.

Lu Shui kept fleeing without any reduction in speed.

Until he felt the purple gas explode behind him, covering the entire fruit forest.

He didn't stop until he saw that Zi Qi was really far away from him.

Then fell to the ground, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhenwu looked at Lu Shui in disbelief. The first time he saw the young master, he looked a little embarrassed.

Lu Shui didn't care about this. If it was another strong person, no matter how many ranks he was, he would let others know what is the Taishan collapse in front of him, but which one can compare with Mu Xue?

So this is just a strategic avoidance.

However, Zhen Wu also looked at the fruit forest at this time. He felt as if there was something terrifying there, and the space was distorted under the purple air.

"Do you know who the two women are?" Lu Shui asked Zhenwu.

Zhenwu shook his head.

"Check it." Lu Shui said.

Zhenwu answered, and then asked in a low voice:

"Master means that those two people are terrible?"

"It's not them that is terrible, but the people behind them." Lu Shuidao.

"Master knows who is behind them?" Zhen Wu was a little curious.

Lu Shui glanced at Zhen Wu and said:

"You don't understand what I said, remember, if you have a conflict with these people in the future, try not to push that head to death."

If the leader is forced to die, Mu Xue will come out at that time, it will be difficult to say who is dead.

But Lu Shui was actually very curious as to what power Mu Xue had taken over.

The spokesperson is so weak.

Isn't Mu Xue actually that strong?

Well, it's impossible.

Zhen Wu naturally nodded in response to what Lu Shui said, but he was curious as to who could make the young master so afraid.

After that, Lu Shui stopped paying attention to these things, which affected his calm mood.

He should continue to see if there is anything to discover inside.

I mainly wanted to judge the prophecy slate based on some things in the ancient times, and then know how the Lu family was targeted.

In the fruit forest, the eyes of the three demons showed unstoppable fear, and finally disappeared.

The black-clothed man lying on the ground was frightened. The sheep-beard Taoist who was lucky enough to not die directly knelt on the ground, unable to get up.

He felt such a terrible existence for the first time.

"My Goddess, she is the head..." Su Ran knelt on the ground and blamed herself.

"Feed a blood lift, that's all." A pair of eyes above the head of the Tiannvzong watched all this.

Although Su Ran didn't understand, he picked a blood extract as quickly as possible, and then fed it to the head of the goddess.

Seeing that the head of the goddess had eaten the blood, Mu Xue said:

"When Gu Yu wakes up, let her enter the depths of the ancient city of disaster."

After talking about Mu Xue's strength, her strength can't stay here for too long, it is easy to conflict with the troubled ancient city itself.

This will result in blocked access later.

Of course, when the head of the goddess is seriously injured, she can detect it. After all, she has promised asylum and will naturally pay attention to the life and death of the other party.

It's just that she doesn't think it is necessary to shoot.

If it weren't for the blood mention, she planned to let the goddess head a breakthrough on her own.

Then Mu Xue left, and everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But the sheep beard and others, who were close to the blood lift, had no idea of ​​taking the blood lift at all.

The death of those three demon cultivators simply broke their hearts.

Su Ran is actually puzzled, the goddess mean that there will be nothing wrong with the head?

But, with such a serious injury, is it really okay?

Just when Su Ran was puzzled, the North and South elders rushed over.

They looked anxious, the goddess appeared, then the head must be in danger.

Su Ran watched the North and South elders come over, and when they saw the injuries of the head, she thought that the North and South elders would blame her.

However, to her surprise, the North and South elders were relieved.

Then they took the clothes to cover the head of the wound, and passed the voice to Su Ran by the way:

"The head is the same as the former head, with a special physique. The wound of the head just now has a unique aura. Once this breath appears, it means that the head's injury will heal.

No matter how heavy it is, it can be restored.

The old master told us that this is a secret belonging to the master. "

Su Ran was a little surprised. It's no wonder that Lord Goddess would say that, but she was also relieved, just fine.

Suran who calmed down immediately got up and went back, Xueti forgot to pick it, and no one dared to grab it as soon as possible with them.

But the one who fled from the fire was really fast, which is really strange in retrospect.

I have to talk to the headmaster, and I can mention it with Lord Goddess when I have time.


Lu Shui's location at this time was already very close to the center.

Because I kept escaping from Muxue's purple gas range before, I accidentally saved most of the journey.

Now that Lu Shui saw a huge building, a circular building, he could see that there were countless similar circles inside, like a maze.

It's just that these rings have a door.

And Lu Shui is in front of the first door.

"Zhen Wu, go and see if you can get in." Lu Shui said.

He could see a lot of breath in this building.

If it is said that there are secrets in the ancient city of disaster, then all the secrets are here.

Zhenwu responded and walked towards the huge building.

Zhenwu walked unhappily, he held the sword tightly to prevent accidents.

Not long after, Zhenwu came to the door, and after observing the surroundings, he stepped into the first door.

However, what surprised Zhen Wu was that when he took a step, he encountered something.

Then he changed positions, but still bumped into something.

Under curiosity, Zhenwu moved his hand to touch the front, and then he found that the first door seemed to be open, but in fact it was blocked by an enchantment.

"Master, I can't get in." Zhen Wu said, looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui was not surprised, he stepped to the edge of Zhen Wu, and then raised his hand to touch the barrier of the door.

Perceiving it, Lu Shui knew that only the undead could enter here.

"Wait for me outside." Lu Shui said.

Zhen Wu nodded immediately:


After that, Lu Shui stepped forward and tried to step into this door.

When he first stepped in, Lu Shui could feel the whole building repelling him.

It seemed that there was an extremely unknown aura coming at him.

However, these unknown auras vanished in front of him before they even approached Lu Shui.

With the power of heaven and earth, no breath can affect him, of course, the same is true without the power of heaven and earth.

So far, land and water stepped inside the building.

Then the whole person walked in.

The enchantment has no effect on him, or that this building has already assumed that Lu Shui is a member of the undead.

This is the effect of the power of heaven and earth, and there is no way for Mu Xue to be so casual.

As for the attack just now, it should be that any undead coming in will be contaminated once.

Failing to persist in the past, there are only two results waiting for the other party, either falling into this or losing the qualification to enter.

After Lu Shui entered the building, he found that the door beside him moved, and then with a slam, the huge door was heavily closed.

Lu Shui didn't look back, but walked forward step by step.

It was empty here, but Lu Shui felt countless eyes staring at him on both sides.

These gazes are crazy except for distortion.

Had Lu Shui looked around? He knew that he couldn't see the source of his gaze no matter how he looked.

It is a matter of space.

"It seems that the differences between the undead people back then are at the innermost point." Lu Shui looked at the distant center point and muttered to himself.

As Lu Shui stepped forward, he crossed the gates.

These doors are also closed one by one.

And as the gates closed, a ray of light began to rise from the giant building, and the light connected to the sky to illuminate the entire troubled ancient city.

Zhenwu looked at the sky, and according to his understanding, this kind of thing was impossible in the past.

Sure enough, as soon as his young master came, something strange would definitely happen.

Then Zhenwu took out his mobile phone and checked the signal, which was very stable at the moment.

Zhen Wu is ready, if there is any danger, directly call the patriarch for help.

The main reason was that the dog had said that Xianting Buddhism did not dare to come in, because the danger level was extremely high.

So he must remain vigilant.

Although the young master is getting stronger and stronger, it is not enough compared to the entire cultivation world.

Zhenwu remained vigilant here, and the people on the periphery were also vigilant.

This sudden change makes many people a little worried.

The troubled ancient city is not an ordinary place.

A strange light suddenly appeared at this time, and no one would think this was a good thing.

"Head? Head?"

At this time, Elder Nan was a little worried and called the head of the goddess.

The head of the goddess who had just been okay, suddenly lost her voice.

"What's going on?" Su Ran asked.

Although the headmaster lost her breath, she could perceive that the headmaster was still alive.

Elder Nan also shook his head:

"I don't know, it hasn't happened before."

Elder North suddenly raised his hand and said:

"The headmaster lost his voice only after the light inside came down. Could it be related to the light inside?"

Both Elder Nan and Su Ran nodded.

Then Elder Nan suddenly asked:

"By the way, the ancient city of Chaos is the homeland of the undead, right?"

Hearing what Elder Nan said, Elder Bei and Su Ran also reacted.

Then the three of them unanimously looked at the head of the goddess.

There is a guess in their hearts, that is, their head is actually the undead?

The elders of the North and South were a little upset, they should have guessed it a long time ago. If it were not for the undead, how could the head of the family recover from serious injuries several times?

Moreover, the head of the house specially wanted to bring trouble to the ancient city.

However, what puzzled them was that the head didn't seem to know that he was an undead clan.

"Leave here first," Su Ran said.

Suddenly something went wrong with the head, which was fatal to them.

Because only the head can invite Lord Goddess, the Lord Goddess can't save them when they are in danger at this time.

After that, Elder Nan carried the head of the goddess, who had almost recovered from her injuries, and began to leave here, looking for a safer place.

"Elder North, please inform my senior sister and ask her to come and help us." Su Ran was in charge of finding a place.

Whether the situation is good or not, it is endangered if it is said to be endangered.

In short, just find a master.

Su Ran and the others looked for a place to hide, as did the others, the sudden light shining down made them a little uncomfortable.

It seems that this light has a corrosive ability, making their power pulsate uncontrollably.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it has never happened. At least I know the ancient city of Disaster, it has never happened.

Don't say this, it's just that there has never been a bigger thing. "

"Have you heard anything?"

"what sound?"

"It's the sound of closing doors."

Some people were a little surprised when they heard it, and then tried to listen.

Sure enough, I heard a banging sound, as if it really was the sound of closing the door.

And the speed seems to be getting faster and faster.

At this time, the sky became more and more radiant, and the entire ancient city was covered by these lights.

The people who were illuminated by these lights felt a tingling pain, as if the light penetrated their skin directly, hurting their bodies.

"Find a place to hide, this light is not a normal light."

Everyone felt it at this moment, and the light shining down was simply a life-threatening light.

For an instant, no one was exposed to the light again.

As the light became more and more solid, an altar slowly appeared in the sky, with a large number of people standing on both sides of the altar.

And in the middle of the altar stood a mature man.

He stood there overlooking the entire troubled ancient city.

When everyone thought that person could speak, the other person did not speak, let alone move.

As if freeze frame is there.

No one knows what happened, but they have to pay attention, because at this time, it is impossible to exit the ancient city of disaster.

Once illuminated by the light, they will most likely die directly under the light.

In the darkness, the head of the goddess suddenly woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she felt the wound on her body and found the hole was gone, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately not dead.

The clothes are also good.

"But where is this place?"

The head of the goddess looked at the pitch black and cast fireball all around.

Later, the head of the goddess saw this place clearly, it was a residence with a simple musical notation, and the door was closed.

"What about Suran? Why am I here suddenly?"

The head of the goddess was a little confused, but she felt that she might be hidden.

When she was seriously injured in the past, the North and South elders would hide her.

Thinking like this, the head of the goddess got up and went to the door of the house.

With a squeak, the door was opened easily.

"you're awake?"

In front of the door was a very simple woman.

And the head of the goddess felt that what the other party said was very strange, but she could understand it.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" The head of the goddess asked.

She looked around and found that this should be a magnificent town, but she did not remember that she had been here.

"This is the ancient city of natural disasters. Didn't those who ran away tell you? It's only a few years now, and I don't even recognize my hometown."

The woman buried a few sentences and continued:

"The ancient city of natural disasters is the hometown of the undead, that is, your hometown. By the way, what is your name?"

"Therefore, it is rain." The head of the goddess couldn't think about it.

This is the ancient city of natural disasters, the hometown of the undead, and her hometown. Does this mean that she is the undead?

Thinking about it this way, the head of the goddess felt that she was really undead.

Isn’t the hometown of the undead the ancient city of trouble?

How did it become an ancient city of natural disasters?

The head of the goddess did not dare to ask.

At this time, in the center and highest position of the town, a voice came:

"The hour has come, it's in place."

"Let's go, you just came here." Then the woman took the head of the goddess and went inside.

"What are you doing?" asked the head of the goddess.

She found that this woman was outrageous, and she couldn't resist at all.

"Promoted to Protoss." The woman said with a look of excitement.

But the head of the goddess was a little surprised, promoted to the Protoss?

What do you mean?

After they left, a man appeared in the empty street, a man in a black robe.

"Promoted to Protoss? Is this their point of difference?"

Lu Shui watched these ancient illusions and muttered to himself.

Yes, everything here is not real, just an illusion formed by obsession.

This area is where he stepped into the last door.

But what surprised Lu Shui was that the illusion here seemed to exist all the time.

He stood here for a long time, and all he saw were the daily lives of these undead.

It wasn't until the emergence of the undead clan that the rhythm here picked up, and the people around began to get busy.

So has the phantom been waiting for an undead?

Because he was not an undead, and he didn't actively integrate into the illusion, so he couldn't activate the subsequent situation.

Lu Shui followed step by step, but he was very curious about how these undead races would be promoted to the **** race.

And what kind of protoss to be promoted.

If it's the kind of gods, then it's a bit self-deception.

"But before the undead were exterminated, there were no gods, right?"

Xian Ting and Buddhism existed for a long time, and the gods appeared relatively slowly. As for why, Lu Shui couldn't know.

Soon Lu Shui came to the center of the town.

There is a huge altar with a row of people standing on each side of the altar.

None of these people are weak.

If the aura displayed by these people is real, then it can only be said that the undead were extremely powerful in ancient times.

Lu Shui saw more than ten of the undead in Rank Nine.

Whether Xian Ting and Buddhism together can beat the undead is a question. Of course, the emperor's level cannot be counted.

"But the undead clan is so strong, why is no one to subdue the undefeated Xian Ting and Kuhai Buddhism?

The emperor's level can subdue the undead without injury, right?

Even if it's a little troublesome, these people can't watch them get promoted to the Protoss. "

Lu Shui had some questions, but unfortunately he couldn't get the answer.

But it's actually quite easy to know. When the emperor and these fellows wake up, just grab them and ask.

According to Xingsi, the emperor should not have died either.

Of course, Lu Shui wanted to know why he wanted to target the Lu family.

Lu Shui stood under the altar looking at the top of the altar, waiting for the undead to be promoted to the gods.

At this time, the head of the goddess was also standing at the end of the crowd. She didn't understand at all. Isn't the undead clan annihilated?

Why did she suddenly want to be promoted to the Protoss, and she also followed the promotion to the Protoss somehow.

Intuition tells her that she can't participate in such things.

But the woman kept holding her, making her completely unable to break free.

"What is a god?" Finally the head of the goddess asked.

"God is the spokesperson of heaven and earth, living the same life as heaven and earth, immortal and immortal, as long as we are promoted to the gods, then our clan will not be restricted by any creatures.

It is also a veritable undead. "The woman replied.

"Are there many gods in this world?" the goddess asked.

The woman shook her head:

"No, there is only one true God.

We are only promoted to the Protoss, not the true God, as long as the Protoss possesses the divinity of the true God.

By then, even the true God will have difficulty restraining us. "

"Then how can I become a Protoss?" asked the head of the goddess.

Lu Shui also cares about this question, how can these people be promoted to the Protoss?

And he heard that there is only one true God, that is to say, in their perception, God is actually not like the gods.

And this true **** is nine out of ten.

If Jiu is really as she said, it is the only true God of heaven and earth.

At this time, Lu Shui heard the majestic voice from the altar:

"Please God Blood."

At the moment this sound fell, Lu Shui felt a crack in the sky, UU read www.uukanshu. A drop of colorful blood fell from the sky.

This is God's blood?

Lu Shui didn't know that this place was just an illusion, something beyond the obsession of the undead, it couldn't be reflected here.

Colorful can only represent that the other party is special.

It is not necessarily colorful in reality.

At this time, the man on the altar raised his hand, and then a drop of blood condensed in his hand.

"We are connected by blood, we are in harmony with the blood, and become the immortal god."

The sound of vastness spread all around.

At this moment, everyone knelt down on one knee, and then a drop of blood gathered on the altar.

Then came the great resonance of everyone:

"Combine the blood of God, and be promoted to the Protoss."

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