The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 203: The Mu Family Annihilation

Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze, and he did not refute what Mu Ze said.

Is it correct?

His parents and the three elders really don't know what his state is now, but there is nothing he can do about it, let's wait a while.

They will know when he implements the plan to divorce.

"Senior do you have any questions?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze.

If there is nothing to ask, he will start asking.

It's just that Muze seems to have a lot of problems.

"How did you do it?" Mu Ze looked at Lu Shui, he couldn't imagine how a man who was only twenty years old did all this.

No, how did it confuse so many people since childhood?

Faced with this question, Lu Shui could not fully answer, so he could only find one key answer:

"Has the predecessor heard of the heaven and earth formation pattern?"

Hearing what Lu Shui said, Mu Ze was shocked again. He had heard of this accidentally:

"You learned?"

Lu Shui smiled without saying a word.

Facing Lu Shui's smile, Mu Ze knew that Lu Shui had really learned.

If so, he can understand.

"Master Lu is so powerful, why would you like Mu Xue?

What does Master Lu think of Mu Xue? "Mu Ze asked softly.

With the strength of Lu Shui and the background of the Lu family, why can't she marry the girl of heaven?

After hearing Mu Ze's question, Lu Shui fell silent for a moment.

What do you think of Mu Xue?

Blew up my secret room and couldn't give birth to a child. He beat me and got angry at me.

Is it roughly like this?

This answer flashed through Lu Shui's mind.

Only soon he came to a new conclusion.

No one except Muxue can blow up his secret room. He doesn't need anyone except Muxue to give birth to him. No one of his peers can beat him except Muxue. Who can get angry with him in front of him except Muxue?

Mu Xue couldn't open the secret room, he would weaken the strength of the secret room.

Mu Xue could not give birth to a child, he could study for a lifetime.

Mu Xue couldn't break his physical body, he could just make him just enough to let Mu Xue break through his defense.

Mu Xue was in a bad mood, he could deliberately tease Mu Xue to make Mu Xue lose his temper at him.

Is there anything wrong with Mu Xue?

No, Mu Xue is too sensible.

"In my eyes, Mu Xue's whole body is good." Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze and said seriously:

"I, Lu Shui, will either not marry, or I will only marry Mu Xue.

Mu Xue either doesn't marry, or she can only marry me Lu Shui. "

Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze, and continued under the other's unexpected eyes:

"That's how I look at Mu Xue, looking at the eyes of the only partner in my life, looking at her."

Mu Ze stared at Lu Shui in a daze. He didn't expect to get this kind of answer.

He doesn't understand, but does he need to understand something?

Not required.

"You..." Mu Ze couldn't say anything in the end.

This person in front of him was really shocked too much.

He still couldn't understand what kind of person the person in front of him was.

"Then Senior, is it my turn to ask?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze and said calmly.

"You, ask." Mu Ze lowered his eyebrows.

"There is something harmful to Mu Xue here, right?"

"That's how I understand it."

"Senior is the source of the light, isn't it?"


"Does senior know what it is?"

"I don't know." Mu Ze shook his head.

Lu Shui frowned, and then continued to inquire:

"Then how did Senior determine that this thing will have an impact on Mu Xue?"

Hearing this question, Mu Ze was silent.

Finally he shook his head and said:

"I can't answer this question."

Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze and continued to ask:

"Because of the oath?"

Mu Ze was a little surprised, but he chose to nod his head.

"With my father?" Lu Shui asked again.

This time Mu Ze was even more surprised. He couldn't understand how Lu Shui contacted him.

But he did not nod or shook his head, just calmly said:

"I can't answer."

Is that really related to my dad? Lu Shui was surprised.

This thing seems very complicated.

But he also understood that before Mu Ze dared to directly provoke him, he really didn't worry about offending the Lu family.

The old man had a conspiracy with his father.

"The last question, do you know who the other party is?"

Mu Ze's answer was to shake his head.

Lu Shui who got the answer fell into deep thought.

The first Muxue was indeed targeted, if the old man was right.

There is a certain consensus between the second father and Lao Zhangren. This consensus is related to Mu Xue, and it is temporarily unknown what it is.

Thirdly, the strength of Mu Xue's people is unknown, their purpose is unknown, and they tend to be hostile.

The time when the fourth opponent appeared earlier, it can be seen that the person targeting Mu Xue did not appear suddenly, but was always there. Therefore, the opponent is very likely to be a certain force or someone who intends to do something.

It does not rule out the more active Xian Ting, Shenzhong, Buddhism and others.

Assuming that Mu Xue is targeted by forces such as Xian Ting, is it possible that it has something to do with prophetic slabs and other things?

Let's also suppose that if it is relevant, is it because of the Lu family's own in the certain consensus between Lao Zhangren and Dad?

After that, Lu Shui stopped making assumptions, and there was no evidence, and if he continued to make assumptions, he was just asking for trouble.

Let's solve it a little bit.

First find out the person behind this.

As for the consensus between Lao Zhangren and Dad, I will have the opportunity to ask again later. It is really impossible to find the answer directly from the person behind it.

It's not time to ask his father yet.

Lu Shui was thinking deeply, and Mu Ze had been imprisoned there. He didn't know what Lu Shui thought.

But he knew that the other party would definitely not turn around and go back obediently.

One more thing, knowing the secret of the other party, it's hard to tell what will happen to me.

"Master Lu, I don't deny that you are very strong, but some people have something that you can't rashly confront.

I advise you to go back to the Lu family and wait until you are strong enough. "Muze said to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui is worried that his parents and the three giants are like this.

No, they were like this in their previous lives.

It's hard to go out.

They all took Mu Xue out secretly.

You have to be punished if found.


He is obviously so strong and so special, so he still doesn't feel relieved.

Without thinking about it, Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze and said:

"Senior, I have a small suggestion."

A small proposal?

Muze would not believe it. There is no such thing as a small suggestion for the problem they are facing now.

But he still asked Lu Shui to mention:

"What does Master Lu want to do?"

"Let Mu Xue come in to worship the ancestors." Lu Shui said.

However, as soon as Lu Shui said these words, Mu Ze directly refused:

"No, I don't agree.

Master Lu, self-confidence is a good thing, but being over-confident is conceited.

I hope Master Lu can distinguish clearly. "

"How does Senior care about Mu Xue?" Lu Shui asked.

"Does Master Lu want to cause trouble for himself?" Mu Ze stared at Lu Lu channel:

"Mu Xue is now in the dark, so it's not a big problem.

It's like hunters going into the mountains to hunt. They know that there are precious prey in the mountains, but they don't know what the prey looks like.

Letting Mu Xue in is equivalent to letting the other party know the appearance of the prey.

So, isn't Mu Xue who married into the Lu family making trouble for the Lu family?

Not only the Lu family, but also the Mu family will get in a lot of trouble.

No one knows who is behind it. "

"So just add a prerequisite." Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze, the corner of his mouth raised slightly:

"We found the people behind the scenes."

Mu Ze was stunned after hearing what Lu Shui said.

He felt that Lu Shui was too young and too arrogant.

Is this kind of thing that easy?

Now I don't even know where the other party is.

"Does Master Lu know about them? Do you think the other party's magic weapon can be probed in, can't you hear our communication?" Mu Ze said.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"Senior said that these things that everyone has confidence in are meaningless.

I want Mu Xue to come in, so I won't let Mu Xue get into danger.

I have a plan. As long as the seniors are willing to cooperate, I can find the source and find out who the other party is.

It can also make Mu's family free of suspicion, and naturally, it will also make me free of suspicion.

Don’t you think about it? "

Muze didn't believe it, but he was curious what it was.

Seeing Mu Ze did not speak, Lu Shui continued:

"Does senior know the patio?"

Muze naturally knew the topic discussed not long ago, and then said:

"The shady that appeared last night?"

Lu Shui nodded and said:

"Yes, it was the shady scene last night.

Tianjing, also known as Inverse Star, is a very complicated process. It is man-made, not God’s will. "

"Do you know Tianjing?" Mu Ze felt that he had been surprised, but he was still puzzled:

"What does your proposal have to do with the patio?"

"Use the patio to get us an opportunity to find the person behind the scenes.

It is enough for me to find out about him, and how to deal with him in the future is all my business.

The Mu family will never be involved, and Mu Xue will be the same. "Lu Shui said.

"Using the patio?" Mu Ze felt that this was a fantasy.

A group of people didn't know what the patio was. After the land water was poured, they said to use the patio as soon as they came out.

Is this a human thing?

But Muze hesitated.

Seeing that Mu Ze couldn't make a decision, Lu Shui continued:

"It will take a few days for Mu Xue to come back from going out. If Senior doesn't agree, I can only act on my own. Whether you can react at that time, then it has nothing to do with me."

"Are you threatening me?" Mu Ze glared at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui took out a chair, then sat down and leaned back.

"Why do seniors ask me?

Isn't it obvious?

If it is someone else, in front of me, there is not even a chance to choose. "

"You..." Mu Ze was speechless.

Lu Shui was right, especially since he was still the opponent's defeated opponent.

But he really couldn't understand why Lu Shui would suddenly take out his chair and sit down.

Who will carry a chair with them?

Sure enough, the Lu family eldest master was not normal at all.

"I can promise you, but you have to tell me the details.

Also, will your plan bring harm to the Mu family? "Muze said.

Lu Shui tried to imagine.

Mu Ze looked at Lu Shui nervously. The other party did not answer immediately, indicating that a certain price had to be paid.

He is envisioning an upper limit for himself.

Soon Lu Shui spoke:

"Roughly, it needs to be renovated for the Mu's family."

Mu Ze: "???"

What do you mean?

He did not understand.

"Master Lu can make it clearer?" Mu Ze asked.

"It is not an easy task to activate the patio. There is a lot involved in this matter. In short, it may be up to the sky.

To put it simply, the Mu family may be ruined. "Land Waterway.

Mu Ze: "???"

The question mark on his face, this is not because he has a problem, but because he thinks there is a problem with Lu Shui.

What is the price?

Is this directly annihilated?

"Don't worry, as long as you don't make a mistake, the staff will be fine.

As for the loss, I will accidentally turn on the button when the time comes.

You tell my father directly that I destroyed the Mu's family and ask them to compensate.

The Lu family can afford it. "Lu Shui said.

Afterwards, at most I went to the river bank to think about it, and by the way, I saw the face of the third elder 50 million.

If he swears that he and Mu Xue can have two or three children, the elders will definitely turn their anger into joy.

The problem is not big.

Mu Ze was silent for a while.

This is the Lu Family Master?

Casually compensate for a family construction?

Excessive wealth, right?

But the Lu family was willing to pay, and the Mu family had to bear it.

"Can you be more specific?"

"Wait for me to go back and get ready." said Lu Shui snapped his fingers.

After the snapping of the fingers fell, the surrounding formation pattern broke away from the ancestral formation, and then gathered towards Muze.

These patterns fell directly on Mu Ze's head, and finally merged into it.

When Mu Ze was puzzled, Lu Shui explained:

"This pattern can bring a strong defense to the predecessors, and at the same time it will imprison things related to me.

When I get married with Mu Xue, it will naturally be dismissed. Of course, if I expose myself in advance, it will also be dismissed early. "

He often walks by the river, and Lu Shui has already prepared for wet shoes.

People, have self-knowledge.


Mu Ze did not resist, he found that he could not resist and control his formation.

But he didn't expect Lu Shui to use this method to shut him up.

After Lu Shui informed of the general plan, Mu Ze was stunned.

"In order for Mu Xue to enter the ancestral land, do you have to sacrifice so much?" Mu Ze couldn't bear it.

"It's not just for Mu Xue to enter the ancestral land, but it's also important to find out who is behind the scenes," Lu Shui said.

Mu Ze couldn't refuse. If Lu Shui were to come directly by himself, the Mu family couldn't bear it.

If it really makes him successful.

Lu Shui's plan was too unthinkable.

He couldn't believe that Lu Shui could succeed.

No matter how strong Lu Shui is, there is no Tier 6, how can he do what he said?

But when he thought that Lu Shui was only twenty years old, he had to believe it again.

Would normal people believe that a twenty-year-old young man can suppress a Tier 5 pinnacle without any backhand force?

After a moment of silence, Mu Ze asked curiously:

"Does Master Lu really like Mu Xue?"

"No." While Mu Ze was still in an accident, Lu Shui continued:

"I like it very much, deep into my bones."

Mu Ze thinks so, otherwise, on the day of his resignation, why would Master Lu come the other way?

Not only did it consolidate his marriage with Mu Xue, but he also helped Mu Xue to stand out.

Even the whole Mu's family was shaken in two shakes.

"Mu Xue will be back in about two days, and I will prepare everything in these two days.

The plan should be launched the next night.

After that, it's up to your own reactions, and I will try not to affect ordinary people. "Lu Shui said.

After Mu Ze nodded, Lu Shui turned and left.

He left in front of Mu Ze, and also entered a hidden state in front of Mu Ze.

Mu Ze just watched the disappearance of Lu Shui, unable to perceive it.

After waiting for a long time, I felt that after Lu Shui left.

Mu Ze sat weakly on the ground.

"It's a terrible person."


Lu Shui returned to his residence.

His plan requires a lot of power from heaven and earth, so he must hurry up to watch the formation of heaven and earth.

Two days of recovery should be enough.

It's a pity that the cultivation base is not high enough, otherwise it won't be so troublesome.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhenwu came to find Lu Shui.

He was relieved to find that Lu Shui had returned safely.

"Master, what else do you need to do in these two days?" Zhen Wu asked.

"Prepare for these two days and go to Tianling the day after tomorrow." Lu Shui said.

Zhenwu looked blank.

Crossing Tianling?

Isn’t that where the patio appears?

Didn’t you say you want to stay away from Dutianling?

Zhenwu couldn't think of Lu Shui's purpose, but he still asked:

"What time does the young master need a ticket?"

Lu Shui didn't look up, he turned the page of Heaven and Earth Lines, and said:

"You don't need a ticket, you just need to be mentally prepared."

Zhenwu was full of doubts, but he nodded and said yes for the first time.

After that, Lu Shui stopped going out, he had been watching the formation of heaven and earth.

Until the next afternoon.

That day, Lu Shui put away the heaven and earth formations and walked out of the room.

Seeing Lu Shui coming out, Zhenwu Zhenling was relieved, but his expression couldn't help but get serious.

The sigh of relief is that the young master has finally come out, not that he has been reading.

The young master has been reading a book without sleep, making them uneasy.

And seriously, there will be changes later that they have never guessed.

This change requires them to face it with all their strength.

"How has the Mu family changed in the past two days?" Lu Shui asked on the way out.

Zhenwu shook his head:

"Basically there has been no change. They have been preparing for ancestor worship, and it should be almost done.

Three days later is the day of ancestor worship.

Miss Mu will be back tomorrow. "

Lu Shui nodded, there seemed to be no accidents, this is the best way.

"Take me around Mu's house." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

"Master, come with me." It was the real spirit who spoke.

During this time Zhenwu was protecting the land and water, and Zhenling had figured out the general structure of the Mu family in advance.

They knew the way clearly, they wouldn't know where Lu Shui was going.

Lu Shui nodded and followed.

In the afternoon, Lu Shui was visiting Mu's house, and on the mountain, Lu Shui wandered around when he had time.

The speed is not fast, or relatively slow.

Lu Shui sat at the stall at the bottom of the mountain after the day got dark.

Going to come and eat something.

Take a break by the way.

"Come on, your iced rice." The boss put the things Lu Shui ordered in front of Lu Shui.

In fact, Lu Shui hadn't eaten this thing before, so let's try the taste.

There is still ice on the meal?

Can you eat it?

Lu Shui looked at the chilly rice in front of him with a little surprise.

Is this taking cold air as hot air?

This rice is not dry, it is similar to porridge, and there are some other things in it.

Lu Shui touched the bowl and found it was quite icy.

Then I tried to taste it.

Um... it feels different from porridge.

Can eat.

As he eats, Lu Shui is aware of the changes in the earth. It's fast, and it's almost the same when he finishes eating.

While eating at Lushui, the boss brought a plate of desserts.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at the boss, expressing puzzlement.

"The new store opened as a gift." The boss said with a smile.

This is a young boss.

Lu Shui turned his head and looked at the shop, and found that it was indeed a newly renovated shop.

Normal is a bit normal, but this shop will carry the owner's life for the rest of his life, right?

This is an ordinary person.

"Opening a shop alone?" Lu Shui picked up the snack and took a bite.

The taste is okay, it's better than his mother's, but the chewing is not as good as, or a lot worse.

Hearing Lu Shui’s question, the young boss smiled embarrassedly and said:

"Two people, just got married some time ago."

"Is it difficult to open a store?" asked Lu Shui and put the leftover dessert in his mouth.

"It's okay to live a life, and it's rare to have your own shop." The boss said with a smile.

For his own shop, the owner seems very satisfied and very happy.

At this time, a young woman ran out of the shop with an anxious look on her face. After seeing the boss, she immediately did some sign language that Lu Shui couldn't understand.

Stomp anxiously after finishing.

She is a dumb.

"Okay, I'll go in now."

In response, the boss took the woman into it.

Whispered as he entered:

"This kind of thing is normal, so don't worry about it next time, it won't happen."

"Well, you are right."

Lu Shui continued to eat the other party's snacks and remained silent.

The owner didn't know that the new store that their husband and wife had spent a lot of hard work on was about to be destroyed.

After eating two dim sums, Lu Shui stopped eating more. He looked at the store and muttered to himself:

"Eat your two snacks, and you two will be free from illness and disasters in your life."

His Master Lu is not a person who can only take advantage.

Then the two powers of heaven and earth went into the store, and finally disappeared on the boss and the proprietress.

After doing this, Lu Shui turned his head and looked at the whole street.

There is not much he can do, but it should be theirs, and the Lu family can compensate him.

After all, the head of the Lu family is his father.

And his father is such a person.


In the Mu's lobby, Mu Yuan frowned and looked at the sky outside.

He looks very bad.

"Is there really no problem?" Mu Yuan asked.

Mu Jiang and Mu Ze both shook their heads:

"I have checked everything inside and out, and there are no problems at all."

"Then why have I been so upset since the afternoon?

What is going to happen absolutely, and it is for our whole Mu family.

This is felt from the origin stone. "Mu Yuan said.

They actually don't know exactly what happened to the origin stone of the Mu family, but this origin stone is the hope of their entire clan.

Even Mu Yuan, as the patriarch, can learn about the disaster of the Mu family from the origin stone.

This kind of thing has basically never happened, and many people think it is just a legend.

However, this afternoon, Mu Yuan noticed it.

The warning from the origin stone, the Mu family will encounter a catastrophe.

Mu Yuan naturally went to Mu Jiang and Mu Ze for the first time and asked them to investigate inside and out, but there was no problem, no problem at all.

"Where is the problem?

It feels more and more intense. "Mu Yuan touched his eyebrows in pain.

Mu Ze did not speak on the side, after hesitating for a moment, he tried to ask:

"Is it possible that it has something to do with the previous patio?"

Hearing what Mu Ze said Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang were both taken aback.

It's not that I don't believe it, but I feel that what Muze said makes sense.

But if it is caused by the patio, how to prevent it?

Although he didn't know, Mu Yuan couldn't manage that much anymore, he immediately stood up and said:

"Open the family formation, the whole family is on guard."

It was just that as soon as he finished speaking, he received a new prompt, and then Mu Yuan looked up at the sky with a look of horror.

He was a little unbelievable:

"Come, it's too late."

The next moment the Mu family fell into endless darkness.

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