The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 210: Wrath of heaven and earth, punishing heaven and earth

At the moment this sound appeared, the toothache fairy and the dog saw an invisible force spreading rapidly.

I don't know if it is an illusion, they feel that heaven and earth have suddenly changed hands.

In other words, that invisible force is swearing its sovereignty.

When the power spreads to them, they have a feeling of being placed in the palm of their hand.

It was an unspeakable feeling.

"This, what is this?" The dog was a little dazed.

The toothache fairy didn't understand, this kind of peculiar power was beyond his cognition.

When they look at the figure in the sky, they have a feeling of paying attention to the existence of a certain stalwart.

And that person standing high in the sky directly caused a change in the sky.

The light appeared on him, like the dazzling sun radiating his brilliance.

"This, this kind of momentum, this kind of feeling reminds me of Lord Gou." Gouzi stared at the great being in the sky and said.

He felt that the other party might be a real dog.

Only Gouye has that kind of aura that he can't understand, can't understand.

That's the feeling of overriding everything.

That's the feeling that the Heavenly Tribulation brothers must surrender.

The toothache fairy didn't know, but the existence of this person reminded him of a person.

The only true God, Jiu.

Jiu is just an ordinary little girl, but I don't know why, when he saw this figure, the only thing he remembered was Jiu.

It seems that only Jiu can match this figure.


The Demon Sword Slayer naturally saw it too, he was not as calm as the toothache fairy.

But I still saw the figure rushing to the sky, heard the unique voice, and saw the dazzling brilliance of the other party like the sun.

He couldn't understand, let alone what kind of existence this person was.

But he hopes the other party can succeed.

Because he is unsuccessful, he may die here.

At this time, he heard the voice from high above again.

He understood this time.

This voice has an aura of overlooking the world:

"I come, I am, I am the master."

At this moment, the light bloomed to the extreme, like a real sun.

And there is a figure in the sun, this figure is walking towards the red star.

And when he walked towards the scarlet star, the scarlet star began to vibrate, and the position also changed slightly.

As the position of the scarlet stars changed, the aura of destruction instantly raged like a storm.

Countless creatures had to bow their heads and had to crawl on the ground.

That is not something they can afford.

This terrible storm, like two masters, is vying for control of the world.

Yes, Lu Shui is grabbing control of the star from heaven and earth.

This is an extremely dangerous thing, and it is also extremely difficult to do.

But this is the only way.

If he wants to correct the star, he must gain control, just like the core of the formation.

Without controlling the core, if you want to control the formation from the side, you need far more power than controlling the core.

If the land water is strong enough, it's not a big problem.

But now he is too weak. If he didn't expand the formation of heaven and earth, he would almost fail.

Fortunately, it is special here, and the star-reversal takes everything.

Otherwise, once he withstands the instinctive attack from the heavens and the earth, he who is not strong at the cultivation level may lose directly.

The only thing Lu Shui could do was to influence the heavens and the earth while moving against the stars.

Just put the position to his predetermined position, let the star and the sky roar.

The star has his own trajectory.

Heaven and earth can accommodate him.

At most, when the patio reappears, it will directly attract the star.

However, the reverse star at that time definitely had the ability to control itself.

The problem is not big.

The biggest problem is now.

Lu Shui's pace was very slow, and he would be shocked if he didn't take a few steps, the shock of the star, the shock of the formation of heaven and earth.

The body was hurting a little bit.

But he couldn't stop, let alone look back.

Unless Ah Man gave up, then he would choose to turn around and leave.

Every time the reverse star is moved, it is a huge pain for Aman.

It was like shattering his whole body and bones.


He felt pain, unparalleled pain.

Unbearable pain.

But he must endure, must endure.

"How can there be no pain in life? How can there be no sacrifice in life? How can there be no gain in life?

As long as I work hard, as long as I bear, I can get it, and if I can, I can bear it. "

No matter how painful, Amandu endured it.

Not for anything else, just for the little boy in his arms.

Just for the little boy who got along these days.

This is his only hope in this life.

The only source of joy.


Zhenwu Zhenling was already lying on the ground at this time, and the storm of destruction prevented them from moving forward, but they knew that that person was their young master.

It must be their young master.

They need to find their young master's position as soon as possible.

Only in this way can they know for the first time whether their young master is in danger.

Therefore, they can't stand still, they need to move forward.


Lujia Fengshuang River, a lotus flower emerged from the bottom of the river.

A little girl with colored hair looked at the sky in confusion.

Her gaze seemed to see through the endless distance and saw the direction of Dutianling.

"Some people are crying, some are heartbroken by the world.

I want to go, I want to help him. "Speaking of the colorful little girl, she flew directly.

She felt that she needed to pass.

There is no why.

Because this is the duty of the true God.

It's just that when the colorful little girl just came out of Fengshuanghe, she felt the crying disappeared.

In other words, something blocked her feelings.

"Someone got involved in things between heaven and earth?

Who can do this? "

Then the colorful little girl was a little wronged and couldn't find her way.

The duties that belonged to her were robbed.

Obviously she is the true god.

When the little girl Qi Cai was a little depressed, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Huh? Go to Qiujinggong to single out?

But I want to single out my cousin Lu Shui.

I'm going to beat Lu Shui's cousin in front of him. "

"Why do you want to beat me? Cousin Lu Shui beat me, his face was swollen, and he lied to me."

"Go to Qiujinggong first? Where is Qiujinggong? You're familiar."

The colorful little girl looked at the familiar person, and then followed directly on.

It's time to let this stupid human being know that her only true **** is no longer the true **** who can't see the blue sky and the grass with her head down.

She can come out for a stroll now and then.



No one was seen in the pavilion of the pond.

Only then was a gust of wind blowing.

Then the air felt like a sigh.

This wind is a little melancholy.

It seemed to be helpless after knowing that one was out and the other entered the patio.

The big and the small are not worry-free.

But it seemed that there was nothing, just a gust of ordinary wind blowing by.

The second elder walked through the bamboo forest and came to the pond. She was still wearing a white coat and still tied her hair, her face showing no expression.

When she came to the pond, her brows frowned slightly:

"Your status is wrong?"

No one answered in the pond for a while, and a gentle voice came out after a while:

"No problem, some accidents happened in the Mist City."

The second elder did not speak, just waiting.

Today is not for her to come by herself.

Soon a gentle voice sounded again:

"Go to Fengshuang River."

The second elder was silent for a long time upon hearing this sentence:

"I don't think I can become a great elder."

"There will be a day when a secret is not a secret." A gentle voice sounded.

The second elder remained silent again.

After a while she turned and left.

There was also a gust of wind blowing in the pond.

Soon everything was calm.


Lu Shui was walking in the starry sky, at this time his heaven and earth formations had all been unfolded.

This is the first time he has unfolded the heaven and earth formation pattern.

If it wasn't for the adversity of the stars that caused the space of heaven and earth to be special, he wouldn't dare to expand the formation of heaven and earth.

If he is too weak, he will challenge the world, it is almost a chance.

But even though this side is special, it is difficult to control the star.

The repair is too bad.

Every step Lu Shui took, every movement he made, there was an indescribable tingling on his body.

It's been a long time since I was injured like this.

But Lu Shui ignored too much.

With the help of heaven and earth formations, he began to move the scarlet stars in the sky.

The largest one is difficult to move, but the other land and water can still move smoothly.

The main thing is to connect to this starry sky, otherwise it would be no different from sending a dead person to use the cultivation base to move the star.

As Lu Shui moved step by step, the surrounding stars began to move, or they were pushed to where they should be.

In Lu Shui's view, it was a huge pain in exchange, but in the eyes of others, it was different.

That was as Lu Shui stepped into the star, all the stars around were making way for Lu Shui.

It seems that the existence of land and water is enough to make the starry sky surrender.

An Yi saw this scene with the help of magic weapons. He felt that he had never talked about such a terrible scene in his life.

He knew the scaryness of the scarlet stars.

But that person was actually approaching the scarlet star.

He saw the small stars around him the most retreat, and saw the huge scarlet stars trembling and retreating.

"This, what kind of existence is this?"

An Yi couldn't understand such terrible existence.

This is far beyond his cognition.

The sky snail is scared to come out directly, if it is allowed to skyrocket now, it would rather choose a dog leash.

It's terrible, how could there be such a terrible human in this world.

It can feel that to that terrible existence, it may be just a toy in its palm.


The toothache fairy looked at the sky, unable to understand:

"Big brother, what is he doing?"

Yes, he thought that the person in the sky would directly fight against the star.

But he was wrong, that person did not fight against the star, but approached step by step.

Step by step to retreat against the star.

It's very strong and terrible, but what's the point of the other party doing this?

The dog looked at the sky, it was lost for a while, and then he said:

"I seem to have heard someone say a theory before.

This theory shows that the inverse star can be aligned.

But this is just a theory, no one in this world can do it, no one knows what will happen if it does.

From the time I was sensible, to the time when I was sealed, I had never heard of anyone succeeding.

No, no one has even tried it.

Because it's just theory.

However, what this person is doing is most likely to help the star.

This, this makes the dog unbelievable. "

"The star is in the right position?" The toothache fairy looked at all this in shock.

He didn't understand, but he knew that this man was doing something that no one has ever done.

He wants to walk in front of everyone.

He was a little curious about who this person was.

But there is basically no possibility of knowing.


"The star is in the right position? How is this possible?" The Demon Sword Slayer just got a hint of active overflow from the things left by Xing Si Xianjun.

Reversing the star, this person is not doing anything else, but doing something that no one has ever been able to do.

He didn't know what was going on, but what Hoshiji left behind just now resonated suddenly and resonated with Nixing.

So he got some information.

About the current news about the star inverse.

However, the news shows that the reversal of the star is a matter that only exists in theory.

Many beings, including the emperor, have thought of being a star-reversed position.

But no one succeeded.

He didn't even have the ability to try.

But this person is doing it.

"How can there be such a terrible existence in this era?

According to the news of Xianji Xianjun, the reversal of the star must be approved by heaven and earth.

But before agreeing, it must be a catastrophe.

Impossible to succeed, no one can succeed. "

The Demon Slayer didn't believe it.

At this moment, the Demon Slayer saw that the person was getting closer and closer to the star.

The light on him is getting more and more dazzling, and his brilliance occupies the entire starry sky.

Nixing looked bleak in front of him.

He started to stand upright.

The Demon Sword Slayer couldn't look directly, so he had to lower his head.

The aura of destruction at this time is like an endless storm, it seems to be struggling, struggling to escape from that dazzling brilliance.

Lu Shui had already come before the scarlet stars.

He stretched out his hand and gently pushed forward, directly pushing the star.

The speed of pushing is determined by the star, and if the star sinks, the land and water will not be able to move it.

At least with his current strength, he couldn't push it.

Therefore, as a star reversal, Ah Man must stay awake.

Otherwise, everything falls short.

As the star reversal pushed, cracks began to appear on Lu Shui.

The injury keeps getting worse.

But it is still within the scope of land and water.

After just pushing a little, Lu Shui suddenly couldn't move.

"Can't bear it?" Lu Shui sighed inwardly.

At this time, Lu Shui felt that the star had a tendency to fall, and if he let the star fall, it would mean failure.

It was just that when the reverse star had just appeared its downward trend, a light appeared in the center of the reverse star.

A light that is incompatible with the inverse star.

It is a bright light.

At the moment this light appeared, the star regained its stability and was pushed by land and water again.

At this time, Lu Shui saw some pictures in that light.

Seeing Ah Man picked up a little boy with big eyes in a big pit, the little boy smiled at Ah Man when he opened his eyes, innocent and innocent.

Seeing Ah Man washed his dirty hands in order not to stain the little boy. Every time he touched the little boy, he wiped and scrubbed and washed.

Seeing that in order for the little boy to put on clean clothes, Ah Man took all his savings to change into a clean dress.

Seeing Ah Man with the little boy with a happy face.

Seeing that the little boy had been following Ah Man with a smile on his face.

I also saw Ah Man fanning him and driving him away mosquitoes in order to make the little boy sleep peacefully.

I also saw the little boy take the initiative to hold Ah Man's hand, with a happy expression on his face.

The little boy's smile was as bright as a beam of light.

The next moment this light illuminates the entire star.

Lu Shui looked at all of this, and he understood that what really kept Ah Man awake was the days he spent with the little boy these days.

This is the best period of his life.

It is everything that supports him.

"Hold on for a while, and you will soon succeed." Lu Shui stepped forward, pushing Nixing a little bit.


As the reverse star moves, Ah Man will endure great pain.

The pain made him fall to the ground, unable to stand.

At this moment, he could clearly know that his consciousness would be lost at any time.

When his consciousness was about to disappear, a light appeared beside him.

This light allowed Ah Man to see the past, to see the little boy, and he saw the little boy talking to him:

"what's your name?"

"May I call you Uncle?"

"Uncle, I like this dress."

"Uncle eat first and then I will eat. If the uncle is not hungry, I will wait until the uncle is hungry."

"Uncle, let me do things for you, and I can also help uncle."

"Uncle, I think other people's children are holding their children, will you lead me?"

"It's not dirty, the uncle is not dirty at all, I want to sleep with the uncle."

"Uncle, how does it feel to sleep on it? Can I sleep tomorrow too?"

"I don't want to leave the uncle, I like the uncle."

Scene by scene, sentence by sentence sounded directly in Aman's mind, and the darkness was being driven away by this light.

Ah Man opened his eyes and sat up.

"No, you can't fall down, no, you can't hold it up."

Ah Man looked at the little boy who had long since turned into beads, and he held the shining beads tightly.

He can feel the presence of the little boy.

"I, I can."

The next moment the light exploded on Ah Man, and the dark aura was being assimilated by the light.

At the moment this light appeared, Lu Shui noticed it.

He felt that the resistance of the scarlet stars was less than ever.

With the help of this momentary anomaly, Lu Shui directly pushed the scarlet star to the position he needed.

At this moment all the scarlet stars are resonating.

It seems to start to operate according to the trajectory of the world.

At this time, Lu Shui drew a pattern, and then the pattern flew towards the red star.


When the array pattern touched the red stars, an invisible roar rang.

Heaven and earth are one of them startled.

The entire Dutianling Mountain was suddenly silent.

The storm of destruction disappeared, and the sound disappeared, as if the sound was directly deprived of the world.

At this time, everyone looked up at the sky.

This is a subconscious move, as if something terrific is about to happen.

An Yi raised his head, and the sky snail also raised his head.

What they saw was a figure standing in front of the scarlet star.

No one knows what that person is going to do.

But the light is very mild.

An Yu and others also looked up at this time, and the three sisters of Huaji looked at the sky in disbelief.

Dog Aotian, the stone man also looked up to the sky.

Zhenwu Zhenling also saw it, and they knew something big would happen in the next moment.

Events that shocked the world.

The Demon Sword Slayer also raised his head, he didn't know what would happen.

But it is by no means normal.

Mu Ze also looked at Tian Tian. He had a slight guess about the person in Tian Tian, ​​but he was not sure.

All the people across the Tianling Mountains, all the creatures.

Including the weak birds and the worms about to be swallowed by the birds, they all looked up into the sky.

All creatures are waiting for what will happen in the next moment.

And at this moment, a voice of supreme majesty came from high above, which sounded like the heaven and the earth proclaiming to the world:

"In my name, it's a star reversal."

"Heaven and earth as proof."

boom! ! !

At the moment when Lu Shui's voice fell, the sky and the earth roared, as if the sky and the earth were furious.

As if someone rebelled against the majesty of heaven and earth.

After the loud noise, the heavenly power appeared, the robbery cloud condensed, and a terrible breath came from the sky.

Boom! ! !

Loud noises rang in everyone's minds, and all those who had raised their heads vomited blood and bowed their heads, not daring to speak or look directly.

Those who are supremely majestic and whose power level cannot be matched are not qualified to watch.

Only the dog and the toothache fairy can continue to watch the entire crossing.

But even though everyone bowed their heads, they also received a piece of tribulation big data:

In the name of heaven and earth, punish heaven and earth.

When receiving this big data, everyone was stunned.

"God, God's punishment?" The dog's tail fell on his head.

God's punishment, that was something extremely rare in ancient times.

It is the nightmare of every strong man, and no one dares to imagine what it would be like to encounter a natural punishment.

Because the punishment represents destruction.

The fury of heaven and earth is extremely terrifying.

It thought it was terrible to be in the star reversal position, but the appearance of Heaven's Punishment made it even more incredible.

This is why there is only a theory for the reversal of the star.

Who can survive this round of punishment?

The toothache fairy was also shocked, God Punishment, something he had never touched.

With just this breath, he could know how terrifying Heaven's Punishment is.


"God, God's punishment, it's God's punishment, who is this person?"

"Not only can he stand up against the star, but he can also face the punishment."

"Even if he is dead, he can't change his terrible facts, right?"

The shock of Demon Sword Slayer's life is not more than that of today.

He would encounter such terrible things.

Life and death are basically involuntary.

Lu Shui looked up at the robbery cloud in the sky, and Heaven's Punishment came to the world with great momentum.

But there is only one punishment, all of them, they won't last long.


There was a thunder, a heavenly might, a flash of thunder, and a strike from the sky.

No one knows what will happen, but they know that the appearance of punishment on this day makes them fearful.

The terrible coercion of Heaven's Punishment made it difficult to move one by one.

Even the true spirits with black robes could not bear it.

This is the terrible anger of heaven and earth.


The punishment exploded, and everyone felt the power of the palpitations, as if only a little bit on them could destroy them.

Great terror, great fear directly hit everyone.

They all subconsciously felt that the person in the sky was bound to die.

But only Wang Tian's dog and the toothache fairy were stunned.

They saw that Heaven Punishment not only didn't smash the high-altitude person, but also turned into a thunder beast crawling in front of that person. Its wagging tail was equivalent to Heaven Punishment's whiplash against the star, and the star was almost directly broken.

The originally active star is extremely weak.

"Wow." The dog who saw this scene yelled directly at the sky.

It was extremely excited, as if saying, it is the dog master, it is the dog master, it is the dog master.

The toothache fairy naturally understood, and he was also a little unbelievable. Is this person a little brother Lu Shui?

How is this possible?

Naturally, Lu Shui couldn't hear the barking of the dog, but when he saw Tianchao lying in front of him, he could only reach out and touch the head of Thunder Beast.

Then the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Beast seemed very satisfied.

Then there was a bang, and it instantly spread to Dutianling.

The aftermath of Heaven's Punishment turned into countless filaments falling from the sky.

These days, the fine thread went directly to the strongest group of people below.

With a bang, Heaven Punishment Filament successfully blasted some people below.

After the voice sounded, many strong men fell directly to the ground and convulsed, their life or death unknown.

The dog was also hit, and it was petrified and fell on the ground on the spot.

The Demon Sword Slayer also endured a bit of When the punishment came, he thought he was bound to die, but he didn't expect it to weaken the unknowingly many times the punishment.

This time can only be regarded as a catastrophe.

So I paid a little bit of injury and endured it.

When he looked up, he was stunned.

That person is still there, and the star is revolving around the sky and the earth.

The star is in the right position, and the world agrees.


Has this created a miracle that no one has created throughout the ages?

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