The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 213: Mu Xue's thinking today is normal

The next day.

Today is the day for the Mu family to worship their ancestors.

Therefore, the Mu family is very busy now, because the previous preparations are almost scrapped, and they can only prepare hastily.

Lu Shui didn't plan to go in. After all, he had to divorce later, and he had all entered Mu's family to worship his ancestors. It was not suitable for him to divorce.

"Master Lu will go in too, right?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

"Yeah, yes." Lu Shui nodded to Mu Xue.

After asking, Mu Xue stopped talking, she still remained dignified and would not jump around like a little girl.

If this is the Eastern scum, God knows where the trouble is.

Lu Shui was thinking, what if he had a daughter.

He may also have Oriental genes, but this gene seems to have special effects only for women.

Although he has no problem, it doesn't mean that he and Mu Xue's daughter will also be fine.


Fortunately, he does not have a sister.

Otherwise, beating the cousin will turn into beating the sister in the future.

If you think about it, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. The cousin is the younger sister, and the younger sister is also the younger sister. It should be as easy to fight, right?

Well, it's the same.

Then there is nothing to worry about in this matter.

But this kind of thing is just fine in the last life. He didn't have a sister in the last life, right?


Not really?

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking about it.

The main reason why he agreed to Mu Xue was...

Forget it, don't mention it.

"Master Lu has anything else to do today?" Mu Xue was sitting under the tree at this time.

She and Lu Shui were in the shade under the tree.

Naturally, they were not in their turn to prepare for the Mu family.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, even Mu Xue didn't need to help. What's the use of an ordinary person?

It's better to ask Yalin to help move the bricks.

Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"It should be gone. I have bought all the seasonings. I'm just waiting to eat the two fish that Miss Mu brought back tonight."

Mu Xue didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, why did she get involved with the two fishes again.

And the things are so complete.

Lu Shui leaned against the tree, he was beside Mu Xue, and then he looked at the sparse leaves and said:

"Miss Mu, are you still going to Lu's house?"

Lu Shui always wanted to ask this question, but couldn't find an opportunity.

I always feel like I want Mu Xue to go to Lu's house.

Hearing this question, Mu Xue did not reply immediately, but followed Lu Shui's gaze to look at the leaves above.

At this time the wind blew and the leaves rustled.

"How does Master Lu feel about this wind?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

"There is a faint scent, it smells very good." Lu Shuidao.

Mu Xue stood up, almost shoulder to shoulder with Lu Shui, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth:

"What now?"

"It smells of mint, Miss Mu uses mint toothpaste?" Lu Shui asked suddenly.

Hearing Lu Shui's words, Mu Xue's smile disappeared instantly.

"Am I asking you to smell it?"

Believe it or not, just bite your lip? "

Mu Xue was a little angry, and then she took out her notebook without saying a word.

It seems that in the Lu family and the Mu family, Lu Shui's attitude towards her has not changed at all.


No one can stop her doing it tonight.

If you have socks stuffed with socks, if you don't have socks... just punch twice.

This time Mu Xue didn't look at her chest.


That afternoon.

The Mu family has prepared everything, and all those who are qualified to enter the ancestral land have gathered in front of the ancestral land.

Lu Shui stood beside Mu Xue.

Mu Xue also had two sisters, Ya Lin and Ya Yue.

They are sisters, so naturally they will stand together.

Yalin was watching Lu Shui. She had always been curious about who Lu Shui was.

Lu Shui glanced at Ya Lin, and in his eyes, his sister was owed.

At this time everyone began to enter the ancestral land.

When Lu Shui entered, he was no longer with Mu Xue.

He can come in, but he can't go to the front.

That is the area where the opportunity for the origin stone is accepted.

That place is where Muze felt the resonance before.

At this time, Mu Ze came to Lu Shui. The head of the Mu family presided over the ceremony, and he needed to look around.

When it was normal, he couldn't walk around at will, but this time it was not normal at all.

Naturally, we need to be extra vigilant.

So he came to Lu Shui with no problem.

"Master Lu, are you sure there is no problem?" Mu Ze transmitted to Lu Shui.

He looked ahead and did not look at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui also looked ahead. He saw someone worshiping the Origin Stone. This worship took a long time, and if it resonated with the Origin Stone, he would be left behind.

It's a pity that there is no one in this batch, and we can only continue with another batch.

"Didn't Senior go up and confirm? Is there any danger, Senior doesn't know?" Lu Shui responded calmly.

He was very worried that Mu Xue would look here.

Others couldn't find that their voice transmission was normal, but Mu Xue couldn't tell.

The sound transmission under Mu Xue's eyes is not much different from playing with fire.

"Master Lu is not afraid that the other party has other preparations?" Mu Ze transmitted the voice again.

"So what? Seniors don't know, the Lu family is outside.

The Lu family's daughter-in-law, dare they try?

I can kill them with spirit stones. "Lu Shuiping replied quietly.

Mu Ze stopped talking, he had nothing to say.

If it had been before, he must have felt that Young Master Lu was arrogant and ignorant, but now it is different.

The other party might really be able to smash people to death with a spirit stone.

Not the amount, but the strength of using iron.

He knew about this early in the morning, but he couldn't help but come and ask, how could he let go of the nightmare that he has lingered in 19 years?

Muze stood for a while, then changed to a new place.

In order not to be suspected by others, he always stands in some places for a while, and the time is naturally random.

He was different from Lu Shui, he was not guarding Mu Xue, nor was he guarding Mu Family Leader and others.

But to guard against spies and traitors.

There are traitors in the Mu family 80%, otherwise how easily the other party will arrange that unknown array resonance?

Of course, when he came back, he still mocked Mu Xue and even wanted to stop Mu Xue from entering.

He shut up when the Lu family members appeared nearby.

Now the Mu family relies more on the Lu family for reconstruction, so the Mu family naturally dare not keep Lu Shui and Mu Xue out.

The Lu family is not an unreasonable person, but he might be even better than anyone else.

Lu Shui stood in place, he had been looking at the origin stone.

He didn't know exactly what the origin stone was, let alone him, Mu Xue didn't know either.

Moreover, Mu Xue has not used Hunyuan's power to observe the origin stone, but she didn't plan to dig out the special place of the origin stone.

Naturally, Lu Shui wouldn't use it, not to mention that he still couldn't see it now, even if he could see it, it would not be possible to watch it at this time.

Isn't that looking for death?

Soon Lu Shui saw a new group of people coming up.

They are all younger generations of the Mu family, big and small, older than 20 or 30, and younger than ten years old.

Soon they respectfully worshipped the Origin Stone.

This worship directly ushered in the resonance of the origin stone.

Then a brilliance appeared in a young man in his twenties.

In the next moment everyone turned their eyes on the young man.

There are envy and sadness, but the young man is also happy, no matter what he can comprehend from the origin stone.

He had new hope somehow.

Lu Shui glanced at the young man, then cast his gaze on the Origin Stone.

He seemed to see something inside the origin stone, and it was this thing that was determining the candidate.

But he couldn't see clearly, if he could use the power of heaven and earth, he might be able to see some of it.

It's a pity that I dare not use it.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue's position, and he found that Mu Xue did not have the slightest desire to peek at the origin stone.

"The girl who has no curiosity at all."

Mu Xue is actually quite curious, but forget her own secret.

And she didn't perceive any danger.

Studying this is not as interesting as studying when tonight will start fighting on land and water.

Thinking of Mu Xue like this, she turned her head and peeked at Lu Shui, wanting to see what Lu Shui was doing now.

He just turned his head and met Lu Shui's eyes.

Mu Xue: "....."

Lu Shui was actually watching her secretly.


The front lets you watch you stare at the sky every day, but now you can only look at the back and keep looking.

Is the front side unsightly?

I have been boasting in the last life, but I don't even look at it in this life.


Then Mu Xue turned her head and ignored Lu Shui.

She stayed there quietly, stroked her hair, not feeling uncomfortable.

For her, being peeked at by Lu Shui was also a joy.

Just don't get embarrassed.

Lu Shui didn't know what to say for a while, because he was peeping.

After that, Lu Shui looked at several groups of people and found that only three people had been selected.

All three are male.

Not long after, it was Mu Xue's turn.

However, this accident happened.

Under normal circumstances, the origin stone will not react until everyone respectfully worships.

But this time they only walked into the area in front of the origin stone, and the origin stone directly resonated, and there was more brilliance on it.

Everyone was a little surprised, and soon they saw a bright light.

They immediately looked at the light.

To know that the origin stone has changed, this means that the people selected this time are not trivial.

It's just that when everyone saw the source of the light, they were suddenly taken aback.

It's Mu Xue.

Mu Ze's heart jumped, and he thought it was someone coming in secret.

But as soon as I perceive it, I find it is not, at least I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Mu Yuan was actually quite reluctant at this time. He had to know whether Mu Xue was going to join the Lu family or was married recently.

It would be nice to change someone.

Others in the Mu family also didn't believe it.

Didn’t it mean that Mu Xue was an ordinary person who didn’t even have a cultivation base?

And they are all called wastes. How can this kind of abnormality appear in the origin stone?

Lu Shui was a little surprised and not surprised. Mu Xue would resonate with the Origin Stone when he did not practice the Tiannvzhen Sutra. Not only did he not practice, but he also lost all of his cultivation skills at the moment. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The origin stone probably felt like a treasure.

Mu Xue was a little uncomfortable, she hadn't thought that the Origin Stone would resonate again.

I came in many times in my previous life and didn't respond.

If she knew there was a reaction, she would block herself in advance.

Save trouble.

"Go on." Mu Yuan reminded him at this time.

Yalin was happy for her sister.

Although I don't know what it is, it is definitely a good thing.

After that, they respectfully worshipped the origin stone.

This Bai Yayue shined on her body, and then Mu Xue disappeared.

other people:"......"

Mu Yuan was also dumbfounded, what is this?

Has the origin stone malfunctioned?

Mu Ze was also surprised. He looked at Lu Shui for the first time and felt that Lu Shui had done something strange.

Lu Shui naturally saw Lao Zhangren's gaze.

Don't look at me, what's the use of seeing me? It's not me, it's your daughter, and the two shining ones are your daughters.

Lu Shui felt helpless.

That ya...what is ya? I resonate with the origin stone.

But Mu Xue used Hunyuan Qi to directly cut off the resonance.

This is her cheating. As long as other people can't see it, there is a problem with the origin stone.

Others can't see it, but Lu Shui can see it, but it's impossible for him to say it.

Let him say he didn't dare.

But Mu Xue's light was gone, and many people began to whisper.

"What's the situation? Did Mu Xue cheat again?"

"Then it was seen through by the origin stone?"

"It's hard to say, but this has never happened before."

"Well, let's take a look again. Now they are the daughters-in-law of the Lu family who are about to pass the house. It is easy to go wrong if you talk nonsense."

Lu Shui listened and felt that what they said was right, but the direction was not quite right.

At this time, Mu Xue and the others no longer had any extra light.

Mu Yuan hesitated, and finally said:

"Ya Yue stayed."

Mu Xue was relieved when she heard these words.

It would be nice without her.

It's so simple, it's good for her and Mu's family.

Others naturally have no opinions, and they cannot be put forward.

But when Mu Xue and others were about to leave, the Origin Stone suddenly shook.

Everyone was surprised.

Mu Xue naturally turned her head and looked over, and the others were also directly paying attention to the origin stone.

What's going on today?

Mu Yuan frowned, and today's origin stone was very abnormal.

But for so many years, this kind of thing has never happened.

This made him wonder how to deal with it for a while, and soon he felt it, and a power was revealed from the origin stone, which seemed to be looking for something.

Mu Xue was also a little surprised, the Origin Stone seemed to be looking for her.

But Mu Xue didn't take care of the origin stone. She didn't need any chance. She had everything she wanted, even without land and water.

Soon the power swept over her, but the Origin Stone did not react at all.

Many people felt it. At first they thought they were looking for Mu Xue, but it turned out not to be.

Then the power began to sweep everyone present.

Lu Shui stood behind with a dumbfounded look. He bet the Origin Stone was looking for Mu Xue.

Mu Xue's talent excited the Origin Stone, but it was definitely not because of the discovery of Hunyuan Qi, it should be the reason why the Tiannvzhen Sutra was destroyed.

Of course, it didn't matter, what really made Lu Shui bewildered was that this power was about to reach him.

Intuition tells him that this thing may have some different effects on him.

With Lu Shui's strength, the detection of this thing can naturally be blocked, but Mu Xue is watching in front, how can he block it?

Use the power of heaven and earth?

That is to die.

Use ordinary power?

Such a special technique would definitely make Mu Xue suspicious, and she would die in the end.

So he could only watch the power sweeping towards him.

Soon the power swept towards him.

In the next moment, he felt the power hitting him like a big wave.

Then he seemed to be selected, for no reason.

Immediately Lu Shui heard a word from this big wave.

"Please, please agree to talk to me."

Then the voice disappeared, as if the other party had been excited for so long just to spread this sentence.

Because Mu Xue was not found, it spread to other people.

Why is it land water?

Lu Shui felt that it might be because he was the last one.

The Origin Stone had no choice but to choose him.

Under normal circumstances, others cannot understand, but land and water are abnormal.

But I still understand it.

Lu Shui didn't know whether it was his bad luck or the good luck of the voice owner.

After this power spread, a ray of light appeared on Lu Shui's body.

This is not because Lu Shui's talent is recognized, but because there is no one behind him.

There is no way for the origin stone.

The light on Lu Shui was very dazzling.

The Mu family stared at Lu Shui one by one.

Most of them are stupefied and unable to understand.

Only a small number of people felt angry. The people of the Lu family were too much, and they actually started to take advantage of their chances of admiring the family.

Lu Shui was very helpless, if he were not sure that he was his father and mother, he would doubt if he picked it up from Mu's family by his father.

After all, the origin stone usually only affects the Mu family.

And his mother seems to have never had a child.

Given the degree of affection between his father and his mother, not having a second child is really abnormal.

Thinking about it this way, he might not be his mother.

Well, this is impossible. In fact, he was born to his father and his mother.

He doesn't need to worry that he picked it up.

So does he have a sister?

Thinking of this, Lu Shui felt that he had caught some clue, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

After that, Lu Shui stopped thinking too much, because he had to deal with the current situation, and the Mu family were all staring at him.

Mu Xue was a little helpless, she saw that Lu Shui was chosen by the Origin Stone by chance.

As long as Lu Shui changes positions with others, it will not be Lu Shui that shines.

Mu Yuan was surprised, he naturally wouldn't think that Lu Shui was not the Lu Family Young Master.

Although the origin stone only works on Mu's family, it is normal.

The current situation is not normal at all.

The origin stone seems to be deliberately looking for someone.

At first I looked for Mu Xue, and then found that I was looking for the wrong person.

After that, Lu Shui was found.

The only possibility is that Mu Xue has a breath of land and water on her body, causing Mu Xue to find Mu Xue by mistake.

So, they are actually as Muze said.

Already have the reality of husband and wife?

Of course, Mu Yuan was not a rigid person. Lu Shui and Mu Xue had a good relationship, which everyone would like to see.

What needs to be concerned now is that Lu Shui was accidentally selected.

This accident may be important for the origin stone.

But if there is a danger, the Mu family can't bear this kind of risk.

Finally, while everyone was still in shock, Mu Yuan spoke:

"This is an opportunity that has been difficult to meet for thousands of years in Origin Stone. Whether it is from the Mu family or a foreigner, it is possible to be selected.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xian nephew was selected in the end.

It seems that nephew Lu Xian has a unique opportunity. "

Mu Yuan paused, then looked towards Lu Shui and solemnly said:

"I don't know if Lu Xian's nephew is interested in this opportunity? If he doesn't dislike it, the Mu family naturally welcomes his nephew to leave and understand the law of the opportunity."

Mu Yuan's words explained to everyone and also gave Lu Shui a choice.

Of course, if Lu Shui really intends to stay, he will follow him.

Not for anything else, just for the safety of the other party.

If Lu Shui is okay, he still has something to understand.

The Lu family will not benefit in vain, and the Mu family will only benefit more.

If you don't get anything, it can be considered a very good impression on the Lu family.

Absolutely no loss.

Hearing Mu Yuan's explanation, one by one changed from stunned to disappointed.

This kind of good opportunity was not picked up by them, but it was cheaper by a foreigner.

Not reconciled.

Hearing Mu Yuan's question, Lu Shui had planned to speak.

But just about to speak, the origin stone shook again.

Then came the power of probing again.

Mu Xue was helpless, what happened to this origin stone?

Lu Shui was also dumbfounded, is this the second sentence to be sent?

But he couldn't accept it anymore. It was him both times, which is not normal.

Fortunately, Mu Xue thinks so too.

She directly used her power, causing a storm of power to blow here.

The location of the land and water changed for a while.

Others were also forced to step back some distance.

Finally, when the power of detection was over, a person who fell on the ground suddenly emitted a light.

When everyone looked over, they found it was a young man.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

"Fuck, why is it another foreign surname?" someone suddenly roared.

This time this is a casual repair that I just entered a while ago.

Others are very annoyed. How does the Mu Family Origin Stone take care of outsiders?

In fact, Mu Yuan was also dumbfounded, which completely exceeded his cognition.

Suddenly someone whispered at this moment:

"I seem to know something. Have you discovered that Master Lu and this entrant are all standing at the back?"

"Don't tell me, Heaven's Choice Machine didn't find anyone, just take the last one?"

"I do not believe."

"I don't believe it either."

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, the truth is often so unpretentious.

But he was curious what the other party would say in the second or because he didn't find the person the other party was looking for, he repeated it again?

Lu Shui thought it was very possible.

But he needs to answer Mu Yuan now.

It's just that there are too many people and the scene is chaotic, so it can only be postponed.

And Mu Yuan naturally knew that the opportunity to worship the ancestor should be completed first.

After Mu Xue and the others left, the Origin Stone never found any accidents.

However, many people have reached the end, seemingly waiting for a new opportunity.

At present, the last person is the person who least believes in this theory.

Soon everyone of the younger generation came forward to worship.

In the end, there were only seven people left, including two people who were chosen by heaven.

That's a lot.

It used to be only about three.

"Master Lu is going to learn about chance?" Mu Xue asked when she came to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"Miss Mu is going to worship the elders, right?"

This elder refers to Mu Xue's mother.

This is the main reason why Mu Xue wants to come in.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter if she doesn't get in.

Naturally, Lu Shui also planned to follow, as for the words from the Origin Stone, he directly ignored it.

Not interested in.

Interest is useless, he now has to accompany Mu Xue to pay homage to her mother.

In the end, the Mu family did not bring disasters due to the origin stone, so there is no need to worry that this is a potential crisis.

No need to intervene.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and nodded, then whispered:

"Should Master Lu want to go over and have a look?"

"Good." Lu Shui nodded.

Then the two walked side by side to the other area.

There are tablets of all the Mu family there.

Soon Mu Xue came to the place that belonged to her mother.

Lu Shui took a look and saw that it said: Wife Tang Lingzhi Lingzhi.


Please guarantee the monthly pass.

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