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This sword falls completely on the place where Dongfang Chacha is located.

And going to Dongfang Chacha didn't avoid it, or could not avoid it.

Taro is very worried.

Qianyin and Shi Ming were naturally worried too.

They are afraid that something will happen to the East Chacha, and the place where they live is not so important.

"Exterminate the bead, Elder Jin is really willing." The head of Qiujing Palace looked at the stage and said:

"These magic weapons were sent out so early.

However, the talent of this little girl like Shiyi is still amazing. It didn't take long for Tier 3 to learn general knowledge and Tao Ying.

There are indeed few people in Qiujinggong who can compare with her. "

"How does the head compare to Haiyan?" Elder Jin asked.

He had nothing to say about Killing Bead, and there was no need to mention it again.

The head of the Qiujing Palace shook his head and said:

"If it's worse, it may be good in talent, but not good in xinxing, and Haiyan's luck is not bad, and there are many opportunities.

It is difficult to follow the achievements of Shanghai Yan at the same age. "

Elder Jin naturally wouldn't agree, but he didn't say anything to refute.

At this time, the others spoke:

"It's harder to tell what's going on in the future, but Dongfang Chacha lost this game."

"Not necessarily. Although the aura of Oriental Chacha is a bit disordered, it is not weak at all.

Look, the power is starting to dissipate, and it is clear at a glance what the situation is. "The head of Qiujing Palace said calmly.

Someone from Shiyi gave a magic weapon. Is the Oriental tea tea party bad?

Her father is the head of the Eastern family.

She is so talented, she doesn't have any magic weapon in her body, does the Dongfang family still use it?

It depends on the reluctance of Dongfangjia.

But soon, Qiu Yefeng frowned, and there was one more person on the court?

The power storm was still very strong at this time, but many people saw it, and there seemed to be an extra figure inside.


Shiyi panted, and the blow just now made her a little strenuous.

But she sensed that Dongfang Chacha was fine, and there was really an extra figure.

"What's the matter? Because my attack power is too strong, someone came to stop it?"

Shiyi didn't understand much, but she didn't let her guard down, because the game was not over yet.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue naturally saw it too.

The situation on the stage became clear at this time, and Dongfang Chacha hid behind a golden figure.

This figure seems to be made up of a beam of light, it looks like it should be a female, and there is a mirror glowing inside this figure.

"Golden mirror? Isn't this the mirror I left in the corner of the warehouse?" Lu Shui asked with some confusion.

He used this mirror once and took a look at his face, but he didn't see himself, and then lost it.

Quite useless.

Mu Xue didn't want to talk.

Lu Shui didn't have any common sense problems, he had been there since childhood.

Some unimportant things are considered precious, and some very powerful magic weapons are considered rubbish.

Such as the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword.

The people in the audience were also surprised at this time.

"What is this? Not a person, right?"

"That, it is most likely a legendary tool spirit."

"Qi Ling? Fake? The magic weapon with Qi Ling is extremely precious. How could it be on a Tier 3 monk?"

"But it really seems."

At this time, the face of Elder Jin on the stage was very ugly.

Qi Ling is really Qi Ling.

There is no treasure of this level, even him.

Qiu Yefeng was also surprised. Is Dongfang Family too willing?

Actually gave it a magic weapon directly?

"You, what are you?" Shiyi looked at Dongfang Chacha in surprise.

She also guessed that it was Qi Ling, but she didn't believe it.

"Golden mirror." Dongfang Chacha said, hiding behind the golden mirror.

"I'm asking that person." Shiyi pointed to the golden woman and asked.

"She is Xiao Jing, she is Qi Ling, she was too dangerous just now, so she can only release the little mirror." Dongfang Chacha explained kindly.

The usage of golden mirror depends entirely on the strength of its owner.

The seventh-order can use the seventh-order power, and the second-order can only use the second-order power, so Dongfang Chacha can release the instrument spirit casually.


Hearing what Dongfang Chacha said, many people took a breath.

It's really a tool.

They have never seen an instrument spirit.

Dongfang Chacha feels that the surrounding air has become warmer. Are these people too cold? Actually want to breathe in the air conditioner.

"You, where did you get this kind of treasure?" Shiyi asked, and she didn't attack anymore.

There was even some envy in his eyes.

"My aunt gave it to me. She said that I had successfully given me a gift from the robbery." Dongfang Chacha said.

While others were still envious, Dongfang Chacha took out a sword.

"This is a gift from my uncle, and it also has a spirit." As he said, Dongfang Chacha knocked on the beautiful sword.

Then a little girl appeared on the sword, looking very sleepy.

Seeing this scene, the others took another breath.

Lu Shui was also familiar with the sword, but it didn't go well when he tried it last time.

Not as good as the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword.

Shiyi completely lost her fighting spirit, she was a little hard to understand:

"I didn't expect you to have so many such terrible magic weapons."

"Is it scary? It's not scary. There is a warehouse in the warehouse of cousin Lu Shui. There are so many tools and spirits. I have a good relationship with them." Dongfang Chacha praised his cousin Xia Lu Shui very kindly.

Shiyi put down the sword in her hand, took away the Taoist Shadow of Confucianism, bowed her head and said:

"I lost."

She couldn't show off her opponent, and she lost in a mess.

Others were also sorry for a while, Dongfang Chacha was too terrible, killing people and condemning them.

Elder Jin and others also heard it.

The magic weapon of Dongfang Chacha was given by the head of the Lu family.

This gives them ten courage and dare not grab it.

Without life, what's the use of getting treasures?

"I, I won?" Dongfang Chacha was a little unconfident.

She felt that the other party was very strong, and she seemed to be unable to beat her.

"You won, but it doesn't mean that we have failed the challenge. There are two more games to come." Shiyi turned to leave as she said.

Failure is not a failure of cultivation, but a failure of background.

I can't compare to this oriental tea.

The gap is too big.

There is a day outside the sky, she understands this truth for the first time.

Mu Xue turned to look at Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, I won."

Lu Shui didn't care about this, but looked at Dongfang Chacha and thought of a question.

"Miss Mu, you said that the Dongfang scum has a very good relationship with the tool spirit in my warehouse.

Day and night defenses are hard to guard against house thieves.

Mu Xue thought for a while and shook her head:

"It's hard to say, after all, Chacha and them are friends of life and death."

"Life and death?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue with a puzzled expression.

"Chacha often incenses spirits, isn't it a friend of life and death?" Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui: "..."

Can't understand.

But he did lose, so is he going to give Mu Xue a gift?

Well, the gift is already ready, this time the **** slag loss is just to give him an excuse to give him a gift.

"Gifts, go to the Lu's house and give to Miss Mu." Lu Shui said.

Mu Xue was curious and wondered what Lu Shui would give her.

She hopes to be more ordinary and cute. She doesn't want any magic weapon, she likes small gifts between husband and wife.

For example, a bunch of flowers or something.

If the seeds are better, she can plant them herself and keep planting them in the yard.

Of course, judging from her situation in Lu Shuitian, it is not bad to send her cockroaches all the time.

If Lu Shui really sent her cockroaches, she would press Lu Shui on the ground on the spot and feed him the cockroaches herself.

Love from fiancee.

At this time, Lu Shui and Mu Xue saw that many people were backing away.

At first glance, it turned out that Dongfang Chacha and the others ended up, and Shi Ming came on.

Seeing Shi Ming's hands, of course, the farther away the better.

"Shi Ming's 4.3 cultivation base, his opponent is Wei Qi, 4.4 cultivation base.

The gap is not big, but as everyone knows, Shi Ming is almost invincible.

Who do you think will win? "Qiu Yefeng asked.

They are very familiar with Shi Ming.

This is a character who would stay away from even the ancestors of the sect.

Shi Ming is a disaster star, and also a blessing to them.

It depends on how to use it.

"If Wei Qi recklessly attacks, Shi Ming will lose 100%." ​​Elder Jin said.

"This is almost terrible." Qiu Yefeng said.

Yes, it is really terrible to dare to fight with Shi Ming.

That is a lesson of blood.

"However, normally speaking, Shi Qingqing is really not Weiqi's opponent. For various reasons, Shi Ming has a good cultivation base, but his actual combat ability is extremely lacking." Some senior sect sect seniors said.

Qiuyefeng nodded:

"It's true. I heard that Shi Mingxiu's meaning is autumn fog, and the level of comprehension should be average."

These are all objective guesses, after all, Shi Ming doesn't need these things.

His physique is everything to him.

Shi Ming himself also relied on his physique. He had never done anything with anyone, just approaching or following.

Then the enemy defeated himself without attacking.

Wei Qi is a young man, dressed in white fluttering, holding a sword in his hand, and a little mist around him.

"The meaning of autumn fog, I heard that Senior Brother Wei Qi's meaning of autumn fog has reached the lake, and he will soon enter the long river rushing." Someone far away under the ring said.

"What's the use? You don't know who Shi Ming is.

Who dares to take the initiative to do something to Brother Shi Ming?

Do you want to die? "Someone retorted.

"Yes, Brother Shi Ming is just opening up, but Brother Shi Ming usually doesn't take the initiative?

It is said that the misfortune suffered by Brother Shi Ming who took the initiative to act on others will be drastically reduced, and it will basically not be affected. "

"Yes, so it depends on whether Brother Wei Qi dares to do it, or if there is a way for Brother Shi Ming to do it first."

Lu Shui naturally looked at Shi Ming at this time, he wondered if Shi Ming would take the initiative.

Mu Xue didn't have much interest anymore, she was still thinking about what gift Lu Shui would give her.

The hairpin on her head was also sent by land and water, as long as it was sent by land and water, how simple and ordinary, she would like it.

Of course, the premise is something normal.


At this time, Wei Qi also frowned and looked at Shi Ming, he must win the game.

But if you want to win, you must take the initiative.

But what the price of taking the initiative is, he naturally knows.

The price is almost unbearable.

But I had to shoot again.

"Junior Brother Shi Ming, there is no need, I really don't want to start with Junior Brother." Wei Qi sighed.

Shi Ming didn't know each other, but he said politely:

"It's very distressing to want to come, right? But I have to win this game, so I'm offending."

As Shi Ming drew his sword, he stood there, planning to attack.

Yes, Shi Ming wanted to take the initiative to attack.

Although it is better to know that it is better to be passive, but only by being active can he live up to his autumn fog.

His meaning of autumn fog can't shrink back.

Wei Qi was surprised to see Shi Ming want to take the initiative, but there was a glimmer of uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

If Shi Ming didn't make a move, he would hesitate for a long time, but if Shi Ming made a move, he would basically win.

Shiyi saw it with joy, and she was worried that the game would be a tie.

Once a tie, she lost.

So this round must be won.

But if you want to win, you have to make a move, so everything is hard to say.

But Shi Ming was about to make a move, so he basically won.

Qianyin also didn't understand, why did her junior brother think of taking the initiative?

No matter how you look at it, you won't win.

But she couldn't say anything.

What Shi Ming wants to do without her consent.

If Shi Ming loses, she depends on whether she wins or not.

"If Junior Brother Shi Ming is seriously injured, I will take action."

After the caress, Qianyin looked at the stage and waited for the battle.

"Shi Ming is going to make a move? Is this giving up his advantage?" Qiu Yefeng was a little surprised.

Elder Jin was a little happy:

"Young people's ideas are sometimes naive."

Lu Shui frowned as he watched Shi Ming's hand.

"The comprehension is very good, but a little bit brilliant, I don't know if Mu Xue will be suspicious."

"Probably not, but you must never let Mu Xue know that Shi Ming knows me, otherwise it is dangerous and dangerous."

"Whether it can go home smoothly at that time may be a problem."

"Or, prepare to escape?"

After that, Lu Shui still gave up. After all, it was useless to run.

Let's find a way to avoid Shi Ming.

At this time, Shi Ming's autumn fog began to appear, and then he moved and rushed towards Wei Qi on his own initiative.

Everyone is a little hard to understand.

"Senior Brother Shi Ming is crazy."

"Yes, is it to have a good image in front of Senior Sister Qianyin?"

"But Senior Sister Qianyin is really good-looking, it's no wonder Senior Brother Shi Ming is so desperate."

"Senior Brother Shi Ming likes Senior Sister Qianyin, isn't this something everyone knows."

"Do you think Senior Sister Qianyin likes Senior Brother Shi Ming?"

"You like it?"

"The reason? I didn't feel it."

"A woman's intuition."


Qianyin blushed as he listened to what those people said.

Dongfang Chacha sighed, she whispered:

"These people are all kept in the dark, it is clear that Fairy Qianyin has been blocked for decades."

Qianyin: "..."

Taro: "......"


Shi Ming's sword directly hit Wei Qi's sword.

The confrontation between the two officially began.

With Shi Ming's attack, Wei Qi stopped worrying about anything, but tried his best to fight Shi Ming.

There is a 0.1 gap between them, and his actual combat ability is definitely better than Shi Ming, he will definitely win this battle.

Shi Ming didn't think too much, he felt that his winning side was not small.

In the face of Wei Qi's attack, Shi Ming's style of play was very aggressive, and all of them were close combat.

Sword up and sword down, looking back, almost did not give Wei Qi too much time to react.

Shi Ming's attack was too harsh, and his timing was too good. His moves were fatal, one move followed by one move, and there was almost no gap.

Even if there is, it is definitely not something ordinary people can grasp.

At this time, Wei Qi found out that he was wrong, a big mistake.

Shi Ming's actual combat is much better than him.

No one has seen Shi Ming do it before, so everyone naturally feels that Shi Ming is not capable of actual combat.

In the face of Shi Ming's suppression, Wei Qi felt that his strength could not be used at all.

"I can't go on like this anymore, if I continue like this, I will only become more and more passive."

So thinking that Wei Qi directly interrupted Shi Ming's rhythm with injury.


Shi Ming's sword crossed Wei Qi's chest, and a spark appeared directly.

It is a magic weapon for body protection.

At this moment, Wei Qi attacked Shi Ming.


There was a loud noise.

Shi Ming was repelled some distance.

He landed slowly, without the slightest injury.

But Wei Qi's chest had an extra sword wound. Although it was not deep, it was wounded after all.

If it weren't for the magic weapon of amulets, he wouldn't have been so injured.

Everyone who saw this scene was a little unbelievable.

"Me, am I dazzled?"

"Senior Brother Shi Ming pressed and beat Senior Brother Weiqi? And also hurt Senior Brother Weiqi?"

"Did we get a wrong concept? When did Brother Shi Ming become weak?"

Many people are surprised, Shiyi is like this, and the same is true of Haiyan who is watching from afar.

She never knew that Shi Ming was so strong.

At first she thought the plan had failed.

Later, the appearance of Dongfang Chacha and the victory of Dongfang Chacha gave her hope.

As long as Shi Ming can keep the tie, the rookie Shiyi will lose.

But she didn't expect that Shi Ming would take the initiative to attack, and also had the upper hand.

"Senior Brother Shi Ming's talent is also terrifying. If Shi Ming is devoted to cultivation, the position of Senior Brother may be dangerous."

After that, Haiyan shook her head. If Shi Ming can shake the big brother, it means Qianyin will also shake her.

She may be even more miserable then.

But the outcome is undecided, just keep watching.

"When did Junior Brother Shi Ming have this kind of actual combat experience?" Qianyin was surprised.

Really surprised.

She found that Junior Brother Shi Ming's talent was much greater than she thought.

The posture just now is simply a man who has experienced many battles.

But she remembered that Shi Ming had no experience in fighting against people.

Basically all experience of being beaten.

"What do you think?" Qiu Yefeng looked at Shi Ming with some surprise.

It was really very unexpected, Shi Ming broke their default impression.

"It's hard to say, we don't pay much attention to him, maybe when we are training hard.

However, it was Wei Qi before, and the rhythm was suppressed, now Wei Qi can fully play the strength of 4.4.

Shi Ming should have no chance. "Elder Jin said.

The others didn't say much.

It looks like this.

Shi Ming's actual combat was really ordinary before, but his actual combat was almost always from life and death. When he was in the soldiers tomb, he experienced many battles.

It is especially important that there are big guys around to personally guide.

At that time, the sword in his hand began to have lethality.

It was also at that time, he understood that with the least consumption, he would do the most damage.

When facing Wei Qi, he felt that he was not as fierce as the wild dog in the soldier's mound.

So from the beginning, he can press the opponent to fight.

Although he couldn't continue to press and fight now, it didn't matter, it was enough to hurt the opponent with one sword.

"Junior Brother Shi Ming, I underestimated you. Now I will not despise you in the slightest. I will treat you as the strongest opponent." Wei Qi raised the sword in his hand, his eyes with incomparability Focus.

At the same time, the meaning of autumn mist began to erupt from him.

Around, it started to fog up.

The fog began to spread like a lake.

The meaning of autumn fog, this is the method of Qiujing Palace, and there are not many disciples who can practice.

The disciple onlookers who felt the meaning of autumn mist stepped back some distance.

I am afraid that it will affect myself.

"It's really good, the realm of Qiu Qi's autumn mist is very high." Elder Jin praised.

Afterwards, many people looked at Shi Ming, knowing that Shi Ming's performance just now was too amazing.

Many people want to know what realm Shi Ming's autumn mist means.

Naturally, Shi Ming didn't mean to hide, and the meaning of autumn mist also appeared all over his body.

The mist swirled around him like a stream, which was beating non-stop.

"Autumn mist is like a stream? Why is the realm of the meaning of autumn mist, brother Shi Ming, worse than mine?"

"Yes, it seems that Brother Shi Ming is going to lose."

"Just so?" The head of the watch was a little surprised or disappointed.

He just didn't know if it was an illusion, he felt that the meaning of autumn mist was somewhat different.

But I can't tell what is different.

It's roughly an illusion.

"Hehe, it seems that Shi Ming has lost." Elder Jin said.

To be honest, he didn't expect Shi Ming's meaning of autumn mist to be so bad. He thought that a big battle would break out next time.

Unexpectedly, this would be the case.

Lu Shui didn't say a word, and Mu Xue came back to her senses at this time. She was a little surprised staring at Shi Ming's autumn mist.

"The momentum is good, but it seems to draw a gourd, but I do have my own understanding."

Mu Xue didn't think much about it. There are countless people in the cultivation world, and there are countless things that she has realized.

Naturally, there is nothing to associate.

Lu Shui also breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that Mu Xue no longer paid too much attention.

As long as it is not directly labeled with him, the problem will not be big.

But at this moment, the Qiu Qi's meaning of autumn mist surged.

The powerful breath rushed towards Shi Ming like a rushing river.

Qianyin looked at all this nervously, the gap was too big, and she was a little worried.

Haiyan sighed inwardly, but in the end Shi Ming still had to lose.

She feels a pity, Shi Mingtuo is big.

Yes, with such a big gap, everyone thought Shi Ming was going to lose.

The previous advantages are gone.

Shi Ming looked at all this calmly, and then he moved his steps to directly face the meaning of autumn mist.

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly said with some surprise:

"How do you feel foggy?"

"Yes, it seems to be foggy."

"Has the sky changed?"

Haiyan in the distance also felt the fog around her, and she felt a little abnormal.

It should not be foggy at this time.

Qiuyefeng and others naturally saw the surrounding he was a little surprised.

"This is not a normal fog."

Then he said in disbelief:

"This is the meaning of autumn mist?"

Elder Jin and the others were also surprised, but they couldn't see whose autumn mist meant it.

At this moment, Shi Ming's sword touched the meaning of autumn mist in Wei Qi.

The next moment.

got windy.


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