The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 223: Goddess is actually by her side

Latest URL: While Lu Shui was still letting people kill monsters, Mu Xue had already approached the inner area.

But as she approached, she felt another signal coming from the head of the goddess.

Mu Xue was bored, so she checked it naturally.

At the place where Mu Xue passed by, the negative aura dissipated, and no one dared to get close.

All the negative auras are fearing Mu Xue.

It seems to be a natural fear of Hunyuan Qi.

Soon Mu Xue saw the head of the goddess kneeling on the ground, and there seemed to be many people around.

"Are there conflicts with people again?" Mu Xue looked surprised.

But it feels like I'm in Qiujinggong, just so I can see what's going on outside.

Let me know something by the way.

After that, Mu Xue used Hunyuan Ziqi to cast a figure outside.


"Fairy Suluan, it's not that we don't let you check it, but that the Lu family is checking it now, aren't you going to add chaos now?" Elder Jin said to Suluan and the head of the goddess.

This time the North and South elders and Su Ran disappeared. Naturally, the goddess and Su Ran couldn't wait for the news.

You can only come in person.

Their sects plus all the attached sects, there is not a seventh-order, so the effect of Su Luan is actually not big.

Only the head of the goddess can come in person.

"The people of the Lu family are only investigating in one place. They are mainly investigating the ground. We can investigate other areas, and we will never touch the core area of ​​your school.

Even if we don't let us check other things, let us ask the Lu family's investigation progress. If it can help, we can naturally help. Su Luan said.

"Fairy Su Luan, do you know what their cultivation bases are?" the other elders said.

This sentence left Su Luan with nothing to say directly.

Yes, the Lu family's cultivation base is too strong, almost everyone here can not participate in it.

Not at one level, even dialogue may be difficult.

There is not a seventh-order in the Tiannv Sect, this is the gap.

Otherwise, why could Qian Lingfeng just barely squeeze into the middle-level power?

The head of the goddess looked at everything, and finally she turned her gaze on Elder Jin and the others.

Elder Jin naturally noticed the gaze of the head of the goddess.

But the head of the goddess is too weak, Tier 4, he can't understand how this kind of person becomes the head.

Rely on Goddess?

But the so-called goddess is not in the Tiannv Sect at all, and no one knows whether the goddess will disappear one day.

So the Tiannv Sect is actually not that daunting.

At least you can give them less face.

Although Tier 6 is very strong in Qiujinggong, it is not so good.

"The goddess head, I hope you can understand that you can't participate in this matter if you are not strong enough." Elder Jin said.

The head of the goddess looked at it, and she didn't feel that the other party was wrong.

However, the aura on the other side is so big, she has been standing here under a lot of pressure.

But she can't do nothing.

What if one is missing a few minutes?

It's too late to regret at that time.

In the end, the crown prince knelt down and squatted her head more gently. Even if she was punished by the goddess, she wanted to find the elders of the north and south as soon as possible.

Their sect is powerless, the only thing they can rely on is Lord Goddess.

They have tried very hard to become stronger, but they are always so weak.

Seeing the goddess head suddenly kneeling in front of him, Elder Jin frowned:

"What is the head of the goddess? As the head, just kneel down like this, don't you feel embarrassed?"

What's the use of kneeling?

Not enough strength is not enough.

It's just that Elder Jin was a little surprised soon, because the faces of the people brought by the head of the goddess changed.

Especially the head of the affiliated sect.

And the atmosphere is a bit wrong, as if something terrible has been seen.

Su Luan's expression was also not good, and the head of her knelt down again.

It used to be a shame for the head to kneel, but now it is a terrible thing for the head to kneel.

At this time, many people watched it, and many people were a little bit disdainful.

What is the Tiannv Sect?

However, at this time they suddenly saw a little purple appearing above the head of the goddess.

At the moment when the purple color appeared, Su Luan and others' complexions changed drastically, and they also knelt down.

The heads of those affiliated sects are faster.

Then a voice came out:

"Welcome the Lord Goddess."

The sound fell, the situation was overwhelming, and the purple gas came three hundred miles from the east.

Purple energy gathers and power is present.

Fear breeds in everyone's hearts, and those who were originally disdainful directly stiffen there.

They couldn't move because a terrible existence was coming, and their life and death seemed to be in the other's thoughts.

You can't control your actions, you can't control your life or death.

This is their most intuitive feeling.

The closest elder Jin and the others felt that the breath of his body was directly chaotic, and he even had the illusion of facing the horror directly.

At this moment, he finally understood why those people's faces were pale and why the atmosphere changed suddenly.

Because the head of the goddess knelt down.

Because the goddess is about to appear.

If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't stop the Heavenly Girl Sect.

This terrible existence can kill him with the flip of his hand, and Qiu Jinggong is simply vulnerable in front of the opponent.

The appearance of the goddess was also felt by the old dead tree.

"What a terrible power, who is this coming?" The old man withered tree palpitated.

"The goddess of the Tiannv Sect, I didn't expect it to be more terrifying than the rumors, you continue to check below, I will go and see." The old man said with a serious face.

Faced with a character like a goddess, he couldn't see enough.

But since the other party appeared, he had to meet.

A conflict is not a good thing.

When Mu Xue appeared, she stood beside the head of the goddess.

This time she didn't use the Killing Domain, just standing here normally, and there were few special effects.

But when she was about to speak, suddenly an old man flew in.

"The old man Lu Jiaguan went to the swordsman, and was fortunate to see the goddess of the heavenly female sect." The upper swordsman said softly.

He just wanted to know the purpose of the goddess' trip.

Of course, he wasn't actually the Lu Family Guards. He said that he was a Guards because it was better to listen to. What he did was a little embarrassing to say.

"The Lu Family?" Mu Xue looked at the Shang Swordsman. She was actually a little surprised. The Lu Family actually sent such a strong person this time.

She remembered that Lu Shui was missing, and the Lu family found it rather perfunctory.

Is it because of her and Cha Cha?

Or is it more exaggerated this time?

It is indeed a bit exaggerated. If you don't find it sooner, land and water are life-threatening.

"Are you looking for a weak water space underground?" Mu Xue said again.

"Goddess knows?" Shangjian Taoist was a little surprised.

They only know that there is space below, but they don't know what space there is.

Mu Xue nodded, then whispered:

"But with your strength, it's only enough to find, not enough to open up that space."

The kendo man is not angry, and he needs to think carefully about what the other party said.

Mu Xue ignored the swordsman, but looked down at the head of the goddess, and then said:

"Leave your people with you, and the weak water will break out soon afterwards, and this place will be covered by weak water for a short time, which will be fatal to you."

Hearing the words of the goddess of the Tiannv Sect, everyone was shocked.

The Kendo man also frowned.

The head of the goddess is even more worried:

"The people in there..."

"Nothing," Mu Xue said softly.

Yes, the people of the Heavenly Nv Sect are basically unaffected. Sitting in the same place, she perceives the people of the Tian Nv Sect.

Hearing what Mu Xue said, the head of the goddess was relieved.

After that, the purple gas began to dissipate, and she said everything that should be said, and warned the people outside to change their evacuation.

As for whether she listened or not, she didn't care.

When the goddess left, the goddess head and others stood up.

At this time, when Elder Jin looked at the head of the goddess, his expression was different.

It's not without reason that someone is the head.

"Trouble you." The head of the goddess said very sorry to Elder Jin.

When I said that, I wanted to kneel down and make a compensation.

Seeing that the head was about to kneel down, the Elder Jin's soul frightened away.

Others even stepped back directly from Xu Yuan.

However, the head of the goddess was still held by Su Luan.

"Hehe, the head of the goddess is polite, and the few want to investigate, I naturally welcome the Qiujing Palace, there is no core area, please feel free." Elder Jin said immediately.

He didn't want to stay for a moment, and never wanted to see the head of the Celestial Sect.

When others didn't agree, she knelt down and asked the goddess without saying a word.

No opportunity for discussion is given.

No wonder there are rumors that the Tiannv Sect is subordinate to the sect and only listens to the head of the Tiannv.

It doesn't seem to be a rumor.


Mu Xue recovered, and then got up and walked forward.

She just didn't exaggerately say that this weak water space is not an ordinary space.

Few people broke open.

Either the internal disintegration, or wait for it to explode on its own.

The other difficulty is a bit big.

When Mu Xue left with her, the chair under her turned into purple air and disappeared.

Like Lu Shui, she would not carry a chair with her, the Hunyuan Qi could be turned into Hunyuan Purple Qi, and then turned into a temporary seat.

Much more convenient than land water.

At this time, she put on the veil and changed her hairstyle, naturally using the hairpin sent by Lu Shui.

Even if the long hairpin was handed out, she would carry the hairpin with her.

Sometimes you can use this hairpin to open the brains of Lu Shui.


But she had actually cut short hair. Lu Shui liked short hair for a while, so she cut it.

If she likes long hair, she stays long.

She catered to Lu Shui so much that Lu Shui wouldn't cater to her anymore. She wanted to see Lu Shui's hair reaching her waist, but Lu Shui didn't leave it to death.

That's disgusting.

Soon Mu Xue heard the sound of fighting in front of him.

As she approached step by step, she began to become ordinary, and there were sensory errors in her clothing.

When others see her at this time, they will never think of her and Lu Shui together.

This time she was wearing clothes and pants, so it was very convenient to start.

However, even if she pretends to be weak, the surrounding monsters are not enough for her to take action.

With one step, Mu Xue burst out with a unique aura, and directly repelled the monster that was about to come.

And Mu Xue's power exploded, naturally alarming some people who were investigating in front of him.

Elder Nan looked at the front with a little surprise and said:

"Someone over there seems to be alone, I'll go and see."

She said that Elder Nan brought two people over to check it out. Naturally, she didn't dare to mess around, but tried to get closer.

When she found that there was really only one person, Elder Nan spoke from a distance:

"Does fellow Daoist go inside too?"

"So are you?" Mu Xue's voice was naturally, her voice was very gentle, as if everything around her could not interfere with her.

It's not fast and slow, and it's very beautiful.

It turned out to be a fairy, Elder Nan was a little surprised, but she still spoke:

"In the next day, Elder Nvzongnan, I wonder if the fairy plans to travel together? We have a way to deal with monsters, but we need more people."

Soon Mu Xue came over, Elder Nan looked wary, but she looked at the elder who grew up in the head of the goddess.

How can they trust others so easily, but the head of the soft-legged talent, although they have learned, but they do not have the decisiveness and keenness of the goddess.

Because it is not timely enough, there are still differences in results.

Of course, now is not the time to use that trick.

Soon Elder Nan saw clearly that it was indeed a woman. Although this woman was wearing a veil, she could be sure that behind the veil was the face of a fish and a wild goose.

And the temperament of this person is super good.

People don't feel that the other party has the slightest maliciousness.

But Elder Nan still doesn't dare to take it lightly. Sometimes this kind of person will cut your intestines when he draws a knife.

Of course, she still couldn't imagine that this person would be the one doing this kind of thing.

"I don't know who the fairy is?" Elder Nan asked again.

"Xue Ji." Mu Xue said softly.

She can naturally perceive the other's vigilance.

Then continued:

"Do you have a way to deal with the monsters here?"

"What kind of sect does Fairy belong to?" Elder Nan asked.

"A contemporary disciple of Qiujing Palace." Mu Xue said.

There are no people from Qiujinggong here, so no one can see through the disguise, so the problem is not big.

Others are hard to say, she can detect that the Heavenly Girl Sect has found a lot of people.

However, it is not enough if there are not enough people to walk into this area.

But if we go further, it may usher in destruction.

But the one who didn't leave was the weak water, and there was no chance to struggle at that time.

So they chose a path with only a silver lining.

Hearing what Mu Xue said, Elder Nan didn't quite believe that the other party belonged to Qiujing Palace?

But she found that there was no Qiujing Palace here, but she didn't ask much, as long as she knew it was someone outside.

What she worries about is that people in this space pretend that people outside are close to them, which is the most dangerous.

Although this has not happened so far, the closer you are to the core, the more vigilant you should be.

"Then the fairy intends to join us? As for the method, the fairy will know when we arrive. Of course, if we don't want to join us, we can also tell the fairy how to do it." Elder Nan said.

Mu Xue nodded, the more people told, the better naturally. After all, if someone solves the core, it means that everyone has vitality.

Then Mu Xue followed Elder Nan to the crowd.

When she passed by, she found that they were mostly from the Celestial Sect, and the others were far away.

Although the various sects have reached a consensus, it is not necessarily a good thing to get together. Some distances will not be directly surrounded, it is not difficult to advance, and it will never be destroyed by the group.

When Mu Xue came, the Heavenly Nv Sect looked at them one by one.

After Elder Nan introduced, Su Ran frowned. She found that she couldn't see through this person's cultivation.

"Are you planning to use the sealing method?" Mu Xue knew their purpose when she saw their formation.

It can't be said to be a good way, but it is definitely the only way these people can use.

"Yes, this is the best way we can think of right now." Elder Nan said.

Mu Xue nodded, then looked towards Su Ran and said:

"Can you give me the flag of the formation?"

Su Ran and the North and South Elders were very surprised, and then Su Ran gave a useless array flag.

Mu Xue didn't care, but took the formation flag, and then drew a formation pattern on it, a formation pattern they had never seen before.

Mu Xue must know how to make formations, and her level is very high.

Lu Shui taught her by hand.

After teaching for many years, after all, the two of them are not thinking about the formation. They have not been married for a long time, and they are still struggling to have children.

Then Mu Xue stopped thinking about it, and after the portraying was completed, she returned the banner to Suran:

"Try this instead of your formation."

Su Ran looked at the formation flag in her hand and was a little confused, so she really couldn't understand at all.

But seeing the other person's unexplained thoughts, she still intends to try.

The North and South Elders and others naturally watched.

"I'll find an unimportant place to try." Su Ran said.

She actually didn't understand what was going on, she always felt that she couldn't refuse it.

Soon she found an unimportant position and replaced the formation flag.

Everyone looked at the formation, they were curious whether there would be any new changes.

Soon the formation flag completely replaced the previous formation flag, and when the new formation flag merged into the formation, a faint light appeared.

This light shone on the two nearby formation flags, and when the light appeared, the surrounding negative aura suddenly began to fade.

"This, this is purifying?" Elder North saw clearly that it was not suppressing or imprisoning, it was really purifying negative auras.

Su Yan naturally sensed it, and then looked at Mu Xue in disbelief.

She couldn't see Mu Xue's face, but it didn't prevent her from being surprised.

Others were also surprised.

If, if there are enough such flags, does it mean that they win a lot more?

Mu Xue looked at them and said softly:

"This can only barely target the breath, if it is a monster, it is not very useful."

It's really not big. To make the formation flag useful, you need to use enough power.

Since there is enough power, it is better to directly deal with the core existence of the negative aura.

Of course, for the Tiannvzong and others, this pattern is very precious.

"Can Fairy still make this formation flag?" Su Ran asked immediately.

She feels that this person is not simple at all.

Mu Xue nodded:

"It can be, but the amount is not too much. If you use your full strength, you can still create all sides."

"Enough, it's good, we will protect the fairy in the follow-up, unless we die." Su Ran said immediately.

Elder North and South also nodded.

Mu Xue nodded, she didn't say much.

The five sides are indeed enough for them to advance.

The more people there are, the easier it is to find the core, and the more the core can be realized.

Of course, following the Tiannvzong and others, she also wanted to give pointers to some of the Tiannvzong by the way.

After marrying Lu Shui, she could not protect the Tiannvzong forever.

She will choose to leave just like the goddess before.

In the back, they can only rely on themselves, the head of the goddess is enough to support all of this.

After all, there are so many blood lifts to help, and there is no problem with Rank 7 or 8 within half a year.

After the ninth rank, work harder, the cultivation level will advance very quickly.

In particular, she still has the gift of chaosing the ancient city.

The undead are not weak at all.

After that, Mu Xue made four array flags. After the five array flags were integrated, the progress of the Tiannv Sect was advancing by leaps and bounds, and the other sects naturally started to advance with the Tiannv Sect as the leader.


"Senior, did you teach me a fake formula?" Dongfang Chacha remembered it for a long time, but couldn't remember it.

This is really not her reason.

"Maybe it's fake." Qianshui Sanqian said calmly.

She gave up.

She couldn't understand why a person with so many merits could not remember the law of merit.

"Where did the senior's exercises come from?" Dongfang Chacha asked.

"Pick it up."

"Oh, that must be fake."

"Well, fake."

Weak Shui Sanqian did not get angry, although a little helpless, but the hair was combed very comfortably.

Yes, after Dongfang Chacha helped her wash her hair and blow her hair, she started to comb her hair.

Said to tie a suitable hairstyle.

Unfortunately, it has not been tied up.

However, Weak Shui Sanqian did not stop in the slightest, and let the other party tie it up. Although it was not tied out, Dongfang Chacha was very comfortable with her hands.

"Have you used the power of your eyes?" Weak Shui Sanqian asked.

She can naturally guess that the eyes are the part where the merits change.

"Yes, I can fly with my eyes and swords, and I will be at the second level." Dongfang Chacha said triumphantly.

She would be even happier if she could compliment her.

"Flying with the sword? Can you try it?" Qianshui Sanqian said.

"Okay." I'm very happy that this kind of tea is an oriental tea.

Then she opened the blindfold with her hands, and then a golden light appeared in her eyes like flowing water.

Then he began to write quickly in the air, and the sword character took shape in the blink of an eye.

However, Duang fell to the ground with a loud noise just after it was formed, seemingly unable to fly.

Dongfang Chacha looked at the sword that couldn't fly, blinked, and then tried to explain to Weak Shui Sanqian:

"Maybe I ran out of oil, I could really fly before."

Naturally, I believe in the weak water three thousand, it is actually very difficult to fly here.

But she finally understood why Dongfang Chacha couldn't remember the method of merit, not because of other things, but because of different brains.

The thinking is unusual, and naturally requires an unusual method.

"I teach you a new formula, but in the end you can comprehend what kind of merit is up to you." Qianshui Sanqian said.

This time Dongfang Chacha instantly remembered the method of merit.

It was just the moment she remembered, she was a little curious, she seemed to have heard it somewhere.

The method of merit is unspeakable, and the language can only be realized after remembering.

Therefore, even if the water is three thousand weak, I don't know what sentence is pronounced in the method of the merits of oriental tea tea.

When Weak Shui Sanqian wanted to inquire about Dongfang she suddenly dizzy and fell down.

Dongfang Chacha was taken aback, and immediately ran over to hold her back.

It took a long time for the weak water to come back. For a moment, she felt that the world turned upside down and couldn't sit still.

"Senior, I have medicine here." Dongfang Chacha said.

Weak Shui Sanqian didn't know what to say for a while, but she felt very lucky.

"Continue to tie your hair, I will teach you some tips." Qianshui Sanqian said.

She has no time, here is about to swallow her.

But before she died, she would let everyone who survived here leave as much as possible.

Everything started because of her, and she didn't want to drag innocent people.

After all, she was also treated kindly.

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