The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 225: Witness the fall of the true **** with your own eyes

Lu Shui had stopped depicting the formation, and weak water was about to approach the most central palace at this time.

"It's bad preparation, it's time to go in." Lu Shui said, looking at the most central position.

At this time Zhenwu Shiming was following Lu Shui, both of them were covered with wounds, and none of them was good.

However, there was a sense of excitement in Zhen Wu's eyes, and the young master also pointed him. He found that his actual combat ability was not even a minute or a half.

It's a pity that the true spirit is not here.

Shi Ming's face was numb. He couldn't say anything. He was a ruthless machine for killing monsters. He had no thoughts and dreams, but he would get hurt.

It's miserable.

I don't want to meet Dongfang Haoyue for the rest of my life. No, it's Lu Shui.

But now there are no monsters, they don't have to fight anymore, it's not easy to survive.

Lu Shui did not give them a chance to rest, but calmly said:

"Let's go, go in and take a look."

Zhen Wu and Shi Ming didn't dare to have any opinions.

Just follow it obediently.


Dongfang Chacha has already helped Weak Shui Sanqian to comb her hair.

As for the hairstyle.

"Sometimes the hair will look good as long as it is put down gently, without any tying method."

Dongfang Chacha said so.

This is the result of her efforts for a long time.

"Do you remember what I taught you?" Qianshui Sanqian asked.

She doesn't have much time, and it won't be long before she will stay here forever.

"Remember." Dongfang Chacha nodded obediently.

"Then, can you call me Master?" Qianshui Sanqian asked softly.

Dongfang Chacha looked at Weak Shui Sanqian, then took out a piece of clothing that she thought was particularly good-looking, and said:

"Senior, do you want to change clothes?"

Didn't you hear? Weak Shui Sanqian sighed inwardly, but still nodded.

She changed her clothes in a short time, and they were easy to wear and beautiful.

"Senior, senior, sit here." Dongfang Chacha found a high chair for Weak Shui Sanqian.

Weak Shui Sanqian naturally sat down, and her body became weaker and weaker.

She is really going to perish.

She looked at Dongfang Chacha and did not speak again, perhaps because of the other party's innocence.

She just brought people back inexplicably, it was enough.

But soon she became a little puzzled, Dongfang Chacha suddenly ran in front of her, and then looked at her.

Not long afterwards, he knelt in front of her, and then slammed nine heads against her.

Only then did she hear Dongfang Chacha speak:

"Master, my dad said that apprenticeship is a very serious matter, and you shouldn't get rid of it hastily.

The master now is very beautiful. "

Weak Shui Sanqian looked at Dongfang Chacha, unable to speak for a while.

It's just that her eyes were moisturized, and when she was about to die, the heavens showed her extremely favored.

Qianshui Sanqian got up and came to Dongfang Chacha, and finally helped Dongfang Chacha up.

"Master." Dongfang Chacha cried out obediently.

Weak Shui Sanqian responded, wanting to say something else, but at this time she felt that someone had taken action against them.

With a swish, two stones flew over.

One piece went directly towards the weak water three thousand, and the other went towards Dongfang Chacha in a concealed manner.

With a bang, Weak Shui Sanqian flew the stone that attacked her. When she found that there was also a stone heading for Dongfang Chacha, it was already too late.

She wanted to use power, but found it was already difficult to use power.

Weak water is her strength, but here, weak water limits her strength.

With a bang, Dongfang Chacha was directly hit by the stone, and then fainted.

Weak Shui Sanqian just fainted when she saw it. She sighed in relief. She put Dongfang Chacha behind her, and said to the outside:

"Who is your excellency?"

There are naturally people outside, but Weak Sanqian doesn't know who it is.

Then Xiao Shui Sanqian saw three people walking outside.

Two of them were wounded all over, and one was not hurt at all.

"It's you?" Weak Shui Sanqian subconsciously protected Dongfang Chacha.

Because the person here was the one who made her unable to detect good and evil, that is, the one who attacked Dongfang Chacha.

Yes, it is Lu Shui who came here.

Lu Shui naturally knew that the opponent would not be hit by him. His main purpose was to stun the Dongfang scum.

What you do later may expose some things. When the time comes, Dongfang Slag will unconsciously tell Mu Xue that it is him who is unlucky.

"It seems that Senior is very weak, and completely different from before." Lu Shui said while looking at Weak Shui Sanqian.

The weak water is about to cover here, and the weak water 3000 will naturally become weaker. After all, she is the core source of everything.

It's just that this source can only passively accept all this.

She couldn't do anything by herself, she could only wait for the final demise.

Then Lu Shui glanced at the Dongfang dregs behind.

Seeing Lu Shui's eyes on Dongfang Chacha, Weak Shui Sanqian immediately blocked Dongfang Chacha and said:

"Do you want to be against her?"

"Senior wants to protect her?" Lu Shui asked.

"Don't embarrass her, I may have a way to let you out safely." Weak Shui Sanqian stared at Lu Shui and said.

Although the opponent seems to be only Tier 2, a person who can't see the good and evil atmosphere is always a bit worrying.

"Senior has no relatives with her for no reason, right?" Lu Shuiping said quietly.

Weak Shui Sanqian glanced at Dongfang Chacha, calmly said:

"You don't understand, you don't understand, how lucky it is for a dying person to meet an innocent and kind-hearted person.

You can't understand how much comfort this is.

As if I was treated kindly by the world. "

"Senior said to her like this, she never said thank you?" Lu Shui said.

This time Weak Shui Sanqian did not speak directly, but looked at Dongfang Chacha.

Perhaps it is her who should say thank you.

"Senior may feel that she has no need to thank her, but how can something be done at will?" Lu Shui looked down at Weak Shui Sanqian and said respectfully:

"Junior Lu Shui is the elder brother of Dongfang Chacha.

Thank you predecessors for teaching. "

Hearing Lu Shui's words, Weak Shui Sanqian was a little surprised.

Is this the elder brother of Dongfang Chacha?

But before, she clearly saw the other party attacking Dongfang Chacha.

Lu Shui naturally understood the other party's doubts, and immediately said:

"The kid is a little bit naughty, sometimes it needs a beating."

"...But why did you let her faint?" Qianshui Sanqian asked.

"Some things are not the time to let her know." Lu Shui was not entangled with this, but handed a bead to Weak Shui Sanqian, and said:

"This is a thank you gift prepared by the younger generation."

Qianshui Sanqian wanted to refuse, because she was a dying person, and it was useless to ask for anything.

But soon she was stunned, even in disbelief.

She heard Lu Shui speak:

"This thank you gift can exchange freedom for seniors and help seniors get rid of the shackles of weak water."

After Lu Shui finished speaking, he waited quietly.

Looking at Lu Shui, I can't believe it.

"What you said is true?" Qianshui Sanqian asked.

Lu Shui did not explain too much, but handed the beads:

"Senior will know if you try it."

Weak Shui Sanqian took the beads vigilantly, and soon the beads lay peacefully in her palm.

But at this moment, she felt the beads connected to the weak water, saw an invisible formation, and knew the function of this formation.

As if the door to the world opened in front of her.

In that moment, she felt that she could get out of the cage that had trapped her for countless years by virtue of this formation.

"How did this happen?" Weak Shui Sanqian was a little unbelievable.

But she can't be wrong, really.

This is a formation she can't understand.

How terrible is this person's formation skills?

"Who are you?" Weak Shui Sanqian asked Lu Shui.

Is this something ordinary people can do?

Is this a second-order thing that can be done?


Not to mention the second order, many people may be able to break through here, but it is very difficult to let her leave safely.

This is her cage.

Unless she dies, or Jiu comes to rescue her, nothing else can be done.

But this formation did it.

Use the cage to break open the cage and win her a way out.

"The junior has introduced himself to the senior, and there is no falsehood. As for why all this can be done, the juniors may have read a lot of books." Lu Shui explained.

He does read a lot of books.

I don’t know how many years I have seen it, and how many times I have survived.

The earth creatures don't know how many waves have been changed.

Coupled with a little talent and a little bit of luck, there is today's achievement.

Qianshui Sanqian didn't speak, no matter how the other party did it, she couldn't ask.

"Do you have any questions Senior? If not, Junior has some questions I want to ask Senior." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

"You ask." Weak Shui Sanqian said softly.

However, she was still standing in front of Dongfang Chacha, as if she hadn't fully assured Lu Shui yet.

Lu Shui didn't care, anyway, he didn't want to fight the Eastern scum anyway.

"I would like to ask Senior, have you ever heard the name Jiu?" Lu Shui asked directly.

Hearing Lu Shui's question, Weak Shui Sanqian was a little surprised.

Then she asked:

"What age is Jiu to you?"

She didn't know how long it had passed, so she could only ask.

"In ancient times, time is difficult to consider, very far away." Lu Shui replied.

"Really?" Weak Shui Sanqian sighed, it's been so long.

Then Weak Sanqian spoke again:

"Do you know who Jiu is?"

"The only true god." Lu Shui replied softly.

"Are there many people who know this name?" Qianshui Sanqian asked again.

"It's tiny." Lu Shui shook his head.

Few people really know, except for the forces such as Xian Ting who is waking up.

Others don't even know who Jiu is.

Weak Shui Sanqian nodded, and then she fell into a memory.

As if trying to remember things from a long time ago.

Lu Shui did not urge her, but waited quietly.

After a while, the Weak Sanqian spoke:

"Jiu is indeed the only true god, and her power is unmatched and unknowable.

No one knows when Jiu existed, and no one knows what Jiu's purpose is.

But Jiu will contact some strong people for some reasons.

like me. "

Lu Shui looked at Weak Shui Sanqian and didn't speak, but Jiu did often find some strong ones.

For example, the toothache fairy, Xingsi Xianjun.

The former accepted Jiu's help, while the latter refused.

"That year I cultivated to become a master, Jiu found me.

She told me that there was a problem with my weak water technique, and a little carelessness would bring destruction to myself.

Then she gave me a bead, saying that this bead would delay the weak water from devouring the Lord.

I didn't believe it at that time. The first time I saw her, I asked who she was.

She answered very easily, telling me that she is the only true God of heaven and earth.

I didn't believe it, so I just chose to shoot, and the result made me a little hard to accept. "Speaking of weak water three thousand here, I stopped.

"You lost terribly?" Lu Shui asked.

Three thousand weak water nodded:

"Yes, it's miserable.

I exhausted all my strength and couldn't touch her. She didn't seem to exist, as if it was just my illusion.

All the power penetrated her.

However, she could easily flick me away, like a child playing.

I lost, and finally chose to accept.

After I got the bead, Jiu told me that if I was backlashed by the weak water, the bead could buy me time, and she would come to rescue me during this period of time, take me out of the weak water, and take me into full control. Weak water.

I believe it. "

"She didn't come?" Lu Shui asked symbolically.

Because the result is obvious.

Jiu did not come.

"Yes, Jiu told me that the power of the beads is limited, and the delay time is related to the xinxing. Negative emotions will be separated. When the negative emotion reaches the critical point, the negative aura will directly swallow everything.

There is also the deposition of weak water, the more uncontrollable, the shorter the delay.

Jiu said that for normal people, it can only be delayed for three thousand years. "Weak Shui Sanqian said.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

It's really surprising, how many years has it been since ancient times?

It's okay here.

The power next door is not too strong.

"Don't be surprised, I just chose to sleep." Qianshui Sanqian said.

"Unless you choose to sleep in the first place, it's useless." Lu Shui was a little surprised.

Yes, all kinds of negative emotions will breed after being trapped here, only the mentality is best at the beginning.

Sleeping was useful then.

It doesn't make much sense not to fall asleep.

"I started to fall asleep at the beginning, because I knew from the beginning that Jiu would not come." Qianshui Sanqian said.

Lu Shui was stunned, he guessed it, but he still asked:


"Jiu." Qianshui Sanqian said sadly:

"She fell, I saw it with my own eyes."

seen it myself?

Lu Shui was surprised. He knew that Jiu had fallen, but he had never heard anyone say that he had seen Jiu fall with his own eyes.

Lu Shui was not in a hurry, but waited for the weak Shui Sanqian to calm down and let her speak for herself.

After waiting for a while, he said:

"That day, I felt that my power was out of control.

But I haven't heard the news of Jiu infestation.

I started looking for Jiu, but at noon that day, I suddenly received a message.

It's similar to big data.

The content of the message is: the only true **** is about to fall.

I don't believe this news. The only true God of heaven and earth is immortal. Why did he suddenly fall?

However, just when I didn't believe it, Jiu's voice rang in my head.

She seemed to say goodbye to everyone and apologize, and I still remember what she said.

She said: I'm sorry, I'm going to miss the appointment. "

Weak Sanqian lowered his head and said sadly:

"At that moment, the sky was dyed red."

Lu Shui frowned. This was the first time he had heard that the True God had fallen to heaven and earth had been notified.

But this was just a side view of the true god's fall. Why did the true **** fall? Weak Shui Sanqian didn't see it.

"Did something else happen at that time?" Lu Shui asked.

"Yes." Recalling this weak water three thousand eyes suddenly appeared a trace of fear:

"Heavenly Tribulation, I saw the Heavenly Tribulation, a terrifying tribulation, the moment I saw this Heavenly Tribulation, I didn't even have the qualification to raise my head.

As if being watched by the sky, he had to lower his head.

However, everything is not over, the heavens and the earth are all in all directions.

It seems that there are four terrible beings crossing the catastrophe together, crossing a catastrophe that I can't understand. "

Lu Shui is puzzled, why is this?

He has no answer.

So what happened to the fall of the true god?

Although not necessarily related to their family being targeted, Lu Shui was really interested.

If I knew that I should study it in the previous life, I should take Mu Xue to play games.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find the answer now.

"What's next?" Lu Shui asked.

Three thousand weak water shook his head:

"Because of the terrible nature of the robbery, my power was completely out of control, and finally began to be eaten back by the weak water.

But the bead worked. It shielded me when I was covered by weak water. It established this space in the weak water while I was trapped inside.

The weak water is me, and I cannot escape from the weak water with my own strength.

At that time, I knew I was bound to die, but I hoped that Jiu was still alive.

For this hope, I chose to fall into a deep sleep, until the appearance of the little girl woke me up.

She looks a lot like Jiu and not at all. "

"The only true god, this is what she claims to be, but she is too far away from the true god." Lu Shui explained smoothly.

He naturally knows who that person is.

Except for the only true **** under the Fengshuang River, there should be no second one.

"She's still young, and she doesn't have the strength to take you away." Lu Shui added.

Because that one true **** is related to his own family, he hopes that the other party can understand why.

Weak Shui Sanqian nodded, she understood.

Then she wanted to ask about the origin of the little girl, maybe it has something to do with Jiu.

Or maybe it is a new true **** born between heaven and earth.

It's just that when she wanted to speak, suddenly the whole weak water space vibrated.

boom! ! !

A killing intent was looming, and a scream was deafening.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, is Mu Xue doing it now?

And everything came over.

"No, the effect of the weak water is fading, and the one on the other side will provoke the weak water to die with everyone."

Lu Shui was a little helpless, his extreme intelligence was really troublesome.

It was originally the weak water of a city wall, but it was directly dismantled into bricks by the opponent.

Then Lu Shui faced the weak water three thousand times:

"Senior is running out of time, and the negative aura on the other side is about to be resolved. Now Senior still needs to do two things."

Weak Shui Sanqian was also very surprised, she did not expect that someone on the opposite side could directly extinguish the negative aura.

Although the negative aura is not very strong, but the negative aura is not easy to kill.

But soon she didn't care, but looked at the landing channel:

"What else do I need to do?"

Lu Shui did not answer immediately, but turned his head and glanced at Zhen Wu and Shi Ming. At this time, a rune appeared in his eyes.

Zhenwu and the two were a little unsure, but soon they felt mentally attacked, and then the two fainted without resistance.

These two fourth-orders were solved without any effort.

To Lu Shuiliang, the two men are weak. Now he has successfully stepped from 4.2 to 4.3. Everyone is the same Tier 4, and the gap is huge.

Getting closer to Tier 5, the day of divorce is getting closer.

The fifth-order law body, this is a powerful vocabulary.

When Zhen Wu and Shi Ming fell, Lu Shui looked at the weak water three thousand times:

"Senior, what you need to do now is to knock me out, and then set up a strong protection for the four of us, and then when you feel that the weak water is completely out of control, you will trigger the formation to try to break through the weak water.

Seniors should know that breaking through weak water is equivalent to breaking through yourself.

It will be difficult, but someone will help you again.

Just set up enough defense for us and give enough goodwill. "

Weak water three thousand do not understand.

But still nodded, as long as the other party was knocked out, she wouldn't worry that the other party would deceive her and endanger Oriental Chacha.



I don't believe you can escape safely. "The negative core was suppressed by the terrifying force, but she also mobilized the weak water.

Speed ​​up the speed of weak water swallowing everything.

She was going to die with Mu Xue.

She saw that Mu Xue was upset, and she planned to die with Mu Xue. There was no other big reason.

There may have been true gods before, but now Mu Xue is the only cause of being beaten.

Mu Xue stood high in the sky, and she stood there as everything in the sky.

Everyone will look up to her existence.

Tiannvzong looked at Mu Xue one by one, feeling extremely excited.

You know this is their goddess.

There is nothing more powerful.

"So you don't know anything about power." Mu Xue stretched out a finger and whispered:

"Killing, shocked."

The killing intent appeared everywhere in an instant, and everything would be covered and surrounded by the killing intent.

Everyone will feel the terrifying killing.

Then a finger dropped in the sky, and this finger was like a punishment from the heavens and the earth, bringing endless destruction.

The little girl with colored hair looked at this finger and swallowed her saliva, looking a little scared.

She found this human being so fierce.

And the negative core in the center of Jinghong Yizhi had a trace of fear on his crazy face.

Instinctive fear breeds in her eyes.

"Is this still a human? Humans, you don't follow the rules!"

With a thud and a finger fell, the entire weak water oscillated, and the weak water that had been taken apart was directly pushed and overflowed by the terrifying force.

If the ice turns into water and the stone falls into the water, it will cause the water to erupt.

"Ahhhh, humans, we will meet again!"

The negative core screamed in Jinghong's finger and disappeared quickly.

At this time, the weak water erupted like a spring, directly above the surface.

The old man withered tree and others were originally studying the weak water space, but they were shocked by the sudden emergence of weak water, and they fled directly.

They can feel that this is the real weak water, weak water with a huge threat.

"Take advantage of the gap, don't be above the weak water, hurry up ~ the kendoist said immediately.

Naturally, they had listened to the warning from the goddess of the goddess, and they were already prepared.

As long as they are not swallowed by weak water, they can all escape.

However, this weak water is different from what they expected. Fortunately, it is not a river, otherwise the crisis will be even greater.

When the Old Man withered Trees fled, the entire Qiujing Palace was covered by weak water.

The weak water seemed to swallow everything.

Qiujinggong watched the terrible weak water erupt one by one, and the cold sweat remained. If there were no warning from the goddess of the goddess, one by one would definitely be uncomfortable.

In the end, no one knows what will happen.

And with the eruption of weak water, a killing intent spread out, and the appearance of this killing intent made all the onlookers fall into an ice cellar.

A chill made everyone tremble.

As long as this killing intent is aimed at them, they will undoubtedly die.

What a terrible power.

"I don't know who is fighting inside, this terrible aura makes people a little uneasy." Shang Jiandao said.

The old man withered tree did not speak, in fact he thought of their young master.

But not so sure.

However, the young master will really get into trouble, the Mu family is gone, and the Qiujing Palace is also seriously damaged.

For the Mu family, the old man withered tree felt that their young master did it.

"There are other breaths appearing, it is the young master and the others." Dan Hai said.

"Go, go in and take a look." Shang Jiandao said.

The old man with dead tree felt that it was dried by land and water, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental?

He felt that Lu Shui had already known their arrival, and then deliberately broke open the weak water space, and then exuded a breath, so that they could go to rescue.

If you can see other strong people when you go in, he will take his head down and use it as a stool for their young master.

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