The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 228: Becoming stronger starts from herding cattle

Early the next morning.

Lu Shui sat in the pavilion and flipped through the book in his hand.

This time is very precious to him.

Muxue is in Lu's house, and he has less and less time to read, and most of his time is spent with Muxue, so in the morning he must hurry up to outline the formation of heaven and earth.

The plan for a day lies in the morning, which makes a lot of sense.

Lu Shui was reading the book and eating snacks.

The dim sum was brought up by the maid, and the maid Lu Shui didn't pay attention.

Roughly his mother's maid.

The Lu family is just such a maid, probably.

It is worth mentioning that this is a snack made by his mother herself.

Unpalatable is a bit unpalatable, but his attention is focused on the outline of the heaven and earth formation.

After a long time, the sun was shining brightly, and Lu Shui looked up and found that the sun today was a bit hot, as if it indicated that the anger of the three elders was about to burn on him.

Then Lu Shui closed the book.

At this time the three elders should be above the main hall, it is time to pass.

Thinking like this, Lu Shui got up and headed for the hall.

As for his father and mother, something seemed to have happened last night. His father's health was a bit ill, so let's go over it later.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the main hall. After entering the main hall, what he saw was naturally the face of the fifty million third elders.

Ah, it's only 50 million. It seems that I came back later, and it should have disappeared a lot.

"I have seen the three elders." Lu Shui said respectfully.

The three elders looked at Lu Shui and said nothing.

Lu Shui waited quietly below.

"Do you know that you are wrong?" The Third Elder suddenly asked.

Lu Shui looked blank, and to be honest, he didn't know where he was wrong.

The Mu family matter has nothing to do with him.

"What are the three elders referring to?" Lu Shui asked.

"Don't you even know where you are wrong?" The third elder's voice became severe.

How do I know if I don't make it clear

Lu Shui wanted to go back like this, but it was hard to say whether he would be punished.

He didn't want to enter Fengshuanghe.

Adults say you are wrong, is sophistry useful?

Lu Shui didn't speak for a while.

The three elders leaned back:

"The Mu family's affairs are counted on your head, and the loss is borne by you. Are you convinced?"

Isn’t it the Lu family’s responsibility that I bear it? Lu Shui felt helpless.

However, he did not intend to refute, this is a set of things, and in the end it will fall on the reason that he is too useless.

It's not that he is abandoning, how can the clan rush to let him get married? Not in a hurry to get him married, how could he directly bear the loss of the Mu family?

Even if it is abandoned, there is no self-knowledge, how old a person is still so secondary.

In short, it must be his fault.

So Lu Shui nodded directly and admitted:


"Oh?" The third elder was a little surprised. In his expectation, Lu Shui would definitely excuse himself:

"A lot smarter."

The three elders could feel that Lu Shui did have some changes, but the changes were all after seeing Mu Xue.

A good thing is a good thing, but it still feels worthless.

Struggling for a woman, that's what you can do.

It's just a struggle, but for a woman who directly disobeys the family's order, she must marry the little girl of the Mu family.

Of course, the three elders weren't going to use this to attack Lu Shui, if they didn't struggle, it would be their Lu family who would lose.

"Since I am convinced, I will go to the Spirit Beast Garden to herd the cows for three days.

If you can't put it all right, put all the spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden again.

It is expected to finish before marriage.

Do you have an opinion? "The three elders looked at Lu Shui and said.

"No comment." Lu Shui directly responded.

Of course, his heart is not at peace, he has no experience of herding cattle.

What's the point of this messy punishment if it really lets him get married?

You can't get out of the door of the Lu family.

I can’t do it myself if I want to investigate.

Such things as divorce may also be directly destroyed.

It might as well go to Fengshuanghe.

After that, Lu Shui left directly, and the cattle herding started on the same day.

So he must go now.

Watching Lu Shui leave, the three elders sat on the main hall silently.

"I've been out several times recently, and I haven't heard of any embarrassment.

Although there are no specific gains, I have become a lot smarter.

Before marriage, he still needs to let him go out more to meet the world, so that the province will be embarrassed when he gets married. "

At other times, it's okay to be ashamed. When he gets married, his old face can't bear it.

For so many years in the Lu family, no one had embarrassed anything at the wedding, he thought it would never happen in the future.

Until he saw the growth of Lu Shui.

He had to worry about this kind of thing.


Lu Shui left the hall and went directly to the area where spirit beasts were kept.

As for Lu Shui's arrival, he was greeted by a middle-aged man. He saw Lu Shui and said immediately:

"Master, please here."

Lu Shui nodded, the other party obviously received the news that he was here to herd cattle.

In fact, Lu Shui was also very curious about what kind of bull he was facing.

Not long after, Lu Shui was brought to a river.

There are three cows here.

A one-horned cow with the horn in the middle.

A two-horned cow with horns on the left and right.

There is a triangle cow on the left and right sides.

The three cows seem to be grazing quietly, but they actually eat meat.

Lu Shui still knew these three cows.

Their real name is Kuer Niu.

Able to speak out, perceive the suffering of others, and turn the suffering into an attack.

Similar to mental attacks, but they are also very strong, and their impact ability can break through countless defensive obstacles.

"Master, this is the cow you want to keep." The middle-aged man reminded.

Lu Shui nodded and said calmly:

"What counts as putting them away?"

"Just feed it," the middle-aged man said.

"What counts as being fed?"

"When they are satisfied to make the horns shine, it is the characteristic of feeding.

To remind the young master, they eat meat, but their intelligence is not low. The more you feed meat to them, the less they will brighten their horns. "

Lu Shui was quite curious and said:

"Then how do you feed it?"

"The usual way of feeding is a healthy way of eating. It is impossible for them to eat the horns of shiny." The middle-aged man explained.

Lu Shui understood, this was deliberately embarrassing him.

"By the way, young master, we can't provide any food help." The middle-aged man reminded.

They didn't want to offend Lu Shui, but they didn't dare not follow the orders.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Shui came here and said what he said.

You can give him whatever spirit beast you want.

But it's not normal now.

Lu Shui nodded.

At this time, the three cows also heard the conversation between them.

So they are going to have a full meal?

And it’s not so easy to make their horns shine.


The three cows let out a brisk cry.

As if saying please please us, please us, we will shine.

Otherwise, don't think about it in this life.

Stupid humans.

Lu Shui looked at the three cows, and felt that as long as he asked Zhen Wu Zhen Ling to get something to eat, the problem would not be too big.

Herding cattle is not that difficult.

Of course, if Zhenwu Zhenling was told that he could not help, it would be much more difficult.

He had to find food by himself, and then sent it over to feed the three cows.

Think about it, the problem is not too big.

Then Lu Shui faced the middle-aged humanity:

"What is the approximate strength of these three cows?"

"Single-angle third-order, double-angle fourth-order, triangle fifth-order, they are a family." The middle-aged man explained.

"The single horn is left, the double horns are closed with the triangle, and I put them head to head." Lu Shui said.

"Good." The middle-aged man did not refuse.

Soon he started to imprison the two cows.

The two-horned bull and the triangular bull had doubts on their faces, but they still had to serve them to eat, it was a matter of order.

In short, doubly embarrass mankind.

After the middle-aged man had done this, Lu Shui let him leave.

Then Lu Shui came to the single horn bull and said:

"Can you understand human words?"

The single horn turned his head, as if he didn't care about land and water.

"It seems to understand." Lu Shuiping said quietly:

"As a bitter cow, the body should be good. I have been training recently and haven't found anyone to practice hands. Just you."

"I am happy when I practice. You have something to eat, but you are not happy. For the past three days, you didn't even have to eat grass."


Cow herding normally?

Isn't that a waste of time?

For what Lu Shui said, the cow was disdainful, as if Lu Shui was not enough in his eyes.

Lu Shui didn't care, but squeezed his fist and said:

"it has started."

At first, Lu Shui thought that the bull would definitely not do anything, but what he didn't expect was that when he said start, the calf directly launched a sprint.

It seems young and passionate.

Lu Shui didn't care, but turned on the Immortal Body, and then used his Tier 3 physical skills to confront him head-on.

He did not use Tier 4 strength.

The power of physical skills is also the highest range that Tier 2 can withstand.

Because he did not directly switch to physical training, Tier 3 physical training was the limit for his current cultivation base.

If you want to improve, you must improve your cultivation.

Of course, he is actually a third-order physical skill now.

This is a primary and secondary problem. If you don't change the physical skills to the primary, you can't continue to improve.

But this is just the surface, Lu Shui's true cultivation base is 4.3, and physical skills can't keep up for the time being.

With his advanced speed, there is probably no chance to keep up.

After all, he only practiced physical exercises for half a year, and blamed his parents for breaking his son's penance pillar.

There was a boom.

Lu Shui's fist blasted the impact of the Mavericks.

The impact of sheer power made Lu Shui back some distance.

The Mavericks were also forced to retreat some distance.

Lu Shui looked at his fist and found that it was slightly red.

Strong opponent.

The Mavericks shook his head, then made another shock.

Lu Shui didn't despise it, but used all his strength. Today, this Maverick is his punching bag.



Boom boom boom!

Lu Shui kept attacking, fists to the flesh.

And one punch is superimposed on one punch, and one punch is stronger than one punch.

The powerful attack caused countless waves of the river on the side.

This battle was fought for a long time, and it was not until noon that Lu Shui stopped attacking.

At this time, the calf had fallen to the ground.

It was covered with fist marks all over, and fell on the ground with a little loss of strength. It was surprised how this human being is like a cow, it can stand.

Lu Shui sighed. He found that the cow was quite resistant to beating. Now he has some wounds on his body, and he looks quite embarrassed.

But it really helped him a lot in his cultivation.

Then Lu Shui said to the calf:

"Intermission, seeing you work so hard, you can eat grass, I will look for you in the afternoon."

After speaking, Lu Shui sat directly on the ground, and then used the power of heaven and earth to improve his physical skill cultivation.

But after that, the strength can no longer be shown, which is easy to reveal.



The sudden cry made Lu Shui look sideways, and he found that the two cow parents seemed very angry.

But they can't break the imprisonment.

Lu Shui ignored them, but closed his eyes and started practicing.

As for the two, he had to find a way to suppress their strength, and then fight again.

Hit them now, and it's him who should lie on the ground the next day.

The middle-aged man who watched Lu Shui's practice from a distance looked dumbfounded. How did the young master herd cattle?

He was wondering whether to report to the three elders.

Think about it or forget it, let's take a look.

After a long time, Lu Shui opened his eyes, and now he has fully recovered, and his injuries are almost healed.

Except for some damage to the clothes on her body, there is no problem, and she is very energetic.

Then Lu Shui stood up, and he came to the calf.

At this time, the calf was very tired from eating the weeds on the ground, as if being hit by the land water has not recovered until now.

"Is the endurance so bad?" Lu Shui said.

The Mavericks seemed to be insulted, and with a direct moo, golden light broke out in its eyes.

Kue attack.

Lu Shui didn't care, but let the other party evoke the misery in his life.

But when the attack fell, it didn't evoke any misery.

"My life is full of flatness, strength and background, and a complete family. Although there are regrets, there is no suffering. If there is, it has been crushed by me." Lu Shui said, looking at the calf.

Then turned and left.

He found that he was talking too much, and playing the piano to a cow, whether he could understand it or not was a problem.

Since this calf has no fighting power, look for the two big ones.

"Go to the warehouse and get a magic weapon to suppress the cultivation base." Lu Shui thought this way and went to the warehouse.


Mu Xue was a little helpless sitting in the yard today.

She also planned to let Lu Shui accompany her to the small town for dessert, but she didn't expect Lu Shui to go herding cattle.

That's disgusting.

There is no land and water to accompany today.

Then Mu Xue glanced at the ice phoenix still tied in the yard.

At this time, the ice phoenix gained a lot of weight, and it was lying on the ground as if it had already resigned.

"Should I take it for a walk? After he gets so fat, he will be roasted and eaten." Mu Xue thought to herself.

The ice phoenix had been fed so well before, and Lu Shui took the ice phoenix up while she was not paying attention.

At that time, Bingfeng's psychological shadow did not know how big it was.

When she thought about it this way, Mu Xue suddenly saw the gate of the yard pouring her head in.

It is tea tea.

Seeing Mu Xue inside, Dongfang Chacha came to Mu Xue briskly, and she put a plate of desserts on the table:

"My aunt asked me to bring this to my cousin."

After talking about Dongfang Chacha, she ran to the front of the line she drew, and then used a small spell to call the ice phoenix.

As if telling Bingfeng, you can rush over and bite me.

She had been pecked by the ice phoenix before, and now it was her turn to be arrogant.

Bingfeng was called up, and it looked at Dongfang Chacha with an angry expression.

Then he fluttered his wings and rushed over.

Dongfang Chacha watched the ice phoenix rushing over, with a confident expression on his face.

Just wait for the ice phoenix to stop in front of the line.

Soon Bingfeng rushed to the line, Dongfang Chacha was just about to be proud, and found that Bingfeng had crossed the line.

With a bang, Dongfang Chacha felt a huge attack on his stomach.




Dongfang Chacha was directly hit and flew out, and finally hit the fence of the yard.

Just as Muxue picked up the dim sum and wanted to eat it, she saw the oriental tea inlaid on the wall.

Mu Xue: "..."

Ding Liang from behind followed Xiangyu with a look of horror.

Then Xiangyu ran over to check her lady.

Mu Xue bit his snack and said:

"I just changed the rope today."

Because it didn't take the ice phoenix back, it became wild a lot, and it crazily wanted to break free.

Originally about to break free, Mu Xue came back, so the rope was replaced with a new one.

Who knows if Chacha doesn't check it.

Then Mu Xue saw Chacha crying to Xiangyu, saying that she had been beaten again.

Muxue naturally didn't care, and was planning to let Chacha come for snacks.

But before she could speak, she suddenly received a message from the head of the goddess.

It seems that the reporting work is coming.

After Mu Xue asked Cha Cha over, she checked the communication.

After the goddess knelt down and thanked her, she entered the topic:

"My Lord Goddess, we have found some news about Moxiu Zhan Wuying."

Mu Xue was a little surprised, but found it so quickly?

She thinks that the time should be almost up. If there is no specific news, she intends to find someone directly, and then take action to solve it.

"What did you find?" Mu Xue asked.

But she didn't open her mouth to speak. Cha Cha was still eating snacks at this time.

She stopped crying, and was thinking about how to deal with the ice phoenix.

"This Zhan Wuying seems to have appeared out of thin air, without the slightest past, and then I saw a name from the legacy left by the seniors in the clan, Xianting War God Wuying.

At first I thought it should be a coincidence, but let people check the God of War.

Then, from some unreliable biography, I saw a record that said that the **** of Xian Ting was born by Mo Xiu, and the exercises he practiced at the beginning were very similar to the current Zhan Wuying.

One is called Motian Combat Technique, and the other is called Motian Shenjue.

But that book is hard to say is true and false, mainly because it is too detailed, and many sects have not even recorded it in Xian Ting. "

For example, their Heavenly Girl Sect.

Another example is the Qianling Peak before.

At first they didn't know what Xian Ting was.

It is really difficult to find out these things.

"So we came up with an unsure answer. This Zhan Wuying may be related to Xianting, it should be the inheritor of the God of War." Because Xianting is not yet there, she dare not say that she got it by accident. inherited.

Mu Xue frowned, God of War?

"Well, it may indeed be related to Xianting War God."

"Otherwise, how could you dare to hurt Lu Shui so badly?"

"But Xian Ting, it really revived afterwards."

And she didn't remember exactly what happened, and of course she didn't care about the relationship between the other party and Xian Ting.

If you dare to hurt Lu Shui like that, you can't keep it.

This magic cultivator knows the situation in the realm of comprehension well, and he is mentally prepared whenever he wants to come.

"However, would the people in Xian Ting be so arrogant? Or are they deliberately targeting Lu Shui?"

This question flashed through Mu Xue's mind, and then she didn't think much about it.

It doesn't matter, just solve it.

And she didn't see Xian Ting come to her when she married into the Lu family.

Occasionally someone came to challenge the Lu family, but it didn't matter.

After talking a few words, by the way, let them pay attention to things related to the treasure and then ended the contact.

Lu Shui had intercepted that magic repair super magic weapon.

I don't know exactly what Lushui is.

Anyway, he intercepted it accidentally and couldn't understand it at that time.

Anyway, pay attention, it's always true.

If you don't find it, just watch the land and water go out. If it's related to the treasure, just pay more attention to it.

The problem is not big.

"Cousin, don't you date your cousin Lu Shui today?" Dongfang Chacha asked suddenly.

Mu Xue: "..."

I want it too.

Then Mu Xue picked up a piece of dessert and put it in the tea mouth, saying:

"Eat something."

Oriental Chacha took a bite of the snack and curiously said:

"Cousin, is dating almost equal to meeting?

It's almost equivalent to having children, does that mean? "

Mu Xue: "???"


Above the Lu Family Hall.

The third elder sat at the top, and he found the old man with the dead tree.

"Three elders." The old man withered tree respectfully said.

"Lu Shui went to herd cattle?" the third elder asked.

"Yes, but on the way, I saw the young master walking to the warehouse in embarrassment.

It should be a conflict with some spirit beasts. "The old man withered tree said.

In fact, he couldn't understand it either. It stands to reason that Master Lu would not be injured.

But it looks really hurt.

But it's not serious.

The third elder snorted and said:

"Kue'er cattle's temperament is not good at all. Forcing the other person to eat will inevitably lead to conflict.

After suffering, he knew that not everything is so easy. "

The old man withered tree did not speak. In fact, he felt that the young master was well educated by the patriarch, but sometimes it was a little course, in the eyes of several elders, some things must be possessed.

For example, the young master is ashamed, but he will never bully others and do whatever he wants in a small town.

In the eyes of the old man withered tree, the young master actually thinks for the sake of the small town, but what he wants to do usually turns into troublesome and embarrassing.

The main reason is insufficient capacity.

The old man withered tree sighed inwardly. If there were no soldiers and his entourage, he would still think that the young master is inadequate and that he is the Lu family waste young master.

It's flamboyant and troublesome.

But after seeing the young master's strong posture with his own eyes, he will feel how stupid he was before.

All this is like a dream.

It's hard to understand.

"Go and see what Lu Shui has done in the afternoon, come back and tell me before dark." The third elder said.

He wanted to see if Lu Shui knew how to reflect.

It's easy to say if you know how to reflect.

Otherwise, let's get married next year with peace of mind.

"Yes." The old man withered tree immediately responded.

He was also curious about how Lu Shui would herd cattle.

In the past, he would probably be curious about how Lu Shui was embarrassed.

Now he always felt that Lu Shui would scare the three elders.

Then the old man withered tree left the hall.

After the old man withered tree left, the second elder appeared above the hall.

Seeing the appearance of the second elder, the third elder immediately stood up and then stepped aside.

The second elder didn't mean to sit, but said:

"Lu Shui went to herd cattle?"

"Yes." The third elder replied.

"An accident happened in the Mist City, and an archipelago has escaped from the Mist City." The second elder said calmly.

The third elder frowned, he did not understand what the second elder meant.

Fell asleep last night, come late

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