The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 229: Isn’t writing novels a waste house?

The second elder did not pause either, but continued:

"The appearance of the Misty Islands is nothing in theory, but this time the Misty Islands brought something out of the Misty Capital."

"What is it?" The Third Elder asked curiously.

The second elder looked at the third elder and said calmly:

"Supreme Kendo."

Hearing these four words, the three elders were stunned.

"Is the great elder going?" The third elder hesitated.

The supreme kendo almost drew an equal sign with the great elder.

The second elder shook his head and explained:

"The Great Elder doesn't need it.

Let Lu Shui try his luck. "

"Are there restrictions on the Misty Islands?" the Third Elder asked.

If there are no restrictions, then Lu Shui will never be allowed to take risks. After all, there is supreme kendo in it, so many people want this thing.

"The Misty Islands have the core characteristics of the Misty City." The second elder briefly explained.

Hearing this sentence, the three elders understood.

The core feature of the Mist City is that after entering the Tao, if you touch all areas of the Mist City's core, you will directly enter the Mist City.

And entering the Mist City is almost tantamount to the death penalty.

No one dares to go.

In other words, going to the Misty Islands is equivalent to going to the Misty Capital, which is equivalent to going to death.

Not to mention entering the Dao and not dare to go, it is very dangerous to enter the Dao without entering the Dao. As for those true celestial arhats, they have to enter the Mist City. "

"Does Lu Shui endure the impact of Living Supreme Kendo?" the third elder asked curiously.

Don't say it can, it hurts to see it.

"The great elder has been in contact with the supreme kendo and left some things." the second elder said.

The third elder nodded.

He got it.

The unacceptable thing is land-shui, but land-shui has advantages that others don't have.

It depends on whether Lu Shui can't live up to his luck, or whether his luck is good.

Then the second elder turned and left.

The three elders need to understand the specific situation before making arrangements.


When the second elder reappeared, he was in Lu Gu's courtyard. At this time, Dongfang Li Yin was feeding Lu Gu in the wheelchair.

But soon Lu Gu paled instantly, and saw the second elder again.

"I didn't come to you." The second elder said quietly.

Lu Gu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard these words.

How many times has Lu Shui's cheating son?

Usually too indulge him.

"Second elder, why are you here?" Dongfang Liyin naturally saw the second elder at this time.

"Hands." The second elder said while sitting beside Dongfang Li Yin.

Dongfang Liyin naturally understood what it meant, and then stretched out his hand.

This is to help her review, relatively speaking, she should be completely cured.

As long as she recovers, she may be pregnant with a second child.

After a long time, the second elder opened his mouth and said:

"It's barely cured, it's okay to have a child.

It was much faster than expected. "

The second elder was actually very surprised. She thought it would take one or two years to recover, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Why is it basically healed?" Dongfang Li Yin asked.

"Because I don't fully understand this kind of injury, so far I haven't found any other possibility of causing harm." The second elder explained.

Dongfang Liyin reached out and touched the second elder nodded.


Dongfang Liyin's hand just touched, he was photographed away:

"Did Dongfang Family teach you to respect the old and love the young?"

"Teached, the second elder eat a snack." Dongfang Liyin immediately handed the second elder a snack.

After the second elder bit the dim sum, Dongfang Li Yin said:

"Second elders think what if Lu Gu and I have a girl?"

"Aren't you not having a second child?" the second elder asked.

"It just suddenly felt that there should be a daughter," Dongfang Liyin said.

Lu Gu nodded as well.

"Whatever you want, but your cultivation base is not low. It is not easy to have a land and water, but it is difficult to have a second child." The second elder said.

This is a fact. Lu Gu and Dongfang Liyin are both sixth-order, especially Lu Gu, who has already stepped into the Dao with one foot, making it even more difficult to want a child.

This is true even if there are medicines she researched.

But Dongfang Liyin and Lu Gu are going to have a child, no one in the whole clan will be unwilling.

There were two in the Lu family before.

For example, the first elder once had a younger brother, she once had an older brother, and the third elder also had an older brother.

Only three of them were left in the end.

When the Lu family had two children, there would basically be one who would not want to marry a wife.

Only practice every day.

Or the cultivation base is too high to get married, and eventually there are no children.

It is actually not easy for the Lu family to continue a single pass.

That's why the second elder felt that Lu Shui's original theory was somewhat reasonable.

The more ordinary, the more births will be.


At this time, Lu Shui returned to Kue Niu.

The calf was still lying on the ground, Lu Shui lost interest in it, and now he was going to fight the two-horn bull.

After that, Lu Shui took out the Six Meridian Pan, which had many functions, one of which was to suppress the cultivation base.

Everyone's cultivation under the sixth rank will be suppressed to the third rank.

Then Lu Shui put the Six Maid Sipan on the ground, and then placed a Seventh-Rank Spirit Stone next to it.

Lingshi was also found temporarily.

After drawing a connection formation, the Six-Mai Span began to absorb the aura of the Seven-Rank Spirit Stone, and soon the function of the Six-Mai Span to suppress the cultivation base was directly activated.

After covering the two cows, Lu Shui freed the two horns.

The imprisonment control switch was left by the middle-aged man, so that Lu Shui could unlock it at any time.

When the imprisonment was released, the two-horned bull started a charge without saying a word and rushed towards the land.

It was angry at Lu Shui for a long time.

boom! !

The war was about to start, and no one gave up or stopped.

The battle continued for a long time.

Until dark.

At this time, Lu Shui squatted down and took away the Six Meridian Sipan, and said to the three on the ground by the way:

"Please wait for me here on time tomorrow, you can eat grass tonight."

After speaking, Lu Shui turned and left.

At this time, Lu Shui had a lot of injuries, but his spirit was very good.

After Lu Shui left, the old man withered tree who was watching from a distance asked the three elders.


In the Lu Family Hall, the third elder looked at the old man withered tree curiously:

"Lu Shui left the cattle so late?"

"Yes, the young master kept the cows all day long, and it has been delayed until now." The old man withered tree said.

"He knew it was wrong?" the third elder asked.

"No," said the old man withered tree.

"Oh?" The third elder looked at the old man withered tree with interest.

"The young master has fought with Kue'er cattle all day, and has already won three Kue'er cattle.

Now they fell to the ground with exhaustion and it was difficult to get up.

Although the young master was quite embarrassed, there were only minor injuries on his body, which was not a major problem.

Moreover, the young master also explained that the day had allowed the three bitter cows to gather in place, and he would continue to fight. "The old man withered tree said immediately.

He could clearly see that the young master only had a second-tier cultivation base, and only used the physical skills he learned from the patriarch.

That's it, he won three bitter bulls with strength in the third rank.

The third elder was a little surprised, but he was not in a hurry, but calmly said:

"Be specific."

He understood the strength of the three bitter cows, and under normal circumstances, Lu Shui couldn't win.

"When I first went, the young master let people confine the two big cows, and then singled out with the calf." The old man withered tree saw that the third elder had no intention of asking, and continued:

"Although the young master's cultivation is Tier 2, his physical skills are comparable to Tier 3, so the young master spent nearly a morning to beat the Mavericks.

The embarrassment of the young master at noon came from this. "

The three elders leaned on the high chair and said calmly:

"carry on."

"The young master went to the warehouse and took a seventh-grade spirit stone, and got a pan with the sixth vein.

After opening the Six Meridian Pan, the young master released the two-horn bull. This time the young master played very hard, but after paying a small price, the young master still won.

After a short rest, the young master released the triangle bull.

Have been fighting until now.

So far, all three bitter cows have been defeated. "The old man withered tree said.

The third elder did not speak, but waved his hand to let the old man withered tree leave.

After the old man withered tree left, the three elders said in a low voice:

"Tier 2 defeated Tier 3?

Oh, it's okay. "

"But, is it talent or opportunity?"

"Let's just watch the changes."

Lu Shui's talent is not high, this is something they all know, but after Lu Shui's body refining, the speed can not be expressed by the speed at all, it is almost by flying.

If you are cultivating yourself, then you can directly let Lu Shui turn your body to practice, but if it is a chance for a while, then it may cause Lu Shui to stay in that position forever.

This matter needs to be observed.

It is very fatal to make mistakes again and again.

"It seems that the second elder will have to evaluate whether it is appropriate to use a pill to improve Lu Shui's cultivation base."

After Lu Shui's elixir piled up to Tier 2, it was not suitable to continue using elixir for a short time.

But now that the land-water body technique has reached its limit, it must be reassessed, otherwise it is difficult to see the specific situation.

After that, the three elders left the hall, and this time the face of fifty million fell to five hundred thousand.

Big loss.


Lu Shui didn't care about today's affairs, but today's harvest was not small.

Physical exercises have been further improved, refining exercises during the day, and watching the formations of heaven and earth at night.

Thinking about it, this day is pretty good. It's easier to become stronger than before.

As for some minor injuries, there is nothing to worry about.

Just sleep.

After all, he now cultivates an immortal body.

Soon Lu Shui returned to the yard, but as soon as he returned to the yard, he saw someone planting flowers in the yard.

Lu Shui was stunned, but he didn't have any disgust, because it was Muxue who grew the flowers.

When Lu Shui came back, Mu Xue naturally saw it too.

Then Lu Shui saw Mu Xue stand up:

"Master Lu, are you back?"

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and curiously said:

"Miss Mu is this?"

"Isn't Master Lu saying that some flowers should be transplanted to Master Lu? Just as the flowers were delivered today, I transplanted them smoothly.

I hope it doesn't disturb Master Lu. "Mu Xue said softly.

In fact, there are not many flowers, and it will be done soon if you ask for help, but Mu Xue is all alone.

One reason is that she wanted to make it herself because the flowers were planted by her mother.

Another reason is to wait for the land to come back here.

I didn't see land water all day today.

If Lu Shui went out, she would naturally not say anything, but she was all in Lu's house, and she felt uncomfortable not seeing Lu Shui.

Therefore, she waited in the Lushui courtyard.

Lu Shui looked at the flowers in the yard, then came to Mu Xue, and said:

"How long will Miss Mu be busy?"

"Master Lu was injured?" Mu Xue asked after seeing Lu Shui's injury.

Although it is not serious, it is also an injury.

"Skin trauma." He said that Lu Shui squatted down to help Mu Xue make flowers.

Mu Xue didn't say anything else, so naturally she squatted down.

"Does Master Lu have dinner?" Mu Xue asked suddenly.

"Miss Mu has the money to entertain guests?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

Mu Xue: "..."

I have no money, but I have you.

"Master Lu is going to a small town to eat?" Mu Xue thought it was a bit late, but she could go there.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said:

"It's so late, isn't Miss Mu afraid of getting fat?"

Mu Xue: "..."

Lu Shui didn't look at Muxue much, but planted flowers with his head down.

As long as he could not receive Mu Xue's anger, Mu Xue would hold it in her heart.

I'm so angry, I really want to press Lu Shui in the flower pile and let him eat the flowers.

Mu Xue felt that it would be better to hit the sun if she wanted to stop. Now she started hitting the land and plug her mouth with her socks.

Um, Mu Xue looked down without wearing socks today.

Then immediately shook his head.

At this time, Lu Shui knew who she was, and if she used small clothes, Lu Shui must think she was a big pervert.

It's not good if you don't like her.

Mu Xue wiped the dirt on her hands, then took out a small notebook and remembered.

Lu Shui saw it and curiously said:

"Miss Mu, what is this?"

"Some notes." Mu Xue said.

notes? Revenge record, right? Lu Shui tried:

"Can I see it?"

"After marrying Master Lu, I will show it to Master Lu." Mu Xue replied subconsciously.

"Oh? Miss Mu is looking forward to getting married?" Lu Shui said.

Hearing these words, Mu Xue's face was slightly red, and then she lowered her head to continue taking notes.

It seems to have written more content.

Lu Shui doesn't care, let him get married?

Haha, this notebook was gone before marriage.

The fire will burn all crimes.

He will marry Mu Xue without guilt.

Soon Mu Xue put away her notebook, and then seriously said:

"If Master Lu is hungry, I can make something for Master Lu."

"Ms. Mu can cook?" Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue's expression in surprise.

He naturally knew that Mu Xue would cook, and it was much better than his mother.

Mu Xue nodded:

"A little bit, and I have consulted Aunt Li Yin."

"..." Lu Shui looked complicated:

"My mother taught you?"

He was a little worried that Mu Xue would directly make a taste close to his mother in order to pretend to be like his mother, that would be too terrible.

Mu Xue nodded gently.

Lu Shui hesitated, but finally nodded.

Can't fight against Mu Xue's positivity is not.

Otherwise she should be uncomfortable.

After finishing all the flowers, Lu Shui stood up and said:

"I'll change my clothes."

"Master Lu, wait." Mu Xue ran out, and soon she returned, and then handed Lu Shui a bottle of liquid medicine:

"Applying this to your body can make Master Lu's trauma heal quickly."

Lu Shui took the liquid medicine in Mu Xue's hand and went in and changed his clothes.

Mu Xue naturally stayed outside.

She doesn't live here yet.

Not long after, Lu Shui came out. As soon as he came out, Mu Xue smelled the medicine, which she had just sent.

Lu Shui still listened to her very much, and wouldn't really ignore what she said.

Little fun.

Lu Shui felt a slight smile on Mu Xue's face, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

Is he not fighting hard enough?

Lu Shui didn't think too much, he should have hatred if he had the opportunity.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the kitchen with Mu Xue.

He thought he might need help, such as cutting vegetables.

But when he came over, he found that everything was ready, so he waited for Mu Xue to fry.

In other words, Mu Xue had prepared these a long time ago, just waiting to bring him?

"If I don't come, she will prepare for nothing?" Lu Shui felt helpless.

Because of this, he didn't want to refuse many things.

Asking Mu Xue to give in vain, and then hastily ended, he looked uncomfortable.

Otherwise, how could he punish the Mu family in a rage at the beginning.

That was basically the most impulsive thing he had ever done.

Before long, Lu Shui put three dishes in front of him, plus a soup.

Then Mu Xue sat on the opposite side of the land and water, looking at the landing channel:

"Master Lu taste it."

Lu Shui looked at Sancaiyitang and was silent for a moment. He didn't try.

"No appetite?" Mu Xue was a little confused.

Lu Shui looked up at Mu Xue, curiously said:

"Don't you eat?"

Mu Xue: "..."

Then she was stunned, dumbfounded for a while.


Lu Shui sighed in his heart, and then began to eat vegetables.

Looking at Mu Xue's appearance, he knew that Mu Xue hadn't prepared any food at all.


The next day, Lu Shui still got up very early.

When it's dawn, he intends to continue looking for the three bitter cows. It is very helpless to be a young master herding cows.

At this time, Lu Shui was sitting in the yard reading a book, but he hesitated when he saw the flowers transplanted by Mu Xue yesterday, and snapped his fingers.


A mist of water appeared above the flowers.

"It's not a big problem with watering at this time, right?"

Lu Shui didn't know how to grow flowers, and Mu Xue usually took care of them, so he didn't know when to water them. Anyway, he wanted to help Mu Xue water them.

Save the flowers from withering.

At that time Mu Xue should feel uncomfortable.

"You can also plant some in the backyard, but watch Muxue."

After that, Lu Shui didn't think too much, but continued to read books, reading books about physical skills, but he sketched the formation of heaven and earth in his mind.

As for the dinner last night, of course he finished it. Although there was no rice, the taste of the dishes was not bad.

It was actually very interesting to see Mu Xue looking upset.

Not long after the sun rose from the east, Qi Xi appeared in the courtyard at this time.

She did not step forward, but was waiting for when Lu Shui would be free.

Lu Shui did not rush to read the book, but closed the book and looked at Qi Xi:

"Say it."

If his mother told him to eat breakfast, he would go directly to herd the cattle.

"Madam asked me to tell the young master that the young master does not need to go herding cattle today." Qi Xi said, and then explained:

"It was the third elder who cancelled the punishment of the young master."

Lu Shui: "..."

He felt that the hope of becoming stronger was stifled by the three elders.

Then doesn't he have to accompany Mu Xue today?

Should he be happy or uncomfortable?

In the end, Lu Shui didn't say anything, but waved his hand to realize that Qi Xi could retreat.

Naturally, Qi Xi didn't stay anymore, but retreated.

Lu Shui didn't care. Since he couldn't go herding cattle, then read a book and see Mu Xue go to the town with him.

After the dawn of the day, Zhenwu came.

"Master, I heard a rumor outside recently, but it can't be confirmed for the time being." Zhen Wu said with his head lowered.

"Talk about it." Lu Shui had already closed the book at this time.

Otherwise Zhenwu would not interrupt him suddenly.

"The Misty Islands have been discovered, and I heard someone saw the sword of heaven and earth on the Misty Islands.

Jian Yifeng came to a conclusion that if it were not a rumor, the Misty Islands might have the supreme kendo inheritance. "Zhen Wu said.

"Supreme Kendo?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

He is not interested in inheritance, nor does he need any inheritance.

It's just that the emergence of the Supreme Sword Dao is tantamount to deepening the connection between the Misty Islands and the Misty City.

It's more troublesome.

"Is it possible?" Lu Shui asked.

"It should not be big. I heard that the one who saw the sword of heaven and earth was just a second-order monk who happened to pass by. If his cultivation level was too low, he could not understand the power of the higher realm. Perhaps the sword of heaven and earth he saw was just a certain sword. An ordinary attack from Xiu." Zhen Wu objectively analyzed it, and then said:

"Furthermore, it is not normal for Jian Yifeng to deliberately say that there is no superior kendo. If it is the inheritance of kendo, the one you want most is Jian Yifeng. This way, it will let many people participate in it, which is not good for them."

Lu Shui thought about it and said:

"Why don't you think that the people from Jian Yifeng have already gone, but there is no news at all?"

Zhen Wu was stunned and said:

"The young master meant that Jian Yifeng's people have disappeared, so the message was deliberately sent to let people solve the dilemma?"

"It doesn't have to be Jian Yifeng, maybe someone else used Jian Yifeng's credibility to spread the news." Lu Shuidao.

Zhen Wu nodded. It would be quite possible if it was this way, but the truth was meaningless to them.

After all, Lu Shui didn't say that he was going now.

"Continue to inquire about the news, trying to contact Lefeng and the others." Lu Shuidao.

"Yes." Zhenwu immediately responded.

"By the way, take a look at Xian Ting and Fomen, if they try to get close." Lu Shui continued.

Zhenwu naturally responded.

Then Zhenwu left the yard.

Lu Shui felt it was time to go to the town to find Mu Xue. UU reading

As for why, there is no why.

If he had to have a reason, his mother would let him go if he didn't go. Since he was going to accompany Mu Xue, it might as well take the initiative to go.


"Brother, why do you want us to go? Is it useful to go to the second-tier and third-tier?" Jian Luo asked as he walked on the road.

The sword in her hand was now replaced by a long knife.

She modified the knife.

Her talent for repairing swords shocked some of the elders of Jian Yifeng.

Sword Luoben is an amazingly talented person, but unfortunately he is not suitable for sword repair.

The moment she gave up repairing the sword and held the sword, she began to shine.

"It's not just us, I heard that there will be people from Tier 4, Tier 5 and Tier 6," Jian Luo said.

He touched the little monkey lying on his shoulder, and handed a fruit to it by the way.

The psychic monkey is inherently special, and it might also be beneficial to bring it this time. The main reason is that it won’t work if you don’t bring it.

"Some seniors are really missing?" Jian Luo asked curiously.

Sword starting point nodded:

"I heard that it is not only Jian Yifeng, but also Dao Sect, Xuan Tie Sect, Worm Valley, and Mo Xiu who have disappeared inside.

As for who sent the news, I haven't heard of it. "

Jian Luo took the little monkey and snatched the fruit that the little monkey was eating.

Motivated the little monkey to reach out and fight for it.

After returning the fruit to the little monkey, Jian Luo looked disgusted and said:

"I don't understand, why do you want to bring Chuyu's abandoned house this time?

What else can he do besides writing novels? "

"I will go out to collect materials." Jian Qi said.


I don't want to say anything, I just want to subscribe, and so on.

It's really impossible to introduce me to a girlfriend.

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