The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 233: The world does not know how many times it will collapse

?   Zhenwu Zhenling was very surprised, why did their young master just open the place where immortal power is needed?

   Are their young masters cultivating immortals?

   But obviously not, Xianli will only be available after the seventh rank.

   Is that true?

   Lu Shui didn’t care, wouldn’t he understand simulation without Xianli?

  The power of heaven and earth, what power can't be simulated?

   With the appearance of light, the stone gate is disappearing, being replaced by light.

   After Shimen was completely replaced, Lu Shui stepped in:

   "Keep up."

   Zhenwu Zhenling did not dare to hesitate, and immediately followed.

   But they became vigilant, no one knew what would happen inside, and whether there was any danger or not.

   If you don’t be vigilant, you may be injured, and you may explain it here.

   Their young masters can be casual, but they can't.

   Lu Shui walked into the door. The moment he entered the door, he seemed to hear a looming laughter. This sound seemed to have come from before endless years, and it was very unreal.

   When he crossed the door, these voices disappeared.

   is like having a hallucination just now.

   Zhenwu Zhenling was a little confused as soon as he came in, but he still watched the surroundings first.

   Lu Shui glanced back and found that there was a wall behind and the door had long been gone.

   There is no accident.

   Then Lu Shui began to look around. This was a passage. The passage was very spacious, but it was a bit dim.

   In this dimness, it seems that the farther you go, the more you will merge into the darkness, and finally be swallowed by the darkness.

   "Go in and take a look." Lu Shui said.

   Zhenwu Zhenling followed Lu Shui. They did not dare to relax at all. You must know that the dim atmosphere here is very strange, as if something would jump out at any time.

   and it gets darker as you go forward.

   seems to be walking towards the abyss step by step.

   They cared very much, but they didn't ask. The young master has his own considerations, and now is not the time to ask.


   "Supreme Kendo?" Muxue was a little surprised after hearing the report from the head of the goddess.

   She thought what the Third Elder asked Lu Shui to do, she was trying to get the Supreme Sword Doctrine.

   However, it is impossible for Lu Shui to obtain supreme kendo, and Lu Shui did not learn swords at all in the early stage.

   also swung a few swords roughly in the later period, not a real sword repair.

   According to Lu Shui, he is not a sword repairer. Although his sword is better than countless people, he usually doesn't use it.

   This is respect for Jian Xiu.

  Why would Lu Shui say such serious words?

   His father taught it.

  "However, Lu Shui is also very unreasonable sometimes. As long as he encounters something he wants to study, he will reach out and grab it after he can fight.

   I reached out and grabbed whatever material I wanted. If I hadn't watched it, I wouldn't know how many times the fragile world would collapse. "Muxue shook her head.

   Every time this happens, they have to fight.

   There is always a fight.

   The result is naturally the same.

   This is the same in this life, this time Lu Shui can't beat her no matter how much he resists.

   Then Mu Xue shook her head:

   "It's better to pretend to be weak. When Lu Shui starts to become stronger, pretend to be weak. Although pretending to be really weak, you can be loved like this."

   Thinking of Mu Xue like this, the corner of his mouth was smiling.

   She likes to be petted by Lu Shui.

   It doesn't matter whether it is strong or not.

   She is not strong, as long as Lu Shui does not provoke her.

   For example, if she deliberately sewed her pants to make her double the weight, she would definitely be angry.

   She was really scared at that time.

   Ending the memory, Mu Xue said:

   "Those from the Heavenly Nv Sect should also go in?"

   "Yes, Lord Goddess, I heard that the Misty Islands came out of the capital of mists. There may be things from ancient times hidden in them, so go in and try your luck and see if there is any news about the goddess of war." The goddess said.

   Mu Xue thought about it:

   "If you want to know about the ancient times, you can visit the Kraken when you have time, they may know some."

   After hearing Mu Xue's words, the head of the goddess naturally responded.

   She has to prepare recently and find an excuse to visit the Kraken.

Not long after   , Mu Xue ended the communication.

   She actually has no interest in Xian Ting or God of War. What she needs is to replace him with the other party at the right time and at the right place, and then educate Lu Shui to be a human being.

   But it’s not a bad thing for the goddess to find out the details of the other party.

   And make sure that the opponent's background is not bad, so that you can accurately determine whether the opponent has other purposes.

   Of course, the ending will not change.

   But it shouldn't be too heavy for Lu Shuhui, just a little shadow, not too much shadow.

   Mu Xue was happy when he thought of hitting Lushui soon.

   This must be beaten, Lu Shui has to beat her no matter how good she is.

   This meal is very important to Lu Shui.

   let him understand that the realm of comprehension is actually cruel.

   Even a young master like him is not 100% safe.


   "What are these things?" Jian Luo cut off the vines that rushed towards him.

   Not far from her, a powerful sword light appeared, which was the intent of the sword.

  He is fighting a huge flower.

   The flower vines are scattered, and the sword falls here are only some weak flower vines.

   But the number is large enough to make Jian Luo feel strenuous.

   "Hana, the elementary school teacher didn't teach you? By the way, you never went to school." Chuyu stood beside Jianluo and yawned, as if he didn't care about these flowers.

   "Some people just don't know what is good or bad, and they are not as good as the female classmates, and they don't know how to die when they die." Jian Luo waved the knife in her hand, and kept cutting down the surrounding flower vines that were attacking.

   "Why are you not a dumb?" Chuyu said.

   "I'm sick." Jian Luo ignored Chu Yu and directly increased his attack.

   At this time, the little monkey on the shoulder of the sword fell suddenly squeaked.

   The sword fell in shock, no problem, the little monkey would not scream.

   Then she discovered that a flower vine was coming out of the ground and attacking her.

   Jian Luo did not hesitate at all, and slashed towards this sudden flower vine.

   But when she attacked the lower part, the vine from the upper part rushed towards her waist.

   As if to kill her directly.

   The sword fell in shock, but instead of panicking, he set off to avoid the flowering vines.


   Although it avoided most of it, a flower vine directly penetrated the edge of the sword's waist, and a piece of meat was gone.

   The pain passed, but Jian Luo still cut off the flower vines.

   Swordfall can only retreat to Chuyu's side.

   "It's unlucky to die here with you." Jian Luo's face was a little pale.

   "I said it was too early to die, let me see your injury." Chuyu said.

   Hearing this sword fall, he retreated directly from Chu Yu, looking wary.

   That's her waist, how can a girl's waist be shown to the abandoned house casually?

   Hatsue: "..."

   He felt offended.

   To be honest, when he was young, he had a bath with his senior sisters.

   Although there was no memory at that time, but it was a fact.

   And at this moment, the surrounding flower vines attacked again.

  The sword fell and immediately swung the knife to cut off the flower vine.

   But the injury made her one step late.

   At this time, a sword light flashed, and the surrounding flower vines were directly cut down.

   "I said, I just want to help you heal your wounds, you can't bring the wounds, right?" Chuyu put away the sword in his hand and fell towards the sword.

   "You..." Jian Luo looked at Chuyu with a little surprise:

   "So strong?"

   Just a moment.

   is much better than her.

   "I am Tier 3, what is your Tier 2 compared to me?" Chu Yu said.

   "Then why didn't you just save me? You waited for me to get hurt and did something nasty to me?" Jian Luo said immediately.

   Chuyu looked at the sword falling, and sighed:

   "A good person, why isn't he a dumb?"

   Without waiting for Jianluo to speak, Chuyu pressed Jianluo's head directly, and then let Jianluo divert his attention.

   What Jian Luo saw at this time was that her brother was in a hard fight.

   "Do you think your brother played easily? That flower is a carnivorous flower, let alone the strength of Tier 4, I am standing here to support your brother remotely.

  Who knows that you can't even deal with Huateng. "Chu Yu said.

   Jian Luo did not speak, why did she suddenly become dragged?

After   , Chuyu went to the corner with a back injury.

   The sword fell and retreated subconsciously.

   "Don't worry, don't see or touch, but it may be more painful if you don't see the injury." Chuyu explained.

  Thinking about it, Shi Ming and Ming Ye are better, so the treatment is so good.

   Sword fall is too troublesome. As a daughter, she has to hide her injuries.

   Jian Luo didn't speak at this time.

   But Chuyu still lost two spells on the side of Jianqi, which were healing spells, which were thrown to Huateng.

   will make Huateng's attack come to a halt.

   Why doesn't he know, that's how he supports it, it will make the sword a lot easier.

   After a short while, Jian Luo felt no pain from his injuries.

   She discovered that Chuyu's healing skills are really powerful.

   "Male nurse." Jian Luo whispered softly.

   Chuyu looked at Jian Luo, and sighed:

   "It's my fault, I didn't let you shut up in advance."

   Jianluo snorted coldly, and then he was holding the long sword and preparing to open the three kaluo swords.

   This is a knife technique given to her by a senior.

   "Wait." Chuyu called out suddenly.

   Jian Luo turned his head to look at Chu Yu, then saw a piece of clothing flying over, saw the clothing, Jian Luo subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

   Then found out that it was a sportswear.

   "Next time you can wear sportswear directly, there is no need for men's clothing." Chuyu said.

   Jian Luo picked up his clothes and smelled it, frowning and saying:

   "You pass through?"

   "Otherwise? Did you wear my clothes? If you dislike it, let your waist float." Chuyu said.

   Jianluo turned around immediately, preventing Chuyu from seeing it, but instead of wearing any clothes, she tied her clothes around her waist so that she could also cover her.

   Will Hatsuu want to see it?

   A bunch on the street, does he still need to watch the sword fall?

   Then Chuyu saw that Jianqi was about to win.


   A sword light fell, and Carnivorous Flower finally couldn't bear the sword raised by the sword, and was divided into two.

   And when the sword cut open the fleshy flower, a light appeared in the fleshy flower.

   It seems that the carnivorous flower has eaten something indigestible.

   When the silk flower completely died, Chuyu and Jianluo walked over.

   They watched the shiny thing calm down.

   Then they saw that thing clearly.

   "Slate?" Jian Luo took a look and asked curiously.

   "It looks like there are words on it, it is ancient text." Chu Yu got rid of the dirt on the slate.

   At this time, the top word was revealed.

   "Invitation list?" Jian Luo was a little surprised.

   When he wanted to check the list, he immediately closed his eyes, and then stopped Chuyu and Jianluo:

   "Don't look."

   Chuyu and Jianluo looked at Jianqi curiously, but when they looked at Jianqi, they were shocked to find that there were blood and tears in Jianqi's eyes.

   His eyes were hit hard.


  Lu Shui walked in the darkness, and it seemed to be getting darker and darker ahead.

   They have no sight, Zhenwu Zhenling can't see the road ahead at all, and can't even see his fingers.

   But they can see the figure of their young master, obviously there is no light, but they can be seen.

   They were puzzled, but they didn't ask, it's absolutely unusual here.

   This can be confirmed without thinking.

   "It should be almost done." Lu Shui said at this time.


   snapped his fingers.

   suddenly began to light up.

   At this time, Zhenwu and Zhenling realized that they were still only on the passage and had not stepped into the abyss.

   just changed from the previous middle position to the position against the wall.

   After the light appeared, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

   "Young Master?" Zhenwu asked if he wanted to check.

   The sound of footsteps suddenly appeared in a place like this, and it was not normal at all.

   Lu Shui shook his head and said softly:

   "Don't move, just wait quietly."

   Zhenwu Zhenling no longer speaks, but stares around.

   They can see that there are passages both in front and behind, and there are corner passages behind, and the sound of footsteps is coming from behind.

Da da da.

   "A lot of people, but their steps are messy." Zhenwu immediately made a judgment.

   He and Zhenling looked in the same direction alone, afraid that there would be noises.

   Lu Shui took out the heaven and earth formation pattern at this time. He didn't care about the footsteps, or the place, let alone worry about anything.

   In short, reading is the best.

   And as soon as Lu Shui's book was taken out, Zhen Wu's chair was already behind Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui glanced, then sat down lightly, and then read the book at ease.

   After Lu Shui looked at the pattern of heaven and earth for a long time, footsteps also appeared in front of him, also messy footsteps.

   At this time, the sound of footsteps in the rear was very close.

   It didn't take long to reach the corner.

   Zhenwu stared closely, and Zhenling stared at the front now.

   To be honest, this situation is very disheartening, if the enemy comes out directly.

  The sound of footsteps from far to near is a test of people's mentality.

   Fortunately, they have been trained in this way since they were young, and they can bear it.

   Lu Shui turned a deaf ear, and continued to look at his heaven and earth formations.

   "Remember, don't make a sound later." Lu Shui said.

   Zhenwu Zhenling immediately nodded. Although they didn't know what they would encounter, they had no plan to ask.

   is not the time.

   After a while, Zhenwu finally heard it, and a real voice came from the corner behind.

   da, da da, da da.

   The footsteps are fast, a little hurried, and they are just ahead.

   Zhenwu held the sword in his hand and stared at the front, he wanted to see who came from the footsteps.

   Soon footsteps appeared on the passage on the side of Lushui, but something unexpected happened to Zhenwu.

   The sound of footsteps is just ahead, and in the bright area.

   But, but he didn't see anything.

   There is no figure, no breath, nothing.

   And the sound of footsteps just got closer and closer to him, and then appeared beside him.

   At this time, the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, and the sound of footsteps at the back stopped.

   Don't know why, Zhenwu suddenly felt that something was watching him.

   He didn't speak or act rashly.

   The true spirit naturally felt it, but also carried it quietly.

   The footsteps stopped for a long time, as if they had disappeared.

   But Zhenwu Zhenling still didn't make any movements, said anything, and even stopped breathing.

   Only Lu Shui was still flipping through the book, and he didn't care about the sound coming out.

   I don't know how long it took, the sound of footsteps finally sounded beside Zhenwu, these footsteps moved forward step by step, a little messy.

   But it is indeed leaving.

   Zhenwu Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to make a sound.

   Those sounds are going away, but the footsteps ahead are still approaching.

   Zhenwu Zhenling didn't understand what was going on at all, let alone what would happen if he just made a sound.

   But they think it will definitely not be a good thing.

   After waiting for a long time, the sound of footsteps in front finally came, and they stepped into the bright area.

   This time Zhenwu Zhenling also thought it was a group of things that could not see anything, or that nothing existed.

   But they found out that they were wrong.

   They saw two people, but there were more than two people's footsteps, and there were messy footsteps in the invisible area.

   At this time, their steps suddenly became faster, and suddenly disappeared when the sound of footsteps came to the real spirit.

   Those two also stopped behind.

   Then Zhen Wu Zhenling suddenly looked horrified. They saw the steps of the two people move again. This time they actually walked with cats and made no sound.

   Then the two people directly surrounded Zhenwu and Zhenling, keeping their eyes on Zhenwu and Zhenling.

   Keep your eyes on.

   Zhenwu Zhenling's scalp numb after seeing this scene.

   In other words, something was done like this just now.

   But they also noticed that these two people are actually Lefeng and Nie Hao.

   They turned their eyes white, as if they had no self-consciousness.

How is this going?

   Zhenwu Zhenling really wanted to ask, but at this time they didn't dare to show up.

   Because they don’t know how many onlookers exist.

   Zhenwu secretly looked at Lu Shui, and found that Lu Shui was still reading the book leisurely.

   He was actually a little relieved to see this scene, everything was under the control of the young master.

   After a long time, the sound of footsteps sounded, and Lefeng and Nie Hao also revealed a strange regret.

   The sound of footsteps was going away, and Le Feng and Nie Hao turned around and planned to leave.

   At this moment, Lu Shui said:

   "Leave them both behind."

   Zhenwu Zhenling did not hesitate at all, and directly reached out and grabbed Le Feng and Nie Hao's shoulders, preventing them from going forward.

   "Woo." Being grasped by the shoulders, the two Lefeng seemed uncomfortable.

   And the sound of footsteps in the front is still moving forward, without any scruples about the back.

   The farther the footsteps were, the less Lefeng and Nie Hao struggled, until the footsteps turned, the two of them stopped struggling, and finally fell to the ground.

   Seeing this scene, Lu Shui closed the book and got up.

   Zhenwu put away his chair.


   is another snap finger.

   In the end the light disappeared and everything returned to darkness, then the darkness began to recede, and the faint light shone in.

   When Zhen Wu Zhen Ling saw it clearly, he found that he hadn't moved in the same place.

   Yes, where they are now is the position they just entered Shimen.

   And the passage in front is not dim, but with dim light.

   "Huh?" A voice suddenly came from under my feet.

   Zhenwu Zhenling immediately became vigilant, and only then discovered that Lefeng and Nie Hao were waking up.

   Lu Shui didn't move, just looking at them two.

  It's not easy to find people.

   Fortunately, it was fished out. This is the case in the Misty Islands, or it is easy to happen in the Misty City.

   But now that the Supreme Kendo appears, there shouldn't be a big problem outside.

   Very happy Feng and the others woke up. As soon as they woke up, Le Feng took Nie Hao to the corner and became vigilant.

   "It's us." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   Only then did Le Feng and Nie Hao see Lu Shui.

   The moment they saw Lu Shui and the others, Nie Hao and Le Feng were sure in their hearts, and they were finally out of danger.

   Of course, they still dare not confirm whether they have been deceived.

   "Young Master Oriental?" Le Feng tried to ask.

   "Tell me about what you encountered." Lu Shui walked straight ahead.

   His meaning is obvious, he said as he walked.

   Zhenwu Zhenling followed Lu Shui, and Le Feng and Nie Hao followed.

  Nie Hao is still very confused.

"We got the news. There are related news here, so we came here. Before I came, I prepared three mobile phones outside. If I can't get out, I will send you a message. I should have received all of them, right?" Lefeng said. .

   "There is only one." Zhenwu said.

   Lefeng breathed a sigh of relief, not an illusion.

   The Misty Islands are more terrifying than he expected, so he is worried that everything he sees in front of him is controlled by someone.

   So I have to try it out.

   "That was an accident.

   Let’s talk about the Misty Islands. When we came in, it was normal at the beginning, and we were avoiding any movement. We searched here for a few days without any danger.

   But when we encountered some buildings, abnormalities happened suddenly. "Lefeng went directly to the subject, saying:

"Those buildings are in the lake. I decided that this should be the location I was looking for. Then I planned to use puppets to find the way for When the puppets approached the building, the sky didn’t know why it suddenly went dark and stretched out my hand. Seeing nothing.

   There is some distance between me and Nie Hao Mingming, but I appeared in one place inexplicably.

When we thought we had entered some formation, footsteps suddenly came in the darkness. These footsteps approached us little by little. Even if we avoided, they still approached without hurriedly. Finally, we tried to ask a few words. . "

   "What then?" Zhenwu Zhenling was more interested in this.

   After all, they also met just now.

  Imagine that you hear footsteps in the dark, but you can't see anything.

   This is even more frightening than they were just now.

   "Then I woke up suddenly." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   Zhenwu Zhenling looked at Lefeng and Nie Hao.

   They nodded in confusion:

   "Yes, we don't have the slightest memory in the middle, so how did you save us?"

   Zhenwu briefly said, the two of them looked very ugly.

   Even though it is a very cautious style of music, I can't help but be afraid, this kind of thing can't be prevented at all.

   The gap is too big.

   "Master, what is that thing?" Zhenwu asked.

   Other people are naturally curious.

  Unknown things, normal people will be curious.

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