The wind is raging and misty.

Everyone found that the surrounding fog began to surging, all of which was surging towards Shi Ming.

At this time, Shi Ming's sword was slashed on the Qiuwu's meaning, and there was no huge impact, no power fluctuations.

But directly cut off the meaning of autumn mist at the forefront with a single sword.

Seeing Shi Ming cut off his meaning of autumn fog, Wei Qi was a little surprised.

The other party's Qiuwu meaning is obviously very weak, why is it so bitter?

But Wei Qi didn't panic. His autumn mist meant enough that Shi Ming couldn't hold on for long.

Soon Wei Qi increased the impact of the meaning of autumn fog, powerful forces flooded the ring, and cracks slowly appeared on the huge boulder.

As if unable to withstand the impact of this force.

The torrent of autumn mist rushed towards Shi Ming, and the sword in Shi Ming's hand did not stop in the slightest.

He kept going forward and cut down the meaning of autumn mist in front of him.

He is fast, and his pace is also fast.

And the surrounding mist was pouring towards him, as if the heavens and the earth were blessing him.

Shi Ming's autumn fog grew more and more, such as small streams gathering and turning into ponds, such as ponds expanding into lakes, such as lakes overflowing and flowing endlessly.

As the fog changed, Shi Ming's attacks became stronger and faster.

He is about to approach Wei Qi.

Wei Qi gritted his teeth.

Shi Qingqing really exceeded his expectations. Shi Ming's strength made him startled, but he couldn't admit defeat.

His realm is higher than Shi Ming, and for his dignity, it is impossible for him to lose at this time.

Wei Qi spit out a mouthful of blood and forced himself to use a stronger force.

At this moment, his meaning of autumn mist began to roll, which was several times stronger than before.

Qiu Wu's power is like a rapid current, and this rapid current is full of sword intent.

Wei Qi held the sword in his hand and stepped to meet Shi Ming.

"Mountains and seas are surging."

With the sword coming out of the tail Qi, the meaning of autumn mist flocked to Shi Ming like a mountain like a sea.

This powerful force caused many people outside to step back some distance.

Shi Ming stared at Wei Qi, his sword grip tightened.

At this moment, only the sword of Wei Qi was in his eyes.

"Autumn mist is everything."

At this moment, all the mist on Shi Ming's body disappeared in an instant.

But at this moment, Wei Qi's sword arrived, Shi Ming did not have the slightest accident, nor the slightest panic, his sword did not stop in the slightest.


The tips of the two swords touched together.

The powerful force spread instantly, but before long, the sword belonging to Shi Ming began to be covered with cracks.

Then layer by layer was broken.

With a bang.

Shi Ming's sword fell directly into fragments and fell to the ground.

And Wei Qi's sword stabs Shi Ming head on.

As long as the stabbing, then this competition will be a victory.

Shi Ming was not surprised, he moved his mouth, and a voice came out:

"Everything is also autumn mist."

In this instant, an invisible force spread instantly, in the space, in the clouds, and in the stones.

Countless mists appeared in an instant, and the mist came into Shi Ming's hands.

When the mist poured in, a short sword slowly appeared in Shi Ming's hand.

This sword replaced Shi Ming's broken sword to meet Wei Qi's sword.

boom! !

The powerful forces collided directly.

The power of Wei Qi is like a sea wave, and Shi Ming's power is constantly being blessed, as if the heavens and the earth are pouring into the meaning of eight autumn fog.

"This, what will happen?" Qiuyefeng stood up excitedly after seeing this scene.

He had never seen such a meaning of autumn mist.

As if he was standing there, Qiu Wu itself.

What kind of autumn mist does this mean?

With a bang, Shi Ming and Wei Qi were both bounced away.

Shi Ming stepped back some distance, and he was standing there with autumn fog all over his body.

Wei Qi suffered some injuries, but this was not a problem for him, he chose to attack the first time.

Shi Mingtai surprised people.

Where is Shi Ming who looked thin before, and where is Shi Ming who only takes up his special physique and makes people have to avoid it.

He is not the weak at all, but the real strong.

Strongly made his scalp numb.

He must defeat Shi Ming in one go.

Wei Qi rushed over. Shi Ming wanted to reassemble the broken sword, but he didn't know why, he felt a call, a resonance.

As if on the other side of the mountain, there was a sword waiting for him, calling him, and begging to fight.

Shi Ming didn't know what was going on, but he knew that there was the inheritance of Qiuwu's meaning.

Shi Ming did not hesitate, because he felt that this sword matched him well.

Then he stretched out his hand and whispered:


The next moment an autumn mood rose to the sky, on the mountain peak, in the palace, a sword felt the call, felt the most suitable person, swished and left.

But in the blink of an eye, the sword came to Shi Ming's hands.

This was a sword that looked like mist. The moment he held the sword, Shi Ming felt the excitement of the sword.

As if waiting for countless years, finally waiting for the right person.

The meaning of autumn mist around it jumped.

Shi Ming swung his sword down.

boom! !

The autumn fog spreads and everything is withered.

With a swish, this sword penetrated Wei Qi.

Then Wei Qi stopped suddenly.

The breath on his body was fading rapidly, the sword in his hand was weakly hung down, and then he knelt on the ground with a bang.

He lost.

Shi Ming held a sword in his hand and stood there peacefully.

There was no more noise on the court at this time.

Qiu Yefeng sat back weakly.

"Qiu Wujian, he actually got the approval of Qiu Wujian.

How many years has it been?

Even if someone in my Qiujing Palace understood the meaning of autumn mist like the vast ocean, they could not be recognized.

He Shi Ming, but did it. "

Elder Jin also looked at all this in disbelief, Shi Ming exceeded his expectations, and exceeded too much.

Haiyan in the distance was also stunned, and she was speechless for a while.

With an Qiuwu sword in hand, Shi Ming's authority is no less than that of her chief master sister.

Even better.

Because Tier 5 disciples are common, but recognized by the Qiuwu Sword, there is no second sect except the founder of Qiuwu's meaning.

And now, Shi Ming is the second one.

The onlookers are even more incredible.

None of them understood what just happened.

Is that the meaning of autumn mist just now?

They didn't understand, but they knew it was great, and it was so great that they couldn't understand it.

Qianyin naturally stared at Shi Ming in a daze.

"It's amazing, Junior Brother Shi Ming's talent is really not what it looks like, he has a very special talent."

She always knew.

Junior Brother Shi Ming has guarded her for so many years, and basically hasn't cultivated well, but her realm is not bad at all.

Although not comparable to Shanghai Yan Shimei and others, it is completely superior.

Especially since I haven't used any elixir.

Shi Ming looked at Wei Qi and said calmly:

"I won."

Wei Qi spit out a mouthful of blood, then looked up at Shi Ming with difficulty, and said:

"you win."

Shi Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard these words, his senior sister finally didn't have to move away, he could still guard outside.

Counting the days waiting for his senior sister to get better.

Lu Shui watched all this without saying anything.

He didn't expect that there was still a Qiuwu sword here, so he didn't have any suspicions.

"But the moment the Qiuwu sword flew over, something seemed to be coming up from the ground.

It shouldn't be an illusion, well, Mu Xue felt it too. "Lu Shui discovered that Mu Xue had used Hunyuan Qi.

She is checking the situation below.

The breath that just came out was not ordinary at all.

Lu Shui even felt the breath of the only true god.

But it feels unlikely that she should be thrown back to Fengshuanghe by the elder.

Can't you run out again?


Deep underground.

A little girl with colored hair walks on a palace.

"It's so weird here. It seems to be surrounded by that strange water everywhere, and I can't fly well." The little girl with colorful hair pouted.

She couldn't use her strength casually, so she could only walk obediently.

"It's empty and dark, much worse than my God's Domain."

The little girl with colored hair on the road used this to compare with her God Realm.

Found that the environment here is so bad.

You can't see the water when you look up, and you can't see the seascape when you look down. There are no fish and shrimps swimming around, and there are no toys around.

Fortunately, her domain is not here.

The little girl thinking about the color hair thinks that it is better not to make trouble in the future, if God's Domain becomes like this, she won't have time to cry.

After a long time, the little girl with colored hair saw the light.

"Well, it's this thing. It feels so strange. It seems that there is divine power in it. I don't know how much."

Thinking about it this way, the little girl with colored hair quickened her pace.

There was a snap.

The little girl with colored hair tripped her feet on the steps, and she fell directly to the ground.


Without speaking, the little girl with colored hair got up. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when she found no one.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the majesty of the true **** is damaged.

And she is a mature god, and she must get up by herself if she falls.

This has always been the case in God's Domain.

Ordinary humans can't see her, and naturally no one plays with her.

So every time someone sees her, she wants the other person to be her obedience.

It's a pity that some are too fierce, a little too stupid.

Even if it's fierce, it's better to be stupid.

In this way, the majesty of her true **** will not be damaged, and she will educate her if she speaks badly.

The fierce one couldn't beat it, and it would damage the true god's majesty too much if he escaped every time, especially when the true body faced it.

After that, the little girl with colored hair patted the ash on her body and rubbed the painful areas on her body.

A mature **** needs no comfort.

After that, the little girl with colored hair walked forward cautiously. She was not in a hurry, but watched the road.

Soon she came to the bright area.

Here she saw a bead floating in the air.

It is a blue bead.

There is a magical power in the beads.

Very pure supernatural power.

Then the little girl with colored hair watched it with her eyes, and then she looked surprised:

"No owner, you can eat it."

Thinking of this, she flew up and swallowed the blue bead.

Although there is not much divine power, it is also divine power.

This can increase her upper limit of divine power.

Especially rare things.

If she swallowed the blood of the gods last time, she would be much better.

Now when her stomach digests the blue beads, she will be better.

After eating, the little girl with colorful hair checked her belly and touched her belly with satisfaction.

Earn it by coming out.

When the little girl with colored hair was satisfied, a clicking sound suddenly came from the palace, as if someone had opened the door and came out.

The little girl with colored hair was shocked, did she steal something?

But that thing is really unowned.

If there is a master, she will use the majesty of the true **** to let the other party offer treasures.

Soon the little girl with colored hair felt that the influence around her was aggravated, as if something outside was surrounding it.

Someone want to catch her?

Without much thought, the little girl with colored hair turned around and ran away. This time she directly used her strength to jump out of this space.

"It seems that the space opposite is the easiest to pass."

The force used was the weakest, so it shouldn't attract anyone who arrested her back.

Then the divine power spread, the divine power used by the colored hair girl was very weak, and the door of the space was opening.

But at this moment, the sound of footsteps came, and someone was approaching her step by step.

The little girl with colored hair is a little anxious. If it doesn't work, she won't care about the person who arrested her back.

Not long after the space door finally opened, and the sound of footsteps was approaching, it was a figure.

The little girl with colorful hair dared not stay, and rushed into the space door without saying a word.

"Don't, don't go there." It was a female voice.

But when her voice rang, it was too late, and the door of the space was closed.

"Jiu, it's dangerous over there." The woman paused and said.

But there is no longer any object of hearing.

Finally the woman sat on the ground and sighed:

"She's not Jiu, she doesn't look like it at all, but she has a breath of true God.

But is she still a child?

Going to the opposite side is also very dangerous. "

boom! ! !

The woman felt the temple shake, and she knew that the one opposite had awakened.

The danger is coming, but not too far away.

It will be covered by weak water, and finally it will be calm.

The woman looked up at the sky, but all she saw was pitch black. For so many years, she even forgot the color of the sky.

At this moment, a vortex appeared above the space, which was a special situation caused by weak water surges.


Not long after the vortex appeared, Mu Xue sensed it.


Mu Xue was a little surprised, because this vortex was a spatial vortex, and when she felt it, it had spread below the Qiujing Palace.

That is where they are.

When the space vortex affects the upper part, Lu Shui also perceives it, not only can it be seen if it perceives it.

He saw the surrounding breath surging, it was not normal at all.

Many people have seen it, but no one knows what's going on.

Lu Shui stood up immediately without hesitation.

"True Spirit, take Miss Mu out of here."

The true spirit is unknown, but something abnormal happened around her. She didn't dare to delay the slightest, and immediately took Mu Xue and Ding Liang to leave with Yujian.

"Master Lu." Mu Xue wanted to take Lu Shui away directly, but hesitated and changed her words:

"Be careful."

Now that the situation is unclear to many people, Lu Shui sent her away directly because she was worried that she was in danger.

So she couldn't refute it.

"Miss Mu, don't worry, I still have Zhenwu here, I'll go and take the Dongfang scum away." Lu Shui said.

Dongfang dregs really couldn't ignore it. Of course, Lu Shui was just doing something, and it was Mu Xue who really covered the east scum.

Then Zhen Ling left with Mu Xue Yujian, and Lu Shui frowned. If he didn't guess wrong, Zhen Ling could not escape.

Mu Xue knew that, but she couldn't prevent this from happening in the public.

In other words, this happened too quickly.

Similarly, Lu Shui was unable to figure out what was going on because of his limited ability.

Can only take one step to watch one.

I hope it won't be so dangerous that Mu Xue can do it.

He didn't like Mu Xue's shots.

"Zhenwu, take the Dongfang scum and the others away." Lu Shui said.

"Yes." Zhenwu said that he just went over and took away Dongfang Chacha.

It's just that it hasn't passed, the space power instantly rises, and the whirlpool appears directly, and it is not one whirlpool, but two whirlpools.

These two whirlpools directly replaced the land, and the entire Dabi scene was surrounded.

It is difficult for everyone to move.

"This, what is this?"

"What happened? How do I feel that something is pulling me?"

"I can't move, my body seems to be twisted."

"help me."

Most people on the court have no resistance.

Qiu Yefeng's reaction was naturally quick, and he directly used the Zongmen Great Formation, which had offensive and defensive forces from the outside and various protections inside.

For example, there is a zone transfer function.

Soon the formation was activated, and it was radiant for an instant. When everyone was worried, most of the Qiujinggong disciples were transferred out.

Just move to other hills, too far away to consume.

But because this formation was only aimed at the disciples of the Qiujing Palace, Lu Shui and the others just happened to be left inside.

Seeing that Lu Shui was still inside, the Qiuyefeng was shocked. Lu Shui couldn't have an accident on their side, otherwise he couldn't bear it.

And he didn't even know what was going on with this spatial vortex.

He soon remembered one thing, and then shouted to the location of Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, take out the token I gave you, and you can directly work with the big formation."

Lu Shui was standing in the whirlpool. He did have the token, but it was on Zhen Wu.

Immediately, Lu Shui glanced at Mu Xue who was stuck in the sky, and then said:

"Zhen Wu, throw the token to Miss Mu."

At this time, many people have already escaped from the whirlpool.

Standing outside one by one was a little frightened.

If it hadn't been sent out suddenly, they wouldn't know what they would face, but they knew there was someone inside.

So I'm curious, what will happen to the people inside.

It’s just that it’s hard to see inside, only some people are there.

Qianyin naturally came out too, but she knew Dongfang Chacha was still inside.

Don't let Dongfang Chacha have an accident.

She didn't say anything about Yujian to rush into the vortex, and she wanted to rescue Dongfang Chacha.

And just as she was about to rush into the whirlpool, her hand was suddenly caught.

Qianyin was a little surprised, but soon his expression became cold. Who caught her hand?

When she turned her head, she realized that it was Junior Brother Shi Ming who was holding her hand.

All of a sudden, her expression eased.

And he withdrew his hand unconsciously.

"Junior Brother Shi Ming?"

"Senior Sister, what are you doing?" Shi Ming asked.

"Chacha is still inside, I'm going to rescue her." Qianyin explained immediately.

But she couldn't explain much.

And even if she didn't have that senior, she would go in and rescue Fairy Cha Cha.

After all, the other party treats them really well.

How can you die without saving?

"I'll go, Senior Sister is waiting outside, and I have bad luck, this vortex is against me, it should be unlucky." Shi Ming said.

He didn't give Senior Sister Qianyin time to refuse, so he threw Qianyin away from the vortex, and then rushed into the vortex by himself.

He also knows that Dongfang Chacha can't do anything.

But when Shi Ming rushed in, he was dumbfounded.

There are only seven people left on the scene, add him eight.

So he saw Dongfang Haoyue at a glance.


How is this going.

At this time, he saw a light flying towards Dongfang Chacha, and he saw that it was an identity token.

You can successfully escape from here if you touch it.

So Dongfang Chacha should be safely sent out of here.

It's just that when the token was about to meet Dongfang Chacha, the spatial vortex seemed to be cramped and twisted.

Finally, he turned a corner and landed on the taro.

Taro: "???"

Then the taro disappeared.

Oriental tea tea is a bit uncomfortable, and the taro is gone.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue also looked dumbfounded.

Just now Zhen Wu threw the token to Mu Xue, and Mu Xue directly asked Ding Liang to hit the token to Chacha.

Lu Shui didn't go out, she didn't want to go out.

Then happened the scene that Shi Ming saw.

Then everyone's eyes remained on Shi Ming.

Everyone understands this person's physique.

Shi Ming was also deep in the vortex at this time.

He looked innocent: "It has nothing to do with me."

At this moment, the vortex that Shi Ming was in seemed to be vomiting, and it shrank by half, and the three of Mu Xue smoothly left the vortex category.

But this does not mean that Mu Xue is out of trouble, but is directly covered by the vortex on the other side.

Mu Xue: "???"

Kill Qianyin's junior brother.

This physique directly affected the space vortex.

Lu Shui was ecstatic in his heart.

Shi Ming did a great job.

As long as he is not going to a spatial area, he can do whatever he wants without being so passive.

The last two vortices began to disappear, which was originally an accidental vortex that was affected by the space inside.

Coming quickly, and disappearing naturally.

And Lu Shui and others will naturally follow the vortex and disappear.

Mu Xue sighed helplessly, and finally separated two purple auras, one wrapped around Lu Shui's wrist and the other wrapped around Dongfang Chacha's wrist.

As long as these two people are life-threatening or emotionally out of control, she can perceive them.

At that time, I can't care too much, I can only act as a mysterious person.

Lu Shui naturally sensed the purple qi in his hand, but didn't care at all.

After a short while, he felt that he was sucked underneath by the vortex.

In other words, the vortex is disappearing.

At this moment, Lu Shui saw a person flying high above the sky, who was the head of the Qiujing Palace.

He finally chose to rescue him, otherwise he could not afford it.

But everything is too late.

The vortex disappeared countless times faster than expected, and the vortex had disappeared in place before even a blink of an eye.

The two vortices disappeared at the same time.

The vortex where Mu Xue was located was on the Dabi side, so many people from the outer sect did not come out inside.

Anyway, things are going on at the Qiujinggong The whirlpool disappeared, and none of the people in it were left.

Qiu Yefeng looked around with a sullen face, and finally kept calm and said:

"Explore it all."

He felt that this thing was weird, so he had to make something about it, so he came out.

If there are so many sects, he will have to give enough excuses for a Lu family.


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