Mu Xue looked at the two people who fell on the ground, and felt that she might have acted a little harder.

But they were not injured.

Putting the true spirits in Dingliang, Mu Xue laid a formation beside them, the negative aura would not disturb them, let alone penetrate the formation, and other people could not perceive their existence.

Naturally, weak water will not harm them.

"There should be no problem, now you can go in and see what's going on inside."

Mu Xue looked at Zhen Ling and Ding Liang nodded slightly.

These two didn't let her take risks, and she couldn't help it.

Convincing them is a very troublesome thing, or just do it quickly.

The sooner the problem here is solved, the sooner you can see the land and water.

She was very happy when she remembered that Lu Shui threw the last token to her.

Lu Guoguoran liked her.

"Okay, it's time to go in, I always feel that there is a strange existence in it."

Mu Xue looked at the depths with some curiosity.

That existence is not a negative existence, it is very special.

In other negative areas, the North and South elders and Su Ran are fighting the surrounding pitch-black monsters.

These monsters come in all shapes, ordinary ones and incomprehensible ones, but no matter what, they just can't be killed.

The more inside, the more such monsters.

As if never ending.

"This is a fierce beast born with a negative aura, similar to the existence of a heart demon, killing it will only make them return to the negative, and it will not take long to recover." Elder Nan said.

"Then is there any way to kill these monsters? If this continues, we will not be able to explore what is going on inside." Su Ran led people to attack the surrounding monsters.

They tried it at the outermost periphery, and the river was everywhere, and they couldn't get out at all.

And they also knew that it was weak water, they wanted to fly over, but they didn't want to use the technique to freeze the bridge.

So the only way is to go to the core, maybe you can find life.

After all, they also found that the weak water was constantly overflowing, as if it would not take long before the place would be submerged by the weak water, so they had to go inside.

But the inside is obviously not as easy as they thought, like a whirlpool, the more terrifying the inside.

"Maybe there is a way, but it's a little difficult." Elder Nan said.

"What is it?" Elder North asked.

Elder South rarely does anything, and fighting such things is usually done by Elder North.

Su Ran also looked at Elder Nan, and other disciples naturally hoped to have a way.

Although they are not weak, they are not strong either.

The longer I stay here, the more uncomfortable it is.

"Seal, just seal these monsters.

But sealing is a troublesome thing, too much consumption is also fatal to us. "Elder Nan said.

Su Ran thought for a while, and then sealed a monster with a simple sealing technique.

She found out that it can be sealed, and it won't be more and more.

"It seems to be useful, use the formation flag, cloth seal the formation, and there may be other people around here, as long as we find them, we can join hands, no one wants to die here." Su Ran said.

Elder North and South nodded, this was the only way, so they were looking for someone to join forces.

"I'll try to explore the people around." Elder Nan said.

"I will bring some people to help you block the monsters." Elder North said.

"Then I will set up the formation." Su Ran said.

The cultivation base of plain dyeing is the highest, and the formation can be said to be the fastest and easiest, but the most energy-saving.

Especially when they still have a lot of spirit stones, they are almost the most able to retain their strength.

As long as Su Ran retains strength, for them, it retains the trump card.


In the deepest part of the negative emotions, the little girl with colored hair is constantly avoiding.

"What an annoying thing, has been pestering me."

"And has been confining my space."

boom! !

The huge attack hit the little girl with colorful hair, and of course the little girl with colorful hair couldn't fight, she could only avoid it.

If it weren't for her being special as a true god, the negative atmosphere here is basically useless to her.

She was arrested long ago.

No, I fled back early with strength.

As long as he flees back, there is no problem. This strange guy is not afraid of chasing her in the realm of God.

But I don't dare to use it now, because she seems to be in trouble.

If that person is attracted, she will be told by the stupid human that she can't see the blue sky and the grass with her head down, and her true god's majesty will be seriously questioned.


But how can you keep running away as a true god?

The little girl with colored hair stopped, and then she began to exude aura. She looked at the core shadow of this space, and spoke with great dignity:

"Human, you are offending God, do you know what it is to blaspheme the true God?"

The sudden momentum stopped the core shadow.

This is the shadow of a person, a female figure.

She looked at the little girl with colored hair, and then was full of resentment:

"True God?

Yes, the true **** imprisoned me here, the **** only true **** who killed you.

Kill you. "

Facing this figure, the little girl with colored hair was not afraid, she still looked at the opponent's offensive with that kind of majesty:

"Human, I can destroy the world with one blow and destroy everything, do you dare to take it?"

"Kill you, kill you." The figure became even more angry.

The offensive was even tougher.

The color-haired girl was a little panicked.

"Humans, seeing you being so arrogant, I won't care about you, and you won't care about me either."

The little girl with colorful hair brushed her head and ran away. By the way, she also explained:

"I am the only true God, not the only true God."

But the figure in the dark behind did not pay attention to what the little colored hair girl said, and directly accelerated the attack.

The little girl with colored hair can only keep avoiding. Although she can restrain each other, the gap is too big to be beaten.

If there is only a special breath and not strong enough, she can beat it.

For example, the blood shadow she swallowed by mistake.

That blood shadow is very special. Whoever sees it is scared, but she is not scared.

She is more special than that blood shadow.

So if you eat the other person, you have a stomachache.

Ordinary people must die immediately if they eat it.

But this is different, the opponent is too strong and can only keep running away.

Just after running away for a while, she felt a strange breath.

"What a powerful breath, and a good risk can completely restrain the negative breath here."

She felt the breath like a fire in the dark.

And it is a fire point that can burn darkness.

"Go to her, maybe she can handle it."

"But as a true god, asking a human being for help is detrimental to the true god's majesty?"

"No, most humans can't see me, and she may not see me either."

"But what if she can't solve it?"

"Well~ That's the time for the true **** to show his might (calling the great elder), how can **** bring suffering to mankind?"

Then the little girl with colored hair began to avoid the attack, leading the people behind to the light.

She somewhat hoped that the light could see her, but she didn't want to be seen.

She wants to be seen because she is eager to communicate with others, but she doesn't want to be seen because the majesty of the true **** is damaged.


Autumn Palace

"There has been no news, it seems that no matter how you check, there is no clue." Fairy Qianyin said to the taro.

"The people from the Dongfang family and the Lu family should be coming soon, maybe they have a way." Xiangyu said.

Qianyin naturally knew that the Dongfang family was the power of the Chacha family, and as for the Lu family, she also knew that it was the power of the Chacha cousin.

She also knew that the senior was also inside.

Although the senior is there, no one knows where the people inside have gone or what they need to face, so it is impossible not to worry.

"Everyone, there are many strange things in this matter, absolutely nothing to do with our Qiujing Palace." Qiu Yefeng could only helplessly explain to some people's forced questions.

"Qiu Sect, how long have we been here, at least we have an eyebrow, but there is nothing. How can we believe that this matter has nothing to do with Qiujing Palace?" someone asked.

Qiuyefeng is a seventh-order cultivation base, and for most people, this is already the cultivation base for the sky.

But this kind of cultivation level has not been found out, this is not convincing.

Of course, no one dared to be presumptuous directly.

After all, no one in the room has a strong cultivation base.

Rank 7 is basically a top figure in the world of comprehension.

After entering the Tao, or beyond, it is very rare.

At least ordinary people can't see it.

For some middle schools, they are all characters in the story, such as the ancestors of the sect and the originator of the mountain.

"This matter itself is weird. Our Qiujing Palace will not be able to find out what is abnormal for a while? You feel that you are strong enough, and you can check it yourself.

I will never stop at Qiujing Palace. "Elder Jin spoke at this time.

None of them spoke, they were not strong enough, and the people of the sect were still on the way.

However, just when they thought the matter had subsided, a loud voice suddenly came from above the sky:

"If there is this fellow daoist, we can enter the venue with confidence, and hope that fellow daoists will not mind.

If you can't find it out in the Qiujing Palace, then our Lu family will do it ourselves. "

Hearing this voice, everyone was taken aback.

At this time they took a look at the sky.

Only then did they discover that there was a space door above the sky.

The sound came from the door, and after the sound fell, three people walked out of the door.

The aura of the three of them immediately spread.

But for a few breaths, the entire Qiujing Palace was surrounded by the breath of these three people.

Enter the Tao, three seven steps into the Tao.

Everyone who felt all of this flashed deep panic in their hearts.

This is the case for Elder Jin and the same is true for Qiu Sect, not to mention the others.

These three people gave them a feeling that they couldn't look directly.

It seems that excessive peeking will bring them an unbearable price.

"People from the Lu family are here." Qiu Yefeng was bitter in his heart.

Young Master Lu is missing from them, and they can't give any explanation.

If the Lu family is unreasonable, they will inevitably endure an unimaginable blow.

But how does the cultivation world make sense?

They themselves did not have enough evidence to show that this matter has nothing to do with them.

At this time, an old man who was headed said:

"Master Lu Family, Mrs. Lu Family Young, Miss Dongfang Family, are all missing from your place. Now we are ordered to investigate.

I hope that Qiujinggong will be convenient. "

Qiuyefeng immediately respectfully said:

"This is the fault of our Qiujing Palace. It is our honor for the seniors to help with the investigation."

Then three people fell in front of Qiuyefeng:

"Don't worry, we are only here for the young masters.

As long as we don't hinder us, we will not bring unnecessary damage to the Autumn Palace. "

"We understand." Qiu Yefeng nodded immediately.

At this time, the old man turned his head to look at the middle-aged man behind him, and said:

"Old tree, check the underground first."

The old tree nodded.

This time the patriarch went directly to find the three of them. The others were on the way, but they were all here to do something inconsequential.

They did the job of looking for the young master.

Of course, Mr. Shu was not very worried about Lu Shui's safety, with the strength shown by Young Master Lu.

Nine out of ten people went in deliberately.

As for why, he didn't know.

But now he still has to do his best to find the young master.

This is his duty.

Then the old man began to perceive the situation as he went down. At this moment, it seemed as if a seed began to spread under his feet, spreading non-stop.

Not long after he discovered that there was a powerful man who entered the Taoist way sleeping.

Very old.

Ignoring the other party, the old tree continued to check.

Then he found a pool of weak water.

But based on his cognition, he felt that the weak water was not pure.

He has never seen the real weak water, but the weak water that has not given him a sense of crisis is also called weak water?

The weak water has no source, just a pond.

The old man withered tree still didn't care, but continued to check.

His power has been going down, the more he goes down, the more he can feel the thickness of the earth, and the more he will respect the world.

Qianyin kept watching at this time.

She knew that the Dongfang Chacha family and her cousin were very powerful, but she didn't expect these three terrifying seniors to come casually.

Can these three people directly subvert their Qiujinggong?

She can only hope that this matter really has nothing to do with Qiujinggong, otherwise she will know it without thinking about it.

But she wants to see the root of the problem as soon as possible.

It's best if everyone is fine.

Qiu Yefeng stood there, cold sweat broke out on him, mainly because of worry.

Although this matter really has nothing to do with them, Master Lu disappeared from them.

A hundred mouths can't argue.

Of course, he also hopes that the other party can find clues so that they can help each other with all their strength and let the other party see the sincerity of their sect.

"Huh?" After a long time, the old tree suddenly said in surprise.

Other people naturally look over, and the words behind each other are especially important to many people.

Qiu Yefeng hoped that the other party had found a clue.

"Anything?" the old man asked.

He just checked the sky and found nothing.

"A little discovery." Old Shu said.

At this time, many people's hearts were raised, but no one dared to urge them.

"What's the situation?" the old man asked.

He doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

"There is a space deep underground," said the old man.

"It shouldn't be, I have explored it too, and haven't found any space." Another middle-aged man said.

This person is a person who keeps in the spirit medicine garden, and he has achieved quite a lot in alchemy.

So I took a Danhai Dao number for myself.

"It's different. In my perception, this space doesn't exist, but when I explored, I let the tree root extend down by the way. When the tree root reached that area, it suddenly broke.

And can't perceive anything. "The old man withered tree said.

The old man nodded:

"Go down and take a look."

It is indeed a good thing to be able to discover something so quickly.

Especially the underground area has no problems in perception.

This is more illustrative.

But before going down, the old man glanced at Qiu Yefeng.

Qiu Yefeng immediately understood, and said:

"That's not the area of ​​our Qiujing Palace. Since the establishment of the school in Qiujing Palace, no one has ever known the existence of the unknown space."

After that, the old man stopped saying more, but took people down.


Lu Shui was still working on his formation at this time. This time he used something he had never used before, and it was supplemented by Qianshui himself.

So the speed is not very fast.

As for what is the use of preparing these, it is very useful to him.

He felt uncomfortable if he didn't do anything.

As for the Dongfang scum, there is no problem for the time being, the Dongfang scum after washing his hair is still helping him blow his hair.

The other party is still teaching her the art of merit.

Looks like good luck.

I have never seen her so lucky in the last life.

However, Lu Shui was more concerned about the shampoo from Dongfang Zuzha, and he didn't know if he gave it to Mu Xue. If not, he would take the lead.

While Lu Shui was still depicting the formation, something suddenly fell into the weak water.

It is the root of the tree.

Lu Shui controlled the core of the formation, and then took the branches out of the weak water.

Under normal circumstances, the branches will fall into the depths of weak water, and finally fall into the weak water.

Not to mention the branches, even the cultivator cannot escape this fate.

The weak water here is not ordinary at all, and few people in the cultivation world can travel freely on this weak water.

"It seems that the old man sent someone here, and he also found this place."

"But what's the use of finding it? They can't break this weak water space at all, all they can do is wait outside."

"Not only that, they can't even observe the situation inside, but the roots of the tree should be old, and he won't worry about me."

If you want to land in this way, you will throw the roots back into the weak water and let the weak water swallow the roots.

After that, Lu Shui imprinted the formation without hurriedly, but Mu Xue didn't have it so fast.

Dongfang scum is still learning inside, and it seems that the other party has a lot of teaching experience.

Although Mu Xue can also teach, different teachers have completely different effects.

At this time, Lu Shui, who was depicting the formation, suddenly stopped. He hesitated and started to go in other directions around the weak water.

He remembered something, he had to explain some problems to Shi Ming, otherwise things would easily happen.

It doesn't matter if other things are slowed down, as soon as this matter slows down, it is too late to regret.

Yes, he is going to find Shi Ming and silence his mouth.

Lu Shui walked on the surface of the water overflowing from the weak water. Every time he took a step, an array pattern appeared, and he could also depict the formation when he walked.

It's just not the exquisite hand-painted.

Not long after, Lu Shui heard the sound of fighting.

Then he saw a figure flying over.

With a bang, a person was hit directly into the soil.

Lu Shui escaped from the weak water and walked to the pit, where it was found that it was Shi Ming.

It takes no effort at all.

A good time to quit.

Then Lu Shui squatted in front of the pit, he looked at Shi Ming who was still struggling to open his eyes and said:

"Promise me a few things or kill you."

Hearing these words, Shi Ming was stunned, and then saw Lu Shui, he was half scared to death, who knows if the boss is serious.

Then Shi Ming looked serious and said:

"You said, Dongfang Taoist friend, I can agree to anything."

"Don't call me Dongfang Taoist friend, call me Lu Shui." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

"Lu Shui, Fellow Daoist Lu?" Shi Ming tried to exclaim.

Lu Shui nodded and continued:

"Secondly, this is the first time you see me."

"It's not an honor to meet for the first time in Xia Shi Ming." Shi Ming said, arching his hands.

Lu Shui nodded quite satisfied:

"Third, my strength is weak, only second-tier."

"Taoist cultivation base is too low, here is too dangerous, it is best to follow me, but stay away from me, my physique is relatively special." Shi Ming said immediately.

He completely understood that, anyway, everything about him was related to Dongfang Haoyue, not right, and had nothing to do with Lu Shui.

As for why this is so, what does he care about so much?

Lu Shui stood up and said:

"You escaped."

Shi Ming: "....."

The Lu Shui boss is a bit scary.

Then Lu Shui looked ahead and said:

"What happened there?"

There shouldn't be any crisis in this place, the most dangerous thing should be the weak water and the weak water 3000.

Apart from these, there are roughly four people here.

Only Zhen Wu among the four could conflict with Shi Ming, but obviously not.

Zhenwu hasn't caught up after so long.

"It's a monster." Shi Ming said:

"There is a group of monsters ahead of them coming from across the river."

Lu Shui had some accidents, and then stepped forward.

Soon he saw that it was a group of dark monsters, these monsters are hard to describe, in short, there are all kinds of monsters.

But they all carry a negative aura.

At this moment the monsters are besieging a person, it is Zhenwu.

Although it was quite strenuous, it was still bearable for Zhenwu.

Lu Shui did not look at Zhen Wu, but at the source of the monster.

It climbed up from the bottom of a weak water river.

"It seems that the negative aura on the other side has a sense of wisdom." Lu Shui had a guess.

The space here is opposite.

The space on the opposite side is not safe at all, or that is where the negative atmosphere accumulates over there.

And the origin of the negative aura is that weak water three thousand.

Now the negative aura clearly wants to come from the opposite side to kill Weak Shui Sanqian.

What are the benefits of killing?

It's no good, but who knows how the brain grows because of the condensed intelligence of these negative auras?

Does it require logic to kill, or to kill someone?

Not required.

At this time Zhenwu repelled the monster and came to Lu Shui's side and said:

"Master, the monsters here can't be killed at all, do you want to retire?"

Lu Shui did not answer, but listened to the conversation between Dongfang Zuzha and Qianshui Sanqian.

"Are you really a third-order at the age of eighteen?"

"It's like a fake replacement, my aunt said that I was the first eighteen-year-old third-order genius in all ages."

"I'm twenty-five years old and third-tier, and the dictum that I asked you to memorize was completely memorized in a quarter of an hour.

You have spent an hour, but you still haven't remembered it. "

"Xiangyu said that genius has a field, and maybe my talent is not obvious in this field."

"You may just be clever and not, yes, Xiangyu often says that too."

Lu Shui shook his head.

Then facing Zhen Wu and Shi Ming said:

"Kill all foreign enemies, without missing one."

Zhenwu didn't know why, but he nodded.

Shi Ming's complexion is bad, so do this kind of thing again?

There is no nanny this time.

He is nostalgic for Chuyu who wrote about it, and his healing power is really amazing.

Now that Chuyu is not here, he may be miserable.

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