The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 224: You don't know about power 1

Lu Shui walked on the edge of the weak water, and now the weak water has overflowed in front of the palace.

However, this palace is too big, and there is still some time to reach the innermost.

These are the time of land and water.

Of course, now the monsters are attacking less and less, which shows that Mu Xue is about to encounter the core existence next door.

The core existence will be killed by Mu Xue, then Mu Xue will break the space, and then let the people above pick them up.

Lu Shui didn't need to do anything, but he still wanted to do something.

Anyway, he wants to chat with the person inside.

This should be related to the true god.

He wanted to figure out how some ancient people were staring at their Lu family.

Whether there was a Lu family in ancient times was a problem.

Well, although the Lu family has been passed on for many years, it may not involve ancient times.

However, Lu Shui didn't know the specific family history.

Not to mention it was him Lushui, even the Great Elder might not know.

If you only look at the clan documents, it will definitely not touch the ancient times.

However, it may just be touched. After all, who would write history for their own home in advance?

Isn't it that people will make up later when they are bored?

Then it was not compiled to the very beginning.

Or maybe the origin is too weak.

After that, Lu Shui continued to draw formations in weak waters.

And Zhen Wu and Shi Ming are still fighting with the monsters.

The two of them were wounded, Shi Ming was relatively miserable, and he was a blood man.

Zhen Wu took the time to give Shi Ming a cure, and said:

"Didn't you say that you have a special physique and you didn't end up well? Why do I feel that you are the hapless one?"

Zhenwu saw Shi Ming inexplicably shot with his own eyes, and either fell or made a sword mistake.

The stones on the roadside can make Shi Ming dazzling.

"Don't you see who I am with?" Shi Ming looked sad.

Although I was given guidance this time, the misfortune was also true.

The real martial artist's healing technique is not good, it is too lame.

It's better to call Chuyu next time.

Zhen Wu didn't speak, he naturally knew who Shi Ming was referring to, but he was quite curious about how Shi Ming and their young master met.

It seems that Shi Ming, who claims to be unlucky who is near, has suffered a lot from their young master.


After a long time, the people of the Tiannv Sect came to a dark area, where the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

It was like an abyss, especially the darkness inside was rolling like ocean waves.

"Perhaps this is the last area, you should be able to see the core through here." Su Ran looked ahead and said.

Mu Xue was just watching here, other people didn't bother her, and never let her take action.

Because everyone knew that Mu Xue was not easy, after Mu Xue's "unintentional" guidance, they felt that the doubts about the cultivation base were directly solved, and some even went further.

This makes them incredible, but they feel that they are just casually mentioning.

So I can only thank silently in my heart.

Don't dare to publicize.

"I have almost rested, let's attack, there is basically no retreat behind." Other sect fifth-order experts said.

Yes, some people refused to take risks, so they stayed outside, but those people followed their way and chased them up, saying that they had been submerged by strange water behind them.

Behind is the road to death.

Everyone nodded.

"Do it."

Then everyone drove the flag and began to attack the dark area.

This is no longer a monster, but a purely negative atmosphere.

In other words, this huge dark area is a large monster.

Su Ran and others started, Mu Xue still just watched.

As for the arrival of the Heavenly Nv Sect and other sects, this dark area seems to have been known, and when the opponent starts to attack, they naturally start to attack frantically.

With a bang, the war broke out in an instant, and countless forces were intertwined.

However, the instant time Suran and others were directly suppressed by this dark area, and there was almost no suspense.

The pitch-black area is like a tsunami, pushing everyone's body shape, making all those who move forward have to step back dozens of steps.

If it weren't for the five flags, perhaps they would be submerged directly in this dark ocean.

Su Ran and others looked at the front, they kept driving the formation, trying to resist the suppression of the dark negative atmosphere.

But it can't be done at all, the opposite is too big.

Their behavior is like hitting a rock with a pebbles and a man's arm as a cart.

It's like trying to use a slap-sized stone to hold down a tiger.

Simply whimsical.

boom! !

The huge impact struck again, this time directly penetrating the formation and hitting the person driving the formation.


Su Ran spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the face of this terrifying negative atmosphere, they have no resistance.

Su Ran was standing in the forefront, her breath a little disturbed.

"Elder Nan, is there any other way out?" Su Ran asked.

It's impossible to win, she can feel it.

Elder Nan naturally saw it, and this dark area looked a little frightening.

"No, no." Elder Nan answered with difficulty.

Yes, there is no way out.

At this time, something changed suddenly in the dark area, and a pair of eyes appeared at the top, which looked down at the earth with a low eyebrow.

Looking at a group of tiny humans below.

At the moment of being watched by this gaze, everyone's hearts trembled, and they felt that they had changed.

Change of anger, change of selfishness, change of anger and people.

They are obviously innocent, why should they endure this kind of suffering?

The north and south elders and Su Ran also had a look of pain.

They closed their eyes and didn't want to be swayed by this negative emotion.

At this time, Mu Xue said softly:

"If you can wake up from this negative emotion, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

It's just that few people can wake up from this situation.

It is like a dream, in which you can do whatever you want, but it is ugly.

I can't wake up without seeing myself.

Then Mu Xue snapped her fingers.

At this moment, all those who were caught in the influence of negative emotions fell to the ground in an instant.

Only some members of the Tiannv Sect are still struggling.

For other people, whether or not they can wake up, she doesn't intend to make them mess up.

It is their good fortune to be able to wake up, but they will wake up after the things that wake up here are over.

Had a nightmare at best.

As for the people of the Heavenly Nv Sect, Mu Xue wants to watch them wake up, but she will also give proper guidance when she wakes up.

At this moment Mu Xue looked ahead, behind the dark area, there was something more interesting.

She saw a little girl coming here constantly, and the core of this space was chasing her.

The core is a personal shadow, still a woman.

"It seems that there is a woman trapped in the opposite space, but she is about to die, right?

Well, it must be a man. "

Negative breath does not necessarily correspond to the gender of the source.

Some people are obviously male but have a girlish heart. This is also very common.

"Huh!" The sudden voice reached Mu Xue's ears.

Mu Xue retracted her gaze and looked at the past, and found that the first person who struggled to wake up was actually Elder Nan.

"Probably because of the long-term relationship with the head of the goddess." Mu Xue had some suspicions in her heart.

The head knelt down with a single mind, and he was also considered a genius of Tianzong.

And there is also a responsibility to be the head, although the management ability is not good, but it is barely considered as a pass, anyway, the heavenly female sect has been in her hands.

Then Mu Xue thought about Cha Cha, and she wondered what would happen if Cha Cha suffered from such a negative atmosphere.

"Well, I will probably fall asleep directly on the ground, right?" Mu Xue got the subtle answer in her heart.

At this time Mu Xue looked up again, and she found the little girl running over.

The little girl with colored hair finally feels that she has arrived at this time.

It's just that when she walked through the darkness, what she saw was a group of people falling to the ground, most of them in pain.

"A group of ordinary humans?" The colored hair girl stopped.

Then he turned and went in the other direction.

Being a true **** has the dignity of a true god, a group of ordinary people are not qualified to solve the bad guys behind her.

The little girl with colored hair felt a little uncomfortable as soon as she turned around. She had to use her divine power, as if she was in trouble again, and it would be difficult to go out again.

It was just that she was about to fly away, but her body was suddenly out of control. When she looked again, she saw a purple qi entangled her body.

Then she felt the pulling force of the purple air, and then with a swish, she was directly pulled away.

Can't resist.

It was as if those people had lost her.

Is that man here?

After it was over, he was caught back, and he couldn't leave the realm of God.

As soon as the thought flashed, she stopped suddenly.

"It doesn't seem to be caught back?"

The little girl with colored hair is a little confused.

After reacting, the little girl with colored hair began to exude a breath of true spirit.

She wants to see who caught her.

Soon she saw a woman who was looking at her with a veil.

"Human, do you know who you offended?" The majestic face of the little girl with colored hair seemed to be supreme.

She looked at Mu Xue, like a **** high above, while Mu Xue was an ordinary mortal.

Yes, it is Mu Xue who came here to catch the colored hair girl.

The moment she saw this little girl, she had a guess, and when she was about to leave, she could only grab it back.

After all, she wants to solve the core, and letting the core leave is not what she wants to see.

However, when the strength of the little girl with colored hair dissipated, the disciples of Tiannvzong who had been suffering around her started to calm down.

One by one is even beginning to wake up.

Elder Nan was the fastest, she was on the verge of awakening.

Elder North and Su Ran were also very quick.

Is the power of the true god? Mu Xue was a little surprised, then she looked at the little girl and said:

"Is the only true **** I offend?"

Hearing what Mu Xue said, the colored hair girl was stunned, her name was reported by others, and her favorite name was reported by others.

Damn human beings.

"Human, you don't have the qualifications to become a god." The colored hair girl said condescendingly.

Mu Xue did not speak, but reached out to grab the little colored-haired girl. The little colored-haired girl was shocked and turned around to flee.

Her ability to escape is still very strong.

It's just that the beautiful hand caught her before she could run away this time.

"Human, you are blasphemy."

The little girl with colored hair said angrily.

At this time, her face was pinched by the opponent.

It's a shame.

Mu Xue pinched the face of the little girl with colored hair and couldn't help saying:

"It's really cute, but the hair has so many colors. Although it looks good, it's just like a bad girl."

"How do stupid humans know that colors are more beautiful?" said the little girl with colored hair.

There are not many colors under the river, and her hair is the most colorful and the most dazzling.

Many fish and shrimp admire her.

"You live under the Fengshuang River?" Mu Xue asked.

Hearing Mu Xue's question, the colored hair girl was stunned:

"How do you know that God's Domain is under the Fengshuang River?"

"I heard that you can't see the blue sky when you look up, and you can't see the grass when you look down." Mu Xue said again.

"Nonsense, now I can go out often. I can see the blue sky when I look up, and the grass can be seen when I lower my head. It's not that miserable to become a god." The little girl with colorful hair said immediately.

There was still a little grievance in her eyes, as if she had been degraded, and she was particularly uncomfortable.

Mu Xue nodded. It seemed that this was really the only true **** of the Lu family, that is, the one Chacha saw.

"In the last life, it was because I was married late, so I didn't have the chance to meet?"

If the true **** left before she and Lu Shui became stronger, then they would indeed not be able to meet the only true god.

At this time, Mu Xue put the little girl with colored hair beside her and said:

"Okay, stop making trouble, she's here."

Yes, the black shadow of the lacquer is already not far in front, and she is watching this side.

The little girl with colored hair looked at Mu Xue and did not speak for a while.

No one has spoken to her like this for a long time.

It's nice to have someone talk to her.

It was at this time that Elder Nan woke up with a cry.

The moment she just woke up, she was breathing heavily, as if she had almost drowned just now.

The moment Elder Nan woke up, Elder North and Su Ran also woke up.

They also squatted and breathed.

Then the other Tiannvzong disciples also woke up, each of them was breathing non-stop.

Mu Xue looked at them and didn't speak. These people were lucky enough to meet the real gods.

Otherwise, it won't be so easy to wake up.

Soon Elder Nan and the others stood up, and they recovered quickly.

Only soon they saw the figure in the front, and the moment they saw each other, a kind of fear grew in their hearts.

The strength of the other party is simply beyond their comparability.

"Elder North and South, you first take the people to retreat elsewhere, I will help you block for a period of time." Su Ran drove the formation flag and said.

Elder North stood directly in front and said:

"I'll leave to help Senior Su dye."

When the Tiannv Sect was still weak, Elder North was responsible for fighting.

Elder Nan naturally didn't have the idea of ​​running away, so there was so much shame to see their head.

At this time, the dark figure waved his hand, and the power of a huge wave directly impacted everyone in the Heavenly Girl Sect.

With a bang, everyone backed away some distance.

Everyone was penetrated by power, and finally fell on his knees and couldn't get up.

Mu Xue stood at the back, no one noticed her, and the core figure was paying attention to her.

At this time, the figure moved forward step by step, and her approach made Su Ran and the others more and more frightened.

They have a feeling that as long as they are swallowed by this terrible person, they will inevitably die here.

They can't be calm in the face of death.

Soon the dark area was near.

Everyone in the Tiannv Sect was desperate.

And at this moment, another breath suddenly rose behind them. At the moment when they perceive this breath, everyone's hearts are calm, as if fear is being dispelled.

The Tiannv Sect was shocked one by one, they subconsciously looked back.

Only then did they remember that they also had a fairy named Xue Ji here.

She stood there as if a ray of light was spreading, and wherever her breath passed, all the negative auras were retreating from panic.

Su Ran looked at Mu Xue in disbelief, they didn't know what was going on with this person, let alone how this person did all this.

Soon they saw Mu Xue moving, when Mu Xue took steps.

A purple qi began to appear.

This purple qi seemed to fall from the sky, and the negative aura of the purple qi began to roll outwards, as if it could not bear the appearance of this purple qi.

Mu Xue took the second step. At this time, the purple air surrounded Mu Xue and her hair was stained with purple.

Then Mu Xue took the third step and the fourth step. She moved forward step by step, step by step past everyone.

At this time, she was surrounded by purple air, her clothes and hair veils were all purple.

The elders of the north and south looked at all this, and the whole person was stunned.

Su Yan also watched this scene incredible.

"God, Lord Goddess?"

This idea flashed through everyone's mind.

So Goddess is by their side?

No wonder they feel that this person who appears suddenly is pointing them.

No wonder this person has a way to purify the negative atmosphere.

This is the goddess of their goddess sect.

Mu Xue ignored those people of the Tian Nv Sect, she walked to the front of the crowd, she looked at the figure high in the sky, and that figure naturally looked at Mu Xue.

The core figure at this moment looked at Mu Xue with a look of fear.

You must know that Mu Xue was standing there, and the negative aura behind her was directly extinguished by her Hunyuan Purple Qi, like a space, one purple and one black.

The little girl with colored hair followed Mu Xue behind, and she found that Mu Xue's power was not worse than her divine power.

But she had never seen such power.


And it's not fierce.

"Human, why are you stopping me?" The core figure looked at Mu Xue and said.

She is wise, even if she is born with wise wisdom, it is enough for her to talk normally.

I guess so.

Mu Xue shook her head:

"We fell here by accident, just want to leave."

"Let me kill the true god." The woman continued.

Mu Xue glanced at the little girl beside her, then looked at the woman and said:

"Why are you killing her?"

"She promised me. I waited for her for countless years. She promised me. She promised. Why did she break her promise? Why did she break her promise?

The true **** is the **** of fraud, kill her, kill her. "The core woman directly chose to attack.

She is going to kill the true god.

Mu Xue frowned, not to say whether there was any problem with the other party's logic, mainly because the other party didn't make the matter clear at all.

However, the spiritual wisdom condensed by a negative aura cannot be too demanding.

For this reason, Mu Xue could only fight the opponent first, and then see if he could make it clear, if not, just kill it.

Time has passed for a long time, there is no need to continue wasting it.

Thinking like this, Mu Xue stretched out her hand.

A burst of purple gas whizzed past in an instant.

When the core woman didn't react, this purple energy instantly passed through her body.


The huge explosion sounded directly.

The woman was divided into two at once, and the powerful force instantly erased countless negative auras.

At this time, huge waves surged from behind, like the negative atmosphere of the ocean.

The negative aura is still there, and that core is almost immortal.

"Some trouble." Mu Xue shook her head helplessly.

Then Hunyuan Ziqi directly collided with the negative aura.

The Hunyuan breath was directly pressed down like an endless mountain range, and the terrible Hunyuan breath and the suppressed negative aura had nowhere to escape.

Everyone under the aura of Hun Yuan couldn't look up.

The Tiannv Sect looked at all this in horror, the Lord Goddess was too strong, countless times stronger than they expected.

In other words, in their cognition, there is no way to measure the strength of Lord Goddess.

It didn't take long for the Hunyuan aura to directly gain the upper hand.

boom! !

The core woman seemed to be unable to bear the terrifying aura, and fell directly from the sky, and even fell in front of Mu Xue.

Mu Xue looked at her and asked:

"What did the true God promise you?

How did she cheat you? "

The core woman was standing floating, she looked at Mu Xue said:

"Jiu told me that she would come to rescue me and she would take me out.

But after so many years, I waited for countless years, Jiu did not show up, she did not come to save me at all.

She lied to me, she framed me, she trapped me here to kill me.

The only true **** she cheated on me, she took advantage of me, shouldn't she die?

Does she know how I came here for countless years?

Loneliness, loneliness, remorse, remorse.

Shouldn't I kill her? "

The core woman roared, as if to vent her anger, her hatred.

Mu Xue looked to the little girl to one side, the little girl looked innocent.

"I, I don't know, I am the only true God, not the only true God." said the little girl.

Mu Xue frowned too, she remembered that the only true **** was the name of the highest system of the gods.

But that person shouldn't be called Jiu.

So Jiu is like this one true god?

Or is it a true God?

This little girl's breath is not complete, she can feel it, if it is complete, it is really special enough, it is definitely not an exaggeration to call it a true god.

As for the one true **** among the gods, Lu Shui said they were just crazy, and Mu Xue agreed.

While Mu Xue was still thinking, she suddenly felt a breath locked her, which was a very strong attack.

An attack that cannot be avoided under normal circumstances.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect human beings to be so stupid. I am an independent existence. I will die soon after I reach a new life. If I don't drag you to die together, how can I be reconciled?

Go to death, go to death all.

Let everything be destroyed.

You all deserve to die.

Why should I die just after birth? Why?

Not only do I want to kill you, I even want to kill the one next door.

Kill everything. "

Mu Xue sighed, the spiritual wisdom born from the negative aura was really a bit unreasonable.

She also felt that she could communicate. U U Reading

At this time, Mu Xue saw the endless negative aura locked in her, she was facing all the negative auras, and the other party wanted to die with her, so everyone would die by this trick.

"Do you think this trick can hurt me?"

"No, this trick can kill you, it can kill me, it can kill the true god, isn't it?

Shake it! Humanity. "

"Do you know how big the sky is?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know anything about power."

The killing breath began to appear. chaptere

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