The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 239: I have never seen a hypocritical person like you

At this time, Lu Shui's brows furrowed, and it was the final moment of the final decision.

The speed of their landings began to slow down, but their power was even stronger than before.

Not long after, Lu Shui dropped his last son.

He knew that this game of chess was over.

And looking at the two sides of the game with a thousand feet outside, he said:


"Perhaps, Jian Yi started to calm down, it should be over." He Yuye said.

This game of chess has actually been played for a long time.

The sky is completely dark.

Fortunately, it is over.

And it didn't cause any harm to them, anyway, just stay away.

At this time everyone can see that the chess game is over, the surrounding sword intent is quickly subdued, and then gradually disappeared.

Even the two most central figures are also fading.

And just when everyone will end like this in the future, a voice came out:

"I lost."

It is the voice that belongs to the supreme kendo.

"Are you conscious?" Li Qianchi was a little surprised.

He Yuye was also surprised, she wanted to know if they would have any conversations in the future.

With this level of existence, any conversation will be interesting.

Although the voice is full of sword intent and not very real, it is very clear.

The same is true for other people, they are all staring at these two people, waiting for their follow-up dialogue.

At this time, the figure belonging to the supreme kendo stood up.

Then bowed his head to meet his opponent, he respected this opponent:

"Dao Zong, Jian Yi."

Many people were stunned when they heard this name.

So this supreme kendo belongs to Dao Sect?

But no matter who it was, he didn't know which senior Daozong Jianyi was.

Not to mention outsiders, Daozong himself didn't even know who this sword one was.

They have never heard of it.

The Demon Sword Slayer had some guesses.

The ancient Taoist school is different from the current Taoist school, and the current Taoist school can't even match the ancient Taoist school's fur.

You must know that the ancient Dao Sect, but it can compete with forces such as Xian Ting.

But everyone was surprised and surprised, still staring at the sky.

Because they saw the man who played chess with Daozongjian, he also stood up.

For many people, they want to know who this person is.

Whether it's a thousand feet in history, or a demon sword slayer, or one by one on the island.

I want to know who this Tianjiao is.

If you can, I want to fight for them one by one.

Lu Shui stood up at this time, and he also gave a meeting ceremony. The other party was his senior and his rival.

Respect is inevitable.

Then Lu Shui spoke softly, his voice also full of sword intent, spreading outside:

"Hidden Tianzong, Liuhuo."


A plate fell into the water, and the plate fell from Li Qianchi's hands.

He looked at the sky in disbelief, wondering if he had heard it wrong?

Hidden Sky School, Flowing Fire?

Fake Lesser Sovereign?

How many terrible things did this Liuhuo do?

He Yuye was also stunned for a while, this is the Yintianzong Flowing Fire?

For the first time, I felt terrible in such close range.

He Yuye has a feeling that in the near future, the main stream of the Young Sect of the Hidden Sky Sect will live in the form that the Hidden Sky Sect cannot afford to be high.

Such talents are hard to see forever.

Then He Yuye looked at Li Qianchi coldly:

"Shit, you."

This person, he was given a secret lesson from the hidden world by the **** eater.

Li Qianchi sighed, took a new plate and handed it to He Yuye:

"Do you want to sponsor?"

He Yuye's expression of indifference:

"Ha ha."


The Demon Sword Slayer frowned and looked at the sky, and now everything in the sky was disappearing.

He cares about the flow of fire.

You know, the origin of the fire has always been mysterious.

No one knows who he is, no one knows where he comes from.

But they Xian Ting knew that Liu Huo was not the same with them.

Between them, there is an indescribable feud.

The barrenness was wiped out by the flowing fire, the Huaxian was killed by the flowing fire, and Xing Si Xianjun died due to the flowing fire.

It can be said that Liu Huo is aimed at them Xian Ting.

But they wanted to find the flow fire, but they couldn't find it.

It's impossible to watch the Liuhuo here, because he doesn't know what Liuhuo looks like, and he can't tell if he walks out swaggeringly.

However, he still intends to pass the news to the rest of Xian Ting.

See if these people want to deal with it.


Jianqi and others on other islands looked at Liuhuo's figure with a little surprise.

"So we can go to hug the thighs." Chuyu said.

"It's better to go up first, you will meet you at a certain height," Jian Qi said.

"Some people are destined to not reach a few floors." Sword fell aside and said.

"Wait in case you encounter your thigh, remember your character, you are a dumb." Chu Yu said to Jian Luo.

Jian Luo snorted coldly, teasing the little monkey to ignore Chu Yu.


Qiao Gan was not surprised when he heard the name.

"The first arrogant man in the world." Qiao Yun sighed and said nothing more.

She was worried that talking too much would put too much pressure on Qiao Qian.

Qiao Qian has no hope, the only thing she can do is to hit him less.

Perhaps one day the spirit will regain, and there will still be new hope.


Zhenwu Zhenling didn't have the slightest surprise when he heard Liu Huo's name, but there was no extra expression.

What they do is protect land and water.

Jinghai and others were very surprised.

"So it was him."

Jinghai has seen Liuhuo, and he still has a mask given by Liuhuo. He was not strong at that time, but after encountering Liuhuo, he got a huge opportunity in the dark scene.

Finally successfully entered the third level.

This time I met, I got some opportunities again.

It can be said that wherever the fire is, it is destined to overflow.

This is a real arrogant.

An immeasurable arrogant.

After that, everything disappeared, and they came back to their senses and continued to comprehend the chess game here, and now they have a lot of confidence to comprehend.

After Lu Shui reported his name to the other party, he felt that this break should be a success.

It was just that Lu Shui waited for a while, and still hadn't got the key to enter the next level.

He was a little surprised, at this time the figure had also disappeared.

He did not go out, nor did he let him go to the next floor.

What does it mean?

Lu Shui was not in a hurry, but continued to wait.

After a while, two chess pieces appeared on the chessboard, one black and one white.

Next to Heizi read: Jian Xiu holds Heizi.

Beside Bai Zi it read: Fei Jian Xiu is in charge of Bai Zi.

Lu Shui took a look at Baizi.

He is not a sword repairer.

Although he uses swords better than most sword repairs, he is indeed not a sword repairer.

The moment he picked up Baizi, Lu Shui had already realized what this was, the seed of kendo.

Then there was news from Bai Zi: If you want to repair your sword, you can swallow Bai Zi, and the road to swordsmanship will be thousands of miles.

Lu Shui: "..."

Did not explain what it was, just let people swallow it.

This swallower must be bold enough.

But he doesn't repair the sword, and he knows what it is.

At this time Heizi was still there, Lu Shui hesitated, he picked up Heizi and planned to see what it was.

Just when he picked up Heizi, a message came from inside: You are really greedy.

Lu Shui: "..."

Then Lu Shui put it back.

Just put it back, another news came out: hypocrisy.

Lu Shui: "..."

Finally, Lu Shui ignored Heizi and left directly.

Now he has mastered the switch, which was given by Baizi.

Not long after, Lu Shui opened his eyes. He could feel that there was a white child beside him but he couldn't see it or touch it. He needed to move his thoughts and take it out of his body.

Then Lu Shui held his hand, and then Baizi appeared in his hand.

In this way, no one knew that he brought out a white child.

Just when I got Baizi, I heard Zhenling Zhenwu's anxious voice.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I don't know, I feel it has a sword intent on its body, but it has been on my shoulders, there is no reason to be injured by the sword intent."

"Then what should I do now? I feel it is going to wither."

"First way to protect."

Lu Shui has some doubts, what are they talking about?

Then he turned his head and glanced.

Then he saw Zhenwu Zhenling observing a flower.

The flower was lying in their palms, twitching constantly, and the saliva stopped running.

Is this something indigestible?

"Is it eating sword intent?" Lu Shui asked.

Seeing Lu Shui wake up, Zhenwu and Zhenling are all overjoyed.

But he didn't realize it, but nodded and said:

"It may be so, otherwise there shouldn't be sword intent on it."

Lu Shui didn't speak for a while, and a malnourished flower ate his sword?

How is this different from sending death?

But after all, if he wants to take it back to Mu Xue to raise him for fun, he still needs to save it.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Shui took out the white child.

This kendo seed is of no use to them, but it can make the carnivorous flower digest the sword intent.

"Let it eat it." Lu Shui threw Baizi to Zhenwu.

Although Zhenwu didn't know what it was, he didn't look ordinary at all, so he immediately let Carnivorous Flower eat Baizi.

Not long after eating Baizi, the carnivorous flower clicked directly and stopped moving.

It's like dying on the spot.

But the sword intent aura was disappearing.

Zhenwu Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief, and then put the carnivorous flower to raise.

Isn't it normal for plants not to move?

Naturally, Lu Shui didn't think that something would happen to the carnivorous flower. He gave it all the kendo seeds, and it didn't matter how much sword intent he ate.

Lu Shui got up, not paying attention to Carnivorous Flower.

He glanced at the chessboard, now he can go up at any time.

This time he did not use his own means, but was genuine and broke the game of chess.

It's really a peak matchup.

He sometimes wants to play with Mu Xue.

Kill her without leaving a piece of armor.

Haha, just think about it.

He felt that Mu Xue would lift the table when it fell.

"Master, do you want to go up now?" Zhen Wu asked.

He naturally knew that Lu Shui could go up at any time.

Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu Zhenling, and then asked for the carnivorous flower that had been planted in the flowerpot, and said:

"I'll water it, you guys break the game."

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling nodded immediately.

Then Lu Shui took the carnivorous flower and walked down. The water below was good, and it was quite suitable for watering the flowers.

After Lu Shui left, Zhen Wu Zhen Ling was directly caught in the chess game.

Since their master let them break the game, they naturally wouldn't say much.

To protect the young master, you have to keep up.

At this time Daozong Yuni opened her eyes, and she broke the game.

She didn't know the situation just now, but she didn't care. After taking a look at the seniors around him, Daozong Yuni disappeared in place.

Kendo is useless to her, but watching kendo is beneficial to her cultivation.

After a while, Jing Hai opened his eyes.

He saw that Yu Nie was no longer in his place, and knew that he had gone to the Tingyu Tower.

He has also broken the game.

But before he went up, he observed the next four weeks, and found that there was no one at the place of Lu Shui.

In his opinion, the other party should have gone up too.

Without thinking, Jinghai disappeared in place.

When Jing Hai appeared again, it was under the big tree. There was a high platform in front of him, and there was a wooden building in the high platform.

This is Tingyulou.

But to the surprise of Jinghai, there are only three people here, one his junior sister Yu Ni, the other is Li Liaoyuan in Worm Valley, and the last one is supposed to be a Tier 5 powerhouse.

The attendant by Li Liaoyuan.

There are five levels of guidance, it is not difficult to come up.

"Isn't there that person?" He clearly saw that the young master who didn't know where was not in his position.

The arrival of Jinghai naturally caused others to wait and see.

Yu Ni was relieved, facing the people in Worm Valley, she was not under pressure.

Li Liaoyuan saw it shocked the sea, and snorted coldly, not too concerned.

Daozong people are not easy to provoke, especially this Daozong Yuni. If he moves, Worm Valley will not be able to keep him.

And there is also a Dao Sect shocking the sea.

The identities of these people are not lower than him at all.

In other words, each is a little bit stronger than him.

When Jing Hai came to Tingyu Tower, two people appeared under the tree again, a beautiful woman and a young man.

This young man gives people a feeling of being only weak.

"It's this waste again." Li Liaoyuan said with some disdain.

The person here is not someone else, naturally Qiao Yun and Qiao Qian.

Qiao Yun saw Li Liaoyuan for the first time. She felt so lucky that she encountered these people again.

Qiao Gan was a little surprised, the other party is still alive?

It's impossible in theory. As for Lu Shui being defeated by the opponent, that's a fantasy.

Soon Qiao Gan saw Tier 5 behind Li Liaoyuan, and when he saw him, Qiao Gan had some enlightenment.

But it is not so sure.

Jinghai knew Qiao Gan. You must know that Qiao Gan was also famous before.

The Qiao family is not a small family either.

And the current Qiao Gan is no longer the original Qiao Gan.

After saying hello to Qiao Yun, Jinghai looked at Qiao Gan:

"Friend Qiao Gan, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Qiao Gan said softly.

Then he bowed his head with inferiority.

In doing so, he naturally ushered in the contempt of others.

Li Liaoyuan looked down on him, and Qiao Yun also sighed to him. Although Dao Zong's people were dazzling, how could Qiao Qian from the past feel ashamed?

But Qiao Gan's heart is very calm, everything is in line with his wasteful setting, as long as he goes home safely this time.

Then he will feel at ease to be a trash master.

Never go out at will.

What he needs is to live well, not to be an enemy of others, not to appear in front of the elders.

Minimize your presence.


When Lu Shui watered the carnivorous flowers, it became energetic.

Then staring at the landing water drooling.

Lu Shui took it out of the flowerpot and threw it into the water. The water should allow the Kendo seeds in it to completely root and germinate.

Then Lu Shui took out his chair and sat by the pond to read.

Waiting for Zhenwu Zhenling to wake up.

At that time, we will go to the island above.

If every layer is the same as here, he finds it interesting.

It's just a high probability that is impossible.

Lu Shui waited for a long time, and finally Zhenwu Zhenling came down from the attic.

"Master, we have broken the chess game." Zhenwu Zhenling said.

They looked at the time, but fortunately they didn't spend too much time.

Lu Shui looked down at the book and said:

"Bring carnivorous flowers and go up."

Zhenwu naturally took Carnivorous Flower with him, and then Lu Shui disappeared with the chair.

Zhenwu Zhenling also disappeared in place.

Others are still struggling to break the game inside.

For example, some people are still trying to shout slogans.

"I broke."

"You broke."


Jing Hai and the others were sitting side by side quietly at this time, as if they were comprehending something.

At this time, there was light again by the big tree under the high platform.

Everyone knows that someone is coming up again.

It's just that no one knows who it is.

Out of curiosity, they turned their heads and looked at them one by one.

It’s good if you can’t comprehend it for a while, and it’s good to relax, and it doesn’t hurt to figure out who the person is.

Soon they saw that a person appeared under the tree, and this person was sitting under the tree reading a book.

I don't care about the surrounding environment at all.

Li Liaoyuan sneered at the corner of his mouth when he saw this person.

He directly let people do it.

Kill it while the opponent is not paying attention.

Jing Hai was also a little surprised. He thought that this person had already come up, and even thought that the other person should have gone to a higher level, but he didn't expect to come now.

Qiao Yun was even more surprised, this person is still alive?

However, Tier 5 moved around Li Liaoyuan, obviously a lore.

"It's a pity, I died here in the end." Qiao Yun sighed.

Shocked and horrified, Li Liaoyuan is crazy?

Such an honest killing?

But the opponent's Tier 5, he just wants to be more nosy, and there is nothing he can do.

Qiao Gan sighed inwardly, why should he be so keen to provoke this person?

Is it good to be alive?

That Tier 5 was also staring at Lu Shui, all he had to do was to kill the opponent before the opponent didn't react.

But in the blink of an eye, he came to Lu Shui, and just let him touch it.

However, at such a moment, two more figures appeared. At the moment when the figures appeared, he seemed to hear the dragon and the phoenix humming together.

Then his attack hit a huge force.


The powerful force directly blocked him out.

And the person who looked down at the book just looked up at him casually.

That glance was very calm, as if looking at a dead person peacefully.

This fifth-order was a little surprised.

But there is no time for him to think more.

He felt a strong sword intent.

But now is definitely not the time to give in. These two people are very strong, but as long as they are not given time, they are not allowed to reach their best state.

He won.

A moment of thinking, let this fifth-order powerhouse increase his strength, and it is about to break through this sudden power barrier.

Seeing that the other party didn't have the slightest plan to evade, Zhenwu Zhenling spit out a mouthful of essence and blood without saying a word, forcibly urging his strength.

At this moment, the glowing rays of the sky were blazing, and the red glowing rays directly rushed to the fifth-order strong.

boom! ! !

A huge power attack erupted between the two sides.

That Tier 5 strong man had to step back to avoid the impact of power, so that he had room for buffering.


Zhenwu Zhenling spit out a mouthful of blood, and they didn't take a step back because Lu Shui was behind them.

Rather than being injured, they would not choose to retreat.

After the opponent retreated, Zhenwu and Zhenling's double Sheng swords came out, and they wanted to kill the attacker who appeared suddenly.

If they let the other party attack their young master one after another, it would be their fault.

Then Zhenwu joined the fifth-order battle together.

Their figures kept flashing on the huge island, and their power kept bombarding the island.

It just didn't cause strong damage to the island.

It seems that the existence of this island is far from what Tier 5 can leave a trace.

Qiao Yun was a little surprised, this person actually escaped a catastrophe.

Jing Hai felt that the two attendants were really loyal.

Li Liaoyuan looked at Lu Shui with cold eyes.

He was planning to do it, but he remembered that his clone was injured by this person, and he might not be able to beat the opponent.

Lu Shui didn't care about the battle between Zhenwu and the others, but put the book away.

By the way, he lowered his body and picked up the carnivorous flower that fell on the ground.

After putting it on his shoulders, Lu Shui set off to Tingyulou.

By the way:

"Remember to put the chair away after typing."

He didn't wait for Zhenwu's response, as long as he heard it.

"Hehe, two fourth-tiers, dare you say that you will receive the chair after the fight?

I'm afraid it is not collecting the corpse. "Li Liaoyuan stared at Lu Shui.

I don't know why, the calm on the other side's face makes him very unhappy.

Obviously it looks so weak, and there are only two Tier 4 people next to him.

But like a top rich young master, the Dao Zong Yu Ni next to him is naturally empty and clear, and Dao Zong will be the top power in the future.

This person is not so..... so pretentious.

The point is, he still has nothing to do.

Lu Shui looked at Li Liaoyuan and said:

"The people in Worm Valley don't go out with their heads?"

If it wasn't for his subordinates around him, he would be utterly appalling.

But he can't do it for the time being, because there are too many people around.

How about all of them?

Is a good idea.

It's a pity that he is not a murderous demon.

There are too many people, which is not conducive for him to do it. He had known that he had come up wearing a mask.

Do not care about anything.

Now he is not a stray fire, most likely is Lu Shui, Lu Shui will fight with people?


So, wait for Zhen Wu Zhen Ling to come.

Moreover, a second-order is not worth his hands.

"I'm very curious, since you know that I am from Worm Valley, where did you have the courage to be my enemy?" Li Liaoyuan stared at Lu Shui and said coldly:

"Destroy my clone, kill my attendant, how can you borrow the courage?"

Hearing what Li Liaoyuan said, Qiao Yun on one side was a little surprised. It turned out that Li Liaoyuan and the others had lost the previous battle.

But is the other party really not afraid?

Jinghai is also a little surprised, but Worm Valley is really not easy to mess with.

Especially Li Liaoyuan, he is still very important to Worm Valley.

Yu Ni was also watching at this time, and Worm Valley was indeed annoying.

But she can't directly be an enemy.

Of course, she is not afraid of each other.

Qiao Gan sighed inwardly, so is it good to keep a low profile when he is out?

Lu Shui looked at Li Liaoyuan and said with curiosity:

"In today's cultivation world, is Worm Valley number one in the world?

When do you need this young master to take the courage to destroy a bug valley? "

"My Worm Valley is not the best in the world, but what is your family? Do you dare to face my Worm Valley?" Li Liaoyuan said coldly, looking at Lu Shui.

As long as it is someone that Worm Valley can't afford to provoke, he records it in his mind.

There is absolutely no such person.

Lu Shui looked at Li Liaoyuan and said indifferently:

"Palm mouth."

Li Liaoyuan wants to laugh a little, who is going to cheer?

However, Lu Shui's voice just Zhen Ling gave up the fifth rank without saying a word, came to Li Liaoyuan as fast as possible, and slapped out a slap.


With a clear sound, Li Liaoyuan was directly fanned out.

He covered his face and felt a fiery pain.

"Dare you?" Li Liaoyuan was unusually angry. Who dared to slap him since he was a child?

"I don't care who you are, you must die here today.

No one can save you. "Li Liaoyuan roared.

Lu Shui had no expression on his face, just casually said:

"Kill it."

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