The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 3: I think I was the father of luck

   "I'm going to get rid of the demon, you can see it clearly, it may be a bit faster."

   Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling are a little surprised, do they feel that they are being despised?

   You need to know that their cultivation base is not at the same level as Lu Shui, and a second-level one can't go anywhere soon, right?

   Not to mention the second-order Lu Shui, it is not easy to solve it quickly.

   So they still feel that Lu Shui is just bluffing. If he can really solve the monster quickly, they can all eat the sword.

   At this time, Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling saw that the monster had spotted them. Soon the monster began to growl and rushed towards Lu Shui within two strikes.

   The speed is very fast.

   Zhenwu frowned, they realized that this monster was actually almost second-order.

   Lu Shui couldn't deal with it before, let alone this stronger monster.

   "Master, it's going to be the second order." He meant clearly, let Lu Shui not be aggressive.

   Zhenling felt that Zhenwu was too euphemistic, and immediately said:

   "Master, your body is still very weak, maybe it's not the monster's right..."

   At this moment, the monster had already pounced on Lu Shui. Lu Shui just watched, and then reached out and turned the spirit sword, then lightly moved his pace and swung the sword to the side, and the sword also left his hand.

   And at this time, the monster just rushed to the side of Lu Shui, and the sword just pierced the monster's neck.

  In an instant, the monster rolled to the ground, struggled a few times, and died in anger.

   Then Lu Shui looked at the two people behind him:

   "What did you just say?"

   Zhenwu was stunned, and Zhenling was also stunned, she didn't even finish her words.

   What happened just now happened so fast that they didn’t see it clearly.

   In that instant, the sword pierced the monster's neck.

   But how is this possible? How could it be so fast?

   They didn't even see Lu Shui using aura, but the monster died and was instantly killed.

   At this moment, they remembered what Lu Shui had just said. He wanted to get rid of the demon, which might be a bit quick.

   They never thought that this sentence would be true.

   Facing Lu Shui's question, they came back to their senses.

   "No, no." Zhenling said immediately.

   Although Lu Shui's performance was not strong, it completely exceeded their expectations, so he was a little gaffe.

   But they still feel a little unreal, a monster that can't even deal with ordinary first-order monsters, why did they solve each other so neatly this time?

   When they were second-tier, it was impossible to be so clean.

   Ignoring Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling, Lu Shui came to the monster and checked it, then frowned:


  If he remembers correctly, not long after that, there will be a disaster in the small town under the mountain, that is, his mother is sick.

   At that time, the influence on the Lu family was not small.

   In the end, the second elder came forward to solve the problem.

   It should be this time period, I can't remember it.

   Then Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhenwu Dao:

   "Go to the nearby woods to investigate and see if there is anything similar to this monster, such as plants or animals, or spirit beasts. If there are any, find out the source."

   Zhenwu had an illusion about Lu Shui's irrefutable voice, and he couldn't refuse it.

   Perhaps the contrast just now gave Lu Shui a touch of majesty.

   Zhenwu nodded finally and responded:

   "It's the young master."

   Then Lu Shui looked at Zhen Ling and said:

   "Notify the small town outside that if you encounter a large-scale illness in the near future, send someone to the Lu family for help immediately."

   Zhenling hesitated, she didn't need to do this kind of thing at all.

   Lu Shui looked towards the true spirit:

"has a problem?"

  Lu Shui I didn't go out very much, so he didn't know how strong he was, but he was once a strong man with his own aura enough to scare some people.

   And when the real spirit touched Lu Shui's gaze, she suddenly struck a spirit, and she seemed to see the gaze of the great elder.

   Zhen Ling immediately lowered his head:

   "There is no master."

   "Go ahead," Lu Shui said.

   Then Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling left the place directly.

   They feel that today's young master is a bit evil.

   But when they are relieved, they will probably feel that this young master has learned the evil ways.

   After all, this is also a common occurrence.

   Lu Shui didn’t care too much. After making sure that the two people had left, he covered his waist and grinned:

   "Sigh, it hurts, it hurts."

  He went down the mountain with injuries all the way, can it not hurt?

   As for the tree drop just now, it can only be said that it was incidental to the previous life.

  Because of the relatively high realm in the previous life, his wife's chances of getting pregnant were basically not. In order to get a chance beyond the basics, he seized the heaven and earth fortune and was called the father of fortune. Unfortunately, he was still not pregnant.

   Then to his surprise, he was reborn, and his luck was still there.

   But it's not that strong anymore.

   As for how strong was he in his last life?

   doesn't seem to be too strong, after all, he is jumping in the Lujia area.

   However, he often did research later, and he reached out to the starry sky for lack of materials. I heard that he once caught a relatively large one, which scared the Lu family members to pee.

   also alarmed Mu Xue who was in retreat, and then she was punched.

   Then I didn't hear it, it was a personal experience, his secret room was blown up by Mu Xue.

   Now that I think about the strength, it should be okay.

   Speaking of Mu Xue, UU reading would not marry Mu Xue unless he was killed by his parents.

   A whole gunpowder keg.

After   , Lu Shui didn't think much about it. After taking a break, he came to the monster, then took out his copycat machine, and then turned on the camera to face him and the monster.

   by the way



   This was taken back to show the third elders, so that the third elders don’t need to ask for physical evidence.

   As for the personal testimony, Zhenwu and Jinling will do.

After   , Lu Shui stepped up the mountain. After he got back, he had to get some medicine for himself, otherwise it would be bad if his waist really got sick.


  Lu Family Hall.

   The three elders looked at Lu Shui’s cell phone and remained silent.

   Lu Shui stood under the hall, waiting for the three elders to speak.

   paused, the three elders said:

   "Is there any progress, people can't find the clues of cheating."

   Lu Shui did not speak, no matter what the three elders thought, as long as he did not deny what he had accomplished.

   The third elder threw the phone back to Lu Shui, and said:

   "Let’s talk about business."

   Lu Shui frowned:


  Don’t mention his reward?

   "Don't worry, the equipment in Qiushui Town will be more advanced, so don't worry about your network, so let's talk about business with peace of mind." said the third elder.

   Lu Shui was a little surprised.

   Is there any business turn to tell him?

   There was no such thing in the last life, right?

   Out of curiosity, Lu Shui asked:

   "What's the business?"

   Three elders:

   "It is related to the Mu family."

   "Mu's family?" Lu Shui doesn't know much about it. Isn't it a while before getting married?

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