The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 251: I am going to save the Lu family eldest couple

Finally, Lu Shui asked Zhenwu to roast the fish that had no vision.

  If he didn't take the bait early, he didn't take the bait late, but he took the bait when he was talking to Mu Xue.

   What are you doing?

   to send warmth?

   Therefore, Lu Shui can only complete this fish and make it a delicacy in their mouths.

   "Sister Mu Xue is going to Qiaoyunzong tomorrow?" Yayue asked curiously, eating grilled fish.

   Mu Xue looked at Ya Yue and nodded gently:

   "Well, let's take a look at some scenery, called Langhaixingyong."

   "The one in the legend that only happened once in decades or hundreds of years?" Yayue's eyes lit up. She had only heard of this, but had never seen it.

   didn't even know it in detail.

   "Hmm." After hesitating, Mu Xue said again:

   "Are Ya Yue going?"

   "Want to go." Yayue said with a smile, but before Mu Xue could say anything, she continued:

   "But I can't go."

   Mu Xue is a little confused:

   "Why can't you go?"

   "We are still young, and my mother refused to let go out, saying it was dangerous outside.

   Sister Mu Xue and her brother-in-law are enhancing their relationship, and we can't bother.

   So I have to go next time. Yayue explained.

   Mu Xue stared at Ya Yue blankly.

   finally reached out and touched Yayue’s head:

   "Don't worry, someone will take Yayue with you in the future."

   "What about me? What about me?" Yalin moved her head over, wanting Mu Xue to touch it.

   Yayue nodded with a smile. There is a sister who is actually quite nice.

   Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue without saying a word.

   He was thinking, if his younger siblings are obedient, should he let it go?

   "I don't want to, wait until when my parents will have them."

  Lu Shui naturally does not reject the birth of his younger siblings, because he is afraid that IQ will be close to the Eastern Slag.

   This is a headache.


   The next afternoon, Lu Shui and Mu Xue said goodbye to Yayue Yalin and the others.

  Because the waves, seas, and stars may appear at any time, there will be plenty of time after two days have passed.

   Before leaving, Yalin gave Mu Xue a lot of snacks, which she saved by eating frugally.

   The taste is really good.

   It takes another night to go to Qiaoyunzong.

   Lu Shui feels that he has been on his way for the past few days.

   After he left Mingtu, he had to rest for a day and travel for a day.

   This is the fifth day, right?

   Under normal circumstances, he should be promoted to 4.5.

   It is a pity that Mu Xue has always been with him, and the progress has been much slower, but the difference is not too far.

   Before going back, he must be promoted to 4.5, very close to the fifth rank.

   Along the way, Lu Shui did not sleep, nor did he practice inaction or action.

   Mu Xue leaned on him, a little worried.


   The next day.

   Lu Shui came to Qiaoyunzong.

   "Master, the patriarch and the patriarch's wife are not in Qiaoyunzong for the time being. I heard that we have gone to sea, and we have no way of knowing the specific whereabouts." Zhenwu said.

   Lu Shui nodded and didn't say anything. Where does his parents go, do they still need to explain?

   Maybe going to sea is just a rhetoric, maybe the cat is spying on them in Qiaoyunzong.

   With his motherly character, this kind of thing is not impossible.

   But recently his parents seem to want to have a second child, so this possibility is much less.

   The two elderly people have to spend time registering a trumpet.

   In theory, it should not be easy. His father's strength is close to the seventh step, and he will break away from the conventional realm with a single kick.

   His mother is not too far away.

   It's hard to expect them to have a trumpet.

  Lu Shui has studied this in particular, but after he gets married, if his parents are still struggling with the second child, he can come up with a medicine that can eliminate the influence of these realms.

   It's a pity that these medicines didn't work for him in the last life.

The realm of    is beyond the scope of the efficacy of medicine.

   "Find a place to rest first." Lu Shui said.

  Muxue slept in the car for a long time, but she should not be very energetic.

   Let her continue to rest.

   After a while, they came to the yard where they had rested before.

   "Miss Mu should take a break," Lu Shui said.

   Mu Xue nodded.

   She actually didn't sleep much last night, she just closed her eyes secretly and leaned on Lu Shui.

   She wanted to stay asleep again, who knew it would be bright so soon.

   The dark night is a bit disappointed.

   So she is still very sleepy now.

   "Master Lu also pay attention to rest." Mu Xue said softly.

   Lu Shui nodded to show that he knew.

   After seeing Mu Xue returning to the room, Lu Shui sat in the courtyard and began to draw lines in his mind.

   For a long time, Lu Shui felt a little hungry and ate a snack, but when he wanted to continue pretending to read, he suddenly felt that the sky seemed to be dark.

   Lu Shui raised his head and looked over.

   Then his brows frowned.

   As far as he can see, the waves are coming here.

   The entire Qiaoyun Sect is under the huge waves.

   As if it would drown Qiaoyunzong in the next moment.

   Only at this time, a figure appeared in the sky.

   Then this figure pressed his hand, and the huge wave was directly suppressed, but in the blink of an eye, the sea returned to calm.

  Lushui was a little surprised, the anomaly in the sea area was bigger than he thought.

   "It seems that it is not just a matter of Mingtu, there should be other issues, but I don't know what it is." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

   Soon, Lu Shui stopped thinking about it, because the figure in the sky seemed to be coming towards him.

   After just a few breaths, Lu Shui realized that the opponent had arrived in front of the yard where he was.

   Zhenwu Zhenling and Ding Liang were unable to move directly.

   Of course, their perception is also blocked.

   "Ten Miles in the East?" The visitor looked at Lu Shui and said.

   Lu Shui was bitter in his heart, and finally got up, bowed his head respectfully and said:

   "Senior Hongsu."

   Lu Shui is a little curious, does this kind of small movement need Senior Hongsu to personally suppress it?

   Qiao Yunzong’s head, not to mention all have the cultivation of Taoism, right?

   "Where is your fiancé Xue Ji?" Hong Su walked aside and sat down. Because he didn't see Mu Xue, he wanted to ask.

   Seeing Xueji is more pleasing to the eye than seeing this Dongfang Shili.

   It is a pseudonym to open your mouth, so it is cautious to go out.

   "I'm resting. Senior wants to see her, I can ask her to get up." Lu Shui respectfully said.

   "No need." Hongsu looked at the landing channel:

   "I came to you suddenly, just to borrow something."

   Lu Shui was a little puzzled, but he responded on the spot:

   "Senior, please say it."

   Hongsu did not talk nonsense:

   "Did you bring the Seven Scale Dragon Sword?"

   Lu Shui took out the Seven Scale Dragon Yin Sword, and then handed it over:

   "I brought it."

   This kind of senior wants the Seven Scaled Dragon Yin Sword, he naturally won't have the slightest refusal.

   Under normal circumstances, this sword is just easier to use.

   Of course, after he was educated last time, he knew that this was a relic left by his grandmother. He didn't dare to mortgage it, but it was still okay to use it.

   Hongsu took the Qilinlong Yinjian, and whispered:

   "If you go to the depths of the sea like this, you won't fall into the home court of others."

  Hongsu-senpai is going to the deep sea? Lu Shui was a little surprised.

   However, the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword originally possessed some dragon abilities, among which naturally had the ability to control water.

   "Stay in Qiaoyunzong with peace of mind, no matter how the trouble is outside, there won't be the slightest problem here." Hong Su said to Lu Shui.

   After hesitating, Lu Shui still asked:

   "Senior, what happened to the deep sea?"

   Hongsu glanced at Lu Shui, then laughed softly:

   "It will not affect you and your fiancee to watch the waves and the stars."

   Lu Shui: "..."

   "I didn't say that it would affect me and Mu Xue to watch the waves, the sea and the stars." Lu Shui muttered in his heart.

   Sure enough, none of these seniors told him anything useful.

   It’s better to be the second elder, who is short and doesn’t know how to do anything with him, and he has to answer all questions.

   is that there is always a potential spell that makes people ignore that she is the second elder.

   Otherwise, Dongfang scum would dare to see the second elder once and play with the second elder once?

   Are you looking for smoke?

   Hongsu put away the Seven Scaled Dragon Yin Sword, then got up and left.

  "If you have time, go find You Yao and let them meet your fiancée.

   No harm. "After talking about Hongsu, he left right away.

   Lu Shui watched Hong Su leave. He was very curious. It's okay. Is that good?

   But which senior is Yoyao?

   He came to Qiaoyunzong not many times in his previous life.

   Most seniors only saw one or two sides at most.

   Remember and forget, forget it, think about it.

   If it were the Lu family, he would definitely not even think about it, because apart from the three elders, no one needs him to be careful.

   But the most important thing is to know what is going on in the deep sea.

   Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhen Wu, and now Zhen Wu Zhen Ling has recovered.

   "Young Master?" Zhen Wu came to Lu Shui and bowed his head.

   He noticed the abnormality just now, but didn't know what was going on for a while.

   The gap is too big, and he has a feeling that the other party made him aware of it on purpose.

   Otherwise, he doesn't even feel it at all.

   "A senior has been here, don't care." Lu Shui stood up and said.

   Then Lu Shui walked outside, and Zhenwu naturally followed him for the first time.

   Zhenling stayed with Ding Liang in the yard because Mu Xue was still resting.

   Their task is to ensure that Mu Xue is safe and sound.


   When Lu Shui walked outside, he said:

   "Try to ask if there is any news about the deep sea."

   After Lu Shui continued to walk forward, he came to the pavilion on the coast and sat down.

   There are no people here, the waves just scared people inside.

   In case the waves swept, it would be very fatal to people with a low cultivation base.

   So there is no need to naturally be willing to hide inside one by one and wait for safety before coming out.

   "The news of the waves, seas and stars has not been spread, but many people still know about it, and they came here early." Lu Shui muttered to himself as he watched the noticeably increased crowd.

   Zhenwu is in contact at this time.

   After a long time, Zhen Wu said:

   "Master, I asked, but I didn't get any special news."

   "It seems to be beyond the cognition of a normal cultivator." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   Zhenwu didn't speak on one side. Few people would know the news of the deep sea.

   Not to mention what just happened, it is the cultivation base is high and strong, but there are not enough channels to know what happened in the deep sea.

   Lu Shui got up and came to the beach. He reached into the water and muttered to himself:

   "Try it, maybe there are some gains."

   As he said, he began to try to connect Kunpeng, this time not to let Kunpeng come, but to use Kunpeng's eyes to see what happened in the deep sea.

   "Fortunately, it is within range." When connecting to Kunpeng, Lu Shui felt a little lucky.

  Because his cultivation is not enough, he needs to rely on the strength of Kunpeng to connect.

   If it exceeds Kunpeng's ability, he cannot use Kunpeng's eyes.

   Fortunately, Kun Peng is no stranger to this kind of thing.


   When connecting to Kunpeng, Lu Shui felt that Kunpeng was very happy.

   This little guy is very short of people to play.

   If possible, let it take the Eastern dregs to explore the seabed. It doesn’t have to go to sea in this life.

   Anyway, Kun's body forms its own space, and there is absolutely no shortage of normal materials.

   The Dongfang family should thank him.

   At this point, Lu Shui seemed to have a little impression of his last life. He seemed to have done similar things in his last life.

   The Oriental scum should be thrown somewhere for dozens or hundreds of years. When he comes back, it all depends on when Muxue finds the Oriental scum.

   deserve it.

After   , Lu Shui stopped thinking about it.

   Can't remember clearly, it would be nice to remember this person.

   is not Mu Xue, if it was Mu Xue, he would definitely remember it, and he still remembers Mu Xue's expression in his secret room.

   I was a little uncomfortable the first time, and it looked very uncomfortable.

   Then I flew up and exploded, and I got experience.

   annoyed him, so naturally he wanted to fight.

   Then Lu Shui put aside his memories and began to try to check the deep sea through Kunpeng's eyes.

   The old past events are all over.

   There will always be a day when Mu Xue will cry.

After   , Lu Shui saw a dark place through Kun, this place flashed with thunder.

   "Huh? Where is this?"

   "No, it's not Thunder, it's a space crack."

   Thinking like this, Lu Shui made Kun back up a little bit so that he could see the whole picture.

   After a short while, Lu Shui saw it, and there was endless darkness in front of the sea, like a pitch-black sea.

   In these dark seas, spatial cracks continue to appear, even in normal seas there will be spatial cracks.

   And as the cracks appear, there is always something swallowed by the cracks.

   Lu Shui was a little surprised to see this scene:

   "The end of the sea?"

   The end of the sea is not the real end, but a peculiar abyss, there is no end under the abyss, and almost no one knows what the end of the sea is connected to.

  The sea will disappear here, but the sea has never flowed out, and it has never been reduced.

  The world is so strange sometimes.

   Human thoughts are restricted, and sometimes the development of the world is not restricted.

   As for the limitation of human thought, this is too much, such as poverty, and rich.

   Lu Shui thinks he belongs to the latter.

   Mu Xue wanted him to think so.

   Stop thinking, Lu Shui began to observe the end of the sea.

   He found a seal at the end of the sea, which was slowly unsealing.

   "It's a very strange seal, you can't perceive the breath, but the power seems to be no small thing.

   It seems that the changes in the sea are directly related to the end of the sea.

   plus the abnormal movement of the earth, so the superposition of the two causes the influence to become larger. "Lu Shui felt that he should have made no mistakes in guessing.

   While thinking, Lu Shui no longer gave the command to shift his vision, but Kun moved on his own, and it continued to move forward around the dark sea.

   There should be any discovery, and you should take the land to check it.

   This is not a quiet fish, I like to join in the fun when I have something to do.

   Good things will be swallowed.

   For example, last time it was the Palace of Immortal Immortals.

   If you have a good thing, you can send it to the host. She has a cute personality.

   Kun swims all the way, very fast, but it does not bring any fluctuations to the deep sea.

  The deep sea bears it wanton tail and shuttle.

   After a while, Kun's vision began to slow down, and his destination should have arrived.

   Lu Shui could also detect it, he was a little curious about what Kun would show him.

   "This kun is here again." A sudden voice came.

   is the mind.

   This idea sounded directly in Kun's mind. Because of the connection, Lu Shui had a feeling of hearing people talking from a distance.

After   , a figure appeared in Kun's eyes, a beautiful woman.

   "Sea-Monster?" Lu Shui knew who the other party was when he saw her.

   However, the role of the Kraken is to guard the end of the sea, so it is not surprising that there is a Kraken here.

   What Lu Shui didn't expect was that there was a child beside the Kraken. The child stood there, almost transparent.

   This is because Kun can't see each other.

   If it weren’t for Lu Shui’s Tier 4 cultivation base now, and when he connected to Kun, he would bring some of his own specialties, so he would not be able to borrow Kun’s vision to see this figure.

   Kun should have seen it by now, and he is probably still wondering.

   "The only true god? How could she be here?" Lu Shui recognized the little girl at a glance.

   This is a person close to the true god. Under normal circumstances, they live in Fengshuanghe. Only when they encounter something related to the true **** can they run away.

   For example, the time with the blood of the gods, and the time with the three thousand weak waters, they are all related to the only true **** of heaven and earth.

   "So the seal at the end of the sea has something to do with Jiu?" Lu Shui came to a conclusion.

   "It's a bit troublesome, I want to see it, but Mu Xue can't get out of it."

   Lu Shui shook his head, dispelling his plan to go to the end of the sea.

   "Quickly leave, this place is about to explode, although it won't hurt you, but if you are swallowed by the cracks, you have no chance to escape." It was the voice passed by the mind.

   is the sea monster.

   Hearing what the other party said, Kun seemed to pay attention, and then he started to swim.

   Seeing Kun moved again, Lu Shui was a little surprised, is there anyone else?

   The time of this Kun tour is a bit longer than before. When it stopped, two more figures appeared in Kun's field of vision.

   is a man and a woman.

   "Is this the one that swallowed my son? It seems very strong?"

   "Well, but it is not malicious to humans. I don't know what it is going to do wandering around here."

  Lu Shui: "......"

   Why would his parents go to the end of the sea?

  Yes, the two people that Kun saw this time were Chang Lu Gu of the Lu family and Dongfang Liyin, the wife of the eldest of the Lu family.

   is Lu Shui’s parents.

   "It's about the true gods, are they really okay?" Lu Shui was not relieved.

   The power of the true gods is different from those of the gods, and the true gods are equal to the power of the world level.

   His parents’ conventional cultivation skills are easily restricted, right?

   "It seems that I should take a trip?" Lu Shui said he was worried about his parents.

   If this idea is known by Lu Gu and his wife, Lu Shui has a great chance of being hung up and beaten.

   Ke, as long as you don't know, you can't stop Lu Shui from thinking like this.

   Then Kun started to move again.

  Lu Shui knows that there are still people involved. Of course, there should be talents in areas that Kun doesn't know.

   The end of the sea is already special. Anyone who knows the seal should all go shopping.

   It’s just that there should not be many people who know it. If the seal is not loosened, it can hardly be noticed.

   Know this, either just recently saw it, or some ancient existence.

  Such as Kraken.

   As for Lu Shui's father and mother, they belonged to the former, and they happened to meet him completely.


   While Lu Shui was still thinking, a dazzling light suddenly appeared.

   Lu Shui knows who the other party is without looking.

   the gods, the people of the temple of light.

   "Seventh-rank Dharma God? A realm better than my parents."

   The opponent was constantly attacking, Lu Shui could only let Kun leave, and then disconnected.

   Regardless of whether there is anyone behind, he decided to go.

   It’s one thing to do with the true god, mainly because his parents are still there and don’t know what will happen.

   And the people of the gods are also dispatched, and I always feel that I can get something interesting.

   Lu Shui got up and sat back in the pavilion. The only trouble now was Mu Xue who was still resting.

   "Muxue only sleeps for the next hour or so. Under normal circumstances, he can sleep for four hours."

   "In other words, as long as I come back within three hours, the problem is not big?"

   is not worried about excuses, but worried about leaving Mu Xue here alone and making Mu Xue unhappy.

   So the best way is to come back before Mu Xue wakes up.

   made a decision, Lu Shui no longer struggled.

   The more entangled, the less time is given to him.

   "Go out to sea." Lu Shui said.

   Zhenwu was a little surprised:


   Lu Shui nodded, and then said:

   "Go back first, then set off."

   He wants to go back and take a look at Mu Xue, make sure that Mu Xue is asleep before leaving.

   Not long after, Lu Shui stood in front of Mu Xue's door for some time. After making sure that Mu Xue was sleeping well, he went straight away.

   "If Miss Mu wakes up, tell her I will go overseas to see the situation. If the situation is good, maybe I will go fishing and come back soon.

   If the call cannot be reached, it is most likely that there is no signal in the sea. "

   This is what Lu Shui said to Ding Liang and Zhenling before he left.

   The true spirit must stay.

   On the one hand, it was for Mu Xue's safety, and on the other hand, to let Mu Xue know that he was only temporarily leaving and returning soon.

   Of course, the best situation is that when he came back, Mu Xue hadn't woke up yet.


  As soon as he left the Qiaoyunzong, Lu Shui summoned Kun. If Kun was there, it would be much faster to go to the end of the sea.

   Sure enough, Kun came to the end of the sea at a very fast speed, but there was not much time left for land water.

   More than two hours, it is difficult to solve the problem here.

   When Lu Shui and Zhenwu appeared from Kun’s mouth, they were already wearing black robes.

   This is a black robe prepared by Lu Shui himself, absolutely no one can see through it.

   is mainly to prevent land water parents.

   When Landshui was standing on the surface of the sea, Kun silently dived into the deep sea, and it was in a good mood.

   did another thing for the master.

  "Master, there are many legends at the end of the sea. It is said that this is the end of the world, a realm of disorder and chaos.

   There is no going out. "Zhen Wu said.

   Zhenwu was surprised to learn that he was coming to the end of the sea.

   The end of the sea is not something that ordinary monks can approach at all. There are many legends here.

   without exception, is a forbidden place for cultivators.

  Lu Shui took a step forward. What he saw this time was a huge hole, as if there was damage in the sea, and countless sea water was rushing down like a whirlpool.

   I couldn't see to the bottom in the whirlpool, and there was even a feeling of being inhaled when I approached.

   And there are a lot of space cracks in the whirlpool.

   This is the end of the sea.

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