The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 31: Mu Xue is so good-looking, I can't help it

  Lu Shui stopped worrying after seeing that person.

   Instead, he stood still and watched the person slowly walk over.

   Although Zhenwu Zhenling was puzzled, he still stood in place, only with a little more vigilance in his eyes.

   Oncoming is a teenage girl who is wearing a white coat with her hands in her pockets, her expression calm.

   At this time, her gaze stayed on Lu Shui, as if she was rushing to Lu Shui.

   Soon she came to Lu Shui, looked up at Lu Shui, and said:

   "Master Lu Family?"

   Lu Shui looked at the girl and nodded:

   "Just call me Lu Shui, what is your name?"

   said that Lu Shui also reached out and touched the opponent's head.


   Just as Lu Shui touched it, his hand was slapped away by the opponent.

   "Don't touch my head, your parents didn't teach you to respect the old and love the young? I am much bigger than you," the girl said.

  Lu Shui didn't care much, but compared the height with his hands and said:

   "Are you one and three meters?"

   The girl looked at Lu Shui and was silent for a while.

   paused, the girl said:

   "Come and do me a favor."

   As she said that, she walked to the big tree on her own.

   doesn't seem to worry that Lu Shui will refuse.

  Lu Shui naturally did not refuse, but followed. Although he didn't know what the other party was going to do, there was no one he was afraid of in the Lujia area.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling don't understand, let alone who this girl is.

   But naturally they will not stop Lu Shui.

   Soon Lu Shui followed the little girl to the tree. As soon as he came under the tree, Lu Shui saw the other party squatting on the ground playing some elixir.

   At this time, the little girl glanced at Lu Shui, and then indicated that Lu Shui was squatting next to her.

   Land and water naturally follow it.

   "Is this preparing medicine?" Lu Shui asked.

   The little girl nodded:

   "Do you know about Qiuyun Town?"

   Lu Shui nodded and said that he knew:

   "I saw it when I just came back, it seems very serious."

  "It is indeed a bit serious. This kind of pollution is very special. It seems that the ancient evil spirits have revived. Conventional drugs cannot prevent the spread of pollution.

   Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise Qiuyun Town would be tortured by this kind of pollution for a few months later. "The little girl said.

   "Is it not enough to have an antidote?" Lu Shui asked.

   In fact, he doesn't know enough. Many ordinary people in Qiuyun Town will find it difficult to get rid of the pollution once the pollution takes root. Forcibly removing the pressure is not small.

   The body of ordinary people cannot bear it.

   The little girl's answer was similar to what Lu Shui had expected.

   "However, even if it is deep-rooted, there are indeed medicines that can make people recover quickly, but they are too precious, Lu Jiashe has to say, there is no time to help them refine it." The little girl added.

   Lu Shui feels that it's normal. There are normal medicines to get rid of the disease slowly. How can the Lu family think about getting rid of the disease quickly?

   Unless it's someone from the Lu family.

   But his mother was also sick for a long time in her last life, as for why he doesn't know now.

   can't ask.

   There is no other way. At that time, he was still silly and ignorant, and he didn't know how much he cared about his mother.

   "The source of the pollution hasn't been found out?" Lu Shui didn't entangle the question just now.

   The little girl shook her head:

   "No, I heard that I have a clue, but it doesn't make much sense to me.

   come, stretch out your hand. "

   At this time, the little girl had a ball of medicine in her hand, as if she was going to pour it into the hands of Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui stretched out his hand without hesitation.

   Then the little girl really injected the unknown potion into Lu Shui's arm.

   Then she continued to play with her elixir.

   Zhenwu and the others looked a little worried, but they didn't feel any danger, and for a while they didn't know whether to stop them.

   "I heard that you just came back from your divorce?" the little girl asked without looking up.

   Lu Shui looked at the blackened arm and nodded:

   "Well, I just came back."

   "Did you divorce successfully?" the little girl asked.

   Lu Shui shook his head:


   "Why did it fail?" The little girl's voice never changed, and she still bowed her head to play the elixir.

   Hearing this question, Lu Shui thought for a long time, can't he say that he was scared by Mu Xue?

   So he used a reason that is easier to understand:

   "Because Mu Xue is so beautiful, I am reluctant to divorce."

   The little girl paused when she heard these words.

   Zhenwu Zhenling also said that he was stunned. It turned out that this was the reason?

   If this is really the case, isn't the young master too capricious?

   Uh, if you think about it, you are not a master if you are not headstrong.

   But Zhenwu Zhenling still doesn't understand. Although Ms. Mu Xue is pretty, she can't be said to be amazing in the world, right?

Can    really make their young master change his mind on the spot?

   The answer is unknown.

  At this time, the little girl also returned to normal, saying:

   "But the Lu family does not marry ordinary people."

   "Then why the Lu family doesn't marry ordinary people?" Lu Shui asked back.

   "For the talent of the next generation."

   "Then what is my talent?"

   "Very average."

   "What about my parents?"

   "Your father is considered special, but relatively speaking, his talent is also considered superior. Not to mention your mother, your father's normal cultivation talent was thrown a few blocks away by your mother."

   "So two good talents may be born out of waste materials like me." Lu Shui touched his numb arm and said.

   When he said this, he didn't feel much, as if he said that there is nothing shameful in saying waste.

   The little girl shook her head:

  "But children with good talents are more likely to appear.

   Have you been in contact with the outside you understand what it means to be able to stand out without reading?

   This is a misunderstanding and an excuse. It is foolish to give up a better choice when there is a choice.

  Because there are more talented people, they are all scholars.

   The ratio of the two parties is not comparable at all.

   So find you a talented person, it is the best choice. "

   Lu Shui shook his head and expressed his disapproval:

   "Reading is different from getting married, and liking someone and disliking someone are two concepts.

   There may be an insurmountable gap between those with good talent and poor talent.

   To put it simply, the Lu family married a wife for me to have children.

   If you have a good talent, you may only have a child because of the task.

   After all, if she is talented, she also wants to practice. Once she has a child, she will naturally practice harder.

   But Mu Xue, who is an ordinary person, is different. She can't practice, and my talent is also poor. The two of us live on drugs for hundreds of years at most.

   We, who are equal, may like each other. Two people who like each other can't practice, so naturally we spend more time together.

   Is it easy to have children?

   I checked, the Lu family has been a single pass for many years.

   But if I marry Mu Xue, this kind of thing may be broken. Although the probability of having a high talent may be low, the probability of having more births will naturally increase.

   The Lu family may be prosperous because of this. "

   After Lu Shui finished speaking, the little girl was stunned.

   then said:

   "The point of view is peculiar and it makes sense."

   Lu Shui smiled. He couldn't tell the other party that he married Mu Xue in his previous life, and the Lu family had no single biography.

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