The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 260: Anyway, it's very cute

Hearing what the second elder said, Lu Shui did not refuse.

But said:

"Are there any related books?"

The second elder stretched out a hand, several books appeared directly in her hand, and then handed it to Lu Shui:

"Here are related records, the medicinal properties of the elixir, the growth environment, and the growth conditions.

Before you start, check it out. "

Lu Shui immediately took the book.

After Lu Shui took the book, the second elder turned around and disappeared in place.

Lu Shui didn't care either, but took out a chair and sat on it and started reading.

The second elder stepped back to her bamboo house, but her gaze was still looking towards Lu Shui.

"I don't see any power."

"I can't detect the slightest injury."

"Ordinary can no longer be ordinary."

The second elder was thinking and subconsciously wanted to eat a snack, but unfortunately he didn't have it.

Then, the second elder stepped forward and disappeared in place.


Kitchen location.

Dongfang Liyin is making snacks inside.

Lu Gu was restless to help.

"What makes the patriarch so scared?" Dongfang Li Yin asked, putting the prepared snack aside.

"My son went to the Houshan Spirit Medicine Field to weed." Lu Gu said.

Hearing these words, Dongfang Liyin immediately looked around.

A look of alertness.

"There should be nothing wrong, right?" Dongfang Li Yin said.

Although there is the second elder's territory, it does not mean that the second elder can be seen.

Lu Gu hopes it's okay, but can his son be safe?

At this moment, the second elder appeared outside the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, Lu Gu panicked.

To run is to dare not run, you can only face it bravely.

The second elder came out of the kitchen and walked in step by step.

When I entered, I found Lu Gu looking at himself in horror.

"Sick?" the second elder asked.

Lu Gu: "????"

Didn't he let him learn to speak?

In an instant, Lu Gu recovered:

"No, no."

Dongfang Li Yin also breathed a sigh of relief.

She found that her son was also very good, and seeing her elders was enough to make them uneasy.

The second elder took a piece of snack and put it in his mouth and bit it. At this moment, she saw Li Yin's hand stretched out again.


The second elder directly clapped Li Yin's hand away.

Dongfang Li Yin painfully touched his hands and said:

"Pinch your face, touch your head, you can make it more adorable."

The second elder took another snack and said:

"I'm cute enough, you should worry about yourself."

Speaking, the second elder turned and took a step forward, then disappeared in place.

When the second elder left, Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin were naturally not surprised.

At this time Dongfang Li Yin looked at Lu Gu and said:

"Master Patriarch, am I cute?"

Lu Gu glanced at Dongfang Li Yin and said:

"You are suitable to go the **** route."

Dongfang Liyin pursed his mouth, then hit Lu Gu's chest with his head.

Actually said she is not cute.

Because there was flour in one hand and worried about soiling Lu Gu's clothes, Dongfang Liyin hit Lu Gu with his head.

Soon Dongfang Li Yin stopped and said:

"My forehead hurts, patriarch, rub it for me."

Lu Gu listened and touched Dongfang Li Yin's forehead with his forehead.

Then Dongfang Liyin suddenly giggled:

"My patriarch, you are not afraid of being seen, your majesty is gone."


Lu Shui was reading a book at this time, so he roughly flipped it, and then delayed the outline of the heaven and earth formation.

He actually did a bit of research on elixir, mainly in order to make Mu Xue pregnant, and felt that some medicines could have a bonus.

Of course, the domain is limited.

As for the companion grass, I have actually played it before.

I want to try the new style this time.

Around noon, Lu Shui closed the book.

He has searched all over.

This book has some notes from the second elders, if you take it out, how many people will grab it.

After putting the book aside, Lu Shui began to walk elsewhere.

He is looking for some suitable elixir as companion options.

Lu Shui walked all the way and watched. After a while, he suddenly saw two people fertilizing some elixir.

One man and one woman, but both are very old.

"The swordsman in Qiujing Palace?" When Lu Shui saw the man, he remembered.

He remembers that at that time, the Shangjian Taoist claimed to be the Lu Family Guards.

I didn't expect it to be a fertiliser.

They also discovered land water at this time.

"Young Master?" The Shang Jiandao man was a little surprised.

This is the back mountain of the Lu family, except for the three elders, no one else comes.

"Is the young master coming to get any elixir? Our husband and wife can do it for you." An old woman who looked a little old said.

Xia Sha, the Taoist companion of the kendo man.

The husband and wife's cultivation bases are almost equal.

Lu Shui shook his head:

"just looking around."

Are these couple pretending to be old?

Being in the Lu family and working for the second elder, it is very simple to want to stay young.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't care, let alone make sure.

There is no need to see through the affairs of others.

After that, Lu Shui stopped paying attention to them, but continued to look for the elixir he was looking for.

In fact, he didn't know what kind of elixir to use, mainly because he wanted to find a pleasing one.

Just walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, and Lu Shui stopped in front of a small grass.

"Linglong grass, mature and capable of transforming creatures, resembling humans and demons, possessing some spiritual wisdom.

Before maturity, it can be used for refining to help the magic weapon to breed spirits. "Lu Shui squatted down and watched Xiaocao's heart flashing relevant information.

Linglong grass is extremely precious, this grass is like the grass of life.

It's just hard to mature.

Most people raise this grass, they just keep it.

There is no plan to use medicine, or even a refining plan.

Because it feels like an egg.

"It's you." Lu Shui started digging Linglong Grass.

"Master, this is Linglong grass. The growth conditions are harsh and the transplantation is difficult. Let me help you?" Xia Sha said beside Lu Shui.

Linglongcao has the possibility of new life, and Xia Sha is very concerned about it. Whenever there is a new life, their husband and wife plan to adopt it with the second elder.

Now that Lu Shui is about to move suddenly, he will definitely care about it.

They can't stop the land water, they can only do the land water to prevent accidents.

Lu Shui glanced at the upper kendo couple next to him, then stood up and stood aside, motioning for the upper kendo couple to do something.

Xia Sha did not dare to hesitate, and immediately came to the edge of Linglong Grass and began to transplant.

The upper kendoist took the flower pot, put a suitable soil, and applied a suitable formation.

Both of these are the cultivation bases of the seventh step into the Dao.

Naturally, there is no problem in doing this.

Lu Shui did not walk away or read a book, but watched Xia Sha transplant Linglong Grass.

He saw that Xia Sha was removing the soil little by little, and only by seeing the direction of the rhizome could he transplant Linglong grass without injury.

Soon the rhizomes were clearly visible, all the rhizomes grew distinctly, and none of them were staggered.

Seeing this Lu Shui frowned:

"How long has this Linglong grass been planted here?"

"It's been seventy-six years. It was accidentally discovered by the Third Elder when he was out, and he brought it back by the way." Xia Shatou answered without returning.

"At that time, it was us who transplanted it, and it was transplanted according to the way it grew." The Shang Swordsman explained.

They were very happy at the time.

Unfortunately, for so many years, Linglong Grass has not grown a little bit.

Lu Shui nodded on the side, without speaking.

The probability is less than a hundred years, which is good news for him.

It's not good for Chi Jinhua not to recognize it when he gets older.

Plants also have plant intuition, right?

Xia Sha carefully transplanted Linglong grass into the pot.

Lu Shui watched the whole journey.

"Master, what are you going to do next?" Xia Sha asked.

The upper kendo man was holding a flower pot, and he was waiting for Lu Shui to tell them what to do.

Two elderly people, letting them do things always feels bullying. Lu Shui muttered in his heart.

However, they are either naive or stupid.

"Put Linglong Grass on the side of Chi Jinhua, and I will take a look at it." Lu Shui continued to walk to other places after speaking.

The upper kendoist and Xia Sha looked at each other, and then Xia Sha took the Linglong Grass and went to Chijinhua.

The upper kendo man followed Lu Shui.

In order to help Lu Shui transplant some elixir.

Lu Shui walked in the spirit medicine field, and he didn't care about the swordsman who followed behind him.

With Linglong Grass, he wanted to find another similar one.

The size is similar.

It's too big to tell who is the companion.

After walking for a while, Lu Shui didn't see any satisfactory elixir.

Then he saw the panacea of ​​results.

There are two fruits on it.

Lu Shui took a glance, took one off, wiped it, and ate it.

Crisp and delicious.

The upper kendo man behind was stunned on the spot.


The sacred fruit of Qingxin Yuanling, a rare spiritual fruit with great effects on cultivation, enlightenment, and even enlightenment, was eaten at will by Lu Shui.


It can't be the case with a big family.

It's a pity that a kendoist has no qualifications to persuade.

Because the elixir here is restricted by the two elders.

When others move, her elders usually know.

Lu Shui's ability to take it off is equivalent to the second elder's acquiescence, so what right does he have to stop?

Not to mention that the second elders have acquiescence, he can't stop him without acquiescence.

At most, tell me what kind of fruit this is and how important it is.

Lu Shui wanted to go his own way, so few people in the entire Lu family could stop him.

Regardless of how Lu Shui was considered waste in the Lu family, the privileges he possessed were no different from those of any generation of Lu family masters.

After all, this is their home.

Lu Shui didn't think so much. The fruit tasted okay. It's rare to come here. It's a pity not to eat it.

Most of the fruit is hard to eat, it's not unpalatable, it is because the spiritual energy contained is too violent and requires meditation practice.

He is eating fruit, not cultivating.

And it hurts the body easily.

Lu Shui walked for ten minutes, and finally stopped.

There was a flower not far away from him, and there was a hurricane flowing around the flower, as if it would hurt everything nearby.

"Sunny flower is a rare gifted flower. It is born surrounded by a hurricane, and the surrounding hurricanes will be violent when it is stimulated. As it grows, it will continue to strengthen. Some ordinary monks may be injured by the sunny flower if they are not careful.

The talent flower, as the name suggests, can transfer the opponent's abilities to the cultivator.

Growing to a certain level, this talent is enough to destroy the same level. "The Shangjian Taoist saw Lu Shui looking towards the Sunny Flower, and he explained the general information about the Sunny Flower.

This is a small flower, small, with a big temper.

That's it.

"Help me transplant it." Lu Shui said.

The kendo man didn't know what Lu Shui was going to do, but he used to transplant the sunny flowers.

Lu Shui watched the whole process, and he found that the sunny day had not been violent after being transplanted by the upper kendo man.

It seems that the swordsman is indeed a bit capable.

When the kendoist transplanted the Sunny Flower to the flowerpot, Lu Shui stopped wandering around, but returned to the location of the Chijin Flower.

Xia Sha has been waiting here, don't know why, she always feels that Lu Shui will be in chaos.

After returning here, Lu Shui squatted on some red gold laces. He observed the position of the grass next to him. There are now five associated grasses.

Lu Shui drew a circle on the left and right side of the companion grass.

Then he got up and said:

"Transplant all the companion grasses."

Once the companion grass is transplanted at this time, the fruit is picked in advance, and the quality is greatly affected.

If the companion grass is transplanted away, and then transplanted back, it is not necessarily the companion grass.

Xia Sha followed the swordsman and stopped talking, and finally listened to Lu Shui's words and transplanted the companion grass.

It didn't take long for the five companion grasses to be transplanted away.

Lu Shui looked at it for a while, then looked up at Tian Dao:

"I'm going to have lunch, don't touch here."

After speaking, Lu Shui turned and left, naturally he went to pick the fruit to eat.

Watching Lu Shui leave, the upper kendo man and Xia Sha looked at each other.

"Old lady, what do you say the young master is going to do?" Shangjian Taoist asked.

Xia Sha shook her head and sighed:

"I hope you don't mess around, but I always feel like it's impossible without chaos."

"Let's look at it first, if we can do it, let's do it, and reduce the anomaly to the lowest level." Shangjian Taoist said.

Xia Sha nodded.

The second elder never appeared, which means that Lu Shui can completely mess around.

They can't stop that.

After that, the two of them continued to work on their affairs, but always paid attention to Chijinhua's side, as long as Lu Shui came back, they would come to help.

The matter of the Lingyaotian is not so anxious.

The problem is not big.

After busying for a while, they still stopped.

"Old lady, you should ask the second elder. The elixir here is too precious." said the Shangjian Taoist.

Xia Sha nodded, agreeing with what the Shangjian Taoist said:

"I'm going to ask the second elder now."

With that, Xia Sha put down her work and went to the second elder's residence.

Not long after Xia Sha came to the bamboo house, she saw the second elder sitting in a chair dealing with the elixir.

To be honest, the second elder is really cute.

But Xia Sha did not dare to show any disrespect.

She came to the second elder and said respectfully:

"I have seen the second elder."

"Something?" The second elder continued to deal with the elixir in her hand, without raising his head.

Xia Sha lowered her head and didn't dare to look up at will. She felt so stressed every time she saw the second elder.

"That's right, Master came to the elixir field today.

It seems to have to do something. "Xia Sha said.

The second elder heard calmly and said:

"Let him make trouble, just tell the third elder if there is a problem, how to punish Lu Shui, the third elder will do it."

"Excuse me, the second elder." Xia Sha slowly retreated from here.

She didn't need to ask what the second elder meant.

As the young master of the Lu family, Lu Shui could completely mess around in the elixir field.

If something goes wrong, you will be punished.

The second elder didn't care about Xia Sha, but glanced at the spirit medicine field.

Soon she withdrew her gaze and continued to deal with her elixir.


Lu Shui picked a lot of fruit, enough to fill his stomach.

He read the book for a while, then looked at the sky, it was noonday.


Putting away the book, Lushui headed towards Chijinhua.

Some things have to be done at noon.

As soon as Lu Shui came near the Chijin Flower, the Shangjian Taoist couple immediately came to him.

"Master, do we need to do anything?"

Xia Sha asked.

They had already determined that what Lu Shui wanted to do with these elixirs could do with these elixirs.

They don't want Linglongcao to have an accident.

It is best not to make any accidents with other elixir, because they have to be fixed.

Sometimes it's really troublesome.

If the second elders are required to do anything casual, it seems that they are a bit redundant.

"Transplant the sunny flower to the left position, remember not to let the sunny flower violent.

Otherwise, Chijinhua might be destroyed directly. "Lu Shui said.

Upper Kendo: "..."

Xia Sha: "..."

This is not a panacea for environmental growth at all, and if sunny flowers are planted in the companion location, isn't this a stumbling block?

This will ruin Chijin Flower and Sunny Flower.

"Master, flowers on a sunny day are not suitable for planting here. It may cause two kinds of flowers to wither together." Xia Sha hesitated and felt that she should remind her.

"Don't you plant it?" Lu Shui asked.

If it doesn't work, then he may be relieved to remove the grass, after all, he is not sure of the consequences.

I just think it's okay.

Some records in books, he also re-read, this has some connections with his research in the previous life.

He did have some confidence, but without seeing the end, he did not dare to make an absolute conclusion.

After all, many theories in the previous life were feasible, but Mu Xue was still not pregnant.

Hearing Lu Shui's question, Xia Sha immediately shook her head:

"No, the young master wants to plant it, I will help the young master transplant it."

After talking about summer yarn, I started transplanting sunny flowers.

She sighed somewhat in her heart, she had never seen such a messy person.

It's completely prodigal.

She didn't understand how the patriarch and several elders would agree to Lu Shui's mischief.

That's a mess from childhood to adulthood.

Probably she doesn't feel bad about these things at all. Poverty limits her thinking.

However, she carefully transplanted the Sunny Flower to the location designated by Lu Shui, and the whole process went smoothly without any problems.

After working for a long time, the flowers on sunny days were completely transplanted to Chijin lace.

"Okay, Master." Xia Sha said.

Lu Shui looked at it for a while, and by the way, drew a line on the sunny day. This line connected the first position of the five associated grasslands to the rightmost position.

"Now transplant Linglong grass to the rightmost position." Lu Shui said.

Hearing these words, both the upper kendo man and Xia Sha sighed.

However, Linglong Grass still had no signs of gestating life, and they couldn't stop it.

I can only hope that there will be no major problems, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to find another Linglong Grass.

This is not what you want to find.

Otherwise, how could it be planted in the back mountain?

I went to the Spirit Medicine Garden a long time ago.

This time he transplanted a swordsman who was careful in every step he did. He even inspected the soil, but he didn't think it was suitable for Linglong Grass no matter how he checked it.

Not to mention there are sunny flowers here, there are red golden flowers.

It's just here to be fertilizer.

Lu Shui watched the kendo man transplant. While he was dealing with the rhizomes, Lu Shui said:

"Tie two roots and two roots together so that it looks healthier."

Upper Kendo: "..."

He couldn't understand Lu Shui's thoughts, but this was not a big problem, he did.

The upper kendoist handled the whole process very lightly and steadily, and would never cause the slightest harm to Linglong Grass.

In a short while, Linglong grass transplantation was completed.

The Shangjian Taoist looked at Linglong Grass and Sunny Flower, for fear that there would be an accident now.

But it's okay now, and after a day, there may be major problems.


Lu Shui snapped his fingers, and then a drizzle fell on the Chi Jinhua.

Now everything is processed.

The water is poured, and I can only wait.

"Master, what else do I need to do?" Xia Sha asked on the side.

"Take care of the previous companion grass, and then it's okay."

Lu Shui felt that he had to get rid of the grass, otherwise the third elders would blame him and add more work to him.

"Young Master suddenly wants to transplant these elixir, is he planning to do anything?" Shangjian Taoist asked.

Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"I just want to see if Chi Jinhua treats them as companion grasses after changing the grass."

The kendo man and Xia Sha were both taken aback.

It was even more absurd than they expected.

But they couldn't say anything, they just felt it was a pity.

It's a pity that Linglong grass, it's a pity that it's sunny, it's a pity that it's Chi Jinhua.

After that, they went to work on their own affairs. Of course, they would still pay attention to Linglong Grass occasionally, wanting to see how the Chi Jinhua was doing.

Lu Shui has been paying attention to but he knows that when a major situation occurs, it will take until the evening to confirm whether his vision is correct.

He probably had already gone back then, so he could only confirm it another day.

Lu Shui walked in the magic medicine field, whenever he saw weeds, he would start weeding.

In fact, there are not many weeds, and the kendo couple will also weed.

Lu Shui has been busy, planning to leave until dinner time.

"It's time to go back." Weeding is like herding cattle and commuting to get off work normally.

It's not in Fengshuanghe.

When he went back, Lu Shui glanced at Chijinhua. At this time, the spirits of Sunny Flower and Linglongcao were very common.

"There is no problem right now, but I don't know if there will be any problems in one or two hours." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

But if something goes wrong, he can't save it.

So it's useless to stay.

Might as well go back directly.

Lu Shui left the Spirit Medicine Garden, planning to go back to read a book and outline the formation of heaven and earth. There is a high probability that he will get it tomorrow.

The result will be known at that time.


The kendo man and Xia Sha watched Lu Shui leave.

After Lu Shui left, they came directly to Linglongcao.

They found that the Linglong Grass at this time fell to the ground as if it had dried up.

The wind of the flowers on a sunny day was gone, although it did not fall to the ground like Linglong Grass, but it was not much better.

Chijinhua is very energetic.

"This?" Xia Sha felt a little uncomfortable.

They have been taking care of Linglong Grass, and they have been looking forward to it, but their hope is dashed.

The two watched like this, watching Linglong Grass and Sunny Flower withering a little bit.

"Go to the second elder." After hesitating for a long time, the Shangjian Taoist still spoke.

Now that Lu Shui's mischief is over, should I restore it?

Xia Sha nodded and said:

"Let's go together."

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