The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 263: How about pretending to flow fire and eating **** in public?

Lu Shui went to Jianyi Pond.

He didn't pay much attention to the previous Nanchuan, but the other party was quite enthusiastic.

Soon Lu Shui came to an enchantment, and in this enchantment, there was a breath of supreme sword intent.

"Has Jianqi entered?"

He perceives carefully, the supreme sword intent here has already begun to approach its embryonic form.

Apart from Jianqi, no one else can do it.

Carnivorous flowers can do it too, but they need to have intelligence or someone to guide them.

"Master, this should be the dividing line. The people who can get in are the people Jian Yifeng really wants to invite." Zhen Wu said on the side.

Their young master can go in naturally, but they also know that the young master is unusual.

So going in might cause some sensation. As a follower, Zhenwu felt that he needed to be reminded.

The reminder is rather obscure.

Lu Shui looked at the enchantment, didn't speak, and walked in.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling immediately followed.

The three of them successfully entered the enchantment.

As soon as he stepped into the enchantment, Lu Shui felt a biting sword intent.

This sword intent fell from a high altitude, as if the pressing person could not stand steady.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, but this sword intent had no effect on him. The moment Zhen Wu Zhen Ling felt the sword intent, he immediately raised his hand to hold the sword, and then stood leaning against the sword.

Lu Shui turned his head and glanced at Zhenwu Zhenling.

Then he turned his head and looked at other places. He found that many people were standing on their backs, and some were sitting on the ground altogether.

Few hairs who can act are rare.

Lu Shui: "..."

Then he took out the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword, then plunged the sword into the ground, holding the hilt in both hands, leaning over and standing against the sword.

Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

Lu Shui used his real name this time, so he had to keep his normal appearance.

If he can, he likes to wear a mask.

"Speaking of which, did Jian Yifeng invite Liuhuo?" A doubt flashed in Lu Shui's heart.

If so, what about the invitation letter from Flowing Fire?

With this question, Lu Shui wanted to ask Zhenwu.

But before he spoke, he heard someone sitting down not far away.

"No way, I can't stand up, how can I get the Hai Witch Sword in front?

Can anyone really get it? "A young man sat on the ground and said helplessly.

"Who said no? But it is also helpful to our cultivation base.

The more we resist, the more Jian Yifeng gets, and the more we benefit.

If we really get to the forefront, then it must be possible that its benefits are better than the Hai Witch Sword. "There was a young man sitting on the ground.

They seem to be very skilled.

Lu Shui looked at the two people and knew what was going on.

For the sake of supreme swordsmanship, Jian Yifeng can only use sword intent to suppress everyone. If these people want to get up, they have to counterattack with the enlightened supreme sword intent. This is a kind of experience for many people, and it is also good for their own cultivation. .

As for the Hai Witch Sword, it is roughly a small color head.

After all, it is not a good sword.

The Hai Witch Sword originated in ancient times. It slashed countless monsters and used it to forge swords. Its killing and cutting aura can shock all directions.

Lu Shui had heard of this sword, but he could only say that it was even more general than the one in his hand.

Then Lu Shui looked up at Jian Yi above. He felt that coming here would not help Jian Yifeng.

After all, this sword intent could not suppress him.

"No, I think the Hide Witch Sword is for special people." The communication sounded again.

A lot of people sat down at this time.

It was a fairy who spoke this time.

"What do you mean?" someone asked curiously.

"To be honest, we know what the situation is like for those of us.

The treasure of the Hai Witch Sword is beyond our control.

The most important thing is to get to the end, is it possible for us to jump on the first and second floors of Supreme Kendo?

Here is the ultimate kendo.

I said so clearly, do you understand? "The fairy said.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered the situation of Supreme Kendo.

"When you said that, I remembered it. At Jian Yifeng, I seemed to vaguely hear someone say that Jian Yifeng invited a remarkable person." Someone said.

Amazing person?

In supreme kendo, there is only one person who insists on being a terrific person.

"You don't mean that one, do you?"

"The Young Master of the Hidden Sky School..."

"Flowing fire?"

Everyone looked at each other, if it was this one, then no one had the courage to fight for that witch sword.

In other words, the flow of fire is coming, then the sword must be flow of fire.

There is no reason, just because he is a flowing fire.

Few people have seen Liuhuo, but Liuhuo almost represents a legend and a myth.

For so many years, no such person has appeared in the entire cultivation world.

The name of Tianjiao has long been unable to show the terrible flow of fire.

He has already walked in front of everyone, a legend that the younger generation cannot surpass and cannot look directly at him.

"But, will it come?" Someone didn't believe it.

Does Liu Huo really come back?

For a sword, or for Jian Yifeng's thanks?

You know, in their feelings, Liuhuo really lacks anything.

Sharing the Dao Zang, ignoring countless opportunities for good fortune, where he has gone, only he made others good for others, he has never made him artificial.

In this state, even the older generations are ashamed.

At this time someone raised his hand:

"I seem to have heard that Liuhuo agreed."

Hearing this sentence, all those who still had enough energy looked at the source of the sound.

Lu Shui naturally looked over.

He can still listen to someone talking about Flowing Fire.

Especially, when did Liu Huo agree?

Lu Shui discovered that it was a young man who was speaking. He was a little nervous seeing many people looking at him, but he still spoke:

"I heard from a friend of Jian Yifeng, I heard that it will come within a few days."

"Really coming?" Someone was a little surprised.

But there are more surprises.

It is indeed a pleasure to watch the stream fire up close.

Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhen Wu Zhen Ling.

Zhen Wu Zhenling shook his head, they really didn't know anything.

Lu Shui turned his head, and then sat down, pretending to be unstable and tired, so he might as well just sit comfortably.

Now he was wondering who would fake him, knowing that this is Jian Yifeng.

It's not a good thing to pretend that he is exposed.

Probably the end was miserable.

After that, Lu Shui didn't think much about it, and waited until Liu Huo really came.

As long as he doesn't do something disgusting with the flowing fire vest, he is willing to watch.

If someone dares to use a flowing fire vest as a flower picker, he can chase the opponent for thousands of miles.

Mu Xue couldn't stand it.

Lu Shui sat for a while, feeling quite boring.

Here he is not going, nor is he not going.

Most of the others failed to take a few steps.

There are only a few people ahead.

The so-called Hai Witch Sword, you can't even see it.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling stood very hard, which was a trial for them, and there was no reason to miss it.

Now they have begun to adapt to the most marginal sword intent, although they can't take two steps, they are not untenable, and they are much stronger than most people.

After being bored for a while, Lu Shui took out the book and began to look through it. It was indeed a good place to read.

Of course, this is not always the case.

Three days, three days are not over here, and as boring as always, he will go back.

Stop by to pick up Mu Xue.

The main thing was Mu Xue, he didn't want Mu Xue to wait long.

After all, after a long time, Mu Xue might come by herself.


Thunder Mountain.

There is Buddha's light looming here.

There is a small hill below the Buddha light, and a covered stone gate is on the edge of the hill.

There seemed to be some words looming on the door.


A Buddha light flashed, and three words appeared above the stone gate. The Buddha light disappeared too quickly and the writing was unclear.

I can't know where this is for a while.



At this time, the number of appearances of the Buddha light on the stone gate began to increase frequently.

With the appearance of the Buddha's light, stones began to fall on the stone gate.

When the stone falls, it appears as an exquisite wooden door.


The stones fell faster and faster, and the entire wooden door was fully revealed in a very fast time.

When the wooden door showed its original appearance, the writing on the wooden door was also completely clear: Louluo Temple.


The wooden door was opened from the inside.

When the crack of the door appeared, the golden light shone in all directions and the light of Buddha permeated.

The entire mountain range fell into silence, and all creatures were crawling on the ground.

It seemed that something unknown had appeared.

This abnormality lasted for a while.

Finally, the light dissipated, and the Buddha light was steady.

The gate of Louluo Temple has been completely opened, and it was a monk who opened the door.

The monk looked solemn and solemn, but there was a scar under him, which added a trace of murder to him.

Louluogufo, awakened from his endless sleep.

He did not choose to open the afterlife, so the damage to his strength is not serious.

Although it can't reach the peak, it is not comparable to the ancient Buddha of Xinhuo.

It can be said that he is currently the one with the most preservation strength of the same level among all ancient times.

Xian Ting Xing Si, the God of War, and the gods of the sun, the goddess of ice, and the **** of light, none of them can compare with him.

This method is accompanied by risks. Once an accident occurs at Louluo Temple, it is likely to die.

But he did not have any accidents.

Lou Luo walked out of the temple. He walked step by step in the mountains and forests. His whole body began to condense the light of the Buddha, and his strength was recovering step by step.

When he walked on the creek, his strength was already smooth.

The Buddha light no longer overflows.

Power returns to peace.

After a moment of silence, Lou Luo looked towards the sky.

"Kuhai Buddhism has been opened, and it seems that other ancient Buddhas have awakened first."

"In that case, I will take a trip to Daozong."

"Can't let Jianyi inherit something wrong this time."

Lou Luo's voice came out slowly.

Then he took one step and disappeared above the creek.

At this time, the Thunder Mountain Range returned to normal.

Lou Luo's figure slowly appeared above Daozong.

Only when he first appeared here, he felt that someone had come out of Daozong.

Soon an old man appeared in front of him.

"Dare to ask the donor, this is Dao Sect?" Lou Luo asked with a Buddhist name.

The Taoist old man looked at Lou Luo and said calmly:

"Yes, something is going on, Master?"

Lou Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"Then why don't you see Jianyi inheritance?"

The Taoist old man frowned:

"I don't understand what the master means."

Lou Luo was silent for a moment, and then he had enlightenment:

"It turns out that the Dao Sect is not the Dao Sect of Jianyi."

"Master, what do you mean?" The Taoist old man said.

In fact, he had also heard of Jianyi, especially when he was in Supreme Kendo, he also received the news.

However, Daozong Jianyi was never found.

But this monk's words gave him some cognition.

Daozong belongs to Jianyi.

"Since it's over, there is no need to mention it." Lou Luo declared the Buddha's name and said goodbye:

"Excuse me."

When the voice fell, Lou Luo disappeared in place.

He intends to observe the current cultivation world, and then return to Kuhai Buddhism and sit in Kuhai Buddhism.

He believes that he sits in Buddhism.

Xian Ting and the gods must be at a disadvantage.

At that time, Buddhism can enter the WTO in a fair manner and strive for others to return sooner.

But the gods and Xian Ting still have huge restrictions.

The Taoist old man watched Lou Luo disappear, frowning.

"A Buddhism person?"

After that, the Taoist old man disappeared in place.

He could feel that the other party did not go too far.

The Taoist old man felt that if this monk could visit the Lu family, it would be great.


"Are you really going to Jianyifeng?"

In the jungle where the train dared not drive, Mo Xiu He Yuye looked at Li Qianchi and asked.

"It's okay to see the world.

It's always okay if you can't escape.

Moreover, we have also felt that the supreme kendo is not a big problem.

The most important thing is..." Li Qianchi waved the invitation letter and said:

"We are invited to go."

"That's flowing fire." Mo Xiu He Yuye said.

Li Qianchi took out the mask from the storage magic treasure, then put it on, and soon his figure was directly covered by the black robe:

"Now, I can also be Flowing Fire.

To have strength and strength, to be mysterious and mysterious. "

Moxiu He Yuye: "..."

She wanted to ask why they suddenly split up.

It's not because the flow of fire provokes Xianting, it may affect them.

Now the **** eaters take the initiative to pretend to be a stray fire.

What's the difference between sending it to the door?

"Don't get me wrong." Li Qianchi said earnestly:

"Flowing fire can provoke Xianting and drag us down, why can't we help him deal with Jian Yifeng?

Lishang exchanges. "

"Does Jian Yifeng have a dog?" Mo Xiu He Yuye asked.

"This question is a bit difficult, so you will know when you go in and take a look." Li Qianchi was a little embarrassed.

Mo Xiu He Yuye also put on a mask, and then the black robe attacked him.

"By the way, what identity do I use?" Mo Xiu He Yuye asked.

"Of course it's an entourage." Li Qianchi said.

Moxiu He Yuye: "Haha."

In their current situation, they should have been shopping around.

So it is a good choice to come to Jianyifeng.

The big thing is definitely not daring to mess with it, Jian Yifeng is not an ordinary force, they are easy to get rid of.

Little trouble, the problem is not big.

The **** eaters are probably here to cheat and eat and drink.


Lu Shui was reading the book on the spot, Zhenwu and Zhenling had already walked forward some distance in turn.

They are all alone protecting themselves by the land and water, and moving forward alone to temper themselves.

For them, Tier 5 is still a bit far away, but they have experienced such trials.

Tier 5 will get closer and closer.

Their young master no longer knows how many levels they have advanced, but they have not yet stepped on the edge of the fifth level.

Young master is ashamed of cultivation.

You know how many opportunities they have encountered.

Miss Chacha is the third step at once, and they are still jumping on the fourth step.

Don't let Miss Cha Cha are all Tier 4, they don't have Tier 5 yet.

But they are a little curious, when will their young master step into the fifth stage, should it be soon?

It would be really exciting to see their young master crossing the robbery again at that time.

Now they think of the land and water crossing the catastrophe, they still have a feeling of great surging.

It is a miracle.

After a long time, Lu Shui looked up.

"Is it dawn?"

Lu Shui felt that the time for reading was passing fast.

The cultivation base progressed very quickly.

He didn't want to leave for a while.

After sitting here for three days, he felt that before meeting Mu Xue, he could be promoted to 4.6 successfully.

Jinghai has been paying attention to the land and water in the distance.

He found that Lu Shui was really motionless, reading a book over there.

"Is Master Lu here to play?" Jing Hai was a little curious.

But he thought about it again, Lu Shui seemed to have very limited talents, and it was really difficult for him to want to act here.

After that, Jing Hai stopped watching too much, but continued to move forward.

Naturally, he knew about the event that the fire would come.

So he also needs to pay attention to whether there are hidden people coming in.

He had seen Liu Huo, but he didn't know if Liu Huo remembered him.

At that time, he really hadn't thought that Liuhuo would shine so brilliantly.


Suddenly shocked the sea and felt a wave of power.

He was a little surprised, and then immediately looked over.

Then he saw that the power came from a fairy in front of him, a fairy with short hair and an indifferent expression.

"Naturally empty and clear, Junior Sister Yu Nie's future is really limitless." Jing Hai felt a little surprised.

This sudden change naturally shocked many people.

"This is the resonance that the supreme swordsmanship gains and surpasses most people?"

"Not only that, but the point is on perception, she understands thoroughly."

"Who is she?"

"Dao Zong Yu Ni, don't you know this?"

"Is it amazing? There is a sister in my family. No, there is a younger sister who is even better."

"That's because you don't understand Daozong Yuni, the entire cultivation world, a fairy of the same age, no one can surpass her.

Even Fairy Jianyifeng and Jianluo were weaker. "

The others did not refute.

Dongfang Xiaoxiao did not retort either.

A group of ignorant guys.

Daozong Yuni is more powerful, can the second-order sword fly?

Can be promoted to the third rank at the age of eighteen?

Let's not talk about Tier 3, just fly with the sword, but the whole family of Chacha in her family dropped their jaws in shock.

too strong.

She felt that Chacha might have some misunderstanding about Yujian flying.

Lu Shui didn't care, he was thinking about something while reading the book.

He was thinking, what would happen if he sat here directly to the fifth level?

It is very unlikely that Mu Xue will come over.

Of course, he could only think about it, even if Mu Xue couldn't come, he wouldn't let Mu Xue wait for more than ten days.

Mu Xue had been waiting for him, not what he wanted to see.

He couldn't bear not responding to Mu Xue's waiting and expectation.

If Mu Xue wants to see him, he will try his best to return to Mu Xue, if Mu Xue needs him, he will definitely stand beside Mu Xue.

No matter how far it is.

Probably Mu Xue would think so too.

Then it is easy to happen, A goes to B, B goes to A at the same time, one flies, the other takes a car, and finally A does not see B, B does not find A, tragedy occurs.

It can be concluded that before departure, you should contact the meeting place.

Lu Shui shook his head, no longer thinking about the useless, but continued to outline the formation of heaven and earth.

Only halfway through the outline, there was a commotion on the side, and then a more powerful breath came.

Here Lu Shui looked up, because it was too strong.

Others also looked over subconsciously.

At this moment they saw two people, two people in black robes.

As soon as they came in, the sword intent here was greatly expanded.

Not only that, they clashed with Jianyi as soon as they entered, as if the strong were competing.

That feeling makes it hard for everyone to look directly.

"Hey hey, who is this? How do I feel a little small in front of them."

"I can't see the face, it's so powerful, and it can expand the supreme kendo so much, who do you think it will be?"

"No, no?

Is it really here? "

Everyone is a little unbelievable.

Because everyone thinks of one person.

The young master of the hidden sky sect, Liu Huo.

Lu Shuiyou looked over curiously, and this look surprised him a bit.

"So strong?"

Yes, he can directly perceive that these two people are not ordinary cultivators at all.

It's not enough to see the Taoism in their place.

"Why is this kind of strong pretending to be Liuhuo?"

Lu Shui didn't quite understand, their own identity should be more useful than Liuhuo.

Liuhuo also has a bigger name, and the strong may not necessarily be worthy of Liuhuo.

In other words, you may not know this person.

But the cultivation base is real, no one dares to underestimate it.

When Lu Shui was observing the two men, he suddenly felt that the man's flow of fire seemed to be turning his head around. UU reading

"Found it?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

But he didn't panic, but changed his eyes.

Then Liu Huo did look over, but he didn't look at it with a target.

"Really keen, a high-level member of the Yintianzong?" Lu Shui had some guesses in his heart.

This kind of cultivation, and the invitation letter from Liuhuo, plus the gaze that he noticed, is only the highest level of Yintianzong's most likely.

"Huh?" Lu Shui was a little surprised, and he felt the flow of fire gaze on him for a moment.

"It should be because of the customer list."

Only in this way can the other party have a certain reason to pay attention to him.

Similarly, from the opponent's eyes, Lu Shui was also more certain that the opponent was a high-level Hidden Tianzong.

However, Lu Shui did not expect that the opponent, such a strong man, would pretend to be Liu Huo leisurely.

"What's the matter?" Mo Xiu He Yuye Chuanyin asked.

"It feels like someone was looking at us just now, but we didn't find the target. It's not an illusion. There may be a strong person hidden here." Li Qianchi said.

He didn't care very much, everyone came in pretending to be weak.

Just don't interfere with each other.

No longer entangled with this, Li Qianchi said once again:

"Guess, who did I just see?"

"Is there a dog nearby?" Mo Xiu He Yuye said indifferently.

But she also didn't try to find out who was looking at them.

Although **** eaters like to eat and drink, but in some respects, they do have their own advantages.

For example, finding **** is easier.

"It's Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu Family. When the matter here is over, I will go to meet him for a while and let him feel the pressure of the flow of fire." Li Qianchi said through a voice transmission.

Mo Xiu He Yuye didn't say anything, but Lu Shui sent a secret lesson from their suzerain.

Some contact is indeed considered appropriate.

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