The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 271: 4 shocked 8 squares

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The little fish swimming freely in the inscription on the avenue made the crowd somewhat incomprehensible.

This fish can move at the bottom of the inscription on the avenue and at the top of the inscription on the avenue, as if in a fish tank without any restrictions.

What is this?

"Do you have anything you want to say?" Several experts in Jian Yifeng asked after a long time of silence.

"Do you understand?" someone asked again.

"Whether you read it or not, I didn't understand it anyway."

The others were speechless.

Then an old man sitting on the stone pillar in the front opened his mouth and said:

"The avenue inscription contains three thousand avenues, thousands of roads.

This fish can enter the inscription and swim freely in the inscription.

It shows that this golden carp satisfies the countless possibilities contained in the inscription on the road.

One and two, two and three, three and countless.

This person is standing at a fork in the road, with countless paths for him to choose. "

Those strong men were a little surprised when they heard that, everyone knew what it meant.

This person's future is wider than anyone else.

"This is the constitution of Dao?" someone asked.

"It should be said to be the darling of the times." said the old man at the front.

The darling of the times, in this era, the other party can be said to have unique opportunities.

It is difficult for ordinary people to reach.

"Is it Liuhuo?" After a pause, someone finally raised this question.

Faced with this problem, no one spoke first.

The disciples below are also looking at the above, hoping that the seniors can draw conclusions.

"It should not be." The old man said.


"The temperament does not match." This is the conclusion given by others.

Hearing this sentence, everyone thought it was a little tricky.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense. It does not fit the temperament of Liu Huo.

Although the other party had brought a vision to the maze of the avenue, this vision was a bit softer, and did not have the style of Liuhuo's past.

But those strong in Jian Yifeng still want to know who the other party is. If they can visit their Jian Yifeng, then their Jian Yifeng will shine in the future.

First there is the sword, and then there is the darling of this era.

In Jian Yifeng's future, two people who are famous in the realm of comprehension are destined to appear.

Unfortunately, they have no idea about this person.

"This person is Dongfang Chacha?" Jian Luo said.

They have a small area of ​​sound insulation here, so they don't worry about being heard by others.

Of course, they don't think anyone will be okay to eavesdrop.

Turning on the sound insulation is to worry about accidentally mentioning the flow fire, which will cause trouble to the flow fire.

After all, the three of them knew who Liu Huo was.

There are not many people in the cultivation world who know who Liuhuo belongs to.

I am honored that they are three of them.

Chuyu thought for a while and agreed:

"The probability is very high, there is no clear qualitative, it may be the most powerful or it may seem ordinary.

Take an unusual step.

The mind is more casual. "

"Do you feel that this fish jumped into the inscription on the avenue by himself? That is to say, it may not be that Dongfang Chacha found the chance, but the chance took the initiative to find her." Jianqi said.

When Jian Qi said that, Jian Luo and Chu Yu felt it too.

This is the darling of the times?

But Jian Luo can be sure that Dongfang Chacha really compares everyone.

"If the fire is there, I don't know if I will compare Dongfang Chacha." Jian Luo said.


In the maze of the avenue, Dongfang Chacha found something rushing into his eyes and immediately covered his eyes.

"Huh, you can move."

Dongfang Chacha moved and was a little surprised.

I couldn't move anything just now.

At this time, all the light had already melted into her eyes.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Dongfang Chacha feels that I can see the entire sea, as if I know the direction of each place.

She can go to the sky and underwater.

But it was not attractive. In the end, Dongfang Chacha waved the fishing rod and decided to continue fishing.

But before fishing, she checked her eyes with the mirror, but she didn't see any fish in it.

This was relieved.

She took the matter down and asked her cousin when the time came.

The cousin knows her eyes well.

The cousin in question will also tell her.


Lu Shui was still walking in the mist when Dongfang Chacha was shining brightly.

He walked very steadily every step, but every foot felt like he was about to step on the ground, and he didn't have the sense of stepping on the ground.

If the mentality is not good, it may be difficult to make progress here.

Because I really can't see at all, I can't see my fingers when I reach out.

White is like endless darkness.

In addition, it's not too complicated here, but it's a long way.

He can't understand what the owner here thinks, what good is it for him to put the place so far?

And you can't use power at will, let alone impetuous.

Otherwise, you won't be able to go where you wanted to go in the first place.

"This person's understanding of the avenue far exceeds that of ordinary people." Lu Shui had a little understanding of the people who arranged it in his heart.

If you just use the power of Tao to stop outsiders, this is a very simple matter for Lu Shui.

But this side effect is a bit troublesome.

Shaking his head, Lu Shui continued to move forward.

Very close.

He felt that light was not far away.


After Lu Shui stepped down, the surrounding mist suddenly rolled.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shui smiled.

Then he stretched out his hand and waved Baiwu.

This time, the white mist was directly swept away by him, showing the way ahead.

It was a road paved with cobblestones, and flowers bloomed on both sides of the road, and a faint fragrance of flowers spread over.

"Finally arrived."

Lu Shui walked on the trail, and with every step he took, the white mist rolled more intensely.

And the white mist inside rolled up, which meant that the white mist outside began to spread to other places.

At the cliff, the white mist began to surge and began to spread outside.

Soon the white mist came to the edge of the cliff, but after a while it rushed over the cliff.

Although most of them fell under the cliff, most of them rushed directly to the opposite cliff.

When reaching the cliff position, the white mist did not stop at the slightest, but surging more intensely.

It seemed that the center position had started to explode.

Bai Wu went all the way down and came to a big lake. There were many wooden planks in the big lake with many people who did not interfere with each other.

But the white fog went down and poured directly into everyone's area, interfering with everyone.

"What's going on? Why is it suddenly foggy?"

Some people on the maze stack were a little surprised.

The sudden fog made them have to stop, especially since the fog was very thick, which affected their sight.

They didn't dare to mess around in this fog, they could only watch their surroundings.

After passing the maze, the white mist gushed down again.

Soon I came to the bottom of the mountain. There was a labyrinth trail here. There were many people in the trail. They still didn't interfere with each other, even the distance was very far, only two people walking next to each other.

The white mist surged very fast, and it instantly enveloped everyone in it.

This fog will affect everyone in the Tao, and no one in the maze trail can be an exception.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling stopped for the first time.

The mist came very suddenly, directly covering the road in front of them, which surprised them a bit.

"How can it suddenly fog up?"

"This fog is not normal at all."

Many people are naturally surprised.

"The maze of avenues is really not simple at all. I thought I found a suitable path, but I didn't expect it to be foggy just halfway through."

"It's a pity, I feel the way, now it's gone."

"Fortunately, I bought the medicine and quickly took one pill, which improved my spirit a lot."

"I bought information specially, and I have never heard of a case of fogging. What's the matter?"

Many people are surprised, but they can't help it.

No matter what they do, they cannot escape the effects of the fog.

And the fog is getting bigger and thicker.

As Lu Shui stepped forward, the white mist at the core location intensified.

Like a huge wave in a storm, covering the sky and the sun.

But in an instant, the labyrinth trail rushed to another mountain.

There are people on the road here, and there are also people at the foot of the mountain. There are three roads on this mountain, and there are some people on each road.

These people were directly shrouded in the fog, but in an instant, the fog rushed onto this upper mountain.

Jinghai stopped, and then surprised:

"This fog is so ferocious, what's wrong?"

He is a friend of Jian Yifeng who has never heard of fog.

In other words, this time is an accident, beyond the normal accident.

"Flowing fire?"

This is the person Jinghai thought of for the first time.

But he was not sure, let alone draw a conclusion.

The only thing I can do is to stand still, because everything is covered by this terrible fog.

There is no road ahead, and I can't do it if I want to go my own way.

This fog is obscured.

"I don't know if anyone can overcome this obstacle."

Everyone on this side of Jinghai stopped, but the fog did not stop, it directly crossed the mountains and rushed to the endless sea.

The sea is vast and boundless, but the fog begins to cover the entire sea at an extremely fast speed.

But after a while, Yu Ni, who had been walking, stopped.

She turned her head and looked to the side, endless white mist rolled in, like a huge wave that is inevitable and inevitable to retreat.

"this is?"

Daozong Yuni was a little surprised for a while, but when she hadn't reacted, the fog directly covered her and all her way.

"It didn't hurt, but it blocked my way."

"Brother Jinghai has not said about the heavy fog, which means that this is not a normal situation."

"Is it man-made or natural?"

Daozong Yuni tried to wave his hand, but it didn't work at all, it was difficult to see without putting his hand in front of him.

"This fog is very special. If someone blends into this fog, you can assassinate anyone."

When Daozong Yuni was covered by the fog, Dongfang Chacha was also covered by the fog.

She was startled, and immediately grabbed the bean sprouts in her palms.

If the bean sprouts are not brought in after being suddenly changed location, it will be bad.

I have to be told by my cousin when I go back.

Then I was punished by my aunt to stand, and when I got home, I had to be educated by my father and mother.

Even a pet can't stand it.


"Fortunately, the bean sprouts are there."

Then Dongfang Dongfang Cha Cha put the bean sprouts on the shoulders, so that you can see it, so you don't have to smoke and disappear.

"But why is it suddenly foggy here?"

"Fortunately, I didn't run around, otherwise it would be dangerous, Xiangyu was right."

After that, Chacha continued to fish with the fishing rod. The fog might make it easier for her to fish. The fruit in the sea could not be seen if it was a trap, so she was caught directly.

But the fog made her not feel the situation in the sea, she felt very clear before.

Dongfang Chacha doesn't care about this, just keep fishing.

As for how the fog comes, Dongfang Chacha has never thought about it.

When it becomes foggy, it becomes foggy. What's wrong?


Outside Jian Yifeng, everyone looked at the inscription on the avenue.

They are very curious about the fish inside.

If it weren't for the sect seniors, some people might want to go up and touch them.

If they can, they would like to add some fish food to see if the fish can be eaten.

In fact, the strong people in Jian Yifeng also thought so, but due to the face, they did not do such a naive thing.

"If this fish is caught, would you say it can be eaten?" someone asked.

"Don't you want to think about how to fish?"

"No, you don't have bait. This fish may not eat ordinary bait."

"You have taken the picture, there is no hole in the inscription on the boulevard, you can't put the fishing rod in at all."


Chuyu didn't know what to say when they heard this.

Can't these people talk about something serious?

"What do you think the fish taste like?" Chuyu asked Jianqi and Jianluo as he watched.

Jianluo didn't want to care about Chuyu.

Jianqi thought about it, and replied:

"It should be okay. The things on the inscription on the avenue are the embodiment of the avenue. It is similar to the fruit of enlightenment, and the taste may be the same.

I heard from a senior who said that the fruit of enlightenment is good.

When he was young, he was lucky enough to have one. "

Chu Yu: "..."

Jian Luo: "..."

Can really give the answer.

And while some people were still discussing, suddenly white mist appeared.

"Huh, is it foggy?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone looked around and found that it was really foggy.

"It's really foggy."

"No, why is it foggy here?"

Yes, the formation of the entrance to the maze of the avenue is not a decoration, and it is impossible to have such a thing as fog.

Even if it is really foggy, it will be cleared by the formation.

But now it is foggy.

Not to mention Jian Yifeng disciples, even those strong men frowned.

"This fog is abnormal and can affect people's perception."

"Do you see where the fog comes from?"

"Appeared instantaneously, or appeared from all directions."

"No, it came from the maze of the avenue."

Hearing this sentence, all the strong looked at the altar, but they couldn't see anything.

For an instant, they were directly covered by heavy fog, and everyone beside them could not see clearly.

"What's wrong, how do I feel that everyone on the side can't see it?"

Some people in the crowd are more worried.

"I can't see either."

"This fog is a bit abnormal."

"Senior said, this is the fog coming out of the maze of avenues, can it come out normally?"

At this time, Jian Yifeng's strong man opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry too much, stand in place with peace of mind and don't do unnecessary things.

This fog does no harm. "

At this time, the large formation here is directly opened to prevent attacks from outside.

There is definitely no danger inside.

They can feel it.

But they still don't know what happened.

"An anomaly that has never appeared before, an anomaly beyond the inscription on the road?"

Chu Yu had some speculations in his heart, wanting to see the look in Jian Luojian's eyes.

But invisible.

Just think about it.

Da da.

Suddenly a voice came from the thick fog.

It's as if it's not far ahead.

"Is it the sound of footsteps?"

"Which direction?"

"I can't feel it, it seems to be coming from the fog."

Everyone is a little nervous, who knows what's in the fog, it's scary.

Even the strong are the same, and they can't perceive the direction of the footsteps.

This is really weird.

What happened to the maze of avenues?


Not just the people outside, Dongfang Chacha also heard the sound, she was shocked.

Then hug the bean sprouts.

"Hey, if you want fruit, just say, I have a lot more here, as well as spirit stones.

Magic weapons can also be given to you. "

Dongfang Chacha pushed the fruit that had been caught, and then took out the Lingshi again, so that the person who appeared suddenly could take it away.

Bean sprouts cannot be handed over.

But I don't know what's going on, the other party's footsteps just kept ringing, neither approaching nor going away.

It's not normal.

Daozong Yuni frowned, she was wary of the surrounding areas, and she had power faintly appearing on her body.

But she didn't notice the other person approaching, as if the footsteps were just an illusion.

"How is this going?"

She can naturally guess that the sound of footsteps is caused by the fog, or the sound of footsteps has brought the fog.

Halfway up the mountain, Jinghai listened to the sounds around him and came to a conclusion.

The footsteps are not his here, but come from other places.

"Liuhuo went to a place that can provoke the entire maze of avenues?"

Only in this way can this kind of thing be explained.

And more people are vigilant for these four weeks, and even begin to attack.

Zhenwu Zhenling stood in place, and they had guesses in their hearts.

The sound of this footstep does not exist here, which means that the possibility of their young master has increased infinitely.

"I don't know what the young master came into contact with this time."

Both are very curious and look forward to it.

After all, the seniors of Jian Yifeng said that there is no danger here.

Although not absolute, the problem should not be big.

Yes, many people can think of this. There is no danger here, and all of them are waiting.

Wait for what will happen.

No one dared to speak casually.

Because worry is inevitable.

However, at this moment the sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.

A voice followed, with a hint of smile and an attraction:

"You are the first person to find this place in so many years."

It's a male voice.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief the moment they heard this voice.

They know that there is no danger approaching.

The true spirit of Zhenwu can be determined in a hurry, this is definitely their young master.

After so many years, no one has found a place.

Jinghai can also be sure that this person is Liuhuo. In his cognition, all the people who come in can cause such an anomaly, only Liuhuo.

Dongfang Chacha looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the voice was not talking to him.

But she confiscated things, just in case, and put them away when things were over.

The fruit should be edible, right?

After all, she is still fishing.

Daozong Yuni listened quietly, and she was also very curious about what happened.

But the pot is already fried outside, and everyone in the maze of the road can't communicate, so they can only guess in their hearts.

But although everyone can't see each other outside, they can hear their voices.

So they screamed directly.

"Is this what happened in the maze of avenues?"

"What does this sentence mean? You can explain it."

"Isn't it obvious? Literally, someone found a place outside the sect that hadn't been found for countless years."

"This is not the point, the point is who this person is."

"Who do you think it is?"

"I thought of someone, how about you?"

"I also thought of someone."

"me too."

Everyone thought of one person, that is, the world's first arrogant, who can be called legendary, Liu Huo.

Chuyu and the others felt that it was Liuhuo. After all, they knew something about Liuhuo, and the other party would do things that others couldn't.

"Let me just say, even if there is no avenue inscription, Liuhuo can still make a vision." Chu Yu said.

Jian Luo did not speak.

She was actually very curious about what that place was.

Why would anyone speak.

The same is true for those strong at Jian Yifeng, they are a little excited.

There are two reasons for the excitement. One is that they may have made a right bet, and Liu Huo really got in.

It was a wise move for them to open the maze, at least let Liu Huo accept their sincerity.

Second, Liuhuo actually found a place they hadn't found for so many years, and there were people talking inside.

This Jian Yifeng is simply a new world for them.

Although not their people went in, they could hear it and might be able to witness something.

Worried about being robbed by the fire?

No, they are not worried about this issue, what inheritance is comparable to supreme kendo?

Now supreme kendo is on Liuhuo.

The inheritance of kendo is not needed by Liuhuo.

The other party may not be decent.

Besides, no matter if you get it, you have a better relationship with Liuhuo.

This is tantamount to investment.

They never lose.

"What do you think will happen next?" someone on the stone pillar asked.

To be honest, he was a little listen quietly. "The man on the front pillar said.

Now they stopped talking but listened quietly, for fear of missing something.


At first, Lu Shui walked on the cobblestone path.

The journey is not far this time.

He can feel it.

Moreover, the fog in front was rolling outwards quickly, and the environment here turned out to be clearer, like dust wiped away, bright and bright.

Not long after Lu Shui came to the end of the trail, what he saw at this time was a big tree.

This big tree is extremely lush and dense with leaves.

The sunlight only sparsely revealed.

There is a stone table under the big tree, and there is a chess piece on the stone table.

Of course, this is nothing to pay attention to. What really surprised Lu Shui was that there was a person sitting on the seat.

A young man in white.

When Lu Shui looked at him, he was also looking at Lu Shui, with a slight smile on his face.

"You are the first person to find this place in so many years."

When he saw the other person and heard the other person's voice, Lu Shui knew that the other person was the most unique existence here.

However, he glanced at the sky, the sun was shining here, and it was still a reflection of the avenue.

Of course, what he cares about is not this, but what seems to be external here.

For this reason, Lu Shui added the power of heaven and earth to his voice, making it impossible for others to distinguish:

"Dao Zong, Jian Yi?"

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