The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 274: Grand Elder meets Sword 1

Chu Yu felt the road ahead. He felt that the way was clear and there was no need to go.

"Would you like to change? Start refining and become a Paladin?"

"Should the nanny kill the Quartet?"

Only soon, Chu Yu abandoned the thoughts in his head.

"I should write novels. There is nothing to entangle with in cultivation."

Then Chuyu began to try to take advantage of this opportunity to see how to write a new book.

As for the previous one, the update was too fierce and it has ended.

I can prepare a new book, but unfortunately I didn't get rich, and the senior sisters had to pay the registration fee.


It's hard to say.

It's a pity that he hasn't graduated yet, otherwise the seniors who enrolled in the freshman year will prepare a villa for him.

Then Chuyu began to think about the new book, but the chance here didn't seem to understand the new book.

Hit him directly.

Chu Yu: "..."

The chance of Jianyi-senior can't keep up with the changes of the times.

At this moment, the sword playing chess suddenly froze, and said softly:

"I feel offended by someone, let me deal with it."

Speaking of the sword, he stretched out his hand and waved, then continued to play chess.

"What did the senior leave behind in his chance?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

He didn't check it carefully, no matter what it was, he had no interest.

Because it didn't work for him.

"Experience," Jian said.

Yes, he put the Supreme Kendo in the Misty Islands, but left his experience here.

These experiences are used to train people and make people avoid detours.

What he wants is an inheritor who can walk to his kind by himself, not someone who inherits his supreme swordsmanship and walks to that point.

Learning and imitation are not a concept.

Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.

Lu Shui did not speak, he may have more experience.

Moreover, he doesn't need someone to guide him along the way, unless the other party has studied the infertility of the cultivator.

He is very willing to exchange academic discussions.

Regarding Tao, he couldn't bring much interest.

Then they continued to play chess. By this time, the chessboard had half of the pieces.

However, the situation is not clear, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Chu Yu in the white mist was still thinking about what to do.

Just as soon as the thought came up, he felt like he was being picked up.

Chu Yu: "???"

what happened?

Before he could ask, he felt as if he was flying directly into the sky.

"Senior has something to say." Chuyu shouted immediately.

Although I don't know what's going on, I'll tell Senior to talk about it first.

However, it was of no use at all. When Chuyu flew high in the sky, he felt like he had been severely thrown down.


Strong resistance appeared around Chuyu, and his bones were all compressed and shattered by space.

How fast is this?

This falls, can't die without a whole body?

But before Chuyu could think of his last words, he heard a thump, and then he felt like he had entered the sea.

But the speed did not stop.

boom! ! !

Chu Yu found himself hitting the ground directly, and his bones were basically broken.

"Ha! Not dead."

"It's okay."

Chuyu wanted to move, but found that he could not move.

The pressure of the sea pressed him, making it difficult to move.

Chu Yu: "..."

I regret it, I knew I wouldn't come in.

But he also understands one thing. In the future, when you meet seniors, it is best to have little mental activity and don't think about writing novels.

Writing novels is a dead end.


Jian Yifeng kept people entering the maze of the avenue, and the inscription on the avenue had already stopped recording internal affairs.

The previous record was to know whether the Liuhuo went in.

Now that you know that the other party has entered and it has caused a sensation, it is no longer suitable for recording.

Re-recording may highlight the strongest group of people.

It is easy to cause unnecessary trouble to this group of people.

Even if it's just a guess.

Such as Daozong Yuni.

If she surpassed two-thirds in the end, then she will inevitably come into the eyes of more people.

It's hard to say good or bad, maybe it's better for her.

Because there may be more and better resources in Taoism.

But Jian Yifeng didn't want Jianqi to enter the eyes of more people.

They already knew what level of seedling Jianqi was.

There is no need to use more proof.

At dawn, the people of Jian Yifeng finally stopped entering.

Those who were touched all went in.

And one night has passed, and the day will also end.

The opportunity inside, it's time to calm down.

"The avenue inscription stopped recording, which means that we have to wait until the end to know their gains."

"It's difficult, but no one can help the ancestor's decision."

"Wait, it might be over at this time tomorrow."

The other experts in Jian Yifeng no longer say anything, and can only wait quietly.

Waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.


Mu Xue was sitting under the big tree by the river. Autumn was here, the weather was a bit cold, and the leaves were turning yellow.

Occasionally some leaves will fall.

Ding Liang was cleaning the leaves.

"Strange, why are there so few leaves fallen today?" Ding Liang whispered.

Mu Xue took a look and found that it was indeed missing.

Then she looked at the tree and found that there were still a lot of leaves.

But I didn't care, it's just falling leaves, not a daily ration.

Then Mu Xue was listening to the report from the head of the goddess.

Yes, the head of the goddess suddenly approached her today and said that he had some news about Zhan Wuying.

"Are you sure it's two months from now?" Mu Xue asked.

Just now the head of the goddess told her that Zhan Wuying asked Shen Xuanzong to create a super magic weapon. This magic weapon will be born in two months and will be sent to the realm of magic repair land and handed over to Zhan Wuying.

"The time is not finalized, but it should be about two months." The goddess said.

"How did you find out about this news?" Mu Xue didn't worry about time anymore.

"There are some gossips in the demonic realm. I only know a summary, but I don't know the specifics." The goddess replied.

Mu Xue felt helpless, which was obviously abnormal.

The other party seemed to have done this deliberately, but it seemed too rough.

This is really purposeful, and others can see through it at a glance.

Everyone is not stupid.

But this is what the other party did, can't it be true?

Can't understand.

"Is the other party really targeting Lu Shui?"

"It doesn't matter, just grab it and ask."

Mu Xue imagined that when Lu Shui intercepted the magic weapon, it should be Shen Xuanzong's way to deliver the goods.

Then Lu Shui got a magic weapon, and Zhan Wuying dispatched.

She waited for Zhan Wuying to dispatch, then severely wounded and arrested her, and then tortured her if she deliberately targeted Lu Shui.

Then let him disappear.

Before the torture, it was natural to pretend to be the other party, go to beat Lu Shui, teach Lu Shui how to be a man, and let him understand the terrible world of comprehension.

Don't go out in the future.

A perfect plan, there should be no mistakes.

"Let me know when you have the specific situation." Mu Xue said.

"Yes, Lord Goddess." The head of the goddess answered, and then said:

"My Goddess, there is some additional news. Isn't it possible that Zhan Wuying is related to the God of War?

We have recently received news that Xian Ting is recovering, Fu Xiu may be Xian Ting's power, and Fu Xiu has a close relationship with Shen Xuanzong recently, so there may be something wrong here. "

Hearing what the goddess said, Mu Xue was a little surprised and was directly involved in Xian Ting.

Xian Ting must not attack Lu Shui, right?

There is no reason why Lu Shui will be concerned.

But it doesn't matter, I'll be caught and tortured at that time.

"I see." Mu Xue replied.

After that, she said something inconsequential, and Mu Xue cut off the communication.

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with Xian Ting, what she has to do will not change.

I can finally beat Lushui with my face masked.

"But it will take two months. It looks like it's been a long time. I have a chance to beat it once recently."

"Then stuff some small socks and clothes to let him know what shame is."

Mu Xue looked down, and then thought it was better to be a lady.

"But two months later, it's almost November."

"The wedding date should be in February next year, which is the three-month recovery time."

"Hands can't be too heavy."

But when she remembered that she had only been married to Lu Shui for more than five months, Mu Xue was a little happy.

Finally getting married.


In the maze of avenues, Lu Shui played chess.

This game of chess is over.

"You lost." The sword pair Lu Shui said with a smile.

The look was quite triumphant.

"Come again." Lu Shui said.

He almost won, and if the sword does not regret the game, he will definitely win.

To this end, Lu Shui laid down rules:

"Senior, I've said that we can't regret the game in this game."

"Of course, I won't regret it." Jianyi said.

After that, Lu Shui and Jian started a new game.

There is no exchange this time, so the following is much faster than before.

After playing for a little and a half, Lu Shui didn't see Senior Jianyi regretting the game. It seemed that Senior Jianyi had a good reputation.

As time passed, their chessboard had half of the pieces.

At this time, the **** voice came out again.

"This step doesn't count."

"Senior, it's OK not to regret chess."

"Little friend, I am a dead person who is about to dissipate, and I am worried about playing the wrong game. Shouldn't I be forgiven?"

Lu Shui: "..."



"Senior, are you still worried?"

"That's not the case, I was just thinking about what else can be guaranteed.

Well, this time I use Daozong as a guarantee, this step doesn't count. "

"The guarantee is over, Dao Zong Jian Yifeng is mine."

"I have a paper marriage contract, a marriage contract with Pure Land. Once the marriage contract comes out, the Pure Land Princess will marry you."

"I have a wife."

"Isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines?"


"It really doesn't work, I use this life guarantee."


This game of chess played into the wee hours of the morning.

Finally, Jian looked at Lu Shui with a smile on his face.

Lu Shui was not convinced, but he did not show it.

He just looked at Jian Yi.

"One more game?" Jian asked after looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui stood up and said indifferently:

"Stop, go home."

"I promise not to regret the game." Jian looked at Lu Shui and vowed.

"Does senior think I believe it?" Lu Shui said.


Jian Yi directly slapped his sword on the table and said:

"I use my sword and Jianxin as a guarantee."

What is the most important thing for a sword repair?

It's his sword, his heart.

If a sword cultivator has no sword heart, then he is an ordinary sword cultivator.

There are so few people in the cultivation world who use spirit swords, but there are very few who are called sword repairs.

The essential difference is Jianxin.

Others who use swords, at best, only have Dao Xin.

Lu Shui felt that this time, he should not regret the game.

The new chess game has begun.



"Senior, don't want your sword anymore?"

"Send you off."

"... As a sword repairer, this is very important, right?"

"If you die, you have nothing to care about. What you don't take with you if you are born or not, are all things outside the body."


Suddenly, Lu Shui felt that he might be too young.

But he felt that the time spent on living should be much longer than this one.

The face is not as thick as the other party.

He suddenly understood why Lu didn't want to play chess with Jian.

"Senior, you created Taoism?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Did you guarantee Daozong to Lu Guo?"

"..., play chess."


At noon that day, the third round ended.

Each game is played for a long time, and they can hold back for a long time.

However, with three defeats in three games, Lu Shui felt that he would never be able to make a comeback in his life.

It wasn't that Jianyi didn't want to play, but Jianyi had run out of time.

As a living person, how do you win over a dead person?

The regret of life was drawn down by the sword.

Feeling a little uncomfortable.

"There are very few people who can make me so happy." Jian said.

Appears very satisfied.

"If the predecessors don't regret the game, it is indeed hearty." Lu Shui said.

Jian Yi didn't care about this, but looked at the Lu Lu channel:

"Do you still have questions?"

His time is running out, and he can't answer without asking.

"Have you heard of the only true **** of heaven and earth?" Lu Shui asked after thinking about it.

Jian shook his head and said:

"Never heard of it, unless it's another divine title of Jiu."

Lu Shui didn't speak, and Jian Yi didn't know it was normal, after all, Jian Yi might have died at that time.

"There is nothing wrong with the juniors," Lu Shui said.

He knows little, and there is no doubt about all.

As for future questions, let's talk about it later.

"Does your house really have a sword repair?" Jian looked at Lu Shui and asked.

Lu Shui nodded:

"Why do seniors ask this question?"

I don't have any ideas, I won't ask this question.

And what does not mean?

Jian shook his head and said nothing.

Lu Shui: "..."

"By the way, how old is Xiaoyou Lu?" Jianyi asked curiously.

The strength is extraordinary and the Taoist companion should be very big, about two hundred years old.

"Twenty." Lu Shui said.

"Twenty, it's really not that small, uh..." Jian Yi paused and froze:

"what did you say?"

Lu Shui looked at Jian Yi and didn't speak, the other party must have understood it.

Jianyi: "What is your cultivation?"

Lu Shui: "4.5, oh, it just went up by 4.6."

Sword One: "..."

Lu Shui: "In ten days, you should be able to rise to the fifth rank, isn't it that fast?"

After all, it was brought by the previous life.

Sword One: "..."

Seeing that Jian did not speak, Lu Shui asked:

"Senior think there is something wrong?"

Jian looked at the landing water, and said gently:

"Do you think something is right?"

What is the concept of being fifth-order at the age of twenty?

There were countless strong men in their era, and no one was so perverted when Tianjiao coexisted.

And according to what the other party said, sharing the Dao Zang, you have to be supreme in kendo and not use it.

What kind of courage does this talent possess?


His sect finally produced a good seed, so he was suppressed.


In the end, Jian Yi no longer tangled.

It's easy to look away when you die.

"There is no problem, I should go now," Jian said.

"There should be some time," Lu Shui said.

Jian smiled and said:

"Yes, there are, but it's better to go by yourself than to be forced to go.

What do you think? "

Lu Shui looked at Jian Yi, was silent for a moment, then stood up and respectfully saluted:

"Senior, go all the way well."

"I don't know if I will have another chance to play chess with my little friend in the future. It is a pleasure to play chess with my little friend." Jianyi said.

You must be happy if you occupy the dead for a long time. Lu Shui muttered in his heart.

Jian Yi didn't say anything, but leaped lightly and headed to the sky:

"Let me take another look at the realm of cultivation."

Lu Shui lowered his head and said nothing.

He was a little curious about how Sword One died. Judging from these two days of observation, he could feel that the opponent was incredibly powerful, and the ordinary Daoist was like a child in front of him.

This kind of person definitely has the possibility of impacting the legendary realm, how could he just die like this?

"Forgot an important question." Lu Shui was a little upset:

"Forgot to ask Lu if he was a man or a woman."


As soon as the sword left the maze of avenues, everyone could detect it.

You must know that all of them can be guided, it is the credit of Jianyi.

Now this guidance is going to disappear, how can they not notice it?

Jianqi felt the most clearly.

He looked up at the sky, and a light was flying towards the sky.

Jian Qi looked at the light, and finally bowed his head in respect.

At this moment Jianqi heard a voice:

"The Tao of Jian Xiu is my own, you can learn, but you can't imitate it.

Scholars live, but they seem to die.

There is a whole new world at the end of Kendo, which is very exciting, you can go and see it.

you will like it.

I have nothing to leave you, but the sword is in your hands and the world is yours.

Use your sword to cut out a piece of the world that belongs to you. "

Kenichi's voice gradually disappeared.

"Junior will remember it in his heart, and send it to senior." Jian Qi lowered his head, and said respectfully.

The light from the sky is disappearing.

At this time, the people in the entire avenue maze looked at the sky, and the white fog began to disappear.

They knew that Senior Jian Yi was leaving.

All Jian Yifeng's disciples lowered their heads and said softly:

"Senior respectfully."

Others naturally lowered their heads and said with respect:

"Senior goes all the way well."

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling naturally bowed his head, and received the favor of the other party, so naturally he was grateful.

Shocking the sea, Daozong Yuni is the same.

Jian Luo retracted the knife in his hand, bowed his head and said nothing.

She feels that she deserves special attention.

She walked a long way on the road to repair the knife.

Chuyu wanted to raise his head to speak, but in the end he couldn't speak.

"Senior anyhow let me out first."


On the island, Dongfang Chacha looked at the sky, and she felt that someone was leaving there.

Then she put down the fishing rod and waved to the sky:


Jian looked at the entire avenue maze, and finally rushed out of the avenue maze.

When the sword rushed out of the maze of the road, the entire Jian Yifeng was aware of it, and even knew for the first time that this senior was about to dissipate into the world.

All the strong men who were sitting on top of the stone pillars stood up unanimously, and then bowed their heads respectfully to the light that suddenly appeared:

"Send to the ancestors respectfully."

At this moment, everyone in Jian Yifeng felt something, and bowed their heads:

"Send to the ancestors respectfully."

The wave-like sound rang directly at Jianyifeng.

Jian Yi was already above the sky at this time. He looked at Jian Yifeng and smiled slightly. He was a good sect.

Did not shame him.

Soon Jianyi sensed two strong auras of power.

"The overall strength is outrageous, but it's okay, after all, it's a rising star."

"Hey, there is a person who has actually been in contact with Supreme Kendo, which is also a good face.

And Lu Xiaoyou knows how to use supreme kendo. "

He didn't feel much about the supreme kendo being obtained by Lu Shui.

For the real strong, supreme kendo is useless.

To be a powerhouse of his level, in that era, there were a lot of things.

I just don't know if there is any in this era.

Soon Jianyi saw Daozong, this look made him feel a little familiar.

"Although the inheritance is broken, there is still something inherited."

"It's fine too."

Seeing that Dao Zong was still there, he was also relieved in his heart.

After all, Daozong did not disappear into the dust of history because of his death.

Before he died, probably the one who couldn't let go was Daozong.

The true **** has fallen, and a new era has begun.

Daozong didn't have him, it was very fatal, but he had left behind, and he thought that the latter played a role.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jian first looked around:

"Let me see, in this cultivation world, is there any peak power in the era."



There was a sudden gust of wind blowing in the pool.

Then came a soft voice:

"Sword Intent?

It is supreme kendo.

No, it is more special than Supreme Kendo.

It is a living sword intent. "

At this moment, a gaze fell on the back mountain of Lujia, and the moment the gaze came over, the elder's gaze also looked over.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other.

An ancient supreme kendo, and the other supreme kendo in the world.

The two strongest people in Kendo seem to have seen each other through endless years at this moment.

"Dao Zong Jianyi?" The voice of the great elder spread out.

His voice remained calm.

"There was actually a sword repairer like you in the world?" Jian Yi's voice was very surprised.

After hearing the sound of the sword, a gust of wind blew over the pond.

Then the wind blew over Jian Yifeng.

As soon as Jian felt a gust of wind, he also saw a man standing in front of Lu Wuwei. "The great elder's gentle voice came out.

"Are you in the Mist City?" Jian asked.

"Yes." The elder nodded.

The moment he saw Jian Yi, the Great Elder understood one thing.

Jianyi is the pioneer of kendo.

This path may have been made by Jianyi.

Such predecessors are naturally worthy of his admiration.

If he can, he wants to compete with the sword one by one.

Unfortunately, the other party is about to dissipate.

"Do I feel a little sorry for not being able to win?" Jianyi smiled and said:

"After all, you can never win against a dead person."

The elder did not speak, he stood there, as if sending his sword for the last time.

Jianyi didn't care, but asked curiously:

"Your surname is Lu, or Jian Xiu.

Does your family have a decent junior? "

The great elder was silent for a moment, and finally nodded:


Jian looked at Lu Wuwei, then looked down at the Dao Maze, and then smiled:

"That's it, it's a delightful thing."

After that, Jianyi didn't care about Lu Wuwei, after all, the other party didn't need him to teach.

It was also a blessing for him to meet this class of sword repairers in the world.

Unfortunately, the whole era.

Just such a person of this level.

If you think about it this way, their sword repairs will eventually suppress the entire era.

Worthy of joy.

In the end, Jian's eyes fell on the Kong Ming sea area.

He wanted to see this place and what was going on now.

But as the sword cast his gaze over, the originally calm and waveless sea area of ​​the sky suddenly fluctuated.

An anger spread from the deep sea.

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