The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 276: Hit the land across the screen

"The fierce Daoist is also reborn ( Find the latest chapter!

Lu Shui looked at the pattern of heaven and earth, and listened to what Lefeng had discovered by the way.

"Le Feng heard a piece of news in the Demon Xiu Realm, saying that Demon Xiu Zhan Wuying asked Shen Xuanzong to create a magic weapon for him. This magic weapon will be completed in about two months, and then Shen Xuanzong will send the magic weapon to the Demon Xiu realm. , Hand it over to Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying." Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui thought for a while, but he didn't understand why he wanted Shen Xuanzong to be transported there?

Isn't this for people to grab?

"How many people know the news?" Lu Shui was still reading the book.

"Lefeng has checked it out. Although the news is not public, many people can get it after checking it.

Lefeng came to a crude conclusion that this should be a trap.

Very crude trap, the other party doesn't seem to care about being seen through.

However, it is also possible that Zhan Wuying deliberately released the mist, and then darkened the warehouse. "True martial arts.

Lu Shui didn't say anything if it followed the process of the previous life.

In the end, he accidentally intercepted the super magic weapon, and then the other party came to him and taught him how to be a man.

"If this is a trap, then is it a trap for me?" Lu Shui had some answers in his heart.

Now he is a little doubtful whether the opponent's super magic weapon is a super magic weapon in the end.

"Have you been beaten for nothing in your last life?" Lu Shui felt a little uncomfortable.

But why would the other party do this?

"Any other news?" Lu Shui asked.

"Lefeng recently got a possibility from other channels.

He said that there is a God of War Wuying in the fairy court, and the cultivation method is similar to that of Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying. These two people may have a certain relationship.

The relationship between Shen Xuanzong and Fu Xiu has certain doubts.

So, this may be Xian Ting's plan or trap. "Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, Xian Ting?

Then it is normal for the other party to deliberately target him.

"Is it a temptation? In the end, it was just a ruthless attack, not a direct killer, because I was not the one they were looking for?" Lu Shui was somewhat determined.

Think about it, he really didn't do anything in his previous life.

But that person died under the hands of the great elder, right?

The forces related to him in the entire Demon Cultivation Realm suffered afterwards, probably deliberately.

"For two months, judging from the situation in the previous life, his strength should not be particularly strong. Preparations, the problem should not be big." Lu Shui thought to himself.

As for the purpose of the other party, is it really related to Xian Ting?

Lu Shui didn't care.

This time he was targeting this person, not some force.

In the previous life, he was taught to be a man by the other party, and in this life he will teach him how to be a man.

Others, wait for him to teach the other person to be human before torture.

"Let Lefeng and the others pay attention to this matter recently, and find out the magic weapon transportation day." Lu Shui ordered.

At that time, he intercepted the thing and waited for the other party to arrive.

Let the other party know what is meant by heaven outside and there are people outside of people.

"Master, Lefeng also said something related to Master." Zhen Wu said while looking at Lu Shui.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

"It's related to me?" Under normal circumstances, whether it is Zhenwu or Lefeng, when talking about Xianting and Liuhuo, they will not directly say that it is related to him.

"Yes, young master, it's about the customer list of Yintian Secret Jian." Zhen Wu nodded and continued:

"Lefeng said, suddenly a senior executive took over the customer list.

If no one completes this list in about forty days, the senior executive will pick it up.

At that time, the high level of Yintianzong will come to see Young Master in person.

This matter is beyond the scope of Lefeng's ability. "

The high level of Yintianzong, that is not something they can stop at Tier 4 and Tier 5.

All can only be reported.

Lu Shui was quite surprised, why would the Yintianzong high-level officials suddenly want to attack him?

Soon Lu Shui thought of the two previous people who were fake and stray fire.

"This is an identity exposure, just to see me, do you let me get angry?"

This possibility is still very high.

After all, the time is right.

"Forty days to receive an order, the execution should depend on the timing, and the other party is interested, it should only be two months.

At that time, I was only at the fifth level and it was hard to say whether I could win.

But the problem is not big. "

After that, Lu Shui Fang did not entangle again.

There are still two months, two months, and many things can happen.

For example, he was directly found reborn by Mu Xue, and then he didn't need to care about anything.

Just worry about how to recover.

The degree of Mu Xue's anger determines the length of time he takes to recuperate.

After that, Zhen Wu stopped talking, and there was no new news for him to speak.

Lu Shui didn't say much, just looked down at the book.

He is thinking about one thing, he will be at Mu's house tomorrow, do you want to send a message to Mu Xue?

After hesitating, Lu Shui took out his mobile phone and sent a message.


"Unexpectedly, the Tiannv Sect could know so many things." Nie Hao said after solving the people under him.

"They seem to have some interest in things in ancient times, but they are a little different from us, but..." Lefeng continued after defeating people:

"In the matter of Zhan Wuying, they seem to have similar goals with us.

It seems that this Zhan Wuying is not simpler than we expected, and Young Sect Master and Ziyi Goddess are both paying attention. "

They didn't know what secrets this person had, and they couldn't ask them rashly.

"Isn't the purple-clothed goddess competing with the Young Sect Master? Will our cooperation with the Tiannv Sect cause anything?" Nie Hao was a little worried.

The power of the Young Sect Master has never been lowered.

Especially since he still doesn't know whether Young Sect Master has left a restriction on him.

Asked Lefeng, Lefeng couldn't guarantee it.

For this kind of thing, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Of course, it is really cool to do things for the Young Master, and you will always get rewards that exceed their expectations.

They are waiting for immediate results.

Lefeng walked into a door.

This is the library of some demonic forces in the demonic realm, because the other party refused to let them borrow, so they had to come in by themselves.

If there is no other way, to help Young Sect Master do things, you have to check some things constantly.

Regardless of whether it is reliable or not, as long as there are relevant records.

"Not so, although it is not clear what is going on, but one thing is certain.

The young master is not hostile to the purple-clothed goddess.

It is enough to know this.

And we give some basic information, which will not affect the Young Sovereign. "Le Feng said.

"You said that if the senior sect leader knew that the client list was the lesser master, what would happen?" Nie Hao asked curiously.

The senior sect leader is going to beat their young sect master, which is a historic moment for their sect.

If you are beaten back then, it will be a legend.

However, sending their Young Sect Master directly to the secret book was originally a legend.

Zongmen high-level sorrows continue to operate.

I don't know what will happen in the end.

Lefeng shook his head:

"We just want to know things at this level, but we can't know."

No matter who loses face, they can't afford it.

Nie Hao didn't care either. He came to the books and started looking for some older books, and then sent them to Lefeng.

He runs errands fast, let him read books, I don't know how much slower than Lefeng.

"By the way, didn't Young Sect Master also let us pay attention to whether anyone in the cultivation world sells insurance?

I remember that there is a sect in the magic repair realm that sells dangerous guarantee tickets. Would you like to talk about it? "Nie Hao put the book in front of Lefeng and asked.

Lefeng began to read some books and said:

"It can be mentioned by the way, but I have to wait for me to figure out what's going on with this other coast.

As far as I know, this place is not something ordinary people can know, but recently I don’t know what’s going on, and the news is suddenly known to many people.

I always feel that someone is deliberately promoting the reputation of the other side. "

"But this place is still not a place for ordinary people to go. Will you be too cautious?" Nie Hao also sat down and started reading.

"It is always good to investigate and see if there are any related records about the other side, so as to infer the possibility of it. If there is, it is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, it may be related to the news that the young master needs." Le Feng said.

"Lefeng, what do you mean about this other side with the underworld?

Could it be the source of reincarnation? "Nie Hao was very curious about this.

Le Feng shook his head, he couldn't answer this, it was completely beyond his cognition.

"Why don't you ask Young Master?" Nie Hao tried.

Lefeng's heart moved:

"Then you have to ask for some results, please check it out quickly."

Nie Hao suddenly became more diligent.



On the deserted ground, a man was holding a spear and a long sword on his waist with his back facing a group of monsters.

These monsters are extremely powerful, and their powerful aura oppresses the man.

But even so, the man's body was not bent at all.

He pinned the spear behind him and said calmly:

"As the Underworld Thousand Feathers, who have gone through hundreds of battles without fail, do you know why?"

When he said this, the man turned his head and glanced at the monster behind him.

Those monster beasts stared at the man in front of them, and the aura on the other side was very strong, and they were not afraid of them at all.

Even dare to face them, which makes them feel jealous.


Some monsters roared.

Ready to move, but also worried.

"Today, I will let you know that the name and weight of my underworld Qianyu is not defeated by all sentient beings." Ming and Zhong said indifferently:

"Keep your eyes open and watch."

Said Ming Yu shook his spear again, and then threw the spear into the air.

A group of monster beasts stared at the gun with a look of alertness, and even moved their bodies, ready to fight.

Even some timid monsters moved their limbs, planning to run away.

They kept staring at the spear. until……


The spear stuck heavily on the ground.

Nothing happened. As for the name and weight of Qianyu, there was only a back figure that was about to disappear.

All monsters: "???"


Ming Yuzhong fled madly, too dangerous.

It is rare to encounter such a powerful monster in Mingtu.

Unexpectedly, not long after he left Minghai, he would run into him, and his life was almost gone.

Yes, it didn't take long for him to get out of trouble, that human being is really hateful.

After leaving, he was uneasy, and it took him a lot of effort to escape and ascend to heaven.

Just running, the name and weight are somewhat unexpected.

He discovered that sprouts began to grow under his feet, which were ordinary weeds.

"What's the matter? How can there be new plants in this soil?"

In Mingtu, there are special plants.

In many places, green weeds do not grow normally.

Especially in this barren land, there are no plants unique to Mingtu.

This is abandoned land.

"No wonder those monsters will appear, what happened here, they will actually start to grow plants?"

Mingtu Chiba's name and weight are very surprised.

But did not dare to stop.

But to flee quickly.

The other coast is about to open.

The crack between the underworld and the pure land opens, and there will be a new world in between.

He is going to have a look.

As for what's inside, he didn't quite know.

After all, the days he had just been promoted to Qianyu of Mingtuo didn't last long.

But I heard that there will be fairies from the Pure Land.

You can grab one and keep it as a pet.

"I just don't know if I have a chance to go in." Ming Yu Zhongxin sighed.

To know whether you can enter the other side depends on luck, and you can't get in even if you want to enter.

Instead, ordinary underworld personnel can enter.


Mu Xue who was watering the flowers suddenly felt the phone rang.

Then took it out immediately.

There are only a few contacts in her cell phone.

Lu Shui's chances of finding her are very high.

Then take it out to see that it is really land and water.

"Miss Mu's work is over? We will be at Mu's house tomorrow afternoon." This is a message from Lu Shui.

"There is no tone of speaking to his wife at all." Mu Xue muttered.

Adding the words "I'm cute" will pleasing to the eye a lot.

Of course, for the current Lu Shui, Mu Xue was already content enough without saying annoying words directly.

Then replied to the past.

"It's almost there. When will Master Lu arrive tomorrow?"

Mu Xue wanted to go to the station to pick up land water.

The way of hospitality.

Lu Shui put the mobile phone in the book, and then stared at the phone to see when Mu Xue would reply.

Now that the sky is still dark, Mu Xue should be back soon.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, his cell phone rang.

It was Mu Xue's reply.

After reading Mu Xue's question, Lu Shui asked when Zhen Wu would arrive.

Then sent to Mu Xue.

Soon Lu Shui received news from Mu Xue.

"When Master Lu arrives, it's just in time for dinner, what will Master Lu want to eat?"

Just as Lu Shui was about to reply, another message came.

"I have food."

Lu Shui: "..."

This time he really didn't have the problem of tangling rice.

"Why does Miss Mu keep entangled with rice?" Lu Shui replied.

Seeing Lu Shui's reply, Mu Xue puffed her face and said angrily:

"Obviously you have been entangled with this, the wicked should sue first."

Then Mu Xue punched the screen twice:

"Beat you."

Thinking about this, Mu Xue sat down at the table, and then she saw that there was fruit prepared by Ding Liang on the table, or grapes.

Mu Xue picked a grape and showed it to Lu Shui.

She felt that she could follow the example of Lu Shui, and in turn angered him.

"Should you not be angry? Well, maybe not."

It's really troublesome not to be acting like a baby.

After posting the photo, Mu Xue added:

"Master Lu want to eat?"

Just after sending it out, she received Lu Shui's reply:

"Sour, don't eat it."

"How could it be sour?" Mu Xue was not convinced.

Then I ate a grape, but just after biting it, my brows wrinkled, and then my eyes narrowed.

After a long time, Mu Xue typed two words into the phone:



After dark, Lu Shui and his party left Jianyifeng by train.

Lu Shui didn't care about what Jian Yifeng would do in the follow-up. Naturally, it had nothing to do with him as to how he would recover the surrounding conditions.

This disaster really has nothing to do with him.

Flowing fire does not hold back the pot.

There were a lot of people who left overnight, and some even stood and left overnight.

It can be said that the strange events are rare in the cultivation world.

"A lot of people want to go back to retreat." Zhenwu explained that Lu Shui was paying attention to other people.

Lu Shui nodded without saying anything.

Zhen Wu Zhenling probably also needs to retreat, but they can drag it back to Lu's house and retreat, right for them.

Dongfang Chacha was carried by the fragrant yam, and he was lying in position now, awake.

If it hadn't been a problem after Xiangyu checked it several times, she might have called back.

If Miss Chacha still wakes up in the past two days, she will call to help the patriarch and them.

Lu Shui didn't care if Dongfang Chacha was sleeping.

No matter what the problem is, when you get to Muxue, Dongfang scum will usually have no problem.

The person in Mu Xuesha, how can something happen so easily?

"But this carnivorous flower is miserable." Lu Shui looked at the bean sprouts on the table and muttered to himself.

At this time the bean sprouts have been planted in pots.

It was folded there and withered.

The saliva is no longer running, and I don't know if I can make it to Mu Xue.

Lu Shui can't make a move.


In the afternoon of the next day.

Mu Xue combed her hair. In the previous life, she and Lu Shui did not have a maid. All the hair was done by herself.

Occasionally let Lu Shui help her.

Lu Shui felt that he was the eldest, so he was embarrassed.

Then play with her hair so much fun.

What Lu Shui is best at is helping her tie her pigtails.

She tied the hairpin sent by Lu Shui to her hair, and Mu Xue got up and planned to go out.

She turned her body slightly, her shoulders and feet were not exposed, but she felt that Lu Shui would still like her like this.

Then Mu Xue walked outside.

Ding Liang waited outside, and when he saw Mu Xue coming out, he immediately greeted him:

"Miss, are you combing your hair again?"

Mu Xue nodded without speaking.

"Can Ding Liang help Miss Ding Liang next time?" Ding Liang whispered.

Mu Xue looked at Ding Liang and nodded in response:


Ding Liang didn't say a word. The eldest lady agreed to her the same way last time.

But every time she didn't ask her to help.

She felt that her lady changed after she met Lu Shaoye. It is one thing to become cheerful.

The main thing is to become omnipotent, go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

Her maid can only do trivial work.

"What time is it." Mu Xue asked.

"Early five o'clock." Ding Liang replied immediately.

Mu Xue nodded, and then walked outside.

Time to go to the station.

But before leaving, she picked a grape and planned to let Lu Shui taste it. She was sure it was sweet.

She tasted a lot of this bunch, all of them were sweet.


Lu Shui put away the book, and the Mu's area arrived.

It's time to get off.

This day, he is reading books.

The power of heaven and earth has not been able to rise to the point of his satisfaction, but fortunately the cultivation base is improving.

The train stopped shortly after.

"Master, here it is." Zhen Wu reminded him.

Lu Shui nodded, then got up and got out of the car.

Before getting out of the car, he took a look at Dongfang Dregs, and after confirming that Xiangyu would get out of the car, he stopped paying attention.

If there is no accident, Dongfang scum will wake up tomorrow.

Then Lu Shui walked out of the train, and he saw Mu Xue not far away.

Now Mu Xue is wearing a light-colored fairy skirt, her hair is simply tied, and she has a strong girlish air.

The breeze moved the corners of Mu Xue's skirt, and her black hair seemed to be unwilling to show weakness, and it was also swaying slightly in the wind.

"Master Lu has worked hard all the way." Mu Xue walked two steps, approaching Lu Shui and said softly.

There was a slight smile in her voice.

"Miss Mu is as dazzling as ever." Lu Shuxia said consciously.

Hearing this, Mu Xue was a little happy.

"This is for Master Lu." Mu Xue handed a grape to Lu Shui.

Lu Shui was rather helpless. Is this because he said that grapes are sour yesterday?

"It should have been specially selected by Mu Xue, it is absolutely sweet." He had a guess in his heart.

Lu Shui reached out his hand to take the grape, and put it in his mouth.

"Huh?" Lu Shui felt that his sense of taste was stimulated at this moment.

This, so sour?

"Sweet?" Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui expectantly.

Seeing Mu Xue looking at him like this, Lu Shui moved his mouth, swallowing the grapes calmly without vomiting even the skin.


At this moment, Mu Xue had a clear smile at the corner of her mouth.

Looking at Mu Xue's smile, Lu Shui felt that he could continue to eat a few more.

Only eat a few, never too much.

The teeth are going to be sour.

I had known that it was sour if I didn't say yesterday.

"Chacha? What's wrong with her?" Muxue saw the Oriental Chacha which was carried by the taro behind.

She naturally knew that the tea was coming, but she didn't expect to be carried out on her back.

"After eating fruit in the maze of the main road, it became like this." Lu Shui briefly explained.

Mu Xue nodded, then looked at Xiangyu and whispered:

"Let Ding Liang bring chacha to my residence first."

At this time, Ding Liang, who was on the side, immediately ran over to lead the way for Mu Xue asked when she thought about it, Lu Shui didn't care about Chacha at all.

Although she is her own sister, she doesn't care about it.

Knowing the situation is sometimes incomplete.

Ding Liang took the taro and left, while Mu Xue took Lu Shui to see her father and them.

When Lu Shui came to Mu's family as a guest, naturally he wanted to meet some of the elders of Mu's family, otherwise he would appear rude.

In the temporary hall of Mu's house, Lu Shui saw Mu Ze. Only Mu Ze was there at this time.

Mu Yuan, the head of the Mu family, and Mu Jiang, the second in command of the Mu family, are both busy with something, not here.

Mu Ze was here, probably because land water was coming.

"You go to work on yourself first." Mu Ze said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue glanced at Lu Shui, then nodded:

"It's father."

Then Mu Xue retired, and later asked Lu Shui what her father had said.

As for now, let’s take a look at Cha Cha, the problem with Cha Cha is not small at all.

After Mu Xue exited, Mu Ze looked at the landing channel:

"Master Lu is so relieved that his fiancée is at Mu's house?"

The potential danger has not been found out. Relatively speaking, Mu Xue is the safest in Lu's family.

It's safe if you don't have Lu Shui following in the Lu family.

In the past few days, Mu Xue was alone, so it's hard to say whether there will be an accident.

"That person probably won't come to Mu's house, but I have already met that person, he can't hurt Mu Xue." Lu Shui said.

Mu Ze looked at Lu Shui and did not speak.

Lu Shui did not say to solve it, it was enough to show the strength of the other party.

After silence, Mu Ze said:

"Master Lu knows who he is?"

"I don't know." Lu Shui said directly.

Muze: "..."


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