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Qiao Qian was unhappy when she heard what Qiao Gan said.

"Brother, you still speak for them, aren't you angry?"

Qiao Qian is about to jump up.

"Not anymore, I just feel that this matter depends on the result." Qiao Gan whispered intentionally.

Qiao Qian looked at her own brother and felt that her brother had changed, not the same as before.

Become cowardly.

When she wanted to speak directly, she suddenly saw Qiao Qian's sleeves being blown by the wind.

She was stunned for a moment.

Then he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Yeah, how could brother be willing to marry each other? It's actually better if the other party escapes from marriage.

Brother couldn't resist the marriage. "

Thinking about Qiao Qian sitting there quietly, she hesitated for a long time, and suddenly said:

"Brother, shall I help you escape the marriage?"

"Huh?" Qiao Gan was really taken aback this time.

He never thought that his sister would make such a suggestion.

"Fleeing marriage is caught back, the consequences are serious, right?" Qiao Gan let himself behave more normally.

He really does not approve of such things as escape from marriage, which is too influential. People who did not pay attention to him will gather their attention.

This is completely contrary to his low-key plan.

He does not approve of this behavior.

But as a trash master, would he do such an impulsive thing?

The answer is yes.

Yes it will.

The little fat girl is normal and he doesn't want to marry.

If no one brings it up, it's fine, but now his sister has brought it up, do you want to pretend to be a cowardly trash master?

Will it be a little abrupt?

Qiao had a headache.

"Yes, escape marriage will make them angry, brother, I'll send you out to relax." Qiao Qian said with a smile on her face.

The other party can run away, and I can definitely run away too, and I must also want to run away.

A little fat girl, who wants to marry?

The other party dared to escape from marriage.

"Go out tonight?" Qiao Gan asked.

He chose to escape marriage.

Perhaps such a high profile can be exchanged for a better low profile.

But he was going to behave.

Because he discovered that some people in the clan might want him to do this kind of thing.

If he didn't guess wrong, this time out will go smoothly.

Isn’t Qiao’s face a face?

Your people can run away, and my people can run away too.

Anyway, it is two wastes.

Sighing inwardly, Qiao Gan found that it was very difficult to be a trash and live with peace of mind.

He didn't want to be involved in all kinds of family disputes, he wanted to live.


Joe's house.

A middle-aged man stood by a pond in a yard. He looked down at the fish in the pond and watched them swimming in the water.

After a long time, he looked back and calmly said:

"Are there any gains?"

There was no one by his side, but just as his voice fell, a person walked out slowly in the shadow of the corner of the courtyard.

The man bowed his head respectfully to the middle-aged man:

"At the suggestion of Miss Qiao Qian, Master Qiao Gan plans to go out tonight for relaxation."

Hearing this middle-aged man smile slightly, he said gently:

"Young people have stayed in the yard for a long time, naturally out of the world.

We old guys can't control it.

Recently, Qiao has a lot of family affairs, and there is no need to care about it. "

"Yes." Then the man disappeared in the shadow of the corner.

In the yard, there was only the middle-aged man. He grabbed a handful of fish feed and threw it into the pond, feeling a little cold in his heart.

"Don't think that my Qiao family attaches great importance to this marriage. Your people will be relieved for a day, and ours will have no news for a day."


In the evening, Lu Shui and the others returned to Mu's house.

The fish is just right for tonight.

Just let Zhenwu Zhenling do it.

After Mu Xue came back, she went directly to Aunt Tang.

She wants to give things to Aunt Tang.

"Have you been paying attention to the coast of the clan recently?" Lu Shui asked.

"I heard that the Spirit Medicine Garden is paying attention, and it seems to be going to gather herbs." Zhen Wu said.

"Gathering medicine?" Lu Shui was a little surprised. Is there any elixir worth transplanting on the other coast?

"I heard that the Eurasian Medicine Garden is interested in Bi'an Flowers." Zhen Wu explained.

Lu Shui frowned, are there other shore flowers on the other coast?

He seems to have never seen it.

But if there are really flowers, they should be different from the other side flowers spread outside.

No one knows what exactly it does.

The Lujia Spirit Medicine Garden is very extensive, and people will be sent to retrieve any weird spirit medicine.

Generally does not fail.

After all, there are two elders.

If others don't get it, the second elder will take action.

She doesn't care about her identity.

Big things and small things can be done.

And there is efficiency.

For example, at night, I pick night fruit somewhere in Lu's house.

There is no reason, I just want to pick it.

I will go for a snack if I have nothing to do.

At the top, you can fight the patriarch of the Lu family, and at the bottom you can play with the Dongfang scum.

In Lu Shui's view, the second elder is the cutest elder in the Lu family.

Especially not going to shoot him yet.

"Have they confirmed the quota?" Lu Shui asked.

That coast is not an ordinary place, and the people who go there will certainly not be ordinary people.

Lu Shui felt that he could walk along.

It is troublesome to have Mu Xue to accompany at home.

It's not suitable to take it.

"If the third elder is to punish again, it will be fine." Lu Shui thought to himself.

But this time he went out, he didn't seem to have done anything, and the three elders had no reason to punish him.

Do you want to do something?

Level Mu's family again?


He can't do it.

"This time the quota is still being determined. Who will go for the specifics? You need to ask." Zhen Wu said.

Lu Shui didn't say anything, let's look again.

Moreover, the opening of the other coast did not happen so quickly.

He has been out for a long time, so he should stay at home and rest for a while.

This is going to be September.

Work hard, it should be 4.7. If you can go out at that time, you can have a catastrophe and celebrate.

If you fail to go out, you won't be able to cross the catastrophe to celebrate, and go directly to the fifth stage.


Lu Family Hall.

The three elders sat in the top position, and the old man withered tree stood under the hall.

He was recently ordered to observe the Lu Family Young Master, and by the way, look at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Did Lu Shui do anything lately?" The third elder's voice was uploaded in the hall.

He didn't get any big news from Lu Shui, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Every time Lu Shui went out, almost something happened.

Occasionally, he does things that make people angry.

"The young master didn't do anything during the whole process, and he was fine at Jianyifeng.

Jian Yifeng's battle did not affect the people inside. "The old man withered tree said.

In fact, it was their young master who reversed the situation in Jian Yifeng.

The old man withered tree knows.

But he could not tell the three elders.

He tried many ways, but he couldn't pass the news to the three elders.

I hope the three elders won't blame him by then.

Of course, there must be anger, but anger is absolutely vulnerable to joy.

Peerless Tianjiao of the Lu Family.

"That Liuhuo has been very active recently," the third elder said.

"Many people are investigating Liuhuo, but none of the relevant news in the realm of cultivation currently knows the background of Liuhuo and personal related matters.

Yin Tianzong still does not admit that they have a young master. "The old man withered tree said.

‘The three elders continue to pay attention, by the way, guess that he is the young master.

Liuhuo is at Jianyifeng, and Master is also at Jianyifeng. ’

The old man withered tree wanted to say these words and couldn't say it. He couldn't understand what the young master used to him.

"If he is really young, that's a real deal.

There hasn't been such a person in the cultivation world for a long time. "The three elders were a little emotional.

He thinks that the great elder should be counted as this kind of person.

I just heard that the great elder was a very low-key person in his own time.

He doesn't know much.

At that time, he was always in charge of the second elder, and the major elder basically did not show up.

The great elder is basically a legend to them.

Now Lu Gu is the same with them.

The great elder is like a legend to them.

The old man withered tree bowed his head and didn't speak. He wanted to tell the third elders that the person who had been waiting for a long time was Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu family.

He didn't know when the young master was willing to reveal his identity.

Then the whole Lu family will shake up, right?

Don't wait for the world to be invincible, it hasn't been exposed yet.

He couldn't say it, but he was actually very uncomfortable.

The third elder sighed, and stopped paying attention to Flowing Fire. What he needed most was Lu Shui.

"Where is Lu Shui recently?" the third elder asked.

"The young master should be at Mu's house, maybe he will be back in these two days," said the old man withered tree.

She is very concerned about the little girl of Mu's family. The three elders muttered to themselves.

But this kind of thing not to divorce has been done, what else can he say?

In fact, he was quite surprised by this incident.

With such a big event as a divorce, Lu Shui said he would not retreat, but he was a bit bold.

"Has Lu Shui's cultivation base changed?" the third elder asked.

"Young Master's cultivation base should still be 2.1." said the old man withered tree.

He didn't understand why the young master had to stay at 2.1 all the time, and it shouldn't be a big problem to change it casually.

And hearing the three elders' expressions began to change, adding millions to millions.

How many special places have been visited, and how many opportunities have been experienced.

Luck can be said to be so good, but in the past few months, it is still 2.1.

The three elders wanted to educate the land and water for a while.

Anyhow, there is a little improvement.

Soon the three elders thought of Lu Shui's physical skills.

Well, he admits that there is indeed a little improvement.

However, if the cultivation base does not increase, the physical skills cannot be further determined, which is also a troublesome matter.

"Didn't he start to become self-motivated for the little girl of the Mu family?

I heard that there is a way to life on the coast of the other side. Let him go and take a trip. When he comes back, let him tell me whether he wants to cultivate or refine his body. "The third elder said.

For a woman who has changed, it is indeed very hopeless.

But changes cannot be ignored.

What he has to do is not to suppress, but to promote the change of land and water in the biggest way, so that he can embark on a more suitable and effective path.

This is what he needs to do and his responsibility as the third elder of the Lu family.

"The Spirit Medicine Garden is going to the other coast this time, do you want me to go with the young master?" The old man withered tree asked.

This time the Spirit Medicine Garden went to the other coast, he led the team.

Mainly it fits with his Tao.

"No, since the Spirit Medicine Garden is going to be dispatched, there is no need to worry about his journey." said the third elder.

The old man withered tree understands.

Because every time the second elders will go with the spirit medicine garden.

It's the same this time.

In other words, with the second elder following, the young master is unlikely to have any accidents.

In today's cultivation world, there are basically none that can stop the second elder from leaving.

Of course, the old man withered tree didn't know what cultivation level the second elder was.

"When Lu Shui comes back, let Zhenwu tell him." The third elder said.

He didn't want to see Lu Shui this time.

And there is still some time before the opening of the other coast.

As for the anomalous three elders on the other coast, he didn't care.

The second elders have all gone.


"Land Shui also goes to the other coast?" The second elder said silently while handling the elixir in his hand.

"The opening of the other coast is a bit unusual, and the threshold is surprisingly low, as if it was deliberately for people to enter. It is hard to say whether it is for the number of people or to cover certain people."

"But the problem is not big, maybe I can see Liu Huo's legendary figure."

"So many times, every time he goes to a place, something has to happen, and everything is connected, and he is not given time at all."

The second elder looked at the elixir orderly.

She is very interested in the other shore flowers of the other coast.

But she has been there twice and never saw the flowers each time.

Hope there will be this time.


Elixir Garden.

"I heard that this time I went out to transplant elixir, there is Aman." Someone in the elixir garden began to discuss.

"Aman is really good in this area, don't look at him blindly, but there is no doubt about his strength. I am talking about the strength of transplanting elixir." Other people said their own views.

"But Aman is only the first-order cultivation base, I heard that the place I went this time is not easy at all, is the first-order too ordinary?"

"Indeed, even if there is a strong person to accompany him, Ah Man's cultivation level is indeed flawed."

"But I heard that in the whole garden, no one can compare with Ah Man in terms of the ability of normal transplantation."

Everyone: "..."

"You are all overtaken?"

"It's us."

"... Ah Man's talent in this area is too high. Although he can't see it, he knows the roots and veins of the spirit medicine better than anyone else.

If you don't say he is blind, I think he can see, and he can see clearly than we are. "

"Don't say it, I suggest that Ah Man apply for a life-saving magic weapon.

It should pass. "

"Aman just came, not good at words and working hard, probably because he didn't know that he could apply for a magic weapon for life protection, so let's find someone to help him."


Early the next morning.

Mu Xue waved goodbye to Aunt Tang.

Dongfang Chacha also waved her hand, she is more self-cooked.

Lu Shui heard a sentence that would never have been heard in his previous life, and Aunt Tang actually said to him:

"Muxue bothered Young Master Lu to take care of it."

In response, Lu Shui obligedly nodded.

And he replied: "Yes."

As the young master of the Lu family, the basic politeness is still spoken.

Although he was a little naive before, he was not defiant.

Then they got on the train and started to head to Lujia. They had to change trains on the way, and they would be able to arrive at Lujia early tomorrow morning.

A little far away.

Dongfang Zuzha followed to Lu's house.

When she wants to go home, she will go back by herself.

Just because of eye problems, staying in the Lu family will be much safer.

Those people in the Dongfang family were worried that Dongfang Chacha suddenly lost control of their eyes and attracted a vision.

When Dongfang Chacha has grown up, there will be nothing to worry about.

And stay in the Lu family, don't worry about what happens, the Lu family can cover it.

In fact, it is impossible for Dongfang Chacha’s eyes to lose control.

She has the means specially left by Mu Xue, which can suppress all abnormalities.

Even if it really started to lose control, Mu Xue could detect it, and then personally suppress it.

After all, she covered Dongfang Chacha.

"Cousin Lushui, sit with your cousin, and I will draw you a picture." As soon as the train departed from Mujia Station, Dongfang Chacha said with great interest.

Taro Dingliang still has a real spirit, she is tired of painting, and now she can finally paint her cousin and cousin Lu Shui.

Mu Xue and Lu Shui had no objection to this.

After all, they have to sit together and have to be close.

Originated from the request of the master painter of Oriental Tea Tea.


"Miss Mu, get up." Early the next morning, Lu Shui whispered to Mu Xue who was sleeping on him.

After transiting on the floating island, Mu Xue was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

She was originally an ordinary person, so she would naturally feel tired and rest.

As for the Dongfang scum on the other side who fell asleep because of painting for too long, Lu Shui had no idea of ​​screaming.

Let her continue to sleep, and sit back by herself after oversleeping.

Mu Xue woke up and found that the sky was already bright.

She turned her head and took a look at Lu Shui, and it was so happy that she could see Lu Shui when she woke up:

"Master Lu is early."

Mu Xue said hello to Lu Shui with a smile on her face.

Lu Shui was stunned. This reminded him of the scene where Mu Xue watched him wake up in the morning after they got married, and then deliberately greeted him.

But in just an instant, Lu Shui returned to normal:

"Miss Mu is early, coming soon."

Mu Xue didn't feel much, the only feeling was that Lu Shui looked at her in a daze.

Lu Guoguoran liked her.

Then Mu Xue looked at the sleeping chacha and said:

"Tea is up."

Lu Shui didn't care whether Dongfang Zuzha got up, but reached out and got the drawing board.

He wanted to see what Dongfang Slag painted them.

After just one glance, Lu Shui had the idea to make this painting glow.

Might as well draw a stickman directly.

It seems that Dongfang Zhazha has no talent for painting.


"The son seems to be back." Dongfang Liyin said to his husband in Lugu's yard.

"You can't cook now."

Lu Gu sat at the stone table and fetched fruit, he naturally got his wife to eat.

Dongfang Liyin took a snack and put it into Lu Gu's mouth, and screamed:

"Master Patriarch..."

"Wait for your health." Lu Gu put the fruit into Dongfang Liyin's mouth.

In fact, Dongfang Liyin's body has no problem, but it's a bit strange recently.

The body is a little too good, so I need to observe it.

Dongfang Li Yin pouted:

"The patriarch, coax it."

Lu Gu raised his head to look at Dongfang Li Yin, who also stared at Lu Gu.

The atmosphere is very good.

"Auntie, we are back." Dongfang Chacha's voice suddenly sounded outside.

Both Lu Gu and Dongfang Li Yin were surprised.

"I think it is necessary to have a good talk with Dongfang Yeming." Lu Gu lowered his head and said.

"Chacha is still very cute, and our daughter is so cute too." Dongfang Li Yin said with a smile.

Then he put his head close to Lu Gu's face and rubbed it, satisfying and not being seen by the little guys who came back.

Lu Gu reached out and touched Dongfang Li Yin's head, and said:

"Those elders are probably very sad."

"That's certainly not a son that makes people so worried." Dongfang Li Yin retorted.

"That's true, too." Lu Gu nodded.

Their son can really do anything.

I used to be ashamed of the Lu family, but now it’s fine, even if it’s not conspicuous when I go out.

But there is always some bad news coming back.

The rebellious family refused to divorce. After a while, the Mu family was gone, the Worm Valley was destroyed, and one by one suffered.

Jian Yifeng suffered a catastrophe, and their son was also there.

I heard that the three elders also asked their son to go to the other coast. If the other coast disappears, they also feel that there is nothing abnormal.

Suddenly, Lu Gu sensed the crisis, will the Lu family be next?

But Lu Gu soon heaved a sigh of relief, because the disaster had come, and he was the sun **** last time.

So my son is the source of evil, a disaster physique?

Okay, just kidding.

At this time Lu Shui and the others walked in.

As soon as he ran in, Dongfang Chacha immediately said:

"Sister, let me paint for you. I recently learned to paint."

At this time, Dongfang Chacha didn't wear eye masks, and they didn't need to be worn in Lujia.

"Chacha, are your eyes different?" Dongfang Liyin was a little surprised.

She did perceive a new change in Cha Cha's eyes.

"Yes, yes."

Then there is a long explanation of Oriental Tea Tea.

Lu Shui and Mu Xue naturally sat and listened.

Lu Shui was not interested in the content, he was mainly here to accompany Mu Xue.

It's not a good thing to leave Mu Xue behind just after returning to Lu's house.

Although Mu Xue was not afraid of birth, he knew that Mu Xue was born again. If not, Mu Xue and him were the closest people.

After all, they are unmarried couples.

Of course, if Mu Xue also returned to her residence, then there was nothing to care about.

Well, Lu Shui thinks he sometimes ignores it.

"You haven't eaten breakfast, right?" Dongfang Liyin asked after Dongfang Chacha finished speaking.

Hearing these words, Lu Shuhui became aware:

"Mother, I am about to break through, and I am going back to practice."

As long as his mother didn't ask him to eat here, he could leave.

When his mother spoke, it was too late.

As a son, he still has to listen to such words.

Only when I got up did I realize that Mu Xue was here.

Finally he looked at his mother.

Dongfang Liyin looked at Lu Shui and didn't have the idea of ​​opening his mouth to stay.

Lu Shui: "..."

Mother is not right today.

This is definitely not the case in the past.

Either I was disappointed and said that my son had grown up, or he had me kneel down to eat.

This is normal.

Lu Shui was full of questions.

Finally, Lu Shui sat down again and said softly:

"I will stay with my parents for dinner."

Dongfang Li Yin turned his head to look at Lu Gu, pretending to be curious:

"You said what happened to your son recently, and he suddenly wanted to accompany us to dinner."

"Because the little girl of the Mu family is here." Lu Gu said solemnly in cooperation with Dongfang Li Yin.

"Oh~" Dongfang Li Yin suddenly realized the appearance:

"It turned out to be eating with my wife~www.readwn.com~ not eating with us."

Lu Gu: "My son has grown up."

Dongfang Liyin: "Yes, my son has grown up."

Lu Shui: "..."

Isn't it fun?

His parents are too much.

Mu Xue lowered her head, and her face blushed.

This is how my mother loves to tease people.

Dongfang Chacha didn't know why, and then followed up with an expression of awakening.

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