The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 285: Why don't you come and beg me

The fierce Taoist couple is also reborn Chapter 285 Why don’t you come to me to beg me

Lu Shui came to the green bench next to him, and then sat down.

"sit down."

He spoke to Ye Xin who was standing in front.

Ye Xin could only sit down.

"Tell me the story you saw." Lu Shuidao.

"Master Dongfang, that's just an ordinary story, very boring." Ye Xin said.

Lu Shui looked at Ye Xin who was already sitting down, calmly said

"I will pay you according to how interesting your story is."

Ye Xin hesitated but nodded

"Okay, but the story of that book may be a bit long. If the young master is tired, he can just stop it."

Lu Shui nodded, indicating that Ye Xin could start.

"The book does not record the time, nor does it record the place name.

Said that there is an endless forest.

There are many monsters or beasts in the woods.

Demon knows human nature, beast relies on instinct. "Ye Xin said here, as if lost in memory, then said calmly.

"In the woods, or in the Yaozu, a legend has been circulating.

Legend has it that there is a true **** in the world.

If you meet her, you may get an unprecedented opportunity. This opportunity is the dream of all monsters, incarnate as an adult.

It's not a metamorphosis of traditional meaning.

It is to truly break away from the animal body and become a person, not an ordinary person.

It is a person with a unique talent.

Standing on the top of all souls in the future, the future is boundless. "

"There is a fox in the woods. It has also heard the legend of the true **** of heaven and earth.

But the legend is a legend, it never thinks that it will encounter it.

Until a heavy rain, it sheltered from the rain under the big tree.

At that time it saw a beam of light falling in front of it, and a person was looking at it.

The fox was stunned. It subconsciously lowered its head and the grapes were on the ground, because it did not understand the existence of the person in front of him. "

Lu Shui naturally had some guesses, and said

"It sees the true **** of heaven and earth?"

The story must all start like this.

"Yes." Ye Xin nodded irresponsibly

"That fox saw the true **** of heaven and earth, that's what the people in that light told him.

She said you are also here to hide from the rain? I am the true **** of heaven and earth, we are destined.

Although foxes understand human nature, they have never had the ability to confide in humanity.

But the true **** of heaven and earth can see through its thoughts.

The God of Heaven and Earth watched the fox ask a question, wanted to be a real person?

The fox did not hesitate at all and chose to nod his head.

It met, met the legend of the woods.

To see the true God, there is hope of becoming an adult. "

Lu Shui did not speak, he could do such a thing as a real person.

But people with ordinary cultivation bases can't do it.

It is not just a question of strength, but also a question of understanding and power.

"The true **** of heaven and earth gave the fox a practice method, which can grow a tail every ten years of practice.

When his nine tails come out, he can become an adult.

A person with a special talent.

The fox asked in his own words whether the true **** could be transformed into an adult in ninety years?

The real **** of heaven and earth laughed and did not answer, just saying that I would stay here to hide from the rain for five hundred years. You can ask me if you have any questions.

The fox didn't know why, but he still began to practice the exercises given to him by the true gods of heaven and earth.

It's hardworking? It's also hardworking.

Ten years have passed? The fox has a new tail.

It found that there are two tails in ten years, so there can be nine tails in eighty years? No ninety years are needed.

It worked harder.

It keeps cultivating more tails? Its strength has also begun to grow stronger.

It hasn't done anything in these years, let alone find the true **** of heaven and earth.

Until the eightieth year. "

Speaking of which? Ye Xin paused.

"There is a problem with the ninth tail, isn't it?" Lu Shui asked.

If the fox of the story is so easy to become a human being? Then the story is rather boring, without any ups and downs.

Moreover, the true **** does not have this kind of strength, so he can easily turn a demon into a human.

One exercise is not enough.

Ye Xin nodded and said

"Yes, there is a problem with the ninth tail.

In the 80th year? The fox successfully grew the ninth tail? However, what made it unexpectedly, its first tail suddenly fell off.

It is also an eight-tailed fox.

The fox was confused, but continued to practice. He thought that if he cultivated for another ten years, he would grow a tail.

But ten years have passed? It never grows a new tail.

Twenty years have passed, and it remains the same.

Does the fox no longer practice? Instead, he took its shed tail to find the true **** and raised its confusion.

However, I got an unexpected answer? The true **** told him to send your shed tail to the world. When someone burns the tail? The tail will resonate with the owner and send the owner to that place? What do you need is to satisfy the other party's wish? Get a new tail.

The fox asked in confusion, can the true **** have nine tails like this?

The true **** laughed without answering.

The fox did. It left the woods and went to the outside world, sending its tail out.

It waited for five years, and finally sensed that its tail was burned.

It appeared in the place where the tail burned for the first time.

It was a beggar who burned its tail.

The fox told him you can make a wish.

The wish of the beggar is simple, he wants countless money.

The fox found a priceless treasure for him, and the beggar's wish came true.

The fox grew a new tail, but as soon as the new tail grew, the old tail began to fall off.

It found that as long as it grows a tail, it will shed one tail at the same time, like an endless loop, as if there can never be nine tails.

The fox was puzzled, but he still gave out his new tail.

One hundred years have passed. The fox does not know how many wishes he has fulfilled, or how many tails he has shed.

But it can't be a nine-tailed fox, it can't be a real person.

After throwing the new tail into the dunya, it returned to the woods.

It complains to the true gods how long will it take to complete the cycle?

The heaven and the earth laughed without answering.

Then the fox felt his tail burned again.

It rushed over for the first time.

However, this time the object of wish was beyond its expectations.

It saw a little bird, a very ordinary bird.

It has flames, and it is the fire in its body that ignites the fox's tail.

So this bird is the fox's wish object.

But it is impossible for the other party to speak. Without sufficient intelligence, it is impossible to make a wish.

Although it can be simple to communicate, but to let the other party say their wishes, the other party must have the wisdom.

It is difficult for the fox, because if the bird does not make a wish, its path will be cut off. "

Ye Xin was silent for a moment and continued

"In desperation, the fox made a decision, took the bird to practice, let it have wisdom, and then made a wish to it.

This is not a good way, but it is the only way for the fox.

In order to allow the bird to grow up healthily, and to practice well, the fox worked hard.

It observes the birds almost every day, and is worried about its safety every day.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. After fifty years, the bird finally had spiritual wisdom, and once possessed spiritual wisdom, he could cultivate better.

But on that day the fox asked the bird's wishes, and the bird was puzzled.

It doesn't understand these complicated things at first.

The fox also thinks that the wish of an immature child must be very simple. This is cheating.

So the fox decided to continue teaching birds to practice.

Another hundred years have passed.

On this day the bird turned into a human form, a beautiful little girl.

The fox asked the girl what she wants.

Of course, the fox also explained his existence and the purpose of doing all this.

It wants girls to put forward their wishes fairly.


It will do its best to satisfy.

At that time, the girl had the ability to think independently. She asked the fox if I made my wish, did you leave?

The fox replied yes, the wish is over, and I have to prepare for the next wish.

The girl immediately said that I need to think about it.

This consideration is fifty years. In fifty years, the girl has grown into a slim girl.

She named herself Siyao.

That year she also let her face stay in her teenage years.

She is a demon, able to hold the face of transformation.

But her talent is not good, and it is almost impossible to go further, especially without a better technique.

The fox has the technique of the true **** of heaven and earth, so it can become stronger and stronger.

But Siyao didn't.

The fox stayed with Siyao year after year, and he did not ask about Siyao's wishes again.

It was waiting, waiting for Siyao to take the initiative to make a wish.

It waited for another fifty years, and that year it waited until Siyao took the initiative to make a wish.

Is it true that any wish is fine? Siyao sat under the tree with the fox in her arms, and her deadline was approaching.

Tonight is its last day.

The fox gently nodded and told Siyao that the answer was yes, any wish, as long as I could do it.

Siyao leaned under the big tree, her eyes closed slightly, and her voice was a little weak. Then I made a wish.

The fox kept listening. It had known that Siyao had thought of his wish, but he had never known what Siyao's wish was. "

Speaking of this, Ye Xin paused again.

Lu Shui didn't speak, he was waiting for his last wish.

If he guessed right, the wish of this harpy was the last wish that the fox needed.

From now on, the fox should no longer have to realize people's wishes.

He also wanted to know what wishes the girl had made.

Ye Xin exhaled

"The fox asked Siyao what is your wish?

Siyao stroked the fox with her hand, and then a weak voice came out. She said that my wish is to let you have a ninth tail.

The moment the fox heard these words, he was stunned, and his heart was shocked.

It is a demon, it never thought that someone would make this wish.

It never thought it was a wish.

However it is heard.

I heard a wish made by others for it.

At that moment, light broke out on the fox's body, and it successfully grew a ninth tail.

After the appearance of the nine tails, the fox was wrapped in the nine tails and then transformed into a human form.

It became him, it became a real person.

A person with a special talent is beyond the reach of countless people.

He understands that to become a person requires the approval of the heavens and the earth, the approval of the true God, and the most important thing is the approval of other creatures.

At that moment, he stood there like this, looking at Siyao who looked at him with eyes wide open.

For a moment, the fox felt that being a person was so boring.

He held Siyao and found the true **** of heaven and earth.

The God of Heaven and Earth looked at the human fox and congratulated her. She said that you have become a human being, which is very rare.

The fox knelt before the true **** of heaven and earth, begging you to save her, I am willing to give up being an adult.

Faced with the fox's begging, the true **** did not say anything. She said that both humans and demons are creatures in the world, and they are equal, and demons are chasing adults. Why don't humans chase to become demons? So this cannot be a bargaining chip for you to trade with me.

The fox asked what would be used as a bargaining chip?

The answer of the God of Heaven and Earth surprised the fox, she said faith.

The fox didn't understand.

At this time, the true **** stretched out his hand, and the dying Siyao turned into a bird and flew to the true god's hand.

Then it shrinks in the hands of the true gods, and finally becomes a seed.

The true **** gave the seeds to the fox, saying that there are two banished lands between the heaven and the earth, and between the two lands, there is a brand new space called the coast of the other side.

Find this place and plant the seeds.

If there is a day when it blooms and bears fruit, it is the day when it gets a new life.

Your belief will determine its success or failure.

If you don't abandon it, you will live; if you let it go, you will die.

After explaining this, the true **** left.

The fox obeyed the words of the true god, found the other shore with the seeds, and planted the seeds.

He stayed there for countless years.

But the seeds germinated, grew, and blossomed, but they still couldn't bear fruit.

Later, the fox left the other side. He wanted to seek help from the true god, but the true **** was not visible in that era.

Some only have fairy Buddha.

The fox chose to ask the Buddha for help. "

Hearing this Lu Shui suddenly remembered the legend Lefeng said, and also remembered the rumors from Tianji Building.

But he did not speak, but continued to listen.

He didn't expect that this story would actually be the complete version of the legend that Lefeng and the others had learned.

"The fox went out of the house and entered the sea of ​​bitterness. He is an individual and a man of great talent.

Because of the period of making the wish, he had a thorough understanding of the Dharma, and finally attained the Attainment Status, entered the Kuhai Buddha Hall, and saw the true body of the Buddha.

He worshiped the Buddha and hoped that the Buddha would help.

The Buddha looked towards the sky, saw through the endless distance, and saw the cause of everything.

Finally, the Buddha was silent.

The fox got the Buddha's answer, left the Buddhist school, lost the fruit position, and finally fell asleep under the big tree.

Don't want to wake up. "

Ye Xin finished speaking, he exhaled, and finally looked at Lu Lu Channel

"Master Dongfang, I'm finished, the story in that book is like this."

"The true **** is not visible, why doesn't he continue to look for the true god?" Lu Shui asked.

Ye Xin had no expression, just shook his head

"It depends on the person who made up the story. Why didn't the fox look for it."

Lu Shui didn't ask any more questions about the story.

Just looking at Ye Xin, it means

"It's better to come and beg me to worship Buddha."

Ye Xin was stunned, and then acted a little embarrassed.

"What does Young Master Dongfang mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Lu Shui got up and planned to leave, but before leaving, he looked at Ye Xindao again.

"Do you remember the salary I said?"

Ye Xin didn't know why.

"That sentence just now is your reward." After saying that, Lu Shui stepped away, giving Ye Xin no chance to react at all.

Ye Xin was stunned. After a long time, he exhaled, then got up and left.

Dongfang Haoyue seemed to be just an ordinary young master.


Lu Shui walked along the road, ignoring Ye Xin behind him.

After listening to the story, he has a general understanding of the story.

If he guessed correctly, the protagonist of this story is Ye Xin.

A person with a special talent, a person who can live forever as long as he practices.

A person who can break the fruit position at will.

"The half part of the story is very detailed, but the second half is very vague, and many places are covered in one stroke.

The true **** of heaven and earth does not appear, after the true **** has fallen.

The true god's fall was informed by heaven and earth, and he could not have known it.

So about the second half, he didn't say much.

The Fall of the True God involves a lot, and the story is really not suitable for mentioning this. "

"But the reason why the bird didn't wake up should be the same as Weak Shui Sanqian.

The true **** promised to help, and finally missed the appointment. "

The mess left by the true **** is basically impossible for others to take over.

Even the top existence of the three major forces.

"But why do I always bump into the mess?" Lu Shui felt helpless.

But Lu Shui was still very good. Did Ye Xinyi rescue the bird or gave up.

If you don’t give up, why not come to them?

Let alone him, this story is enough to impress Mu Xue.

Although it is a very old and bad story.

But Mu Xue never minded to deal with it easily.

If Mu Xue couldn't handle it, she would never mind watching the landing water dryly.

Then the problem was solved.

No matter what the problem is, as long as Mu Xue looks at Lu Shui, it will be solved.

Lu Shui returned to the street. He looked at the street where people came and went, and decided to eat something before going back to practice.

Ye Xin's matter requires him to go to the other coast to see it.

This story is a coherent story before and after the fall of the true god, and there may be some useful news.

"I have already given the remuneration. Whether he wants it or not depends on his own choice."

Lu Shui stopped thinking about it and decided to eat bowl of noodles.

Bring Mu Xue back with a dessert by the way.

Just by the way.


In Muxue's yard, Lu Shui put the dessert on the table and left a piece of paper as a gift by the way.

Then Lu Shui turned and left, Mu Xue had not returned yet.

After leaving, Lu Shui decided to go to the square for body training.

Not long after Lu Shui left, Mu Xue came back.

The main reason was that the second elder of the Lu family found the head of the Lu family again, and then the head of the Lu family was lying down.

Mu Xue would naturally not disturb the two-person world of his parents.

Then Mu Xue came to the table, she naturally saw the dessert, plus a note.

"Premium?" Mu Xue didn't believe it when she looked at the dessert.

How can the desserts of the flower rain and snow season be a gift?

When Lu Shui is alone, he never eats dessert.

Without thinking about it, Mu Xue directly opened the package and tried to take a bite.

I just took a bite just now and it doesn't feel very delicious.

The taste is ok, so why is it not delicious?

Not sweet enough?

Soon Muxue knew why, and then went to find Lu Shui with dessert.

She found that the desserts were still eaten by Lu Shui, and it was sweet to her heart.

Ding Liang watched his lady run out holding dessert, and felt that she was in love.

Fell in love.

She naturally couldn't follow.

Let's feed the ice phoenix, it seems that no one has been feeding it for a long time.

Bingfeng looked at Ding Liang dryly, and finally someone remembered it.

Its body is flowing with noble phoenix blood, but it is raised as a chicken one by one, and it does not work hard to feed it, because it eats a lot before and can withstand hunger.



One of the name and focus of Mingtu Qianyu is to flee madly.

"I have been chasing for a few days and nights, why can they still chase like this?"

Ming Yuzhong didn't know what to say for a while, these fierce beasts were too fierce.

Had it not been for his wit, he would have been chased by these fierce beasts long ago.

However, he found that the nearest land of Mingtu was a bit strange.

There are new buds, and occasionally it rains in the sky.

It is real rain, and it is said that it is the same ordinary rain as the outside world.

Underworld seems to be undergoing a big change.

Although this change is a bit abrupt, there is no harm in it.

For many fierce beasts, it is the favorite change, new shoots, plants, there are signs of appearing.

And as a member of Underworld, the fierce beast couldn't tolerate it.

They don't allow the changes here to be ruined by people in the underworld, this is subconscious protection.

And the desire is very strong.

It was so strong that he was chasing him for a few days and nights and he was still chasing him.

At this time, the fierce beast was getting closer and closer, and if it continued like this, Ming and Zhong felt that one day he would be caught up.

But there is nothing to do.

He felt that he should fight, winning is his dazzling record, losing is a brilliant battle before his death.

Just still hesitating in name and weight, suddenly heard the earth shaking.


The huge shock was transmitted directly, and the name and weight and the fierce beasts behind were all affected.

Then a terrible breath came.

This breath made the name and weight even unable to move.

Ten Halls of Underworld.

At this moment, Ming and Shige knew who was fighting.

Only the Ten Palaces of Underworld have this kind of strength.

"Why are you fighting again?"

Name and weight are naturally But he found out that this time he was a little closer to the battlefield?

To die.


At this time, in the glacial lake of the deep sea, the goddess of the ice sea once again emerged.

"Netherland is turbulent again. Although the Pure Land is not there, it is not quiet."

"The other coast is also turbulent."

"It's just right, let the other coast open directly."

Anyone can wait, they don't want to wait.

The world has changed, which has brought them inexplicable pressure, and now he needs to confirm the current situation.

Is there any problem with Lu Shui?

When the other coast opens, the Lu family will have a high probability of letting Lu Shui in.

She didn't target anyone, so the Lu family would definitely not have any defense.

Of course, she wasn't sure if this matter could go on smoothly, if Lu Shui didn't go, she would be doing nothing for nothing.

But this is the most prudent way.

The decision is made by the other party, and naturally it will not make the other party sufficiently vigilant.

"Everything is taking advantage of the trend."

The opening of the other coast is a matter of pure land and underworld.

She gave a push.

We can only wait for the result later.

She was uneasy if she didn't test the land by herself.

Then the ice goddess sank to the bottom of the lake.

Her power also acts on the endless deep sea, and the entrance to that shore is rapidly opening.

The moonlight of the pure land and the underworld appears on the shore of the other side.

At this moment Ming and Zhong also noticed the sky changes, as if moonlight appeared in the sky.

No, it is bimonthly.

"The other coast is open?"

The name and weight are unknown, but he found that a moonlight was shining on him and the herd of animals behind him.

Name and weight "..."

The story was adapted from what I heard unexpectedly.

I have a cold, so the update is slower.

The ferocious Taoist couple is also reborn https://

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