Lu Shui looked at Ming Tu Qianyu's name and weight, who was still kneeling on one knee, put away the book, and asked:

"As the Underworld Qianyu, do you have high authority in the Underworld?"

Hearing Lu Shui's question, he was still lucky to have survived, and he seemed to have returned to the deserted island in the blink of an eye.

At that time, he faced this person in the same way. At that time, it seemed that he could be silenced at any time.

Although he is not imprisoned now, the fear in his name and center of gravity is more.

You must know that his boss died in the hands of the opponent.

The herd that had chased him for a long time was drunk.

The person in front of him was scarier than he thought.

"No, it's not very tall, but it's a lot taller than ordinary Underworld members." Ming Yuzhong said with his head lowered.

"How much do you know about Luo Sansheng's time?" Lu Shui asked.

Lu Shui didn't know whether Luo Sansheng's era ended after the True God's fall, or when the ancient times ended completely.

Because Luo Sansheng was not among the three major forces, Lu Shui naturally didn't know what he ended up with.

In other words, it is difficult to say whether this person was famous in ancient times.

Lu Shui didn't have much interest in this person either, just wanted to use him to understand ancient times.

It would be best if you could understand the events of the Dao prophecy slate at that time.

Is the name and weight a bit awkward:

"Although the record mentions a few things about Luo Sansheng, it doesn't say in which era.

However, if you read it carefully, you should be able to gain some results. "

"Ancient fairy court, have you heard of it?" Lu Shui asked again.

Name and shook his head again.

Lu Shui didn't care either.

But he remembered the matter of the past.

"After we left, has anything major happened to Mingtu?" Lu Shui asked.

He still wanted to know if the Great Elder had taken any action.

Asking others is definitely not accurate.

"Big matter?" I don't understand the name and weight.

"Has Mingtu been cut with a sword?" Lu Shui asked directly.

Name and weight: "..."

Mu Ran: "..."

This sentence is scary.

The underworld can be cut with one sword, and the pure land can also be cut with one sword.

Is there such a terrible existence in the cultivation world?

Don't talk about the Ten Halls of Underworld, even the King of Pure Land dare not say such things.

"No," Ming Yuzhong whispered.

Lu Shui also breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that the Great Elder did not go over.

"What's the attitude of the ten palaces of Mingtu towards that?" What Lu Shui wanted to know was that he killed Mingtu Bailian Huo Wing, and the other party's follow-up actions.

He remembered that there was something connected with the killing marks of the Ten Halls of Underworld.

It's just that there has been no response to this thing, and he has forgotten it too.

Ming Tu Qian Yu Ming Yuzhong said in embarrassment:

"Senior didn't let me go when he left. I just got out of the trap recently, and I was spotted by the herd as soon as I left the island.

Has been chased until now. "

Lu Shui: "..."

How many days have passed since he came out of Underworld?

Well, I didn't get any useful news, it was his problem.

But it was enough to make sure that Ming Tu was not attacked by the Great Elder.

Then Lu Shui looked at Jing Tu Mu Ran:

"Pure Land Royal Family?"

Mu Ran was shocked, and then bowed his head in response:

"The third princess of the Junior Pure Land."

It turned out that there is not only one princess of the Pure Land, Lu Shui was a little surprised.

The Pure Land is different from the Underworld. The royal family of the Pure Land is close to the Pure Land and has special powers in the Pure Land.

Therefore, their family always ruled the Pure Land.

However, he didn't quite understand what was going on inside.

No research value.

Occasionally go there once or twice, probably just looking for materials.

No one messed with him, he was very polite.

I have to compare, that attitude is better than that of Mingtu, I don't know how much.

Mu Ran was indeed a pure land royal family, but the other party saw it at a glance, making her a little panicked.

The pure land royal family has a special temptation for some people, mainly being close to the pure land.

As long as you step on the Pure Land, you can roughly know the danger of other people.

You can also use Pure Land to shuttle, similar to shrinking.

As long as they are on the pure land, they are almost invincible.

If the person in front of her asked about the secrets of the Pure Land, she could not answer.

But people who know this matter are more or less curious and ask this question.

Mu Ran was a little nervous.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it. He did have something about Pure Land and wanted to ask.

But I thought it might be a bit rude, but out of curiosity, Lu Shui still spoke:

"I heard that there is something unknown about the Pure Land."

"Here." Hearing this Mu Ran knew that he might not be able to avoid the question:

"Senior, please say."

"It is said that there are kings and queens in the Pure Land, who are they older?" Lu Shui asked.

This may not be a matter of politeness.

He happened to mention it to Mu Xue once.

This is what Mu Xue said: It must be Wang Da, just like me and you, Lu Family Master and Lu Family Grandma, and of course the Lu Family Master.

He also replied specifically: Why didn't you think so when I bombed my secret room?


Then there is no more.

They never struggled with this issue.

Of course, when he was away, Mu Xue would never do anything to him unless no one was there.

Unfortunately, it has been difficult for them to leave the door for hundreds of years.

The farthest is to visit Qiuyun Town.

Pure Land, Underworld, and other places, I will stop by after a long time.

When I was just married, I would go out often.

After all, I have to take Mu Xue to see various places.

Increase the relationship between husband and wife.

Hearing the question of Lu Shui, Mu Ran was stunned.

"Senior is talking about this unknown thing?" Mu Ran asked.

Shouldn't you ask about royal secrets?

There was no expression on the land surface, just saying:

"It's not easy to answer?"

"No, it's not." Mu Ran immediately explained:

"Actually, this is not a secret.

In the Pure Land, if there is a queen, then the queen is big.

Otherwise, it is not called the queen, but the queen. "

"How do you divide it?" Lu Shui asked.

"Most of it depends on who is strong." Mu Ran replied.

But the housework is so easy to tell, there are still many factors in it.

Lu Shui nodded, seeing who is strong, he thought it was just a superficial conclusion.

Of course, he didn't care about it, so he asked casually.

When the time comes, go back and talk to Mu Xue for popular science.

"As a pure land royal family, you should know something about the pure land history, right?" Lu Shui moved to let himself lean on the high chair and feel more comfortable.

He no longer entangled with the queen, but tried to inquire about the ancient times.

"Yes, in the Pure Land, no one knows the history of the Pure Land better than the royal family.

As a princess of the Pure Land, I do know a lot about history. "Mu Ran lowered his head and replied.

She knew that the senior in front of her might be more interested in history or things in ancient times.

You can know it by asking Mingtu Qianyu before.

As for history, she can mostly say.

Even if it can't be said, the level will not be higher than the secret of the royal family.

"In the history of the Pure Land, who is the one who left the strongest stroke?" Lu Shui did not directly ask about the ancient times, but first understood it from the side.

After all, there may be no faults in the inheritance of the Pure Land, and they are likely to be confused about the time interval of the ancient times.

"Wang Nu, Ji Xun.

A person who changed the Pure Land, the undisputed strongest person in the history of the Pure Land.

Without her, there is no royal family in the Pure Land. "Mu Ran spoke immediately.

This is her understanding of the history of the Pure Land, and she can answer this question in an instant.

Similarly, her answer is uncontroversial to anyone in the Pure Land.

Ji Xun?

Lu Shui frowned when he heard the name, he had heard the name.

He soon remembered.

"Tian Ling Clan?" Lu Shui asked.

Ji Xun of the Heavenly Spirit Clan, one of the invited list of the God Killing Conference.

Everyone on the list should be of the same level.

Then it is indeed the strongest person in the history of Pure Land.

"Senior knows the Sky Spirit Race?" Mu Ran was a little surprised.

Because after the appearance of the royal family, the Tianling family was basically unknown.

Because the Heavenly Spirit Clan became the Pure Land Royal Clan.

Let alone other people about this matter, even people in the Pure Land can hardly understand it.

But the person in front of him can know the Heavenly Spirit Race only by hearing the name.

The opponent was even more special than Mu Ran expected.

For a while, she was a little grateful that she did not lie.

Of course, it made her even more afraid to lie.

It seemed that it was indeed Ji Xun of the Sky Spirit Clan on the list, and Lu Shui did not ask more about the Sky Spirit Clan.

"Do you have many records of Ji Xun's era?"

"There are some, but not too many. Regarding Wang Nv Ji Xun, the Pure Land is still not well understood."

"Talk about it, start from the beginning."

Mu Ran was silent for a moment. She needed to organize her language to see how it would be smoother.

Lu Shui was not in a hurry, waiting quietly for the other party to speak.

Name and weight feel like they are worthless.

It's good to read more books. If he reads more books, he won't be as he is now, asking three questions.

Mu Ran exhaled:

"The age of the birth of the prince daughter happened to be the time when her father ruled the Pure Land. The birth of the prince daughter did not let the king at that time care. He had many daughters.

However, after the Queen's daughter grew up, her talent was discovered by others.

In just one hundred years, Wang Nv Ji Xun was so strong that no one in the entire Pure Land could pose a threat to her.

Everyone knows that Wang Nv Ji Xun will be the next king.

The strongest king in the history of the Pure Land.

Even the King of Pure Land at that time thought so.

Because no one can stop Wang Nv Ji from seeking to become a king.

Wang Nv Ji Xun was too strong, but the Pure Land was completely suppressed in a thousand years.

But an accident happened. After Wang Nv Ji Xun was invincible in the pure land, she unexpectedly chose to leave the pure land.

Before leaving, she only left one sentence: This place is too small. "

"When she left she was full of spirits, and the world was under her feet.

But when Wang Nv Ji returned, she didn't have the color of her time. "Mu Ran was silent for a moment and said:

"I remember that there is a passage in the record: The day the queen came back, she found her mother.

That day the prince rushed into the queen's arms, her voice choked, and crying sounded: Mother, I was defeated, and the other party shot a sword.

That day the prince cried like a real child.

Later, the talents of the Pure Land knew that the powerhouses in the real world of cultivation had risen together.

The one who defeated Wang Nv Ji Xun was a Jian Xiu named Jian Yi, who smashed Kyushu with one sword, and no one could compete with it.

Wang Nv Ji Xun stayed in the Pure Land, and she became stronger, so strong that she could compete with all the strong in the world.

She doesn't want to be a king, but she doesn't hate the life of being a queen.

She felt that she needed to do something for the family.

There will naturally be some great achievements in what Wang Nv Ji Xun, one of the pinnacles of an era, will do.

The royal family was born.

No one knows what Wang Nv Ji Xun did.

Everyone only knows that the few Heavenly Spirit Races have privileges and powers that belong to them in the Pure Land.

This is royal privilege.

Wang Nv Ji Xun became the most supported existence of the royal family, and she also took the Pure Land to become stronger.

Although she is a queen, everyone knows that Ji Xun is the true uncrowned king of the Pure Land. "

Lu Shuiping listened quietly, these things had no effect on him.

But what is certain is that Ji Xun of the Heavenly Spirit Clan is indeed a person of the same age as Jian.

And they are people of the same level.

At least at the same level in the end.

Those who do not are not eligible to enter the list.

It's a pity that the Pure Land records are too one-sided. If you can get in touch with that era, you might be able to record more things.

Mu Ran's voice continued:

"Later, the prince left the Pure Land again at a certain time.

This time, Wang Nv Ji Xun left for a long time, until that day there was a shock in the world, as if the world was collapsing.

It is a powerful force, powerful enough to scare the entire Pure Land.

No one knows what's going on.

When someone wanted to check what happened in the realm of cultivation, they found that they couldn't observe it at all.

But at that moment, Wang Nv Ji came back with a **** look. She only said one sentence: I lost. "

Hearing Lu Shui frowning here, the world was shaking?

"Is there any mention of big data in the record?" Lu Shui asked.

Lu Shui suddenly interrupted, Mu Ran naturally didn't dare to continue talking, but facing Lu Shui's problem, Mu Ran shook his head:

"No mention of big data."

"Did you mention the true **** during that time?" Lu Shui continued to ask.

Mu Ran still shook his head:


Isn't the true **** fallen? Or did they deliberately fail to record it? Lu Shui was puzzled.

Otherwise, Pure Land has not received big data reminders, otherwise it is impossible to mention such a big matter without mentioning it.

"Well, there is another possibility. People who don't know the true **** are not qualified to know." Lu Shui felt that this possibility was the highest.

Just like the big data of the Tribulation, people who have not survived the Tribulation cannot receive it.

"Continue." Lu Shui said.

Mu Ran didn't think much, and continued:

"Wang Nv Ji came back and was seriously injured. She closed the pure land, and then fell into a long period of healing.

Since then, Wang Nv Ji Xun is almost equivalent to legend.

It lasted a long, long time.

The kings who have grown to the Pure Land have changed a few terms.

Until that day, the entire pure land suddenly shook, and the sky began to collapse.

The terrifying power raged across the pure land, like the end of the world.

The Pure Land unleashed all the strong, but no one can reverse the fragmentation of the Pure Land, and the Pure Land began to destroy.

No one knows the reason, no one knows why it is so good, the sky is falling. "

When talking about this, Mu Ran was a little excited:

"And just when everyone was desperate, when everyone was about to face death, Ji Xun, the legendary queen girl, appeared.

She walked barefoot in the air.

The place I passed collapsed and disappeared, and the power dissipated.

The Pure Land began to be restored.

Everyone in the Pure Land cheered.

Shouted the queen.

At that time everyone looked at the prince, watched the prince reverse the situation, watched the prince save the pure land, watched the prince… disappear a little bit.

At that moment everyone was silent again.

Wang Nv Ji Xun is using her life to save the pure land.

That day, they heard Wang Nv Ji Xun say two sentences, one sentence was to the people outside, she said: Is it worth it? No one remembers you.

The second sentence was said to the pure land. She reached out and solidified the entire pure land, saying: This era is over.

Wang Nv Ji Xun disappeared completely, and the pure land was solidified by her, waiting to recover. "

After speaking, Mu Ran exhaled, and then spoke to Lu Lu Channel:

"Senior, this is all the records about Wang Nv Ji Xun."

Lu Shui nodded to be clear.

He did not speak, but began to think about the timeline of Ji Xun's life.

"There have been two shocks in the Pure Land. The second time you don't need to think about it, it is the end of ancient times.

Who did she say the first sentence to?

Lu? "Lu Shui thinks the possibility is very high, because only Lu meets the characteristics of being forgotten.

"So, at the end of the era, there was a big war? Has land participated in the war?

But why fight? "Lu Shui doesn't know.

In the second sentence, Lu Shui didn't think about it. The era was over, and Ji Xun's era of all of them came to an end.

The ancient era is completely over.

The Pure Land was kept relatively intact because of its closure and Ji Xun's protection for life.

"Then the first shock occurred, it should be the day the true **** fell.

Ji Xun said that she had lost, not that she had lost.

In other words, everything is a foregone conclusion. "

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, he still couldn't guess what happened that day.

On the day the true **** fell, there seemed to be more events than he expected.

There are also many people involved.

"Is there any record about the ancient fairy court?" Lu Shui asked.

Although what the other party said helped him understand the ancient times to a certain extent, he did not mention the prophecy slate.

The news of the prophecy slate is the most appropriate to his current needs.

"Rarely, Pure Land's record of the undefeated fairy court is basically a powerful force, the integration and peak of the fairy system." Mu Ran said.

She also didn't know that the senior was dissatisfied with her answer.

The Pure Land is still too closed, and Lu Shui feels a bit regretful.

However, if the Pure Land were not so closed, it would be impossible to keep such a complete record.

The entire cultivation world, known as the strongest Taoist school, doesn't even know the ancestor, let alone a pure land.

Pure Land is still far from enough in front of the ancient Dao Sect.

"By the way, do you know the reason why Pure Land was exiled?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

No one really knows this problem.

The Pure Land and the Underworld seem to have been exiled in ancient times.

Mu Ran hesitated and said:

"There is no record, but according to some secret records of the royal family, the Pure Land was exiled by a true god."

"The only true God of heaven and earth?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

However, Mu Ran shook his head:

"I don't know, there is no relevant record."

Lu Shui didn't care. This world has existed for a long time, and the ancient times were not the origin of the world.

Few people know what happened before and how many eras have disappeared.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't care, he just had to figure out things in the ancient times.

After all, the events of that period may have something to do with him or the Lu family.

No matter how much you want to toss, you can't toss it.

Time is too long, no one can figure it out.

In fact, when his strength is almost restored, he can still take a look.

It depends on whether it is necessary to go.

No interest at the moment.

Things in the ancient times are the most peak outbreaks in the world.

The strong rise together, and the true **** falls.

In an era, there were more than a dozen people in the realm of Jianyi, and they never happened anywhere.

There is only one great elder in this era.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it. If this princess of the Pure Land was right, then it is possible that most of the ancient times were ended by Lu himself.

"Sword once said that Lu was dead, did he die at that time?" Lu Shui didn't know.

Lu seemed very special to ancient times.

At the end of the True God Period, Jian Yi said that it was driven by the existence of Lu, and the end of the Ancient Era was also related to him.

Was he born specifically to end the era?

Lu Shui sighed, he couldn't find the answer.

But after so long, he should also leave the Wangchuan River. There is almost new progress on Huangdou's side. Once there is an accident, he needs to be under the eyes of the second elder.

Otherwise, how could the second elder sigh with other people's children?

In case the suspicion in his head hits him, it will be no good.

So it's better to make trouble under the second elder's eyelids.

Who made the second elders have a small head, but they thought a lot.

"Why did you come to the other coast?" Lu Shui asked, and he should leave after asking this.

In fact, most people in the cultivation world come here for the purpose of this life, but these people are not necessarily.

Lu Shui first looked at name and weight.

Being stared at by Lu Shui, Qianyu Ming and the heavy pressure were so heavy, in desperation, he could only explain in a low voice:

"I heard that the people of Mingtu have people who grasp the pure land and go back to be pets...I, I will come to see and see."

Hearing these words, the pure land princess Mu Ran's face was cold, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This is simply an insult to their pure land.

So the relationship between Hades and Pure Land has always been bad.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it is good or not, everyone will also have conflicts on the other coast.

Never touched it afterwards.

Lu Shui also didn't understand, was this taken back as a pet or something else?

Then Lu Shui looked at Mu Ran, the princess of the Pure Land.

Mu Ran lowered his head and said:

"We are to reincarnate the tree.

I heard that there will be saplings of reincarnation trees on the coast of the other side.

But it seems to be of no use to people who have reached their end of life. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised, there are saplings of reincarnation trees here?

But the reincarnation tree is not that easy to use.

Unless it is only used to restore injury or restore strength.

This is possible.

That Harpy is different, it needs a real new life.

A whole new life.

With the true God, it shouldn't be a problem when it wakes up.

Just wait for a good time.

It's a pity that the true **** has fallen, and it hasn't been able to wake up yet.

Ye Xin waited till now, but did not wait for a result.

He wanted to know that he had to take a look, and he could only wait for Huang Dou to enter.

Thinking this way, Lu Shui stood up.

He began to walk towards the Wangchuan River.

Asked all the questions that should be asked, and I couldn't get more answers if I asked again.

He just glanced at the people of Mingtu and Pureland, and said by the way:


Hearing Lu Shui's words, Mingtu Qianyu's name and Zhonghe Pure Land Princess Mu Ran were all taken aback.

Then there was a joy, which means they were free.

And there is nothing to pay.

Also out of danger by the way.


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