The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 293: Reincarnated Tree on the Other Shore

Below the avenue, the ninth stage proclaims the Dao.

Only one step away from Dadao Tiancheng.

But this step is as far away as the sky, while it's out of reach, at the same time, power is even more different.

The suppression of the realm, even if the strength is lacking, still has an indescribable advantage.

However, facing this Lu Youting, the second elder of the Lu family.

The realm advantage of the goddess of ice sea disappeared, and the power of the main **** did not play a role.

"Since I am under the avenue, why can it affect me so easily?" Even if the other party behaved a little bit more embarrassed, she felt that this was the result of the other party's best efforts.

But Lu Youting was too relaxed, and she couldn't figure it out with ease.

In fact, she hoped that the other party would tell her that they were already in the same realm.

This way the ice goddess would not be too surprised.

At the same level, she still has a long way to go before returning to her heyday.

The other party is not so exaggerated.

But not in the same realm, this is simply a silent threat.

When the other party steps into the road, she will also be defeated in her heyday.

The seven main gods of the gods are almost the seven strongest people in all Dao Tiancheng.

Because there are only seven main gods, as one of the main gods, he has the favor of the true gods, and has the unique power of the main god.

These are advantages that others do not possess.

There are many immortal monarchs in the fairy court, and there are also many ancient Buddhist Buddhas.

But few can compare with the seven main gods of their gods.

The only ones who can truly fear them are the five great sword repairs of the ancient Dao Sect.

That is a nightmare for everyone in the same realm.

However, once this Lu Youting entered the avenue, it would definitely be a nightmare for them.

"One Lu family elder is enough trouble. Now there is another Lu Youting." The Binghai goddess frowned at Lu Youting.

The second elder lowered his eyebrows and looked at the Goddess of Ice Sea, and then spoke without hurriedness, answering her questions:

"As the second elder of the Lu family, I am only in charge of logistics, and my strength is not strong.

It affects you, but you are neither in the heyday nor the body. "

The Ice Sea Goddess didn't know what to say for a while.

She stared at Lu Youting, and then a cold voice came out:

"The Lu Family, are all monsters?"

A Lu Wuwei, the Lu Family Elder, and Lu Youting, the Lu Family Second Elder who has not yet bloomed, plus the contents of the book of Revelation.

The strength of the Lu Family simply made them unable to look directly at them.

If they had more people and there were more people stepping into the avenue, it would not be impossible to crush them by the three major forces.

Unless their gods are true gods, Xianting Emperors, or Buddhism ancient Buddhas.

The second elder was standing on the edge of the huge pit, her eyes kept on the ice goddess.

The second elder was a little surprised by the other party's questioning.

Then the second elder shook his head and said calmly:

"How could the people of the Lu family be monsters?

The Lu family has been passed down for many years. Although it cannot be traced back to ancient times, the number of years is still unknown.

In these countless years, the Lu Family has kept a low profile and has never been an enemy outside.

Guarding one acre of land with no extra ambitions.

But it has been passed down to this day, in countless years of alternation.

There were only six people left in the Lu family.

Three old immortals, two useless middle-aged people, and one ignorant young man. "

The second elder looked at the Binghai goddess and was silent for a moment, and said:

"Does this Lu family look like a monster?"

"It's just one or two special ones, which can live longer." The second elder raised his head and looked at the sky, adding Shuangyue.

I know whether the Lu Family is a monster or not, the Goddess of Ice Sea muttered to herself.

She didn't want to mention it more.

"Are you not interested in the reincarnation tree? Maybe it can make you grow up." The Ice Sea goddess reduced her breath and tried to impress the second elder.

She thought that when she heard these words, the other party should be tempted, at least for a moment of change.

But no, the second elder just stared at her, without any extra words.

The Goddess of Ice Sea can also feel that she can't escape at all.

Has anyone else in the Lu family robbed it? The ice goddess thinks this possibility is very high.

Stop her, it means there is a higher chance.

But can she stop my body? This question suddenly popped up in the mind of the goddess of ice sea.

"If she can't stop my body, then I may get a reincarnation sapling.

With the strength shown by the opponent, as long as I am careful enough, even if I can't beat it, I can escape. "The Goddess of Ice Sea tried to imagine.

Once it succeeds, it won't get even a little bit of benefit.

"You can take a gamble, even if it fails, she can't keep me." The Ice Sea Goddess felt that there was no need to hesitate.

It's just that when the ice sea goddess decided to communicate with her body, she suddenly froze.

"No, she shouldn't be ignorant that I can let the body come over.

Then why is she unprepared at all? Are you really that confident? "The Ice Sea Goddess tried to perceive her surroundings.

She found that the imprisonment here was still there, and the surrounding land belonged to Lu Youting's spells, and there was no sign of abating.

After a moment of silence, the Goddess of Ice Sea asked the second elder:

"You think I am coming here and want to go, can you stop me?"

The second elder said blankly:

"Try it and you will know."

The Ice Sea Goddess gave up resistance, she stepped directly to the edge of the giant pit, no longer planning to leave.

The second elder watched the ice sea goddess appear not far away, and didn't care.

I just sighed in my heart:

"It's a pity, I didn't elicit her body."

There is no need to kill a clone.

But if the body of the ice sea goddess comes.

The second elder didn't mind taking advantage of the other party's illness and killing him.

"Be more cautious than the sun god, or the death of the sun god, made the other party more cautious.

Otherwise, the body of the goddess of ice and sea must have been here today. "

After that, the second elder didn't think much about it.

Instead, he took out the elixir to continue processing.

She can't control things in other places.

As for the reincarnation tree, she hoped that Lu Shui would get it out and then take it away.

If not, it doesn't matter.

As long as the lord **** of the ice sea does not threaten Lu Shui.

The two fell into exhaustion again.


Above the glacier in the sea, the figure of the goddess of ice and sea emerges from the lake.

She looked at the distant sea.

"Stopped me, even wanted to hunt me."

The face of the ice goddess is cold:

"Lu Youting of the Lu family, does she think that through my clone, she can detect whether I have a clone to enter?"

"I don't know if you have thought about it, there is no shortage of strong people in the seven main temples?

Even if they are all recovering. "

Then the Goddess of Ice Sea gave an oracle.

The oracle went directly down to the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Light, and the Temple of Ice Sea.

There is only one thing about the oracle, to reincarnate the sapling at any cost.

She was indeed held back, but Lu Youting was also unable to go.

Only soon the ice goddess felt wrong.

"Her current strength can be said to be the strongest in the entire coast.

Why stay? "

The goddess of ice sea was silent for a moment, and said to herself:

"Is there anything more important than the reincarnation sapling?"

Soon the ice goddess thought of something:

"She won't let me go, is she worried about what I see?

The more important thing to her...

Land water? "

Thinking of this, the Goddess of Ice Sea was shocked.

Later, he issued an oracle again, and attached a picture of the appearance of the land: pay attention to the people around the reincarnation tree, find out all the people with unknown appearance, and pray and report immediately if this person appears.

After dealing with these, the goddess of ice sea began to sink to the bottom of the lake.

"I hope it's just me worrying."

After the old man withered tree came to the land of the other bank, he began to look for the flowers of the other bank everywhere.

But one day passed, let alone other flowers, they didn't even see a single flower.

"It's all wilderness, and there are no plants at all," said the old man withered tree.

His strength is really suitable here.

Whenever there is a plant, he can detect it.

But there is nothing.

"I used the secret method to contact An Yi, and they didn't find the slightest. But they are also coming here." Fairy Jianyue said.

They are all here for the first time, and they are unfamiliar with this place.

But after so long, nothing has been discovered, making them a little unclear.

"According to previous records, the Lu family should have been to the other shore.

It seems that we have encountered the same predicament as them and have not gained anything at all. "Huodu said.

When he first came here, he naturally hoped to gain something.

Even a little bit is good.

It's all right now, except for the feeling of walking around the wasteland.

Nothing was gained, and the scenes here didn't make them feel anything worth watching.

If you have to say the harvest, it is finally seeing the same day in both moons.

Ah Man walked in the middle, and he didn't feel much.

And he only needs to listen to these people's orders.

Don't worry about anything else, just transplant it when you encounter a panacea.

"Any and they came to investigate Xianting's affairs?" The old man withered tree asked curiously.

He always felt that some of the things the young master did were also related to the ancient fairy garden.

It seems that many of the people in Xian Ting were killed by their young masters.

"Yeah." Xianyuexian nodded:

"I heard that there are Buddhism-related legends here, and I want to see if I can know something about Xian Ting from the side.

But they came in just like us, without the slightest gain. "

"It doesn't seem like there is much to gain from a few easy outings," said the old man withered tree.

Seeing the moon nodded:

"Is such that."

The news about the ancient fairy garden is really hard to find.

For Xian Ting, they also discussed for a while.

But it's small talk.

And while they were still talking, a roar suddenly came from the sky.


In the next moment they will see the bimonthly turn to the red moon.

This sudden change made them vigilant.

"Observe the surroundings to see if there are any subtle changes." The old man withered tree said immediately.

They don't know what impact the appearance of the red moon will bring.

But it's always right to be alert.

Seeing the moon fairy and the fire all looked around.

Ah Man is naturally under their protection.

But soon Huo Du pointed to the side in surprise and said:

"Look at it."

Hearing the voice of Huodu, the old man withered tree and Fairy Jianyue looked over.

They saw moonlight falling from high above, and in this moonlight, there was a small tree sapling.

"What is this?" Seeing Fairy Moon was a little surprised.

But no matter what it is, it is definitely not an ordinary sapling.

The old man withered tree felt it, and said in shock:

"This tree gives me a feeling of new life, which is absolutely extraordinary.

See Moon Fairy, ask An Yi, he may know. "

"Good." Fairy Jianyue responded immediately.

"No matter how we go there first, many people should find out.

We are close, we have the opportunity. "The old man withered tree said immediately.

Naturally, the others had no objection, and Ah Man followed Fairy Jianyue with his life-protection magic weapon.

They went all the way towards the sapling.

At this time the sapling has landed, as long as it is obtained in the past, there should be no problem.

Just halfway through, they suddenly felt a chill, as if some powerful existence was coming.

"Be careful, the other party is very strong." The old dead tree reminded immediately.

Seeing the Moon Fairy, they could also naturally feel the fear that came from the depths of their souls, they were very aware of it.

But in an instant, the chill disappeared, and the feeling of fear also disappeared.

All of them are somewhat unexpected.

The old man withered tree is also curious.

He felt it carefully, but didn't notice the slightest.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the other party may just pass by.

"Stay vigilant." The four of them were very fast, approaching directly in the direction of the sapling.

Seeing the moon fairy on the road got a comfortable reply:

"An Yi replied. He said that there was a reincarnation tree in the rumors about Buddhism.

If trees appear on the coast of the other side, a large part of them may be such trees. "

"Reincarnation tree?" The old man withered tree frowned, then immediately said:

"It should be, that tree has always given me a feeling of new life.

Since there is no other side flower, then take this reincarnation tree. "

No one has an opinion.

They are quickly approaching the reincarnation sapling.

Not long after, the old dead tree came to the vicinity of the reincarnated tree sapling, and they were the first to come.

Without any hesitation, the old man withered tree immediately came to the reincarnated sapling, and he wanted to take the sapling away directly.

Just when he approached the reincarnation sapling, he discovered that the reincarnation sapling had grown a bit special and had deep roots, and could not be pulled out and taken away.

There are countless elixir in the realm of comprehension, and countless growth methods.

Some elixir can be taken away directly, while others need to be transferred gradually according to the environment, otherwise the elixir itself will be damaged.

Even directly destroyed.

This is the role of transplantation.

"Obviously it fell from the sky, how can it feel like it has been growing for hundreds of years." The old man withered tree was puzzled.

"Since you can't pull the tree directly, then take the whole land away." The old man withered tree felt that this was the most suitable.

The transplant can be carried out in a safe place.

Even if there will be some damage.

Someone will be approaching soon, and it's hard to tell if you can get away without going.

Without hesitation, the old man withered tree put his hand on the ground, and then tried to strip the surrounding land.

You can put it up and take it away at that time.

At first he heard that in order to bring back a flower that could not be perfectly transplanted, the second elder brought it back directly with the mountain and the flower, and then placed it in the back mountain.

He thinks this trick should work.

It's just that when he tried to strip the land, the saplings on the land began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The old man withered tree was taken aback, and immediately stopped stripping the land.

Then the saplings stopped withering.

"Can't transplant?" The old man withered tree frowned.

At this time, Huodu, they also came over:

"It should be connected to the environment here.

Can the reincarnation tree be a reincarnation tree if it leaves the coast of the other side? "

The old man withered tree nodded, indeed.

So do you want to bring back the other coast directly?

He can't do it.

"Aman, see if it can be transplanted." Huo Du immediately said to Aman.

"Yes, yes." Ah Man nodded and came to the reincarnation tree for the first time.

The old man withered tree looked at Aman, he was not sure whether the other party could transplant it.

If not, then they can only give up?

Thinking about it this way, he began to lay a ban on his surroundings.

In case of emergencies.

After all, it will take some time for Aman to get results.

Huo Du and Jian Yuexian both prepared separately.

They also know that someone else will come here soon.

It will definitely not be easy for them then.

If someone comes to suppress them completely, then they can only give up.

Otherwise, insist on what you say.

Ah Man put his hand under the sapling, he was trying to get news from the sapling.

So as to determine whether it can be transplanted and how to transplant it.

This is an ability that he didn't possess before, or that he was not so good before.

It didn't take long for Ah Man to end the perception.

"How?" Huo Du immediately asked.

He knew that Aman had the result.

"Article, the conditions are very, very demanding..." Ah Man tried to explain.

However, Huo Du directly interrupted:

"You just have to answer, yes or no."

After listening to Ah Man stammering, it was dawn.

There is no time now.

"Yes, yes." Ah Man didn't mind, and immediately nodded.

"How long will it take?" The old dead tree asked.

This question is very important.

How long means how long they have to stay here.

"Four, four, hours left and right." Aman replied.

Hearing this answer, everyone was taken aback, it was too long.

Not to mention the powerhouses who completely surpassed them, but if there are more at the same level, they will not be able to bear it.

And at that time, it will inevitably fall into siege, even if the transplant is successful, it may be making wedding dresses for others.

"Start transplanting." The old dead tree said without hesitation.

At this time there is no time to hesitate.

They can still take a gamble.

Bet that the last two elders will appear.

If it doesn't work, give up again.

Huo didn't say a word, and immediately began to arrange.

Seeing that Fairy Jianyue came to Aman's side, she folded her hands together and put a protection like a big golden bell around Aman's body.

This is her defense, because she can't move, so her defense is very strong.

Ah Man didn't say much, and started to take out some things, preparing to transplant.

The first thing he took out was a flowerpot, which was a special flowerpot with many formations on it.

After filling the flowerpot with the soil from the other bank, Ah Man took out some stickers. Each sticker was a kind of formation and a kind of material.

This is a must for all transplanters.

They don't know much about the formation, but they know how to use it.

It is used to simulate the environment.

Huo Du and the old man withered tree glanced occasionally, and they found that Ah Man had left an angry and dead spirit in the flowerpot.

It is indeed in line with the characteristics of the reincarnation tree.

"It's really amazing. Sometimes I wonder if Ah Man is the first order.

I checked him several times, but it was indeed the first order.

I have never seen the level one can do this.

He can simulate the living environment of almost any elixir.

And there are no accidents in the transplant process.

I applied for him a lot of elixir for life extension.

For fear that he will suddenly come to an end. "Huo Du said with some emotion.

He might really not be the first-order, the old man withered tree thought to himself.

He more or less put some bets on Ah Man.

After all, this person is related to the young master.

Of course, it is best to be able to solve the problem by yourself.

When thinking like this, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said:

"Beware, someone is coming."

"Tsk tsk, someone arrived earlier than me." A black wind blew by, and a young man appeared in front of the old dead tree.

The man was dressed in black, with black air coming out of him.

Gives a gloomy feeling.

"Magic repair?" The old man withered tree stared at the opponent and frowned.

The cultivation base of the seventh-order entrance to the Dao, which came to be of this level, surprised him.

There should not be too many strong people on that coast.

Unless the land and the pure land.

"Moxiu Ji'an, a casual repair." After Moxiu Ji'an reported his name, he continued:

"To be honest, I am not interested in who you are.

And I found that I couldn't grab the sapling from you, so my interest in the sapling was also lost.

How about we make a transaction? "

"What deal?" The old man withered tree asked.

If he could not do it, he naturally had no plans to do it.

"First of all, my cultivation is a seventh-order entry, which may be inferior to you, but I am also a threat to you.

Especially there are many people coming here from behind.

As a seventh-order me, once I join hands with them, it is very dangerous for you. Do you agree with this? "

"Agree." The old man withered wood nodded in response.

The fire continued to prepare.

Seeing the moon fairy did not move.

"Since I agree, then the reason for the transaction has appeared." Moxiu Ji'an looked at the old man withered tree and said:

"Give me a Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, I turn my head and leave, and I will never participate in the affairs between you.

In other words, as long as you are here, I won't make any moves, and I won't participate in any light or dark.

A Nine-Rank, the threat of buying out a seventh-level entry into the Dao.

How about this deal? "

The old man withered tree frowned and said:

"How can we trust you?"

Moxiu Ji'an spread his hands, looked at the old man with a smile, and said:

"There is no reason, and I am a demon cultivator, so it can be said that there is no possibility of belief.

For you, it's just a chance.

This transaction, before the transaction, there is no guarantee.

So trading? "

The old man withered tree just looked at each other, and then threw out a Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, and said:


After getting the spirit stone, Mo Xiu Ji'an smiled:

"Your choice can't be wrong, and I won't make another move in the future.

However, I will stay nearby If you are willing to produce another Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, I will hold you a powerhouse of Rank 7 into the Tao.

There is only one.

And there must be no people above the seventh level.

Otherwise, the transaction will not be established.

You can pay later this time.

Waiting for your news. "

Said the enchanted Xiu Ji'an turned his head and left, he directly turned into a black wind and disappeared in place.

The old man withered tree breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Moxiu Ji'an leave.

A Nine-Rank is nothing, this transaction is worthwhile for him.

I'm afraid of follow-up.

More and more people are coming here.

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