The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 297: It's better to worship me

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The second elders were still dealing with the elixir in her hands at this time.

She occasionally glanced at Lu Shui.

Just when she was about to see if Lu Shui hadn't exchanged books, suddenly thunder raged from the sky.


Loud noises kept coming.

Immediately afterwards, a strong breath followed.

The second elder was a little surprised, and she looked towards the sky.

At this time, a crack appeared in the sky, and a scarlet star came from the sky.

"What happened?" The second elder was a little surprised, and then she recognized the scarlet star:

"Inverse star?

Why does the reverse star appear here? "

It was not only the second elder who was surprised, but also the goddess of ice sea.

"Reverse star? What happened?" Then the scarlet star connected a crimson light, and then began to fall red light.

"Is it because of the reincarnated sapling?" The Ice Sea goddess had a guess.

She wanted to check it out.

But Lu Youting's strength has never let up.

This made her a little helpless.

Then she looked at the second elder, and she could clearly see that the other party was also very surprised.

I don't understand what happened.

"She doesn't know? Which party is it?" The Ice Sea Goddess felt that this world was not normal at all.

She thought that the most mysterious thing should be the three powers of their gods, Buddhism, and Xian Ting.

Now it seems that there is no such tranquility in the dark.

The new era is not so unbearable.

The second elder watched Nixing's mind flashing various speculations, and finally locked the result to Dutianling.

The reversal star was brought into position by a powerful being, and then disappeared without a trace.

And this existence is suspected of accidentally breaking into the land of Dutianling.

"So, this is the reason why he is still here?" The second elder felt that the possibility was very high.

For this reason, she still didn't plan to let the goddess of ice sea pass.

Even if there is only the slightest possibility.

I also have to let the Goddess of Ice Sea watch her deal with the elixir.


In the real **** barrier.

Ye Xin looked at Youluo Ancient Buddha.

His voice is soft:

"If Gu Buddha met someone who made a wish for you, would he be willing to put her down?

Will you let go of the other party for your own comfort?

Will he kill this person in order to become a Buddha?

The true **** once told me that her life and death depend on my beliefs.

If I give up weakly, she will die.

I am weak and never give up, but she has hope for life.

Just hope.

But this is the hope of life.

This is not my obsession, it is hope, it is faith, it is my heart. "

Ye Xin looked at Youluo Ancient Buddha and continued:

"The ancient Buddha should know that I used to be a demon."

"I know." Youluo Gufo said calmly.

He was not speaking to persuade Ye Xin, he was just listening to Ye Xin quietly.

There is no impatience, no dissatisfaction, and no dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, there is a sense of understanding.

"I, who was once a demon, felt that something was missing after I became a human being.

I asked the true god, but the true **** did not respond to me.

Then I searched for a long time, only to find out what I was missing. "Ye Xin said with a low eyebrow.

"What is it?" You Luo Ancient Buddha asked.

Ye Xin raised his eyes to look at Ancient Buddha Youluo, his voice was a little heavy:

"It's the heart.

I, who was born as a demon, lacked a human heart.

To be a human being, one should have a heart. "

"Human heart?" Youluo Gufo remained silent for a moment, and continued:

"There is also a distance between heaven and earth, but three inches of people's hearts, like a bottomless abyss.

The kindness of the human heart can rob the sun and the moon.

But the evil of the human heart can also make the world red. "

"So, the true **** once said.

Demons are chasing adults, and people are chasing them into demons. "Ye Xin said softly.

Hearing these words, Youluo Ancient Buddha was startled, seeming to be a little enlightened, and then he was taught in a low voice:

"That's it."

Ye Xin retracted his gaze, then looked at the reincarnation tree, his expression serious:

"I am chasing an adult, so I am willing to have faith in my heart, willing to enter the whirling **** for her, and willing to enter the world of suffering for her.

Willing to suffer forever. "

Ye Xin turned his head to look at Ancient Buddha Youluo, with a low voice:

"Gu Buddha advised me to let go, but if I let go, it is killing.

Killing people for the sake of becoming a Buddha, is such a Buddha still a Buddha?

The Buddha was silent back then, unable to help me, and never persuaded me.

It has already seen everything through. "

You Luo Gufo looked at Ye Xin, and finally lowered his head and said softly:

"It seems that the one with obsession is the poor monk."

Ye Xin bowed his head and stopped talking.

Lu Shui watched from behind, unable to say anything for a while.

"It feels like you are confessing to this tree?" This thought flashed through Lu Shui's mind.

However, he didn't care about what the other party said.

The human mind, Buddhism, or the realm of cultivation doesn't matter much to him.

"This ancient Buddha is also humble. As long as he doesn't affect me, the problem shouldn't be big." Lu Shui began to imagine.

He has almost resolved it.

And he finally understood what was going on in the other shore.

No one has ever opened the real coast of the other side.

The key to opening is the reincarnation tree in front of you.

But the key, only the true **** has.

This is brought about by the utility of the reincarnation tree.

Now even if someone takes away the reincarnated sapling, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"I have the key, but the beginning is missing." Lu Shui frowned.

Then he turned his head and looked up at the sky, the bimonthly turned into a red moon, and that was the beginning of everything.

Lushui can do it, but it will take some time.

"Some trouble."

At the beginning, he couldn't use this soybean to open it, let alone use the main body to open it.

Then you can only turn your attention to the other soybeans, and then let the other soybeans explode the liver.

"It will take a lot of time."

Lu Shui wanted to ask Ye Xin again, whether he wanted to be paid.

This is about whether the other party is willing to talk to him about things in ancient times.

Especially since he has fully understood the reincarnation tree.

Have enough strength to pay the promised reward last time.


Just when Lu Shui was about to cut other soybeans to turn on the red moon.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky.

Thunder raged high in the sky, and crimson light began to appear from the sky.

Lu Shui was surprised, and then looked towards the sky.

"Nixing? Aman opened his eyes?"

Lu Shui frowned, and then understood the general situation.

"It should have come with the Spirit Medicine Garden. It seems that the reincarnated tree sapling was obtained by Aman and the others. It is just a tortuous look." Lu Shui secretly said to himself.

At this time, Ye Xin and Youluo Gufo also looked over.

They were a little dazed for a while.

"This is the legendary star?" Ye Xin was a little surprised.

"It's not in the legend, it's really against the stars." Youluo Gufo looked at the scarlet stars in the sky and said in a puzzled way:

"It's just that this reverse star is not normal."

Ye Xin remembered something.

He remembered an unreliable rumor, in which some people were against the stars.

"I didn't expect it to be true." Ye Xin couldn't believe it.

He went to check at the beginning, but he didn't find anything.

The rumors are true, but there has been no news about the existence of the reversal.

It's as if it doesn't exist, so he didn't cling to it.

However, today he met again.

But can he meet that existence?


By the Wangchuan River, Lu Shui also subconsciously looked towards the sky.

As a second-tier, he naturally noticed this terrible scene.

And the whole land on the other shore is shaking.

There is no reason not to watch.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling guarded Lu Shui for the first time, and they recognized the star.

This is Aman.

"Don't care, it won't affect us." Lu Shui spoke first.

Zhen Wu Zhenling nodded, but did not relax his vigilance.

They knew that Ah Man was unstable.

This can easily affect their young master.

Lu Shui didn't care about the red light falling.

It is normal for Ah Man to run away with power. After all, with his eyes closed for so long, his power has been suppressed.

And he didn't understand to absorb the strength.

However, if the power goes wild, the reason will not be completely lost, and the most basic control ability will also be there.

Killing the enemy is definitely no problem, and the friendly side will not be affected.

Of course, that's the limit.

Let him fight the enemy, it will definitely not work, he can only run wild and kill the enemy.

"If the eyes are not there, the attention is still there, can't they be drawn away even if the star comes?" Lu Shui didn't understand it very well.

If no one is staring, he wants to go over and take a look.

Forget it now, a second-tier, in the past, it was tantamount to death.

He is not stupid.

At this time, Crimson Star suddenly confronted Shuangyue, and the two seemed to have disagreements, and they were extremely jealous when they met.

Immediately began to compete for the position of air supremacy.

"It was stimulated to the bimonthly, and the red moon on the other side was activated.

Just right. "

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

This was completely beyond his expectation.

It is equivalent to helping him complete the first step.

Then Lu Shui focused his attention on the real **** barrier.

He began to perceive the reincarnation tree.

Soon he realized that the opening of the red moon worked.

The lock has been revealed.

"You can shoot."

Now it was his turn to let the lock shine on the other shore.

"This time, it depends on how you choose.

If you don't want this reward, the young master turns around and leaves. "

Lu Shui looked at Ye Xin.

When he gives the opportunity, it depends on whether the other party wants it or not.

At this moment, the power of land and water began to invade the roots of the reincarnated tree.

The roots of the trees are almost all over the border, but the power of the sky and the earth has extended Xu Yuan's position in the blink of an eye.

Chiba Yuzuru, who had been running, suddenly stopped. He looked up at the sky in surprise.

"What's going on again? Or go back to that big guy."

Ming Tu Ming and Zhong felt that there was some peace of mind around them at this time.

On the other side, Mu Ran, the princess of the Pure Land, also stared at the sky blankly. Just now, she noticed something appeared, but this look made her a little bit at a loss.

"Here again, I have never heard of so many anomalies on the other coast."

Mo Xiu Ji'an and Ming Tu Dusk, who were still at war, suddenly felt that something appeared to the side.

"Wait, something has appeared again." Mo Xiu Ji'an said immediately.

Naturally, the dusk of the earth did not dare to be big. The two accidents that happened just now almost killed people. This time it should not be easy.

Soon they saw it.

"What's going on?" Ming Tu Dusk was a little puzzled.

Mo Xiu Ji'an naturally didn't understand either.

"Tree? And it's still such a big tree."

Yes, they saw a big tree appearing in a distant place, and they didn't know if it happened that the area where the tree was located was just in the middle of the double moon and the red star.

"This change time and time again, what are you going to do?" Mo Xiu Ji'an was a little scared.

The appearance of this tree made him feel a little insignificant.

Because he has a feeling that he is also under the tree.

If you want to escape, you can't escape, unless you leave the coast of that country.

The evening of the earth is also shocked, the appearance of this tree is silent, completely different from the situation just now.

But I don't know why, it just makes people more scared.

Perhaps it was because the scarlet stars were not above them, and the tree gave people a way of covering themselves.

"The space is distorted, and the sky is abnormal. No matter how you look at it, the tree is in the middle of the star-reversing star and the double moon.

Who is it that did it in secret? "The second elder was a little puzzled for a while.

Lu Shui is here, but abnormalities happen constantly.

She knew that the places where Lu Shui went would be abnormal, and she also knew that it was because of Lu Shui.

However, this time she saw it with her own eyes.

See Lu Shui with your own eyes.

She thought that what Lu Shui would do would be under her gaze, but she didn't.

Lu Shui was there watching.

He did nothing.

"Is he already done the layout? Or are we wrong?" The second elder doubted himself a little.

The Goddess of Ice Sea also looked at that tree, and she knew it was a reincarnation tree.

But she couldn't know who caused all this.

"Why do things that I can't understand always happen in this era?" The Ice Sea Goddess always feels a little bit of powerlessness in this era.

This is not a question of strength, but an unseen, unheard question.

The unknown makes people daunting.

Especially a main god.

As the Lord God, there are not many things that cannot be understood.

At this time, the reincarnation tree became clearer and clearer, and they even saw two figures under the tree.

"Is there someone under the tree?" Miao Tong looked at the tree in surprise.

These people are not strong, and they were scared several times by staying here.

Give them another chance, they will never come here again.

The same is true for the people on the side.

Mainly it is too bizarre. What is happening now is not something they can understand, touch, or know.

As long as a tiny bit is contaminated, they may die here directly.

At this time, the old man beside the stele was also watching.

He actually couldn't understand it, because he didn't even know what the scarlet star was.

And at this moment, they heard a voice from the other side of the tree. The voice was ethereal, as if transmitted through a special channel:

"The red moon appeared, but it seems to be due to star reversal.

The true **** has fallen, is there anyone in the world who can solve your obsessions for you? "

When they heard this sound, everyone was a little surprised, because the sound was transmitted from the tree.

But don't know why, they feel that they are also under the tree, and the person who speaks is by their side.

"True God?" The second elder said the word silently in his heart.

"The secret under Fengshuang River is also called this name, right?" She had been to Fengshuang River and learned the secrets that can only be known by the elder of the Lu family.

She was very puzzled.

But did not ask.

Now that she heard the fall of the true god, she was a little concerned.

But she also heard that these two people are not people of this era.

They are most likely from ancient times.

The Ice Sea Goddess felt her feet, and she could perceive that all problems came from her feet.

But she can do nothing.

"Is it related to the One True God of Heaven and Earth?" Then she looked at the two people. She already knew that they were Buddhists.

It's just that he didn't expect that Buddhism actually has a strong one.

Corefire will definitely not come rashly.

At this time, many people are looking at the big tree, and the connection to the scarlet stars has long been broken, so other people can't see the connection.

They are all waiting for the dialogue between the two figures under the tree.

So they can know what is going on.

Lu Shui was also looking at these two people at this time, he was still a little bit short of time.

But it's coming soon.

Or it will be ready soon.

Facing You Luo Gufo's question, Ye Xin was silent for a moment, and he was a little sad:

"The true **** told me that she would come to help me as long as I could wait until the day when the reincarnation tree bears fruit.

However, the real **** missed the appointment.

I used to think that the Buddha could help me.

However, I entered the sea of ​​suffering, entered the temple of the Buddha, and saw the true Buddha.

I begged hard, but the Buddha was helpless.

I don't know if there is anyone in this world who can help me out of my happy thoughts. "

Hearing Ye Xin's words, Youluo Gufo remained silent.

Not only Youluogufo, but everyone outside chose to be silent.

They don't understand very well, but the sadness can still be heard.

If you don't understand, you won't speak rashly.

Because it's so quiet.

The Goddess of Ice Sea frowned, she had heard about it.

No one can touch the things left by the only true **** of heaven and earth.

Strength is part of it, and it is more of theocracy or recognition.

Have enough theocratic power, or be recognized by the power of the true God.

No one can do it so far.

There can be no one.

"Who said, no?" Suddenly a voice came from the tree.

This voice was ethereal and vast, making everyone stunned.

The ice goddess looked at the reincarnation tree, and this was the third voice.


Ye Xin, You Luo Gufo also heard it.

They are a little unbelievable, there are others here?

However, before Ye Xin asked who it was, a light burst out from the reincarnation tree.

The white light rushed directly to the sky, toward the red stars and the red moon.

This light shines on the entire land beyond.

Everyone will see the emergence of this light.

Lu Shui condensed his figure, and he had completed his appearance, so it was time for the other party to choose.

Then he started to move forward.

As Lu Shui stepped forward, the white light began to fold down, turning into stairways.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps began to spread from this ladder.

But no one saw anyone on the stairs.

No way, all the stairs are shrouded in white light, and it is impossible to see the situation behind.

Ye Xin looked at all this in a daze, the reincarnation tree appeared abnormal, an abnormality he had never seen before.

He didn't know what it meant.

But he knew that someone had just spoken, and this person was about to show up.

Ancient Buddha Youluo tried to see through the white light, but he found that he couldn't see through it, and he couldn't see through it with his strength.

"It's the power of the true god, how did this man do it?" Youluo Ancient Buddha was somewhat incomprehensible.

What the Buddha can't do, why can other people do it?

Da da da!

The footsteps were very quiet, but no one could not hear them.

At this time, Lu Shui's body also looked at the direction of the footsteps, and Zhenwu Zhenling naturally looked at it.

They actually don't understand that this kind of thing is actually not their young master's home court.

It seems to be different from the past.

Soon Zhen Wu Zhen Ling saw it, and a low figure came to its apex from the white brilliance.

He stepped on the white light steps, and his whole body exuded radiance.

The scarlet star and the red moon are behind him, as if two guards set off him.

But at the moment when the other party reached the top, the world became quiet, and any sound from the scarlet stars disappeared instantly.

It seems that in front of this person, everything is not qualified to make a sound.

Heaven and earth are not allowed to speak before he speaks.

He stood there, no one could see his face, no one dared to underestimate his existence.

At this moment, the figure stood high in the sky and looked down.

The moment the other party looked down, everyone was stunned, as if the other party was looking at them, as if an unknown and terrifying existence glanced at them.

Then a voice sounded.

This voice is majestic and majestic, it is the world's best.

With confidence in his tone, watching the world:

"Pray for Buddha, it is better to worship me."


The sound fell, and the invisible roar sounded directly across the entire land.

Everyone's mind seemed to be exploded.

The weight of this sentence is too heavy for everyone to bear.

Youluo Gufo looked at this figure in disbelief, he didn't know who the other party was.

But he knew that the other party stood here without fear of any doubt.

"Who is he?"

Youluo Gufo really wanted to rush to get to know the other party, but he knew that he could not find the other party.

Yes, there is no way to perceive the other party's existence.

The Goddess of Ice Sea also stared at this figure in a daze. She wanted to know who the other party was, and she wanted to see who dared to say such things and who was sacred.

She wanted to know why the other party dared to say such things.

"Is there really such a person in this era?" The Binghai goddess didn't believe it.

"Is this his power? But is it really him?" The second elder looked at this person.

She found out that the other party was just a child.

It shouldn't and can't be land water.

Lu Shui was right by the Wangchuan River, she couldn't read it wrong.

"Am I wrong? Or that this person is not the person I expected, but the new powerhouse of the era?" The second elder was thinking.

But there is no answer.

But Ni Xing is clearly setting off the other side.

An Yi also looked at the sky, he was a little lost.

"Sure enough, it is this terrible existence, and he has also come."

In his opinion, the star is here, and this terrible existence must be here.

"Hey, my god, why am I afraid?" Moxiu Jian looked at the small figure, with an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Even more scary than the scarlet stars.

The other party just said a word.

And the one who shocked the most was not the other person, but the person involved, Ye Xin.

Ye Xin looked at the man in the sky, he was a little unbelievable.

He had heard similar words, and he still remembered it clearly.

That sentence came from a second-order, a person he found strange.

A person who feels that the other party is talking about it.

His mind instantly recalled what the person said.

"It's better to come and beg me to worship Buddha."

"Remember the payment I said?"

"The sentence just now is your reward."

Ye Xin was flooded with these words all at once.

Hum! ! !

His brain exploded, as if he had realized something.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with disbelief, and his eyes were a little moist.

"Is this my reward?"

"Can it really be done?"

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