The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 300: Mu Xue wants to wear a skirt

Ming Tu Qian Yu Ming Yu Shi looked at the three people in front of him, and said in a low voice:

"Being in the underworld, casting the spear under the sea, a legend for a lifetime, never end in battle.

I saw a few of them today, it was some luck.

The name of a hundred battles will add a sum.

As the three want to enlighten me, X is not stingy. "

Speaking of Ming Tu Qian Yu Ming Yu Shi waved the spear in his hand, magnificent.

There are three sixth ranks in front of Ming and Zhong, all of which are men. According to the cultivation base, none of them is lower than Ming and Zhong.

However, the aura displayed by Ming Yuzhong completely exceeded their expectations.

And they know very little about Underworld, they have never even seen it.

Some are just some ancient records, and the people in Mingtu seem to be really brave and good at fighting.

Therefore, the three of them hesitated.

I planned to rob the strong in other areas.

But I didn't expect the other party to be stubborn.

When the time comes, it will be bad if you lose your wife and lose your troops.

"Do you want to do it?"

"I want to do something, but is he really strong?"

"It doesn't look like it, if it's really strong, it's right to shoot early, how can you dawdle with us?"

"What if it's a quirk? Don't you have such a quirk for the weak?"

The three of them stopped the sound transmission in an instant.

In the face of the weak, they do not bother to do it first.

They are all waiting for the other party to do something, condescending.

The three of them are not weak and understand this feeling well.

Especially the three of them are magic repairs.

Prefer this.


While they were still hesitating, there was a sudden roar.

Then they looked in the direction of howling.

This look scared people.

They saw a strong man coming here with a bunch of monster beasts.


"Oh, Princess Pure Land?

It's for a certain person. "Seeing Mu Ran's name and looking back at the three sixth-order powerhouses, he said blankly:

"Don't worry about the three, they are here to fight a certain person.

A certain will make it clear with them and compete with the three first.

Although they are irritable, they will only attack one wave first.

The intensity is like a seventh-order one strike, and three positions shouldn't be a problem.

By then they will be able to recognize three. "

Roar! !

Seeing the herd of famous and heavy beasts, it instantly became violent, and the terrifying aura poured in all directions.

"Oh, it seems that they are quite happy." The name and the heavy aspect remained unchanged.

Three magic repairs: "..."

This group of monsters beyond Tier 6 are rushing towards them?

Take them a blow?

Ha ha.

"Friends of Taoism are brave and heroic, and they deserve to be invincible."

"The three of us offended."


The three of them spoke a word, and ran back as fast as they could.

Mingtu Chiba's name and weight are watching them run.

When they disappeared, he instantly discarded the spear in his hand, ran away madly.

Damn, why is the herd coming again, and the princess of Pure Land is so shameless?

He ran in other directions, but he changed directions, and Mu Ran, Princess of Pure Land, followed suit.

It didn't take long for the Pure Land Mu Ran to catch up with the name and weight.

"Your herd is down." Jing Tu Mu Ran said to Ming Yu.

She won't die now, right?

Ming and Zhong looked at Mu Ran, his eyes twitched, and said in a low voice:

"That's your herd."

He was just out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's mouth.

I don't know if it is an illusion, since he has been surviving on the desert island, he has been surviving.


Mu Xue opened her eyes in Lu Shui's yard.

She stood up gently, with a faint smile on her face.

After jumping lightly twice, she stepped to a more open position.

Then he shook his body subconsciously.

As if to see if they look good.

Just turning twice, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's not a skirt, I don't feel anything when I turn it around.

Do you want to change your skirt?

When Lu Shui comes back, he will get better and show him. "

Thinking of this, Mu Xue immediately shook her head, and then began to warn herself.

"Mu Xue, you have to calm down.

Nothing to be happy about.

Isn't it that Lu Shui also carries the memory? Isn't it just that you can beat him and bite him? Isn't it that you can act like a baby to him? "

"Hmph, unhappy, don't care.

no big deal.

Just watch him get embarrassed. "

Thinking about this, Mu Xue subconsciously turned twice.

It's just that she has just turned twice, but Mu Xue still feels that she is not a skirt so uncomfortable.

"Go back and change your skirt."

Speaking of Mu Xue, she ran to her residence, planning to change to a fairy skirt that Lu Shui liked.

As for the warning just now, it has been left behind.

She couldn't wait to put on the fairy skirt, and then happily circled a few times.

Soon Muxue returned to her residence, and by this time it was already light.

Back in the room, Mu Xue didn't know which fairy skirt to choose for a while.

"I want to ask Lu Shui." Mu Xue pouted.

Just quickly shook his head:

"No, when I think that Lu Shui also has memories, I subconsciously want to rely on it."

"Or, wait for Lu Shui to come back and beat him first to calm down and calm down?"

Mu Xue thinks this is good.

But for now, let's change to a fairy skirt.


Mu Xue changed clothes inside, and Dongfang Chacha's head came in again from the gate of the yard.

She just came out today to find her cousin.

Soon Dongfang Chacha saw the ice phoenix.

Bingfeng noticed something and immediately looked up.

The enemy of life is here again.

Dongfang Chacha observed Bingfeng's noose and made sure that it had not been updated, so he walked in with confidence.

She won't suffer twice in the same place.

As soon as he entered, Dongfang Chacha took the bean sprouts off his head.

Then put it on the stone table.

She is going to compete with Bingfeng, the bean sprouts are carried on her body, which will affect her performance.

After placing the bean sprouts, Dongfang Chacha looked for the line drawn last time.

After seeing the line and confirming that there was no problem, Dongfang Chacha's self-confidence began to burst.

It was just that the door to Mu Xue's room opened before she spoke to provoke the ice phoenix.

It was Mu Xue who came out after getting dressed, and Dongfang Chacha looked at it for the first time:


Cousin, did your cousin Lu Shui give you a gift? "

"Huh?" Mu Xue was stunned and said:

"Why do you think so?"

Mu Xue didn't know about Dongfang Chacha's exit.

It should have just left the customs today. Of course, it is not important to leave the customs. The important thing is, why does Chacha think that Lu Shui gave her a gift?

"When my father gave gifts to my mother, my mother was so happy too." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

Mu Xue: "..."

Is it so obvious?

Obviously, I tried very hard to converge.

Without thinking about it, Mu Xue sat down at the stone table, at which time she had recovered her former dignity.

She looked at Dongfang Chacha:

"You just left the customs?"

Dongfang Chacha did not provoke the ice phoenix either, but sat next to Mu Xue and nodded:

"I left before dawn.

I wanted to ask my cousin again, so I came over. "

Mu Xue was a little curious:

"What is it?"

Is there anything else I need to ask about Chacha?

Dongfang Chacha immediately said seriously:

"I found that my cultivation base had risen from 3.1 to 3.2 this time, and I felt that it had become much stronger.

So I want to challenge Lu Shui's cousin.

I think my cousin Lu Shui is a sneak attack this time, and he is no longer my opponent. "

Mu Xue looked at Dongfang Chacha and didn't know what to say for a while.

I can encourage tea before.

right now…

Isn't that going to find a fight?

Lu Shui is not someone who loves his cousin. How did Lu Shui treat Chacha in his previous life?

Using hands and feet in the Tribulation of Heaven directly caused Chacha to have a psychological shadow on the Tribulation of Heaven.

This is actually nothing, after all, with her here, Heavenly Tribulation doesn't dare to go too far.

The main reason is that Lu Shui can throw tea directly to the border of the world.

The border of the world is a peculiar place, and you can hardly get in or out.

The tea is thrown in once, not a day or two.

Once when she came out of retreat, she discovered that Chacha was gone. Later, I learned that Chacha had been thrown to the border of the world before she and Lu Shui were in retreat.

Hundreds of years have passed by the time I regained the tea.

Tea and tea are silly in it.

"Aunt Li Yin agrees?" Mu Xue asked.

She felt that Lu Shui could easily beat Chacha even if he was not exposed.

"Speaking of which, what is Lu Shui's current cultivation base? If he dares to reach the seventh rank, he will be done." Mu Xue said silently.

"Wait and ask, oh, you can ask now.

When I first came, I saw Qi Xi and said that my aunt let us go for breakfast. "Speaking of Dongfang Chacha, I remembered this.

Mu Xue looked at the time and found that it was late.

"Then go ahead."

Mu Xue stood up, planning to go.

To see Dongfang Liyin, she must restrain herself, or she will be teased.

Dongfang Chacha naturally didn't have any objections. In the past, she gave her sister-in-law to win the battle, and when she defeated her cousin Lu Shui, it was tantamount to taking a step forward.

When she is strong, she can go out and explore every day.

Xiangyu said that nothing would work well, and the spirit stone would not be robbed. Then she could do whatever she wanted.

It didn't take long before they arrived at the courtyard where Dongfang Li Yin was.

As soon as I entered, I saw Dongfang Liyin counting the snacks on the table. I really thought something was missing.

Then Dongfang Liyin showed a suddenly realized expression. At this time, she also saw Mu Xue and Dongfang Chacha.

"Are you here?

Let me sit down and get something. "

Speaking of Dongfang Liyin, he walked to the room.

Muxue and Dongfang Chacha naturally walked to the table and sat down.

As soon as I sat down, Dongfang Chacha sorted the chopsticks, but just as soon as they were sorted, I saw what was pressed by a plate of dim sum in the middle.

Then Dongfang Chacha picked up the plate, and then wanted to remove the things under the plate.

Just reaching out to take something, I accidentally bumped into the chopsticks in front of me.

Dongfang Chacha was startled, and immediately reached out to catch the chopsticks.

Cang Dang!


Dongfang Chacha realized that she was in a hurry, and she threw the snack in her hand to the ground.

At this time Dongfang Liyin just walked out.

Mu Xue: "..."

Dongfang Chacha glanced at Dongfang Li Yin, then put his chopstick hand behind him, then looked up at the sky and whistled, as if I didn't know anything.

Dongfang Liyin: "..."

After a while.

Sobbing came from outside the yard.

"woo woo woo woo."

Dongfang Chacha stood outside the courtyard with a bucket in his hand and one on his head.

The repair is still sealed.

Weeping with a twitch, looking very sad.

The battle book hasn't been released yet.

He died before leaving the school.


After the reincarnation tree disappeared, the land on the other side began to return to calm, or in other words, began to return to the previous state.

It's not that the scene is restored, but that the movement of personnel is beginning to recover.

Such as Mo Xiu Ji'an.

He wanted to leave here, but Mingtu was crazy.

"Is your mind really okay? Don't be afraid to wait for something more terrible to happen?" Moxiu Ji'an evaded the attack and said to the evening of the earth.

With a slash, he looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an and said:

"What do you think is the right thing to do?"

"Of course it is to leave the other coast, this is the best policy." Mo Xiu Ji'an said immediately.

It is not easy for the other party to listen to him.

"I am one of the Hundred Refinements of Ming Tu." Ming Tu Dusk said.

For this endless sentence, Moxiu Ji'an said he didn't understand.

But he still tried to ask:

"So your dignity forces you not to retreat?"

"No." Mingtu Bailian held the knife at dusk and began to wave:

"Because time is running out, the members of Underworld can't go back, let alone leave the shore of the other side.

So, die. "

Mo Xiu Jian: "..."



At this time, Fairy Seeing Moon had woke up, and the fire was leaning on the stone.

They looked around in a puzzled way, this place was very strange.

"Where is this place?" Fairy Jianyue looked at An Yi weakly.

She really couldn't understand where it was.

The red moon, the flowers all over the mountains, and the unique atmosphere.

"This is the other side of the coast, but a lot of changes have taken place, some changes that we have never known about." An Yi explained.

He came here, not without gain.

Other than that, the words of the ancient Buddha Youluo had a certain effect on him.

When Buddhism appears in this world, there must be a great vortex, which means that the fairy garden appears and it must be figured out.

You can try to investigate in this regard.

But if you can find those two, you might know more.

It's just that he is too weak.

Of course, the top priority now is to find the Old Man withered Tree and them.

Hope they are still alive.


It took Lu Shui some time to come to the Naihe Bridge.

When I first came here, I was a little surprised.

Because as soon as he came over, he saw Miao Tong standing by the Naihe Bridge, planning to jump down.

Boom! !

Without much hesitation, Miao Tong plunged his forehead into Wangchuan River.

Lu Shui: "..."

Don't think about it, and don't jump in Wangchuan River.

However, Lu Shui looked down the river and found that there were many people under the river.

Fortunately, the river is not in a hurry at this time.

Otherwise...No, Wangchuan River is not an ordinary river.

Basically, if you go down, you can't get up.

It's like when there is no water, it's very difficult to get up.

Without water, it’s hard, and with water, it’s not easy to go anywhere.

Lu Shui could see them struggling to survive in the water, but just couldn't leave Wangchuan River, let alone come up.

"Master, there is a boat approaching them." Zhen Wu reminded him.

Lu Shui also saw that there was a boat approaching, the boat was not big, and there was an old man sitting on the stern.

Seeing a boat approaching, Miao Tong immediately felt rescued.

He struggled for help:

"Senior, help."

The old man’s boat soon came to Miao Tong, and he laughed and said:

"You need to hand in the Lingshi when you board the ship, a fifth-grade one."

"No problem." How dare Miao Tong bargain, he can feel the terrible river.

Then he was rescued by the old man.

Then the old man drove to other places.

Looking at the situation below, Lu Shui naturally heard the conversation between them.

In other words, the old man is deliberately heard.

"In that case, walking once is equivalent to handing in a fifth-grade spirit stone?" Someone suddenly spoke to a conclusion.

"No, if you pass it once, you don't need a spirit stone.

Someone passed by just now. "

"The rules have not changed much from before. A fifth-grade spirit stone was exchanged for one day."

Others nodded when they heard it, but no one thought it was expensive.

After all, you don’t care if you can afford it, and you can’t say anything if you can’t afford it.

However, a fifth-grade spirit stone, no matter how poor it is, can still get it out through gritted teeth.

Few people who can come to the other side of the coast are so poor that the whole family does not have a fifth-grade spirit stone.

At this time someone was curious and said:

"What will you encounter in the middle? I thought it would be easier if there is a bridge, but I didn't expect it to be more difficult."

"This kind of thing can only be known by going through it yourself."

Lu Shui listened behind, and then began to observe the Naihe Bridge.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Naihe Bridge is empty.

But in Lu Shui's gaze, in the middle of the Naihe Bridge, stood a woman with a low eyebrow.

She just stood there quietly, doing nothing.

"It seems that she did it, but she was a step late, not sure what she would do." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

He knew what was going on with Naihe Bridge, but he didn't know what was going on with this person.

I only know that she is part of the Naihe Bridge.

Speaking of which, who created Bi An on earth? Land and water are also unknown.

When Lu Shui was thinking, two people had already walked towards the Naihe Bridge.

When someone passed by, Lu Shui was naturally watching, so he could probably know what was going on.

In the past, there was a man and a woman. They wore the same costumes. They should be brothers and sisters in the same discipline.

After walking for a long time, Lu Shui saw them walking to the middle of Naihe Bridge.

That is in front of the woman in red.

At this time, Lu Shui saw that the woman suddenly raised her head, and a faint red light appeared in her eyes.

The light flashed by, and the two people were directly stunned.

It seems to have been cast a hold technique.

Then some thin lines appeared on the two people, each with a different color.

As if one piece represents the same thing.

At this time, the thin line on the woman's body was the first to have a problem, and a pink thin line suddenly burst into light.

Then the other thin lines disappeared, and the pink thin line controlled the woman to climb up the railing of Naihe Bridge, and finally jumped down.

Boom! ! !

After the woman fell into the water, the thin lines on the man also changed.

The purple lines shimmered.

Then he was manipulated by the purple lines and jumped into the Wangchuan River.

"Seven emotions and six desires?" Lu Shui understood.

As long as there is a weakness in the heart, it will be used, unless it breaks through the weakness in the heart.

Otherwise it will be difficult to pass.

Of course, it does not matter if there is no weakness.

"Although the method is good, it is of no use to me.

But there was someone staring at it, and without using any means, there was a slight possibility that I would be dominated by Mu Xue in the illusion. "Lu Shui thinks this is a troublesome thing.

Although you can walk over without being recruited, is it too prominent?

If the second elder is behind, this is not in line with his personality of Young Master Lu.

Lu Shui sighed inwardly, so he could only look at it first.

And what he worries most is that once this woman really affects his emotions, let alone manipulation by that time, she is already considered powerful if there is an accident on the spot.

After all, it must be detected by Mu Xue.

A woman dare to influence his emotions and desires?

Mu Xue was completely ignored.

Of course, the reverse is also true.

He and Mu Xue's numerology are next to each other.

It's like someone impersonating him or Mu Xue, as long as they are around, they will accurately distinguish the true from the false without the need for magic.

If it is possessed and controlled, he and Mu Xue can know without getting close.

Therefore, it is not easy for him to want to pass without attracting attention.

"Fell again. Was it so difficult in the past?" Someone sighed.

Two more dropped, and they didn't act rashly.

Because the last group of people who fell has already landed.

Maybe you can know some information.

Lu Shui also saw Miao Tong coming up.

Miao Tong also saw Lu Shui at this time, and then greeted Lu Shui:

"Daoist Dongfang, are you finally back?"

Lu Shui had fallen for a long time, and Miao Tong thought something was wrong.

But no matter how you think about it, I think it's impossible, after all, the other party is really lucky.

Lu Shui nodded to indicate that he didn't ask the other party questions immediately.

Instead, he waited for Miao Tong to dry the clothes with strength.

After the other party's clothes were dry, Lu Shui said:

"Friends of Tao know what is going on with this bridge?"

"Naihe bridge, but it's definitely different from what we heard outside, and it's not Meng Po on it, but a beautiful young woman.

She appeared at the beginning, but now she doesn't know where it is.

It may still be on the bridge. "Miao Tong was very interested in the explanation, and then continued:

"When I crossed the bridge, I didn't feel anything at first.

The real problem lies in the middle. "

When Miao Tong was about to talk about crossing the bridge, other people also pricked their ears to listen.

"What's the problem?" Land and Water asked in cooperation.

Miao Tong thought about it and said:

"It feels like you have seen several worlds, and each world has different things, and you feel that you have experienced countless situations at the same time.

As long as there is a change in any one thing, you will start to lose consciousness.

Wake up, you should be in the river. "

Others are puzzled.

At this time someone said:

"I saw several women directly, some wanted to kill me, some wanted to be killed by me.

baffling. "

If someone agrees, it will naturally lead to others.

"I simply saw the object I like, but there are a lot of them."


For these, Lu Shui didn't care, the manifestation of seven emotions and six desires, anything is possible.

And the other party wants people to sink into it, naturally there will be many situations for people to choose.

If you don't have a choice, it's probably because the other party doesn't think you need to choose.

You can get it with your eyes closed.

"But that ferryman can really make money. One is a five-rank. If you give him a few days, you can make money that I can't make in a hundred years." Miao Tong was a little envious.

Hearing these words, Lu Shui suddenly looked at Miao Tong and said:

"Do you think that ferryman, does he like spirit stones?"

"Does anyone not like Lingshi?" Miao Tong asked rhetorically.

Hearing these words The corners of Lu Shui's mouth rose slightly, and he felt that he had a way to pass.

"Thanks for reminding." Lu Shui said to Miao Tong.

Miao Tong: "???"

"Let's go, let's go over." Lu Shui said to Zhenwu Zhenling.

As he said that, he stepped towards the direction of Naihe Bridge.

Others are a little curious, is this person planning to try?

"Master, do you want us to try first?" Zhen Ling said immediately.

Regarding the experience of others, they think it is better to have their own experience.

In this way, we can know more clearly and more.

Lu Shui walked ahead, shook his head and said:

"No, I have a way to get there."

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