The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 304: Full moon night tonight



Lu Shui was a little confused for a while.

Who did he meet?

The lord in the legend of Yintianzong?

"Didn't Zhen Wu say that the Yintianzong might not have a suzerain?"

"Now that this person is so powerful, he doesn't bother to fake it, right?"

Lu Shui was not at peace.

It's fine if you meet the ordinary disciples of the Hidden Sky School, and you won't be too friendly when you meet the Sect Master.

This sect master can't help but know, his sect does not have a young sect master, right?

At this time, Lu Shui already understood what the Yintian Sect Sect Master's "oh" meant before.

I met a real one with this fake.

After the other party reported his identity, Lu Shui had no intention of dragging it down.

Be the first to speak, the information dissemination is as calm as always, without the slightest embarrassment of fake:

"The green hills will not change, the green water will flow forever.

Goodbye. "

After speaking, Lu Shui withdrew his gaze with lightning speed.

Let everything disappear in the real **** barrier.


With the strength of the opponent, if the delay is long, it will be traced back to the source.

When the time comes, no one can escape.

Although you can get a lot of news about the Mist City when you communicate with the other party, you cannot establish equal communication without equal strength.

The longer the stay, the more dangerous it is for him.

At least this is the current situation.

Escape is the best choice.

Who made himself impersonate the other party's Young Master?

"Next time you can't use the identity of the young master of the Hidden Sky School in the City of Mist." After regaining his gaze, Lu Shui made a decision in his heart.

Then leave the misty capital with the fastest pace and head to the road of this life.

In the Mist City, that gaze saw Lu Shui leave. He did not stop or try to find the location of Lu Shui.

Just glanced at the location where the land water disappeared.

"There is not the slightest sign, it seems that the area over there is not simple."

In his opinion, there is no place where the flow fire disappeared, and there must be a secret place that he can't detect at present.

In this regard, he did not intend to investigate further.

But the appearance of convection fire was somewhat unexpected.

"Liuhuo, how did you get here?"

"And it's safe and sound."

"With his current strength, he shouldn't be able to do it."

A gentle voice came from the Mist City.

The last gust of wind blew, and all traces were erased by this gust of wind.

After a while, the place returned to normal, and the stars that appeared suddenly disappeared.

"He will definitely come in in the future, but the identity of the Young Sect Master shouldn't be used anymore."

The gentle voice fell, and everything was calm.


The second elder looked at Lu Shui's figure, and finally withdrew his gaze.

There is no need to read it anymore.

At this time, Lu Shui's pace had stopped.

In other words, the deduction of Jinshenglu is over.

Lu Shui's achievements were frozen there.

Don't say it's bad, I can only say it's ordinary.

Of course, it is not as unbearable as it has been in recent years.

There will be no otherworldly adventures in the follow-up, it should be that way.

Given the special path of this life, there are usually no mistakes.

A bleak road, not a long road, without any attire around.

This is the road of land and water.

His existing talents and existing abilities do not have much growth potential.

The Goddess of Ice Sea was relieved at last seeing this scene.

It seems that they can fully develop the power of the gods. As long as Lu Shui is there, in theory, they will not have a second child.

Of course, they will still pay attention to this.

Thinking of the Binghai Goddess in this way, she looked at Lu Youting.

When the Binghai Goddess turned to look at Lu Youting, Lu Youting also looked over.

The two looked at each other.

"She's going to do it."

The Goddess of Ice Sea knew immediately that Lu Youting was going to do something to her.

"The first is the strongest."

At this moment, the cold breath began to emerge crazily, and everything was pouring around the second elder.

It means that the fish is dead and the net is broken.

The second elder just watched, and didn't make the first move.

In the blink of an eye, the icy breath covered the second elders, and powerful forces began to burst.

Even the avatars of the goddess of ice sea are cracking.

This is to hurt one thousand and eight hundred enemies.

And there is no nonsense at all.

The second elder looked at the ice sea goddess, slowly raised his hand, and then the five fingers pointed at the ice sea goddess and began to move together.


The voice fell, and the two elders' five fingers quickly moved together.

And around the ice sea goddess, a big hand appeared.

This hand is also quickly coming together.

The Ice Sea Goddess felt the threat, but she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​defensiveness. Instead, she used all her power to attack Lu Youting.

There was a boom.

The big hands were instantly close together, and the ice sea goddess was directly pinched by the big hands.

And then broken.


The ice goddess shattered directly, and finally turned into a pool of water, dripping onto the earth.

But at the moment when she was destroyed by the second elder.

Her power completed the attack.

This attack directed at the second elder directly.

The second elder was attacking the Goddess of Ice Sea, and ignored the attack that had already arrived.


The powerful attack also fell on the second elder.

Regarding this, the two elders didn't raise their eyes.

The cold was raging and flooded the second elder.

The second elders fighting with the goddess of ice sea naturally attracted the attention of the woman on the Naihe bridge and the old man under the bridge.

But the strength subsided quickly, which surprised them a bit.

"One move determines the outcome?" The old man was surprised.

He thought that the two men would not be able to tell the difference for a while.

"That little girl can't escape? Even if it is the peak of the ninth-level Proving Dao, she will suffer serious injuries in the face of this blow, right?" The old man stared at the location of the cold power.

The woman in red is also watching.

Only soon the cold power began to dissipate, and the little girl's figure appeared.

"How is it possible?" The woman in red was a little surprised.

The old man on the Wangchuan River was also shocked:

"Unscathed? Is this really a ninth-order proof?"

At this time, the second elder stood there, facing the attack of the goddess of ice sea, she has not looked at it more so far.

She patted her clothes, and then turned and left.

Things here are also considered to be over.

As for the Goddess of Ice Sea, the body can't come, killing a few clones is useless.

But encountering it does not mean she will ignore it.

If you can kill, there is no need to make the other party jump.

Although she is not good at fighting, it depends on whom she compares with.

The second elder left, because she had doubts about Lu Shui here, so she planned to go to the area where the star reversal was before.

By the way, let's see who got the reincarnation tree in the end.

If possible, she doesn't mind bringing back the reincarnated sapling.

And seeing the second elder leave, the red-dressed woman and the old man were relieved, this person didn't seem to be very annoyed.

The other side looked at this side for a long time, and they were still a little afraid.


In the endless sea, there is a lake among the glaciers.

The figure of the ice sea goddess slowly appeared from the lake.

She looked at the direction of the other side of the coast with no expression on her face.

"The final attack should not cause any harm to Lu Youting, but it doesn't matter."

She didn't decide what the blow could bring.

Especially if you can't kill the opponent, it doesn't make sense to hurt some fur.

Just don't just sit back and wait.

"Lu Shui's affairs can be put aside for now, but still can't be underestimated.

Information about him still needs to be collected to prevent accidents. "

This is caution after being careful.

There is a certain necessity.

"The one who can control the reincarnation tree needs attention.

This person is very special. "

"I don't know if the reincarnated sapling will be obtained by that."

She thinks that the possibility is very high, and the star inverse may also be related to the other party.

"However, it is not an enemy after all. As long as there is no conflict of interest, there is no need to be an enemy."

The goddess of ice sea no longer thinks too much.

Wait for the follow-up result.

But when she was about to sink into the lake, she suddenly felt a dark breath.

"Is the Goddess of Darkness finally starting to wake up?"

"It seems that Guangming God's actions are fairly smooth, so you don't need to care about the appearance of Youluo Ancient Buddha."


Kuhai Buddhism, Xinhuo Gufo opened his eyes.

He looked out of the Buddhist temple.

At this time, a light fell under the temple of the Buddha.

The light turned into a Buddha's shadow, and the Buddha's name was declared as soon as the Buddha's shadow appeared.

"Youluo Ancient Buddha?" Xinhuo Ancient Buddha looked at the sudden appearance of Youluo Ancient Buddha with some surprise.

He didn't know that Youluogufo's afterlife had already appeared.

And it looks very powerful.

Not worse than Louluo Gufo.

"Xinhuo Ancient Buddha, long time no see." Youluo Ancient Buddha's voice came out.

Although he was only a Buddha's shadow, it did not affect the communication.

"Can't you come back?" Xinhuo Gufo asked.

If you can come back, Youluo Gufo doesn't have to be like this.

"Being in the Underworld, serving as one of the ten halls, worldly cause and effect cannot get away." Youluogufo said.

Regarding this, Xinhuo Gufo just took a deep look at Youluo Gufo, and then nodded:

"Causality in the afterlife should not be underestimated."

"I came back this time to tell one thing." Youluo Gufo didn't talk about the cause and effect of the afterlife, but just explained his intention.

"It's about the Future Sutra?" Xinhuo Gu Buddha tried to ask.

If it weren't such an important matter, the ancient Buddha Youluo naturally didn't have to come.

Buddhism didn't have the time to need You Luo Gufo to help him.

"In the Ten Halls of Underworld, someone knows the contents of the Revelation and wants to kill Lu Shui." Youluo Gufo said.


Of the gods?

The meaning of Youluogufo is obvious. Someone has leaked the content of the book of Revelation.

Thus knows the importance of the Lu family.

When Lu Shui died, the Lu family must have a second child.

Once the second child is born, the consequences are unpredictable.

For everyone, it is an opportunity.

"Ming Tu is unwilling to be lonely." Xinhuo Gu Buddha sighed.

The ancient Buddha Youlu didn't say anything, and then put his hands together and declared a Buddha's name.

Then disappeared above the Buddhist temple.

Xinhuo Gufo followed proclaiming a Buddha's name and watched Youluogufo leave.

"The pace needs to be quickened."

Xinhuo Gu Buddha sighed.

There is no alternative. No one will wait for anyone. The slower the recovery, the more dangerous it is.


Lu Shui returned to the road of this life, and integrated the power of heaven and earth into his body.

When he left the Mist City, he specially checked and made sure that he had not been traced back to the location before he dropped his vigilance.

Although the True God's enchantment is not ordinary, although his power of heaven and earth is also extraordinary.

But caution is necessary.

Once caught, the consequences are not so easy to bear.

"The gaze disappeared?" After Lu Shui cut his attention back, he immediately noticed that the two previous gazes had completely disappeared.

"It seems just to see my performance in Jinshenglu." Lu Shui looked at the Jinshenglu that he had stopped, feeling helpless for a while.

It's too common.

The deduction of the road of this life is too short, and he will not be able to deduct the result in the future.

Especially in this life he will become stronger very quickly.

For example, now, if he doesn't cross the Tribulation, he may be able to enter the fifth rank in three or four days.

At that time, you can know how much his strength has been cut, and how much faster the advancement speed is.

"It feels like I should sit down and experience the achievements of the evolution of this life road."

Lu Shui looked down at the end of the road to this life, and muttered to himself.

Then he sat down, closed his eyes and began to experience the achievements of the road in this life, in fact, the outline of the heaven and the earth was gone.

The main thing is to see if he will run out of the person staring at him again.

At night, he can try to leave.

As for the end of this life in a few days, he didn't know, but he could ask when he went out.

The second elders all the way forward.

Every step she took, she disappeared in place, and then appeared in the distance ahead.

The distance gradually disappeared under her feet.

Every step is very random.

After a few steps, the second elder saw two people fighting in front of him.

The sword will follow.


A long knife came directly to him and her.

Second elder: "..."


This knife slashed on the side of the second elder, and the earth cracked a deep ditch.

Facing these two figures, the second elder did not have the desire to speak, and directly stretched out a hand.

Then he patted lightly like a mosquito.

With a cry, the powerful force was like a hand slapped at the two people.


The two people didn't even see what was going on, they were taken out directly.

I don't know life or death.

The second elder didn't pay attention to those two people anymore, but moved forward.

Looking at the figure of the second elder leaving, Mo Xiuji fell on the ground with lingering fears.

He breathed out blood and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the other party had no intention to kill, otherwise the two of them would not have survived under the palm of the hand just now.


Ming Tu Dusk also vomited blood, and he looked at the direction where the second elder had left with a look of horror.

For a moment, he felt that he was going to die.

"Fight again, do you think we will have such good luck next time?" Mo Xiu Ji'an stared at the evening of the earth and said.

If it hadn't been for Hades to fight him, it wouldn't be enough to provoke this existence.

Life is dying.

There are countless strong people here, and it is their turn to be seventh-order presumptuous.

"Don't irritate me, irritate me, you don't want to leave." Ming Tu Duan said immediately.

Of course, he doesn't plan to fight anymore.

He is also a terrible person.

After finally cultivating at such a high level, how can he run in front of people who are stronger than them and don't know how much, and show their sense of existence.

Moxiu Ji'an stopped talking, and this person's brain was hot, and they didn't know how they died in the end.

In case someone passes by again, God knows if the other party is willing to keep his hands.

Finally, Mo Xiu Ji An left silently.

Falling because of a lot of talk, will be unable to look at the purpose.

Ming Tu Dusk didn't say much, but slammed the knife in his hand and slowly left.

So far the battle between the two of them came to an end.

The second elders naturally didn't care about these two people, but looked ahead.

In her eyes, the power against the stars has appeared.

"The scarlet stars have disappeared, but the power against the stars is still there." The second elder looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

With one step out, she came outside the range of the star-reversing power.

There was no one outside at this time.

"In theory, there shouldn't be no one at all."

The second elder was a little puzzled when he stood outside his power. It was considered to have stabilized here, and there were few people watching, but not without them.

Just when the doubts appeared, the second elder frowned.

Then the force belonging to the star reversal attacked her directly.


When the star-reversing power was about to approach the second elder, it suddenly shattered into fragments and fell to the ground.

"That's the case, the power of Star Reversal has the ability to automatically protect the Lord."

"So, Nixing himself is also inside?"

The two elders were not surprised and rejoiced.

It is a great thing for her to see Ni Xing herself.

Because you can know a lot from the other party.

Without hesitation, the second elder stepped into the power range of the star.

As soon as the second elder entered, the power belonging to the star reversal attacked her directly, but there was no trace of power that could stop her pace.

She walked inside step by step, like a stroll in the garden.

Soon the situation in the canyon fell into the eyes of the second elder.

A middle-aged man who fell to the ground was seriously injured. Although he passed out in a coma, he was not life-threatening.

Another is a standing middle-aged man. Although he is standing, he is unconscious and has a small transplanted sapling next to him.

"Old man withered tree?" The second elder glanced at the middle-aged man who fell to the ground, and then put his gaze on the sapling:

"Reincarnation sapling?"

Finally the second elder looked at Aman:

"He has the power of reversing the stars, and he can't control it perfectly, but he can control it basically without hurting himself.

Is he a star? "

After reaching this conclusion, the second elders became very interested.

She knew someone in the Spirit Medicine Garden had come here, and if this person was with the Old Man withered Tree, then there was only one possibility.

The other party is from the Spirit Medicine Garden.

"Ni Xing is from Lu Jia Ling Medicine Garden?

It's not easy how to look at it. "

The second elder appeared in front of Ah Man, and then flicked slightly, and Ah Man, who had been unconscious, woke up for the first time.

"Ask you a few questions." A sudden voice reached Aman's ears.

A Man was startled, only then did he find a little girl in front of him.

He didn't know who the other party was.

"Are you from the Lujia Spirit Medicine Garden?" The second elder asked directly, ignoring Ah Man's reaction.

Hearing these words, Ah Man subconsciously touched the reincarnation tree next to him.

"This, this is, it's ours." Amman answered the question.

"How did you enter the Lujia Spirit Medicine Garden?" the second elder continued to ask.

Ah Man did not speak. He didn't know who the other party was and refused to answer.

The second elder seemed to know the answer to the question, and began to ask the next question:

"It's the young master Lu Shui who is standing up for you, isn't it?"

Hearing these words, Ah Man immediately opened his eyes and subconsciously said:


But without saying this, he covered his mouth.

Stuttering is sometimes good.

The second elder didn't ask any more questions, but snapped his fingers.


Ah Man fainted directly.

Then fell to the ground.

"Fortunately, it consumes a lot of strength, otherwise it will be difficult to exert influence." The second elder looked down at Ah Man on the ground and continued to speak:

"The power is not too strong. It seems that there are disadvantages in the right position, and it is impossible to control the power."

"But..." The second elder turned his head and looked in the direction of Jinshenglu, muttering to himself:

"It's really deep, even under your nose, you can't see the slightest flaw.

Also, for so many years, I have never found it.

How did it do it? "

The second elder was a little curious, but didn't think deeply.

If she can think of it, she has seen the flaw.

But after paying attention for so long, nothing was found.

Thinking of this, the second elder suddenly stunned.

"With his existing legend and strength.

Someone pays attention to him, he has no reason not to notice, right? "

"In other words, he knew from the beginning that someone was staring at him?"

The second elder thinks this is very possible.

After that, he took the old man with the dead tree, Ahman, and the reincarnation tree and left the place.

She felt that the appearance of the reverse star might just be an accident.

It's just a simple defense of the enemy.

The second elder left, but she did not destroy the star-reversing power and let it continue to guard here.

And there is nothing in it, including breath.

An Yi and Jianyue Fairy and others are in the area near the star.

They want to find the dead tree old man here.

But after looking around, nothing was found.

They really didn't see anyone except for the star-reversing power range.

The star-reversing force cannot be approached.

Once you get close, you will encounter an attack.

They tested it once, whether it was power or creature, they would be attacked as long as they approached.

They cannot bear this level of attack.

They didn't know what was going on inside.

"I don't know what's going on with the old tree." Huo Du sighed.

His current injury is equally serious.

"It seems that the rescue can't come in, it should be because of the existence of the previous one." An Yi sighed.

Seeing the moon fairy did not speak.

There are really many strong people here.

They are the kind of strong people that are hard to see from the outside.

A few of them are not weak at all in the cultivation world, but when they come to this special place, they seem to be a little inadequate.

Underworld, Pure Land, all forces.

The real strong do not give them face at all.


Just when they were at a loss, the sound of heavy objects falling suddenly came from behind them.

The sound scared them directly.

They didn't notice anything at such a close distance.

But soon they saw what had fallen.

"Old tree? Aman?" Huo was a little unbelievable.

How are they here?

An Yi and others immediately looked around and found that there was no one around.

"Look, the reincarnated tree sapling is also here." Fairy Jianyue pointed to the reincarnated tree beside Ahman.

"Even the reincarnation tree is there, so the one who sent them back..." Huo immediately had a guess.

An Yi and others naturally had guesses.

"Check their injuries first." An Yi said immediately.


In the night, several stewards of the Mu family stood in the ancestral land, UU read with a sad expression.

The origin stone, which did not flash, started flashing again tonight.

And it flashed faster than last time.

"Lao San, what do you think?" Mu Yuan turned to look at Mu Ze.

Mu Ze was paying attention before, so this time I also asked him naturally.

Mu Ze was a little helpless, two days before fifteen.

But the moon tonight is indeed very round.

It seems that Master Lu's words cannot be fully believed, the Sixteenths is nonsense.

The moon flashes as soon as it is round, as if you can't wait.

"We can only study and see." Mu Ze said.

What can he do?

Contact Lu Shui, I hope the other party is free.

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