The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 306: Should I hit the left eye or the right eye first [Thanks? D?amblo...

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Ming Tu Ming Yu looked at this moonlight with a familiar feeling.

If he didn't guess wrong, he would return to the underworld soon.

The eighth floor of the Pure Land princess around him will also go to Underworld.

To die.

Pure Land Mu Ran naturally felt it, is she going to Underworld?

It's over, this life is over.

Underworld is so easy to get in and hard to get out. God knows it takes more to get out?

And being able to unearth does not mean that you can return to the Pure Land.

I have to wander outside all my life.

At this time, Jing Tu Mu Ran saw Ming and Zhong squat down on one knee, holding a spear, with an amazing aura.

Mu Ran: "???"

What is this person doing?

It's just that everything happened so quickly that they didn't have much reaction time.

Mu Ran tried to escape, but there was no way to escape.

I can only watch myself disappear in place.

It is the space power. She has the privilege of pure land, and she often deals with space power. She knew at once that she could only accept this **** fate.

Mu Ran's name and weight disappeared.

And the beasts who rushed up looked dumbfounded.

Lost it?

What about the light? Where is the light?

The beasts were a little irritable, some even began to scream at the sky, angrily begging for moonlight from the sky.

After yelling for a few times, they found that God had answered their anger.

A moonlight fell, shining them all in it.

But this moonlight contains the power of thunder.



The screams were endless.


On a barren land in Mingtu.

The two groups of beasts are facing each other, as if they will fight at any time.

The distance between them was not far, and a low roar sounded.

The war is just around the corner.

Why fight?

Just be happy, there are so many whys.

Mortals cannot understand the happiness of monsters.



The two groups of beasts began to arouse their fighting spirit.

Can attack at any time.

And just as they were about to move their bodies and begin the war, a moonlight fell from a high altitude.

When the moonlight fell, they saw two human figures, one was a little at a loss, the other was squatting on the ground with one knee, and he was holding a spear with extraordinary aura.

There is power swimming around.

All the beasts focused their eyes on this person for a while, as if they were jealous by instinct.

Mu Ran appeared in Underworld. She couldn't adapt for a while, but she adjusted her state quickly.

She just adjusted, she was stunned.

It is the herd again, not only in the front, but also in the back.

Does Ming Tu have nothing else besides the herd?

Name and weight: "..."

Has he committed an offense to the herd recently?

But he still got up slowly, and then struck the ground with his spear:

"This seat..."

"Roar!" There seemed to be an unclear beast screaming behind the herd.

This call aroused the fighting spirit of all the beasts.

In an instant, the two groups of beasts stared directly at the name and weight.

Name and weight: "..."

Mu Ran: "..."

The escape began.

"Why are you chasing me?" Mu Ran despaired of the name and weight behind.

They are running fast.

"I can't live without you." Ming Yuzhong said immediately.





In the endless sea, the sun rises from the sea level, and a flash of red light shines on the entire sea.

At the moment when the sun rose, Lu Shui walked out of the sunlight.

He stood in the light, unable to look directly at him for a while.

"Some dazzling." Lu Shui turned to the sun silently.

Zhenwu Zhenling also followed.

There is no passage behind them at this time.

The exit channel is fixed, but the exit position is random.

It's like an entrance.

After entering, it is not necessarily fixed.

Only a few entrances are fixed.

The exit should also have a fixed position, or a fixed entrance is a fixed exit.

"Don't worry about meeting some strong people." Lu Shui muttered to himself as he watched where they came out.

"Master, there should be no station nearby." Zhenwu said.

As soon as he came out, he specifically checked the location, which was the location of the magic treasure.

There is no signal here.

But when I said that, I took out a ship, which was a magic weapon.

Lu Shui stepped on the bow and said:

"Then take your time. By the way, who is selling the dangerous guarantee ticket that Lefeng said?"

"The Space Apostle of the Demon Repair Earth Realm, nowadays." Zhen Wu said.

At this time Zhenwu Zhenling had already boarded the ship and started to sail to other places.

"Space Apostle?" Lu Shui was a little surprised by this title.

"Yes, it is said that this demon cultivator has a unique spatial ability, even if he has not entered the Tao, he can still control the space.

Recently, I don’t know why, I started selling dangerous protection tickets.

There are currently no bad rumors.

The credibility seems to be there. "

It is very difficult for them to find out what they really want to cover up for this level of power.

So it can only be said that there is no problem at present.

"What about gender?" Lu Shui asked.

"Male." Zhenwu replied.

Although I don't understand why the young master asks, I just need to answer truthfully.

Lu Shui sat on the bow and nodded, which was fine.

If the other party is a fairy, he is worried that he has bought a hate ticket.

At that time, there is no difference from sending to death.

It really felt like I lived too long.

Mu Xue would say: She will find other women to deal with her wife.

Then it exploded.

"How is his guarantee ticket used?" Lu Shui took out the book to start reading.

The sea is endless, and he has nothing to do except reading.

When there is a signal, you can send a message to Mu Xue.

But I can't say to go back so early.

After all, I'm going to the magic repair realm.

"It is said that the guarantee ticket is equivalent to the space coordinates, and the use of the guarantee ticket will get the strength of the strong man." Zhenwu explained.

He planned to continue.

But Lu Shui interrupted him at this moment, saying:

"Power blessing?"

You know that strength blessing is not easy at all. It's not that I am strong, so if I add it to you, you will be strong.

This is impossible.

Even if it is strong, it is terrible.

Different strengths have different roots and cannot be blessed internally, only externally, but it is still difficult to achieve.

If you can't bear it, it's fatal.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to give other people the strength and blessing, but also across the space.

"Yes, strength blessing, this demon cultivator has the second talent, Wanyuan Body.

It is said to be able to bless others normally, and the degree of blessing is the strength of the three layers of his body.

If the space is obstructed, it will be roughly reduced to two floors.

But it is a blessing without injury.

But whether you can control it depends on yourself. "

"Ten Thousand Origin Body, it's no wonder." Lu Shui understood, but this magic repair talent was really abundant.

Lu Shui lived a lifetime, and he didn't think he had any talent when he grew up so old.

The accumulation in the later period caused him to undergo earth-shaking changes.

If he has to say, his talent is hard work.

The formation of heaven and earth gave him a spring of effort.

Then add some luck.

"Are there any other than strength blessing?" Lu Shui asked.

It was already bright, and Lu Shui took out his phone to check the time, and by the way, he checked the signal again.

There is still no signal at present.

It was still early, less than seven o'clock.

"Strength blessing is one kind, and the other is to find people across space.

The magic repair now uses the guarantee ticket as the coordinates, and then opens the space door to take away the seller.

In order to get out of danger. "Zhen Wu said.

"Just these two?"

"For the time being, only these two are known, and you need to ask me for details."

"Do you know his location?"

"Devil repairs the realm, chaotic sky and sea."

Lu Shui nodded.

The Chaotian Sea is not a sea area, it should be said that it is a sea of ​​clouds, which cannot be reached directly from the sea.

However, this kind of guarantee ticket is still useful for him.

Such as strength blessing...

"By the way, what is his cultivation base?" Lu Shui suddenly thought of an important question.

If the opponent's strength is too weak, what is the use of holding it?

"The outside spread is the seventh step into the Tao." Zhenwu replied.

Seven steps into the Tao? Relatively speaking, it is not strong enough, but it is good to have it, and it can also open up space for people.

This skill is good.

"If it's going to go, how long will it take?" Lu Shui asked.

Zhenwu did not answer immediately, but started to check the location.

It's not looking at the location of Luantianhai, but their current location.

Zhen Ling reminded at this moment:

"Master, we don't have many spirit stones. If we want to go, we need to add some spirit stones.

And the amount may not be small. After returning, they should be asked by the patriarch. "

Lu Shui naturally understood that Zhenwu Zhenling didn't have many spirit stones in his body, and to supplement the spirit stones, he only needed to find the Lu family branch.

You don't have to go back to Lu's house.

Since Zhen Ling said that, there should be a way to get supplements.

As for the inquiry...

"Just tell them that I bought an elephant." Lu Shui said directly.

"Master, the elephant is worthless." Zhenling was a little embarrassed.

"Then you said you bought the sacred beast elephant. If you want to ask where the elephant is, you say you are hungry." Lu Shuidao.

True Spirit: "..."

She suddenly felt that the young master used to pretend to be useless, was it just because of this situation?

After all, according to the previous shame of the young master, this kind of thing is not impossible.


Finally, Zhen Ling nodded.

However, I still need to contact Lingshi.

In theory, it can be delivered, depending on how long it takes.

Then Zhen Ling looked at Zhen Wu.

This is Zhenwu also came to the conclusion.

"Master, it takes three days to reach the chaotic sea. This is the fastest." Zhen Wu said.

"Three days?" Lu Shui frowned:

"It's been a while."

He has been out for about four days, and if the ink remains like this, he will be out for ten days.

It may be more than that.

If he can wait, Mu Xue will easily become a demon.

Now in September, Mu Xue can't stay in Lu's house for a few months. He must go out all the time, Mu Xue must be upset.

What else could he do if he followed him?

So the time needs to be shortened.

"What if Kun is added?" Lu Shui looked at Zhenwu.

"Less than a day." Zhen Wu gave the answer directly.

Yes, with the help of Kun, the time in the sea area can basically be removed, and the magic repair land boundary also has the sea area, and then you can go directly.

It will not delay much time.

Kun is really obedient.

If it is smaller, it would be nice to bring it back to the Lu family.

Well, smaller is not enough.

"Get ready," Lu Shui said.

When he said that, he got up and got off the boat. Since Kun is here, naturally there is no need to take the boat.

Zhenwu Zhenling followed to disembark, and the ship was also put away by them.

Soon they saw a huge black shadow under the ocean floor.

Kun is about to come up.

Only soon Zhenwu Zhenling felt something was wrong with his figure.

It seems to be different from before.

Zhen Wu dared not hesitate, and immediately said:

"Master, is there something wrong with Kun?"

This feeling is obvious, so he must remind him, for fear that the young master did not pay attention.

Lu Shui looked down at the figure of Yan Kun. It was indeed different from before. There was a chaotic force wandering on Kun's surface.

Although it is dissipating, the impact is still there.

As soon as he thought, Lu Shui began to communicate with Kun. He tried to know the specific situation from Kun.

After a while, he ended the exchange.

"Don't worry about it, it's bad for eating, it's just temporarily deformed." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

The message that Kun just gave is that it doesn't know what's going on, and that's it when Deep Sea ate something.

Although Lu Shui didn't know what Kun was eating, the problem was not big, and the negative effects would disappear within a few days.

Zhenwu Zhenling lowered his head, and they looked at the Kun who emerged from the water, and they couldn't explain it for a while.

Is it true that a creature like Kun eats badly?

What has become of it?

Is this shell on the back?

Is it petrified or tortoise?

If you look closely, it feels like a sea monster.

Kun emerged from the water, and Lu Shui was naturally standing on Kun's back. He hadn't planned to let Kun directly drive on the road, but first swam on the surface of the sea.

He mainly wanted to wait for a signal and then say hello to Mu Xue.

"Master, chair." Zhen Wu immediately put the chair behind Lu Shui.

"When there is a signal, tell me." While sitting in the chair, Lu Shui lowered his head to read.

Just let Zhenwu Zhenling pay attention to the signal.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling bowed his head and responded.

Just after responding, there was a sudden surging sound from the rear.



A huge wave swept over.

Fortunately, there was no impact on it.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling turned around for the first time.

Only after seeing the situation clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief, just now Kun turned his tail.

Just move your feet a bit big.

"It's having a stomach, don't care." Lu Shui looked down at the book and explained casually.

Zhen Wu, Zhen Ling: "..."

This little guy is really struggling to raise it.

The sun rose higher and higher, and when Lu Shui felt a little hot, a powerful breath suddenly came out in front of him.

This breath is a bit weak.

"There is a figure in the sea ahead." Zhen Wu said while looking at the front.

Lu Shui also noticed that the man lying motionless on the sea should be injured.

"Friends, let's make a deal." A sudden voice came over.

"It seems to be deliberately exposing the breath." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

Then he closed the book and leaned back:

"What deal?"

"Can you take me for a ride? I'm willing to produce a sixth-grade spirit stone and just go ashore." The voice of the person continued.

"Magic repair?" Lu Shui said.

"Moxiu Ji'an." Moxiu Ji'an replied.

He had planned to go back, but in order to get out, his injuries broke out.

Need to rest for a while.

Originally, he was hiding on the seabed and protected himself.

But well, suddenly he was knocked out of the retreat by the behemoth on the bottom of the sea.

The injury adds to the injury.

As a last resort, they can only exude a breath and trade with each other.

If the other party is not coming to him, he would rather play dead.

When he came over, he had to face it, exuding a strong enough aura, which was a kind of deterrence.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Looking back on the trip to the other side, he regretted it very much.

"A Seventh-Rank, send you to the magic repair realm, and answer a few questions for me by the way." Lu Shui said.

He was going to the realm of demonic repair, and it would be helpful for him to learn the news of that space apostle from a demonic repairer.

He can't underestimate the powerhouse of the seventh step.

Even if he is about to rank five.

"Deal." Mo Xiu Ji'an replied immediately.

But I didn't breathe a sigh of relief in my heart. The other party wanted to ask him questions, which was the most troublesome.

God knows what to ask.

"Did you come up by yourself, or did my people pull you up?" Lu Shui asked.

Mo Xiu Jian: "..."

Finally, he moved his lower body and jumped to the front of Lu Shui.

He was seriously injured instead of standing, but sitting down.

When he saw Lu Shui, he was a little surprised, unexpectedly weak.

But the spirit beast below is surprisingly strong.

He didn't understand what was going on.

There are three people here, one sitting and two standing behind.

He doesn't need to ask to know who is in charge.

"This is the spiritual stone of Fellow Daoist." Said that he was enchanted, Xiu Ji An threw a seventh-rank spiritual stone to Lu Shui:

"I don't know what you are?"

"Dongfang Haoyue." Lu Shui took the Lingshi and threw it to Zhen Wu without even looking at it.

Zhenwu Zhenling naturally couldn't say anything about his young master's actions, but just began to be wary of the person in front of him.

The opponent is strong and outrageous.

Even if it is seriously injured.

"What do you want to ask about?" Mo Xiu Ji'an continued to ask.

He carefully sensed the mount under him, and he felt that he was most likely knocked out by this thing.

And the strength is not comparable to him at all.

But he just didn't know what it was.

"Space Apostle, do you know?" Lu Shui asked.

He didn't intend to make a roundabout.


Just after dawn, Mu Xue was already sitting in the yard.

Yesterday, I heard a lot of Lu Shui's deeds, and I was very satisfied, but today I feel a little bit about Lu Shui.

On the stone table, Mu Xue looked at the phone and wanted to make a call.

"Surely there is still no signal if you call it?"

It is impossible to receive signals on the other coast.

"Well, I can't get through anyway."

After giving herself a reason, Mu Xue called Lu Shui.

Then she put the phone to her ear, she was a little nervous, and she didn't know what she was nervous about.


Pass, pass.

"Oh, what should I say?" Mu Xue panicked, but didn't hang up the phone.

"Why don't you just pierce him?"

"No way, no way."

"Then show that you miss him?"

"No, Lu Shui must know that I miss him. Didn't it show him that he saw a joke?

I still want to watch his jokes. "

Thoughts go back and forth.

Mu Xue hadn't figured out how to say it, but a familiar voice came out from the other side:

"Miss Mu gets up so early?"

"The voice of the phone is still somewhat different." This thought flashed through Mu Xue's mind.

But after hearing Lu Shui's voice, she no longer wondered what she needed to say.

Just whispered:

"Master Lu is finished?"

"It's been some time since I've been out of the coast of the other side, and the mobile phone has a signal at this time." Lu Shui's voice came over.

Did he mean that he kept looking at the signal, and he planned to contact me if he had it? Mu Xue felt that she was right.

Although he knew that Lu Shui also had memories, Lu Shui would still show his liking for her even just as a pretense.

"Master Lu, when will you be back?" Mu Xue asked.

Her tone is very light, so light that makes people feel like saying, I miss you.

After Lu Shui heard these words, he immediately heard a voice:

"I will be able to...I will be able to set off today, up to two days."

Mu Xue smiled when she heard Lu Shui's voice.


"Will Master Lu pass by Mu's house?"

She received a call from Aunt Tang last night and planned to bring flowers to Lu's house when she was free.

If Lu Shui is free, you can let him go.

"What is Miss Mu going to bring?" Lu Shui's voice came over.

After telling Lu Shui briefly what Aunt Tang said last night.

Lu Shui directly agreed.

After that they ended the communication.

Mu Xue was lying on the desk, looking at the phone, not knowing what she was thinking.

It was just that she whispered quickly:

"Should it be better to punch the left eye first or the right eye first?"

"Snap the nose first."


On the endless sea, Lu Shui put down his mobile phone.

Just now Mu Xue asked him when he would go back, that voice almost made him lose his mind. If he hadn't recovered his sobriety, he might have said that he would be home today.

Mu Xue is too harmful.


Lu Shui suddenly hesitated.

"Daoist Dongfang?" Mo Xiu Ji'an yelled softly.

He was wondering whether he should talk about the space apostle.

After the call, the other party remained silent for a long time, without speaking.

After asking, Mo Xiu Jian suddenly felt abnormal.

You must know that he is a 7th-order powerhouse, and this one is just a second-order monk.

"Why do I always feel suppressed by the other party?

Suppressed by a second-order aura? "

At this time, Mo Xiu Ji'an clearly felt that he had been in a passive state since the beginning.

This second-order every move is to suppress him easily.

"No, it should be because of my injury, plus the factor of this powerful mount.

This leads to this situation. "

Mo Xiu Ji'an thinks that is roughly the case.

He didn't think much after that, after all, he was seriously injured now.

Lu Shui stretched out his hand to prevent Mo Xiu Ji'an from speaking.

He was thinking.

Think about a very important thing.

I don't know how much more important than what he is doing now.

But this time there is no content reflection, or process reflection.

The general content is this:

Question: Do you want to go back to see Mu Xue? What aspects will it affect if you go back?

Process: None.

Conclusion: Go back.

After reaching a conclusion, Lu Shui looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an and said:

"Senior, I want to ask a question."

"You ask." Mo Xiu Ji'an said.

"How long will it take for the seniors' cultivation base to go ashore from here?" Lu Shui asked.

This is still very important to him.

"For about half a day, it depends on where to go." Moxiu Ji'an gave a conservative answer after thinking briefly.

But he lied. In fact, he is good at this aspect and it doesn't take that long at all.

"Zhenwu, Seven-Rank Lingshi." Lu Shui stretched out his hand.

Zhenwu directly gave Lingshi, he didn't understand, and he didn't need to understand, just watch it quietly.

Don't talk about Zhenwu, even Moxiu Ji'an didn't understand it.

Then something that made him even less comprehensible followed.

Lu Shui threw the spirit stone to Mo Xiu Ji'an and said with a smile:

"Senior, don't send it."

Mo Xiu Jian: "???"

What does he mean?

However, before Mo Xiu Jian asked, a huge shock erupted under him.

Then he was flung out.

Then a huge sea monster soared into the sky.

Mo Xiu Ji'an was full of jealousy, he thought it was for him.

But soon he found out that he was wrong, and the sea monster was aimed at the three people.

He watched as the three people were swallowed by the sea monster and finally disappeared on the sea.

And he.


The waves made by the sea monsters washed Was he rejected for trading?

He actually returned the spirit stone to him.

Lu Shui didn't care about any transaction or spiritual stone.

He just has one idea.

Go back and see Mu Xue.

Others, I'll postpone it.


Thanks to the lord of Amblowe, Jiagen owes it first.

By the way, on the last day of today, those who have a monthly pass will quickly get out.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 307 is the left eye or the right eye first [Thanks to Amblowe for being promoted to the leader]) to read the record and open the bookshelf next time see!

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