The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 310: Who is the author [Thanks? d1 Miyanyu Ren Pingsheng? d Promotion League...

Both Yi Shan and Yu Ya looked at Mu Xue.

The other party came to a conclusion too quickly, and he didn't even ask much, and he gave the conclusion directly.

This is not normal at all.

If they haven't looked for many people, haven't hired many cultivators with good medical skills, maybe they can't feel it.

But after experiencing it, they felt that the ordinary person in front of them was not ordinary at all.

At least medical skills and knowledge are not ordinary.

"I just happened to look at this kind of knowledge recently, and happened to encounter a similar case, so I can see it." Mu Xue said softly.

Lu Shui was studying in the last life, so naturally she didn't do nothing.

She is not very good at medical skills, but she still has some knowledge about pregnancy.

What is missing is personal experience.

It's all to blame Lu Shui for not letting her get pregnant.

As for the medical skills, of course the second elders are amazing.

Lu Shui didn't care much about whether the other party was pregnant or not. He generally only studied how it was easy to have a baby, not what it was like to be pregnant.

Of course, he just saw it, but he couldn't say it.

Unclearly, tell Mu Xue, does he have sufficient knowledge in this area?

It's no different from dying.

Yu Ya sighed and said:

"I did have some hidden dangers after I was promoted to Tier 5, but after a long period of recuperation, I always thought there was nothing wrong with it.

After I was pregnant, I accidentally discovered that the little life was constantly weak.

We were shocked at that time and immediately sought help.

During the period, I found a lot of people, spent all my savings, and finally found out that it was related to my previous hidden dangers.

But I found it but there was no way to treat it.

In the end, he was helpless and had no choice but to join the Lu family.

Fortunately, the conditions given by the Lu family were pretty good, and there was nothing to do for now. "

Mu Xue nodded as she listened, and said:

"Should someone prescribe the medicine for you?"

"It is true. This medicine cannot be stopped. The cost is not small. Even if you join the Lu Family, it is just enough." Yi Shan said helplessly:

"But the people of the Lu family gave us a solution, which is to neutralize the exercises.

The senior said that as long as you find a suitable exercise method, you may be able to reverse the current situation, but there is no clue as to the specific exercise method. "

This is why they stay on the third floor all the time.

Suitable exercises? Lu Shui had a little accident, so it was not easy to say that the sign of that little life.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

As long as he has a pulse, he can know what exercise is suitable.

But Mu Xue must know that too.

So he didn't intend to intervene.

He had to prepare for Zhenwu to come.

Where does the spirit stone come from without Zhenwu?

Mu Xue thought about it? drew a picture on the desktop again? Then she said:

"Have you considered the magic cultivation technique?"

"Magic cultivation method?" This surprised both Yu Ya and Yi Shan.

They had never considered the magic cultivation method, and they always felt too extreme.

very dangerous.

"Huh? Magic cultivation technique." Mu Xue explained:

"Because the hidden dangers are already extreme? Most of the magic cultivation methods are also extreme types, but there is a possibility of neutralization.

It may have an impact on the cultivation base. "

Yu Ya felt strange looking at Mu Xue? Her heartbeat was a little flustered, and the girl in front of her gave her a very subtle feeling.

The tone and manner of the other party's expression and expression did not match her cultivation level.

Everything she said was as if she knew the answer a long time ago, but was waiting for you to ask step by step.

But it feels unlikely that the other party is too young to cultivate.

And the magic cultivation method is very repulsive? People who hear this? usually try to perfuse, or try again when the time comes.

The magic cultivation technique is not a good technique for them, it is a technique that may be life-threatening if you are not careful.

But don't know what kind of intuition, Yu Ya feels that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you miss it? Maybe you can't catch it again.

She opened her mouth, and finally caught her husband who was going to make a polite remark? She opened the mouth and said:

"Little, little fairy, what kind of exercises do you think magic cultivation is the most suitable?"

Yi Shan was taken aback? Somewhat surprised he looked at his Taoist companion.

Isn't this a nonsense?

And how can the other party know the answer to this question at a young age?

But what he could not even understand was that his hand was held tightly by his Taoist companion.

I seem to care about the follow-up answer.

He was puzzled.

Mu Xue said with a slight smile:

"The Six Magic Words? You can try it."

Mu Xue didn't say everything? Just gave a suggestion.

Hearing the name of the exercise, Lu Shui thought he might have seen it just now, but he didn't say anything about Mu Xue's help.

Probably because the other party is pregnant.

Mu Xue wanted to help such people.

After all, this is what she desires.

Upon hearing Mu Xue's reply, Yu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked:

"I will try at that time. By the way, if it is really possible, I don't know how to find two people to thank you?"

"After all, it's a new idea. I really should come to thank you when I have time." Yi Shan also said.

Although I don't know what my wife thinks, it is indeed a completely new idea.

Mu Xue did not answer this question, but looked at Lu Shui.

Both Yi Shan and Yu Ya looked at Lu Shui.

"No, the elderly at home are also very busy." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

His father is really busy.

His mother doesn't care about things.

"We are bothering you. My father should have a lot of things to do in the Lu family." Yi Shan was a little embarrassed, but didn't say much.

Everyone has their own ideas. This is normal.

At this time, Yi Shan wanted to get up and look up some exercises and information.

As for the other party's spirit stone, he didn't plan to ask for it anymore, after all, he also gave new ideas.

He is not such a pedantic and petty person either.

Just as he got up, he heard a sound coming from the steps on the third floor, as if someone was coming up.

On the already quiet floor, suddenly heard the sound, it is inevitable that you will be curious about who is coming up.


The old man withered tree walked on the stairs of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. He heard that the young master had been punished and came to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion as soon as he returned.

He also knew the content of the punishment for the first time.

He was supposed to heal his wounds, and he arrived at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the first place.

In order to take over this work.

He was worried that the others in the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion would look down upon the young master.

This is not a good thing.

He was watching the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and he was up to him to say anything.

And he also had some questions that he wanted to ask the young master, such as some things about the other coast.

Although I can't speak outside.

But there is always curiosity.

Soon he came to the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The goal is two unfamiliar faces, no, it should be said that there are only one-sided faces.

Then what I saw was the Lu Family's young master and the young grandmother.

These two people don't know the identity of the young master? This is the conclusion that Shulao flashed for the first time.

The old tree came up, a real powerhouse who entered the Dao with the seventh step.

Yi Shan and his Taoist companion Yu Ya stood up immediately.

They dare not show any disrespect in the face of this kind of predecessor, especially when the other party is coming here.

"I have seen seniors." Yi Shan and Yu Ya bowed their heads respectfully.

It's just that they just spoke but didn't hear the follow-up sound.

In theory, those two little guys should also say hello.

Then he lowered his head and looked over. He was stunned when he saw that the two of them were still sitting in the chairs, as if it had nothing to do with them.

This made Yi Shan and Yu Ya a little worried.

Yi Shan reminded softly:

"Little Eastern Brother."

Lu Shui was originally watching how to eat the fruit, but when he heard Yi Shan call him, he looked over.

At this time, Yi Shan's expression was quite rich, and he kept giving Lu Shui hints.

Let him get up and salute.

But Lu Shui was unmoved.

Yu Ya also reminded Mu Xue, but Mu Xue just smiled back.

Now the two of them are helpless, aren't these two little guys ignorant of human relationships and the world?

Think about it, from the beginning, these two people were not polite.

Children who are not sensible, don't care too much if you want to come to Shu Lao.

Yi Shan felt that he still talked about it, after all, Shu Lao had already arrived at this time.

Just as Yi Shan was about to speak, the old Shu Lao who had come over suddenly lowered his head and respectfully saluted the direction of Lu Shui.

Yi Shan and Yu Ya were stunned.

What, what's going on?

Soon they heard the voice of the old tree.

"Master, grandma."

Little, master?

Yi Shan and Yu Ya looked at each other, then looked at Lu Shui and Mu Xue again.

Then they understood why these two people could go to the third floor casually.

I also understand that Lu Shui just said that he came up because of his father's generation.

Because his father is the patriarch, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion belongs to his family.

Let alone the third floor, he can go on the fifth floor.

Sweat oozes from Yi Shan's forehead, and he just wanted to visit each other's parents.

Is this going to visit the patriarch and his wife?

Or the three elders?

Isn't this death?

Although the head of the Lu family has a Tier 6 cultivation base, his strength is so terrifying that he has the honor to have seen it once.

That can't be regarded as Tier 6 at all, and Tier 7 must retreat by three points.

The Lu Family Master and Grandma had actually heard of them, but they didn't know how they looked, but they also knew their names.

But it's definitely not Dongfang Shili and Xueji.

Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to find these two people to sell things.

A second-tier, an ordinary person, he should have thought of it a long time ago.

"Give me two fifth-grade spirit stones, and then I will let Zhenwu return you." Lu Shui said to the old man withered tree.

The old man withered tree did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took out two fifth-grade spirit stones.

As for whether to pay it back, he doesn't care, it's not land pay anyway.

Their young masters basically don't carry spirit stones on them.

Lu Shui took the Lingshi and placed it in front of Yishan, saying:

"If you still have the money for the fruit, you can continue to sell it to me. You can really set the price higher, worth that price."

Yi Shan finally recovered.

He pushed the Lingshi back, a little anxious:

"The master joked, and originally planned to give it to the master and grandma.

I didn't know the identity of the young master before, so it was offensive. "

Lu Shui glanced at Yi Shan, and finally took the Lingshi back, saying:

"Lu Shui's name is not as convenient as it is from the East."

Yi Shan: "..."

Yu Ya: "..."

But they were still a little surprised. After all, Master Lu's performance was not as unbearable as the rumors.

"Master, according to the instructions of the third elder, I am here to register the book that the master read." said the old man withered tree.

As for the convenience of using pseudonyms that Lu Shui said, he could understand more.

That pseudonym has already shaken the realm of cultivation, so many people want to figure out who Liu Huo is.

But no one can figure it out.

As a sensible person, he couldn't speak out.

This is also a pain.

"This one." Lu Shui handed the book to the old man withered tree.

The old man withered tree glanced, frowned:

"This is about Go?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Shui asked.

The old man withered tree was a little embarrassed:

"Master, why don't you change one?"

Lu Shui glanced at the old man withered tree, and then ignored it.

Old man withered tree: "..."

Alas, the three elders are about to sigh angry again.

The old man withered tree didn't say anything any more, and walked away silently.

Yi Shan and Yu Ya also bid farewell, and they are going to look for books for a while.

The master and grandma are here, and they are obviously not suitable to bother.

It was really messy just now.

After these people left, Mu Xue reached out and exchanged the fruit in Lu Shui's hand, saying by the way:

"This is for Master Lu."

Lu Shui didn't say anything, but put it in his mouth and took a bite.

Well, it's really delicious.

Unfortunately, only two.

Mu Xue also ate the fruit, then opened the book on the tabletop and started reading.

Lu Shui sat next to Mu Xue, looking at the book on the desk.

He was actually quite curious about what Jianyi Go Chuan would record.

Do you teach people how to regret chess?

When I wanted to land in the water, I opened the first page of the book:

Chess is the way I pursue in this life, and kendo is just the way I created easily.

Today I want to abandon my sword and go to chess.

Be a well-known master of Go, then all things will play against the world.


Lu Shui frowned when he looked at the first page. This was an ancient text, and it was the original text.

This is rare.

"No wonder it was placed on the third floor. This book contains some extraordinary things.

The record is still about the powerful existence of Jianyi. "Lu Shui thought to himself.

Perhaps no one knew who Jianyi was before, but the last time Supreme Swordsman appeared, everyone knew that Jianyi was not an ordinary person at all.

Of course, only a few people know what level of existence Jian Yi is.

Lu Shui didn't think much about it, so he continued to check the next page to see how this sword will make everyone in Go and how to play against the world.

The second page:

I wanted to play a game with the world first, but the world never birded me.

In desperation, I can only go to the towns and villages to see if there are such competitions.

But I soon discovered that there are very few people playing Go.

How does this make me a Go master?

For this reason, I found a local steward and told him the greatness of Go and let him promote it.

The game will start at that time.

The world is so big that I take the trouble to wander around, and I will talk to the steward everywhere and tell them that Go needs to be promoted.

They are mostly friendly and happily respond.

Some stubborn people also understand the greatness of Go based on my reasoning.




Thirty years later.

The Go game finally started.

They call the strongest chess saints, and this is for me.

I applied for the first Go township.

What I met was a young man who seemed to be just new to Go.

Game start.

The chess field is like a battlefield. I hold my son first, and I want to tell this boy the true meaning of Go.


"I've been thinking about it for a long time, do you still want to think?" The boy was a little disdainful of me.

Ignorant young man.

I pondered for a long time, and finally understood where the problem was.

"This step is not counted." This is the result of my careful consideration.

"Huh?" The boy was shocked:

"Can I regret the game?"

"The rules of the game don't say that you can't regret chess." Although I haven't read the rules, I definitely don't have this one.

"Look at the rules of the game." The young man took out the rules of the game.

"The person who doesn't know is not guilty, and I don't know it, so the first offense can be forgiven. This step doesn't count." I was telling him the truth.

The boy was clarified by me.


"A group of people who don't understand the true meaning of Go, dare to throw me out and let me go." I was very angry.

My name is Go father.

This group of unsophisticated people.


I was thrown to the ground.

"Come to make trouble again and disqualify you from the next year's competition." That person dared to yell at me and threatened me.

These people are too much.

"Can you write a book in a third person? You are sick, right?" I yelled very angrily.

An ignorant mortal is always unsatisfactory.


Lu Shui was a little surprised at this, what does Jian Yi mean?

In other words, he is not actually the one who wrote the book?

He has done so many things, everyone around is following, and is helping him write books?

Who is so boring?

"You? These are at least two people, who is Lu?" Lu Shui thought this possibility was very high.

"But who is the second one?"

Lu Shui thought about it carefully. From all the news, he didn't know that Jian Yi was familiar with people outside Lu.

Last time I talked with Jianyi, from various angles, he and Lu are familiar with each other, which is completely unmatched by others.

"Forget it, look again, maybe the narrator wrote himself out."

Thinking this way, Lu Shui continued to look down.

Not to mention, this book is still very interesting.

Especially when he saw Jianyi being thrown out because of regret, he wanted to do the same at that time.

If it wasn't for the other party to be a senior, he would have died.

He will never be polite.


I gave up this town and decided to go to the next town that hasn't started the competition to continue participating in the competition.

The long journey is not a problem for me.

But in the blink of an eye, I came to the new town, far away.

After catching up with the final registration, I took part in the competition.

The previous game was just an accident. This time I will guide them the way of Go, as it was 30 years ago.

The game has started, this time my opponent is a girl.

Another ignorant young man.

How can chess skills compare to me?

This time the other party held the son first.

From the way the opponent plays chess, I know that this person is not good at chess.


"Well, isn't this move good?" the girl asked timidly.

"No." I rightly refused:

"The sacredness of Go is that it won't regret it. Even if I am willing to let you, I can't violate the rules of Go.

You see, the rules cannot be regretted. "

I specifically showed the rules to the other party.

Let the opponent understand that regretting chess is against the rules.

"Okay, okay." Although the girl was helpless, she still chose to accept it.

Half down.

"It doesn't count, I put it wrong." I think this step is a bit wrong.

"But I don't regret playing chess, it's written like this in the rules." The girl took the rules and pointed them to me specifically.

"The rules are dead, people are alive, how can living things be bound by dead things? This will only make people stop the moment." I think the other party needs to understand this.

"But the sacredness of Go lies in not regretting the game, even if I am willing to let you." The girl said righteously.

"Sacred comes from the heart and stops at the mind. The reason why Go is so sacred lies in people, not rules.

Let me play again, it is your sacred recognition of Go.

The essence of Go is revealed from you and me. "As I said, I picked up my chess and planned to play again.

I want to come to this girl because she understands the true meaning of Go.

"Referee, he regrets chess." The girl suddenly shouted.


"Let go of me, let me go." I was thrown out again.


I was thrown to the ground and I felt angry.

I want to cut the game scene with one sword.

"You are real dogs, when will I cut the game?

Go to the next one.

Write as much as you want, can you stop reading it? "I feel very helpless.

The people here don't understand the true meaning of Go, so I decided to go to the next place. Go is my promotion.

Why should I be eliminated in the audition?

"Wait a minute, you wait for me." A female voice suddenly came from inside.

It's the girl who played chess with me.

"You have something?" I asked.

"Can I walk with you?" the girl asked.

Then she introduced herself:

"My name is Jiu, the only true God of heaven and earth, you must have heard of me."

"Sorry, we don't walk with dogs or women." A person who can only call a referee is not qualified to walk with us.

Set off the scene of the next game.


Lu Shui was a little curious when he saw this, and Jiu actually appeared.

"So there is no one who writes books."

Just now he thought it would be Jiu who wrote the book.

It seems impossible.

However, Jiu clearly knew that Jian Yi, who was definitely going to regret the game deliberately at the beginning.

Then he refuted Jian Yi regret chess, but he didn't understand the true meaning of Go without Jian Yi.

"Next time I will regret the game." Thinking of this Lu Shui, I felt a pity:

"No, no chance."

Lu Shui felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Jian Yi, isn't he good at practicing swords? I have to play some Go.

After that, Lu Shui planned to continue watching, to see where the last Jianyi Go road went.

Moreover, this book records that Jiu and Lu may also be included. In fact, it is worth checking.


As soon as he turned the page, Lu Shui heard the sound of his stomach screaming.

Not his.

Then Lu Shui turned his head to look at Mu Xue.

Muxue lowered her head and blushed, looking at her book intently.

Lu Shui just remembered that Mu Xue didn't seem to have breakfast, and it was about noon.

Lu Shui looked at the book in his hand and found that he had read half of it.

"What will Miss Mu want to eat for lunch?" Lu Shui asked, closing the book.

"Where is Master Lu?" Mu Xue looked up at Lu Shui.

"Let's go to the town first." Said Lu Shui and put the book away.

He intends to take this book away.

"Listen to Master Lu." Mu Xue had no objection.

Lu Shui picked up Mu Xue's book and put it back on the shelf.

It was originally placed in a low place, UU reading just thought about it, and he put it in a high place specially.

No, just ask him to help Muxue take it.

At that time, you will be dependent on people, bah, if you make a mistake, you can put it on a high place again at that time.

Annoyed her.

Mu Xue just checked the position of the book and didn't care.

Anyway, if you drop a few more books, Lu Shui will be frightened to get them to her immediately.

After all, Lu Shui would worry about her, even if she knew she was alive and well.

She especially likes land water.


Thank you for being the leader of Yan Ping Yu Ren Ping Yu, Jia Geng can only owe it again.

I'll try.

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