The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 318: 9 days immeasurable robbery

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The entire world of cultivation belongs to the world of the strong, and it is extremely quiet.

The ice sea goddess retracted her gaze, without saying the last word, and sank directly into the ice lake.

She lowered her eyebrows, and no one knew her thoughts.

I can't see her emotions either.

She sank quietly into the water like this, and the lake surface was extremely quiet, without the slightest ripple.

Kuhai Buddhism, Xinhuo Ancient Buddha closed his eyes, put his hands together and recited the Heart Sutra silently.

Never said anything, never commented on this battle.

As if I had never seen it before.

In the demonic realm, the **** of war in the fairy court turned around silently and walked back.

He lowered his head and walked step by step, not slow or fast, but steadily.

He intends to go back to retreat for a few days.

No one of the three major forces commented on the previous events, no one mocked the Scars of Underworld, and no one lamented Lu Wuwei's killing with a single sword.

Just keep silent.


There was a slight noise from the forbidden area of ​​Dao Zong:

"As a powerful sect in the realm of cultivation, I must know that etiquette is important and go to the Lu family to obey the rules of the Lu family.

Never oppress the Lu Family when you go out, and the friendship between the two will last forever. "

After that, there was no more sound in the forbidden area of ​​Dao Zong.

The Insect Valley powerhouse was shivering and hiding in the dark corner. He suddenly felt that the Worm Valley had been destroyed by half, and the Lu family wanted half of their resources.

It's actually very kind.

To move the Lu family young master, that is simply killing the Lu family.

Ning Xia of Qiao Yunzong also breathed out again.

I wanted to pat a thicker chest, so I think about it and forget about it.

She put her gaze on Hong Su, who was trembling with her head down at this time.

"How do you feel?" Ningxia asked.

"Ancestor." Hong Su looked at Ningxia and said:

"Is this really a realm that humans can reach?"

Ningxia looked at Hongsu and shook her head, saying:

"I don't know, at least I can't do it. Lu Wuwei has surpassed the entire cultivation world, and no one understands what state he is in.

It is said that some people in ancient times, even though they were in the realm of Dao, had already surpassed the limit of Daoists.

Perhaps he was talking about an avenger like Lu Wuwei. "

"Ancestor, is there another realm above the avenue?" Sweet Potato looked at Ningxia and asked with doubts in his heart.

Dao Tiancheng is the end of Dao.

The highest state in the world of cultivation.

There are very few people who can reach this state.

Even in the entire cultivation world, people in this realm may only have about the number of hands.

It seems a lot, but this is the number of people accumulated over countless years.

Not the number of people in an era.

There were a total of two Daoists in the old ancestor's era, which is still too many.

"Is Dadao Tiancheng above?" Ningxia thought and said:

"The legend has a realm.

But no one has ever touched it.

In today's cultivation world, no one has touched that legendary realm except for the unknown in ancient times.

Yes, not even the slightest touch.

So that realm is always just a legend.

However, judging by Lu Wuwei's current performance, perhaps he has encountered it. "

"What's that realm called?" Hong Su asked.

Ningxia looked at Hongsu and beckoned:


Hong Su didn't know everything, but when he came, he came to Ningxia.

"Boom!" Ning Xia stretched out her hand and flicked Hong Su's forehead, and said:

"Go back and rest, before you touch it."

Hong Su was helpless, she was indeed far away.

"Yes." In response to Shenghongsu, he left here.

Ningxia looked at Tian Tian and sighed:

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to visit Lu's house and ask about Lu Wuwei."


"Sister Mu Xue, can you raise your head?" Yayue lowered her head and asked.

She had just heard the voice above and already knew the ending.

Such a terrible existence was actually defeated.

And the appearance of losing quickly.

Fortunately, he lost, otherwise they would all be in danger.

You can breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sure." Mu Xue's soft voice came over.

At this time Yayue tried to look at the sky, and she found that the sky had become normal.

There are moonlight and stars, so beautiful and dazzling.

The light curtain also disappeared at this time.

"Sister Mu Xue, what just happened?" Yayue asked.

"At the end of the road, the supreme kendo.

Ya Yue couldn't bear this level of power. Mu Xue explained.

She naturally knew how powerful the Great Elder was.

It can be said to be the strongest existence in the entire era.

"Sister Mu Xue just seemed to watch it." Yayue was not sure.

Mu Xue smiled at Yayue without opening an explanation.

But said:

"Well, the accident is over, it's time to rest."

"What about Sister Chacha?" Yayue asked Dongfang Chacha, who was lying on the table.

"Just let her fall asleep like this, I'll stay with her here." Mu Xue said.

It's not like sleeping like this once or twice anyway.

Yayue thought for a while, and then ran into the house.

Mu Xue thought that Yayue was going to bed, and then she saw Yayue running out holding the blanket.

"I'm here with Sister Mu Xue, Yalin doesn't recognize the bed and won't wake up midway." Yayue put the blanket on the table and said.

Mu Xue: "..."


Dongfang Liyin squatted on the ground, her husband's hand still in front of her eyes.

It's just that it has been put down at this time.

It is powerless to let go.

But the hand is still in Dongfang Liyin's hand.

When the hand in front of him was released, Dongfang Liyin knew that he could open his eyes.

Lifting her eyelids, Kwang broke into her eyes. The first thing she saw was the family chief Lu, who was kneeling on one knee and wandering in chaos.

There was a dark red light in the eyes.

Dongfang Liyin grabbed Lu Gu's hand with one hand, and wiped the cold sweat from Lu Gu's forehead with the other.

"I know I can't watch it, Patriarch Lu will watch it." Dongfang Li Yin said softly.

There is no meaning to blame.

"Yes, I want to see it." Lu Gu said with difficulty.

Dongfang Li Yin approached Lu Gu, touched Lu Gu's forehead with his forehead, and whispered:

"Would you like me to help Clan Chief Lu share a little bit?"

"Naughty." Lu Gu retorted directly.

Dongfang Liyin shook his head lightly, rubbed the ancient nose, and said defiantly:

"You spoiled it."

Lu Gu did not speak, and then stood up with Dongfang Li Yin's support.

"It should be over, but the great elder's sword is really terrifying." Lu Gu said.

"So uncomfortable and protect me, will your wife open her eyes stupidly?" Dongfang Li Yin whispered while standing beside Lu Gu.

"I like it." Lu Gu said.

Hearing these words, Dongfang Liyin walked to Lu Gu, looked up at his favorite face in his life, and asked:

"What does Chief Lu like?"

Lu Gu looked at the wife in front of him. From the eyes of his wife's expectation, he knew what his wife wanted to hear.

Knowing this, Lu Gu raised his hand and touched Dongfang Li Yin's face, and said:

"like you."

Hearing these words, Dongfang Li Yin smiled at the corner of his mouth, and hugged Lu Gu happily:

"I like Patriarch Lu the most."

(The goosebumps dropped all over the place, a handful of age, not disgusting, if Lu Shui were there, it would probably feel like this.)


The old man withered tree slowed down for a long time. He looked at the three elders in front of him and said:

"Are you going to check the Underworld?"

"The second elder has already gone, there should be news soon.

Others, go ask Lu Gu. "The three elders turned to look at the old man withered tree and said:

"After Lu Shui came back, he went to verify his progress during the three days of reading.

If not, let him continue to stay in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. "

After a pause, the three elders added:

"He is not allowed to read Go books anymore."

"What if you watch chess?" The old man withered tree asked softly.


The three elders looked at the old man withered tree for a long time, and then said:

"Go and tear up this kind of book."

Old man withered tree: "..."


In the boundless sea, the stars shone, and there was no sound except the sound of the waves.

The vast and boundless sea area, there are no people, no ships, except for the sea, it is the waves,

At this moment, there was a sudden twist on the sea.

The twisted sea seems to have been opened with a gap, the appearance of the opening is not stable, and it will collapse at any time.

The waves rolled and rolled directly into the space door that opened suddenly.

But soon, the waves came out again.

Then came out, there was a figure who didn't look tall. It was a little girl with her hair tied and wearing a white coat.

She patted her clothes, as if the sea water just got wet her clothes.

"Really strange coordinates."

When the little girl was photographing clothes, she had doubts in her mind.

Yes, she was the second elder of the Lu Family, Lu Youting, who followed the space passage of Palace Master Killing.

"This coordinate is very strange, it makes me deviate so much." The second elder looked at the surrounding sea and frowned.

She recalled the coordinates, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong.

Then she stretched out her hand and waved, the space door opened again in front of her.

This time, the space door was normal, without any distortion or instability.

The second elder looked at the space door and had no plans to go in.

Soon she closed the space door.

"It's really not right, the past coordinates of the people of Underworld are specified.

The means are very high. "

"Moreover, this coordinate can directly enter the Lujia area, which is really unusual."

To know the spatial coordinates of the Lujia area, it is not so easy to use.

Even if it is the sun god, it takes a while to enter directly.

"It seems that someone helped the people of Mingtu set up the coordinates, with high means, strong ability, and a certain degree of knowledge of the Lu family."

The second elder had a guess in an instant, but couldn't figure out who this person was.

In her cognition, this talent should not be right.

But the other party just exists.

After that, the second elder no longer thought, she wanted to enter the underworld from here, to leave some means.


The second elder spread out and felt that he was going to see where the entrance to the underworld was located.

As long as the area is unstable in space, it must be the entrance to the underworld.

What surprised her was that she perceives a group of people.

The cultivation base is nothing to behold, but the positions of those people actually made her find no loopholes.

"It doesn't seem to be here alone." The second elder looked at the directions of those people, and said blankly:

"Let's deal with it together."

Having made this decision, the second elder took one step and planned to go there.

It's just that this step hasn't fallen yet, and her instinct makes her back.

The second elder was shocked, and instantly stepped back some distance.

"What's the matter?" The second elder looked up at the sky, and she actually felt that something terrible in the sky was about to appear.

"It's a tribulation, someone intends to cross the tribulation here? And it is definitely not an ordinary tribulation." The second elder was a little unbelievable.

Because she didn't notice that someone was trying to cross the robbery nearby.

Then she cast her gaze on those people in Mingtu.

Although it is unlikely to be those people, she still intends to take a look.

However, when she looked over, a man in a black robe broke into her field of vision.

"It's him."

The moment he saw this person, the second elder knew that it was this person who really wanted to overcome the catastrophe.

But she couldn't see through who this person was.

"What a powerful concealment method."

The second elder looked at him a little surprised, she stood there, wanting to see what this person was going to do.

However, at this time she saw the person looking towards her.

At that moment, the second elder felt that he was looking at the black-robed man.

"He found me?"

The second elder frowned, but soon she found that the person was no longer paying attention to her side, but was walking all the way to the side of the underworld.

"When are there such strange people in the cultivation world?" The second elder found that she could not see through the other's cultivation.

And being able to find her shows that the other party is not weak at all.

But she had never heard of it.

Unless it's someone from the earth.

The second elder did not intend to leave, just watching, she wanted to see what the other party was doing.


Lu Shui walked on the sea, and after deceiving Tiancheng that Dadao, he began to walk to other people in Mingtu.

Since these people came to him, he naturally wanted to do his best as a landlord.

The time is almost now, the Heavenly Tribulation has already been induced by him, but he hasn't gotten down so early, he is still at the Heavenly Tribulation entrance, and has not fully entered.

It's just that when he walked halfway, he suddenly felt that someone was paying attention to him.

"There are still people?"

Lu Shui was a little surprised, he turned his head and looked over.

With his current strength, he can't see the opponent.

But he didn't care, he just took a look and then withdrew his gaze.

The other party dared not approach him.

When you leave, be prepared.

No longer paying attention to the sudden gaze, Lu Shui walked towards the location of Mingtu step by step.

With every step he takes, he disappears in place, and then appears in the distance.

Very simple spelling.


Those people in Mingtu stood on the sea, and there was an altar that had frozen into ice among them.

Above the altar, there are three people dancing with their hands and feet, like a chapterless wave, and like a regular dance.

However, there are some special forces around them, and these forces are constantly condensing, as if connecting the heaven and the earth.

Suddenly the movements of these three people slowed down, and they made listening movements.

It seems to be listening to the wind, and it seems to be listening to the whispers of heaven and earth.

Seeing that these three are finally about to have results, everyone else is happy.

Especially those three eighth-tier powerhouses.

They stood on three sides, prepared the space door, and waited for the answers from these three.

At that time, contact the Lord of the Killing Mark and kill them together.

Once Lu Shui died, the most important step to revive Mingtu was taken.

The rest is just waiting, waiting for the world to change, waiting for the realm of comprehension to reshuffle.

At that time was the beginning of the Renaissance of Underworld.

Everyone believes in this.

They gathered together in order to rejuvenate the underworld.

The reason is that the Underworld does not need to be controlled by others, and at least has the ability to resist.

It is not a party to be slaughtered.

The other people in Jiudian didn't dare, but they did.

After all, someone has to walk the road.

If others don't go, then they come and go.

But first you have to know the whereabouts of land water.

Mingtu Bailian Rixu, the cultivation base of Rank 8 Wendao, he looked at the three people in the altar, waiting for their answers.

At this time, one of the three people made a shushing motion.

Seeing this scene, the whole army was silent for a moment, even the sound of breathing could not be heard.

The three people at the altar were very satisfied, and the three of them glanced at each other.

Then they closed their eyes tacitly. They heard the sound of the wind, heard the waves, heard the world breathing, and heard the whispers of the world.

Then the sound of footsteps reached their ears.

It's as if someone is walking by the ear.

Soon they heard the voice coming from within, emptiness and ethereal:

"Look forward."

The moment they heard this voice, the three of them opened their eyes and said in unison:

"Look forward."

The voices of the three people came out, everyone in Mingtu was shocked, and then looked forward.

They were all surprised at this look.

I don't know when, a figure walked in front of them.

This person wearing a black robe approached them step by step.

Hundreds of days in the world refining the sun, stepped out, looked at Lu Shui's figure, and immediately said:


His body exudes momentum, which belongs to the aura of Rank 8 Wendao.

There is not enough strength, this sentence is enough to make the coming person collapse.

But to Lu Shui, this momentum is like a fake.

He stopped and looked at the crowd in front of him, and then a voice of nothingness came out:

"Netherland Kills the Palace Master's person?"

"Who are you?" Ming Tu Rixu looked at Lu Shui with caution in his eyes.

The other party ignored his breath and pointed out their identities.

It's definitely not an ordinary person.

Lu Shui stood on the surface of the water, looking at the people who were looking at him, turning a blind eye to the pressure these people exude.

There is a calmness in his voice:

"The one who makes you look forward."

Everyone was shocked the moment they heard this voice.

What do you mean?

Then they looked at the three who counted heaven on the altar.

However, the three of them looked horrified, and they couldn't believe it.

"Don't believe me?" Lu Shui's voice came over.

Then he snapped his fingers under everyone's attention.


A crisp voice sounded, and the three cultivators who counted the heavens suddenly startled.

They feel that the special breath around them is abnormal.

Then everyone saw that the three people who counted the sky were directly corroded by that special power.

That special power invaded those people's bodies like countless venomous snakes.


In the blink of an eye, the three vomited blood and fell to the ground weak.

There was no time for them to react, it was too fast.

"This, this is impossible, that is the power between heaven and earth, how do you do it?"

The three of them looked at Lu Shui with horror in their eyes, but soon they felt that they had seen something terrible.

"no, I can not."


The three spit out blood again.

Then he passed out on the spot.

No one knows what they thought of, or what they saw.

But everyone in Mingtu knew that this sudden appearance had ruined their plan.

This is making enemies with them.

Killing intent arose at this moment.

Everyone locked the land and water, as if they would besiege on the order.

"Human, are you going to be my enemy?"

Mingtu Bailian Rixu looked at Lu Shui, killing intent bursting out.

Lu Shui stood there, not caring about the other party's killing intent at all.

He just stood on the sea like this, the surrounding sea became calm, and the waves seemed to fear him.

"Turn around and return to Mingtu, you can live." Lu Shui said, facing everyone's killing intent.

"Human, do you know what you are talking about?" Another eighth step looked at Lu Shui and said lowly.

This is a middle-aged man, the cultivation base of the eighth order Wendao.

His strength is achieved step by step, and his hands are stained with countless blood.

Let him go back?

He would rather choose to die.

But what qualifications does the other party have to decide his life and death?

"Then you know, whose domain is where you are stepping on?" Lu Shui looked at the other side and said calmly.

"The Lord of the Scars once stood here. This is the domain of our Underworld, and the domain of the Lord of the Scars.

Humans, you have to pay for your ignorance. "Mingtu Bailian Rixu's face was haze.

"No." Lu Shui shook his head, looked at everyone and said:

"Here is my domain.

Your life and death are in my hands.

From the moment I appeared, it was like that. "

"Presumptuous." A roar followed, no matter who the person in front of him was, he had already violated their bottom line.

This is their enemy, there is no need to keep their hands.

There is no room for hand.

"Kill him." Mingtu Bailian Rixu directly ordered.

The killing intent at this moment was like a wave swept across the land.

There were two powerhouses who entered the Dao of Rank 7, but they came to Lu Shui in the blink of an eye.

They wanted to kill Lu Shui directly in close quarters.

For people in the underworld, there is no concept of deceiving less by more.

Keeping the strength still and sending them one by one is stupid.

When these two appeared next to Lu Shui, the power in them was instantly activated, which was a joint skill.

They will work together to perform powerful spells to attack the land and water.

They can succeed in just a moment.

"Unexpectedly smooth."

This idea flashed through their minds.

However, the moment this thought just appeared, it became eternal.


Two thunders came from the sky and directly bombarded these two people.

They didn't give them the slightest time to react, and they didn't even realize that there were two thunders.

Everything is too fast.

It's so fast that people can't catch it.

When the Thunder fell behind, those two people instantly vanished.

When Lu Shui stood there, he never moved, nor did he care that he was about to be attacked.

It seemed that everything was under his control.

The sudden appearance of thunder made the people of Underworld startled.

Then they felt the breath of Heavenly Tribulation, very strong.

Not only that, they found that the starlight in the sky had disappeared.

No, it was dark clouds that replaced the starlight.

"Jieyun? How could this happen?" Mingtu Bailian Rixu thought of something for a moment, he looked gloomily in the direction of Lu Shui:

"You want to cross the robbery?"

Lu Shui looked at him and laughed softly:

"Let you see what you have never seen before, and I will send you a ride by the way."

"Arrogant." Ming Tu Rixu let out a low growl.

Then waved:

"Withdraw from the scope of the catastrophe, quickly."

No one said much, one by one, the moment they heard this sentence, they collectively began to retreat.

Very neat without the slightest confusion.

The speed is also very fast.

It's just that the scope is a bit beyond their expectations.

Lu Shui shook his head and said:

"It's too late."

Boom! ! !

The sky was replaced by the invisible roaring cloud, and it rang with a roar.

A heavenly prestige came from nine days.

Suppress everything.


The majesty of heaven and earth is the majesty of heaven and earth. When the pressure falls, all things stop.

At this moment, the waves stopped, the sea breeze dissipated, and the endless sea was quiet, and Mingtu and others who were fleeing were instantly immobilized.

Unable to escape from the robbery.

"how can that be?"

"What kind of catastrophe is this? Why is there such a level of coercion?"

"Joined to attack him."

Everyone knows that if they don't do something, they will definitely be drawn into the other side's catastrophe.

The sound fell, their strength began to connect, and a powerful force appeared.

Power gathered together like a beam of light, Ming Tu Rixu roared and moved his hands.

He pushed the gathered power to where Lu Shui was.

This blow was the strongest one they could hit. Since they couldn't survive under the catastrophe, then they killed the people who crossed the catastrophe.

Lu Shui stood there, looking at the mighty power that was about to attack him, he stretched out a finger.


A clear voice sounded.

Lu Shui's designation touched the power, and the whole power stopped at the moment of touching it.

As if being blocked by Lu Shui's finger.

"How is this possible? If he is so strong, why does he need to use Heaven's Tribulation to come to us?"

Others don't believe it.

If you don't believe it, what's going on in front of you?

Lu Shui flicked.

That powerful force disappeared directly between the sky and the earth, like a breeze, unable to blow any waves.

"How deep is your understanding of power?" Lu Shui looked at those incredible people and pointed to the sky:

"Look at the sky."

The people of Mingtu looked towards the sky subconsciously, and they were stunned at this sight.

"This, this is a catastrophe?"

"How could this happen?"

At this time, the sky was no longer dim, the endless tribulation cloud emitted a dim light, and in the middle of the tribulation cloud, there was a whirlpool.

In the whirlpool, the depth is incomparable, and as far as the eye can see, it is the endless world, the vast sky, and everything above the nine heavens.

However, all of this has to be suppressed.

They were facing the nine days, and the aura of destruction began to descend.

The world is silent, everything trembles.

"This is, to destroy the world?"


"What level of celestial calamity is this? I have never seen a celestial calamity so great and coercive." The second elder frowned when he looked at Tian Tian.

She can clearly perceive the danger this tribulation brings to people.

In terms of perception, few people are better than her.

This is also the reason why she would withdraw from the scope of the catastrophe in the first place.

"Who is this person? Why does he want to do something with the people in the earth?" The second elder was puzzled.

The other party's special makes her unable to understand.

But she still wanted to know what was going on this day.

She is waiting, waiting for the big data to appear, theoretically there should be.

This is because it is not a high-level tribulation, if it is a ninth-level or above, that person does not have any need to cross the tribulation in the face of people like Mingtu.

Therefore, this is definitely a catastrophe under the ninth rank.

The second elder didn't know what level it was.

Although curious, the second elder backed away some distance.

This day is too terrifying.

Wide range of fouls.

In just a moment, the endless thunder took over the horizon, and the terrifying aura rushed down like a nine-day Milky Way.

At this time, the big data of Heavenly Tribulation finally appeared.

The second elder was completely stunned at the moment when he received the big data of Heavenly Tribulation.

"This, how come?"

"How could it be such a low-level catastrophe?"

"No reason."

In her countless years of cognition, nothing similar has happened.


"What happened to the sky?" Li Qianchi looked at the sky and was a little unclear.

He just smelled that the powerful existence was gone, and planned to go over and see what was going on.

But just as he walked halfway, he noticed something abnormal in the sky.

"It's a catastrophe." Mo Xiu He Yuye looked at the sky with some surprise.

"So those people are actually protecting the law for those who crossed the Tribulation?" Li Qianchi guessed.

"Just look at it." Mo Xiu He Yuye said calmly.

Just when they saw it, they realized that it was one person facing a group of people.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a protector.

Can the guardian protect yourself in it?

"This day's robbery is wrong, rewind quickly." Li Qianchi said immediately.

He Yuye also found out.

The scope of this day's calamity is so large that it is unbelievable, and a coercion that makes them unable to resist is coming here.

If they do not retreat, they may also be involved.

As they retreated, the sky began to be covered by thunder, and the thunder was rushing down crazily for nine days.

"What level of predecessor is this crossing the robbery?" Li Qianchi was shocked.

This Heavenly Tribulation is the most terrifying Heavenly Tribulation he has ever seen.

However, He Yuye spoke at this moment, and her eyes were shocked, as if she had heard something impossible:

"God, the big data of Heavenly Tribulation is here."

At this time, Li Qianchi also received the big data of Heaven's Tribulation.

"No, no? Impossible, right?"

"Is this an evildoer?"

"Whose family?"

Li Qianchi would rather believe that he was wrong.

Heavenly Tribulation Big Data: Tier 5 Heavenly Tribulation, Nine Days Unmeasured Tribulation.


"The fifth-order heavenly tribulation, the young master actually wants to cross the fifth-order heavenly tribulation." Zhenwu was a little excited.

He will never forget the scene of the young master crossing the catastrophe.

This time I actually had another chance to see the young master crossing the robbery.

The true spirit was also very excited, the young master crossed the catastrophe that very people had crossed.

That is the most unique tribulation between heaven and earth.

No one can compare, no one can compare.

Unique, comparable to the world.

This is the catastrophe of their young master.

No wonder the young master dared to go alone and told them to retreat appropriately.

Zhenwu Zhenling knew better than anyone, what a terrible thing it was for the young master to cross the catastrophe.

But there is one thing they are also surprised.

The Tier 4 Heavenly Tribulation that the young master had only crossed more than a month ago, it has only been more than a month, and it is already about to enter Tier 5.

Can anyone really compare this speed in the entire cultivation world?

The young master is the true prince of heaven, the strongest in all ages.


"Fifth-tier Heavenly Tribulation, it's impossible, how can this level of Heavenly Tribulation be a fifth-tier Heavenly Tribulation?"

"There must be something wrong."

Ming Tu looked at Lu Shui one by one, completely unable to believe the scene before him.

This horrible tribulation that they can't move is the tribulation of this human being from four to five.

What does this show?

Explain how this talent is at Tier 4 and how Tier 4 can resist their coercion.

How can we survive this kind of calamity that is more terrifying than the eighth-order calamity?

Ming Tu Rixu looked at Lu Even though he couldn't believe it, he still chose to accept this terrible thing.

But he thought of a question.

"I admit that you are special, but such a terrifying calamity is about to fall. Do you think you can survive this calamity with your Tier 4 cultivation base?"

"Human, are you going to die with us?"

Lu Shui looked at Ming Tu Rixu and said with a smile:

"perish together?

No, you are wrong.

You may have a misunderstanding about the robbery.

Today, I am here to tell you the real way to open the robbery. "

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