The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 321: 3 strokes to defeat 7th

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Hearing what Moxiu Ji'an said, Lu Shui didn't think anything was wrong.

He did come for a deal.

If the other party has what he needs, it doesn't matter whether it is a current disciple of Moxiu.

"Do you know what I want?" Lu Shuiping said quietly.

Without thinking about it, Lu Shui knew that this person was here to make a deal with him.

But whether a deal will be concluded depends on what the other party has.

"Finding a teacher is nothing more than a dangerous guarantee ticket." Mo Xiu Ji'an looked at Lu Shui and said.

"you have?"

"It's true that the sellers of this ticket have always been under the hood, and my teacher has long been missing where they have gone."

"Go to Chaotianhai, you are the one who found it?"


"You let the wind say that the Space Apostle went to the Lu family?"

"As the Taoist fellow said."

Lu Shui looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an with great interest. It turned out that he had already encountered the dangerous guarantee ticket.

I just don't know for a while.

"It is rumored outside that the cultivation base of Demon Cultivation is now the seventh-level Taoism, and your cultivation base is also the seventh-level Taoism.

Isn't it more suitable to sell tickets with your own prestige? "Lu Shui asked.

It doesn't matter if the other party does not show his face, but this guy shows his face.

Moxiu Ji'an spreads his hands:

"Because I will neither open the door to space, nor do I have a universal body, nor a market."

Although he behaved very naturally, Mo Xiu Ji'an still reserved some heart for the opponent to see his own cultivation at a glance.

At least he can be sure that the person in front of him is really not an ordinary second-order monk.

People shouldn't look at their faces, especially those in the realm of comprehension.

There are always some nasty people who like to play as pigs and eat tigers.

Fortunately, he likes to cooperate happily in transactions, and it is always safe to have less extra thoughts.

He has always made money, but the trader has never lost money.

Lu Shui nodded. It was reasonable and reasonable. The point of buying a dangerous guarantee ticket is actually to buy people and blessings across spaces.

Space capability is crucial.

"So what is the current level of magic repair?" Lu Shui felt that the current level of magic repair should not be that low.

If Mo Xiu Jian is really his apprentice.

"The last time I saw his old man was more than 300 years ago, when he was already at the eighth level and asked the pinnacle.

I don't know whether he has been promoted to the ninth rank.

But his old man is still alive, so don't worry about this little Dongfang friend. "Mo Xiu Ji'an explained.

At the eighth-level peak, if you bless me with 30% strength, then I can at least reach the seventh-level strength, which is really easy to use. At that time, I was facing Muxue directly, and it might not have no chance of winning.

Lu Shui felt that the stronger the opponent, the more beneficial it would be to him.

Even if there is no advantage in the final strength, he can be guaranteed to be taken away at any time.

"Make a price." Lu Shui didn't ask much else.

He intends to buy it first.

"Different guarantee tickets have different prices." Moxiu Ji'an was not in a hurry to make a price.

He likes to make everything clear before setting out the price.

This is his hobby.

The premise is enough time.

Lu Shui did not speak, but looked at Mo Xiu Jian, waiting for his follow-up actions.

Sure enough, Lu Shui saw Mo Xiu Ji'an took out a talisman, a talisman that glowed with a gleam of golden light.

"The power blessing guarantee ticket is a proud work of the master. As long as this talisman is fully activated, the power will flow into the person who activates the talisman through the coordinates.

The advantage is that this talisman can give the user a powerful and incomparable power, the strongest can have an eighth level, and the weakest has a seventh level.

It can almost help people resist all powerful enemies.

The general disadvantage is that the power of this level has nothing to do with Tao, so when facing the power of Tao, it will be weaker.

And you can only accept the limits you can control, otherwise you will easily perish yourself.

The fatal shortcoming is that when the lay teacher is free, if his old man is crossing the catastrophe or struggling with the human life at that time, then this talisman may definitely be invalid.

The role of this talisman varies from person to person, so the selling price is disputed.

My price is that a Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, the weaker the person, the more worthless it is, but as long as the cultivation base is not weak, it is 100% worth it.

Do you agree with these? "Mo Xiu Ji An looked at Lu Shui and said.

Lu Shui glanced at the talisman, and finally signaled to Mojian:

"carry on."

Lu Shui was very interested in the introduction of this magic repair, and it really clearly stated the pros and cons.

This is for business?

Is this doing something that interests you?

But it is true that the other party wants to sell things.

"This is the space isolation guarantee ticket." Said Enchanted Xiu Ji'an once again took out a talisman, this talisman also braved a glimmer, but this time the light was azure blue:

"The space isolation guarantee ticket is also a proud work of the master. At the beginning of the construction of this guarantee ticket, his spatial talent was quoted. Although there are not many simulations, as long as this talisman is used, an independent space will be temporarily constructed.

The space construction range is constructed according to the user's setting, but there is only a moment of time. Once the setting is not completed, the range can only be isolated by one meter around the user.

After the space is isolated, the family teacher will use the isolated space as the coordinates to find people.

The advantages are obvious. People can instantly be in a safe space, and they can also be taken away from the dangerous scene in the future.

Generally the shortcomings are not obvious, except for the difficulty of setting, there are no major problems.

The fatal flaw still exists, that is, the follow-up fishing still needs to see whether the teacher is available.

The value of this talisman is higher than the strength blessing guarantee ticket, and there is not much controversy, so the price is two Ninth-Rank Spirit Stones.

Does Dongfang Xiaoyou think there is a problem? "

"Anything else?" Lu Shui asked.

At this time the train had already departed, and it won't take long for him to return to Lu's house.

So it's better not to waste too much time.

"There is also a therapeutic guarantee ticket, because the price is average, it is gone." Mo Xiu Ji'an explained.

"Can you see it?" Lu Shui asked the two talismans.

"Of course." Moxiu Ji'an pushed the two talisman to Lu Shui and let him observe.

He dared to hand it over like this, so naturally he didn't worry about the other party snatching it.

Naturally, he dared to pay the guarantee ticket because it belonged to his family alone.

Others get it, and without his approval, it is of no use.

There is a small table between Lu Shui and Moxiu Ji'an, and two talismans are pushed against the table.

Lu Shui looked at the two talismans, then reached out and picked up the strength blessing guarantee ticket.

Picking up this talisman, Lu Shui could feel the power contained in the talisman.

It's not a powerful force, but a mysterious force, which is related to Tao.

"Your master is Fu Xiu?" Lu Shui asked casually.

The quality of this talisman is very good, and the method is not bad.

A ninth product is definitely not expensive.

For most people, there may be a lack of value, but for him, the value of this talisman is not comparable to that of a Ninth-Rank.

Less than the seventh level can't control how much power from blessings, and it's not a good thing to run away with power.

But he is different, the power blessed by the mere eighth peak can not exist and cannot be controlled.

For him, what he cares about is how much the other party can bless.

"It's not Fu Xiu, but after self-study for a while, I heard that it was inherited in a certain ruin." Mo Xiu Ji'an explained.

Lu Shui nodded, not paying attention to this.

He held the talisman in one hand, and then tried to draw something on it with the other hand.

I want to try to untie the external restrictions on this thing, and see through the inner core to see if the magic repair is alive or not.

This kind of thing can be detected one or two.

Seeing Lu Shui doing something on it, Mo Xiu Ji'an believed:

"This talisman is specially made by a master, and has a certain relationship with him. Even if a person with a high level of cultivation has no related things, it is impossible to activate this talisman."

As soon as Mo Xiu Jian's words fell, Lu Shui's hand swept across the surface of the talisman, and then a golden light shone out.

Countless runes rushed out of the talisman, and the runes seemed to have been activated.

Lu Shui actually just wanted to check it out, and only after he waved his hand did he understand Mo Xiu Jian's words.

Then he looked at Mo Xiu Jian with some embarrassment.

And Mo Xiu Jian looked at Lu Shui, even more embarrassed, he felt that he was slapped severely in the face.

Then the two looked at each other.

Lu Shui looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an, and finally returned his hands to his original position.

Then all the runes all followed back into the talisman, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Fu Lu's recovery as before, Lu Shui put the power blessing guarantee ticket on the table and said calmly:

"There is no problem."

Mo Xiu Ji An laughed twice.

He can't understand this person a little, normal people can't activate this talisman, and activation requires other things.

However, the opponent is activated, and it is directly activated with just a wave of the hand.

Even if the performance is more difficult, it is respect for him.

Unfortunately not.

Just take it lightly and look easy.

"Sure enough, this person can't be judged by common sense, and the second-tier cultivation is definitely not true." Mo Xiujian remained vigilant in his heart.

Soon he put his embarrassment aside and said:

"What about fellow Daoist's decision?"

"How about the number?" Lu Shui asked.

He naturally wants.

"The strength blessing guarantee ticket, only one is sold.

Space isolation guarantee tickets can be sold at most three. "Mo Xiu Ji'an said.

Lu Shui looked at the power blessing guarantee ticket, and said with some curiosity:

"The strength blessing guarantee ticket, why only sell one?"

This ticket is of great use to him, and Lingshi is not a problem at all.

He bought the beast elephant, he can also buy the beast big dog, the beast tortoise, the beast cat.

In short, there are so many sacred beasts that he can buy them once, and they will be confined for two days at most.

He doesn't care.

"Because there is only this one left." Mo Xiu Ji'an said a little embarrassed.

Lu Shui: "..."

There is no need to ask about the space ticket, there are still three left.

At this time, Lu Shui turned his head to look at Zhen Wu Zhen Ling.

Zhenwu immediately understood, and said:

"Master, there is only one Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone for the time being, it is Master's change, so it will take the afternoon to collect seven Ninth-Rank Spirit Stones."

Mo Xiu Ji'an was a little confused.

This sentence sounds a bit wrong.

Now there is only one Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, how can you get seven Ninth-Rank Spirit Stones directly in the afternoon?

Is it faster?

Also, this person is called the young master, which means that his age is definitely not that old.

Whose young master can bring so many spirit stones with him?

Are the two fourth-tiers not afraid of being worried?

A Ninth-Rank versus a fifth-order monk is also a huge sum of money.

Although he had a ninth-rank spirit stone at the fifth rank, it was the spirit stone he had accumulated for hundreds of years.

Lu Shui nodded, it was not easy to have a 9th rank, and then stretched out his hand.

Zhen Wu immediately gave a Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone.

After getting the Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, Lu Shui put it on the table, and then put away the strength blessing guarantee ticket.

"The rest, my people will contact you when they arrive at Lu's house. I want three space tickets.

Is there a problem? Lu Shui asked.

"No problem, I will also be in Lu's house recently. Did the little friend go for that door?" Moxiujian asked.

"Senior?" Lu Shui asked.

"No." Mo Xiu Ji'an shook his head and said:

"I went to the Lu family to ask for debt."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, but he didn't care. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

"By the way, has Senior ever thought about selling insurance?" Lu Shui suddenly remembered this question, and he felt it necessary to ask.

In case the other party is tempted.

"Huh?" Mo Xiu Ji'an was a little surprised, he didn't quite understand.

"It's like when I came to predecessor to buy insurance. If something goes wrong during the insurance period, predecessor will double the compensation. If there is no problem, the spirit stone I insured is predecessor's." Lu Shui briefly explained.

"Then I am not making a loss?" Mo Xiu Ji'an knew at once that there were many gaps in it.

"No, for example, I am insured against serious injuries.

The investment period is one year. As long as I am not seriously injured this year, Lingshi belongs to the predecessor. "Land Waterway.

Moxiu Ji'an didn't speak, he was unmoved.

"Senior may not know me well, what kind of cultivation do you think I am now?" Lu Shui asked.

"It looks like Tier 2, actually Tier 3?" Mo Xiu Ji'an tried to answer, but in fact he couldn't guess the strength of the opponent at all.

"Fifth Tier, the robbery just crossed." Lu Shuidao.

He was surprised to hear this Mo Xiu Ji An, the other party looked very young.

"So what do seniors think of my strength?" Lu Shui asked again.

Mo Xiu Jian didn't quite understand:

"Isn't it Tier 5?"

"No." Lu Shuiping shook his head quietly, and said:

"Predecessors as an example, if I'm not mistaken, seniors practiced the black wind technique, right?"

At this moment, Mo Xiu Ji'an sat up straight, and few people could see his black wind technique.

Moreover, he doesn't use the black wind method in the magic repair realm.

"How did you know?" Mo Xiu Ji'an asked.

"It's just that I can see it." Lu Shui didn't mention this, but continued his topic:

"Senior cultivated the black wind technique, and his cultivation is a leader in the seventh-order path.

However, seniors will lose at most seven moves in my hands. "

"Impossible." Mo Xiu Ji'an retorted subconsciously, and then found himself excited, and continued:

"The cultivation base of the little friend is the fifth level, even if it is the powerful fifth level, it is impossible to compare with the Taoist practitioners."

"Do you want to try it briefly?" Lu Shui asked.

Lu Shui didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party's unbelief.

Moxiu Jian hesitated, then put away the guarantee ticket, and said:

"How can I try?"

"Look at my eyes and compete with your mind." Lu Shui looked at Mo Xiu Ji'an and said.

At this time, Mo Xiu Jian was also looking at Lu Shui. After their eyes met, Lu Shui's power of heaven and earth directly moved.

But in an instant, the two appeared on the empty and quiet water.

There is nothing but endless water here.

"This is..." Mo Xiu Jian looked around in disbelief.

"Heart of Mind, this is the ability that I have after level 5, it is useless, seniors can get out of here if they have a little thought." Lu Shui explained, and continued:

"Although the mind is used here, it doesn't prevent Senior from using the power of Tao. Because this is my home court, Senior can prepare whatever you want. Let me know.

By the way, because it's my home court, seniors can't survive three moves. "

Moxiu Ji'an tried it and found that it could really condense the power of Dao.

"The opponent does look like Tier 5 now, even if it is a mind contest, it is impossible to be my opponent." Moxiu Ji'an had countless questions in his heart.

He can't understand where the other party's self-confidence comes from, can he defeat him with three moves?

Then Mo Xiu Jian began to gather the power of Dao, but after a while, he gathered a not weak power.

Killing Tier 5 can be said to be easy.

"It's time to start." Mo Xiu Ji'an stood on the water and looked at the landing water, and said.

At this time, he still did not let go of his vigilance.

He decided to beat the opponent directly.

Use all your power now.

Lu Shui stood in the distance, looking at Mo Xiu Ji'an and said:

"Then senior can do it."

As soon as Lu Shui's voice fell, he felt the power of Tao surrounding him, as if he was about to close him in all directions, and the blow ended.

Facing this power, Lu Shui just lifted his foot and took a step forward, and then the power of heaven and earth began to spread:

"Away to Jane."

The water ripples, and wherever it passes, the power of the avenue vanishes.

"How come?" Mo Xiu Jian was a little unbelievable, but soon he had no extra time to think.

He could feel the surrounding space freezing.

"Cang Ming's cage."

At the moment when he heard this voice, Moxiu Jian saw that there were two big hands trying to hold him, and this powerful force made his heart palpitations.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Xiu Ji'an turned into a black wind and disappeared in place.

He thought that after he came out, he could have spare energy to counterattack.

However, as soon as he left the two big hands, he saw his fingers coming towards him all the time.

At the moment when he saw and felt this finger, Mo Xiu Jian felt that the space was being squeezed. He wanted to use the black wind technique, but found that he couldn't use it.

What he can do at present is to watch the coming of this finger. At that moment, he feels the space around him is shattering, and his body is crumbling.

This finger can take everything from him.

"Jinghong, one finger."

The earth-shaking voice came into his mind.

At that moment, Mo Xiu Jian felt that he was covered by this finger, and everything went dark.

Life is dying.



Mo Xiu Ji'an, who was sitting in the position, suddenly breathed shortly.

With his head down, a lot of cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

"How do seniors feel? Because it's at my home court, it doesn't seem real.

In actual combat, it will not be so easy.

Our strength is actually about the same, it just happens that I can restrain the predecessor's black wind method. "Lu Shui's voice reached Mo Xiu Ji'an's ears.

Very calm, no pride, no arrogance.

Mo Xiujian felt a little unacceptable, this young man was too strong, so powerful that it was incomprehensible.

"It's really strong." In the end, Mo Xiu Ji'an only said this sentence.

"I will be promoted to Tier 6 in two months. With my strength, do seniors think I will lose money if I buy insurance?

And as long as my injury recovers within a month, it won't count.

To be honest, so far, no matter how serious the injury is, I will be able to recover in three days. "Lu Shui continued.

Mo Xiu Ji'an didn't want to speak for a while.

Will be promoted to Tier 6 in two months?

He was sure that this was not alone.

Can someone say such a thing?

It does not exist, this is not what people say at all.

"I refuse." After a moment of calm, Mo Xiu Ji'an chose to refuse without hesitation.

He looked up at Lu Shui and said seriously:

"With the strength of the little friend and the level of enchantment, in theory, there will be no serious injuries.

But the little friend is constantly promoting himself, wanting to buy an insurance.

This shows that the little friend knows that he will be seriously injured within a year, and he will not heal for a long time.

It seems to be preparing for a rainy day, but the storm is right in front of us.

There is no way to hide, no way to avoid.

The little friend just wants to cheat the insurance here.

Do you agree with the above inference? "

Lu Shui: "..."

I was anxious.

Finally Mo Xiu Jian left.

Lu Shui only bought the power blessing guarantee ticket.

Of course, space isolation tickets can be bought with money.

The other party did not mean not to sell.

Zhenwu Zhenling also looked at Lu Shui. They were curious as to who would hurt the young master.

And it won't heal for a long time.

They have seen the speed at which the young master recovers from injury.

That is a momentary matter.

But the appearance of the young master seemed to be really guarding against something.

Still started to guard early in the morning, as if the young master had already seen the end of the serious injury.

But what is the ending and who brought it.

The true spirit of Zhenwu is unknown.

I must not dare to ask.

Lu Shui felt it was a pity. In fact, it was really five-fifths. He just wanted to buy it.

After that, he didn't think about it anymore.

The Lu family is coming soon.


On the street, Chuyu and Jianluo walked outside the school.

"Why do you want to eat the canteen?" Jian Luo asked.

It's not that it's unpalatable, but I've been hearing about it.

"Actually, I don't want to, but I found an important thing." Chu Yu said while looking at Jian Luo.

"What's the matter?" Jian Luo asked.

"They put you here and didn't pay living expenses." Chuyu felt that those people were too much.

This didn't make him an otherwise wealthy life, which made him worse.

"Here." Jian Luo directly took out a fifth-grade spirit stone to Chu Yu.

Don't be said to live for nothing.

"Lingshi?" Chu Yu took out a Ninth-Rank Lingshi and said:

"Do you see it?

I don't lack spirit stones, I lack living expenses. "

Seeing the Ninth-Rank Spirit Stone, the sword fell and frowned:

"A Tier 3 carries a Tier 9 and you don't know how to die when you go out, especially when you show it off.

Stupid people never decide that they are stupid. "

Chu Yu didn't care, but put away the spirit stone and said:

"In short, the spirit stone can't be used here."

"I'll go back and call my brother." Jian Luo put away the Lingshi and said.

"Speaking of which, your brother needs to be single to practice swordsmanship, and you also need to be single to practice swordsmanship." Chu Yu thought of something.

"Why?" Jian Luo didn't understand.

"If you have someone you like, then your heart will be confused, your heart will be confused, and the knife will be slow." Chu Yu said.

Jian Luo glanced at Chu Yu and said:


Then they walked to the gate.

Just when they walked to the gate, they discovered that there was no one here.

This situation is not Sword Fall used strength to try to break through this environment.

She knew that she must have entered the realm of that senior again.

But it didn't work at all.

"Remember that you are a dumb." Chuyu said to Jian Luo before walking to the security room.

I want to see that senior again.

The thigh said, Senior Tianji.

Jian Luo looked at Chu Yu coldly and said nothing.

This novelist is sick, and he will leave a message for his new book as soon as he is free.

I wish him an early eunuch.

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