The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 326: Engagement invitation

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Zhenwu naturally believed in Lu Shui's words.

The young master said they couldn't watch it, then they really couldn't watch it.

"By the way, Master, this time the Shimen is opened, people who will come have heard that many people will come.

I saw Buddhism people near Shimen, and there should be people from the three major forces. "

Zhen Wu reminded.

Their young master is very concerned about the actions of the three major forces.

Now they may gather in their area one by one, so naturally they need to beware.

Especially, the young master is a waste young master in his own area, and he doesn't do anything at all.

This seems passive.

Is it really here? Lu Shui didn't worry about the other party's mess.

"They don't dare to be presumptuous here, on the contrary, they will be lower-key than anyone else.

Don't pay too much attention, just pay attention occasionally. "Lu Shui said.

Too much attention will attract attention, especially Zhenwu is his entourage.

It's nothing to be noticed by my family, but it's not a good thing to be noticed by people from the three major forces.

Lu Shui didn't want to be tempted again.

With more temptations, he will carry his brother and sister's pot.

"Yes." Zhenwu responded and continued:

"There was news from Lefeng that those who knew Shimen might have made a decision to cooperate and are coming here."

"Don't worry about them, does Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying have any other news from Shen Xuanzong?" Lu Shui asked.

He has been paying attention to this matter for a long time.

For now, it is something he must do.

As long as the three major forces are quieter, he will be quieter.

Try not to mess with the three elders, so you don't have to go out.

When the power of heaven and earth accumulates into a mountain, Mu Xue will be vulnerable.

Well, it's unlikely.

But there is always a dream, and it will come true in case.

"There is no news. The three major forces have also kept a low profile.

On the contrary, something happened in the realm of Moxiu recently, and I heard it was related to the Supreme Master of Moxiu.

This news from the clan is not known for the time being, but Le Feng has time to check it out. "Zhen Wu said.

Zhen Wu didn't dare to ask too much. After all, there were too many questions. Once they suspected the young master, he would be finished.

And Lefeng, don't worry, that is the young master's person, who will do his best not to speak, and will definitely act in secret.

It is much more convenient for Lefeng to inquire about most of the things than to ask the intelligence personnel.

Of course, no matter who's intelligence is, it's not as good as their young master going out in person.

No matter how Lefeng investigates, he can only find signs, even if he goes to the news location in person, he can't get more.

To get the real news, they all need their young master to be dispatched in person.

It is like a threshold, if the strength is not enough, you will never get relevant news.

Of course, Lefeng's intelligence sources are indeed powerful.

Not everyone can get three requirements from their young master.

Lefeng did it.

Zhenwu is naturally not good at this kind of thing, he is just a follower, just do this well.

"How's Gouzi's autobiography?" Lu Shui suddenly remembered that there was still such a thing.

"There is no progress, but the strength of the dog has recovered a lot, and the toothache fairy is also suffering from a headache. How to suppress the recovery of strength." Zhenwu said.

Because of the changes in the world, the strength of the toothache fairy rises very quickly, which is the last thing toothache wants to see right now.

The more he recovers, the more severe the toothache and the harder it is to treat.

After finally falling to this point, and then rising back?

He is naturally reluctant.

Lu Shui could understand the toothache fairy's mood. Mu Xue used to often cut his cultivation base, but it was a pity that even those who cut into the great road could not do it.

The limit is already above the avenues.

"Pen paper." Lu Shuidao.

Zhenwu didn't hesitate, and immediately put the pen and paper on the table in front of Lu Shui.

Lu Shui picked up the pen casually, and then drew some runes on the paper.

After it was over, he picked it up and handed it to Zhenwu:

"Give the toothache fairy and let him paint on his body with immortal power, it will suppress his strength recovery."

Zhenwu took the things immediately and answered yes.

Zhenwu left afterwards.

Basically everything is said to be almost the same.

There is nothing urgent at present, the most important thing is the space isolation guarantee ticket.

After Zhenwu left, Lu Shui picked up the book.

Normally, after teaching demonic cultivators to behave, as long as he doesn't go out, nothing will happen.

If you go out, you may be targeted by the high level of Yintianzong.

"If you have to go out with Mu Xue by that time, you still have to solve the other party in advance.

Let him see what is the prestige of the false young master. "

Yin Tianzong's senior executives picked up his client list.

Lu Shui can still remember this incident.

Then you can check it out. It was the one at home who saw him upset and sent him to the Hidden Sky Secret Mirror.

Is it his father or the three elders?

My family will not let it go.


Mu Xue got up very early, but she found that Yayue and Yalin got up earlier than her.

When she walked from the house to the yard, Mu Xue watched Yayue and Yalin teasing their spirit beasts.

They are two furry spirit beasts, some resembling lions just born.

But one is aqua blue and the other is fiery red.

The fire red is Yayue, and the water blue Yalin’s.

Yayue has a weak temperament, so she needs a fire cloud beast with a strong temperament.

Yalin is naughty, it is better to have a gentler water cloud beast.

Complementary personalities.

However, there is also a possibility that the Fire Cloud Beast with relatively hot temperament may be developed by Yayue into a mild Fire Cloud Beast.

The possibility is not small.

But Mu Xue didn't care.

Because she, the sister, is still standing behind them.

Even in the previous life, she occasionally paid attention to it.

Although only occasionally.

"Sister, look they are drinking water." Yalin called out immediately when she saw Mu Xue coming out.

Mu Xue looked over, and the two spirit beasts were indeed licking water on the tabletop.

They are more interesting than the ice phoenix, and they don't resist the slightest when they recognize the Lord.

Otherwise, the ice phoenix may be accompanied.

At this moment, the ice phoenix looked at the two five-element cloud beasts. As an ice phoenix, he could tell at a glance that he was much more noble than them.

But why they can be free without a noose, and it is still tied here.

Is there a problem with its cognition?

It regrets it, and regrets that it resisted when it first confessed to the Lord.

It doesn't seem to be as noble as the bloodline description, this family doesn't care about it at all.

Yes, no one feeds it except the maid.

At most, humans offend it.

The enemy of Fengsheng, pecked once at a time.

Mu Xue would not know about Bingfeng's various psychological activities.

She didn't pay much attention either. After all, I didn't know how many years she had raised it. She had been stocking it for a long time, and now she subconsciously ignored it.

"This is Lingquan?" Mu Xue asked when she came to Yayue and Yalin.

"It was Ding Liang who came from the Spirit Beast Garden. It seems to raise the Five Elements Cloud Beast, which is very costly." Yayue had no confidence.

Although they are all daughters of the Mu family, they don't have that many resources.

Especially Yalin, too young.

Although their fathers are there, they can't talk very often.

Yalin was so careless, she didn't understand anything.

But Yalin is still young, innocent, and naturally there will be no problems.

"No, it's good to feed good things occasionally, but normal things are good.

The ice phoenix is ​​also fed like this. "Mu Xue said softly.

Yayue nodded.

I am very happy to raise her well.

Yalin didn't understand, she thought this spirit beast was very beautiful and cute.

It's still hers.

"Will my mother not let me raise?" Ya Lin thought of this big question.

If my mother didn't let her do anything, she would be beaten.

"As long as Yalin is raising her well, Aunt Tang will definitely not say anything." Mu Xue touched Yalin's head and said softly.

Yalin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Mu Xue say.

Yayue naturally didn't worry about this.

It just felt that the meeting ceremony was so precious, she checked it, and the five-element cloud beast was actually very rare.

But when she heard that Sister Chacha had taken two magical weapons, and Sister Mu Xue had a beast, she felt a little more relieved.

Mu Xue looked at Yayue and realized that she was worried about something, and then she said:

"Don't think too much, whether it's giving away spirit beasts or something else, it's all normal."

If it weren't for worrying about Yayue and the others, they might have sent something better.

The Lu family does not lack these things.

There are even fewer opportunities to give gifts.

It's hard to meet it once, and I will definitely not give ordinary things.

After comforting Yayue, Mu Xue felt that they should be accompanied by the Five Elements Cloud Beast at this time.

She is going to water the flowers.

Just about to leave, I felt power calling for her.

It is the mark she left on the head of the goddess.

"Why is the head of the goddess looking for me at this time?" Mu Xue thought for a while and made sure that the head of the goddess hadn't been allowed to do anything recently.

She hadn't had time to let the goddess head to investigate the matter of the insurance magic repair.

Is it a matter of Moxiu and Wuying?

Mu Xue is not quite sure.

But she still intends to get in touch and see what's going on.

If it was a matter of Mo Xiu Zhan Wuying, Lu Shui would definitely be going out these two days, so he would be happy.

She was ready to punch Lushui 10,000 punches.

But before connecting, she drew a formation in the yard.

"Ya Lin, it's time to play with the little monster." Mu Xue said.

"Huh?" Yalin was reluctant to bear the little spirit beast on the table.


In response, Yalin moved towards the formation, looking back three steps, and all Mu Xue who was watching wanted to laugh.

After Yalin entered the formation, Mu Xue drew a smaller formation, saying:

"Ya Yue, practice here."

"Okay, Sister Mu Xue." Yayue was not like Yalin, so she ran to meditate and practice.

After arranging the two little guys to do things, Mu Xue sat at the stone table.

Now you can answer the phone quietly.

Then she heard the voice of the head of the goddess:

"My Goddess."

"What's going on?" Mu Xue passed away in a quiet voice.

"There is something to tell the Lord Goddess, it is related to the sea monster." The head of the goddess knelt on the ground and said.

Every time the goddess was on her knees, Mu Xue couldn't help it.

However, the news related to the Sea Monster surprised Mu Xue.

She and the siren should only have a relationship with special products, right?

Can't we have specialty products now?

"What is it?" Mu Xue asked.

"I heard from the senior master of Wuya, that their queen has woken up." The goddess passed it over.

Upon hearing these words, Mu Xue said with some curiosity:

"I remember saying last time that their queen was pretending to be asleep and couldn't wake up."

The head of the goddess had told her.

"Yes, but she woke up suddenly and said that she wanted to see Lord Goddess."

After talking about these days, the head of the goddess raised her head slightly and tried to ask:

"I wonder if Lord Goddess would like to see you?"

"See me?" This is not in Mu Xue's understanding, and there was no such thing in the previous life:

"Did you say why?"

"I didn't say it directly, but it was related to the general trend of the cultivation world.

It seems to be very important. "The goddess said.

Mu Xue thought about the general trend of the cultivation world?

When she married Lu Shui in the previous life, nothing happened.

After marrying for a long time, nothing happened.

"You can see, you just need to go.

I will show up at that time. "Mu Xue decided to see each other in the end.

At this time, the head of the goddess hesitated.

"Is there a problem?" Mu Xue knew that it was abnormal when she saw the head of the goddess.

"Queen Sea-Monster, I want to see Lord Goddess herself." This is what embarrassed the goddess head.

Otherwise she doesn't think there is any problem.

She is quite leisurely.

Want to see me in person? Mu Xue frowned slightly.

At this time, Huoyun Beast didn't want to drink water and planned to play.

Mu Xue reached out and grabbed it back, and put it next to the Shuiyun Beast, allowing them to continue drinking.

"In half a year, I will find time to meet." Mu Xue thought for a while and gave the answer to the head of the goddess.

She has been married to Lu Shui in half a year, so she has a lot of freedom in movement.

Now she rarely has the opportunity to go out.

As an ordinary person, everyone is worried about her going out.

Unless you have a chance, you can only wait for Lu Shui to go there with Lu Shui after you marry.

It didn't take long for Mu Xue to end the communication with the head of the goddess.

Before the end, Mu Xue asked about the situation of Moxiu Zhan Wuying, but unfortunately there was no new news.

So we can only continue to wait.

The magic repair who sold insurance also asked the head of the goddess to check it out, but she wanted to see what insurance Lu Shui had bought.

But the cultivation world actually has insurance, which surprised her.

"How about I also buy a copy for Lu Shui?

Then the beneficiary writes my name. "

When I think of it, Mu Xue thinks this is a great idea.

Wait until then to see what is going on.

"I can't water the flowers now."

Mu Xue looked helpless at Yalin who was being chased by the little monster.


Lu Family Hall.

"Brother Lu, I haven't seen him for a few months, and his cultivation seems to be more refined." In the hall, Qiao ruthlessly looked at the third elder and said with a smile.

"Fortunately, Brother Qiao is not bad." The third elder sat at the top of the hall and looked at Qiao ruthlessly and politely.

"It's totally incomparable with Brother Lu." Qiao ruthlessly stopped discussing these, but instead discussed other things:

"I heard that the juniors of Brother Lu's family will be married in a few months?"

Speaking of Lu Shui, the face of the three elders is not so good:

"I have nothing to do every day, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, nothing has been achieved.

Early marriage is his only role. "

"Lu Shui is okay, mainly young. After getting married, he might understand Brother Lu's painstaking efforts.

Say it's bad, it's not as bad as our kid. "Speaking of which, Joe ruthlessly sighed.

He wouldn't say bad things about Lu Shui, but he didn't show any face to his descendants.

"Which one is it?" The Third Elder was a little curious.

What can be named by Joe ruthlessly can't be a real waste.

As for who, the three elders really don't know.

Joe's family is mostly the same thing, the important thing is that he has never paid attention to it.

"Last time I visited Brother Lu with me, but now I don't know where I went.

The original talent was good, but it was a pity that he was lacking in temperament. After going to Tianchihe, he broke his arm and his cultivation was scrapped.

Since then, he was willing to fall," Joe shook his head mercilessly, feeling a little bit sad.

"It's not necessarily a blessing or a curse, and perhaps it's hard to tell if it is a blessing in disguise.

But Brother Qiao suddenly said, what's the matter with this kid?

If I want to ask the second elder to take action, I dare not respond directly, but I can ask for help. "The third elder looked at Joe mercilessly and said.

"Brother Qiao said and laughed." Qiao immediately explained ruthlessly:

"I know the boy's situation, and hope is slim.

If I were determined not to give up, I would beg that predecessor cheeky, but now he is willing to fall, and no one can help. "

Joe ruthlessly could not accept this kindness.

This is a great favor to them.

Although the Lu family didn't care, it would wear down his friendship with the third elders of the Lu family.

The gain is not worth the loss.

Why can his Qiao family enter the Lu family?

You know, Dao Sect Worm Valley and other top forces can't come in as guests, but he can.

Not because his Qiao family is great, but because he and the third elders of the Lu family are old acquaintances.

The relationship is pretty good.

The Lu Family is best at exchanging interests, so he will not have any interests involved with the Lu Family.

The last marriage was different.

"What does Brother Qiao mean?" The third elder looked at Qiao ruthlessly curiously.

He knows what a headache it is to have a junior.

In particular, he is justified and not seeking to make progress.

If it were not for the upcoming big wedding, Lu Shui would definitely be confined.

The more I think about the three elders, the more angry.

Qiao Ruthless did not answer directly, but took out an invitation, and finally moved his finger and threw it out.

With a swish, the invitation appeared in the hands of the three elders.

The three elders opened it unexpectedly.

It's just this look that surprised him a bit.

"Engagement invitation?" The three elders looked at Qiao ruthlessly:

"Or the daughter of the domain owner of the Icefield and Snow Territory in the Demon Repair Realm, the kid named Qiao Gan?"

"Well, it's also a good thing for him.

Relatively speaking, the conditions of the woman are not bad at all.

There are so many family members in Qiao that it is difficult to take care of him. This marriage is also a help to him. "Joe said mercilessly.

"The engagement time is at the end of this month? Or in the ice field?

Are they so strong? "The three elders looked at the invitation and asked curiously.

As for Joe's ruthless saying that there were too many people, he felt that Joe was ruthless to show off to him.

The date is also less than a month.

But it was just an engagement, which was somewhat different from Lu Shui's marriage.

"It's just an engagement. Our Qiao family doesn't dispute this.

However, it is mainly because of the Moon Country in the ice field and snowy area.

The kingdom of the moon is about to open, the ice field and snowy territory does not have the strength to enter, and our Qiao family just happened to have some research.

It's a bride price. "Qiao gave a rough explanation ruthlessly.

He said very clearly that the marriage is for the kingdom of this month.

The entrance to the Moon Kingdom is in the hands of the ice field, so the engagement is in the ice field and the day of their engagement is the day they try to enter the Moon Kingdom.

"Is it just an engagement?" The third elder was a little curious.

He didn't have the slightest interest in the land of the moon.

"We need to look at them to get married, but people in the Icefields and Snow Region hope to get married as soon as possible." Qiao said mercilessly.

The three elders put away the invitation and said:

"I can't leave for the time being, let Lu Shui run for us at that time.

I hope Brother Qiao doesn't mind. "

"If someone can go, it's enough to give Qiao Mou face." Qiao ruthlessly doesn't mind at all. In fact, the invitation was sent by the way. He came here because he was interested in Shimen.

Moreover, Qiao Gan was only married, and he didn't mean to invite Lu Buzheng.

It was just right for him to go to Lu Shui, the young master of the Lu family.


At noon, Lu Shui was called by his mother.

He didn't think he was doing anything, and the maid didn't say directly when he ate.

So he couldn't guess what was going on.

"Mother, are you looking for me?" When he came to his father and mother's yard, Lu Shui found that his mother was the only one.

Dongfang Liyin sat in the pavilion. She was wearing a conservative fairy skirt and her hair was combed to one side.

It seems to know that he has long been married as a wife.

Although still very young.

But Lu Shui knew that his mother was already several and a half hundred.

But no matter how many half a hundred have passed, she kept her current appearance as always.

This is true even if countless years have passed since the previous life.

His father is different. Every year after that, he will make his hair turn white.

When it is all white, it will turn black every year.

I'm getting younger and younger.

Lu Shui often doesn't care about them.

"Kneel down." As soon as Lu Shui approached, Dongfang Li Yin asked Lu Shui to kneel down.

Lu Shui was stunned, and finally knelt down:

"Mother, what do you want me to do this time?"

"Are you wrong?" Dongfang Liyin asked suddenly.

This question made Lu Shui a little bewildered.

Don’t you let me do something?

But he still asked curiously:

"I didn't seem to have done anything wrong in the past two days."

He thought about it carefully, except for attracting people to attack his home, he did nothing wrong.

His mother definitely didn't know about the attack on the Lu Family.

If they knew about this, it would not be his mother who asked the crime.

But the three elders.

Just kneel for two days and talk about it.

So it shouldn't be this thing.

Lu Shui soon thought of something.

It's not this, is it a matter of buying a beast?

This possibility is very high.

How can we explain it so that we can't be punished?

Lu Shui felt that he had to think about it, and soon he realized that he might be thinking about it.

"It's all engaged at home. Other people's children are getting engaged, how about you?

With Xiao Xueer every day, why is there no progress at all. "Dongfang Li Yin said.

Lu Shui: "???"

What the **** are you talking about?

"Listen to your father, Qiao Gan from the Qiao family is going to get engaged, and you need to go there at the end of the month." Dongfang Liyin said while looking at his son, and then sighed:

"My father and I are still thinking about when you and Xiao Xueer's relationship heats up, and then talk about the marriage prematurely.

But unexpectedly, there was no progress at all.

The son didn't know to consider for his parents. "

Talking about Dongfang Li Yin's face was sad.

Lu Shui: "....."

Does he think he should reflect on himself?

He just didn't feel that he should reflect, he realized that there was no need to reflect.

He saw his mother holding her cheek and said helplessly:

"Don't live up to it, mother has nothing to do, a little boring."

Lu Shui: "..."

My aunt is here as a guest. If you have nothing to do, learn how to cook.

Lu Shui thought this way, but he dared not say it.

It wouldn't be good if his mother had to cook personally in these two days.

Let his father know again, he has to kneel, and he has to be punished.

But will he let his parents have the opportunity to shorten the marriage date?

Impossible The last time it was shortened, it directly caused his plan to become an emergency form, and again, it was a complete death-death form.

His fame, a foolproof plan.

It was ruined that his parents wanted to find something on a whim.

However, who just said that he is getting engaged?

"Qiao Jia Qiao? Who?" Lu Shui looked at his mother and asked curiously.

"The one who clashed with you last time in Qiuyun Town." Dongfang Liyin was not surprised that his son had forgotten who the other party was.

Sometimes it's really forgetting, sometimes it's the second disease attack and pretending to forget.

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