The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 38: Do you want to be a god?

  The old man withered tree couldn't understand, he didn't know whether it was his problem or the problem of the young master.

   Isn’t Bingfeng’s eggs of any value other than frying?

  The old man withered tree smiles wryly, is this a generation gap?

   In the end, he was helpless, but Zhenwu Zhenling was also very calm, all his brains were frozen?

   "I can only change it, I hope the young master likes it."

   After thinking about the previous behavior of Landshui, the old man withered tree decided to add some special effects next time.

   On the third day, Lu Shui and the others saw a golden light, which was very vast, and in the golden light, Lu Shui saw a sword embryo.

   A growth-type magic weapon, which may become a powerful sword repairer.

   also has an inherent advantage.

   Then Lu Shui ignored it, he didn't need to repair his sword.

   It's not that I can't, but I'm not interested.

   Zhenwu Zhenling saw that Lu Shui didn't care, no matter how much they cared, it was useless.

   Actually, Zhenwu and Zhenling are still very fascinated.

   After the sword embryo floated away, Lu Shui looked at the book and said:

   "Don't worry too much, it's just a sword embryo, you don't have the potential to be a sword repairer."

   Zhenwu Zhenling: "..."

   More things came on the fourth day, and the special effects were more shocking, but Lu Shui still ignored it, and Zhenwu Zhenling ignored it.

   Just when Lu Shui wanted to lower his head to continue reading, he suddenly heard the sound of a small stream of water.

   Lu Shui looked up again, he looked towards Fengshuang River, and found that there was no change.

   "It's not an illusion." Thinking like this in his heart, Lu Shui pressed his finger under his earlobe, and he used the power of heaven and earth.

   Soon he heard it again, it was the sound of water flowing under the Fengshuang River.

   Something new appeared below, and it was not a creature in the Fengshuang River, but I don’t know what the land water is.

   "It didn't exist at first, but suddenly there was. Is it because of the chain reaction caused by the things thrown in before?" Lu Shui was a little puzzled.

   But this thing will definitely affect him on the last day, which is not a good thing.

   It seems that he needs to be more careful. If the other party wants to make trouble, he can only suppress it.

   If the suppression cannot be suppressed, run out in advance.

   As long as he runs fast enough, Qi Yu can't catch up with him.

After   , Lu Shui didn't care, but continued to read the Heaven and Earth Array.

   Early morning on the fifth day.

   As long as today is the afternoon, Lu Shui will be able to spend five days of punishment perfectly.

   He sat on the spot, never moved, his body was still cold.

   It's not that he was not injured, but that he didn't care.

   It is normal for Tier 2’s body to be injured by the cold. He naturally did not deliberately reverse this injury, which is also good for physical strength.

   Lu Shui, who was leaving soon, did not relax. He could feel that the contents were coming out soon.

   At this moment, the Fengshuang River suddenly began to fog.

   Lu Shui did not look at the fog, he still stared at Fengshuang River.

   Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling are quite unexpected. They used to shine directly before, but this time fog appeared unexpectedly.

   They have never heard that Fengshuanghe will get foggy.

   Not long after the fog appeared, fog began to appear in the wind and frost river water, but within a few breaths, their vision was seriously affected, and they could not see their fingers.

   Lu Shui stared at the front and said in his heart:


   The old man with a dead tree in the back was also a little surprised:

   "Does the fog work so well here? Forget it, continue."

   Then he put a lotus flower into the water, this is his last killer.

   Twelve leaf green lotus.

   After sending away the twelve-leaved green lotus, the old man withered tree sat there and waited. The fog was too thick, and he could no longer see the situation on the side of Lu Shui.

   But the fog can't be removed, and the special effects will be bad if the special effects are removed. I can only talk about it then.

   Fortunately, Twelve Ye Qinglian sent it over, and he could still hear the sound.


   At this time, Lu Shui looked ahead, and a figure appeared in the mist in front of him, or a huge face made of mist.

   Only the outline of this face can only be seen, and it looks very fierce.

   Then there was laughter on this face:

   "Human, can you see me and hear me?"

   Lu Shui just watched and said nothing.

   He looked at it visually, this face did not seem to have any strength, or that he could only do this to the maximum extent, it was impossible to hurt people with his hands.

   As long as I ignore it, this adventure will naturally be stifled.

   Seeing that Lu Shui didn't speak, his face was a little puzzled by Lu Shui. Can you see it?

   paused, the misty face continued:

   "Human, do you have any wishes?"

   This time Lu Shui spoke, but he spoke with the power of heaven and earth as a medium. Only this face can hear:

   "Can you fulfill my wish?"

   He does have a problem.

   The face showed a standard smile, and the corners of the mouth slightly raised accounted for half of the face.

   It is very happy, not afraid of someone mentioning a wish, just afraid that no one will mention it.

   "Yes, then tell me what your wish is, and I will fulfill your wish."

   Lu Shui thought for a while, he carefully reviewed the problem, and then he said:

   "That's it. I remember a long time ago, when I went outside for a walk, a kid about my age asked me a question. I wanted to make a wish and know the answer.

  The problem is this.

   Prove: There are 5 different **** in a regular tetrahedron, and each ball is tangent to these six sides or their extension lines. Conversely, if a tetrahedron has 5 such balls, it must be a regular tetrahedron! "

  Face: "???"

   After listening to what Lu Shui said, the misty face looked confused.

What the hell?

   Where is this?

who am I?

   Then it said with a bewitching voice:

  "Humans, everything in the mortal world is too illusory, you should not sink into the answer to the question, you should yearn for higher, yearn for the mortal world.

   Such as taking off the mortal tire and stepping into the temple.

   By then you will understand all the answers to the mortal world.

   Tell me now.

  You, do you want to be a god? "

   Lu Shui: "……"

   Finally, he ignored the misty face and continued to look at the formations of heaven and earth.

   Become a god?

   Is it neurotic?

   He had cultivated for so long in his previous life, and he had never heard of the path to becoming a god.

   Even if there is, he is not interested.

   But there is a **** sealed under the wind and frost river?

   In his previous life, he checked almost all the classics of the Lu family, but he did not see any records in this regard.

   Lu's faint expression made that face haze, and its voice was quite mammoth:

   "Human, are you offending me?"

   Ignoring is equal to offense, silent offense.

   This kind of offense makes God angry.

   After that face made a noise, the river in front of the Diaoyutai platform suddenly began to boil.

   There is a price to offend God.

   Lu Shui was a little surprised, he didn't expect this **** to be so desperate.

   It wasn't just the river water that quickly boiled, but the mist here began to boil.

   Lu Shui stretched out his hand and pressed it forward slightly, the next moment the mist rushing towards him scattered and flowed elsewhere.

   The boiling mist naturally alarmed the Zhenwu spirits behind them. They looked forward, but they didn't see anything.

   The fog is too big and too anxious.

   When they wanted to ask they suddenly felt an extreme pressure, which made them unable to move, let alone speak.

   "Humans, I have a single blow, but I can kill creatures.

  You, do you dare to pick it up? "

   This voice can only be heard by Lu Shui, with a strong offensiveness.

   seems to be shameful.

   Lu Shui looked at the misty face, frowned, he stood up, the power of heaven and earth also appeared all over him, and the two sides began an invisible contest.

   "I don't want to make a move, but I don't want you to make a move." Lu Shuiping said quietly.

   He is sure to directly suppress the opponent here.

   At this moment, the power of the two sides directly superimposed and spread, not to mention the true martial arts behind, even the old man with the dead tree inside was shocked.

"What happened?"

   But he did not act rashly.

   And facing Lu Shui's face, it seemed that they were about to collapse at any time, and the next moment they seemed to be in a formal confrontation.

   And at this moment, a green lotus floated over.

   The sudden intrusion of Qinglian made them pay attention for a moment.

   The attention at this moment gave the face time. It used this moment to wrap the twelve-leaved Qinglian with mist, and then said gloomily to Lu Shui:

   "Human, if you dare, then..."

   The voice on that face carried a cruel smile, and Lu Shui had already planned how to suppress it silently.

   will never let it upset.

   Then the voice on that face continued to be heard:

   "Then, I will leave now."

   As it said, it took the twelve-leaved green lotus back to the bottom of the Fengshuang River in an instant.

   This unexpected behavior caused Lu Shui to be stunned. The other party's reaction made him a little bit incomprehensible.

   What kind of **** is this?

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