The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 330: I heard that there is a young master in the Lu family.

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Miao Tong sat on the chair carefully, and was able to take out the table and chair at will. This shocked his senses.

He had never seen a cultivator who would carry these things with him.

Sure enough, Dongfang Taoist Fellows are not ordinary at all.

He has always believed in this.

"Does Fellow Eastern Daoist know what the Deep Sea Dragon looks like?" After Ming Yu Qingyi sat next to Miao Tong, Miao Tong began to talk to Lu Shui.

"Shrinking in the deep sea, I dare not go out, cowardly and timid, but sometimes I will desperately for the treasure." Lu Shui said.

The deep sea dragon is roughly like this, oh, there is another point, that is, the strength is a little weak.

As for how weak the strength is, if one day the dragons need to gather all kinds of enemies, then the dragons headed by the sacred dragons, they are willing to give up the deep sea dragon.

For those strong dragons of the sacred dragons, the deep sea dragons are dispensable.

It is best not to.

"So Dongfang Taoist fellow also knows that the Deep Sea Dragon is here for the treasure this time?" Miao Tong felt that she didn't have much to explain.

Lu Shui nodded to Miao Tong, his voice softly said:

"That's it, I don't know the others."

"Anything else?" Miao Tong thought for a while and said:

"Do you know the treasure hunt of the Deep Sea Dragon?"

"What is it?" Lu Shui asked, shaking his head.

He didn't know this.

I didn't encounter this kind of thing in my previous life, and I occasionally saw some records, and only then I had some understanding of the deep sea dragon.

Otherwise, who can know who the deep sea dragon is?

"It is said to be a treasure bead. The origin of this bead seems to be related to the deep sea.

It will only light up once in many years, and as long as it lights up once, the deep sea dragon will most likely be dispatched.

This time the battle is so big, it should be that the beads are bright.

However, Qingyi inferred that something happened to the bead, otherwise, with the character of the deep sea dragon, he would use the bead to find the location of the treasure when the train fell.

Now not only didn't find it, but also locked up people, just waiting for the beads to recover.

Or find treasures. "Miao Tong explained a lot in one breath.

"Beads?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

What kind of beads can actually feel Mu Xue's seal initially.

Is there always an instinct to find treasures?

But the other party's guess was wrong, not because the beads had an accident, but the treasure itself.

Now it is impossible for the deep sea dragon to find the treasure.

Few people would think that an eye would be a rare treasure in the world.

Especially still being sealed.

At best, I think Dongfang scum is a second-degree girl.

If they know what secondary 2 means.

"Yes, this bead seems to be able to perceive the existence of treasures through all barriers in the world.

But the deep sea dragon does not want to be an enemy, so as long as we wait quietly, there will be no danger. "Miao Tong said.

Lu Shui didn't care much about the deep sea dragon, but he was a little curious about the beads:

"Do you know when the beads were last lit?"

Miao Tong couldn't answer this question, and then he looked at Ming Yu Qingyi beside him, as if asking.

"A long time ago, I can't remember how many years, I heard that there are traces of deep sea dragons on an island. No one knows why they appeared there.

No one knew what they took away.

Everyone guessed that they went on a treasure hunt. "Ming Yu Qingyi said calmly.

Lu Shui nodded and didn't say much, but if he had a chance, he could ask the Deep Sea Dragon King what treasures they got based on the beads.

"When are you going to leave?" Lu Shui looked at Miao Tong and they curiously asked.

Miao Tong has his Taoist companion, and it is easy to leave here.

"Wait to see the treasures found by the Deep Sea Dragon, and see what treasures are worthy of their so much excitement." Ming Yu Qingyi was speaking this time.

She was really curious, otherwise she would have left.

"After leaving, I plan to go to the Lu family. By the way, Dongfang Taoist friends also know the Lu family, right?

What kind of family power do you think it is? Miao Tong asked Lu Shui.

In fact, he didn't know the Lu family, or he hadn't heard of it at all.

He also specifically checked the location of the Xia Lu family because he was going to go there.

Who knows that his family and Taoist couple have to follow.

He also said something unexpected.

"The Lu Family?" Lu Shui was a little surprised when he heard this, and finally said softly:

"Normally, it should be okay."

Except for a few elders, the Lu family is actually not that strong.

Moreover, the Lu family is not large in size, and its population is even smaller.

There are also more people who do things, but in fact, they rarely go outside.

Therefore, the name of the Lu family has always been average.

As for his young master, although some people know it, he is relatively rare.

First of all, you have to know the Lu family.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know him as a young master.

"I felt so at the beginning," Miao Tong said.

"In the beginning?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

But he soon understood that Miao Tong's Taoist companion was at the ninth level in his heyday, and he knew something about the Lu Family more or less.

Of course, the degree of understanding may not be so profound.

Will not be as jealous as some Daoists.

Miao Tong looked around, then whispered to Lu Lu channel:

"I heard that the Lu Family is not as simple as it seems, and even very powerful.

If Eastern Daoists go, they need to keep a low profile, because high profile is likely to bring danger.

The source of the information is reliable. "

Hearing these words, Lu Shui nodded:

"I heard a little bit, but did you hear it, or have you experienced it yourself?"

"Father of the Eastern Daoist experienced?" Miao Tong asked subconsciously.

Lu Shui shook his head, indicating that he did not.

"Neither did we, but we heard the warning." Miao Tong said.

He thought he could get news close to reality from Dongfang Haoyue.

"Whose warning have you heard?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

Normal people would not warn these, but it is also possible that Miao Tong listened to his Taoist companion's warning.

Miao Tong glanced at his Taoist companion, and then whispered:

"Qingyi said it was a warning from the suzerain. I don't know what it is."

Sect Master Hehuan, speaking of this person, he has a question that he wants to ask very much.

But think about it and forget it. It's not suitable to ask now. If you are not careful, you will be hostile by Miao Tong Daolu, which is very troublesome for him.

"If I had to say something special about the Lu family, I also heard a rumor on the way here." Lu Shui said softly:

"I heard that the Lu family has a powerful man who killed the strong at the end of the road.

It's a bit bizarre, and I don't know whether it's true or false. "

Hearing Lu Shui's words, Ming Yu Qingyi frowned, and then asked softly:

"Do you know what state is at the end of the Tao?"

At the end of the road, the word popped out of a second-order monk, and she always felt a lack of substance.

These people really understand what is at the end of the Tao?

It's like some poor people understand the life of the rich.

Some people think that if you have money, you can eat instant noodles with a marinated egg, or order fast food for two meats and one vegetarian.

Some people feel that they are really rich and can buy their favorite mobile phone.

And some people feel that the best job is a salary of 8,000 a month, without doing too much, no overtime at night, double repairs on weekends, leaders never scold others, and the company only builds a team on working days. No need to pay.

None of these people have ever reached a mountain, so just use the scenery you see along the way to imagine the scenery above the mountain.

The same is true for cultivation, second-tier and third-tier cultivators can know the word end of the road, but they will never know what it means.

Regarding this question, Lu Shui did not hesitate, but answered calmly:

"At the end of the road, the Dao Tiancheng."

"Then can you understand that this is already the highest state of the cultivation world?" Ming Yu Qingyi said again.

She was actually surprised that the other party actually knew Dao Tiancheng.

Hearing this question, Lu Shui shook his head.

Ming Yu Qingyi thought that the other party didn't understand, she didn't plan to ask more, after all, her level was too high, and she would be a bit aggressive if she went on.

But as a second-order monk, he should be in awe of this realm.

But soon she was a little surprised.

"Dadao Tiancheng is only the highest conventional state, and above it, there is a legendary state.

Seniors should have heard of it. "Lu Shui said.

Ming Yu Qingyi was really surprised, she never thought that a second-tier would know such a thing.

That legendary realm, she only heard the Sect Master mention it once or twice.

Ordinary people have no qualifications to know at all.

"The origin of this person is definitely not simple." Ming Yu Qingyi secretly said in his heart.

It is impossible for the young masters of ordinary people to know so much, no, it should be impossible for the young masters of any family to know so much.

Even the pride of the top powers, they wouldn't know this.

This person is not normal.

"And he called me senior, what does this mean?

Did Miao Tong tell him that I am very old? "

Thinking of this, Ming Yu Qingyi squinted at Miao Tong.

At that moment, Miao Tong felt a chill all over her body, and then looked at Ming Yu Qingyi blankly.

What happened?

Why is there a sense of crisis?

Lu Shui didn't know what these people were doing, but it always felt uncomfortable to see the affectionateness of the two men.

This was not the case when he was with Mu Xue.

Even if there is, it will not affect others.

After all, there is no one around them.

"That." At this moment, the old man who had been on the side suddenly said.

Lu Shui and the others looked over curiously.

This is one of the eight of them, the oldest.

But there is no talent, and he still stays at Tier 3 when he is old.

The old man was a little strange, Lu Shui didn't care much.

"Something?" Lu Shui asked.

"You said that we were arrested because the dragons wanted to find treasures? What if they find them?" the old man asked.

Hearing this question, one by one felt a little strange.

The old man looked a little nervous.

"Under normal circumstances, as long as they cooperate, they will not hurt people, and they will let everyone go." Ming Yuqing replied casually.

She felt that this old man should carry something precious with him.

As for whether it was for the Deep Sea Dragon, she had no way of knowing, nor did she intend to ask.

Others guessed it.

Lu Shui must have worried the other party too much, because the treasure was definitely not on him.

The old man replied and sat quietly on the side, he didn't say much.

The three middle-aged men looked at the old man silently, and the three of them seemed to be in a group.

"By the way, Dongfang Daoist came from Lujia, and I want to ask a question." Miao Tong didn't care much about the others.

It doesn't matter whether the other party has treasures or not.

He remembered being stared at just now, and the danger was overwhelming, so he quickly changed the subject.

"What is it?" Lu Shuidao.

He can answer general questions.

After all, the other party has been doing narration work, and can't blindly get news from the other party.

"I checked some information, and I heard that there is a young master in the Lu family who seems to have a bad reputation. Does Eastern Fellow Daoist know this person?" Miao Tong asked.

Because the young master was too young, Qingyi had never heard of it.

She didn't even know that the Lu family had a young master.

Well, in fact, she didn't even know what was going on in the Lu family.

Only know that the Lu family can't mess with it.

Lu Shui: "....."

Someone is asking me about me.


At this time Mu Xue had also arrived in the cell, and they were also a room for eight people.

But there are seven people in their party, um, Yalin doesn't count, it's six.

Yalin is too young to be allocated a bed.

Of course, Yayue didn't worry about letting Yalin sleep alone, even if she was at home, saying anything here would not let Yalin leave her side.

Her sister is so careless, she doesn't understand anything, it's dangerous.

Although Sister Cha Cha is not too smart, she sometimes seems too smart.

She can always find things she can't find, and more importantly, Sister Cha Cha is very powerful, and the strongest Dao Zong Yu Ni in the realm of comprehension is no better than Sister Cha Cha.

Of course, if two people stand together, or let her compare in her mind, she may think that Daozong Yuni is more powerful based on her impression.

Sister Cha Cha is really not reminiscent of the name of Tianjiao.

She didn't understand why.

Mu Xue and the others walked into the cell. At this time there were already two people inside, two very beautiful women.

They watched Mu Xue with a polite smile.

Originally boring, they found that this group of people was really strange, there were ordinary people, there were children, and they were first-class.

Somewhat weak.

Most importantly, they seem to be a group of people.

Mu Xue nodded at them as a greeting.

The other party also nodded politely.

Neither party spoke.

After entering, Mu Xue looked at Ya Yue and said:

"Put Yalin on the bed."

Yayue has been holding Yalin, and holding Yalin to other people will wake up, or make trouble.

If you clearly close your eyes, you will recognize people inexplicably and don't know what's going on.

Yayue remembers that Yalin was the same when she was a child. Her mother slept in her arms and cried as soon as she took over.

Yayue listened to Mu Xue's words, and then she put Yalin on one of the beds, which was the lower bunk.

"Ya Yue also rest together, don't worry." Mu Xue said.

Yayue was a little afraid to sleep, she didn't know where it was.

Besides, Sister Mu Xue is weak.

She has a cultivation base of 1.7 anyway, and Sister Mu Xue is just an ordinary person.

Just before Yayue could say anything, Dongfang Chacha took off his shoes and lay on the bed and said:

"Cousin, then I'm asleep too."

The cousin often stays up late to wait for Lu Shui's cousin. She is used to it, so she just needs to go to bed first.

Stay up with your cousin when you wake up.

Yayue: "..., then I will sleep too."

She found that she didn't have to be brave.

Ding Liang, Xiang Yu, and Zhen Ling are all there.

It is not her turn to be strong.

Just listen to Mu Xue sister.

Then Yayue lay next to Yalin and began to rest.

As for Cha Cha, I have closed my eyes, now it's very late.

Mu Xue sat on the edge of the bed without speaking, she was waiting for Yayue to fall asleep.

Ding Liang came to Mu Xue and asked softly:

"Does the eldest lady not rest?"

The young lady in her family is an ordinary person who has lost all her cultivation.

Staying up late will be uncomfortable.

"Wait a little longer." Mu Xue said softly while looking at Ding Liang.

Then Cha Cha fell asleep, and Ya Yue successfully fell asleep.

Mu Xue just watched. The two people beside her didn't speak for a while, but looked at these people curiously.

They were wondering why an ordinary person has the highest status.

After Yayue fell asleep, Mu Xue turned to look at Zhen Ling and the others, and said:

"You guys go and rest too. The cultivation base is suppressed, and not taking a break will have some impact."

"It's good for Ding Liang to rest with Xiangyu. I have a Tier 4 cultivation base. Even if my cultivation base is suppressed, not sleeping will have little effect.

Little grandma don't care. "Zhen Ling said immediately.

"I don't have to rest, Miss Mu should rest early." Xiangyu said.

"Miss doesn't sleep, how dare I sleep." Ding Liang said softly.

It seems that her lady is going to stay up all night again, she may be worried about Master Lu.

"It turns out to be the family lady and the young grandmother. No wonder she seems to have the highest status." The two women on the side began to communicate by voice.

"But she is an ordinary person, what kind of cultivation family will marry an ordinary person?"

"Just wait and ask if you can."

"Is it impolite? Or let's go out and play with the Deep Sea Dragon first, and play the dive game."

"Wait a little longer, they are still vigilant before reaching the Deep Sea Dragon site."


Mu Xue sat there and sighed inwardly.

She knew that these people would definitely not listen to her, especially the true spirit.

Lu Shui asked her to follow, she would definitely not rest.

When will these talents listen to her?

no solution anymore.

"Then I have a rest?" Mu Xue said, looking at Ding Liang and the others.

Hearing this sentence, Ding Liang was a joy:

"Miss rests at ease."

Zhen Ling breathed a sigh of relief. Young grandma is an ordinary person, so staying up late is not good.

Mu Xue moved helplessly, but instead of lying down, she stood up.

When she stood up, a purple mace appeared behind each of Ding Liang and the three of them, and then they knocked on the back of Ding Liang's heads with lightning speed.


The three of them didn't understand why Mu Xue had to stand up, so they lost consciousness.

Then bang, bang, bang.

Orderly fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Mu Xue sighed, there was no other way but to let them rest like this. It was not the first time, she should get used to it.

However, this action directly shocked the two women on one side.


What happened?

This time they looked at Mu Xue and felt different, this person was not an ordinary person.

But they didn't notice it at all.

Did Mu Xue care about them, but came to the bed of Cha Cha, and then woke Cha Cha:

"Chacha, get up."

Mu Xue flicked Dongfang Chacha's forehead.


Dongfang Chacha directly held his forehead and shrank into a ball:

"His, my forehead cramps."

"..., it was knocked, get up quickly." Mu Xue said helplessly.

Chacha looked at Mu Xue at this time, she covered her forehead and yawned and said:

"Is my cousin boring to stay up all night alone?"

"Xiangyu and the others are asleep, take them to the bed to rest." Mu Xue pointed to the three people on the ground.

Chacha only saw Xiangyu and the others lying on the ground, but she was not surprised, just "Oh", and then she covered her forehead to help Xiangyu and the others.

At this moment, Mu Xue turned to look at the two people sitting next to him, and whispered:

"Sea monster?"

"The Sea Monster Lishang." Li Chang said immediately.

"The Sea-Monster Great Marine Master Wuya." Great Marine Master Wuya also said immediately.

The other party actually knew their identities a long time ago, that is to say, the sleeping people are people the other party does not want to hear the conversation?

But they still don't understand who this person is.

Because just now they didn't even notice this person's move.

The power is completely imperceptible.

Dongfang Chacha was hugging one by one at this time, and she wanted to see who had the lightest and lightest sleeping upper bunk.

This bed doesn't seem to be strong enough. If the upper bunk collapses when a light person sleeps, the lower bunk will be lighter.

Then Chacha found that the upper bunk was too high and she couldn't hold it, so she let Ding Liang sleep with Zhenling, and then a piece of fragrant taro.

She can rest with taro later.

When she was finished, she came to Mu Xue's side, and the other two people, as well as two of them, seemed alive.

Mu Xue didn't care about the tea beside him, but looked at the two sea monsters and said:

"Do you have the coordinates of the Sea-Monster Queen?"

"The fairy is looking for our queen? But our queen fell asleep and never woke up." Li Chang looked at Mu Xue and asked:

"I don't know what Little Fairy is?"

The calm Mu Xue hesitated, then looked at Li Chang and opened her mouth, her voice was very soft:

"Remember who you met at the end of the sea?"

The moment he heard these words, Sea-Monster Li Chang was stunned.

Who did she meet at the end of the sea?

If I had to say a person, it would be...the goddess in purple clothes.

"It's you?" Li Chang was a little unbelievable, she couldn't believe that the ordinary woman in front of her would be a purple-clothed goddess.

It is basically the existence of two extremes.

She has felt the power of the purple-clothed goddess.

The differential treatment of the verification system is enough to demonstrate the power of the Purple Goddess.

But what if the other party deliberately tampered with me?

"No, I met more than one person at the end of the sea." Li Chang said again:

"who are you?"

"The one who gave you the book." Mu Xue said softly while looking at Li Chang:

"Can you tell me the coordinates of the Siren Queen now?"

"Yes, you can." Sea-Monster Li Chang was startled.

She was convinced that the other party was indeed a purple-clothed goddess.

Has the other party been pretending to be ordinary people in the realm of cultivation?

However, she did not reveal Mu Xue's identity, and the other party seemed unwilling to mention it.

The Great Marine Master Wuya didn't quite understand the conversation between them.

Dongfang Chacha also didn't understand, UU reading but it did not prevent her from making a clear expression, as if everything was in her understanding.

If you don’t understand, it’s okay to pretend first, and then ask your cousin afterwards.

Xiangyu said, when you are away, you can't let others think that you don't understand anything.

Fragrant taro is definitely right.

Soon Muxue got the coordinates, and she turned her head to look at the tea ceremony:

"Let's go, go out and stroll around."

"Huh?" Dongfang Chacha was a little surprised:

"Where is my cousin going?"

"Take you to dig some local specialties." Mu Xue said with a slight smile.

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on "Favorites" below to record this reading (in Chapter 331, I heard that there is a young master in the Lu family, do you know that Dongfang Taoist friends) reading records, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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