The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 349: Mu Xue is a goddess in purple clothes?

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The female Gu raiser died just like that.

Tang Jun saw it, and Tang Tianyu saw it too.

Not only that, they also saw the Miao Hu Opera, which was so powerful that they could not help it, also drifted away in the wind.

Just now, Tang Jun suspected that if it hadn't been for the patriarch suddenly prostrated on the ground begging for mercy, he might have drifted away in the wind.

The purple-clothed goddess is terrible.

There has never been any movement in the killing.

There is no way to guard against it.

Even the opportunity to beg for mercy is very difficult.

Had it not been for Tang Tianyu to see a demonstration on the side, he would have come back so decisively begging for mercy.

Not decisive enough, the price paid is life.

After the three thousand miles of purple gas disappeared completely, Tang Tianyu began to tremble.

His heart is still surrounded by that unforgettable fear.

The moment when the purple-clothed goddess appeared, it was like an extinction.

When everything was calm, Tang Jun said to Tang Tianyu:

"Patriarch, I need to go down and see what's going on with the little girl."

Tang Tianyu nodded and said softly:

"This time it is my Tang family's fault, and I will give them an explanation."

Then Tang Tianyu looked at Tang Jundao:

"I will give you an explanation."

Tang Jun was a little surprised, but it soon became clear that it was because of the purple-clothed goddess.

Yes, they don't know what the relationship between Tang Yi's family of three and the purple-clothed goddess is.

But the purple-clothed goddess appeared at a critical moment, not only saving Yalin from danger, but also giving Tang Yi a life.

It doesn't matter how you look at it.

Even if it really didn't matter, Tang Tianyu didn't dare to gamble.

What if?

He just said to make up for his mistakes, if he is known that he has done nothing.

Then the goddess was angry, and the Tang family would no longer exist.

Can't afford to gamble.

Tang Jun nodded, planning to leave.

But before leaving, Tang Tianyu suddenly said:


Tang Jun looked at Tang Tianyu puzzledly.

At this time, Tang Tianyu hesitated a bit, and soon he made up his mind and said:

"Just say that we might want to send something to the goddess, and ask your daughters if there is any way to contact the goddess."

Tang Jun understood what the patriarch meant in an instant.

This is for him to ask his daughter what is the relationship with the purple-clothed goddess.

If possible, even want to catch this line.

This is not a bad thing for the Tang family.

As for the Heavenly Girl Sect, that is not the same concept as the Purple-clothed Goddess.

Finally, Tang Jun nodded:

"Okay, I'm going to ask now."

"Don't worry about your wife's affairs, I will help you find it, and I will notify you as soon as I find it." Tang Tianyu paused and continued:

"This is our mistake, and we will give you enough compensation afterwards."

After Tang Tianyu didn't say more, Tang Jun also went directly to Tang Yi.

After Tang Jun left, Tang Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Today he almost went around the ghost gate.


Tang Jun came to Tang Yi for the first time.

Seeing his father coming, Tang Yi breathed a sigh of relief:

"Father, are you hurt?"

Tang Jun didn't care about his injury, then shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter, how about you?"

"It's all right." Tang Yi said immediately.

She couldn't explain what happened just now.

"Do you know the goddess in purple clothes?" After making sure that they were all right, Tang Jun still asked this question.

"Dad did you see it?" Tang Yi was a little surprised. He wanted to get hurt because of this.

But she shook her head for the first time:

"I don't know, I don't know why such an existence appeared here, and I don't know why it came to help us."

Tang Jun nodded, did not say more about these things, but said:

"Go back first, it's not safe here."

"Ya Yue, take Ya Lin and grandpa back first, and I will find your sister Mu Xue." Tang Yi immediately said to Ya Yue.

Although Yayue's injury is not serious, she still needs to rest.

"I also want to find my sister, Huo Yun Beast and Shui Yun Beast can find her sister." Ya Lin suddenly called at this time, and then climbed from her sister to her mother.

After crying, she was not afraid.

"Then I will go too." Yayue followed.

"You and grandpa go back first, and grandma will take care of them." Tang Yi said.

Yayue didn't speak, yes, grandma hasn't found it yet.

Then Tang Yi took Ya Lin and started looking for Mu Xue.

Originally, she would not bring Ya Lin, but the Fire Cloud Beast and Shui Yun Beast were not familiar with her, so they could only let Ya Lin go with them.

The purple-clothed goddess has just appeared, so it should be safer now.

The purple gas came three thousand miles from the east, and it could definitely shock everyone.

No matter what these people are going to do tonight, I am afraid they have lost their fighting spirit.

"Over there over there." Yalin said with a finger.

Tang Yi didn't say anything, and rushed over immediately. Although she knew that Mu Xue was protected by the Lu family, she still wanted to take Mu Xue back.


Mu Xue was standing behind Cha Cha at this time.

Chacha originally wanted to continue to do it with those people, but suddenly a purple gas appeared in the sky, and she didn't dare to do it for a while.

But she felt that Ziqi was so familiar, as if she belonged to her cousin.

If the cousin wants to develop gong, she naturally needs to stand in front of the cousin to help protect the law.

When Zi Qi disappeared, she saw the two people who had beaten her fled.

She won?

Dongfang Chacha is a little unconfident.

"You won?" Mu Xue's voice suddenly sounded behind Cha Cha.

Dongfang Chacha turned his head and looked at Mu Xuedao:

"Cousin's concubine?"

"Yeah." Mu Xue nodded and said:

"Let's go, go to Aunt Tang and the others."

Dongfang Chacha naturally doesn't have any complaints. It would be better if you can meet the enemy, so that your cousin can help with the video.

Then take it back to show the sweet taro, and show it to parents.

Can win.

Mu Xue went all the way to Aunt Tang. On the way, she sensed Aunt Tang's position and found that Aunt Tang and the others were approaching her.

"It's those two five-element cloud beasts." Mu Xue guessed in her heart.

But she discovered Yalin and Aunt Tang, Yayue didn't come, so she should have been taken away by her grandfather.

Mu Xue didn't care either, there should be nothing wrong with it.

At such a close distance, if Yayue's numerology was greatly distorted or life-threatening, she could still detect it.

It didn't take long for Mu Xue to see Aunt Tang's figure appearing in front of him.

His face was a little pale, and it still seemed to have some influence. Mu Xue looked at Aunt Tang and thought.

But she can be sure that Aunt Tang's body is not the slightest problem.

Yalin was placed on the ground at this time, and then ran all the way to Mu Xue.

"Sister." Yalin hugged the Fire Cloud Beast and ran towards Mu Xue against the Shui Yun Beast.

Dongfang Chacha looked at Yalin who was running, and wondered if she also put a spirit beast on her head.

Uh, she seems to have it on her head.

The bean sprouts have been hanging in her hair.

It seems that Sister Yalin is following her.


Just when Ya Lin was about to run to Mu Xue's side, she tripped over a stone and fell directly in front of Mu Xue.

Seeing Yalin fall, Mu Xue was startled, but she didn't worry about anything.

Then she squatted in front of Yalin, stretched out her hand to hug Yalin, and then patted the ashes on Yalin's body, and said:

"Don't run around at night, it's so dark."

Yalin pouted her face as if she wanted to cry.

Mu Xue touched Yalin's head, then put the water cloud beast on Yalin's head, and then let Yalin hold the fire cloud beast.

There will be no dust on the water cloud beast and fire cloud beast.

They will also be cleaned up.

Shui Yun Beast will also help Ya Lin clean her hair by the way.

"Okay, it's okay." Mu Xue stood up, and then walked to Aunt Tang with Yalin.

And Tang Yi, who had followed him, was suddenly stunned.

She saw Yalin fall and saw Mu Xue helping her up.

Saw the familiar scene.

Mu Xue's movements were almost exactly the same as those of the purple-clothed goddess.

"No, it's impossible."

Tang Yi instantly overlapped Mu Xue and the figure of the purple-clothed goddess.

Except for the different appearance, everything seems to be right.

But how could the purple goddess be a nineteen-year-old girl?


If it's Mu Xue, then the motives of the goddess in purple clothes can be matched.

Mu Xue will help Yalin and help Yalin take clothes. It is not without any reason to save her.

Even with a simple guess, Tang Yi still suffered a lot of shock in his heart.

Mu Xue may be the goddess in purple clothes.

Therefore, Mu Xue discovered that life and death Gu didn't necessarily happen by chance. She was able to face everything indifferently, but she was actually above the nine heavens.

But if Mu Xue was really a goddess, why did she pretend to have lost her cultivation? Why do you want to marry Young Master Lu?

Tang Yi didn't understand and couldn't figure it out.

"Aunt Tang?" Mu Xue said softly when she came to Aunt Tang.

Aunt Tang came back to her senses at this time.

Throwing away the unnecessary thoughts, she immediately asked:

"Are there any injuries?"

Mu Xue shook her head with a slight smile:

"No, tea and tea cultivation is still very strong."

The Cha Cha behind scratched his head and said with a smile:

"It's not that powerful."

"Are Ya Yue away?" Mu Xue asked.

She just wanted to confirm.

"At her grandfather's, we will go over here." Aunt Tang said softly.

Mu Xue had no objection, the Tang family turmoil barely passed, and she didn't know whether the follow-up would continue.

Whether or not, she didn't plan to intervene.

Dongfang Chacha also received a call from Xiangyu, and Xiangyu and the others were fine.

Well, the main thing is to confirm that Miss Cha Cha is okay.


In Midu, Lu Shui had already let Ming portray the runes.

The appearance of the rune surprised Lu Shui.

It wasn't that this rune could connect that figure, but that the rune was so clear in Lu Shui's eyes.

It's completely different from everything you see in your eyes.

As if in the low-pixel world, a person with high-definition pixels suddenly appeared.

"Sure enough, it is a problem with Midu, but why is my rune so clear?

Something is abnormal, where is the fandom? "Lu Shui was puzzled.

Because this is a clear gaze, he can't really see Midu, and it's hard to know the details.

If he could take a look at it in person, he might be able to know the outline of the fandom.

"No effect?" Ming asked.

Lu Shui didn't care, and continued:

"Keep the rune, if I get near here, I will know the existence of the rune, and I will find your place."

"Good." Ming naturally had no opinion on what Lu Shui said.

This is his only hope of going out.

"Go ahead and see if there is anything else." Lu Shui said.

After that, he saw Ming's field of vision expand continuously, but in Lu Shui's eyes, there was a fog besides the fog.

This doesn't see anything at all.

After a long time, Ming stopped and said:

"I'm on the edge, and further up, I will enter an unknown place. With my strength, it is difficult to go."

Lu Shui looked over and found that there was a mist shrouded in the outside.

But unlike the fog below, the fog outside is very clear.

"The Mist City?" Lu Shui had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't be sure for a while.

If Ming is really the Moon Clan, he has no reason to escape from the Mist City. The people on the God Killing List are all people of the level of Jianyi. Getting in and out of the Mist City is as easy as the Great Elder.

However, Lu Shui was certain that unless he saw it with his own eyes, it would not be clear.

And the person who wrote the Legend of Sword and Go should also be related to the fans.

Then the connection between the land and the water began to disconnect.

"The time is coming," Lu Shui said.

"I feel that the passage is breaking, and my strength is about to run out." Ming's figure began to fall.

Lu Shui could perceive that the other party did not have time.

"The world has changed, and the time for me to accumulate strength has become very short. If I find anything, I will tell you through the channel." Ming's voice continued.

"I don't come here often, but if there is news from you, someone will notify me.

If possible, I will help you establish contact, and then I will be more likely to know the news. "Lu Shui's voice passed through.

"Then, what price do I have to pay?" Ming asked.

Yes, he is begging for help.

The price needs to be paid.

"Not for the time being, I will tell you when I need it." Lu Shui actually didn't know what price the other party could pay him.

Does he lack masters?

No shortage.

Do you lack the strength of the exercise technique?

No shortage.

Is there a lack of spiritual stones?

Not lacking.

Missing a wife?

Hehe, his wife is number one in the world.

In short, Lu Shui hadn't thought about what price Rang Ming would pay. After all, there was nothing worth coveting.

He doesn't lack everything that is obvious.

He is only interested in Ming's location and the things he guards.

This is enough for him.

Of course, if Ming is complete, then the news he knows is what Lu Shui wants.

It's a pity that what he knows so far is of no use to Lu Shui.

"Okay." Ming heard the last voice.

Finally, the channel is disconnected.

Lu Shui opened his eyes in the narrow room.

He looked at the room just above Cheng silently.

Some of the doors are gone, and there is no Sanping around.

It's also difficult to lie down, so I have to shrink.

Lu Shui didn't care about this, he reached out and touched the door.

There was no sign of passage, as if this door was just a decoration.

"No wonder it is difficult for the other party to come out, there is no trace of this passage."

"Midu is not easy."

Lu Shui thought that in ancient times, the true **** was a mystery, and Lu was a mystery, but now he finds that all the fans are fascinated by them.

Of course, Lu Shui didn't think much about Midu, and he still figured out the fall of the true god.

Look at how much it has to do with the only true **** in his family, and the prophecy slate also mentioned that the true **** has fallen, in case you can follow this incident and understand the situation of the prophet slate.

Then know if his mother has been targeted.

Finally, it was determined how his younger siblings provoke these people.

If because of his mother and younger siblings, Lu Shui would naturally erase all these people.

Of course, he wouldn't care if her mother was not targeted.

But the illnesses in the previous life were all targeted.

However, he was also curious about how Jian Yi died.

He still wanted to know about the events of the True God Period.

After all, I always feel that half of the story is heard, and the second half is gone.

This is uncomfortable.

Lu Shui felt that if he read Chuyu's book, if Chuyu dared to suddenly stop writing as a eunuch, he would teach him how to be a man.

Of course, he doesn't watch.

After that, the land water disappeared in place.

Disappeared with the chair.

The passage disappeared, and the room will continue to collapse.

He has no need to stay here, and he almost knows what he should know.

As for helping Lao Zhangren connect here, this is indeed feasible, but it needs more power.

In other words, you need to wait for him to rank six.

At the end of next month.


In the ancestral home of the Mu family, Mu Ze looked at the origin stone, and he waited for a long time.

If the calculation is not wrong, the sky should be bright.

All night passed, and he had no idea what was going on.

However, Lu Shui's state didn't have the slightest problem, which also made him relax a lot.

"Time should be almost up." Mu Ze said silently as he watched Lu Shui.

He can't know much, but after talking for so long, it should be almost time.

If he waited like this, he would panic. After all, he didn't know if Lu Shui at this time was really normal.

And just when Mu Ze thought so much, the light of the origin stone suddenly went out.

This sudden change shocked Mu Ze, but he still looked at Lu Shui intently. He felt that it was Lu Shui who was about to wake up.

If Lu Shui does not wake up, there is a high probability that something has happened, and he needs to get in touch with the outside world.

Fortunately, however, the land and water moved.

Yes, at this time, Lu Shui withdrew his hand touching the origin stone.

He opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still a lot of gains this time.

After retracting his hand, Lu Shui disappeared in place, and he stepped to the old man in front of him.

"Master Lu, are you okay?" Mu Ze asked when he saw Lu Shui who appeared next to him.

"Well, there is no problem." Said Lu Shui took a look outside Zudi, and said:

"The two of them are still guarding?

what time is it? "

"It's six in the morning." Mu Ze replied after checking the time.

But he was also relieved, Lu Shui was indeed no problem.

Six o'clock?

Lu Shui was stunned, longer than expected.

But he didn't care much, even if Mu Xue sent a message midway, he could still say that he was sleeping.

"Master Lu saw the person across from the Origin Stone?" Mu Ze tried to ask.

He actually didn't want to ask so early, but he had to face it after all.

Lu Shui looked at the old man and nodded slightly:


Although there was speculation, Mu Ze was still taken aback when he heard Lu Shui say this.

It is inevitable that I am a little nervous and at a loss.

But soon, he adjusted his state:

"Master Lu, can you elaborate on it?"

In this regard, Lu Shui will naturally not refuse.

"Some things are more complicated. If you are curious, you can ask and I will answer.

Now let me first talk about who the other party is, why is it related to the Origin Stone, and what is the relationship with the Mu family? What do the seniors think? "

Seeing Mu Ze nodding his head, Lu Shui recounted the general matter.

He didn't say much, so he told who was on the other side, trapped in one place, he could only ask for help through the origin stone and so on.

As for Lu's matter and Midu's matter, he didn't say anything.

Having said that, Lao Zhangren didn't understand either, so he would answer when he asked.

After listening to Lu Shuhui's words, Mu Ze remained silent and asked:

"In other words, does the senior on the other side have a certain relationship with the Mu family?

There is no malice towards the Mu family? "

"Not for the time being." Lu Shui nodded in response.

"An incomplete and powerful existence, there is no relevant record in Mu's literature." Mu Ze has no idea who the other party is.

"Are there any Yue clan records in the Mu family's documents?" Lu Shui asked.

Mu Ze thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

Without the Yue Clan's record, Lu Shui didn't ask any more.

Maybe he guessed wrong.

"Where is that senior trapped?" Mu Ze asked curiously.

"Midu, a place that few people know about in the entire cultivation world, and my current understanding of Midu is very one-sided.

But according to my guess, the fans should be in the foggy city. "Lu Shui replied.

Hearing Lu Shui's answer, Mu Ze was stunned.

The Mist City, the forbidden area of ​​the realm of comprehension.

It is said that even the top powerhouses of the top forces dare not get involved at will.

Going in means death.


Sure enough, it was not an existence he could understand.

"Master Lu thinks, what should we do?" Mu Ze asked.

This is definitely beyond the ability of their Mu family, but no one can say whether the other party will be malicious towards them in the end.

More importantly, when the strong face the weak, even if they destroy the weak, they do not necessarily need to be malicious.

Lu Shui whispered:

"Let's let it go. If I let him out in the end, then he will definitely not cause any harm to the Mu family.

Mu Xue would cry.

But at the end of next month, I will let you get in touch with him, and then seniors can check again.

He is not malicious now, and it is even less possible to harm you through the origin stone. "

Mu Ze was also relieved when he heard Lu Shui say this.

But soon he thought of a question.

"According to Master Lu, the other party used to have enough power to transmit information for five years, but now one month is enough.

Is it possible to sacrifice to the ancestor once a month? "Mu Ze asked curiously.

Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze blankly, and finally nodded:

"It seems to be such a thing.

But the connection has been established, and if nothing happens, he shouldn't find it. "

Well, the Mu family missed the chance.

And the opportunity to worship the ancestor may also be gone.

Muze: "..."

Is this good or bad?

After talking about some details at the end, Lu Shui planned to leave.

Mu Ze didn't ask too much, because he found that he asked some small questions, and what he heard was completely incomprehensible.

The level of Lu Shui is too high.

"By the way, can you ask Master Lu for something?" Before Lu Shui left, Mu Ze suddenly stopped Lu Shui.

"Senior, please." Lu Shui looked at Mu Ze.

"Can you hurt me? That kind of unrecognizable, but very difficult injury, it will be enough to recover in a month." Mu Ze said.

This is to confuse his elder brother and them.

He felt that it shouldn't be difficult for Lu Shui, but he was wrong.

Lu Shui refused without even thinking about it:

"No way."

Even if it hurts, it's still a month?

Is this asking Mu Xue to come back and then go to see the injury?

Is he going to bring his head to Mu Xue, and then tell Mu Xue to let her take care of it?

Go crazy.

Mu Ze wanted to say something, but Lu Shui interrupted Mu Ze directly:

"Such things that will be seen by Mu Xue, don't talk about it."

After that, Lu Shui stepped away.

Muze: "..."

Do you really like it so much?


It's the New Year, it's time to lose weight.

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